Scottish Galic is a recognized indigenous language in the European union, and stems from Old Irish. 57000 people in Scotland can still speak the language.

Here we have provided two word lists of Scottish Gaelic. One list with words and meanings with translation from English to Scottish Gaelic, and one the other way around.

Bible: 1. Bìobull
English: 1. Beurla
Englishman: 1. Sasunnach
English language: 1. Beurla
Glasgow: 1. Glaschu
Monday: 1. Di-luain
Sassenach: 1. Sasunnach
Scot: 1. Albannach
Scotsman: 1. Albannach
TV: 1. telebhisean
Tuesday: 1. Di-Màirt
a: 1. anns
acerbic: 1. geur
ache: 1. pian
adieu: 1. beannachd leat, beannachd leibh
advice: 1. comhairle
affection: 1. gràdh
also: 1. cuideachd
among: 1. eadar
anchor: 1. acair
and: 1. agus, is
angle: 1. cùil
answer: 1. freagairt
anything: 1. rudeigin
appellation: 1. ainm
apple: 1. ubhal
army: 1. arm
at: 1. aig
at present: 1. a nis
axe: 1. tuagh
bag: 1. poca | 2. poca
beach: 1. tràigh
beauty: 1. maise
beside: 1. aig
between: 1. eadar
big: 1. mór
bird: 1. eun
black: 1. dubh
blank: 1. bàn, geal
bleak: 1. fuar
blond: 1. bàn
blue: 1. gorm
blushing: 1. dearg
boat: 1. bàta
book: 1. leabhar
bottle: 1. botul
bough: 1. meanglan
boutique: 1. bùth
box: 1. ciste | 2. bocsa
boy: 1. gille
branch: 1. meanglan
bread: 1. aran
brother: 1. bràthair
brown: 1. donn
bull: 1. tarbh
burden: 1. eallach
burdensome: 1. trom
busy: 1. trang
but: 1. ach
butter: 1. ìm
by: 1. aig
bye: 1. beannachd leat, beannachd leibh
car: 1. càr
castle: 1. caisteal
cat: 1. cat
chair: 1. cathair
chamber: 1. seòmar
charge: 1. eallach
cheek: 1. gruaidh
cheese: 1. càise
chest: 1. ciste
chicken: 1. cearc
chilly: 1. fuar
church-building: 1. eaglais
church: 1. eaglais
city: 1. baile
cloud: 1. neul
coat: 1. còta
cold: 1. fuar | 2. fuachd
colour: 1. dath
comb: 1. cìr
complete: 1. làn
conversation: 1. còmhradh
corner: 1. cùil
counsel: 1. comhairle
country: 1. dùthaich
cow: 1. bó
cup: 1. cupa
danger: 1. cunnart
day: 1. latha
deep: 1. domhain
deer: 1. fiadh
den: 1. nead
difficult: 1. doirbh
diminutive: 1. beag
dirty: 1. salach
dog: 1. cù
door: 1. dorus
dye: 1. dath
eagle: 1. iolair
ear: 1. cluas
earth: 1. tìr
easy: 1. soirbh
eight: 1. ochd
enough: 1. gu leòr
erroneous: 1. ceàrr
eye: 1. sùil
face: 1. aodann, gnùis
facile: 1. soirbh
faint: 1. fann
fair: 1. bàn
farewell: 1. beannachd leat, beannachd leibh
fast: 1. bras, luath
father: 1. athair | 2. athair
feather: 1. ite, peann
fellow: 1. duine
field: 1. achadh | 2. achadh | 3. achadh
filthy: 1. salach
fire: 1. teine
fish: 1. iasg
fisherman: 1. iasgair
fist: 1. dòrn
five: 1. cóig
flesh: 1. feòil
floor: 1. làr, ùrlar
fly: 1. cuileag
food: 1. biadh
four: 1. ceithir
fowl: 1. cearc
fox: 1. sionnach
full: 1. làn
garden: 1. gàradh
gas: 1. gas
girl: 1. caileag
glass: 1. gloine
gold: 1. òr
good: 1. math
goodbye: 1. beannachd leat, beannachd leibh
grandfather: 1. seanair
great: 1. mór
green: 1. uaine
gun: 1. gunna
hammer: 1. òrd
hand: 1. oibriche | 2. làmh
harbor: 1. cala
harbour: 1. cala
hard: 1. doirbh
hat: 1. ad
he: 1. e
head: 1. ceann | 2. ceann | 3. ceann | 4. ceann
heat: 1. teas
heaven: 1. adhar, iarmailt
heavy: 1. trom
heel: 1. sàil
her: 1. i
high: 1. àrd
hill: 1. cnoc
him: 1. e
hog: 1. muc
honey: 1. mil
hooter: 1. adharc
hope: 1. dòchas
horn: 1. adharc | 2. adharc
horse: 1. each
hot: 1. teth
house: 1. taigh
housefly: 1. cuileag
house of worship: 1. eaglais
how are you?: 1. ciamar a tha sibh?
