Sranan (Surinaams) is a creole spoken in Suriname in the West Indies by 500.000 people. Sranan is based on English, Portugese, Dutch, and influences from African and Indian languages. Sranan has Below you can find some Surinamese/Sranan words & meanings translated to English.
Bakrakonde: 1. Holland, the Netherlands
Bedaki: 1. Christmas, Yule
Blanda: 1. Holland, the Netherlands
Doysri: 1. German | 2. German
Frans-sey: 1. French Guiana
Franskondre: 1. France
Fransman: 1. Frenchman
Gado: 1. God
Ingrisiman: 1. Englishman, Sassenach
Ingrisman: 1. Englishman, Sassenach
Kayana: 1. French Guiana
Korsow: 1. Curaçao | 2. medical
Kribisi: 1. Caribbean
Krusow: 1. Curaçao | 2. medical
Mason: 1. Amazon
Masragado: 1. God
Musyu: 1. Frenchman
Pasku: 1. Easter
Patatakondre: 1. Holland, the Netherlands
Sranan: 1. Surinam | 2. Surinamese | 3. Surinamese, Surinamese language
Sranankondre: 1. Surinam
Srananman: 1. Surinamer, Surinamese
Sranantongo: 1. Surinamese, Surinamese language
Tudesku: 1. German
a: 1. the | 2. he, him | 3. her, she
abi: 1. have, have got
aboma: 1. anaconda
adube: 1. epilepsy
adyen: 1. afresh, again, all over again, anew | 2. afresh, again, once more
adyosi: 1. adieu, farewell, bye, goodbye
afersi: 1. affair, business, business deal, case, matter
afo: 1. great-grandparent
afrontu: 1. abuse, insult, offend | 2. abuse, insult | 3. abuse, insult, offend
afu: 1. half | 2. half
agen: 1. afresh, again, all over again, anew | 2. afresh, again, once more
agra: 1. hail
agrabu: 1. flu, grip, influenza
agu: 1. hog, pig, swine
agumeti: 1. pork
aka: 1. hook
akra: 1. mind
aksi: 1. ask | 2. question | 3. axe
ala: 1. all, altogether, everything
aladey: 1. daily
alamala: 1. all, altogether, everything
alasani: 1. all, altogether, everything
alata: 1. rat
alaten: 1. always, ever
alatu: 1. both
alen: 1. rain
alenbo: 1. rainbow
aleysi: 1. rice
ambisi: 1. ambition
ameti: 1. ham
amra: 1. hammer
amrabasi: 1. chairman, president
anansi: 1. spider
anansititey: 1. spiderweb
anbegi: 1. adore, worship
anga: 1. droop, hang
angorki: 1. gherkin
angri: 1. hunger
angribere: 1. hunger
ankra: 1. anchor
anu: 1. sleeve | 2. hand
apankra: 1. brandy
apteyk: 1. chemist’s shop, drugstore
apteykri: 1. chemist
apteyti: 1. appetite
ari: 1. drag, draw, haul, pull, tug
arki: 1. listen
asaw: 1. elephant
asege: 1. beetle | 2. beetle
asi: 1. horse
asin: 1. vinegar
asisi: 1. ash, cinder
asisteri: 1. abet, aid, assist, help | 2. accomodate, aid, assist, help | 3. aid, help
ati: 1. heart | 2. hot | 3. hat
ati bron: 1. be angry
at’oso: 1. hospital
ay: 1. yes | 2. eye
aygrasi: 1. glasses, spectacles
ayi: 1. yes
ayti: 1. eight
aytitenti: 1. eighty
ayun: 1. onion
azema: 1. ghost, phantom | 2. vampire
a … disi: 1. this | 2. this
ba: 1. friend | 2. brother
babari: 1. ado, din, noise
bagasi: 1. baggage, luggage
baka: 1. bake | 2. afresh, again, all over again, anew | 3. back | 4. afresh, again, once more
bakadoro: 1. back-door
bakafutu: 1. heel
bakaman: 1. aid, assistant, helper | 2. aid, assistent, helper
bakaneki: 1. back of the neck, nape
bakasey: 1. anus, arse
bakba: 1. banana
bakra: 1. Dutchman, Hollander | 2. Dutchman
bakratongo: 1. Dutch, Dutch language
bakri: 1. baker
bakru: 1. ghost, phantom
bakr’oso: 1. bakery
baksi: 1. basket
bak’anu: 1. elbow
bambu: 1. bamboo
barba: 1. beard
bari: 1. barrel | 2. cry out, scream, shout
barkon: 1. balcony
basi: 1. boss, chief, leader | 2. chief, boss
baskita: 1. basket
basra: 1. bastard
batra: 1. bottle
bayman: 1. buyer, client, purchaser
baysigri: 1. bike, cycle, bicycle
bedi: 1. bed
begi: 1. ask, ask for, beg, bid, request | 2. pray | 3. prayer
beni: 1. bend, curve
bere: 1. abdomen, belly, tummy
bergi: 1. hill | 2. mountain
beri: 1. bury, entomb, inter | 2. burial, funeral, interment
beripe: 1. cemetery, God’s acre, graveyard
berpe: 1. cemetery, God’s acre, graveyard
ber’ati: 1. stomach ache, tummy ache
