Mayan is spoken in southern Mexico and adjoining countries including Guatemala and Belize. It is spoken by the Maya peoples, who with 6 million people speak it natively. There are quite a few different Mayan languages, and many of them have been officially recognized. Here a number of Mayan words & their meanings translated into English.
English to Mayan
American Indian: 1. masewal
East: 1. lak’in
Evening Star: 1. Xnuk Ek’
Indian: 1. masewal
Indian corn: 1. xi’im
Mexican: 1. wach
North: 1. xaman
Venus: 1. Xnuk Ek’
West: 1. chik’in
a: 1. ich, ichil | 2. wa maax
abandoned: 1. xma’ su’tal
aberration: 1. si’pil
abide: 1. pa’tal, pa’tik
absent onself: 1. luk’ul
abysmal: 1. hach k’as
accident: 1. loob
accomodate: 1. ts’oksik | 2. aantik
accord: 1. chaik
account for: 1. tsoolik | 2. tsoolik
accrue: 1. ch’iihil
acerbic: 1. yeh | 2. k’aah
acetous: 1. pah
ache: 1. k’iinam, yah
achieve: 1. beetik, mentik, metik
acid: 1. pah
acquire: 1. manik
act: 1. beetik, mentik, metik
actuate: 1. peeksik
admit: 1. chaik
ado: 1. ch’e’eh
adult: 1. nuuktak
affair: 1. beel
affluent: 1. ayik’al, taak’inal
afford: 1. chaik
afresh: 1. ka’teen | 2. ka’teen
again: 1. ka’teen | 2. ka’teen
age: 1. u ha’abil
agent: 1. nu’kul
aid: 1. aantah | 2. aantik
ailment: 1. k’oha’nil
air: 1. iik’
ale: 1. cheba, seerbeesa
alive: 1. kuxa’an
all: 1. tulakal
allow: 1. chaik
all over again: 1. ka’teen
alone: 1. hun
already: 1. tanili
also: 1. xan
although: 1. kex
always: 1. laylie
and: 1. ka’
anew: 1. ka’teen
another: 1. u heel
answer: 1. nuukik
ant-eater: 1. chab | 2. chab | 3. chab
ant: 1. sinik
anus: 1. it
any: 1. wa maax
anybody: 1. wa maax
anything: 1. wa ba’ax
anywhere: 1. wa tu’ux
ape: 1. tuucha
aperture: 1. chi’, hool
appear: 1. hook’ol
appellation: 1. k’aaba’
arise: 1. liik’il | 2. sihil
arm: 1. k’ab
armadillo: 1. wech
armpit: 1. xiik’, yanal xiik’
arrive: 1. k’uchul
arse: 1. it
article: 1. ba’al
as: 1. tumen
ascend: 1. liik’il
assist: 1. aantik
assistent: 1. aantah
at: 1. naats’
attend: 1. ximbatik
at all: 1. humpuli
at present: 1. beora
autobus: 1. wawa
average: 1. chumuk
await: 1. pa’tal, pa’tik
axe: 1. baat
a little: 1. hump’iit
backside: 1. u bak’el it
bad: 1. k’as
bad luck: 1. loob
bag: 1. sabukan | 2. sabukan
bairn: 1. paal
banana: 1. ha’as
bare: 1. xma’ nook’
bark: 1. sool
bat: 1. soots’
bathe: 1. ichkiil
baton: 1. che’
beak: 1. koh
beard: 1. me’ex
beat: 1. hats’ik, p’uchik
beautiful: 1. hats’uts
beauty: 1. hats’utsil
because: 1. tumen
become full: 1. chuupul
bee: 1. kaab
beef: 1. u bak’el wakax
beer: 1. cheba, seerbeesa
before: 1. taan
begin: 1. chunbesik, kaahsik | 2. chunpahal
beginning: 1. chun