how do you do?: 1. ciamar a tha sibh?
hunger: 1. acras
hunter: 1. sealgair
if: 1. ma
in: 1. anns
inconvenient: 1. doirbh
inside: 1. anns
into: 1. anns
iron: 1. iarann
island: 1. eilean
it: 1. e, i
job: 1. obair, saothrach
journey: 1. turus
juice: 1. sùgh
key: 1. iuchair
klaxon: 1. adharc
knee: 1. glùn
knife: 1. sgian
laborer: 1. oibriche
labourer: 1. oibriche
lad: 1. gille
laddie: 1. gille
lake: 1. loch
lamb: 1. uan
land: 1. dùthaich | 2. tìr
large: 1. mór
lass: 1. caileag
law: 1. lagh
lesson: 1. leasan
letter: 1. litir
lie: 1. breug
light: 1. solus | 2. fann
likewise: 1. cuideachd
little: 1. beag
load: 1. eallach
loaf: 1. aran
location: 1. àite
loch: 1. loch
lofty: 1. àrd
long: 1. fada
love: 1. gràdh
man: 1. duine
mast: 1. crann
mature: 1. abaich
meadow: 1. innis | 2. innis
milk: 1. bainne
minute: 1. mionaid
mistaken: 1. ceàrr
money: 1. airgead
moon: 1. gealach
morning: 1. madainn
mother: 1. màthair
mountain: 1. beinn
mouth: 1. beul | 2. beul | 3. beul
music: 1. ceòl
nail: 1. tarag
name: 1. ainm
narrative: 1. sgeulachd
near: 1. aig
nearby: 1. aig
near to: 1. aig
nest: 1. nead
net: 1. lìon
network: 1. lìon
next to: 1. aig
nice: 1. math
night: 1. oidhche
nine: 1. naoi
nose: 1. sròn
now: 1. a nis
ocean: 1. cuan
oil: 1. ola
okay: 1. math | 2. gu math
old: 1. sean
on: 1. anns | 2. air
one: 1. aon
onerous: 1. trom
operative: 1. oibriche
orange: 1. orainsear
overcoat: 1. còta
pain: 1. pian
pants: 1. briogais
paper: 1. paipear
park: 1. pàirc
pate: 1. ceann
pawn: 1. saighdear
peace: 1. sìth
pencil: 1. peansail
penny: 1. sgillinn
per: 1. anns
peril: 1. cunnart
pig: 1. muc
pipe: 1. pìob
place: 1. àite | 2. àite
place of worship: 1. eaglais
please: 1. mas e bhur toil e
plume: 1. ite, peann
poem: 1. bàrdachd
port: 1. cala
pretty: 1. bòidheach
price: 1. prìs
profound: 1. domhain
provided that: 1. ma
question: 1. ceist
quick: 1. bras, luath
quite: 1. gu leòr | 2. glé
rain: 1. uisge
rapid: 1. bras, luath
rather: 1. gu leòr
raven: 1. fitheach
reality: 1. fìrinn