beti: 1. bite | 2. bite
betre: 1. better
beyfi: 1. quiver, shiver, tremble
beyri: 1. axe
bifo: 1. before, in front of
bifosi: 1. before, in front of
bigi: 1. big, great, large
bigimisi: 1. mistress
bigin: 1. begin, commence, start | 2. begin, commence, start
bigisma: 1. adult, grown-up
big’ay: 1. envy
bika: 1. as, because, for, since
bikasi: 1. as, because, for, since
biri: 1. ale, beer
birman: 1. neighbour
bita: 1. acerbic, bitter
biten: 1. at the right time, in time
blaka: 1. black
blakaman: 1. Negro
blaw: 1. noisy
bo: 1. arc, bow
bobi: 1. suck
bobimofo: 1. nipple
boda: 1. celebration, festival, party
bodoy: 1. imply, mean, signify
bofta: 1. blow
boketi: 1. bouquet
bokoboko: 1. he-goat
boktu: 1. bend, curve
bon: 1. tree
bonboni: 1. squirrel
bonki: 1. bean
bonkoro: 1. albino
bonyo: 1. bone
boriman: 1. cook, male cook
boro: 1. bore, drill | 2. bore
bosi: 1. kiss | 2. kiss
bosro: 1. brush | 2. brush
boto: 1. boat
botran: 1. bread and butter
botro: 1. butter
bow: 1. build, construct
bowtu: 1. thigh
boy: 1. boy, lad, laddie
boyti: 1. apart from, but, except, other than
bo’enbo’en: 1. cough
brada: 1. brother
bradi: 1. broad
brede: 1. bread, loaf
breni: 1. blind
breniman: 1. blind, sightless person
bresi: 1. bless | 2. blessing, boon
brey: 1. knit
breyki: 1. pale, sallow
breyti: 1. happy, glad
bribi: 1. account, accredit, believe, deem
brifi: 1. letter
bro: 1. blow | 2. breathe | 3. breath
broki: 1. bridge
broko: 1. break
brombaysigri: 1. moped
bromki: 1. bloom, flower
bron: 1. burn | 2. flour, meal
bropresi: 1. temple
broyn: 1. brown
brudu: 1. blood
brudutitey: 1. artery | 2. vein
bruku: 1. pants, trousers
buba: 1. skin | 2. bark, husk, peel, shell
buku: 1. book | 2. mold, mould
bun: 1. good, nice, okay
bunkopu: 1. cheap, inexpensive | 2. cheap, inexpensive
buriki: 1. ass, donkey
burukaw: 1. bull
busi: 1. forest, woods | 2. primeval forest
buta: 1. boot | 2. shoe
butu: 1. fine
buy: 1. bracelet | 2. bracelet
bwasi: 1. leprosy
dagu: 1. dog
daki: 1. roof
dala: 1. dollar
dampu: 1. steam, vapor, vapour
dan: 1. dike, embankment
danki: 1. thank you, thanks
dansi: 1. dance | 2. dance
dape: 1. there
datmeki: 1. on that account, therefore
datra: 1. doctor, physician
dat’ede: 1. on that account, therefore
de: 1. exist
dede: 1. blunt | 2. die, expire, pass away | 3. dead
deki: 1. bold, corpulent, fat, thick
dek’ati: 1. courage
den: 1. the
denki: 1. think
den … dati: 1. those
den … disi: 1. these | 2. these
dey: 1. day
di: 1. for, during, whereas, while, whilst
didibri: 1. devil
didibrikondre: 1. hell
didon: 1. lie, recline
dini: 1. serve
diniman: 1. boy, servant
dipi: 1. deep, profound
diya: 1. deer
dobru: 1. double, dual | 2. double
dofu: 1. deaf
doki: 1. duck
domri: 1. clergyman, pastor, priest
don: 1. addled, foolish, stupid
dondru: 1. thunder
donman: 1. fool
dopu: 1. baptize, christen
doro: 1. sift | 2. door
dorodoro: 1. sift | 2. sieve | 3. quite, very, very much
dosu: 1. box
doti: 1. dirty, filthy, nasty, soiled, unclean | 2. fertilizer, manure | 3. earth, land, soil
doyfi: 1. dove, pigeon
drape: 1. there
dray: 1. turn, turn around, turn round | 2. turn
draydray: 1. hesitate
dren: 1. dream | 2. dream
dresi: 1. drug, medicine, pharmaceutical
drey: 1. dry
dreywatra: 1. thirst
dribi: 1. float
dride-wroko: 1. Wednesday
drifi: 1. float
driktoro: 1. director, manager
dringi: 1. drink
dropu: 1. drop, drop of water
droyfi: 1. grape
drungu: 1. drunk, intoxicated | 2. drunkenness, inebriety
du: 1. achieve, act, do, make, perform
dumakuku: 1. fool
dungru: 1. dark, dim
dungr’oso: 1. jail, gaol, prison | 2. jail, gaol, prison | 3. jail, gaol, prison
dusen: 1. dozen
dwengi: 1. compel, force
dyam: 1. push
dyamanti: 1. diamond
dyaranti: 1. guarantee, warrant | 2. guarantee, warrant
dyari: 1. garden
dyariman: 1. gardener
dyarusu: 1. envy | 2. jealous
dyompo: 1. jump, leap, spring
dyompodyompo: 1. grasshopper, locust
dyonku: 1. hip