behind: 1. u bak’el it
behold: 1. he’la’
belt: 1. k’axab nak’
beside: 1. naats’
be alive: 1. kahtal, kuxtal
be asleep: 1. wenel
be born: 1. sihil
be closed: 1. he’bel, k’aalal
be possible: 1. pahtal
be willing to: 1. taak
big: 1. nohoch, nuuk
bill: 1. koh
bird: 1. ch’iich’
birth: 1. sihil
bit: 1. xet’
bite: 1. chi’bal
bitter: 1. k’aah
black: 1. box
blame: 1. kuch
blank: 1. sak
bleak: 1. ke’el
blend: 1. xa’ak’tik
blind: 1. ch’oop
blond: 1. chakxiich’
blood: 1. k’i’ik
bloom: 1. lol, nikte’
blue: 1. ya’ax
blushing: 1. chak
board: 1. hump’el che’
body: 1. winklil
bold: 1. polok
bone: 1. baak
book: 1. hu’un
border: 1. chi’, haal
bosom: 1. iim
boss: 1. nohchil | 2. nohchil
both: 1. le ka’peeli
bottom: 1. u bak’el it
bough: 1. k’ab
bovine: 1. wakax
bovine animal: 1. wakax
boy: 1. paal, xi’paal
brain: 1. ts’o’om
branch: 1. k’ab
bread: 1. pam, pan, waah
break: 1. kaachik, pa’ik, xiikik
breast: 1. iim | 2. iim
breathe: 1. ch’a’ik iik’
brief: 1. koom
brim: 1. chi’, haal
bring: 1. taasik
brink: 1. chi’, haal
broom: 1. miis
brother: 1. iits’in, suku’un
bucket: 1. ch’ooy
building: 1. nahil
bull: 1. wakax
burden: 1. kuchik | 2. kuch
burdensome: 1. aal
burn: 1. elel
bury: 1. mukik | 2. mukik
bus: 1. wawa
business: 1. beel
business deal: 1. beel
butterfly: 1. pepem
buttocks: 1. u bak’el it
buy: 1. manik | 2. manik | 3. manik | 4. manik | 5. manik | 6. manik
by: 1. naats’
bye: 1. tu heel k’iin
by now: 1. tanili
calabash: 1. k’uum
call on: 1. ximbatik
can: 1. laataa
candle: 1. kib
cane: 1. che’
capture: 1. chukik
care for: 1. ts’aakik
case: 1. beel
cat: 1. mis
catch: 1. chukik
cave: 1. aktun | 2. aktun
cavern: 1. aktun
celebration: 1. cha’an | 2. cha’an
centre: 1. chumuk
chair: 1. k’anche’
change: 1. k’exik
charcoal: 1. chuuk
charge: 1. kuch
cheap: 1. ma’ ko’ohi’
cheat: 1. tuus
chemist’s shop: 1. u nahil koonol ts’aak
chest: 1. iim
chew: 1. hach’ik
chicken: 1. xkaax | 2. kaax
chief: 1. nohchil | 2. nohchil
child: 1. paal | 2. paal
chilly: 1. ke’el
chin: 1. k’ono’ch
chocolate: 1. chukwa’
cigarette: 1. chamal
city: 1. kaah
clarify: 1. tsoolik
clean: 1. hanil, sak
clear: 1. hanil, saas
clip: 1. k’osik
close: 1. k’alik | 2. he’bel, k’aalal
closed: 1. k’ala’an
clothes: 1. nook’
clothing: 1. nook’
cloud: 1. munyal, muyal
cock: 1. t’eel
cockroach: 1. k’uruch
coffee: 1. boxha’, kaape
cold: 1. ke’el | 2. se’en
comb: 1. xaachetik | 2. xaache’
come: 1. tal
come about: 1. uuchul
commence: 1. chunbesik, kaahsik | 2. chunpahal
commencement: 1. chun
complete: 1. chuup
completely: 1. humpuli
consider: 1. paktik
contented: 1. kiimak ool
continue: 1. segirtik
cook: 1. tahal
cooked: 1. tak’aan
cool: 1. k’as ke’el, siis, siis ool