red: 1. dearg | 2. dearg
reply: 1. freagairt
ripe: 1. abaich
river: 1. abhainn
road: 1. rathad
rock: 1. creag
room: 1. seòmar
route: 1. rathad
sack: 1. poca
saddle: 1. diallaid
sagacious: 1. glic
sage: 1. glic
sail: 1. seòl
salmon: 1. bradan
salt: 1. salann
sap: 1. sùgh
saucer: 1. sàsar
school: 1. sgoil
sea: 1. fairge, muir
seed: 1. sìol
serpent: 1. nathair
seven: 1. seachd
sharp: 1. geur | 2. geur
she: 1. i
sheep: 1. caoraich
ship: 1. long
shoe: 1. bròg
shop: 1. bùth
sister: 1. piuthar
six: 1. sia
sky: 1. adhar, iarmailt
sleep: 1. cadal
small: 1. beag
snake: 1. nathair
soil: 1. tìr
soiled: 1. salach
soldier: 1. saighdear
something: 1. rudeigin
son: 1. mac
song: 1. òran
soup: 1. sùgh
speedy: 1. bras, luath
spoon: 1. spàin
spot: 1. àite
spring: 1. earrach
springtime: 1. earrach
station: 1. stèsean
store: 1. bùth
story: 1. sgeulachd
street: 1. sràid
sufficiently: 1. gu leòr
sugar: 1. siùcar
summer: 1. samhradh
swift: 1. bras, luath
swine: 1. muc
table: 1. bòrd
tail: 1. earball
tailor: 1. tàillear
tale: 1. sgeulachd
tall: 1. àrd
taste: 1. blas
tea: 1. tì
television: 1. telebhisean
ten: 1. deich
thanks: 1. tapadh leibh
thank you: 1. tapadh leibh
that: 1. a | 2. có
the: 1. an
they: 1. iad | 2. iad
thou: 1. thu, sibh | 2. thu, sibh | 3. thu, sibh
three: 1. trì
thumb: 1. òrdag | 2. òrdag
till: 1. gus
timber: 1. fiodh
time: 1. am
tired: 1. sgìth
today: 1. an diugh
too: 1. cuideachd
towel: 1. searbhadair
town: 1. baile
tree: 1. craobh
trip: 1. turus
trousers: 1. briogais
trout: 1. braec
truth: 1. fìrinn | 2. fìrinn
two: 1. dà
unclean: 1. salach
until: 1. gus
upon: 1. air
us: 1. sinn
very: 1. glé
very much: 1. glé
vessel: 1. long
village: 1. clachan
voyage: 1. turus
wall: 1. balla
warm: 1. blàth
water: 1. uisge
way: 1. rathad
we: 1. sinn
weak: 1. fann
weather: 1. aimsir, sìde
week: 1. seachdain
well: 1. gu math
wench: 1. caileag
wet: 1. fliuch
which: 1. có | 2. có
while: 1. am
white: 1. bàn, geal | 2. bàn, geal
who: 1. có
whose?: 1. có leis?
why?: 1. carson?
