Escupiré sobre sus tumbas

Escupiré sobre sus tumbas

Ana María Parra Vázquez
Melanie Dell’Olmo, Essined Aponte & María Elisa Camargo
Caracol TV
Air Date
Oct 28th, 2024
The telenovela follows Brian O'Connor, who wants to avenge the death of his brother Sonny, who was found dead, apparently by suicide, on the Caribbean Coast. Brian will go there in the guise of Vinicio Gallo, a renowned ship captain, to uncover the truth, no matter who he has to go through, even if it is the Obregón Artelli family, one of the most powerful and prestigious families on the...

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TV Air Date Oct 28th, 2024
DVD Release date TBA
Netflix DVD release date TBA
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On 2024-10-28 Drama/Family TV Series Escupiré sobre sus tumbas first aired on Caracol TV. Written and created by Ana María Parra Vázquez & Juana Uribe, and produced by Caracoles Estudios & Caracol Televisión, Escupiré sobre sus tumbas will return and was last broadcasted on 2025-01-21.

IMDb Rating: /10
Escupiré sobre sus tumbas Official page on Caracol TV
All Seasons: 1
All Episodes: 60
Average Episode length: 45 minutes


Season 1 - 2024-10-28 with 65 Episodes