cord: 1. suum
corn: 1. xi’im
corpulent: 1. polok
costly: 1. ko’oh
cougar: 1. koh
cough: 1. se’en
count: 1. xook, xookik
cover: 1. pix
cow: 1. wakax
coyote: 1. ch’amak, ch’omak
crazy: 1. chokow pol
crocodile: 1. aayin
cry: 1. ook’ol
cry out: 1. awat
cunt: 1. toon
cure: 1. ts’aakik
cushion: 1. k’anho’ol
custom: 1. suuk
cut: 1. k’osik
dance: 1. ook’ot
dangerous: 1. hach k’as
dark: 1. e’hoch’e’en
day: 1. k’iin
dead: 1. kimen
deaf: 1. kook
deaf and dumb: 1. tootkook
dear: 1. ko’oh | 2. ko’oh | 3. ko’oh
deceive: 1. tuus
deem: 1. paktik
deep: 1. taam
deer: 1. keeh
defecate: 1. ta’kuba
demon: 1. xtaabay
den: 1. aktun | 2. k’u’
depart: 1. luk’ul
depth: 1. niixil kab | 2. niixil kab
descend: 1. eemel
devil: 1. kisiin
die: 1. kimil
different: 1. hela’an, u heel
difficult: 1. yah
diligent: 1. aalkab u man meyah, seeb u meyah
dim: 1. e’hoch’e’en
diminutive: 1. chan, chichan
din: 1. ch’e’eh
dirty: 1. eek’
disease: 1. k’oha’nil
dismal: 1. tuukul, yah tu yool
dispose of: 1. konik
distance: 1. naachil
distinct: 1. hanil, saas
divide: 1. hatsik
do: 1. beetik, mentik, metik
doctor: 1. ts’ats’aak
dog: 1. pek’
domestic animal: 1. aalak’
dragonfly: 1. turix
dreadful: 1. hach k’as
dream: 1. naay | 2. wayak’
dreary: 1. tuukul, yah tu yool
drink: 1. uk’ik
drug: 1. ts’aak
drugstore: 1. u nahil koonol ts’aak
drum: 1. tunk’ul
drunk: 1. kala’an
dry: 1. tihil | 2. tihsik
dumb: 1. toot
dung: 1. ta’
dye: 1. bon
ear: 1. xikin
earth: 1. lu’um
earthworm: 1. lukum
east: 1. lak’in
edge: 1. chi’, haal
edging: 1. chi’, haal
egg: 1. he’
elbow: 1. kuuk
elder brother: 1. suku’un
elder sister: 1. kiik
else: 1. u heel
emerge: 1. hook’ol
emmet: 1. sinik
enchanter: 1. waay
end: 1. ts’oksik
end up: 1. k’uchul
enter: 1. okol
entirely: 1. humpuli | 2. humpuli
entomb: 1. mukik
epiphyte: 1. ch’u
error: 1. si’pil
escape: 1. luk’ul, puuts’ul
even: 1. hay, taax
evening: 1. okaank’iin
ever: 1. laylie
exclusively: 1. chen
excrement: 1. ta’
expect: 1. pa’tal, pa’tik
expensive: 1. ko’oh | 2. ko’oh
expire: 1. kimil
explain: 1. tsoolik | 2. tsoolik
explode: 1. waak’al
extinguish: 1. tuupik
eye: 1. ich
face: 1. ich
fair: 1. chakxiich’
falcon: 1. koos
family: 1. lak’tsil, pamilya
fancy: 1. ts’iiboltik
fart: 1. kiskuba | 2. kis
fast: 1. heets’a’an | 2. seeb, seebak | 3. seeba’an
fat: 1. polok
father: 1. papah, tat, tata | 2. papah, tat, tata
fault: 1. kuch
fear: 1. sahkil
feather: 1. k’uk’um
fellow: 1. xib
festival: 1. cha’an
fetch: 1. taasik
field: 1. kol | 2. kol | 3. kol | 4. kol
fill: 1. chupik, chupsik
fill in: 1. chupik, chupsik
fill up: 1. chupik, chupsik
filthy: 1. eek’
fine: 1. hats’uts
finger: 1. aal, u yaal a k’ab
