

Sebastian Colley
Sira-Anna Faal, Ludger Bökelmann & Lukas von Horbatschewsky
Air Date
May 22nd, 2024
Pauline gets pregnant after a one-night stand with Lukas. Something is very wrong with the pregnancy. When Luke reveals that he is the son of the devil incarnate and heir to hell, nothing is ever the same again. Between the fronts of demons and angels, Pauline's pregnancy also gives her supernatural abilities. She becomes the decisive force in the epic battle between good and evil.

All release dates

TV Air Date May 22nd, 2024
DVD Release date TBA
Netflix DVD release date TBA
Netflix streaming Not available
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On 2024-05-22 Drama/Sci-Fi & Fantasy TV Series Pauline first aired on Disney+. Written and created by Sebastian Colley & Elena Lyubarskaya, and produced by bildundtonfabrik, Pauline will return and was last broadcasted on 2024-05-22.

IMDb Rating: /10
Pauline Official page on Disney+
All Seasons: 1
All Episodes: 6
Average Episode length: minutes


Season 1 - 2024-05-22 with 6 Episodes