The Pembrokeshire Murders

The Pembrokeshire Murders

Nick Stevens
Luke Evans, Keith Allen & David Fynn
Air Date
Jan 11th, 2021
Detective superintendent reopens two unsolved murder cases from the 1980s. Forensic methods link the crimes to a string of burglaries. Steve's team has to find more evidence before the perpetrator is released from prison.

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TV Air Date Jan 11th, 2021
DVD Release date TBA
Netflix DVD release date TBA
Netflix streaming Not available
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On 2021-01-11 Crime/Drama TV Series The Pembrokeshire Murders first aired on ITV1. Written and created by Nick Stevens, and produced by World Productions, The Pembrokeshire Murders has ended and last broadcasted on 2021-01-13.

IMDb Rating: 7.1/10
The Pembrokeshire Murders Official page on ITV1
All Seasons: 1
All Episodes: 3
Average Episode length: 47 minutes


Season 1 - 2021-01-11 with 3 Episodes