Papiamento to English
Afganistan: 1. Afghanistan
Afrika: 1. Africa
Albania: 1. Albania
Aleksandria: 1. Alexandria
Alemania: 1. Germany
Algeria: 1. Algeria
Angola: 1. Angola
Antia: 1. Antilles
Antigua: 1. Antigua
Anunsiashon: 1. Annunciation, Lady Day
Arabia: 1. Arabia
Argentina: 1. Argentina
Aruba: 1. Aruba
Asenshon: 1. Ascension | 2. Ascension Day
Asia: 1. Asia
Asunshon: 1. Ascension
Babilonia: 1. Babylonia
Barbados: 1. Barbados
Beibel: 1. Bible
Benesuela: 1. Venezuela
Berlin: 1. Berlin
Biernasanto: 1. Good Friday
Biernèsantu: 1. Good Friday
Bolivia: 1. Bolivia
Brasil: 1. Brazil
Buda: 1. Buddha
Bulgaria: 1. Bulgaria
Bélgika: 1. Belgium
Bètlehèm: 1. Bethlehem
Chekoslovakia: 1. Czechoslovakia
Chili: 1. Chile
China: 1. China
Dinamarka: 1. Denmark
Djos: 1. God
Día di Aña Nobo: 1. New Year’s Day
Día di tur Difuntu: 1. All Souls’ Day
Día di tur Santu: 1. All Hallows, All Saints’ Day
Egipto: 1. Egypt
Ekuador: 1. Ecuador
Etiopia: 1. Abyssinia, Ethiopia
Filipina: 1. Philippine Islands, Philippines
Finnlandia: 1. Finland
Fransha: 1. France
Fransia: 1. France
Galisia: 1. Galicia
Gresia: 1. Greece
Guatemala: 1. Guatemala
Haiti: 1. Haiti
Hamaika: 1. Jamaica
Hapon: 1. Japan
Hesukristo: 1. Jesus Christ
Hesuktristu: 1. Jesus Christ
Honduras: 1. Honduras
Huebes santu: 1. Maundy Thursday
Hulanda: 1. Holland | 2. Holland, the Netherlands
India: 1. India
Indonesia: 1. Indonesia
Inglatera: 1. England | 2. England
Irak: 1. Iraq
Iran: 1. Iran, Persia
Israel: 1. Israel | 2. Israel
Italia: 1. Italy
Kanada: 1. Canada
Kaprikornio: 1. Capricorn
Kastia: 1. Castile
Kenia: 1. Kenya
Kolombia: 1. Colombia
Korea: 1. Korea
Kosta Rika: 1. Costa Rica
Kristo: 1. Christ
Kristu: 1. Christ
Kuba: 1. Cuba
Kòrsou: 1. Curaçao
Laman Karibe: 1. Caribbean Sea
Lamá Karibe: 1. Caribbean Sea
Maroko: 1. Morocco
Mars: 1. Mars
Merka: 1. United States of America, USA
Mèksiko: 1. Mexico
Nigeria: 1. Nigeria
Nikaragua: 1. Nicaragua
Noruega: 1. Norway
Oropa: 1. Europa
Osean Atlántiko: 1. Atlantic, Atlantic Ocean
Oustralia: 1. Australia
Panamá: 1. Panama
Paraguai: 1. Paraguay
Pasko: 1. Christmas, Yule
Pasko Grandi: 1. Easter
Pasku: 1. Christmas, Yule
Pasku Grandi: 1. Easter
Pentekòste: 1. Pentecost, Whitsunday
Perú: 1. Peru
Pirineo: 1. Pyrenees
Polonia: 1. Poland
Portugal: 1. Portugal
Repúblika Dominikano: 1. Dominican Republic
Repúblika Dominikanu: 1. Dominican Republic
Roma: 1. Rome
Ruba: 1. Aruba
Rumania: 1. Romania | 2. Romania
Rusia: 1. Russia
Sahara: 1. Sahara
Spaña: 1. Spain
Suisa: 1. Switzerland
Sur-Afrika: 1. South Africa
Sürnam: 1. Surinam
Tunesia: 1. Tunisia
Turkia: 1. Turkey
Ulanda: 1. Holland | 2. Holland, the Netherlands
Uruguai: 1. Uruguay
Vatikano: 1. Vatican, the Vatican
Venus: 1. Venus | 2. Evening Star, Venus
Viena: 1. Vienna
Viètnam: 1. Vietnam
Yava: 1. Java
Yehova: 1. Jehovah
Yerusalèm: 1. Jerusalem
Yugoslavia: 1. Yugoslavia
Yupiter: 1. Jupiter | 2. Jove, Jupiter
Zambia: 1. Zambia
Zelandia: 1. Zealand
aanmaning: 1. admonition, exhortation
abatuar: 1. abattoir, slaughterhouse
abdikashon: 1. abdication
abestrus: 1. ostrich
abismo: 1. abyss, chasm, gulf, precipice
abla: 1. language, tongue
abolishon: 1. abolition, abrogation | 2. abolition, abrogation
abolí: 1. abolish, abrogate
abominabel: 1. abhorrent, abominable, alien, awful, hideous, horrible, gruesome | 2. abhorrent, abominable, alien, disgusting, nasty, nauseous
abonado: 1. subscriber
abono: 1. subscription
abou: 1. down | 2. below, underneath | 3. down, underneath
abou di: 1. below, beneath, under, underneath
abreviashon: 1. abbreviation
abreviá: 1. abbreviate, abridge, shorten
abrupta: 1. abrupt, sudden
abundansha: 1. abundance, plenty
abundansia: 1. abundance, plenty
abuso: 1. abuse
acercá: 1. advance, come close, come closer, come on
adaptabel: 1. of use, suitable
adaptashon: 1. adaptation, adjustment
adaptá: 1. apply, practice
adekuá: 1. of use, suitable
ademas di: 1. apart from, besides, except, except for
aden: 1. inside
ader: 1. vein
adoptashon: 1. adoption
adorabel: 1. adorable
adorá: 1. adore, worship
adresá: 1. address
adrès: 1. address
adulto: 1. adult, full-grown
aeroplanu: 1. aircraft
afabel: 1. affable, friendly, good-natured, kind
afabilidat: 1. kindness
afecto: 1. affection
afirmashon: 1. assent
afirmativo: 1. affirmative
afirmá: 1. affirm, assent, say yes
afligí: 1. afflict, grieve
aflikshon: 1. affliction
afrikanchi: 1. African marigold
afrikanu: 1. African | 2. African
afzènder: 1. sender
afèr: 1. affair, business, business deal, case, matter
agensia: 1. agency
agente: 1. agent
agitashon: 1. agitation, excitement, flutter
agonia: 1. agony, death throes
agradabel: 1. agreeable, enjoyable, lovely, nice, pleasant
agradesidu: 1. thankful | 2. thankful
agrario: 1. agrarian, agricultural, farm-
agregashon: 1. addition, adjunct
agregá: 1. add
agreshon: 1. aggression, aggro
agresivo: 1. aggressive
agresor: 1. aggressor, attacker, assailant | 2. aggressor, assailant, attacker
agrikultor: 1. agrarian, farmer
agrikultura: 1. agriculture, farming, tillage | 2. agriculture
agènda: 1. agenda, appointment book
aira: 1. air
aire: 1. air
airodinámika: 1. aerodynamics
aironouta: 1. aeronaut
airoplano: 1. aeroplane, airplane, plane
airopuerto: 1. airport
airu: 1. air
akademia: 1. academy
akadémiko: 1. academic
akaso: 1. several times, sometimes
aki: 1. here, hither, this way
aklarashon: 1. account, explanation | 2. account, explanation
aklará: 1. account for, explain | 2. account for, clarify, explain
aklimatisá: 1. acclimatize
akohé: 1. get, have, receive
akomodashon: 1. accommodation
akomodá: 1. accomodate
akontesimientu: 1. chance, event, occurence, opportunity
akontesé: 1. come about, happen, occur
akordeon: 1. accordion
akordeonista: 1. accordionist
akrobat: 1. acrobat
akseins: 1. excise, excise-duty
akseptabel: 1. acceptable
akseptá: 1. accept, receive, take, take in
akshon: 1. action, activity | 2. achievement, act, action | 3. accomplishment, achievement, act, action
aksidental: 1. accidental, adventitious, chance, random
aksidentalmente: 1. by accident, by chance
aksidente: 1. accident
aksènt: 1. accent, stress
aktitut: 1. attitude
aktividat: 1. activity, vigour
aktivo: 1. active, in action
aktivá: 1. activate, put on, start, swotch on, turn on | 2. advance
akto: 1. achievement, act, action | 2. accomplishment, achievement, act, action
aktor: 1. actor
aktris: 1. actress
aktua: 1. act, take action | 2. act
aktual: 1. current, present, present-day, topical, up-to-date
aktualidat: 1. topicality
akuario: 1. aquarium
akuedukto: 1. aqueduct
akumulashon: 1. accumulation
akumulá: 1. accumulate, heap, pile up, stack
akusado: 1. accused, defendant
akusadó: 1. accuser
akusashon: 1. accusal, accusation
akusativo: 1. accusative
akusá: 1. accuse
ala: 1. wing | 2. fin
alabansa: 1. praise
alabaster: 1. alabaster
alabá: 1. commend, laud, praise
alafin: 1. at last, at long last
alakran: 1. scorpion
alarm: 1. alarm
alarmante: 1. alarming
alarmá: 1. alarm, raise the alarm, sound the alarm
albem: 1. album
alegre: 1. cheerful, gay, merry | 2. happy, glad
alegria: 1. gladness, joy
alegría: 1. gladness, joy
alein: 1. alum
aleman: 1. German | 2. German
alfabétiko: 1. alphabetical
alfabèt: 1. alphabet
algebráiko: 1. algebraic
algu: 1. anything, something
algun: 1. a few, any, some
aliansa: 1. alliance
aliento: 1. respiration | 2. breath
alimentashon: 1. alimony
alimento: 1. food, nourishment
alimentá: 1. feed, nourish
aliterashon: 1. alliteration
alkansabel: 1. accessible
alkansá: 1. accomplish, achieve, attain, get, reach
alkoholismo: 1. alcoholism
alkoholista: 1. alcoholic
alkohóliko: 1. alcoholic
alkohòl: 1. alcohol
alma: 1. soul
almanak: 1. almanac
almender: 1. almond
almendra: 1. almond
almuerso: 1. lunch, snack
alopiá: 1. gallop
aloé: 1. aloe
alsera: 1. pavement, sidewalk
altamente: 1. quite, very, very much
altar: 1. altar
alternativo: 1. alternative, option
altu: 1. high, lofty, tall
altura: 1. height | 2. altitude, height
altá: 1. altar
aluminio: 1. aluminium, aluminum
alérgiko: 1. allergic
alòp: 1. gallop
amabel: 1. dainty, kind, nice, pretty
amaka: 1. hammock
amandel: 1. almond | 2. tonsil
amanesé: 1. morning | 2. dawn, daybreak
amante: 1. lover | 2. lover
amargura: 1. acerbity, bitterness | 2. acerbity, bitterness
amatùr: 1. amateur, fancier
amazona: 1. Amazon
ambei: 1. haemorhoids
ambishon: 1. ambition
ambisioso: 1. ambitious
ambos: 1. both
amenasa: 1. menace, threat
amenasá: 1. menace, threaten
amiga: 1. friend
amigu: 1. friend
amikal: 1. friendly
amistat: 1. friendship
amoniak: 1. ammonia
amor: 1. affection, love
amplia: 1. aggrandize, augment, enlarge, increase
amputashon: 1. amputation | 2. amputation
amputá: 1. amputate
amtenar: 1. officer, official
amèn: 1. amen
analfabeto: 1. illiterate
analfabétiko: 1. illiterate
analisá: 1. analyse
analogia: 1. analogy
analítiko: 1. analytic, analytical
analógiko: 1. analogous
anarkia: 1. anarchic, anarchical, anarchist
anarkismo: 1. anarchism
anarkista: 1. anarchist
anasa: 1. pineapple
anatomia: 1. anatomy
anatómiko: 1. anatomical | 2. anatomist | 3. anatomist
anchu: 1. broad
anchura: 1. width | 2. width
anemia: 1. anaemia
anfiteatro: 1. amphitheatre
angel: 1. angel
angelikal: 1. angelic
anglikano: 1. Anglican | 2. Anglican
angua: 1. needle
anhelo: 1. longing
anhelá: 1. ache | 2. ache, long for, yearn
animal: 1. animal | 2. animal, beast
anis: 1. anise
anke: 1. though, although
anker: 1. anchor
anochi: 1. at night, by night, during the night | 2. in the evening
anos: 1. us, we
ansia: 1. fear
anskun: 1. glove, mitten
antayera: 1. the day before yesterday
antes: 1. ahead, formerly, previously
antes cu: 1. before, previous to
anti: 1. across from, against, in exchange for, opposed to, opposite, upon
antiano: 1. Antillian
antibiótika: 1. antibiotic
antifas: 1. mask
antiguo: 1. old-fashioned, out of date
antik: 1. ancient, antique
antikuado: 1. old-fashioned, out of date
antikuá: 1. old-fashioned, out of date
antipatia: 1. aversion, dislike
antipátiko: 1. nasty
antiséptiko: 1. antiseptic
antiwa: 1. old-fashioned, out of date
anto: 1. then
antoho: 1. desire, want, wish
antologia: 1. anthology | 2. chrestomathy
antorcha: 1. torch
antropologia: 1. anthropology
antropólogo: 1. anthropologist
antèna: 1. aerial, antenna
anual: 1. annual, yearly
anulashon: 1. abolition, abrogation
anulá: 1. abjure, abolish, abrogate, annul, cancel, remit
anuncía: 1. advertise, announce, give notice
anunsio: 1. ad, advertisement
anzué: 1. hook
análisis: 1. analysis
anékdota: 1. anecdote
anónimo: 1. anonymous | 2. anonymous, nameless, without a name
aparato: 1. apparatus, device, set
aparensia: 1. appearance
aparentemente: 1. apparently, seemingly
aparesé: 1. appear, emerge, perform
aparishon: 1. appearance
apart: 1. apart, particular, separate, special
apartamento: 1. apartment, flat
apartá: 1. divide, separate
apatia: 1. apathy
apel: 1. apple
apelashon: 1. appeal
apelmus: 1. apple-sauce
apelsina: 1. orange
apelá: 1. appeal
apenas: 1. barely, hardly, only just, scarcely
aperitivo: 1. dram, nip, peg, snifter, snorter
apertura: 1. aperture, opening
apesar: 1. despite, in spite of, notwithstanding
apetit: 1. appetite
aplasá: 1. adjourn, delay, postpone
aplikashon: 1. application, employment, use
apliká: 1. apply, practice
aplo: 1. apple
aploudí: 1. acclaim, applaud, clap
aplouso: 1. acclaim, acclamation, approval
apnormal: 1. abnormal
apostròf: 1. apostrophe
apostóliko: 1. apostolic
apoyá: 1. lean, support, sustain | 2. encourage
apreciado: 1. dear
apreciá: 1. appreciate | 2. appreciate
aprel: 1. April
aprikòt: 1. apricot
aprobashon: 1. acclaim, approval
aprobá: 1. approve
aproksimadamente: 1. about, approximately
apsolutamente: 1. absolutely
apstrakshon: 1. abstraction
apstrakto: 1. abstract
apsurdo: 1. absurd
apusina: 1. orange
apátiko: 1. apathetic
apèndisítis: 1. appendicitis
apòstel: 1. apostle
ara: 1. plough
arabir: 1. Arabian, Arabic | 2. Arab
araña: 1. spider
archipiélago: 1. archipelago | 2. archipelago | 3. archipelago
arena: 1. arena
arestá: 1. arrest
argentinero: 1. Argentine
argif: 1. archive, archives, files, records
argumentashon: 1. argumentation
argumento: 1. argument, plea
argumentá: 1. maintain
ariba: 1. above, over | 2. above, on top, overhead, upstairs | 3. on, upon
aristokrasia: 1. aristocracy | 2. aristocracy
aristokrat: 1. aristocrat
aristokrátiko: 1. aristocratic
aritmétika: 1. arithmetic
ariña: 1. flour, meal
arkaismo: 1. archaism
arkangel: 1. archangel
arkeologia: 1. archaeology
arkeológiko: 1. archaeological
arkeólogo: 1. archaeologist
arkitekto: 1. architect
arkitektura: 1. architecture
arkitektóniko: 1. architectonic, architectural
arma: 1. arm
armbant: 1. bracelet | 2. bracelet
armonia: 1. harmony
armonioso: 1. harmonious
armonisá: 1. accord, fit together, harmonize
arogante: 1. arrogant
arohá: 1. throw up, vomit
aroma: 1. aroma, flavour
aromátiko: 1. aromatic, fragrant, nutty
aros: 1. rice
arpa: 1. harp
arshitèkt: 1. architect
arsobispu: 1. archbishop
arséniko: 1. arsenic
arte: 1. art
arteria: 1. artery
artifisial: 1. artificial
artista: 1. artist
arubano: 1. Aruban
arubiano: 1. Aruban
as: 1. ace | 2. bait
asbak: 1. ashtray
asbèst: 1. asbestos
asbèstro: 1. asbestos
aseituna: 1. olive
aseptabel: 1. acceptable
aseptá: 1. accept, receive, take, take in
asera: 1. pavement, sidewalk
aserka: 1. nearby
asesino: 1. murderer | 2. murderer
