The Absent Voice

The Absent Voice

Benjamín Vicuña, Gimena Accardi & Jazmín Stuart
Air Date
Aug 21st, 2024
When his older brother is found dead, apparently by suicide, the renowned psychoanalyst Pablo Rouviot is the only one convinced that it is a murder. With the assistance of Officer Cecilia Bermúdez as his sole ally, Pablo takes on the investigation, uncovering a much larger scheme with a serial killer at its core.

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TV Air Date Aug 21st, 2024
DVD Release date TBA
Netflix DVD release date TBA
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On 2024-08-21 Drama/Crime TV Series The Absent Voice first aired on Disney+. Written and created by , and produced by Pampa Films, The Absent Voice will return.

IMDb Rating: /10
The Absent Voice Official page on Disney+
All Seasons: 1
All Episodes: 7
Average Episode length: minutes


Season 1 - 2024-08-21 with 7 Episodes