Children Ruin Everything

Children Ruin Everything

Canadian TV series

Kurt Smeaton
Meaghan Rath, Aaron Abrams & Mikayla SwamiNathan
Air Date
Jan 12th, 2022
Astrid and James, who struggle to find a balance between being mom and dad to two kids and being who they were before offspring.

All release dates

TV Air Date Jan 12th, 2022
DVD Release date TBA
Netflix DVD release date TBA
Netflix streaming Not available
Where can you stream Children Ruin Everything?

DVD/Bluray via Amazon


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Air dates of all seasons

On 2022-01-12 Comedy TV Series Children Ruin Everything first aired on CTV. Written and created by Kurt Smeaton, and produced by New Metric Media & Bell Media Studios, Children Ruin Everything will return and was last broadcasted on 2024-12-13.

IMDb Rating: /10
Children Ruin Everything Official page on CTV
All Seasons: 4
All Episodes: 44
Average Episode length: 21 minutes


Season 1 - 2022-01-12 with 8 Episodes
Season 2 - 2022-09-18 with 16 Episodes
Season 3 - 2023-09-27 with 10 Episodes
Season 4 - 2024-10-18 with 10 Episodes