dyu: 1. Hebrew, Jew | 2. Jew
dyunta: 1. collect, gather, pick up
ebi: 1. burdensome, heavy, onerous | 2. burden, charge, load
ede: 1. account, reason
edeman: 1. boss, chief, leader | 2. chief, boss
ede tonton: 1. brain
ed’ati: 1. headache
efi: 1. if, provided that
efu: 1. if, provided that
eksempre: 1. example
eksi: 1. egg
elen: 1. herring
embre: 1. bucket, pail
empi: 1. shirt
emre: 1. bucket, pail
en: 1. his | 2. him | 3. her, his, its, their | 4. its | 5. it | 6. her | 7. her
enki: 1. ink
enkibatra: 1. well, inkpot, ink-well
eren: 1. herring
erfu: 1. eleven
eri: 1. entire, overall, whole
erki: 1. pea
eru: 1. alas, regrettably, unfortunately | 2. woe
er’esi: 1. soon
esrede: 1. yesterday
ete: 1. still, yet
ey: 1. high, lofty, tall
eygi: 1. self, herself, himself, itself | 2. own, personal
fadon: 1. drop, fall
fala: 1. drop, overthrow
famiri: 1. family
famirman: 1. relative
fandun: 1. necessary
fanga: 1. capture, catch, grapple
fanowdu: 1. necessary
fara: 1. distant, far, remote
fara watra: 1. low tide
fari: 1. manner, mode, way
farsi: 1. false
fasi: 1. fixed | 2. touch
fatu: 1. bold, corpulent, fat, thick | 2. fat, grease
faya: 1. fire | 2. hot
fayatongo: 1. flame
fayawagi: 1. train | 2. train
feda: 1. feather
feni: 1. find
fensre: 1. window
ferfi: 1. paint | 2. dye, paint
fersi: 1. fresh, recent
fesa: 1. celebration, festival, party
fesi: 1. before, in front of | 2. face
fes’ede: 1. forehead
feti: 1. action, battle, scuffle, struggle
feyanti: 1. adversary, enemy
feyfi: 1. five
feyri: 1. file | 2. file
figa: 1. fig
figi: 1. sweep
fika: 1. remain, stay, stay over
finga: 1. finger
fini: 1. gaunt, lean, slender, thin
finyoro: 1. violin
firi angri: 1. be hungry
fisbuba: 1. scale
fisi: 1. fish | 2. fish
fisiti: 1. guest | 2. attend, call on, see, visit | 3. visit
fisman: 1. fisherman | 2. seagull
fisti: 1. dirty, filthy, nasty, soiled, unclean
flaka: 1. blot, spot
fo: 1. four
fode-wroko: 1. Thursday
fokofoko: 1. lung
foktu: 1. moist
fomeri: 1. throw up, vomit
fon: 1. beat, hit, strike
forku: 1. fork
fosi: 1. before, in front of
foswan: 1. first
foto: 1. city, town
fow: 1. fold | 2. fold
fowru: 1. bird
fowtu: 1. aberration, error, mistake
fraga: 1. banner, flag
fraka: 1. soil, spot, stain | 2. blot, spot
frakti: 1. burden, charge, load
frakwagi: 1. lorry, truck | 2. lorry, truck
frede-frede: 1. hesitate
frede: 1. be afraid of, fear | 2. fear
frekti: 1. braid, plait, twine, wreathe
fremusu: 1. bat
frey: 1. fly | 2. wing
freyda: 1. Friday
freyfrey: 1. fly, housefly
frifi: 1. rub
frigiti: 1. forget
fringi: 1. throw
fristeri: 1. congratulate
friyari: 1. birthday
froktu: 1. fruit
fromu: 1. pious
fron: 1. pious
frow: 1. woman
froysi: 1. move | 2. move
froyti: 1. whistle | 2. flute
fruferi: 1. bore
fruku: 1. early | 2. curse
frustan: 1. understand, realize
fruteri: 1. narrate, relate, tell
fruwondru: 1. marvel, marvel at, wonder
fudat’ede: 1. on that account, therefore
fufuru: 1. steal | 2. abstraction, theft
fufuruman: 1. thief
furtrow: 1. have faith, have faith in, trust
furu: 1. complete, full | 2. fill, fill in, fill up
futu: 1. leg | 2. leg, paw
f’siti: 1. guest
gado-oso: 1. church, church-building, house of worship, place of worship | 2. temple
gado: 1. god
gadogi: 1. blessing, boon
gadri: 1. gallery
gansi: 1. goose
ganya: 1. hashish
garden: 1. curtain
geme: 1. groan, moan
geri: 1. yellow
gerikorsu: 1. yellow fever
gesontu: 1. healthy, well
gespi: 1. curl
gi-grani: 1. esteem, think well of | 2. honor, honour
gi: 1. give | 2. for, to, in order to, per
ginipi: 1. guinea-pig
gi orda: 1. command, be in command, order
gi pardon: 1. forgive, pardon
go: 1. go
gon: 1. gun, rifle
gorogoro: 1. throat
gowtu: 1. gold, golden | 2. gold
grabu: 1. clutch, grab, grasp, grip, seize
gran: 1. old
grani: 1. honor, honour | 2. old
granleriman: 1. bishop
granm’ma: 1. grandmother
granp’pa: 1. grandfather
grantata: 1. grandfather