finish: 1. ts’oksik
fire: 1. k’aak’
firebox: 1. k’ooben
firewood: 1. si’
firm: 1. heets’a’an
first: 1. yaaxil
firstly: 1. yaaxil
first of all: 1. yaaxil
fish: 1. kay
fist: 1. wool a k’ab
fix: 1. utskintik
flat: 1. hay, taax
flee: 1. luk’ul, puuts’ul | 2. luk’ul
float: 1. baab
flower: 1. lol, nikte’
flute: 1. piitoo
foam: 1. yoon
fog: 1. yeeb
fold: 1. wuuts’ik
follow: 1. tsaypachik
foot: 1. ook | 2. ook
for: 1. tumen
force: 1. muuk’
foreigner: 1. xunaan | 2. ts’ul
foreign lady: 1. xunaan
foreign woman: 1. xunaan
forest: 1. k’aax
forget: 1. tu’ub, tu’ubsik
fountain: 1. sayab | 2. sayab, sayab ha’
four: 1. kan-
fowl: 1. xkaax | 2. kaax
fox: 1. ch’amak, ch’omak
fresh: 1. aak’
friend: 1. amigoo
fringe: 1. chi’, haal
frog: 1. much
froth: 1. yoon
fruit: 1. yich, yich che’
fry: 1. tsahik
fuck: 1. topik
full: 1. chuup
gag: 1. baaxal t’aan
gammer: 1. xnuk
gaunt: 1. hay | 2. tuukul, yah tu yool
gentleman: 1. yuum
get: 1. k’uchul | 2. bisik | 3. k’amik
get off: 1. eemel
get tired: 1. ch’a’ik ool
get up: 1. liik’il
get wet: 1. ch’uulul
ghost: 1. xtaabay
gift: 1. siibil
girdle: 1. k’axab nak’
girl: 1. ch’uupal
give: 1. siik
glad: 1. kiimak ool
gnat: 1. us
go: 1. bin, ximbal
goat: 1. taman
gold: 1. taak’in
good: 1. uts
goodbye: 1. tu heel k’iin
gourd: 1. k’uum
go away: 1. luk’ul
go down: 1. eemel
go for a walk: 1. ximbal
go in: 1. okol
go on: 1. segirtik
go up: 1. liik’il
gradually: 1. huhump’ iitil
grandchild: 1. aabil
grandfather: 1. tat, tata, tatich
grandmother: 1. chiich, mamich
grapevine: 1. ak’
grapple: 1. chukik
grasshopper: 1. saak’
great: 1. nohoch, nuuk
green: 1. ya’ax
grind: 1. huch’
grotto: 1. aktun
ground: 1. lu’um
grow: 1. ch’iihil
grown-up: 1. nuuktak
gruesome: 1. hach k’as
guilt: 1. kuch
gun: 1. ts’oon
habit: 1. suuk
hail: 1. bat
hair: 1. tso’ts
half: 1. chumuk
hammock: 1. k’aan
hand: 1. k’ab
handsome: 1. hats’uts
hang: 1. ch’uykintik
happen: 1. uuchul
happy: 1. kiimak ool
hard: 1. yah
hardworking: 1. aalkab u man meyah, seeb u meyah
harvest: 1. hooch, hoochik
hat: 1. p’ook
hate: 1. p’ektik
have: 1. k’amik
have a bath: 1. ichkiil
have sex: 1. ts’iis
head: 1. ho’ol, pol | 2. ho’ol, pol | 3. ho’ol, pol | 4. ho’ol, pol
headache: 1. k’iinam
heart: 1. puksik’al
heaven: 1. ka’an
heavy: 1. aal
heel: 1. tuunkuy
hello: 1. ola
help: 1. aantik
helper: 1. aantah
here are: 1. he’la’
here is: 1. he’la’
hill: 1. muul
hit: 1. hats’ik, p’uchik
hog: 1. k’eek’en
hole: 1. hool
home: 1. otoch
honey: 1. kaab
hood: 1. pix
horn: 1. baak
horrible: 1. hach k’as
horse: 1. tsiimin
hot: 1. k’iilkab, k’iinal
hour: 1. ora
house: 1. nah
how: 1. biix
how are you?: 1. biix a beel?, biix a beele’ex?