asesiná: 1. murder
asfalt: 1. asphalt
asfaltá: 1. asphalt
asil: 1. asylum
asimilashon: 1. assimilation
asimilá: 1. assimilate
asina: 1. so, such, thus
asistensia: 1. aid, help | 2. aid, help
asistent: 1. aid, assistent, helper
asistí: 1. abet, aid, assist, help | 2. accomodate, aid, assist, help | 3. attend, be present, witness
asistènt: 1. aid, assistant, helper
asiátiko: 1. Asian, Asiatic | 2. Asian
asma: 1. asthma, shortness of breath, wheeziness
asmátiko: 1. asthmatic, wheezy
asombro: 1. astonishment, wonder, surprise
asombroso: 1. amazing, astonishing
asombrá: 1. marvel, marvel at, wonder
aspekto: 1. appearance, aspect, look, sight, view
aspirashon: 1. ambition, aspiration
aspirin: 1. aspirin
aspirá: 1. aspire, aspire to, hope for
asta: 1. even
asta la vista: 1. bye, goodbye, so long
astrologia: 1. astrology
astronomia: 1. astronomy
astronómiko: 1. astronomic, astronomical
asuntu: 1. affair, business, business deal, case, matter
ata: 1. behold, here is, here are, look, there
ataka: 1. access, aggression, attack
atakadó: 1. aggressor, assailant, attacker
ataká: 1. assault, attack
atardi: 1. afternoon
ateismo: 1. atheism
atenshon: 1. acuity, advertence, advertency, attention
atento: 1. attentive
athetivo: 1. adjectival | 2. adjective
atkirí: 1. achieve, acquire, attain, get, obtain
atkisishon: 1. accession, acquisition, gain
atleta: 1. athlete
atletismo: 1. athletics
atlétiko: 1. athletic | 2. athlete
atministradó: 1. administrator, manager | 2. administrator
atministrashon: 1. administration, management | 2. administration, management
atministrativo: 1. administrative | 2. administrative
atministrá: 1. administer, manage
atmirabel: 1. admirable
atmiradora: 1. admirer, female admirer
atmiradó: 1. admirer
atmiral: 1. admiral
atmirashon: 1. admiration
atmirá: 1. admire
atmosfer: 1. atmosphere
atom: 1. atom
atombòm: 1. atom bomb
atraktivo: 1. attractive
atras: 1. behind
atraé: 1. attract, draw
atributo: 1. attribute
atrobe: 1. afresh, again, all over again, anew | 2. afresh, again, once more
atverbial: 1. adverbial
atverbio: 1. adverb
atvertensia: 1. ad, advertisement
atómiko: 1. atomic
aunke: 1. though, although
autor: 1. author, writer
autora: 1. authoress, writer, woman writer
aventura: 1. adventure
aventurero: 1. adventurer
aventurá: 1. adventurous
aviashon: 1. aeronautics, aviation
avion: 1. aeroplane, airplane, plane | 2. aircraft
aviso: 1. ad, advertisement
avisá: 1. caution, warn
awa: 1. water
awasá: 1. salt water
awe: 1. today
awendía: 1. currently, nowadays, these days
awor: 1. at present, now | 2. currently, nowadays, these days
awó: 1. at present, now
aya: 1. over there, yon, yonder
ayera: 1. yesterday
ayo: 1. adieu, farewell, bye, goodbye
ayuda: 1. aid, help | 2. aid, help
ayudo: 1. aid, help | 2. aid, help
aério: 1. aerial, overground, overhead
aínda: 1. still, yet
a kousa di: 1. because of, for, for sake of, on account of, owing to, through
aña: 1. year
añadí: 1. add
aña bisiesto: 1. leap-year
baba: 1. salivate | 2. saliva
babel: 1. ado, din, noise | 2. chaos, tangle
babun: 1. baboon
bachi: 1. coat, overcoat
bacoba: 1. banana
bagamunderia: 1. ado, din, noise
bagatèl: 1. trifle
baha: 1. descend, get off, go down
baho: 1. low | 2. abject, base, low, nasty, vile
bai: 1. go
bailadó: 1. dancer
bailarina: 1. dancer
baile: 1. ball, dance
bais: 1. bike, cycle, bicycle
baiskel: 1. bike, cycle, bicycle
bai abou: 1. descend, get off, go down
baka: 1. cow
bakalou: 1. cod, codfish
bakianu: 1. expert, specialist
bakiou: 1. cod, codfish
bakiá: 1. expert, specialist
bakteria: 1. bacterium
baké: 1. expert, specialist
bal: 1. cost | 2. bullet
bala: 1. ball
balansa: 1. equilibrium | 2. scales
balaster: 1. ballast
balia: 1. dance
baliamentu: 1. ball, dance
balki: 1. beam, girder
balkon: 1. balcony
balon: 1. balloon
balor: 1. value, worth | 2. value, worth
balorá: 1. appraise, estimate, rate
balotá: 1. appraise, estimate, rate
bals: 1. chewing-gum
balsem: 1. balm, balsam
balsemá: 1. embalm
baluá: 1. appraise, estimate, rate
baló: 1. value, worth | 2. value, worth
balèt: 1. ballet
bambu: 1. bamboo
banda: 1. side
bandera: 1. banner, flag
bandidu: 1. bandit
bankero: 1. bank clerk, bank official
banki: 1. bench
banko: 1. bank
bankrut: 1. bankrupt
bant: 1. binding, strip, tape
bapor: 1. steamship | 2. ship, vessel
bara: 1. pole, rod
barak: 1. barrack, barn, shack, shanty, shed
baranka: 1. rock
barata: 1. cheap, inexpensive
barba: 1. beard
barbero: 1. barber | 2. barber, hairdresser
barbulèt: 1. butterfly
barbulètè: 1. butterfly
bari: 1. sweep
bariga: 1. abdomen, belly, tummy
barika: 1. abdomen, belly, tummy
barikada: 1. barricade
barikadiá: 1. barricade
bario: 1. district, neighbourhood, quarter
barometer: 1. barometer
baron: 1. baron
baronesa: 1. baroness
baronia: 1. barony
barí: 1. barrel
basha: 1. pour, scatter, shed
bashí: 1. empty, void
basketbòl: 1. basketball
basora: 1. broom
basta: 1. enough, quite, rather, sufficiently
bastante: 1. enough, quite, rather, sufficiently
baston: 1. baton, cane, stick
bastòn: 1. baton, cane, stick
batata: 1. potato
bataya: 1. action, battle, scuffle, struggle
batayon: 1. battalion
batbruk: 1. swimming trunks
bateria: 1. accumulator, battery, storage battery | 2. battery | 3. battery
bati: 1. beat, hit, strike
bayena: 1. whale
bayonèt: 1. bayonet
bazar: 1. bazaar, fair, market
baúl: 1. trunk
baño: 1. bath | 2. bathroom
be: 1. occasion, time
beako: 1. ghost, phantom
bebe: 1. drink
bebi: 1. baby
bebibel: 1. drinkable
bebida: 1. beverage, drink
beheit: 1. ado, din, noise
bei: 1. bee
beibel: 1. bible
beibi: 1. baby
beinam: 1. byname, nickname, sobriquet
beishi: 1. berry
beitel: 1. chisel
beker: 1. goblet
bel: 1. thigh
bela: 1. candle
belasting: 1. tax
belga: 1. Belgian
bena: 1. vein
bende: 1. dispose of, sell, vend
bendedora: 1. saleswoman
bendedó: 1. salesman
bendibel: 1. for sale
bendishon: 1. blessing, boon
bendishoná: 1. bless
benefishi: 1. advantage, benefit
benefisio: 1. advantage, benefit
benesolanu: 1. Venezuelan | 2. Venezuelan
benidero: 1. future
benta: 1. throw
bentaha: 1. advantage, benefit
bentana: 1. window
ber: 1. bear
berdat: 1. truth | 2. reality, truth
berdura: 1. vegetable
berdá: 1. truth | 2. reality, truth
berdè: 1. mature, ripe | 2. green
bergonsoso: 1. ashamed
bergwensa: 1. shame
bes: 1. occasion, time
beskein: 1. mold, mould
beskem: 1. mold, mould
bestia: 1. animal, beast
betòn: 1. concrete
bewarskol: 1. nursery school
beyesa: 1. beauty
bia: 1. travel | 2. journey, trip, voyage
biaha: 1. travel | 2. journey, trip, voyage
biar: 1. billiards
biba: 1. dwell, live | 2. be alive, live
biblioteka: 1. library
bibliotekario: 1. librarian
bich: 1. pleasure
bichi: 1. caterpillar | 2. worm
bida: 1. life
biehita: 1. gammer, old woman
biehito: 1. old man
biento: 1. wind
bientu: 1. wind
bieu: 1. old | 2. old
bifstek: 1. steak, beefsteak
biga: 1. beam, girder
bigoti: 1. moustache
bikini: 1. bikini
bin: 1. come
binager: 1. vinegar
bini: 1. come
binimentu: 1. arrival
binti: 1. twenty
biná: 1. deer
bira: 1. become, come about, grow, happen | 2. become, get, grow
birada: 1. bend, curve
bisa: 1. say, tell
bisabuelo: 1. great-grandfather
bisanieta: 1. granddaughter
bisanieto: 1. grandson
bisawela: 1. great-grandmother
bisawelo: 1. great-grandfather
bisañetu: 1. grandson
bishita: 1. visit
bishitá: 1. attend, call on, see, visit
bishé: 1. calf
bisio: 1. custom, habit, way
bisiña: 1. neighbour
bison: 1. bison, buffalo
bispou: 1. clever, cunning, sly, smart
bista: 1. view | 2. sight, view
bistek: 1. steak, beefsteak
bisti: 1. clothe, dress | 2. dress
bistí: 1. costume, outfit, suit | 2. dress, gown, robe
bisé: 1. calf
bit: 1. exceed, surpass
biuda: 1. widow
biudo: 1. widower
biólogo: 1. biologist
biña: 1. wine
blachi: 1. leaf, sheet | 2. page
blafon: 1. ceiling
blanko: 1. white
blanku: 1. white
blar: 1. blister
blas: 1. blow
blek: 1. pale, sallow
bleki: 1. can, tin, tin can
blenchi: 1. hummingbird
blent: 1. blind | 2. dazzle
blet: 1. razor
blokeo: 1. blockade
blou: 1. blue | 2. blue
blusa: 1. blouse
blèndu: 1. dazzle
blòf: 1. boast, brag
blòki: 1. block, pad
blònchi: 1. cunt, pussy
blònt: 1. blond, fair
bo: 1. your | 2. your
bobo: 1. addled, foolish, stupid
bochincha: 1. ado, din, noise | 2. chaos, tangle
bodega: 1. basement, cellar
bog: 1. arc, bow
boka: 1. beak, bill
bokal: 1. goblet | 2. vowel
bolbe: 1. go back, return | 2. come back, return
bolcheviki: 1. Bolshevik
boletin: 1. bulletin
boliviano: 1. Bolivian
bolo: 1. pie, tart
boluntariamente: 1. voluntary
boluntat: 1. will, willingness, wish
bombardeo: 1. shelling
bombardiá: 1. bombard
bon: 1. good, nice, okay | 2. okay, well
bonchi: 1. bean | 2. haricot
bondad: 1. goodness
bonochi: 1. good evening
bontardi: 1. good afternoon
bonèchi: 1. cap
bor: 1. bore, drill | 2. bore
bora: 1. bore, drill
boroto: 1. ado, din, noise
bos: 1. thunder | 2. voice | 3. vote
boso: 1. your
bota: 1. boot | 2. vote
botika: 1. chemist’s shop, drugstore
botikario: 1. chemist
botikin: 1. café, coffee-house
boto: 1. boat | 2. voice
boton: 1. button
botánika: 1. botany
bouksit: 1. bauxite
boutismo: 1. baptism, christening
bou di: 1. below, beneath, under, underneath
brabu: 1. savage, wild
brankar: 1. stretcher
brasa: 1. arm | 2. embrace | 3. embrace, hug
brasileño: 1. Brazilian | 2. Brazilian
brazièr: 1. bra
brek: 1. brake | 2. brake
brel: 1. glasses, spectacles
brel di bista: 1. glasses, spectacles
brel di solo: 1. sun-glasses
bres: 1. break
bria: 1. shine
brievenbesteller: 1. postman
brigada: 1. brigade
brilia: 1. shine
bringa: 1. fight, struggle
bringamentu: 1. action, battle, scuffle, struggle
brio: 1. diligent, hardworking, industrious | 2. energetic | 3. brave, courageous, valiant | 4. courage
brisa: 1. breeze
broma: 1. gag, joke
bros: 1. breakable, brittle, fragile
bruder: 1. brother
bruheria: 1. sorcery
brui: 1. incubate, sit
bròmer: 1. moped
bròns: 1. bronze
bròsh: 1. brush | 2. brush
brùg: 1. bridge
brùidehòm: 1. bridegroom
brùin: 1. brown | 2. brown
brùit: 1. bride
bubè: 1. addled, foolish, stupid
budismo: 1. Buddhism
budista: 1. Buddhist
bui: 1. buoy
buki: 1. book
bula: 1. jump, leap, spring
bulada: 1. jump, leap
bulamento: 1. jump, leap
bulamentu: 1. jump, leap
bulevar: 1. boulevard
bulá: 1. jump, leap
bunita: 1. beautiful, fine, handsome, lovely | 2. pretty
buracheria: 1. drunkenness, inebriety
burachi: 1. sober
buraché: 1. boozer, alcoholic
burako di tonto: 1. vagina
buraku di tonto: 1. vagina
burdugu: 1. hangman, executioner
buriko: 1. ass, donkey
buriku: 1. ass, donkey
buro: 1. ass, donkey
buska: 1. look for, seek
buta: 1. lay down, place, put, put down
buyon: 1. bouillon
bírgen: 1. virgin
búlgaro: 1. Bulgar, Bulgarian
búngalo: 1. bungalow
bèl: 1. thigh | 2. telephone
bèshi: 1. berry
bèt: 1. bet, wager
bòdi: 1. body
bòksdó: 1. boxer
bòm: 1. bomb | 2. bottom, foundation, ground
bòmbòshi: 1. ado, din, noise
bòrchi: 1. board, plank
bòrstel: 1. brush
bòs: 1. boss, chief, leader
bòt: 1. blunt
bòter: 1. bottle
bòtro: 1. bottle
bùs: 1. bus, autobus, omnibus
caba: 1. end, come to an end, end up, expire
cabai machu: 1. stallion
cabritu: 1. she-goat
cachu: 1. cluster
cachó: 1. dog
caha: 1. box, chest
cambia: 1. change, turn | 2. change
camion: 1. lorry, truck | 2. lorry, truck
camna: 1. march, walk
cana: 1. march, walk
capricho: 1. caprice, whim
carni’ porco: 1. pork
causa: 1. cause, reason
cera: 1. close, shut
cerá: 1. closed, shut
chabalito: 1. boy, lad, laddie
chabalitu: 1. boy, lad, laddie
chambòn: 1. addled, foolish, stupid | 2. fool
chansa: 1. jest, joke
charada: 1. enigma, puzzle, riddle
chaskero: 1. amusing, entertaining, funny
chasko: 1. gag, joke
chek: 1. girl, lass, wench
chekoslovako: 1. Czechoslovak, Czechoslovakian | 2. Czechoslovak, Czechoslovakian
chif: 1. chief, boss
chifla: 1. flatter
chiflá: 1. fool
chikito: 1. diminutive, little, small
chikitu: 1. diminutive, little, small
chiké: 1. sty
chikí: 1. diminutive, little, small
chileno: 1. Chilean | 2. Chilean
chimpansé: 1. chimpanzee
chines: 1. Chinese | 2. Chinaman, Chinese
chispa: 1. spark | 2. spark
chiste: 1. gag, joke
chistoso: 1. amusing, entertaining, funny
choka: 1. choke, strangle
chubatu: 1. he-goat
chufùr: 1. chauffeur, driver
chukulati: 1. chocolate
chula: 1. flatter
chulia: 1. flatter
chuliamento: 1. flattery
chuliamentu: 1. flattery
chumbo: 1. lead
chumbu: 1. lead
chupa: 1. suck
chèk: 1. audit, check, check up on, supervise, verify | 2. check, cheque
chèkdó: 1. checker, controller
chèker: 1. checker, controller
chèns: 1. chance, luck
chèpèchèpè: 1. mud
chèri: 1. cherry
chòis: 1. choice, election
ciboyo: 1. onion
ciertamente: 1. certainly
cincu: 1. five
cincuenta: 1. fifty
cine: 1. cinema, movie theatre
circo: 1. circus
ciudadanu: 1. middleclass citizen
colombianu: 1. Colombian
como: 1. because, for the reason that | 2. because, for the reason that
confirmá: 1. acknowledge, confirm, corroborate
conta: 1. count | 2. narrate, relate, tell
corta: 1. clip, cut, shear | 2. cut, slice
corticu: 1. short | 2. brief, short
cuminsamentu: 1. beginning, commencement, start | 2. beginning, commencement, start
cuminsá: 1. begin, commence, start
cumpleaño: 1. birthday
cumpli: 1. accomplish, achieve, keep, observe, perform
cunbai: 1. hello
curá: 1. court, yard, courtyard
cuá: 1. who
cuántu: 1. how many
cón: 1. how, in what way
cón ta bai?: 1. how are you?, how do you do?