grasi: 1. glass | 2. glass
grati: 1. smooth
grebi: 1. grave, tomb
grin: 1. flour, meal
griti: 1. rub
gro: 1. accrue, grow
grofu: 1. big, great, large
gron: 1. field | 2. ground, soil | 3. earth, land, soil
grontapu: 1. world
grun: 1. green
gruntu: 1. vegetable
gudu: 1. affluent, rich, wealthy, well-off | 2. treasure
guduman: 1. rich man
gunya: 1. hesitate
gwasi: 1. leprosy
gwenti: 1. accustomed, customary, used to, usual, wonted
ingi: 1. Indian, Red Indian | 2. Indian, American Indian
iri: 1. heel
isri: 1. iron
iti: 1. throw
iya: 1. yes
kaba: 1. end, come to an end, end up, expire | 2. end, ending | 3. already, by now, yet
kaka: 1. dung, excrement | 2. defecate | 3. cock, rooster
kakafowru: 1. fowl
kakalaka: 1. cockroach
kaksi: 1. truculent
kakumbe: 1. jaw, jawbone | 2. chin
kampu: 1. camping ground, camping site
kamra: 1. chamber, room
kan: 1. be possible | 2. comb | 3. goblet | 4. be able to
kanari: 1. canal, channel | 2. canary
kande: 1. maybe, mayhap, perchance, perhaps, possibly
kandra: 1. candle
kankan: 1. comb
kantoro: 1. office | 2. bureau, office
kaperka: 1. butterfly
kapren: 1. captain
kapten: 1. captain
karbonkru: 1. gem, jewel | 2. jewel
kari: 1. appeal to, invoke | 2. call, summon
karki: 1. lime
karsinoli: 1. paraffin-oil, petroleum
karta: 1. card, map, menu
karton: 1. cardboard
karu: 1. corn, Indian corn, maize, mealies
kasaba: 1. cassava
kasi: 1. cheese | 2. cabinet, closet, cupboard, sideboard
kasyo: 1. cheat, deceive
katibo: 1. slave | 2. victim
katun: 1. cotton
kaw: 1. cow | 2. bovine, bovine animal | 3. chew
kawbuba: 1. leather
kawmeti: 1. beef
kedre: 1. basement, cellar
kenki: 1. alteration, change, conversion, transformation | 2. alter, change | 3. change, turn | 4. about-face, alteration, change, conversion, transformation
kerki: 1. church, church-building, house of worship, place of worship
keskesi: 1. ape, monkey
keti: 1. necklace | 2. chain
ketin: 1. necklace | 2. chain
kindi: 1. knee
kino: 1. cinema, movie theatre
kiri: 1. kill, liquidate, slay | 2. murder
kisi: 1. box, chest | 2. get, have, receive
kloru: 1. colour, dye
knopu: 1. button | 2. button
kodo: 1. exclusively, just, only
kofi: 1. coffee
kofru: 1. trunk
kofu: 1. fist
koki: 1. cook, male cook
kokobe: 1. leprosy
kokronoto: 1. coconut
kolera: 1. cholera
kolu: 1. guilder, gulden
komakandra: 1. meeting | 2. assemblage, gathering, meeting
komanderi: 1. command, be in command, order
komediman: 1. actor
komkomro: 1. cucumber
komsarsi: 1. chief of police
kon: 1. become, come about, grow, happen | 2. become, get, grow | 3. come
kondre: 1. country, land
koni: 1. clever, cunning, sly, smart
konkoni: 1. rabbit | 2. tractor
konkrudosu: 1. radio, wireless
konkrutitey: 1. telephone
kontrakti: 1. contract
kopki: 1. cup
kopro: 1. copper
koprosensi: 1. cent
koranti: 1. gazette, magazine, newspaper, periodical | 2. daily paper, journal, newspaper
kori: 1. flatter | 2. cheat, deceive
korke: 1. hummingbird
korku: 1. cork
korkutreki: 1. corkscrew
koro: 1. cabbage
korsu: 1. ague, fever
koso: 1. cough
kosokoso: 1. cough
kostu: 1. cost
kotfaya: 1. lightning
kownu: 1. king
kownubri: 1. hummingbird
kowru: 1. bleak, chilly, cold
kowsu: 1. stocking
koy: 1. cage
koyri: 1. go for a walk, stroll
kra: 1. mind
krabita: 1. she-goat
krabu: 1. crab
krakti: 1. strong | 2. force, strength, vigour
kraku: 1. turkey
kraperi: 1. die, expire, pass away
krasi: 1. itch
krawasi: 1. whip | 2. whip
krefti: 1. crayfish | 2. lobster
kren: 1. climb
krepiston: 1. rock
krey: 1. cry, weep
kreyti: 1. belief
kriki: 1. stream
krin-ede: 1. prudent, reasonable, sensible
krin: 1. clean, cleanse, make clean, purge
krioro: 1. Creole
kronto: 1. coconut
krosi: 1. clothes, clothing
kroskasi: 1. clothes-press, wardrobe
kroysi: 1. cross
kroyti: 1. gunpowder
kruktu: 1. erroneous, mistaken, wrong
kruktutere: 1. scorpion
krutubakra: 1. judge
kruwa: 1. raw, uncooked
kugru: 1. bullet