how do you do?: 1. biix a beel?, biix a beele’ex?
hummingbird: 1. ts’unu’un
hungry: 1. wi’ih
hurricane: 1. chich iik’
husband: 1. iicham, laak’
husk: 1. sool
if: 1. wa
iguana: 1. huh
ill: 1. k’oha’an
illness: 1. k’oha’nil
imagine: 1. ts’iiboltik
important: 1. k’ana’an
in: 1. ich, ichil
inconvenient: 1. yah
indicate: 1. e’esik
indication: 1. tamax chi’ | 2. tamax chi’
industrious: 1. aalkab u man meyah, seeb u meyah
inexpensive: 1. ma’ ko’ohi’
infant: 1. paal
injury: 1. loob
insane: 1. chokow pol
inside: 1. ich, ichil
instructor: 1. ka’nsah
inter: 1. mukik
intestines: 1. chooch
into: 1. ich, ichil
intoxicated: 1. kala’an
in front of: 1. taan
in what way: 1. biix
iron: 1. maskab
itch: 1. sak’
jaguaro: 1. chakmool
job: 1. meyah
joke: 1. baaxal t’aan
juice: 1. k’aab
jump: 1. siit’
jungle: 1. k’aax
just: 1. chen
kill: 1. kinsik
kiss: 1. ts’u’uts’, ts’u’uts’ik
kitchen: 1. k’ooben
knee: 1. piix
lad: 1. paal, xi’paal
laddie: 1. paal, xi’paal
lake: 1. ha’
land: 1. lu’um
large: 1. nohoch, nuuk
lass: 1. ch’uupal
lasso: 1. suum
last: 1. -ak
laugh: 1. che’eh
lay hold of: 1. bisik
lazy: 1. hooykep
leader: 1. nohchil
leaf: 1. le’
lean: 1. hay
leap: 1. siit’
leather: 1. k’ewel
leave: 1. luk’ul
left: 1. ts’iika’an
leg: 1. ook
length: 1. chowakil | 2. chowakil
let: 1. mahantik
letter: 1. hu’un
level: 1. hay, taax
lid: 1. pix
lie: 1. tuus | 2. tuus
lie down: 1. chiltal, chital | 2. chiltal, chital
lift: 1. liik’il
light: 1. saasil | 2. saal
lighter: 1. u xikin k’aak’
likewise: 1. xan
lineage: 1. chun
liquidate: 1. kinsik
little: 1. chan, chichan
little by little: 1. huhump’ iitil
live: 1. kahtal, kuxtal
liver: 1. taaman
lizard: 1. huh
load: 1. kuchik | 2. kuch
loaf: 1. pam, pan, waah
location: 1. banda
loch: 1. ha’
long: 1. chowak
look: 1. he’la’ | 2. paktik
looking-glass: 1. neen
look at: 1. paktik
look for: 1. kaaxtik
lord: 1. yuum
lose: 1. saatik
louse: 1. uk’
love: 1. yakuntik
lovely: 1. hats’uts | 2. ko’oh
low: 1. taam
lump: 1. xet’
mad: 1. chokow pol
magician: 1. waay
maize: 1. xi’im
make: 1. beetik, mentik, metik
man: 1. xib
many: 1. ya’abkach, ya’abo’ob
marijuana: 1. k’uuts
marten: 1. saabin
matter: 1. beel
mature: 1. k’an, tak’aan, yi’h
maybe: 1. beyts’abile’, kensa biixi’, talbes, wal, wale’
mayhap: 1. beyts’abile’, kensa biixi’, talbes, wal, wale’
mead: 1. baalche’
meal: 1. haanal, hanlil
mealies: 1. xi’im
mean: 1. chumuk
means: 1. nu’kul
measure: 1. p’isik
meat: 1. bak’
medicine: 1. ts’aak
midday: 1. chumuk k’in
middle: 1. chumuk
midnight: 1. chumuk aak’ab
mingle: 1. xa’ak’tik
mirror: 1. neen