dadel: 1. date
dak: 1. roof
dakue: 1. basket
dal: 1. beat, hit, strike
dalakochi: 1. grasshopper, locust
dalia: 1. dahlia
dal un baño: 1. bathe, have a bath
dama: 1. lady
damp: 1. steam, vapor, vapour
danes: 1. Danish | 2. Dane
danki: 1. thank you, thanks
dashi: 1. tie, necktie
daña: 1. damage
daño: 1. damage
debat: 1. debate
debe: 1. owe | 2. debt
deber: 1. duty, obligation
debil: 1. faint, light, weak
debolbé: 1. give back, return
deboto: 1. pious
debí na: 1. because of, for, for sake of, on account of, owing to, through
debòr: 1. abhorrence, abomination, horror | 2. disgust, nausea
decameter: 1. decametre
dede: 1. finger
defekto: 1. damage
defendé: 1. defend
defensa: 1. defence, defense
definishon: 1. definition
definitivamente: 1. definitely, positively
definitivo: 1. definite, definitive
definí: 1. define, determine
degenerá: 1. degenerate
degradá: 1. degrade
deha: 1. careless, negligent
deit: 1. appointment, date, rendezvous
dek: 1. pregnant, with young
dekel: 1. blanket
deklamá: 1. declaim, recite
deklarashon: 1. declaration, proclamation, statement
deklará: 1. declare, state
deklo: 1. blanket
dekreto: 1. decree
delaster: 1. last
delegado: 1. delegate
delegashon: 1. delegation
delegá: 1. gaunt, lean, meager, skimpy, skinny, thin | 2. gaunt, lean, slender, thin | 3. slender, slim
delikado: 1. dainty, delicate, fine, refined
delikadu: 1. dainty, delicate, fine, refined
delisia: 1. fun, pleasure
demokrasia: 1. democracy
demokrat: 1. democrat
demokrátiko: 1. democratic
demontá: 1. take apart
demoño: 1. demon
den: 1. a, in, inside, into, on, per, within | 2. below, beneath, under, underneath
dentista: 1. dentist
denunsiá: 1. accuse, denounce
den esei: 1. all the time, in the meantime, meanwhile | 2. all the while, meanwhile
dependensia: 1. dependence
dependiente: 1. dependent
dependé: 1. depend
deplorabel: 1. regrettable
deplorá: 1. be sorry about, regret
deponé: 1. deposit
deporte: 1. sport
depositá: 1. deposit
depresivo: 1. depressed
dera: 1. bury | 2. bury, entomb, inter
deramento: 1. burial, funeral, interment | 2. burial, funeral, interment
derota: 1. defeat
derotá: 1. defeat, win over
desafortunadamente: 1. unfortunately
desagradabel: 1. bleak, dismal, dreary, horrible, ghastly, grisly, nasty
desagradesido: 1. thankless, ungrateful, unthankful
desaparesé: 1. disappear
desaparishon: 1. disappearance
desaprobashon: 1. censure, condemnation, disapprobation, disapproval
desaprobá: 1. condemn, disapprove, disapprove of, rebuke
desapuntá: 1. disappoint, set straight
desarmá: 1. take apart
desaster: 1. catastrophe
desastroso: 1. catastrophic, miserable
desayuno: 1. breakfast
desbentaha: 1. disadvantage
desbentahoso: 1. adverse, detrimental
desde: 1. from, since
desempleo: 1. unemployment
desempleá: 1. unemployed
desengaño: 1. swindle
deseo: 1. desire, want, wish
desepshon: 1. disappointment
desepshoná: 1. disappoint, set straight
desesperashon: 1. despair
desesperá: 1. desperate | 2. despair
deseá: 1. desire, wish
desgrasia: 1. accident
desgrasiado: 1. cheat, crook, rogue
desgrasiadu: 1. cheat, crook, rogue
desgusto: 1. disgust, nausea
desierto: 1. desert
desigual: 1. different
desilushon: 1. disappointment
desilushoná: 1. disappoint, set straight
desimeter: 1. decimetre
desimetro: 1. decimetre
desishon: 1. decision
desisivo: 1. decisive
deskanso: 1. repose, rest
deskansá: 1. repose, rest
deskonfiansa: 1. suspicion | 2. suspicion
deskonfiá: 1. distrust, suspect
deskonosí: 1. unknown
deskonsehá: 1. advise against, dissuade from
deskribí: 1. describe
deskripshon: 1. account, description
deskubrí: 1. discover, uncover
desmaña: 1. faint, swoon
desmañá: 1. faint, swoon
desmintí: 1. deny
desobediente: 1. disobedient, insubordinate
desonesto: 1. nasty
despedida: 1. farewell, goodbye, good-bye
despedí: 1. say goodbye, say goodbye to, take leave, take leave from
despensá: 1. apologize
despresiabel: 1. abject
despresio: 1. contempt
despresiá: 1. despise
despótiko: 1. despotic
destilá: 1. distil
destinashon: 1. destiny, fate
destino: 1. destiny, fate | 2. destiny, fate, fortune, luck
destinu: 1. destiny, fate
destiná: 1. destine, earmark, ordain
destrosá: 1. destroy, quash
destrukshon: 1. destruction
destruí: 1. destroy, quash
desviá: 1. turn
desèmber: 1. December
desòrden: 1. ado, din, noise | 2. chaos, tangle
detaya: 1. detail
di: 1. of | 2. from, of
dia: 1. day
diabel: 1. devil
diabetes: 1. diabetes
diabóliko: 1. diabolical, devilish
dialekto: 1. dialect
diameter: 1. diameter
diariamente: 1. daily
diario: 1. daily paper, journal, newspaper
dibertido: 1. amusing, entertaining, funny
dibino: 1. divine | 2. holy, sacred
diborsio: 1. divorce
diet: 1. diet
dieta: 1. diet
diete: 1. diet
diferensha: 1. difference
diferenshá: 1. differ, be different
diferensia: 1. difference
diferensiá: 1. differ, be different
diferente: 1. different
difísil: 1. difficult, hard, inconvenient
digestion: 1. digestion
diki: 1. bold, corpulent, fat, thick | 2. thickness
dikshonario: 1. dictionary, vocabulary
diktador: 1. dictator
diktadura: 1. dictatorship
diktadó: 1. dictator
dilanti: 1. ahead, formerly, previously
dinamit: 1. dynamite
diploma: 1. diploma
diplomátiko: 1. diplomat
direkshon: 1. direction
direktor: 1. director, manager
direpiente: 1. all of a sudden, suddenly
direpientemente: 1. all of a sudden, suddenly
diseño: 1. design, drawing
disgusto: 1. disgust, nausea
disgustu: 1. sadness, sorrow | 2. disgust, nausea
disidí: 1. decide
disko: 1. dial, disc, record
diskriminashon: 1. discrimination
diskulpá: 1. excuse | 2. apologize
diskutí: 1. discuss | 2. discuss
dispidí: 1. say goodbye, say goodbye to, take leave, take leave from | 2. waste
displina: 1. discipline
disponibel: 1. available
disponé: 1. absorb, have at one’s disposal
distansha: 1. distance, offset
distansia: 1. distance, offset
distinguí: 1. distinguish
distinshon: 1. distinction, renown
distinto: 1. different
distribushon: 1. distribution
distribuí: 1. distribute
distrikto: 1. district
dividí: 1. divide, separate, share
diálogo: 1. dialogue
di aki: 1. from here, hence
di bròns: 1. bronze
di cón: 1. what for, why
di únda: 1. from where, whence
djabel: 1. devil
djabièrna: 1. Friday
djabièrnè: 1. Friday
djablo: 1. devil
djadomingo: 1. Sunday
djadumingu: 1. Sunday
djaka: 1. rat
djaluna: 1. Monday
djamanta: 1. diamond
djamars: 1. Tuesday
djarason: 1. Wednesday
djasabra: 1. Saturday
djaweps: 1. Thursday
djente: 1. tooth
djes: 1. ten
djesdos: 1. twelve
djeseis: 1. sixteen
djeshete: 1. seventeen
djesinko: 1. fifteen
djesinku: 1. fifteen
djeskuater: 1. fourteen
djesnuebe: 1. nineteen
djesocho: 1. eighteen
djestres: 1. thirteen
djesun: 1. eleven
djipopo: 1. fungus, mushroom
djis: 1. exclusively, just, only
djispou: 1. clever, cunning, sly, smart
djuku: 1. pitch black
djus: 1. sperm | 2. juice, sap | 3. sperm
djòdjò: 1. delight in, enjoy
djòin: 1. associate, come together, join, pool | 2. associate, join, pool
djòki: 1. drawers, panties, underpants
dobla: 1. fold | 2. bend
doblabel: 1. flexible
doblá: 1. fold
doktor: 1. doctor
doktorandus: 1. master
dokumento: 1. document, paper
doloroso: 1. painful
doló: 1. ache, pain
dolór: 1. ache, pain
domi: 1. pastor
dori: 1. toad | 2. frog
dos: 1. two
dosein: 1. dozen
doshen: 1. two hundred
doshi: 1. cunt, pussy | 2. box
dou: 1. die
dozèn: 1. dozen
doño: 1. owner
dragon: 1. dragon
drai: 1. turn, turn around, turn round | 2. turn
drama: 1. drama | 2. pour out
drecha: 1. fix, repair
drechi: 1. on the right
drenta: 1. go in, enter, perform | 2. come into, enter
drentada: 1. entrance, portal
drif: 1. float
drispidí: 1. waste
dromedario: 1. dromedary
drumi: 1. be asleep, sleep
drástiko: 1. drastic
drèmpi: 1. sill, threshold
drùif: 1. grape
drùm: 1. barrel
duana: 1. customs
ducha: 1. shower
duda: 1. doubt | 2. hesitate
dudoso: 1. doubtful
due: 1. ache, pain
duele: 1. have compassion on, pity
duke: 1. duke
duna: 1. give
duo: 1. pair
dupliká: 1. double
dura: 1. continue, endure, keep on, last
durabel: 1. abiding, lasting
durante: 1. for, during, whereas, while, whilst
duru: 1. hard | 2. strong | 3. hard
dush: 1. shower
dushi: 1. gentle, soft, sweet, tender
dèk: 1. deck
dòbel: 1. double, dual
dògma: 1. dogma
dòkter: 1. doctor, physician
dòkto: 1. doctor, physician
dòlfein: 1. dolphin
dòlò: 1. dollar
dònder: 1. thunder
dòsplaka: 1. penny
dùim: 1. inch | 2. thumb | 3. thumb
dùrf: 1. be bold, dare
e: 1. the | 2. he, him | 3. it | 4. her, she
echo: 1. achievement, act, action | 2. accomplishment, achievement, act, action
echu: 1. mature, ripe
edat: 1. age
edifisio: 1. building
edishon: 1. edition
editor: 1. publisher
editá: 1. issue, publish
edukamentu: 1. education
edukashon: 1. education
eduká: 1. breed, bring up, educate, raise
efektivamente: 1. absolutely, actually, in fact
efektivo: 1. actual, real
egoismo: 1. selfinterest, selfishness
ehemplo: 1. example
ehersisto: 1. exercise, practice
ehérsito: 1. army
ehèmber: 1. ginger
ehèmpel: 1. example
ei: 1. there
eis: 1. ice
eiskrim: 1. ice, icecream
ekipahe: 1. accoutrement, accoutrements, equipment | 2. baggage, luggage
ekipo: 1. equipment
eklesiástiko: 1. ecclesiastic
ekonomia: 1. economics | 2. economy
ekonómiko: 1. economical
eksagerá: 1. exaggerate
eksaherá: 1. exaggerate
ekselente: 1. fine, great
ekselentemente: 1. fine, very well | 2. fine, very well
eksepshon: 1. exception
eksepshonal: 1. exceptional
eksepshonalmente: 1. apart from, but, except, other than
eksepto: 1. with the exception of
eksibishon: 1. exhibition, exposition
eksibí: 1. exhibit
eksigí: 1. demand, postulate, require
eksihí: 1. demand, postulate, require
eksistí: 1. exist
eksitensia: 1. existence
eksperimento: 1. experiment
eksperimentá: 1. experiment
eksplikabel: 1. accountable
eksploshon: 1. explosion
eksplotá: 1. exploit, utilize
eksportá: 1. export
ekspreshon: 1. expression
ekspresá: 1. express
eksterior: 1. foreign country
eksterno: 1. external, outer, outside
ekstremo: 1. extreme
ekuatoriano: 1. Ecuadorian
eldu: 1. guilder, gulden
elefante: 1. elephant
elegante: 1. elegant
elektrisidat: 1. electricity
elemental: 1. elemental, elementary
elemento: 1. element
eligí: 1. choose, elect, pick out
eléktriko: 1. electric
embahada: 1. embassy | 2. embassy
embahador: 1. ambassador
embahadó: 1. ambassador
emblema: 1. emblem
embra: 1. female, feminine
emigrá: 1. emigrate
emoshon: 1. emotion
emoshonal: 1. affecting, moving, touching
emoshoná: 1. move, stir
empaketá: 1. pack, package, wrap up
emperador: 1. emperor
emperadora: 1. empress
emperadó: 1. emperor
empleado: 1. employee
enano: 1. dwarf, midget
enemigo: 1. adversary, enemy
enemigu: 1. adversary, enemy
enemistat: 1. enmity
energia: 1. energy
enfermo: 1. patient
enfrente: 1. across, beyond, on the other side of
engaño: 1. swindle
engañoso: 1. deceitful
enk: 1. ink
enorme: 1. enormous
ensia: 1. gum
ensiklopedia: 1. encyclopaedia
enter: 1. entire, overall, whole
entiero: 1. burial, funeral, interment
entrada: 1. entrance, portal
entre: 1. among, between
entregá: 1. deliver, furnish, supply
entrevista: 1. interview
entrevistá: 1. interview
enté: 1. entire, overall, whole
envidia: 1. envy
envidiá: 1. envy
en caso cu: 1. if, provided that
epilepsia: 1. epilepsy
episkopal: 1. episcopal
era: 1. almost, nearly
eredero: 1. heir
eredá: 1. inherit
erida: 1. injury, wound
eridá: 1. hurt, wound
erko: 1. air conditioning
erkondeshon: 1. air conditioning
eroina: 1. heroin
eror: 1. aberration, error, mistake
eru: 1. iron
erótiko: 1. erotic
esena: 1. scene
esfuerso: 1. attempt, effort | 2. attempt, test
eskohé: 1. choose, elect, pick out
eskritor: 1. author, writer
eskritora: 1. authoress, writer, woman writer
eskultor: 1. sculptor
esmeralda: 1. emerald
esperantista: 1. Esperantist
esperanto: 1. Esperanto
espesial: 1. particular, special
esposa: 1. wife
esposo: 1. husband
estadía: 1. stay
estatua: 1. statue
estilo: 1. style
estimado: 1. dear
estranhero: 1. alien, foreign
estudio: 1. study | 2. study
estétika: 1. aesthetics
estétiko: 1. aesthetic
etapa: 1. stage
etiópiko: 1. Ethiopian
evakuá: 1. evacuate
evangelio: 1. gospel
evangéliko: 1. evangelic
evidentemente: 1. apparently, obviously
evitá: 1. avoid, evade
exacto: 1. exact
experimentá: 1. go through, live to see
ezagèber: 1. authority
fabor: 1. favor, favour
faborabel: 1. advantageous, favourable
fabriká: 1. fabricate, manufacture
faha: 1. belt, girdle
fakansi: 1. vacation | 2. spare time, time off, vacation
faktura: 1. account, bill, invoice
fakultat: 1. faculty
falis: 1. suitcase, valise
falso: 1. false
falsu: 1. false
falta: 1. be lacking, be missing
fam: 1. surname
famia: 1. family
fango: 1. capture, catch, grapple
fangu: 1. capture, catch, grapple
fantasia: 1. fantasy
fantasma: 1. ghost, phantom
farizeo: 1. hypocrite
faro: 1. lighthouse
fase: 1. phase, stage
fasiná: 1. fascinate
fasun: 1. form, shape
fatal: 1. fateful, ill-fated
faya: 1. abort, fail, miscarry
fayesé: 1. die, expire, pass away
fayit: 1. bankrupt | 2. bankruptcy, failure
fayo: 1. damage | 2. aberration, error, mistake
fe: 1. confidence, faith, trust | 2. confidence | 3. belief
februari: 1. February
febrüari: 1. February
fecha: 1. date
federal: 1. federal
federashon: 1. federation
feilo: 1. file
feilu: 1. file
feita: 1. shave
felididat: 1. happiness
felis: 1. fortunate, happy
felisitashon: 1. congratulation
felisitá: 1. congratulate
felismente: 1. unfortunately
felter: 1. filter
femenino: 1. female
fenómeno: 1. phenomenon
feodal: 1. feudal
fer: 1. spring
ferdrit: 1. sadness, sorrow
ferf: 1. paint
ferfdó: 1. painter
ferkout: 1. cold
fernis: 1. varnish
feros: 1. abysmal, dreadful, gruesome, horrible, terrible
feroso: 1. abysmal, dreadful, gruesome, horrible, terrible
fervor: 1. fervor, fervour, zeal
festival: 1. festival
feter: 1. shoe-lace
feu: 1. nasty, ugly
fia: 1. borrow, lend, loan
fiel: 1. faithful
fierno: 1. hell
fiernu: 1. hell
fiesta: 1. celebrate | 2. celebration, festival, party
figura: 1. figure, diagram, image, picture, representation
figurá: 1. fancy, imagine
fikshon: 1. fiction
fila: 1. file, line, rank, row, turn
filosofia: 1. philosophy
filosofiá: 1. philosophize
filtra: 1. filter
filtro: 1. filter
filósofo: 1. philosopher
fin: 1. end, ending
finalisá: 1. accomodate, end, finish, terminate
finansiero: 1. financial
findishi: 1. auction
fingi: 1. dissemble
fini: 1. final
firkant: 1. square
firma: 1. company, firm | 2. sign | 3. signature
fis: 1. dirty, filthy, nasty, soiled, unclean
fishi: 1. handicraft, occupation, trade
fió: 1. violin
flakesa: 1. hunger
flako: 1. gaunt, lean, meager, skimpy, skinny, thin | 2. gaunt, lean, slender, thin | 3. slender, slim
