This is England ’90

This is England ’90

British TV series

Shane Meadows, Jack Thorne
Lyra Mae Thomas, Billy Braithwait, Chanel Cresswell, Katherine Dow Blyton
Channel 4
Air Date
Sep 13th, 2015
The mini series marks the entry of rave scene on the English television as it throws light on the rave culture in the backdrop of 1990 soccer world cup.

All release dates

TV Air Date Sep 13th, 2015
DVD Release date TBA
Netflix DVD release date TBA
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Air dates of all seasons

On 2015-09-13 Drama TV Series This is England ’90 first aired on Channel 4. Written and created by Shane Meadows, and produced by Warp Films, This is England ’90 has ended and last broadcasted on 2015-10-04.

IMDb Rating: 8.4/10
This is England ’90 Official page on Channel 4
All Seasons: 1
All Episodes: 4
Average Episode length: 76 minutes


Season 1 - 2015-09-13 with 4 Episodes