miserable: 1. k’as | 2. otsil | 3. tuukul, yah tu yool
mist: 1. yeeb
mistake: 1. si’pil
mix: 1. xa’ak’tik
moist: 1. ch’uul
money: 1. taak’in
monkey: 1. tuucha
moon: 1. luunaa
more: 1. mas
morning: 1. hatskab k’iin
mosquito: 1. k’oxol
mother: 1. mamah
mountain lion: 1. koh
mouse: 1. ch’o’
moustache: 1. me’ex
mouth: 1. chi’ | 2. chi’ | 3. chi’
move: 1. peeksik
movement: 1. peek
mucous: 1. hahalki, hoholki
music: 1. k’aay, paax
mute: 1. toot
naked: 1. xma’ nook’
name: 1. k’aaba’
narrow: 1. koom
nasty: 1. k’as
near: 1. naats’
nearby: 1. naats’
near to: 1. naats’
necessary: 1. k’abeet, k’ana’an
neck: 1. kal
needle: 1. puuts’
neither: 1. mixmaak
nest: 1. k’u’
never: 1. mixbik’in
new: 1. tumben
next to: 1. naats’
nice: 1. uts | 2. ki’ | 3. ki’
night: 1. aak’ab
no-one: 1. mixmaak
no: 1. ma’
nobody: 1. mixmaak
noise: 1. ch’e’eh
none: 1. mixmaak
noon: 1. chumuk k’in
north: 1. xaman
nose: 1. ni’
not: 1. ma’
nothing: 1. mixba’al
novel: 1. tumben
now: 1. beora
nowhere: 1. mixtu’ux
nude: 1. xma’ nook’
nuts: 1. chokow pol
object: 1. ba’al
occur: 1. uuchul
odor: 1. book, ch’e’eh
odour: 1. book, ch’e’eh
offset: 1. naachil
okay: 1. uts
old: 1. biyeho, nuxib | 2. biyeho, nuxib, uuchben | 3. biyeho, uuchben
old woman: 1. xnuk
omen: 1. tamax chi’ | 2. tamax chi’
omnibus: 1. wawa
on: 1. ich, ichil
once more: 1. ka’teen
one: 1. wa maax | 2. hun-
onerous: 1. aal
only: 1. chen | 2. hun
on that account: 1. la’tene
open: 1. he’bik
opening: 1. chi’, hool
open up: 1. he’bik
opossum: 1. ooch
or: 1. wa
orange: 1. china
orange juice: 1. u k’aab china
origin: 1. chun
other: 1. u heel
owl: 1. tunkuruchu
owner: 1. yuumil
o’clock: 1. ora
pail: 1. ch’ooy
pain: 1. k’iinam, yah
paint: 1. bonik | 2. bon
pale: 1. poos
pants: 1. eex
papaw: 1. put
papaya: 1. put
paper: 1. hu’un
parrot: 1. t’uut’
party: 1. cha’an
pass away: 1. kimil
pate: 1. ho’ol, pol
pawn: 1. wach
pay: 1. bo’otik
peel: 1. sool
pencil sharpener: 1. ho’sapunta
penetrate: 1. pot
penis: 1. toon
per: 1. ich, ichil
perchance: 1. beyts’abile’, kensa biixi’, talbes, wal, wale’
perform: 1. hook’ol | 2. okol | 3. beetik, mentik, metik
perhaps: 1. beyts’abile’, kensa biixi’, talbes, wal, wale’
permit: 1. chaik
person: 1. maak
phantom: 1. xtaabay
pharmaceutical: 1. ts’aak
physician: 1. ts’ats’aak
pick up: 1. bisik
piece: 1. xet’
pig: 1. k’eek’en
pigeon: 1. uukum
place: 1. banda | 2. banda
plain: 1. hanil, saas
plank: 1. hump’el che’
plant: 1. pak’al
pleased: 1. kiimak ool
point out: 1. e’esik
pole: 1. che’, hunts’it che’
poor: 1. k’as | 2. otsil | 3. otsil
pope: 1. papah