flaku: 1. gaunt, lean, meager, skimpy, skinny, thin | 2. gaunt, lean, slender, thin | 3. slender, slim
flameu: 1. torch
flecha: 1. arrow
flohedat: 1. laziness
flohera: 1. laziness
floho: 1. lazy
flor: 1. bloom, flower
florin: 1. guilder, gulden
flus: 1. costume, outfit, suit
flèksibel: 1. flexible
flèktu: 1. braid, plait, twine, wreathe
flèshlait: 1. electric torch
flèt: 1. apartment building, block of flats
flùit: 1. flute
fofo: 1. breakable, brittle, fragile
foks: 1. electric torch
folklor: 1. folklore
fonétika: 1. phonetics
fonétiko: 1. phonetic
forma: 1. form, shape | 2. form, shape
formulario: 1. blank, form
forsa: 1. compel, force | 2. force, strength, vigour
fortalesa: 1. force, strength, vigour
fortuna: 1. fortune
foto: 1. photograph | 2. photograph
fotografia: 1. photography
fotokopia: 1. photoprint
fotógrafo: 1. photographer | 2. photographer
fout: 1. aberration, error, mistake
foyeto: 1. leaflet, pamphlet, paperback
foyo: 1. foliage
frakaso: 1. abortion, failure, fiasco | 2. abortion
frakasá: 1. abort, fail, miscarry
frakshon: 1. fraction
frances: 1. French
franses: 1. French, French language | 2. Frenchman
frase: 1. sentence
frega: 1. rub
fregá: 1. difficult, hard, inconvenient
frenta: 1. forehead
frente: 1. forehead
fresku: 1. fresh, recent
frialdat: 1. cold
frishidèr: 1. refrigerator
friu: 1. cold, frigid | 2. bleak, chilly, cold
frontera: 1. boundary, frontier, limit
fruminga: 1. ant, emmet
frus: 1. rust
frusa: 1. rust
frustia: 1. rust
frusto: 1. rust
fruta: 1. fruit
frèkè: 1. safety-pin, safety pin
frèt: 1. wart
fuente: 1. fountain, source, spring
fuerte: 1. strong
fuertemente: 1. strongly
fula: 1. feel, grope
fuma: 1. drunk, intoxicated
funda: 1. erect, establish, found
funshoná: 1. function, operate, run, work
furioso: 1. furious
futbòl: 1. football, soccer
futuro: 1. future
fábrika: 1. factory | 2. factory
fábula: 1. fairy tale
fásil: 1. easy, facile
fásilmente: 1. easily
fértil: 1. fertile
físika: 1. physics
físiko: 1. physical | 2. physicist
fèn: 1. electric fan, ventilator
fèri: 1. ferry
fòndo: 1. bottom, foundation, ground
fòntein: 1. fountain
fòrki: 1. fork
fòrmula: 1. formula
fòrsa: 1. compel, force
fòsfòr: 1. phosphorus
gaba: 1. commend, laud, praise
gabamento: 1. praise
gabamentu: 1. praise
gai: 1. cock, rooster
galante: 1. courteous, polite, well-mannered
galeria: 1. gallery
galiña: 1. chicken, fowl | 2. chicken, fowl
galopiá: 1. gallop
galòp: 1. gallop
gana: 1. earn, gain, win
ganamentu: 1. salary, wage, wages
ganashi: 1. benefit, gain, profit
garashi: 1. garage
garganta: 1. throat
garoshi: 1. cart, chariot
gas: 1. gas
gasolin: 1. gasolene, gasoline, petrol
gasolinsteishen: 1. filling station
gatia: 1. crawl, creep
gayo: 1. friend
gaña: 1. lie, tell a lie
gel: 1. yellow
gemastik: 1. gymnastics
general: 1. general, usual
generalmente: 1. generally
generashon: 1. generation
gentil: 1. courteous, polite, well-mannered
gentilesa: 1. politeness
geografia: 1. geography
geográfiko: 1. geographic, geographical
geologia: 1. geology
geometria: 1. geometry
geranium: 1. geranium
germániko: 1. Germanic, Teutonic
gespu: 1. buckle
gesto: 1. gesture
gewon: 1. accustomed, customary, used to, usual, wonted
geógrafo: 1. geographer | 2. geographer
gigante: 1. giant | 2. giant
gira: 1. endorse
giro: 1. endorsement
gitano: 1. gypsy, Gypsy
glas: 1. glass | 2. glass
globo: 1. ball, ball-bearing, globe
gloria: 1. fame, glory, renown
gobernador: 1. ruler
gobernadó: 1. ruler
gobernashon: 1. administration, government
goberná: 1. control, govern, restrain, rule
goera: 1. hole
gohera: 1. hole
gordo: 1. bold, corpulent, fat, thick
gorila: 1. gorilla
gosa: 1. delight in, enjoy
gota: 1. drop, drop of water
gradisido: 1. thankful
gradisidu: 1. thankful
gradisí: 1. thank
grado: 1. degree, grade | 2. grade, rank, rate
graf: 1. cemetery, God’s acre, graveyard
gram: 1. gram, gramme
gramátika: 1. grammar
grandi: 1. big, great, large
grandura: 1. size
granit: 1. granite
gratis: 1. free
grave: 1. important, serious
grawatamento: 1. itch
grawatamentu: 1. itch
grawatashi: 1. itch
grawatá: 1. itch
griego: 1. Greek | 2. Greek
grip: 1. flu, grip, influenza
grita: 1. bark | 2. yell | 3. cry out, scream, shout
grito: 1. cry, shout
gritu: 1. scream | 2. cry, shout
grosero: 1. rude
grupo: 1. group
guera: 1. war
guerero: 1. warrior
guitara: 1. guitar
gusta: 1. appreciate, like
gusto: 1. taste
gustosamente: 1. willingly
gustu: 1. taste
gèmber: 1. ginger
gòlpi: 1. beat, hit, strike | 2. push
habitante: 1. inhabitant | 2. inhabitant
habon: 1. soap
habri: 1. open, open up
habridó di bleki: 1. can opener, tin-opener
habrí: 1. open
hacha: 1. axe
hadrei: 1. living-room, sitting-room
haf: 1. harbor, harbour, port
hagel: 1. hail
hal: 1. bile, gall
hala: 1. drag, draw, haul, pull, tug
haladó: 1. rake
hala lechi: 1. milk
hala rosea: 1. breathe
hallo: 1. hello
halo: 1. hello
halto: 1. high, lofty, tall
haltu: 1. high, lofty, tall
haltura: 1. height | 2. altitude, height
halué: 1. aloe
ham: 1. ham
hamaka: 1. hammock
hamas: 1. never
hamber: 1. hunger
hambrá: 1. hungry
hanchi: 1. alley, lane
hanchura: 1. width | 2. width
hangua: 1. needle
hankro: 1. anchor
hanskun: 1. glove, mitten
hanzué: 1. hook
hap: 1. yawn
hapones: 1. Japanese | 2. Japanese
haraña: 1. spider
hardin: 1. garden
hardinero: 1. gardener
hardin zoológiko: 1. zoo
hari: 1. laugh
harimento: 1. laughter
harimentu: 1. laughter
hariña: 1. flour, meal
harka: 1. rake
harmonia: 1. harmony
harmonioso: 1. harmonious
harmonisá: 1. accord, fit together, harmonize
harpa: 1. harp
harí: 1. laugh
hasa: 1. fry
hasi: 1. achieve, act, do, make, perform
haya: 1. achieve, acquire, attain, get, obtain | 2. get, have, receive | 3. find
haña: 1. achieve, acquire, attain, get, obtain | 2. get, have, receive | 3. find
hecha: 1. ripen
hecho: 1. mature, ripe
hechu: 1. mature, ripe
hefe: 1. boss, chief, leader
heful: 1. feel, feeling, sensation
hel: 1. yellow
heldo: 1. guilder, gulden
heldu: 1. guilder, gulden
helengue: 1. quarrel
hende: 1. man, human being
henter: 1. entire, overall, whole
henté: 1. entire, overall, whole
hep: 1. hip
heredero: 1. heir
heredá: 1. inherit
herfst: 1. autumn
herida: 1. injury, wound
heridá: 1. hurt, wound
hero: 1. iron
heroina: 1. heroin
hers: 1. hoarse
heru: 1. iron
hewon: 1. accustomed, customary, used to, usual, wonted
hiba: 1. bring, fetch | 2. bring away, carry away
hiena: 1. hyaena
higiena: 1. hygiene
higieniko: 1. hygienic
higra: 1. liver
hik: 1. hiccup | 2. hiccup
hilchi: 1. heel
hilo: 1. thread
hilu: 1. thread
himno: 1. anthem, hymn
hincha: 1. swell
hipnotisadó: 1. hypnotist
hipnotisá: 1. hypnotize
hipokrit: 1. hypocrite
hipotek: 1. mortgage
hipótesis: 1. hypothesis
hisa: 1. hoist, hoist up, run up, wind up | 2. lever, lift, raise
histeria: 1. hysteria
historia: 1. story, history
histériko: 1. hysterical
hoben: 1. young | 2. youngster, youth
hobensita: 1. young woman
hobensito: 1. youngster, youth
hobensitu: 1. youngster, youth
hochi: 1. hog, pig, swine
hole: 1. give off an odour, reek, smell
holó: 1. odor, odour, scent, smell
hondureño: 1. Honduran | 2. Honduran
honesto: 1. above-board, honest
honor: 1. honor, honour
honorabel: 1. honorary
honra: 1. honor, honour
hopi: 1. quite, very, very much
horeya: 1. ear
horibel: 1. abysmal, dreadful, gruesome, horrible, terrible
horizòntal: 1. horizontal, level
horizòntalmente: 1. across
horka: 1. hang
horkan: 1. hurricane
horoskop: 1. horoscope
hospitalidat: 1. hospitality
hostiná: 1. furious
hotèl: 1. hotel
houla: 1. cage
hoya: 1. jewel
hubentut: 1. youth
hubileo: 1. jubilee
hudiu: 1. Hebrew, Jew | 2. Jew
hues: 1. judge
hui: 1. escape, flee | 2. flee, run away
huimento: 1. flight, run
huimentu: 1. flight, run
huisio: 1. opinion
hulandes: 1. Dutch | 2. Dutchman, Hollander | 3. Dutch | 4. Dutchman | 5. Dutch, Dutch language
huma: 1. smoke | 2. smoke
humanidat: 1. human race, mankind
humano: 1. human
humilde: 1. humble
humor: 1. humour, mood, temper | 2. humour | 3. humor, humour
humulidat: 1. humility
hunga: 1. fuck, screw | 2. play | 3. have sex
hunto: 1. together
huntu: 1. together
hura: 1. swear
hurado: 1. jury
husga: 1. judge
hustamente: 1. just, just now
husto: 1. fair, just, righteous
hustu: 1. fair, just, righteous
huzga: 1. judge
huña: 1. scratch
huñá: 1. abrasion, scratch
hür: 1. hire | 2. let, rent out | 3. hire, rent, rental
hürdó: 1. renter, tenant
hórizòn: 1. horizon
hèktoliter: 1. hectolitre
hèktometer: 1. hectometre
hèlm: 1. helmet
hèlmu: 1. helmet
hèmber: 1. bucket, pail
hèmchi: 1. bucket, pail
hèndi: 1. adroit, clever, dexterous, skillful
hèntèr: 1. entire, overall, whole
hèsh: 1. hashish
hèspu: 1. buckle
hòbi: 1. hobby, sideline | 2. hobby
hòfi: 1. garden
hòmber: 1. fellow, man
hòmbresa: 1. virility
hòrkèt: 1. fork
hòrta: 1. steal
hòrtadó: 1. thief
hòspital: 1. hospital
hùrt: 1. harm | 2. hurt, wound
i: 1. and
idea: 1. idea
ideal: 1. ideal
identidat: 1. identity
identifiká: 1. identify
ideologia: 1. ideology
ideá: 1. guess, presume, suppose, surmise
idioma: 1. language, tongue
idiot: 1. idiotic
idiota: 1. idiotic
idéntiko: 1. identical
iglesia: 1. church
igra: 1. liver
igrèk: 1. upsilon, Y
igual: 1. equal, even, level
igualdat: 1. draw, equality
igualá: 1. compare
ilimitá: 1. absolute
ilu: 1. thread
iluminá: 1. enlighten, illuminate
ilushon: 1. illusion
ilustrashon: 1. illustration
ilustrá: 1. illustrate
imaginá: 1. fancy, imagine
imahiná: 1. fancy, imagine
imigrá: 1. immigrate
imitashon: 1. imitation
imitá: 1. imitate
imperiadó: 1. emperor
imperialismo: 1. imperialism
imperio: 1. empire
impidí: 1. bar, inhibit, prevent | 2. bar, hinder, inhibit, prevent
impliká: 1. entangle, implicate
imponé: 1. impress, strike
importansia: 1. concern
importante: 1. important, serious
importá: 1. import
imposibel: 1. impossible
imprenta: 1. printed matter | 2. print
imprimi: 1. print
improvisá: 1. ad-lib
imün: 1. immune
imágen: 1. imagination
imáhen: 1. imagination
inbertí: 1. invest
independiente: 1. independant
indikashon: 1. indication
indikativo: 1. indicative, indicative mood
indiká: 1. indicate, suggest
individibel: 1. indivisible
individual: 1. individual
individuo: 1. individual
indjan: 1. Indian, Red Indian | 2. Indian, American Indian
indones: 1. Indonesian | 2. Indonesian
indudablemente: 1. no doubt, undoubtedly
industria: 1. industry
industrial: 1. industrial
indígena: 1. aboriginal, domestic | 2. aboriginal, native
ineksplikabel: 1. inexplicable
inesperadamente: 1. unexpectedly
inesperá: 1. abrupt
infantil: 1. childish
infekshon: 1. infection
infelis: 1. unhappy
infiel: 1. unfaithful
infinitamente: 1. ad infinitum, endlessly
infinito: 1. everlasting
inflamashon: 1. inflammation
inflashon: 1. inflation
influensha: 1. action, influence
influenshá: 1. act, affect, influence
influensia: 1. action, influence
influensiá: 1. act, affect, influence
informashon: 1. account, information
informá: 1. acquaint, inform, report
ingeniero: 1. engineer
ingles: 1. English | 2. English, English language | 3. Englishman, Sassenach
ingrato: 1. thankless, ungrateful, unthankful
inisial: 1. initial
inisiá: 1. begin, commence, start
inkompleto: 1. incomplete
inkomprendibel: 1. inconceivable, unintelligible
inkonkistabel: 1. invincible
inkontabel: 1. countless
inkreibel: 1. incredible
inkulpabel: 1. guiltless, innocent
inmediatamente: 1. at once, immediately, just, right away, right now
inmediato: 1. immediate
innatural: 1. artificial
inosente: 1. guiltless, innocent
insekto: 1. bug, insect
insidentalmente: 1. by accident, by chance
insignifikante: 1. insignificant
insistí: 1. insist
inskripshon: 1. inscription
inspekshon: 1. inspection
inspektor: 1. inspector | 2. inspector
inspektá: 1. inspect
inspirashon: 1. inspiration
inspirá: 1. inspire
instalá: 1. install
instante: 1. instant, moment
instinto: 1. instinct
instituto: 1. institute
instrukshon: 1. instruction
instruktor: 1. instructor, teacher
instrument: 1. instrument
instruí: 1. teach
insulto: 1. abuse, insult
insultá: 1. abuse, insult, offend
intelektual: 1. intellectual
inteligensia: 1. intelligence
inteligente: 1. intelligent, sagacious
intenshon: 1. intention, meaning, plan
intenso: 1. acute, intense, intensive
intento: 1. attempt, test
intentá: 1. attempt, test, try
interes: 1. interest | 2. interest
interesante: 1. interesting
interesá: 1. interest | 2. be interested, take an interest
interhekshon: 1. interjection
interkambio: 1. exchange
interminabel: 1. everlasting
internashonal: 1. international
interno: 1. inner, inside, internal
interpretá: 1. interpret
interumpí: 1. interrupt
interupshon: 1. interruption
intervení: 1. intervene
intolerabel: 1. unbearable
intolerante: 1. intolerant
intrakil: 1. agitated, anxious
intérprete: 1. interpreter
invashon: 1. invasion
invenshon: 1. invention | 2. invention
invensibel: 1. invincible
inventá: 1. invent | 2. invent
investigashon: 1. investigation, examination, test
investigá: 1. examine | 2. examine, explore, investigate, research
invierno: 1. winter
invitashon: 1. invitation
invitá: 1. invite
inválido: 1. disabled
inyekshon: 1. injection
inyektá: 1. inject
inútil: 1. good-for-nothing, useless
iregular: 1. abnormal
ironia: 1. irony
isa: 1. hoist, hoist up, run up, wind up
isla: 1. island
italiano: 1. Italian
ivor: 1. ivory
kaba: 1. accomodate, end, finish, terminate
kabai: 1. horse
kabana: 1. cane, reed
kabaron: 1. prawn
kabayero: 1. gentleman, lord
kabei: 1. hair
kabel: 1. cable
kabes: 1. head, pate
kabinèt: 1. cabinet
kabouter: 1. brownie, gnome, goblin
kabrito: 1. goat
kabritu: 1. goat
kabuya: 1. cord, rope, string
kachete: 1. chin
kadaver: 1. cadaver, corpse
kadena: 1. chain
kader: 1. cadre, frame, framework
kaha: 1. box
kahero: 1. cashier
kai: 1. drop, fall
kaka: 1. defecate
kakalaka: 1. cockroach
kakou: 1. cocoa
kakumbein: 1. jaw, jawbone
kalakuna: 1. turkey
kalamidat: 1. catastrophe
kaliber: 1. calibre
kalidat: 1. property, quality
kalki: 1. lime
kalkulá: 1. calculate, count, figure, work out | 2. appraise, estimate, rate
kalor: 1. heat
kaloria: 1. calorie
kaloroso: 1. hot
kalènder: 1. calendar
kama: 1. bed
kamber: 1. bedroom
kamel: 1. camel
kaminda: 1. road, route, way
kamisa: 1. shirt
kampa: 1. camp, be encamped, lie encamped, camp out
kampion: 1. champion
kampo: 1. country, countryside
kanal: 1. canal, channel
kanari: 1. canary
kanaya: 1. cheat, crook, rogue
kanchi: 1. side
kandela: 1. fire
kandidato: 1. candidate
kangreu: 1. crab
kanibal: 1. cannibal
kanoa: 1. canoe
kansa: 1. get tired
kanselá: 1. abjure, abolish, abrogate, annul, cancel, remit
kansion: 1. song
kansá: 1. tired
kanta: 1. sing