kukru: 1. kitchen
kuku: 1. pie, tart
kulturu: 1. culture
kumara: 1. good morning
kuneti: 1. good night | 2. good evening
kunkun: 1. dung, excrement | 2. defecate
kunsu: 1. cushion
kusonto: 1. healthy, well
kwakwa: 1. duck
kway: 1. bad, miserable, nasty, poor
kweki: 1. cultivate, grow
la: 1. drawer
lafu: 1. laugh
lagi: 1. low
lala: 1. raw, uncooked
lampu: 1. lamp
langa: 1. long | 2. length | 3. length
langaman: 1. serpent, snake
lanki: 1. border, brim, brink, edge, edging, fringe, rim
lanteri: 1. lantern
lantibakra: 1. officer, official
lantimoni: 1. tax
lasi: 1. lose | 2. loss
laspasi: 1. lose one’s way
lati: 1. late, tardy
law: 1. crazy, insane, mad, nuts
lawlaw: 1. foolish
lawman: 1. lunatic
lay: 1. burden, load | 2. burden, charge, load
laytori: 1. enigma, puzzle, riddle
lefre: 1. liver
leki: 1. lick
lekti: 1. light
leni: 1. borrow | 2. borrow, lend, loan
lepi: 1. abet, aid, assist, help | 2. accomodate, aid, assist, help | 3. mature, ripe | 4. ripen
lerbuba: 1. leather
leri: 1. teach | 2. learn | 3. teach
lesi: 1. lazy
lespeki: 1. respect | 2. respect
leti: 1. account, reason | 2. light | 3. direct, straight
ley: 1. lie, tell a lie | 2. cheat, deceive
leygi: 1. empty, void | 2. empty
leysi: 1. read
liba: 1. river
libanesi: 1. Lebanese
libi: 1. dwell, live | 2. be alive, live
libilibi: 1. alive
lin: 1. line
linga: 1. ring
lo: 1. row
lobi: 1. love | 2. affection, love | 3. rub
loko: 1. engine
loktu: 1. air
loli: 1. faint, light, weak
lon: 1. flow | 2. run
lontu: 1. round
loso: 1. louse
loto: 1. lead
lotrey: 1. lottery, raffle
lusbere: 1. diarrhoea
ma: 1. but
maka: 1. thorn
makandra: 1. together
malata: 1. mulatto
mama: 1. mother
mamanten: 1. morning
man: 1. be able, be able to | 2. be able to | 3. fellow, man
manari: 1. sieve
mandi: 1. be angry
mangri: 1. gaunt, lean, meager, skimpy, skinny, thin
maniri: 1. manner, mode, way
mankaw: 1. bull
mankeri: 1. injured, wounded
manpikin: 1. son
manya: 1. mango
mapokro: 1. enchantment, magic, sorcery, witchcraft, wizardry
marki: 1. list
masi: 1. crush, shatter, smash | 2. mast
maska: 1. jump, leap, spring
maskradu: 1. mask
masra: 1. husband | 2. boss, chief, leader | 3. boss, master | 4. gentleman, lord | 5. chief, boss
masyin: 1. engine, machine
mati: 1. friend | 2. friend
mayoro: 1. major
meki: 1. achieve, act, do, make, perform
memre: 1. recall, recollect, remember
meri: 1. touch
merki: 1. milk | 2. milk
meti: 1. animal | 2. animal, beast | 3. meat
metiwiwiri: 1. parsley
mindri: 1. average, mean, middle
mineri: 1. Mister, Mr., sir
mira: 1. ant, emmet
misi: 1. lady | 2. madam, Mrs.
miti: 1. come across, encounter, meet, see
modo: 1. fashion, mode
mofinasma: 1. pauper, poor man
moksi: 1. blend, mingle, mix, shuffle
mombi: 1. refuse, reject
moni: 1. money
morgu: 1. good morning
moro: 1. more
moro bun: 1. better
morsu: 1. dirty, filthy, nasty, soiled, unclean
motyo: 1. hooker, whore
mow: 1. sleeve
moy: 1. beautiful, fine, handsome, lovely
moysmoysi: 1. mouse
mun: 1. month
mundey: 1. Monday
munkenki: 1. moon
muru: 1. uterus, womb
musu: 1. have to, must, ought to, should
m’ma: 1. mother
nafun: 1. good evening
nagri: 1. nail
naki: 1. beat, hit, strike
nanasi: 1. pineapple
nanga: 1. and | 2. with
nangra: 1. nail
nat: 1. wet
nati: 1. wet | 2. wet | 3. dry | 4. dry
naw: 1. narrow
nay: 1. sew
nefi: 1. knife
neki: 1. neck | 2. back of the neck, nape
neleki: 1. as if, as though, in a way
nemre: 1. never
nen: 1. be called | 2. appellation, name
nengre: 1. Negro
nesi: 1. den, nest
neti: 1. night | 2. net, network | 3. evening
netleki: 1. as if, as though, in a way
neygi: 1. nine
niri: 1. kidney
no: 1. no | 2. not
nofotron: 1. frequently, often, regularly
nomru: 1. number, numeral
noso: 1. nose
nos’oro: 1. nostril
notarsi: 1. notary
noti: 1. nothing
notisi: 1. acuity, advertence, advertency, attention
noto: 1. nut
now: 1. at present, now