porcupine: 1. k’i’xooch
portent: 1. tamax chi’ | 2. tamax chi’
possibly: 1. beyts’abile’, kensa biixi’, talbes, wal, wale’
post: 1. che’, hunts’it che’
precursor: 1. tamax chi’
pregnant: 1. k’oha’an, yo’om, yo’omchaha’an | 2. k’oha’an, yo’om, yo’omchaha’an
presage: 1. tamax chi’ | 2. tamax chi’
present: 1. siibil
price: 1. tohol
pricey: 1. ko’oh
problem: 1. ba’te’el
proceed with: 1. segirtik
profound: 1. taam
provided that: 1. wa
pulverize: 1. huch’
puma: 1. koh
purchase: 1. manik | 2. manik | 3. manik | 4. manik
pure: 1. hanil, sak
pussy: 1. toon
put out: 1. tuupik
pyramid: 1. muul
quick: 1. seeb, seebak
quickly: 1. seeba’an
quite: 1. hach | 2. humpuli
rabbit: 1. t’u’ul
raccoon: 1. k’ulu’
racoon: 1. k’ulu’
rain: 1. k’aaxal, k’aaxal ha’ | 2. chaak, ha’, k’aaxal ha’
rapid: 1. seeb, seebak
rat: 1. ch’o’
rather: 1. hump’iit
rattlesnake: 1. tsab kan
ravine: 1. k’oop
read: 1. xook, xookik
reality: 1. haahil
realize: 1. na’atik
receive: 1. k’amik
recent: 1. aak’
red: 1. chak | 2. chak
regard: 1. paktik | 2. paktik
relative: 1. ch’iilankabil, laak’, lak’tsil
remain: 1. p’atal
rent out: 1. mahantik
repair: 1. utskintik
reply: 1. nuukik
repose: 1. he’lel
resin: 1. its
respond: 1. nuukik
rest: 1. he’lel
rich: 1. ayik’al, taak’inal
rifle: 1. ts’oon
right: 1. no’oh | 2. no’ha’an
righthand: 1. no’oh
rim: 1. chi’, haal
ripe: 1. k’an, tak’aan, yi’h
rise: 1. liik’il
road: 1. beh
rock: 1. tuunich
roof: 1. u ho’ol nah, u pol nah
rooster: 1. t’eel
root: 1. mots
rope: 1. suum
rose: 1. lol
round: 1. woolis
route: 1. beh
rump: 1. u bak’el it
run: 1. aalkab
run away: 1. luk’ul
rust: 1. its
sack: 1. sabukan
sad: 1. tuukul, yah tu yool | 2. tuukul, yah tu yool
salesman: 1. konol
saleswoman: 1. xkonol
sallow: 1. poos
salt: 1. ta’ab
sandal: 1. xanab
sap: 1. k’aab
satisfied: 1. kiimak ool
savage: 1. k’o’ox
say: 1. a’alik
scar: 1. ts’oy
scent: 1. book, ch’e’eh
scorpion: 1. sina’an
scratch: 1. la’achik
scream: 1. awat
screw: 1. topik
see: 1. ilik | 2. ximbatik
seed: 1. i’nah, neek’
seek: 1. kaaxtik
sell: 1. konik
send: 1. tuuxtik
separate: 1. hatsik
serious: 1. k’ana’an
serpent: 1. kan
shade: 1. bo’oy
shadow: 1. bo’oy
shaman: 1. hmen
shame: 1. su’tal
share: 1. hatsik | 2. xet’
sharp: 1. yeh | 2. yeh
shave: 1. ts’ikik
shear: 1. k’osik
sheep: 1. taman
sheet: 1. le’
shell: 1. sool
shoe: 1. xanab
short: 1. koom | 2. koom
shoulder: 1. keleembal
shout: 1. awat
show: 1. e’esik
shuffle: 1. xa’ak’tik
shut: 1. k’alik | 2. k’ala’an
sick: 1. k’oha’an
side: 1. haal, tseel
sign: 1. tamax chi’ | 2. tamax chi’
sin: 1. k’eban, loobil, si’pil