kantante: 1. singer, female singer | 2. singer
kantidat: 1. quantity
kantor: 1. office | 2. bureau, office
kaos: 1. chaos, tangle
kap: 1. chop, cut, hack
kapital: 1. capital | 2. capital, capital city, metropolis
kapitalista: 1. capitalist
kapitan: 1. captain | 2. captain
kapítulo: 1. chapter
kara: 1. face
karacho: 1. darn
karaho: 1. darn
karai: 1. darn
karakter: 1. character, nature, personality | 2. character, nature
karamba: 1. darn
karavana: 1. caravan
karbon: 1. charcoal
karbureter: 1. carburettor
karchi: 1. card, map, menu
kareda: 1. file, line, rank, row, turn
karera: 1. career
karetera: 1. road, route, way
karga: 1. burden, load
karibe: 1. Caribbean
kariso: 1. darn
kariño: 1. love, value, worth
karnaval: 1. carnival
karni: 1. flesh
karni di karné: 1. mutton
karné: 1. sheep
karo: 1. dear, expensive, valuable
karpinté: 1. carpenter
karson: 1. short pants, shorts | 2. pants, trousers
karsonsio: 1. drawers, panties, underpants
karson di abou: 1. drawers, panties, underpants
karson kòrtiko: 1. short pants, shorts
karson kòrtiku: 1. short pants, shorts
karson largo: 1. pants, trousers
karson largu: 1. pants, trousers
karta: 1. card, map, menu | 2. letter
kartuchi: 1. cartridge
karu: 1. dear, expensive, valuable
karòt: 1. carrot
kas: 1. house | 2. abode, accommodation, dwelling, residence
kasa: 1. marry, be married, get married | 2. marry, be married, get married | 3. marry, be married, get married
kashi: 1. cabinet, closet, cupboard, sideboard
kashon: 1. pants, trousers
kashon largo: 1. pants, trousers
kasi: 1. almost, nearly
kasino: 1. casino
kasita: 1. cottage
kaska: 1. shell, peel
kaso: 1. affair, business, business deal, case, matter
kastel: 1. castle
kastiano: 1. Castillian
kastigo: 1. punishment
kastigu: 1. punishment
kastigá: 1. punish
kastiliano: 1. Castilian
kastio: 1. castle
kasualidat: 1. accidence, chance, hazard
kasualmente: 1. by accident, by chance
kasá: 1. wife | 2. husband
kasèt: 1. cassette | 2. cassette
katalòk: 1. catalogue, directory
katapila: 1. bulldozer
katedral: 1. cathedral
kategoria: 1. category
katibo: 1. bondwoman, slave, female slave | 2. slave
katibu: 1. bondwoman, slave, female slave | 2. slave
katisashi: 1. catechism
katolisismo: 1. Catholisism
katròl: 1. pulley
katuchi: 1. cartridge
katuna: 1. cotton
katástrofe: 1. catastrophe
katóliko: 1. Catholic
kaweta: 1. agog, inquisitive | 2. agog, curious, inquisitive | 3. agog, inquisitive
kaya: 1. street
kayena: 1. hibiscus
kayente: 1. warm | 2. hot | 3. heat | 4. warmth
kayo: 1. corn
kayon: 1. cannon
kazèrne: 1. barracks | 2. barracks
kaí: 1. fall
kaída: 1. fall
kaótiko: 1. chaotic | 2. chaotic
ke: 1. love | 2. be willing to, want, wish
keda: 1. remain, stay, stay over
keha: 1. complain
keho: 1. complaint
keintura: 1. ague, fever
kere: 1. account, accredit, believe, deem
keshi: 1. cheese
kestion: 1. affair, business, business deal, case, matter
kibokashon: 1. aberration, error, mistake
kiboká: 1. err, make a mistake
kibra: 1. break | 2. break
kibrabel: 1. breakable, brittle, fragile
kibukashon: 1. aberration, error, mistake
kibuká: 1. err, make a mistake
kier: 1. love | 2. be willing to, want, wish
kilo: 1. kilo
kilogram: 1. kilo
kilometer: 1. kilometre
kilometro: 1. kilometre
kima: 1. burn
kimíko: 1. chemist | 2. chemist
kinina: 1. quinine
kinipí: 1. pinch
kinta: 1. villa
kis: 1. choose, elect, pick out
kisas: 1. maybe, mayhap, perchance, perhaps, possibly
kishikishi: 1. itch
kishikí: 1. itch
kita: 1. abstract, take away
kitara: 1. guitar
kiut: 1. beautiful, fine, handsome, lovely
kiè: 1. love | 2. be willing to, want, wish
ki aña: 1. when
ki día: 1. when
ki ora: 1. when
ki tempu: 1. when
kla: 1. clear, distinct, plain | 2. finished, ready, through
klaba: 1. nail
klabo: 1. nail
klabu: 1. nail
klas: 1. class
klase: 1. class
klavel: 1. carnation, pink
klef: 1. bank, sandbank
klei: 1. clay
klenko: 1. brick
klenku: 1. brick
kliente: 1. client, customer
klima: 1. climate
klup: 1. club, society
klásiko: 1. classic, classical
klínika: 1. clinic
klèts: 1. gossip
klòròks: 1. chlorine
koba: 1. dig, grub, spade
kochino: 1. hog, pig, swine
kodishi: 1. envy
kodisia: 1. envy
kodisiá: 1. envy
kohe: 1. clutch, grab, grasp, grip, seize | 2. fuck, screw | 3. make love | 4. have sex
koho: 1. lame
koi: 1. clutch, grab, grasp, grip, seize | 2. fuck, screw | 3. make love | 4. have sex
koinsidensia: 1. accidence, chance, hazard
kokaina: 1. cocaine
koko: 1. coconut
kokolishi: 1. shell
kol: 1. cabbage
kola: 1. sift
kolaborá: 1. cooperate, co-operate
koladó: 1. sieve
kolchon: 1. mattress
kolega: 1. colleague
kolekshonista: 1. accumulator
kolektá: 1. collect, gather, pick up
kolo: 1. cabbage
kolochi: 1. penis
kolombiano: 1. Colombian
kolonia: 1. colony, settlement
kolonial: 1. colonial
kolonèl: 1. colonel
kolrkshon: 1. collection
koló: 1. colour, dye
komandante: 1. commander
komandá: 1. command, be in command, order
kombento: 1. monastery
kombentu: 1. monastery
kombersashon: 1. conversation
kombersá: 1. converse
kombertí: 1. convert
kombidashon: 1. invitation
kombidá: 1. invite
kombiná: 1. combine | 2. join, unite
komedia: 1. comedy | 2. play, theatre play
komedó: 1. dining-room
komehein: 1. termite
komehèn: 1. termite
komemento: 1. meal
komementu: 1. meal
komentario: 1. annotation, note
komentá: 1. comment on
komersiante: 1. merchant
komersio: 1. business, commerce, trade
kometa: 1. comet
komia: 1. inverted comma, quotation mark, quote
komibel: 1. edible
komisario: 1. chief of police
komishon: 1. committee
komo: 1. as, because, for, since
komokiera: 1. as, because, for, since
kompai: 1. friend | 2. buddy, companion, comrade, pal
kompakto: 1. compact
komparashon: 1. comparison
kompará: 1. compare
kompas: 1. compass
kompashon: 1. compassion, pity
kompatriota: 1. compatriot
kompaña: 1. accompanist, companian
kompañamento: 1. accompaniment, escort
kompañamentu: 1. accompaniment, escort
kompañero: 1. buddy, companion, comrade, pal
kompañá: 1. accompany
kompilá: 1. compile
kompleho: 1. complex
kompletamente: 1. completely, entirely, through
kompleto: 1. absolute, complete
kompletá: 1. complete
komponista: 1. composer
komponé: 1. compose
komportashon: 1. behavior, behaviour, conduct, deportment
komportá: 1. behave, conduct oneself
kompositor: 1. composer
kompra: 1. buy, purchase | 2. acquisition, purchase
komprendibel: 1. understandable
komprendé: 1. understand, realize
komprometida: 1. bride, fiancée
komprometido: 1. fiancé
komprometé: 1. become engaged | 2. become engaged
kompromiso: 1. betrothal, engagement
komprondé: 1. understand, realize
komun: 1. common, joint | 2. accustomed, customary, used to, usual, wonted | 3. daily
komuniká: 1. communicate, report
komunismo: 1. communism
komunista: 1. communist
konde: 1. count, earl
kondená: 1. condemn, sentence
kondishon: 1. condition, stipulation, terms
kondolensia: 1. compassion, pity
kondon: 1. condom, rubber
kondukta: 1. behavior, behaviour, conduct, deportment
konduktor: 1. guard
konekshon: 1. connection
konektá: 1. connect, connect up, plug in
koneu: 1. rabbit
konfeshon: 1. confession
konfesá: 1. confess
konfia: 1. confide, have confidence in, trust, entrust
konfiansa: 1. confidence
konfirmashon: 1. confirmation
konfiská: 1. confiscate
konflikto: 1. conflict
konfortabel: 1. comfortable
konfundí: 1. confuse, puzzle
konfushon: 1. confusion
kongreso: 1. congress, convention
konhugá: 1. conjugate
konhunshon: 1. conjunction
konhunto: 1. band
konkistá: 1. conquer
konklushon: 1. conclusion, inference
konklú: 1. abstract, induce, gather, infer
konkret: 1. concrete
konkreto: 1. concrete
konkurensia: 1. competition
konkurso: 1. competition, contest
konopá: 1. knot
konosemento: 1. acquaintance, knowledge
konosementu: 1. acquaintance, knowledge
konosé: 1. be acquainted with, know
konosí: 1. well-known
konsehabel: 1. advisable
konsehero: 1. counsellor
konseho: 1. advice, counsel
konsehá: 1. advise, counsel
konsentí: 1. accede, agree, consent
konsepto: 1. concept, idea
konservativo: 1. conservative
konservá: 1. conserve, keep, maintain, preserve
konsiderabel: 1. considerable, sizable
konsiderá: 1. account, consider, esteem, regard, take into account
konsiente: 1. aware, conscious
konsistí: 1. consist
konsolashon: 1. consolation
konsolá: 1. comfort, console
konsonante: 1. consonant
konspirá: 1. conspire
konstante: 1. constant, continual, permanent, sustained
konstantemente: 1. constantly
konstatá: 1. ascertain, establish, take note
konsternashon: 1. alarm, consternation
konstitushon: 1. constitution
konstrukshon: 1. building
konstruí: 1. build, construct
konsuelo: 1. consolation
konsulado: 1. consulate
konsulta: 1. consultation
konsultá: 1. consult
konta: 1. amount, number
kontakto: 1. contact
kontenido: 1. contents
kontento: 1. contented, pleased, satisfied
kontentu: 1. contented, pleased, satisfied
kontené: 1. comprise, contain, include
kontesta: 1. answer, reply
kontestashon: 1. answer, reply
kontestá: 1. answer, reply, respond
kontinente: 1. continent, mainland
kontinuamente: 1. constantly
kontinuá: 1. continue, go on, proceed with
kontra: 1. across from, against, in exchange for, opposed to, opposite, upon | 2. come across, encounter, meet, see
kontrabanda: 1. contraband
kontrabandista: 1. smuggler
kontrakto: 1. contract
kontrali: 1. adverse, alien, contrary
kontrario: 1. adverse, alien, contrary
kontrato: 1. contract
kontratá: 1. make a contract
kontrolá: 1. audit, check, check up on, supervise, verify
konvensé: 1. convince, persuade
konvoi: 1. bus, autobus, omnibus
konènchi: 1. rabbit
koper: 1. copper
koperá: 1. cooperate, co-operate
koper hel: 1. brass | 2. brass
kopia: 1. copy | 2. copy
kor: 1. chorus, coir
korant: 1. gazette, magazine, newspaper, periodical
kore: 1. run
koreano: 1. Korean
korekto: 1. correct, right
korespondé: 1. correspond
koriente: 1. current
korigí: 1. correct
korompi: 1. bribe
koroto: 1. thing | 2. article, object, thing
kos: 1. affair, business, business deal, case, matter | 2. thing | 3. article, object, thing
kose: 1. sew
kosecha: 1. harvest
kosechá: 1. harvest
kosedó: 1. needlewoman, seamstress
kosein: 1. frame, window-frame
kosta: 1. cost | 2. coast, seaside, shore
kostarikeño: 1. Costa Rican
kostoso: 1. dear, expensive | 2. costly, dear, expensive, pricey
kostumber: 1. custom, habit, way
kostumbrá: 1. accustom, be in the habit of
kosturerá: 1. needlewoman, seamstress
kosèn: 1. frame, window-frame
kos di saka kòrki: 1. corkscrew
kou: 1. chew
kouchi: 1. cage
kousa: 1. activate, cause, give rise to
koñak: 1. brandy, cognac
koño: 1. darn
koñá: 1. furious
krag: 1. collar
kram: 1. diarrhoea | 2. clamp, brace, bracket, parenthesis, staple
kranchi: 1. faucet, tap
krea: 1. create
kredit: 1. credit
kreensha: 1. belief
kreensia: 1. belief
kref: 1. lobster
kreibel: 1. plausible | 2. plausible
kreit: 1. chalk
krem: 1. cream
krema: 1. cream
krenchi: 1. a little, rather
krese: 1. accrue, grow
kresemento: 1. accretion, growth
kresementu: 1. accretion, growth
krimen: 1. crime
kriminal: 1. criminal
krisis: 1. crisis, depression, emergency
kristal: 1. crystal
kristan: 1. Christian
kristian: 1. Christian
kristianismo: 1. Christianity
kritiká: 1. censure, criticize
kriá: 1. maid, servant | 2. boy, servant
krokodel: 1. crocodile
krou: 1. angry, cross
krudo: 1. crude, raw, rough
kruel: 1. cruel
krus: 1. cross
krusigrama: 1. crossword puzzle
krítika: 1. criticism
krónika: 1. chronicle
krèm: 1. cream
ku: 1. with
kuadrat: 1. square
kuadria: 1. group
kuadro: 1. painting, picture
kuadrá: 1. square
kualifikashon: 1. ability, qualification
kualifiká: 1. qualify
kuarenta: 1. forty
kuarto: 1. chamber, room
kuartu: 1. chamber, room
kuater: 1. four
kuatro: 1. four
kubano: 1. Cuban
kubri: 1. cover
kuchara: 1. spoon
kuchikuchi: 1. whisper
kuchiu: 1. knife
kuchú: 1. knife
kudisioso: 1. envious
kue: 1. fuck, screw | 2. have sex
kuek: 1. mercury, quicksilver
kuenta: 1. account
kuero: 1. skin | 2. leather
kueru: 1. skin | 2. leather
kueyo: 1. collar
kuidou: 1. caution | 2. caution
kuki: 1. cake
kukuisa: 1. agave
kul: 1. backside, rump
kulpa: 1. accuse, blame | 2. blame, fault, guilt
kulpabel: 1. guilty
kultivo: 1. cultivation, tillage
kultivá: 1. cultivate
kultura: 1. culture
kuminda: 1. food | 2. meal
kumindamento: 1. greeting
kumindamentu: 1. greeting
kumindá: 1. greet, salute
kuminsá: 1. begin, commence, start
kumpra: 1. acquire, buy, purchase | 2. buy, purchase
kumpradó: 1. buyer, client, purchaser
kunukero: 1. farmer
kunuku: 1. field
kura: 1. care for, cure, treat
kurashi: 1. courage
kurason: 1. heart
kurpa: 1. body
kurú: 1. raw, uncooked
kushina: 1. kitchen
kushiná: 1. cook
kushna: 1. cook
kusinchi: 1. kiss
kustia: 1. hip
kustumá: 1. accustom oneself, get used
kutumber: 1. custom, habit, way
kuñá: 1. sister-in-law | 2. brother-in-law
kámara: 1. dark-room, small room
kén: 1. who
kénde: 1. who
kén su: 1. of which, which one’s, whose
kí: 1. what kind of, what sort of | 2. what
kíko: 1. what
kímika: 1. chemistry | 2. chemistry
kí tal: 1. hello
kólera: 1. cholera
kómiko: 1. comic, comical, funny
kómodo: 1. comfortable
kónchale: 1. darn
kónfiro: 1. darn
kèch: 1. capture, catch, grapple | 2. understand, realize
kèsh: 1. cash, in cash
kòfi: 1. coffee
kòki: 1. cook, female cook | 2. cook, male cook
kòkou: 1. cocoa
kòktel: 1. cocktail
kòkòdèk: 1. armpit
kòma: 1. comma
kòmpas: 1. compass
kòmpiuter: 1. computer
kòmplimènt: 1. compliment
kòmplòt: 1. conspiracy, plot
kònchi: 1. basin, reservoir
kòndòn: 1. condom, rubber
kònkòmber: 1. cucumber
kònsel: 1. consul
kònsèrt: 1. concert
kònòpi: 1. bud | 2. button | 3. button | 4. knot, node | 5. fist
kòpi: 1. cup
kòri: 1. curry
kòrki: 1. cork
kòrtina: 1. curtain
kòrá: 1. red | 2. red
kùp: 1. goblet
laat: 1. late
laba: 1. wash | 2. wash
labatiba: 1. problem, trouble
labia: 1. flatter
labor: 1. job, work
laboratorio: 1. laboratory
lachi: 1. drawer
ladra: 1. bark
ladron: 1. thief
laga: 1. allow, leave, let, release
lagadishi: 1. lizard
laker: 1. sheet
laker di kama: 1. sheet
lakran: 1. scorpion
laman: 1. sea
lamchi: 1. lamb
lamentabel: 1. regrettable
lamentablemente: 1. alas, regrettably, unfortunately
lamentá: 1. be sorry about, regret
lamper: 1. lightning
lampi: 1. lamp
lampro: 1. lightning
lamunchi: 1. lemon
lamá: 1. sea
lana: 1. wool
lanchi: 1. lamb
landa: 1. float, swim
landra: 1. float, swim
lansa: 1. lance, spear
largu: 1. long
largura: 1. length | 2. length
lars: 1. boot
larva: 1. grub, larva
lat: 1. late, tardy | 2. late
latin: 1. Latin
latino: 1. Latin
lava: 1. lava
lawina: 1. avalanche
lebelebe: 1. mud
lechi: 1. milk
legal: 1. legal
lei: 1. law
leim: 1. glue | 2. glue, stick | 3. glue