nownow: 1. at once, immediately, just, right away, right now
noya: 1. at present, now
noyti: 1. never
nyanyan: 1. food
nyun: 1. new, novel
nyunman-nen: 1. byname, nickname, sobriquet
nyunsu: 1. news, novelty, something new
nyunyari: 1. New Year
obya: 1. bewitch
odi: 1. greeting
ofskon: 1. though, although
ogri: 1. bad, miserable, nasty, poor
okasi: 1. chance, event, occurence, opportunity
oli: 1. oil
olipoysi: 1. pimple
olo: 1. hole
oloysi: 1. watch | 2. clock, watch
omu: 1. uncle
ondro: 1. hundred, one hundred | 2. below, beneath, under, underneath
ondrobruku: 1. drawers, panties, underpants
ondrofeni: 1. experience
ondrofutu: 1. sole
oni: 1. bee | 2. honey
onti: 1. chase, hunt
ontiman: 1. hunter
opete: 1. vulture
opolangi: 1. aeroplane, airplane, plane | 2. aircraft
ori: 1. hang onto, hold
oto: 1. car
owru: 1. old
owrukuku: 1. owl
pagara: 1. trunk
paki: 1. packet, parcel
pakiratigri: 1. jaguaro
pakro: 1. snail
paleysi: 1. palace
panari: 1. Indian, American Indian
panpan: 1. vagina
papa: 1. flatter
papaya: 1. papaya, papaw
papira: 1. paper
pardon: 1. absolution, pardon
pasensi: 1. patience
pasi: 1. permission | 2. path | 3. road, route, way
patata: 1. Dutchman, Hollander | 2. potato
patron: 1. boss, chief, leader | 2. chief, boss
pay: 1. pay
payasi: 1. buffoon, jester
payman: 1. payment | 2. debt
paysa: 1. money
pe: 1. where
pen: 1. ache, pain
peni: 1. jaguaro
penitigri: 1. jaguaro
penti: 1. peak, point, tip, summit
pepre: 1. pepper
perki: 1. pill
permisi: 1. permission
pesi: 1. bean | 2. pea
peti: 1. well
peyri: 1. arrow
pikadu: 1. sin, transgression
piki: 1. answer, reply, respond
pikin: 1. diminutive, little, small
pikinso moro: 1. almost, nearly
pina: 1. miserable, poor | 2. poor | 3. abide, bear, endure, put up with, suffer
pinda: 1. peanut
pipa: 1. pipe
pipel: 1. folk, nation, people
piri: 1. shell, peel
pisi: 1. urinate
piyasiman: 1. acrobat
plakati: 1. law
plata: 1. flat
poku: 1. music
pola: 1. vagina
pompu: 1. pump | 2. pump
poni: 1. pony
popki: 1. doll, puppet
popo: 1. empty, void | 2. suck
popokay: 1. parrot
portreti: 1. photograph | 2. photograph
posten: 1. abscess
postu: 1. pole, post, stanchion, stake
poti: 1. miserable, poor | 2. lay down, place, put, put down | 3. poor
potisma: 1. pauper, poor man
potreti: 1. photograph | 2. photograph
powa: 1. force, strength, vigour
prakseri: 1. think | 2. thought
pramisi: 1. promise | 2. affirmation, promise
prani: 1. plant
prasi: 1. court, yard, courtyard
prasoro: 1. umbrella
prati: 1. faction, party, side
prefuru: 1. be bold, dare
pren: 1. plaza, square, public square
prentyi: 1. photograph | 2. photograph
presenti: 1. gift, present
presi: 1. place | 2. location, place, spot
preti: 1. plate
preymisi: 1. actress
prey basi: 1. govern, head up, restrain
prey edeman: 1. govern, head up, restrain
prisiri: 1. amusing, entertaining, funny | 2. fun, pleasure
proberi: 1. attempt, test, try
profosu: 1. dolphin
puspusi: 1. cat
pusu: 1. push, thrust | 2. push
redi: 1. red
reditigri: 1. cougar, mountain lion, puma
reylo: 1. file, line, rank, row, turn
rowsu: 1. rose
rutu: 1. root
sa: 1. saw | 2. saw
saba: 1. Sabbath
sabadey: 1. Saturday
sabaten: 1. in the evening
sabi: 1. science | 2. know, know how
safrisafri: 1. slow
safri taki: 1. whisper
safu: 1. soft
saka: 1. descend, go down | 2. descend, get off, go down
sani: 1. thing
santa: 1. pious | 2. holy, sacred | 3. saint
santafasi: 1. pious
santi: 1. sand
sarasara: 1. shrimp
sarki: 1. shark
satra: 1. Saturday
se: 1. sea
sebi: 1. shave
sebinefi: 1. razor
sege: 1. beetle | 2. beetle
sekanti: 1. coast, seaside, shore | 2. beach
seki: 1. agitate, shake, shock
sekrepatu: 1. tortoise
sekretarsi: 1. secretary
sekrosi: 1. silk
sementi: 1. cement
seni: 1. send, transmit
senki: 1. zinc
sensi: 1. cent | 2. from, since
seri: 1. dispose of, sell, vend
sesey: 1. scissors
seti: 1. lay down, place, put, put down
sey: 1. side
seybi: 1. seven