wife: 1. bean
wind: 1. gaoth
wine: 1. fìon
wing: 1. sgiath
wise: 1. glic
within: 1. anns
woman: 1. boireannach
wood: 1. fiodh
word: 1. facal
work: 1. obair, saothrach
worker: 1. oibriche
working man: 1. oibriche
workman: 1. oibriche
world: 1. saoghal
wrench: 1. iuchair
wrong: 1. ceàrr
ye: 1. thu, sibh | 2. thu, sibh
year: 1. bliadhna
yesterday: 1. an dé
you: 1. thu, sibh | 2. thu, sibh | 3. thu, sibh | 4. thu, sibh
young: 1. òg
youngster: 1. òganach
youth: 1. òganach

Scottish Gaelic to English translations

Albannach: 1. Scot, Scotsman
Beurla: 1. English, English language
Bìobull: 1. Bible
Di-Màirt: 1. Tuesday
Di-luain: 1. Monday
Glaschu: 1. Glasgow
Sasunnach: 1. Englishman, Sassenach
a: 1. that
abaich: 1. mature, ripe
abhainn: 1. river
acair: 1. anchor
ach: 1. but
acras: 1. hunger
ad: 1. hat
adhar: 1. heaven, sky
agus: 1. and
aig: 1. at, beside, by, near, nearby, near to, next to
aimsir: 1. weather
ainm: 1. appellation, name
air: 1. on, upon
airgead: 1. money
am: 1. time, while
an: 1. the
anns: 1. a, in, inside, into, on, per, within
an diugh: 1. today
an dé: 1. yesterday
aodann: 1. face
aon: 1. one
aran: 1. bread, loaf
arm: 1. army
a nis: 1. at present, now
baile: 1. city, town
bainne: 1. milk
balla: 1. wall
beag: 1. diminutive, little, small
bean: 1. wife
beannachd leat: 1. adieu, farewell, bye, goodbye
beannachd leibh: 1. adieu, farewell, bye, goodbye
beinn: 1. mountain
biadh: 1. food
blas: 1. taste
bliadhna: 1. year
blàth: 1. warm
bocsa: 1. box
boireannach: 1. woman
botul: 1. bottle
bradan: 1. salmon
braec: 1. trout
bras: 1. fast, quick, rapid, speedy, swift
breug: 1. lie
briogais: 1. pants, trousers
bràthair: 1. brother
bròg: 1. shoe
bó: 1. cow
bàn: 1. blond, fair
bàrdachd: 1. poem
bàta: 1. boat
bòidheach: 1. pretty
bòrd: 1. table
bùth: 1. boutique, shop, store
cadal: 1. sleep
caileag: 1. girl, lass, wench
caisteal: 1. castle
cala: 1. harbor, harbour, port
caoraich: 1. sheep
carson?: 1. why?
cat: 1. cat
cathair: 1. chair
cearc: 1. chicken, fowl
ceist: 1. question
ceithir: 1. four
ceàrr: 1. erroneous, mistaken, wrong
ceòl: 1. music
ciamar a tha sibh?: 1. how are you?, how do you do?
ciste: 1. box, chest
clachan: 1. village
cluas: 1. ear
cnoc: 1. hill
comhairle: 1. advice, counsel
crann: 1. mast
craobh: 1. tree
creag: 1. rock
cuan: 1. ocean
cuideachd: 1. also, likewise, too
cuileag: 1. fly, housefly
cunnart: 1. danger, peril
cupa: 1. cup
cóig: 1. five
có leis?: 1. whose?
càise: 1. cheese
càr: 1. car
cìr: 1. comb
còmhradh: 1. conversation
còta: 1. coat, overcoat
cù: 1. dog
dath: 1. colour, dye
dearg: 1. red
deich: 1. ten
diallaid: 1. saddle
doirbh: 1. difficult, hard, inconvenient
domhain: 1. deep, profound
donn: 1. brown
dorus: 1. door
dubh: 1. black
duine: 1. fellow, man
dà: 1. two
dòchas: 1. hope
dòrn: 1. fist
dùthaich: 1. country, land
e: 1. he, him | 2. it
each: 1. horse
eadar: 1. among, between
eaglais: 1. church, church-building, house of worship, place of worship
eallach: 1. burden, charge, load
earball: 1. tail
earrach: 1. spring, springtime
eilean: 1. island
eun: 1. bird
facal: 1. word
fada: 1. long
fairge: 1. sea