leishi: 1. list
lek: 1. lick
len: 1. lean
lenga: 1. tongue | 2. language, tongue
lens: 1. lens
lensu: 1. handkerchief
leon: 1. lion
lep: 1. lip
lepra: 1. leprosy
lesa: 1. read
lesabel: 1. legible
lesado: 1. reader
leshi: 1. list
leu: 1. away | 2. distant, far, remote
leyenda: 1. legend
liber: 1. pound
liberal: 1. liberal
libertat: 1. freedom
libra: 1. release
libreria: 1. bookshop, bookstore
lider: 1. leader
lidia: 1. attend, nurse, tend to
liga: 1. be similar, resemble
lihé: 1. light
likùr: 1. liqueur
lila: 1. violet
limite: 1. boundary, frontier, limit
limitá: 1. abridge, confine, limit, restrict
limonada: 1. lemonade
limosna: 1. alms, charity
limpi: 1. clean
limpia: 1. fuck, screw | 2. clean, cleanse, make clean, purge | 3. have sex
limpiesa: 1. cleanliness, purity
lingwístiko: 1. linguistic
linial: 1. ruler, straightedge
linolio: 1. lineseed oil
liseo: 1. lyceum
lisinbein: 1. centipede
lista: 1. list
liter: 1. liter, litre
literatura: 1. literature
litro: 1. liter, litre
liña: 1. cord, rope, string
liñal: 1. ruler, straightedge
lodo: 1. mud
logra: 1. succeed
logá: 1. place | 2. location, place, spot
lokal: 1. local
loko: 1. crazy, insane, mad, nuts
lokura: 1. craziness, insanity, lunacy, madness | 2. craziness, insanity, lunacy, madness
lokèt: 1. window, ticket-window
lolas: 1. fool
lolo: 1. fool
lomba: 1. back
lorada: 1. bend, curve
loteria: 1. lottery, raffle
lou: 1. lukewarm
lubidadó: 1. forgetful
lubidá: 1. forget
lucha: 1. struggle, wrestle
luha: 1. luxury
luhoso: 1. deluxe, de luxe, luxurious
luna: 1. moon
lus: 1. light
lusafè: 1. match
lágrima: 1. tear
lástimamente: 1. alas, regrettably, unfortunately
líkido: 1. liquid
lógika: 1. logic
lógiko: 1. logical
lèbèlèbè: 1. mud
lèn: 1. lean
lès: 1. lesson
lèter: 1. letter
ma: 1. but
madushi: 1. grandmother
madú: 1. grandmother
maestra: 1. teacher, female teacher
maestro: 1. adept, maestro, master
magia: 1. sorcery
magnet: 1. magnet
magnetismo: 1. magnetism
magnétiko: 1. magnetic
maha: 1. be bored, be tired of something
mahos: 1. nasty, ugly
mahoso: 1. nasty, ugly
mai: 1. mam, mammy, mom, mommy
mainshi: 1. corn, Indian corn, maize, mealies
mainta: 1. morning
maishi: 1. morning
makako: 1. ape, monkey
makaku: 1. ape, monkey
makamba: 1. Dutchman, Hollander | 2. Dutchman
makrel: 1. mackerel
makré: 1. mackerel
malaria: 1. malaria
maleta: 1. trunk
malgastá: 1. waste
malkontento: 1. discontented, displeased, dissatisfied
malkontentu: 1. discontented, displeased, dissatisfied
malo: 1. bad, miserable, nasty, poor
malora: 1. bad luck
malu: 1. bad, miserable, nasty, poor | 2. badly | 3. ill, sick
maluzá: 1. abuse
mama: 1. mam, mammy, mom, mommy | 2. mother
man: 1. hand
manda: 1. command, be in command, order
mando: 1. command
manera: 1. manner, mode, way
manga: 1. sleeve | 2. boulder
mango: 1. mango
manita: 1. morning
manko: 1. absence, lack, shortage, shortcoming
manká: 1. lame
manso: 1. tame
mansu: 1. tame
manteka: 1. butter
mantel: 1. cloak, mantle
manuskripto: 1. manuscript
mapa: 1. map | 2. map
marga: 1. acerbic, bitter
margarina: 1. margarine
mariko: 1. homosexual, gay
mariku: 1. homosexual, gay
marina: 1. navy
marinero: 1. sailor
mariwana: 1. marijuana
marmelada: 1. jam, marmelade
marmer: 1. marble
marokano: 1. Moroccan | 2. Moroccan woman | 3. Moroccan
maron: 1. brown
marsha: 1. quite, very, very much
marshe: 1. fair, market | 2. market, marketplace
mart: 1. March
martin: 1. hammer
martiu: 1. hammer
mas: 1. more
masashi: 1. massage
mashin: 1. engine, machine
mashá: 1. quite, very, very much
masif: 1. massive
maskarada: 1. mask
maske: 1. though, although
mast: 1. mast
master: 1. mast
mata: 1. kill, liquidate, slay
matansia: 1. abattoir, slaughterhouse
matemátika: 1. mathematics
matemátiko: 1. mathematical | 2. mathematician
materia: 1. matter
matras: 1. mattress
mayor: 1. major
mayoria: 1. majority
mayónan: 1. parents
mayórnan: 1. parents
maínta: 1. in the morning
mañan: 1. tomorrow
mea: 1. sock | 2. stocking
meditá: 1. meditate, think to oneself
mehor: 1. better
mehorashon: 1. progress
mei: 1. May
meks: 1. blend, mingle, mix, shuffle
melodia: 1. melody, tune
memoria: 1. memory, recollection
menasá: 1. menace, threaten
mener: 1. Mister, Mr., sir
menos: 1. fewer, less
menospresio: 1. contempt
menospresiá: 1. despise
mensahe: 1. errand, message
menshoná: 1. mention
mensioná: 1. mention
menta: 1. mention
mental: 1. mental
mente: 1. mind
mentira: 1. lie
merikano: 1. American | 2. American, US citizen
merkado: 1. market, sales activity
mermelada: 1. jam, marmelade
mes: 1. self, herself, himself, itself
mesa: 1. table
meskla: 1. blend, mingle, mix, shuffle
mesora: 1. at once, immediately, just, right away, right now
mester: 1. need, require | 2. have to, must, ought to, should
mesté: 1. need, require
meta: 1. aim, goal, purpose, target
metal: 1. metal
meteor: 1. atmospheric phenomenon
meter: 1. metre
metodo: 1. method
metro: 1. metre
meya: 1. sock | 2. stocking
meña: 1. sock | 2. stocking
mi: 1. my
mia: 1. mile
midi: 1. measure
midí: 1. measure, measurement
miedo: 1. fright
miedoso: 1. afraid, timid
miedu: 1. fright
miembro: 1. acolyte, member, supporter | 2. limb, member
miembro di famía: 1. relative
mientrastanto: 1. all the time, in the meantime, meanwhile
mientrastantu: 1. all the time, in the meantime, meanwhile
mihó: 1. better
mik: 1. aim, intend
mikrobio: 1. germ, microbe
mikrofon: 1. microphone
mikroskop: 1. microscope
mil: 1. thousand, one thousand
milager: 1. miracle
milagro: 1. miracle
milagroso: 1. miraculous
milimeter: 1. millimetre
milon: 1. melon
mina: 1. mine
mineral: 1. mineral
minister: 1. minister
minoria: 1. minority
minti: 1. deny
minüt: 1. minute
mion: 1. million
mira: 1. see
mirada: 1. look
mirakel: 1. miracle
miraklo: 1. miracle
misa: 1. mass
miserabel: 1. abject, dismal, meager, miserable, wretched
mishi: 1. touch
misterio: 1. enigma, puzzle, riddle | 2. secret
mitar: 1. half
mitologia: 1. mythology
mitá: 1. half
miéntras: 1. for, during, whereas, while, whilst
moda: 1. manner, mode, way | 2. fashion, mode
modelo: 1. model
modernisá: 1. modernize
moderno: 1. modern
modernu: 1. modern
moderá: 1. moderate, reasonable
modo: 1. manner, mode, way
mohen di bida: 1. hooker, whore
mohé: 1. woman
mohé di bida: 1. prostitute | 2. hooker, whore
moketa: 1. fist
mokete: 1. fist
molekül: 1. molecule
molestiá: 1. tired
moli: 1. soft
molia: 1. soften up
momento: 1. instant, moment
momentu: 1. instant, moment
mondi: 1. forest, woods
mondongo: 1. intestines
montekristo: 1. insane asylum
montekristu: 1. insane asylum
monton: 1. accumulation, crowd, heap, mass, multitude, pile
morchá: 1. tired
morde: 1. bite
mordé: 1. bite
mordí: 1. bite
mortal: 1. deadly
morto: 1. death
moskei: 1. mosque
motibu: 1. account, reason | 2. account, motive, reason
motor: 1. engine, motor
motosaikel: 1. motorcycle
move: 1. actuate, move
moveshon: 1. movement | 2. movement
movibel: 1. mobile
movishon: 1. movement | 2. movement
mucha mohé: 1. girl, lass, wench
muchu: 1. a lot of, much | 2. too, too much
mudo: 1. dumb, mute, speechless
mudu: 1. dumb, mute, speechless
mueble: 1. piece of furniture
muestra: 1. sample, specimen
muf: 1. actuate, move
muha: 1. wet | 2. get wet
muhá: 1. wet
muhé: 1. woman
muhé di bida: 1. hooker, whore
multipliká: 1. multiply | 2. duplicate, multiply
multitut: 1. crowd, mass, multitude
mundo: 1. world
mundu: 1. world
munstra: 1. indicate, point out, show
muraya: 1. wall
muri: 1. die, expire, pass away
museo: 1. museum
musikal: 1. musical
muska: 1. fly, housefly
muskita: 1. fly, housefly
mustashi: 1. moustache
mustra: 1. indicate, point out, show
mágiko: 1. magic
márfil: 1. ivory
mártir: 1. martyr, female martyr | 2. martyr
méikep: 1. make up, make-up
mérito: 1. merit
mínimo: 1. minimum
músika: 1. music
músiko: 1. musician
múskolo: 1. muscle
mèksikano: 1. Mexican | 2. Mexican
mèst: 1. fertilizer, manure
mònster: 1. monster
mòro: 1. good morning
mòru: 1. good morning
na: 1. at, to, toward, towards | 2. a, in, inside, into, on, per, within
nabaha: 1. razor
nabegante: 1. sailor
nabegashon: 1. navigation
nada: 1. nothing
nailen: 1. nylon
nan: 1. their | 2. her, his, its, their
nanishi: 1. nose
nase: 1. arise, be born
nasemento: 1. birth
nasementu: 1. birth
nashon: 1. nation
nashonal: 1. national
nashonalidat: 1. nationality
nasimento: 1. birth
nasimentu: 1. birth
natural: 1. natural
naturalesa: 1. nature
naturalmente: 1. naturally
na cas: 1. at home
na lugar di: 1. instead of
na únda: 1. where, where … to, whither
negativo: 1. negative
neger: 1. Negro
negoshante: 1. businessman, merchant
negoshá: 1. negotiate, trade
negro: 1. Negro
neishi: 1. den, nest
nenga: 1. deny | 2. refuse, reject
nervio: 1. nerve
nervioso: 1. agitated, nervous
nesesario: 1. necessary
neutral: 1. neutral | 2. impartial, neutral
ni: 1. neither, nor
nieta: 1. granddaughter
nieto: 1. grandson
nifikashon: 1. meaning
nifiká: 1. imply, mean, signify
nigeriano: 1. Nigerian
nikaragueño: 1. Nicaraguan | 2. Nicaraguan
nikel: 1. nickel
ningun: 1. neither, nobody, none, no-one
nir: 1. kidney
nister: 1. hang onto, hold | 2. sneeze
nistro: 1. sneeze
nitrógeno: 1. nitrogen
niuskir: 1. agog, inquisitive | 2. agog, inquisitive
nivel: 1. level
no: 1. not
nobedat: 1. news, novelty, something new
nobenta: 1. ninety
nobo: 1. new, novel
nochi: 1. night | 2. evening
nodi: 1. necessary
nodo: 1. necessary
norma: 1. norm, standard
normal: 1. normal
normalmente: 1. ordinarily, usually
noruechi: 1. Norwegian | 2. Norwegian
nos: 1. us, we | 2. our
not: 1. grade, note
nota: 1. note, make a note, write down
notario: 1. notary
notifikabel: 1. noteworthy, remarkable
notisia: 1. news, novelty, something new
novela: 1. novel
novèmber: 1. November
nubia: 1. cloud
nuebe: 1. nine
nuklear: 1. nuclear
nukleo: 1. nucleus
number: 1. number, numeral
nunka: 1. never
nèchi: 1. pretty
nò: 1. no
nòmber: 1. appellation, name
nòmbro: 1. appellation, name
nònsèns: 1. nonsense
nòrt: 1. north, North
nòt: 1. nut
nùrs: 1. nurse
o: 1. or
obedesido: 1. obedient | 2. obedient
obedesidu: 1. obedient | 2. obedient
obedesé: 1. obey
obispo: 1. bishop
obispu: 1. bishop
obligatorio: 1. compulsory
obligá: 1. compel, force
obra: 1. job, work
obrero: 1. hand, laborer, labourer, operative, worker, working man, workman
observacion: 1. remark
ochenta: 1. eighty
ocho: 1. eight
ochoshen: 1. eight hundred
odia: 1. hate
odio: 1. hate
ofendé: 1. abuse, insult, offend | 2. abuse, insult, offend
ofensa: 1. abuse
ofishi: 1. handicraft, occupation, trade
ofisial: 1. official
ofisina: 1. office | 2. bureau, office
ofrecé: 1. bid, offer, make an offer of
oksidental: 1. western
oksidente: 1. west, West
okulista: 1. oculist, ophtalmologist
okupashon: 1. activity, occupation
okupá: 1. occupy, take
ola: 1. wave
ole: 1. give off an odour, reek, smell
olefante: 1. elephant
oleifi: 1. olive
olifant: 1. elephant
oloshi: 1. watch | 2. clock, watch
oló: 1. odor, odour, scent, smell
omo: 1. uncle
oost: 1. east, East
operashon: 1. operation, surgical operation
operá: 1. operate
opheto: 1. article, object, thing
opinion: 1. opinion
opiná: 1. account, deem, opine, think
opio: 1. opium
oportunidat: 1. possibility
oportunista: 1. opportunist
opsekio: 1. gift, present
opservashon: 1. observation
opservá: 1. keep, mind, observe
opstákulo: 1. obstacle
optenibel: 1. obtainable
optené: 1. achieve, acquire, attain, get, obtain
optimismo: 1. optimism
optimista: 1. optimist
ora: 1. hour, o’clock, time
orashon: 1. prayer
oraño: 1. orange-coloured
orea: 1. ear
oreya: 1. ear
organismo: 1. organism
organisá: 1. organize
orguyo: 1. pride
orguyoso: 1. proud
oriental: 1. eastern, Oriental
orientá: 1. orient
original: 1. aboriginal, original | 2. original
orina: 1. urine
oriná: 1. urinate
orkan: 1. hurricane
orkesta: 1. orchestra
orketa: 1. fork
oro: 1. gold
oropeano: 1. European
oropeo: 1. European
ortografia: 1. orthography
orígen: 1. lineage | 2. origin
oríhen: 1. lineage | 2. origin
osean: 1. ocean
otro: 1. other, another, else
otro mañan: 1. the day after tomorrow
ougùstùs: 1. August
oumentá: 1. aggrandize, augment, enlarge, increase
ousensia: 1. absence, non-attendance | 2. absence
ousente: 1. absent | 2. absent
ousilio: 1. aid, help | 2. aid, help
outo: 1. car
outokrasia: 1. absolute power, absolute rule, autocracy
outomat: 1. automoton
outomatisá: 1. automate
outomobilista: 1. motorist
outomátiko: 1. automatic
outonomia: 1. autonomy
outopista: 1. motor road, motorway
outopsia: 1. autopsy
outor: 1. author
outoridat: 1. authority
outéntiko: 1. authentic, genuine
outóktono: 1. native
oval: 1. oval
pa: 1. before, in front of | 2. for, to, in order to, per | 3. so, so that
paden: 1. inside
padushi: 1. grandfather
padú: 1. grandfather
pafor: 1. abroad, out, outside
pafó: 1. abroad, out, outside
pafór: 1. abroad, out, outside
paga: 1. pay
paganismo: 1. paganism
pagano: 1. pagan
pago: 1. payment
pai: 1. dad, daddy
pais: 1. country, land
paisahe: 1. landscape, scenery
paisano: 1. compatriot
paketá: 1. pack, package, wrap up
paki: 1. packet, parcel
pakíko: 1. what for, why
palabra: 1. word
palasio: 1. palace
palma: 1. palm, palmtree
palo: 1. tree | 2. pole, post, stanchion, stake | 3. timber, wood
paloma: 1. pigeon
palomba: 1. dove, pigeon
palombra: 1. pigeon
palu: 1. tree | 2. baton, cane, stick | 3. pole, post, stanchion, stake | 4. timber, wood
pamfleta: 1. pamphlet
pampuna: 1. gourd, pumpkin, squash
pan: 1. bread, loaf
panaderia: 1. bakery
panadero: 1. baker
panorama: 1. view
pantaya: 1. screen
papa: 1. gruel, mess, mush | 2. father
papagai: 1. parrot
papaya: 1. papaya, papaw
papel: 1. paper
papi: 1. dad, daddy
papia: 1. speak, talk
papá: 1. dad, daddy
par: 1. pair | 2. pair
para: 1. bird | 2. halt, come to a halt, stop
paradiso: 1. paradise
paragraf: 1. paragraph
paralisá: 1. paralyse
paralèl: 1. parallel
paraplü: 1. umbrella
parashüt: 1. parachute
parasit: 1. parasite | 2. parasite | 3. cadger, parasite, sponger
parce: 1. appear, appear to be, seem
parenshi: 1. patience
pareu: 1. equal, even, level
pariba: 1. east, East
park: 1. park
parker: 1. park
parki: 1. park
parlamentario: 1. member of parliament
parlamento: 1. parliament
parokia: 1. parish
parse: 1. be similar, resemble
parsialmente: 1. partially, partly
partera: 1. midwife, obstetrician
parti: 1. part, piece, share
partida: 1. faction, party, side
partido: 1. faction, party, side
partisipá: 1. participate, share, take part
pas: 1. peace
pasahero: 1. passenger
pashon: 1. lust, passion
pashonal: 1. passionate
pashènt: 1. patient
pasifista: 1. pacifist
paso: 1. pace, step, stride
pasobra: 1. as, because, for, since
pasport: 1. passport