seygi: 1. bless | 2. blessing, boon
seypranga: 1. wall
seyri: 1. sail | 2. sail
si: 1. see
sibi: 1. sweep
sidon: 1. sit
sigara: 1. cigar
siki: 1. ill, sick
sikiman: 1. patient
siksi: 1. six
singi: 1. singing | 2. sing
singiman: 1. singer
sinta: 1. belt, girdle
sipi: 1. ship, vessel
sipiman: 1. captain
siri: 1. seed
sisa: 1. sister
sisey: 1. scissors
sisi: 1. mistress
sisibi: 1. broom
skafu: 1. abrade, plane | 2. plane
skapu: 1. sheep
skedrey: 1. painting, picture
skin: 1. skin | 2. body
skopu: 1. kick | 2. kick
skotriki: 1. saucer
skowru: 1. shoulder
skowtu: 1. policeman | 2. policeman
skrifi: 1. write
skriftiki: 1. pencil
skropu: 1. shell
skrufu: 1. screw | 2. screw
skuma: 1. foam, froth
skwala: 1. wave
sma: 1. person
smenti: 1. cement
smeri: 1. aroma, flavour | 2. stench | 3. give off an odour, reek, smell | 4. odor, odour, scent, smell
smoko: 1. smoke | 2. smoke
smokosipi: 1. steamship
snekfisi: 1. eel
sneki: 1. serpent, snake
snesi: 1. Chinaman, Chinese
sneysi: 1. flea | 2. Chinese
snoga: 1. synagogue
sodro: 1. attic
someni: 1. that much
somentron: 1. frequently, often, regularly
son: 1. sun
sonde: 1. Sunday
sondongo: 1. west, West
sondro: 1. without
sondronen: 1. anonymous | 2. anonymous, nameless, without a name
sondu: 1. sin, transgression
sonopo: 1. east, East
sonte: 1. maybe, mayhap, perchance, perhaps, possibly
sonten: 1. maybe, mayhap, perchance, perhaps, possibly
sonyo: 1. tired
sopi: 1. alcohol, booze, liquor, spirits, strong drink
sopiman: 1. boozer, alcoholic
sopo: 1. soap
sorfu: 1. silver
sorgu: 1. care, see, take care, worry | 2. care, concern
sori: 1. indicate, suggest | 2. indicate, point out, show
soro: 1. ulcer, sore | 2. injury, wound
sosey: 1. over there, yon, yonder
soso-skin: 1. bare, naked, nude
soso: 1. empty, void | 2. free
sososkin: 1. bare, naked, nude
sote: 1. quite, very, very much
sowsu: 1. gravy, sauce
sowtu: 1. salty | 2. salt
soygi: 1. suck
span: 1. care, see, take care, worry
speki: 1. bacon
sponsu: 1. sponge
spotu: 1. jeer at, make fun of, mock | 2. gag, joke
spuku: 1. ghost, phantom
spun: 1. spoon
sra: 1. lettuce
srafu: 1. slave
srakti-oso: 1. butcher’s shop
srakti: 1. butcher, slaughter
sraktiman: 1. butcher
srakt’oso: 1. butcher’s shop
srapu: 1. sharpen
srebinefi: 1. razor
srefi: 1. self, herself, himself, itself
srefsrefi: 1. identical
sribi: 1. be asleep, sleep | 2. sleep
sroto: 1. key, wrench
staman: 1. friend
stanbay: 1. abet, aid, assist, help | 2. accomodate, aid, assist, help
stari: 1. star
sten: 1. voice
steyfi: 1. rigid, stiff
ston: 1. metalled, stone | 2. stone
stow: 1. burden, load
strafu: 1. punishment
strati: 1. street
strey: 1. bet, wager
streyfeti: 1. fight, struggle
streywega: 1. competition, contest
stuka: 1. study
sturu: 1. chair
sukru: 1. sugar
sukruskrati: 1. chocolate
suku: 1. look for, seek
sula: 1. waterfall | 2. waterfall
suma: 1. person
supuwiwiri: 1. celery
supu’wiri: 1. celery
sutu: 1. fire, shoot
swa: 1. acetous, acid, sour, tart | 2. acid
swafrutiki: 1. match
swagri: 1. brother-in-law
swaki: 1. faint, light, weak
swampu: 1. marsh, swamp
swen: 1. float, swim
sweri: 1. swear | 2. swell
sweti: 1. sweat | 2. perspiration, sweat
switi: 1. agreeable, enjoyable, lovely, nice, pleasant | 2. gentle, soft, sweet, tender
switismeri: 1. perfume
switsopi: 1. liqueur
switwatra: 1. fresh water | 2. fresh water
syatu: 1. short | 2. brief, short
syoro: 1. platform, quay, wharf
tabaka: 1. tobacco
tafra: 1. table
taki: 1. bough, branch | 2. say, tell | 3. speak, talk
taki tangi: 1. thank
takmakandra: 1. meeting | 2. assemblage, gathering, meeting
takru: 1. nasty, ugly
takrusani: 1. enchantment, magic, sorcery, witchcraft, wizardry
takrusiki: 1. leprosy
tamara: 1. tomorrow
tan: 1. remain, stay, stay over
tanapu: 1. stand
tangi: 1. thank | 2. gratitude, thanks | 3. thank you, thanks
tanpresi: 1. address
tanta: 1. aunt
tantiri: 1. be quiet
tanyi: 1. thank