fann: 1. faint, light, weak
feòil: 1. flesh
fiadh: 1. deer
fiodh: 1. timber, wood
fitheach: 1. raven
fliuch: 1. wet
freagairt: 1. answer, reply
fuachd: 1. cold
fuar: 1. bleak, chilly, cold
fìon: 1. wine
fìrinn: 1. truth | 2. reality, truth
gaoth: 1. wind
gas: 1. gas
gealach: 1. moon
gille: 1. boy, lad, laddie
glic: 1. sagacious, sage, wise
gloine: 1. glass
glé: 1. quite, very, very much
glùn: 1. knee
gnùis: 1. face
gorm: 1. blue
gruaidh: 1. cheek
gràdh: 1. affection, love
gunna: 1. gun
gus: 1. until, till
gu leòr: 1. enough, quite, rather, sufficiently
gu math: 1. okay, well
gàradh: 1. garden
i: 1. it | 2. her, she
iarann: 1. iron
iarmailt: 1. heaven, sky
iasg: 1. fish
iasgair: 1. fisherman
innis: 1. meadow | 2. meadow
iolair: 1. eagle
is: 1. and
iuchair: 1. key, wrench
lagh: 1. law
latha: 1. day
leabhar: 1. book
leasan: 1. lesson
litir: 1. letter
loch: 1. lake, loch
long: 1. ship, vessel
luath: 1. fast, quick, rapid, speedy, swift
làmh: 1. hand
làn: 1. complete, full
làr: 1. floor
lìon: 1. net, network
ma: 1. if, provided that
mac: 1. son
madainn: 1. morning
maise: 1. beauty
mas e bhur toil e: 1. please
math: 1. good, nice, okay
meanglan: 1. bough, branch
mil: 1. honey
mionaid: 1. minute
muc: 1. hog, pig, swine
muir: 1. sea
mór: 1. big, great, large
màthair: 1. mother
naoi: 1. nine
nathair: 1. serpent, snake
nead: 1. den, nest
neul: 1. cloud
obair: 1. job, work
ochd: 1. eight
oibriche: 1. hand, laborer, labourer, operative, worker, working man, workman
oidhche: 1. night
ola: 1. oil
orainsear: 1. orange
paipear: 1. paper
peansail: 1. pencil
pian: 1. ache, pain
piuthar: 1. sister
prìs: 1. price
pàirc: 1. park
pìob: 1. pipe
rathad: 1. road, route, way
rudeigin: 1. anything, something
saighdear: 1. pawn, soldier
salach: 1. dirty, filthy, nasty, soiled, unclean
salann: 1. salt
samhradh: 1. summer
saoghal: 1. world
saothrach: 1. job, work
seachd: 1. seven
seachdain: 1. week
sealgair: 1. hunter
sean: 1. old
seanair: 1. grandfather
searbhadair: 1. towel
seòl: 1. sail
seòmar: 1. chamber, room
sgeulachd: 1. account, narrative, story, tale
sgian: 1. knife
sgiath: 1. wing
sgillinn: 1. penny
sgoil: 1. school
sgìth: 1. tired
sia: 1. six
sinn: 1. us, we
sionnach: 1. fox
siùcar: 1. sugar
soirbh: 1. easy, facile
solus: 1. light
spàin: 1. spoon
sràid: 1. street
sròn: 1. nose
stèsean: 1. station
sàil: 1. heel
sàsar: 1. saucer
sìde: 1. weather
sìol: 1. seed
sìth: 1. peace
sùgh: 1. juice, sap | 2. soup
sùil: 1. eye
tapadh leibh: 1. thank you, thanks
tarag: 1. nail
tarbh: 1. bull
teas: 1. heat
teine: 1. fire
telebhisean: 1. television, TV
teth: 1. hot
trang: 1. busy
trom: 1. burdensome, heavy, onerous
tràigh: 1. beach
trì: 1. three
tuagh: 1. axe
turus: 1. journey, trip, voyage
tàillear: 1. tailor
tì: 1. tea
tìr: 1. earth, land, soil
uaine: 1. green
uan: 1. lamb
ubhal: 1. apple
uisge: 1. water | 2. rain
àite: 1. place | 2. location, place, spot
àrd: 1. high, lofty, tall
ìm: 1. butter
òg: 1. young
òganach: 1. youngster, youth
òr: 1. gold
òran: 1. song
òrd: 1. hammer
òrdag: 1. thumb | 2. thumb
ùrlar: 1. floor


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