pasó: 1. as, because, for, since
pata: 1. hoof | 2. claw
patia: 1. water-melon | 2. water-melon
patin: 1. penis
pato: 1. duck
patras: 1. behind
patras di: 1. behind, after
patria: 1. fatherland
patruya: 1. patrol
patruyá: 1. patrol
patu: 1. duck
payaso: 1. clown
pa esei: 1. on that account, therefore
pa medio di: 1. by, by means of, on, through, with
paña: 1. clothes, clothing
pechu: 1. bosom, breast, chest
pedal: 1. pedal
pedido: 1. order
pela: 1. shell, peel
pelea: 1. action, battle, scuffle, struggle
peleya: 1. action, battle, scuffle, struggle
peliger: 1. danger, peril
peligro: 1. danger, peril
peligroso: 1. dangerous
pelikan: 1. pelican
peluka: 1. hairpiece, wig
pelíkula: 1. film, motion picture, movie
penetrá: 1. penetrate
penisilin: 1. penicillin
pensa: 1. think
pensamento: 1. thought
pensamentu: 1. thought
península: 1. peninsula
peper: 1. pepper
per: 1. pear
pera: 1. pear
perdè: 1. lose
perfekto: 1. perfect
perfume: 1. perfume
perfumá: 1. perfume
periodista: 1. journalist | 2. journalist
periodo: 1. period
perla: 1. pearl
permiso: 1. permission
permitibel: 1. admissible
permití: 1. accord, admit, afford, allow, permit
pero: 1. but
persekushon: 1. persecution, pursuit
persiguí: 1. chase, persecute, prosecute, pursue
persistí: 1. abide, persevere, persist
persona: 1. person
personal: 1. personal
perspektiva: 1. perspective
peruano: 1. Peruvian | 2. Peruvian
pesadía: 1. nightmare
pesimismo: 1. pessimism
pesimista: 1. pessimist
peso: 1. weight
pestá: 1. brimming, replete
petroleo: 1. paraffin-oil, petroleum
peña: 1. comb | 2. comb
pia: 1. leg | 2. foot | 3. foot
pianista: 1. pianist
piano: 1. piano
pidi: 1. ask
pidjama: 1. pyjamas
pieda: 1. stone
piedat: 1. compassion, pity | 2. absolution, pardon
piedra: 1. stone
piesa: 1. piece of music
pieu: 1. louse
piknik: 1. picnic
piká: 1. sin, transgression
pikòp: 1. phonograph, record-player
pila: 1. font, baptismal font
pilder: 1. pill
pildo: 1. pill
pilot: 1. pilot
pinta: 1. design, draw
pintor: 1. painter
pionero: 1. pioneer
pipa: 1. pipe | 2. barrel, channel, pipe, tube
piramida: 1. pyramid
pirata: 1. pirate
pishi: 1. urinate
piska: 1. fish
piskadó: 1. fisherman
piskalat: 1. jail, gaol, prison | 2. jail, gaol, prison | 3. jail, gaol, prison
piská: 1. fish
piso: 1. floor, storey, story
pisá: 1. burdensome, heavy, onerous
plafon: 1. ceiling
plaka: 1. money
planchi: 1. plant
planeta: 1. planet
planta: 1. plant
plasa: 1. market, marketplace
plata: 1. silver
platina: 1. platinum
platé: 1. goldsmith
playa: 1. beach | 2. city, town
pleita: 1. quarrel, wrangle
pleito: 1. quarrel
pleitu: 1. quarrel
plug: 1. plough
pober: 1. beggar | 2. miserable, poor | 3. poor
pobresa: 1. poverty
poder: 1. power | 2. ability
poderoso: 1. powerful
podisé: 1. maybe, mayhap, perchance, perhaps, possibly
podium: 1. platform, podium
poesia: 1. poem
poeta: 1. poet
poko: 1. a little, rather
polako: 1. Polish | 2. Pole
polis: 1. policeman
polítika: 1. policy, politics
polítiko: 1. politician
pone: 1. lay down, place, put, put down
popular: 1. popular
populashon: 1. population
por: 1. be able to
pordon: 1. absolution, pardon
pordoná: 1. forgive, pardon
porfin: 1. at last, at long last
porko: 1. hog, pig, swine
porta: 1. gate, gateway, portal | 2. door
portrèt: 1. portrait
portugues: 1. Portuguese | 2. Portuguese
porvenir: 1. future
por ehempel: 1. for example, for instance
por lo menos: 1. at least
poseé: 1. own, possess
posibel: 1. possible
posibilidat: 1. possibility
posishon: 1. position
positivo: 1. positive
potensia: 1. power
potente: 1. powerful
potrèt: 1. portrait
praktiká: 1. exert, practice
preba: 1. prove | 2. proof, sign, token
precipicio: 1. abyss, chasm, gulf, precipice
predikant: 1. preacher
predikashi: 1. sermon
prediká: 1. preach
preferá: 1. prefer
prefiho: 1. prefix
pregunta: 1. question
prehuisio: 1. prejudice
preimu: 1. plum
preis: 1. price
premio: 1. premium, prize
prensès: 1. princess
preparashon: 1. preparation | 2. preparation
prepará: 1. prepare
preposishon: 1. preposition
presensia: 1. presence
presensiá: 1. attend, be present, witness
presentashon: 1. presentation | 2. presentation
presente: 1. present
presentimentu: 1. presentiment
presidente: 1. chairman, president
presidiá: 1. preside
presis: 1. accurate, precise
presishon: 1. accuracy, exactness, precision
preteksto: 1. pretext
preto: 1. black
pretu: 1. black
prevení: 1. prevent
prima: 1. cousin
primi: 1. press, oppress, squeeze
primintí: 1. promise
primitivo: 1. primitive
primu: 1. cousin
prinsesa: 1. princess
prinsipio: 1. principle
prison: 1. jail, gaol, prison | 2. jail, gaol, prison | 3. jail, gaol, prison
privilegio: 1. privilege
privá: 1. private
prizon: 1. jail, gaol, prison | 2. jail, gaol, prison | 3. jail, gaol, prison
prizòn: 1. jail, gaol, prison | 2. jail, gaol, prison | 3. jail, gaol, prison
priña: 1. conceive
proba: 1. prove | 2. proof, sign, token
probablemente: 1. probably
probechá: 1. avail
problema: 1. problem, trouble
produkshon: 1. production
produkto: 1. product
produsí: 1. afford, bear, produce
profeshon: 1. profession
profesor: 1. professor
profeta: 1. prophet
profundidat: 1. depth
profundo: 1. deep, profound
programá: 1. programme
progreso: 1. advance, advancement, progress
progresá: 1. advance, progress
prohibí: 1. forbid, prohibit
proklamashon: 1. proclamation | 2. proclamation
proklamá: 1. issue, proclaim
prolongá: 1. lengthen
promenton: 1. paprika
promer cu: 1. before, previous to
promesa: 1. affirmation, promise
promèntè: 1. chilli
promèntòn: 1. paprika
pronto: 1. soon
pronunshashon: 1. pronunciation
pronunshá: 1. pronounce | 2. pronounce
pronunsiashon: 1. pronunciation
pronunsiá: 1. pronounce | 2. pronounce
propaganda: 1. propaganda, publicity
propagá: 1. advertise, publicize
propiedat: 1. possession, property
propio: 1. own, personal
proprietario: 1. owner
prosedensia: 1. lineage | 2. origin
prosedimento: 1. procedure, process
proseso: 1. action, lawsuit
prostitushon: 1. prostitution
protehá: 1. protect
proteina: 1. protein
protekshon: 1. protection | 2. protection
protesta: 1. protest
protestant: 1. Protestant
protestá: 1. protest
protokòl: 1. minutes, protocol
proverbio: 1. adage, proverb
provinsia: 1. province
proyekto: 1. plan, project, scheme
proyektá: 1. project
proyèktòr: 1. projector
prueba: 1. proof, sign, token
pruga: 1. flea
práctica: 1. practice
práktiko: 1. practical
prólogo: 1. prologue
prèkè: 1. safety-pin, safety pin
prèt: 1. fun, pleasure
prùim: 1. plum
prùlebak: 1. paper-basket
psalm: 1. psalm
publikashon: 1. proclamation, publication
publiká: 1. publish, reveal
pudin: 1. pudding
pueblo: 1. folk, nation, people | 2. village
puesto: 1. function, job, office, post
puiro: 1. dust
puiru: 1. dust
pul: 1. pool, swimming-bath, swimming-pool
pulmon: 1. lung
pulsera: 1. bracelet | 2. bracelet
puluwé: 1. work hard
punto: 1. dot, period, point, spot
puntra: 1. ask
pupu: 1. dung, excrement | 2. defecate
puresa: 1. cleanliness, purity
purifiká: 1. clean, cleanse, make clean, purge
puro: 1. pure
puru: 1. pure
pus: 1. pus
pusha: 1. push, thrust
pushi: 1. female cat | 2. cat
pushá: 1. push
pusta: 1. bet, wager
puta: 1. hooker, whore
putri: 1. putrefy, rot
puítu: 1. chick, chicken
puñal: 1. dagger
puñá: 1. dagger
p’esei: 1. on that account, therefore
püs: 1. purple
página: 1. page
pérdida: 1. loss
píldora: 1. pill
públikamente: 1. openly
públiko: 1. public
pèchi: 1. cap
pèchèpèchè: 1. mud
pòchi: 1. flowerpot | 2. jug, pot | 3. jug, box, container, vessel
pòchòpòchò: 1. mud
pòlbu: 1. powder
pòlesh: 1. polish
pòls: 1. pulse
pòlshi: 1. polish
pòlvo: 1. powder
pòmp: 1. pump | 2. pump
pòpchi: 1. doll, puppet
pòrno: 1. pornography
pòrnografia: 1. pornography
pòrtebel: 1. portable
pòst: 1. mail, post
pòsterei: 1. postman
pòstkantor: 1. post office
pòstkart: 1. postcard
pòtlot: 1. pencil
pòtmòni: 1. purse, wallet
pòwis: 1. peacock
pùzel: 1. enigma, puzzle, riddle
rabia: 1. angry, cross | 2. get angry
rabiá: 1. furious
rabo: 1. tail | 2. tail
rabu: 1. tail | 2. tail
radikal: 1. radical
radio: 1. radio, wireless
rafiná: 1. refine
rais: 1. root
raka: 1. catch, hit, run across, strike
rama: 1. twig | 2. bough, branch
rant: 1. border, brim, brink, edge, edging, fringe, rim
rasa: 1. breed, keep, raise, rear | 2. breed, race
raso: 1. furious
rason: 1. right, true
rasu: 1. furious
raton: 1. mouse
raton di anochi: 1. bat
rayo: 1. beam, ray
reakshon: 1. reaction
reakshoná: 1. react, respond
real: 1. regal, royal
realisabel: 1. achievable
realista: 1. realist
realisá: 1. produce
realitad: 1. actuality
realmente: 1. genuinely, indeed, really, truly
rebaha: 1. abatement, discount, rebate
rebelde: 1. rebel
rebelion: 1. mutiny, rebellion, revolt
recibu: 1. receipt | 2. acknowledgement, receipt
redupliká: 1. double
reeligí: 1. re-elect
ref: 1. bank, sandbank
reformá: 1. reform
regaldo: 1. gift, present
regester: 1. account book, record, register
registrá: 1. record, register
regla: 1. regulation, rule
regreso: 1. return
regresá: 1. come back, return
regular: 1. even, regular
regularmente: 1. regularly
rei: 1. guess | 2. king
reibewijs: 1. driving-licence
reim: 1. rhyme
reina: 1. control, govern, restrain, rule | 2. queen
reino: 1. kingdom
rek: 1. calculate, count, figure, work out
rekomendashon: 1. recommendation
rekomendá: 1. commend, recommend
rekompensa: 1. compensation, reward
rekompensá: 1. compensate, reward
rekonkistá: 1. recapture
rekonosibel: 1. recognizable
rekonosé: 1. acknowledge, admit, confess, profess
rekordá: 1. recall, recollect, remember
relativo: 1. relative
religion: 1. religion
religioso: 1. pious | 2. religious
rema: 1. row
rematismo: 1. rheumatism
remedi: 1. drug, medicine, pharmaceutical
remplasá: 1. replace, substitute
renchi: 1. ring
renchi di horeya: 1. earring
renchi di orea: 1. earring
renchi di oreya: 1. earring
representante: 1. agent, representative
representá: 1. act for, represent
reproche: 1. reproach
reprochá: 1. blame, rebuke, reproach, reprove, scold
reprodukshon: 1. reproduction
republikano: 1. republican
repúblika: 1. republic
resa: 1. pray
resistí: 1. resist, withstand
respaldá: 1. lean, support, sustain
respetá: 1. respect
responsabel: 1. accountable, responsible
resta: 1. be kept in, be detained, remain, stay on
resto: 1. remainder, rest
restorant: 1. restaurant
restu: 1. remainder, rest
resultado: 1. result
resumí: 1. abstract, summarize
resúmen: 1. abridgement, abstract, resumé, summery
revancha: 1. revenge, vengeance
revista: 1. periodical | 2. magazine, periodical, revue
revolushon: 1. revolution
revòlver: 1. revolver
riba: 1. on, upon
ridíkulo: 1. ridiculous
rikesa: 1. abundance, affluence, wealth
riko: 1. affluent, rich, wealthy, well-off
riku: 1. affluent, rich, wealthy, well-off
rim: 1. wheel
riol: 1. sewer
riparabel: 1. noteworthy, remarkable
ripará: 1. notice
ripití: 1. repeat | 2. repeat
risinbèn: 1. centipede
risistí: 1. resist, withstand
riska: 1. hazard, risk, venture
rista: 1. look for, seek
ritmo: 1. rhythm
riu: 1. river
rival: 1. rival
riñon: 1. kidney
roba: 1. plunder, rob | 2. steal
robes: 1. left | 2. on the left
robo: 1. abstraction, theft
roga: 1. beseech
roi: 1. stream
romántiko: 1. romantic
rondó: 1. round
ronka: 1. snore
ros: 1. pink
rosa: 1. rose
rosea: 1. breath
roseya: 1. breath
rospondi: 1. answer, reply
rospondé: 1. answer, reply, respond
rosti: 1. roast, toast
rosto: 1. roast, toast
roza: 1. rose
rubiano: 1. Aruban | 2. Aruban
rubí: 1. ruby
rudia: 1. knee
ruina: 1. ruin
ruiná: 1. ruin
ruman: 1. sister | 2. brother | 3. sibling | 4. parent
rumano: 1. Romanian, Rumanian
ruman hòmber: 1. brother
ruman mohé: 1. sister
ruman muhé: 1. sister
rumbo: 1. direction
rumor: 1. rumor, rumour
rushi: 1. make up
ruso: 1. Russian | 2. Russian
rutina: 1. routine
rápidamente: 1. fast, quickly, swiftly
rápido: 1. fast, quick, rapid, speedy, swift
rísiko: 1. hazard, risk
rítmiko: 1. rhythmic
rúbro: 1. column, header
rèktòr: 1. rector
rèm: 1. brake | 2. brake
rèspèt: 1. respect
ròl: 1. part, role, rôle | 2. roll
ròm: 1. rum
rònt: 1. round
rùber: 1. rubber
sa: 1. know, know how
sabi: 1. know, know how
sabor: 1. aroma, flavour | 2. taste
sacu: 1. pocket
sadismo: 1. sadism
sadista: 1. sadist
sagrado: 1. holy, sacred
saka: 1. throw up, vomit
saksofon: 1. saxophone
sal: 1. lounge, parlour, salon, sitting-room
sala: 1. salt | 2. lounge, parlour, salon, sitting-room
salada: 1. lettuce | 2. salad
salario: 1. salary, wage, wages
salba: 1. keep, save, rescue
salga: 1. salt
sali: 1. absent onself, depart, go away, leave
salida: 1. exit, way out
salmou: 1. salmon
salo: 1. salt
salta: 1. jump, leap, spring
salu: 1. salty | 2. salt
saludabel: 1. healthy, well
saludo: 1. greeting
saludá: 1. greet, salute
salú: 1. healthy, well | 2. health
sambuyá: 1. dive, plunge
sambèchi: 1. pen-knife
sandalia: 1. sandal
sanger: 1. blood
sangra: 1. bleed
sangro: 1. blood
santana: 1. cemetery, God’s acre, graveyard
santo: 1. sand | 2. holy, sacred
santu: 1. sand | 2. holy, sacred
sapato: 1. shoe
sapatu: 1. shoe
sapaté: 1. shoemaker
sarbètè: 1. towel
sarkasmo: 1. acidness, sarcasm
sastre: 1. tailor
satanas: 1. devil
satelit: 1. satellite
saya: 1. skirt
scucha: 1. listen
sebu: 1. fat, grease
sede: 1. thirst
sedu: 1. thirst
sefta: 1. sift | 2. sieve
seftu: 1. sieve
seguridat: 1. safety, security
seha: 1. brow, eyebrow
seis: 1. six
seka: 1. dry | 2. dry
sekat: 1. sepia
seko: 1. dry
sekretaria: 1. secretary
sekretario: 1. secretary
sekreto: 1. secret | 2. secret
sekretu: 1. secret | 2. secret
seksual: 1. generative, sexual
seku: 1. dry
sekuestrá: 1. abduct
sekura: 1. dryness
selebrashon: 1. celebration
selebre: 1. brain
selebro: 1. brain
selebrá: 1. celebrate
sembra: 1. sow
semper: 1. always, ever
semènt: 1. cement
sentebibu: 1. aloe
sentensha: 1. adjudication, verdict
sentenshá: 1. adjudicate
sentensia: 1. adjudication, verdict
sentensiá: 1. adjudicate
sentido: 1. sentence | 2. meaning
sentimento: 1. feel, feeling, sensation
sentimentu: 1. feel, feeling, sensation
sentral: 1. central
separá: 1. divide, separate
serbes: 1. ale, beer
seremonia: 1. ceremony
serenata: 1. serenade
seri: 1. series, set
serio: 1. earnest, serious, staid
serkel: 1. circle
sero: 1. hill | 2. mountain | 3. nought, zero
seru: 1. hill | 2. mountain
servisio: 1. crockery set
sesenta: 1. sixty
set: 1. thirst
setenta: 1. seventy
severidat: 1. severity, rigour, sterness
seña: 1. mark, sign, signal, token | 2. character, mark, sign, signal, token
señal: 1. mark, sign, signal, token | 2. character, mark, sign, signal, token
señor: 1. gentleman, lord | 2. Mister, Mr., sir
señora: 1. lady | 2. madam, Mrs.
