Castlevania: Nocturne

Castlevania: Nocturne

Clive Bradley
Edward Bluemel, Pixie Davies & Thuso Mbedu
Air Date
Sep 28th, 2023
In the thick of the French Revolution, members of the so-called lower classes are rising up to fight inequality. Meanwhile, Richter Belmont senses a far grimmer and greater danger. He's picked up his family's long-held tradition of vampire hunting, a vocation that goes back almost as long as a vampiric life span (in other words, forever) but he's never seen anything quite like what he's witnessing...

All release dates

TV Air Date Sep 28th, 2023
DVD Release date TBA
Netflix DVD release date TBA
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Air dates of all seasons

On 2023-09-28 Animation/Sci-Fi & Fantasy TV Series Castlevania: Nocturne first aired on Netflix. Written and created by Clive Bradley, and produced by Project 51 Productions & Powerhouse Animation Studios, Castlevania: Nocturne will return and was last broadcasted on 2025-01-16.

IMDb Rating: 7.5/10
Castlevania: Nocturne Official page on Netflix
All Seasons: 2
All Episodes: 16
Average Episode length: minutes


Season 1 - 2023-09-28 with 8 Episodes
Season 2 - 2025-01-16 with 8 Episodes