tapu: 1. cover | 2. peak, point, tip, summit
tapun: 1. cover, hood, lid
tara: 1. tar
tarta: 1. pie, tart
tay: 1. bind, connect, join, tie, tie up
te: 1. tea | 2. until, till
teki: 1. get, lay hold of, pick up, take
temre: 1. build, build from wood
temreman: 1. carpenter
ten: 1. time, while
tenti: 1. tent
tere: 1. tail
teri: 1. esteem, think well of | 2. honor, honour | 3. count
teygo: 1. eternal
tide: 1. today
tifi: 1. tooth
tif’ati: 1. toothache
tigri: 1. jaguaro | 2. cougar, mountain lion, puma
tiki: 1. baton, cane, stick
tin: 1. ten
tina-ayti: 1. eighteen
tinadri: 1. thirteen
tinafeyfi: 1. fifteen
tinafo: 1. fourteen
tinaneygi: 1. nineteen
tinaseybi: 1. seventeen
tinasiksi: 1. sixteen
tingi: 1. stench
titey: 1. cord, rope, string
todo: 1. toad | 2. frog
todoprasoro: 1. fungus, mushroom
tokotoko: 1. mud
toku: 1. but, however, nevertheless, yet
tongo: 1. tongue | 2. language, tongue
tori: 1. betray | 2. account, narrative, story, tale
torku: 1. interpreter
tra-esrede: 1. the day before yesterday
tra: 1. other, another, else
tranga: 1. strong
trapu: 1. snare, trap | 2. staircase, stairs | 3. ladder
tratamara: 1. the day after tomorrow
trawan: 1. other, another, else
trekti: 1. funnel
triki: 1. iron, iron clothes
trik’isri: 1. iron, flat-iron
tron: 1. become, come about, grow, happen | 2. become, get, grow
trowe: 1. throw away
trowmisi: 1. bride
tru: 1. true
tréy: 1. attempt, test, try
tu: 1. also, likewise, too | 2. two
tude-wroko: 1. Tuesday
tufi: 1. not
tuka: 1. come across, encounter, meet, see
twarfu: 1. twelve
tyari: 1. bring, fetch | 2. carry, wear
tyibrifasi: 1. anonymous | 2. anonymous, nameless, without a name
udu: 1. wooden | 2. timber, wood
uduloso: 1. termite
uma: 1. woman
umapikin: 1. daughter
uru: 1. hooker, whore
wagi: 1. cart, chariot
waka: 1. march, walk | 2. travel
wakiman: 1. spectator
wakti: 1. advert, pay attention, pay attention to, watch out for | 2. guard, keep, look after, watch over
waktiman: 1. guard
wan: 1. one | 2. a, an
wani: 1. be willing to, want, wish | 2. will, willingness, wish
wanlesi: 1. once, one time
wansani: 1. anything, something
wansi: 1. already, by now, yet
wante’wante: 1. at once, immediately, just, right away, right now
wantu: 1. pair | 2. pair
waran: 1. warm
warti: 1. host, innkeeper, landlord
wasi: 1. wash | 2. wash
waswasi: 1. wasp
watra: 1. water
watramun: 1. water-melon
watyiman: 1. spectator
way: 1. blow
we: 1. away | 2. now, well, well then
wefi: 1. wife
wegi: 1. weigh | 2. weigh | 3. weight
wenkri: 1. boutique, shop, store
weri: 1. tired | 2. wear | 3. weather
wer’ati: 1. dyspnea, dyspnoea
wetiman: 1. European, white man
wey: 1. meadow | 2. meadow
weygri: 1. refuse, reject
wi: 1. us, we
wiki: 1. week | 2. arouse, wake, awaken, wake up
win: 1. wine
wini: 1. earn, gain, win | 2. benefit, gain, profit | 3. gain, profit
winsi: 1. desire, wish | 2. desire, want, wish | 3. hope
winti: 1. wind
wipi: 1. whip | 2. whip
wiri: 1. wheel
wiwiri: 1. leaf, sheet | 2. hair
woron: 1. caterpillar | 2. worm
wortu: 1. word
wowoyo: 1. market, marketplace
woy: 1. ouch, ow
wrak: 1. hate
wroko: 1. work | 2. job, work
wrokobere: 1. diarrhoea
wrokoman: 1. hand, laborer, labourer, operative, worker, working man, workman
wrokosani: 1. agent, means, tool
wroko sani: 1. equipment
wunyuwunyu: 1. ado, din, noise
yampaneysi: 1. Javan, Javanese | 2. Javanese
yanga: 1. dance
yapaneysi: 1. Javan, Javanese | 2. Javanese
yapi: 1. ape, monkey
yari: 1. year
yayo-uma: 1. hooker, prostitute, whore
yepi: 1. abet, aid, assist, help | 2. accomodate, aid, assist, help | 3. aid, help
yepiman: 1. aid, assistant, helper | 2. aid, assistent, helper
yere: 1. hear | 2. listen
yesi: 1. ear
yobo: 1. European, white man
yokro: 1. choke, strangle
yongu: 1. young
yonkuman: 1. youngster, youth
yosi: 1. devil
yuru: 1. hour, o’clock, time | 2. hire
yuruten: 1. instant, moment
èn: 1. and
ènèn: 1. no