señorita: 1. Miss | 2. virgin
shal: 1. shawl
shampaña: 1. champagne | 2. champagne
shampu: 1. shampoo
shap: 1. bar, pub
shelo: 1. heaven, sky
shelu: 1. heaven, sky
shen: 1. hundred, one hundred
shen mil: 1. hundred thousand
sher: 1. share
shete: 1. seven
shimis: 1. dress, gown, robe
shimí: 1. dress, gown, robe
shinishero: 1. ashtray
shinishi: 1. ash, cinder | 2. grey
shirishiri: 1. intestines
si: 1. if, provided that
sigui: 1. follow
sigur: 1. certain, sure
sigurá: 1. affirm, assure
sin: 1. without
sinku: 1. five
sinti: 1. feel, sense
sirbi: 1. serve
situacion: 1. circumstances, condition, situation
skina: 1. angle | 2. corner
skirbi: 1. write
sklama: 1. evoke
skohe: 1. choose, elect, pick out
skol: 1. school
skopèt: 1. gun, rifle
skotter: 1. saucer
skouder: 1. shoulder
skref: 1. exercise-book, folder, notebook
skreft: 1. exercise-book, folder, notebook
skruf: 1. screw
skrufdrai: 1. screwdriver
skual: 1. storm
skuma: 1. foam, froth | 2. foam, froth
skur: 1. dark, dim
skuri: 1. sift
skuridat: 1. darkness, murk
skòrpion: 1. scorpion
slakter: 1. butcher
slòf: 1. slipper
sneu: 1. snow
so: 1. alone, only, sole, solitary
sobako: 1. armpit
sociedad: 1. society
sodó: 1. perspiration, sweat
sofa: 1. sofa
sokete: 1. addled, foolish, stupid | 2. fool
solamente: 1. exclusively, just, only
solicitá: 1. run for election
solo: 1. sun
soltera: 1. unmarried woman, spinster
soltero: 1. bachelor
solushon: 1. solution
sombré: 1. hat
somentá: 1. disappear
sonreí: 1. smile
sonrisa: 1. smile
soportá: 1. endure, put up with, tolerate
sordo: 1. deaf
sorprendé: 1. surprise
sorpresa: 1. surprise
sorpresá: 1. surprise
sorto: 1. kind, sort
soshal: 1. social | 2. social
soshalismo: 1. socialism
soshalista: 1. socialist
sosial: 1. social | 2. social
sosialismo: 1. socialism
sosialisto: 1. socialist
sosio: 1. friend
sosiologia: 1. sociology
sosiólogo: 1. sociologist
sosodé: 1. come about, happen, occur
sospecho: 1. suspicion
sospechá: 1. suspect
sostené: 1. lean, support, sustain
souchi: 1. swallow
sous: 1. gravy, sauce
so long: 1. adieu, farewell, bye, goodbye
soña: 1. dream
soño: 1. dream
sparplùk: 1. plug, spark plug
spañó: 1. Spanish | 2. Spanish, Spanish language | 3. Spaniard
spenderá: 1. spiderweb
spera: 1. abide, expect, wait, await, wait for | 2. hope
speransa: 1. hope
speshal: 1. particular, special
speshi: 1. sperm
spesial: 1. particular, special
spesífiko: 1. specific
spierta: 1. arouse, wake, awaken, wake up | 2. wake, wake up
spil: 1. looking-glass, mirror
spinazi: 1. spinach
spion: 1. spy
spioná: 1. spy
spiral: 1. spiral
spirito: 1. ghost, phantom
spiritu: 1. ghost, phantom | 2. spirit
spiña: 1. thorn
sprin: 1. spring
stabil: 1. stable
stal: 1. bench, easel, tressle, workbench | 2. steel
stampia: 1. stamp, postage stamp
stashon: 1. stage, station, stop
stashoná: 1. park
stat: 1. city, town
statistik: 1. statistics
steif: 1. rigid, stiff
stenografia: 1. shorthand, stenography
steril: 1. sterile
sterki: 1. strong
stet: 1. lean, support, sustain
stimashon: 1. affection, love
stimulá: 1. rouse, stimulate, stir up
stimá: 1. dear, lovely
stiwardès: 1. air hostess, stewardess
stoma: 1. stomach
stot: 1. push, thrust | 2. push
strabagante: 1. odd, peculiar, strange
straik: 1. strike | 2. strike
stranhero: 1. foreigner
strañero: 1. foreigner | 2. foreigner, stranger
straño: 1. odd, peculiar, strange
strañu: 1. alien, foreign, strange
strea: 1. star
strepi: 1. ray, strip, stripe
streya: 1. star
strika: 1. iron, iron clothes
stropi: 1. syrup
struktura: 1. structure
studia: 1. study
studiante: 1. student, female student | 2. academic, student
stul: 1. chair
stupi: 1. pavement, sidewalk
stür: 1. direct, guide, manage, steer | 2. handlebars, helm, rudder
stòfzùiger: 1. vacuum cleaner, vacuum-cleaner
stòk: 1. stock
stòmpi: 1. blunt
stòp: 1. halt, stop
su: 1. his | 2. her, his, its, their | 3. its | 4. her
sua: 1. brother-in-law
suabe: 1. soft
suafel: 1. match
suaflo: 1. match
suak: 1. faint, light, weak
subi: 1. lever, lift, raise | 2. ascend, climb, go up
subrina: 1. niece
subrino: 1. nephew
substituí: 1. replace, substitute
suegra: 1. mother-in-law
suegro: 1. father-in-law
suegronan: 1. parents-in-law
suegru: 1. father-in-law
suegrunan: 1. parents-in-law
suela: 1. floor
sueldo: 1. salary, wage, wages
sueltu: 1. happiness
suertè: 1. happiness
sufiho: 1. extension, suffix
sufisiente: 1. enough, sufficient
sufri: 1. abide, bear, endure, put up with, suffer
suiso: 1. Swiss | 2. Swiss
suku: 1. sugar
sumpiña: 1. thorn
sunchi: 1. kiss | 2. kiss
sunú: 1. bare, naked, nude
superficie: 1. surface
supersticioso: 1. superstitious
superstishon: 1. superstition
superá: 1. exceed, surpass
supla: 1. blow
suplicá: 1. ask, ask for, beg, bid, request
sur: 1. south
susha: 1. soil
sushi: 1. dirty, filthy, nasty, soiled, unclean
sustantivo: 1. noun, substantive
sürnam: 1. Surinamese
sí: 1. yes
sèks: 1. sex
sèl: 1. cell
sèlder: 1. celery
sèldu: 1. celery
sèmper: 1. always, ever
sèn: 1. cent | 2. money
sèntimeter: 1. centimetre
sèntimetro: 1. centimetre
sèntuich: 1. sandwich
sèptèmber: 1. September
sòldá: 1. pawn, soldier
sòpi: 1. soup
sòru: 1. care, see, take care, worry
sùr: 1. nun
sùrprais: 1. surprise | 2. surprise
ta: 1. be | 2. be
tabako: 1. tobacco
tabaku: 1. tobacco
tabèl: 1. index, table, tablet, tabulation
taha: 1. forbid, prohibit
taip: 1. type
taipraiter: 1. typewriter
taira: 1. foreign country
takon: 1. baton, cane, stick
taksa: 1. appraise, estimate, rate
taksador: 1. appraiser
taksatùr: 1. appraiser
takser: 1. appraise, estimate, rate
takòn: 1. baton, cane, stick
talbes: 1. maybe, mayhap, perchance, perhaps, possibly
talento: 1. aptitude, disposition, talent | 2. aptitude, disposition, talent
tamaño: 1. bulk, dimension, extend, size
tambe: 1. also, likewise, too
tambora: 1. drum
tambú: 1. drum
tambòr: 1. drum
tango: 1. tango
tanta: 1. aunt
tanten: 1. adieu, farewell, bye, goodbye
tapeit: 1. carpet
tata: 1. father
tawela: 1. grandfather
taxi: 1. taxi
taya: 1. waist, waistline
tayó: 1. plate
te: 1. until, till
teater: 1. theatre
tefi: 1. sieve
tek: 1. design, draw
teknologia: 1. technology
teksto: 1. lyric, text
tela: 1. fabric, textile
telefon: 1. telephone
telefòn: 1. telephone
telegram: 1. telegram
teleram: 1. abacus, ball-frame, counting-frame
teleskop: 1. telescope
televishon: 1. television, TV
temblor: 1. earthquake
temperatura: 1. temperature
tempo: 1. time, while
temporada: 1. season
temporal: 1. provisional, temporary
temporalmente: 1. for the time being, temporarily
tempran: 1. early
tempu: 1. time, while | 2. weather
tempu di awaceru: 1. rainy season
tempu di friu: 1. winter
tende: 1. hear
tene: 1. hang onto, hold
teologia: 1. theology
teorétiko: 1. abstract
tera: 1. earth, land, soil
terapia: 1. therapy
tereno: 1. ground, grounds, terrain
teribel: 1. abysmal, dreadful, gruesome, horrible, terrible
teritorio: 1. territory
terminá: 1. accomodate, end, finish, terminate
teror: 1. terror, reign of terror
terorismo: 1. terrorism
terorista: 1. terrorist
tersio: 1. friend
tesoro: 1. treasure
testigo: 1. witness
testigu: 1. witness
testiguá: 1. attest, bear witness of, testify
tete: 1. udder | 2. breast, teat
teólogo: 1. theologian
tia: 1. aunt
tibia: 1. lukewarm
tienda: 1. boutique, shop, store
tiger: 1. tiger
tigro: 1. tiger
tilde: 1. tilde
tin: 1. there is, there are | 2. have, have got | 3. own, possess
tini: 1. own, possess
tin bergwensa: 1. be ashamed
tin bia: 1. several times, sometimes
tin flakesa: 1. be hungry
tipista: 1. typist
tipo: 1. type
tira: 1. throw
titubiá: 1. hesitate
tokadisko: 1. phonograph, record-player
tokadó: 1. musician
tokai: 1. namesake
tolerá: 1. endure, put up with, tolerate
tomati: 1. tomato
tono: 1. tone
tonto: 1. cunt, pussy
topa: 1. come across, encounter, meet, see
toro: 1. bull
torpedo: 1. torpedo
tortura: 1. torture
tosa: 1. cough
tost: 1. roast, toast
total: 1. overall, total
tovenar: 1. enchanter, magician, sorcerer, warlock, wizard
tover: 1. bewitch
trabou: 1. job, work
tradishon: 1. tradition
tradishonal: 1. traditional
tradukshon: 1. translation
tradusí: 1. translate
tragedia: 1. tragedy
traha: 1. work
trahadó: 1. hand, laborer, labourer, operative, worker, working man, workman
traidó: 1. treacherous
traishon: 1. betrayal, treachery
traishoná: 1. betray
traktor: 1. tractor
trampa: 1. snare, trap
trankilo: 1. calm, tranquil
transester: 1. transistor
transeunte: 1. passer-by
transformá: 1. transform
transitivo: 1. transitive
transparante: 1. transparant
transpirashon: 1. perspiration, sweat
transpirá: 1. sweat
transportadó: 1. carrier, transporter
transportá: 1. transport
transpòrt: 1. transport
trapi: 1. staircase, stairs | 2. ladder
tras di: 1. behind, after
trata: 1. deal with, handle, treat
trein: 1. train | 2. coach, train | 3. train
trel: 1. quiver, shiver, tremble
tren: 1. coach, train
tres: 1. three
trese: 1. bring, fetch
tribel: 1. triple
tribi: 1. be bold, dare
tribon: 1. shark
tribu: 1. tribe
tribuna: 1. rostrum, speaker’s platform
tribí: 1. proud
triki: 1. subterfuge, trick, trickery
trinta: 1. thirty
tripa: 1. intestines
tripulashon: 1. crew
tripulá: 1. man
tristu: 1. bleak, dismal, dreary, gaunt, miserable, sad, somber | 2. dismal, gaunt, miserable, sad | 3. dismal, dreary, sad
triángulo: 1. triangle
trobe: 1. afresh, again, all over again, anew | 2. afresh, again, once more
trompet: 1. trumpet
trono: 1. throne
tropa: 1. troop, troupe
tropikal: 1. tropical
tráfiko: 1. traffic
trágiko: 1. tragic
trópiko: 1. tropical
trèk: 1. drag, draw, haul, pull, tug
trèm: 1. streetcar, tram
tròbel: 1. quarrel
tròtuar: 1. pavement, sidewalk
tuma un bañu: 1. bathe
tunafesh: 1. tuna, tuna-fish, tunny
tur: 1. entire, overall, whole
turismo: 1. tourism
turista: 1. tourist
turko: 1. Turkish | 2. Turk
turno: 1. file, line, rank, row, turn
tur camina: 1. all about, everywhere
tutpek: 1. toothpick
táktika: 1. tactic, tactics
téknika: 1. technics, technique
término: 1. term
tífes: 1. typhus
tíket: 1. bill, ticket, note
tío: 1. uncle
típiko: 1. typical
tíshert: 1. T-shirt
título: 1. degree, heading, title
tèlram: 1. abacus, ball-frame, counting-frame
tèmpel: 1. temple
tènes: 1. tennis
tènt: 1. tent
tèrt: 1. pie, tart
tèstamènt: 1. testament, will
tòr: 1. beetle | 2. beetle
tùnel: 1. tunnel
ulandes: 1. Dutch | 2. Dutch
ultimatum: 1. ultimatum
umbes: 1. at once, immediately, just, right away, right now
umbé: 1. at once, immediately, just, right away, right now
un: 1. one
unda: 1. where
unidat: 1. unity
unifòrm: 1. uniform
union: 1. union
universo: 1. universe
univèrsal: 1. general, universal, worldwide
univèrsidat: 1. university
univèrsitario: 1. academic
un cos: 1. anything, something
un hende: 1. a, any, anybody, some, somebody, one, someone, some one
usa: 1. employ, use, make use of
usabel: 1. of use, suitable
uso: 1. use
uster: 1. oyster
usual: 1. accustomed, customary, used to, usual, wonted
utilidat: 1. advantage, benefit
uza: 1. employ, use, make use of
uzo: 1. use
uña: 1. nail
vak: 1. branch, compartment, department, pigeonhole, section, speciality
vakashon: 1. vacation | 2. spare time, time off, vacation
vampir: 1. vampire
vania: 1. vanilla
vas: 1. vase, vessel
vaselin: 1. vaseline
vehíkulo: 1. vehicle
veila: 1. file
veilo: 1. file
veilu: 1. file | 2. file
veneno: 1. poison
venenoso: 1. poisonous
venenu: 1. poison
venená: 1. poison
venga: 1. avenge, avenge oneself
vense: 1. defeat, win over
veranda: 1. porch, veranda
verbo: 1. verb
verkout: 1. cold | 2. cold
vermut: 1. vermouth
vernis: 1. varnish
vertikal: 1. vertical
veter: 1. shoe-lace
veterano: 1. veteran
vibora: 1. adder, viper
vibra: 1. vibrate
vigiladó: 1. guard
vigilá: 1. guard, keep, look after, watch over
viktoria: 1. victory
vila: 1. villa
virhuk: 1. quadrangle
virus: 1. virus
visa: 1. visa, visé
visibel: 1. visible
vitamina: 1. vitamin
vlam: 1. flame
vluipapir: 1. blotter, blotting paper
vlèkt: 1. braid, plait, twine, wreathe
vlèktu: 1. braid, plait, twine, wreathe
vokal: 1. vowel
volkan: 1. volcano
volt: 1. Volt
volüm: 1. volume | 2. volume
vos: 1. voice
vota: 1. vote
voto: 1. voice
vringud: 1. thimble
vruminga: 1. ant, emmet
vrumun: 1. midwife, obstetrician
vágina: 1. vagina
víktima: 1. victim
vírgen: 1. virgin
vèn: 1. electric fan, ventilator
vèntil: 1. tube, valve
vèt: 1. fat, fatty, greasy | 2. fat, grease
waf: 1. platform, quay, wharf
wal: 1. veil
wante: 1. glove, mitten
wapu: 1. brave, courageous, valiant
warda: 1. abide, expect, wait, await, wait for
wardadó: 1. guard
wardadór: 1. guard
was: 1. wax
watt: 1. watt
waya: 1. wire
webo: 1. egg
webu: 1. egg
wega: 1. game
weiter: 1. waiter
wela: 1. grandmother
wela grandi: 1. great-grandmother
welga: 1. strike | 2. strike
weso: 1. bone
wesu: 1. bone
weter: 1. waiter
wikènt: 1. week-end
wil: 1. wheel
wiski: 1. whisky, whiskey
wowo: 1. eye
wustein: 1. desert
wérfano: 1. orphan
wèker: 1. alarm, alarmclock
wèlga: 1. strike | 2. strike
wòchmèn: 1. guard
wòlf: 1. wolf
wòrs: 1. sausage
wòrst: 1. sausage
ya: 1. already, by now, yet
yabi: 1. key, wrench
yag: 1. chase, hunt
yagdó: 1. hunter
yalurs: 1. jealous
yalus: 1. jealous
yama: 1. be called | 2. call, summon
yanefer: 1. gin
yanuari: 1. January
yanüari: 1. January
yas: 1. coat, overcoat
yate: 1. yacht
yefrou: 1. Miss
yegada: 1. arrival
yen: 1. complete, full
yena: 1. fill, fill in, fill up
yerba: 1. grass
yerbè: 1. grass
yiu: 1. child, offspring, young | 2. bairn, child, infant | 3. child
yiu homber: 1. son
yiu mohé: 1. daughter
yiu muhé: 1. daughter
yobe: 1. rain
yodi: 1. iodine
yoga: 1. yoga
yora: 1. cry, weep
yu: 1. bairn, child, infant | 2. child
yuana: 1. iguana
yuda: 1. abet, aid, assist, help | 2. accomodate, aid, assist, help
yudadó: 1. aid, assistant, helper | 2. aid, assistent, helper
yugo: 1. yoke
yute: 1. jute
yüli: 1. July
yüni: 1. June
yòn: 1. young
za: 1. saw | 2. saw
zag: 1. saw | 2. saw
zebra: 1. zebra
zeilo: 1. sail
zeilu: 1. sail
zeta: 1. oil | 2. paraffin-oil, petroleum
zim: 1. zinc
zin: 1. sentence
zink: 1. sink
zip: 1. zipper
ziper: 1. zipper
zjampaña: 1. champagne
zjampo: 1. shampoo
zjenever: 1. gin
zjiraf: 1. giraffe
zodiak: 1. zodiac
zolder: 1. attic
zona: 1. sound | 2. zone
zonido: 1. sound
zonidu: 1. sound
zoologia: 1. zoology
zoya: 1. balance, poise
zuid: 1. south
zuip: 1. whip | 2. whip
zumbi: 1. ghost, phantom
zuèmbruk: 1. swimming trunks
zuèmpul: 1. pool, swimming-bath, swimming-pool
zürstòf: 1. oxygen
zòneblum: 1. sunflower
águila: 1. eagle
álgebra: 1. algebra
álue: 1. aloe
ánimo: 1. activity, gusto, spirit, stir, zest
árabe: 1. Arabian, Arabic
área: 1. area
ásido: 1. acetous, acid, sour, tart | 2. acid
époka: 1. age, epoch, era
étiko: 1. ethical
ídolo: 1. idol
íntimo: 1. close, intimate
último: 1. last
úniko: 1. unique
útil: 1. advantageous, useful
èksamen: 1. investigation, examination, test
èksaminá: 1. examine
èksito: 1. achievement, success
èkskius: 1. excuse me
èkstra: 1. additional, extra
èkstraordinariamente: 1. exceedingly, extraordinarily
èkstraordinario: 1. extraordinary, formidable
èlebog: 1. elbow
èmer: 1. bucket, pail
ènvelop: 1. envelope
èskimo: 1. Eskimo
òf: 1. or
òktober: 1. October
òpera: 1. opera
ñetu: 1. grandchild