since: 1. tumen
sing: 1. k’aay
sister: 1. kiik, iits’in
sit: 1. kulal
sit down: 1. kultal, kutal | 2. kultal, kutal
size: 1. nohochil
skin: 1. k’ewel
skull: 1. ho’ol
skunk: 1. payooch
sky: 1. ka’an
slay: 1. kinsik
sleep: 1. wenel
slender: 1. hay | 2. bek’ech
slim: 1. bek’ech
slow: 1. chaambeel
small: 1. chan, chichan
small basket: 1. xak
smell: 1. book, ch’e’eh
smoke: 1. ts’u’uts’, ts’u’uts’ik | 2. buts’
smooth: 1. hay, taax
snail: 1. urich
snake: 1. kan
snare: 1. peets’
snore: 1. akan
snot: 1. siim
soil: 1. lu’um | 2. lu’um
soiled: 1. eek’
soldier: 1. wach
sole: 1. hun
solitary: 1. hun
some: 1. wa maax
somebody: 1. wa maax
someone: 1. wa maax
something: 1. wa ba’ax
somewhere: 1. wa tu’ux
some one: 1. wa maax
son: 1. paal
song: 1. k’aay
sorcerer: 1. waay
sorcery: 1. u meyah xwaay
sour: 1. pah
source: 1. sayab, sayab ha’
south: 1. nohol
sow: 1. pak’al, pak’ik
so long: 1. tu heel k’iin
speechless: 1. toot
speedy: 1. seeb, seebak
spider: 1. am
spine: 1. t’o’ol a pach
spirit: 1. iik’, pixan
spot: 1. banda
spouse: 1. laak’
spring: 1. sayab, sayab ha’ | 2. siit’
squirrel: 1. ku’uk
stable: 1. heets’a’an
stake: 1. che’, hunts’it che’
stanchion: 1. che’, hunts’it che’
star: 1. ek’
start: 1. chunbesik, kaahsik | 2. chunpahal | 3. chun
stay: 1. p’atal
stay over: 1. p’atal
steal: 1. ookol, ooklik
stem: 1. chun
stick: 1. che’
stone: 1. tuunich
storm: 1. chich iik’
straw: 1. siit
strength: 1. muuk’
strike: 1. hats’ik, p’uchik
string: 1. suum
stroll: 1. ximbal
strong: 1. chich
suck: 1. ts’u’uts’, ts’u’uts’ik
sugar: 1. asukaar, ch’uhuk
sun: 1. k’iin
sunset: 1. bin ka aak’abtal
sweep: 1. miistik
swift: 1. seeb, seebak
swiftly: 1. seeba’an
swim: 1. baab
swine: 1. k’eek’en
tail: 1. neh
take: 1. bisik
take over: 1. manik
tame: 1. suk
tarantula: 1. chinwol, chiwol
tart: 1. pah
tasty: 1. ki’
teach: 1. ka’nsik | 2. ka’nsik
teacher: 1. ka’nsah
teat: 1. iim
tell: 1. a’alik
tell a lie: 1. tuus
terminate: 1. ts’oksik
termite: 1. k’amas
terrible: 1. hach k’as
thanks: 1. dyos bo’otik
thank you: 1. dyos bo’otik
that: 1. maax
that one: 1. lelo’
then: 1. tuun
there: 1. he’la’ | 2. te’, te’lo’
therefore: 1. la’tene
there are: 1. yan
there is: 1. yan
the day after tomorrow: 1. ka’beh
thick: 1. polok
thickness: 1. polkil
thin: 1. hay
thing: 1. ba’al | 2. ba’al
think: 1. tuukul
thirsty: 1. uk’ah
this: 1. lela’ | 2. lela’
thorn: 1. k’i’ix
though: 1. kex
three: 1. ox-
throat: 1. kal
through: 1. humpuli
throw: 1. ch’iin
throw up: 1. xeh
thrush: 1. pich’
thunder: 1. huum chaak, u peek chaak
tick: 1. pech
till: 1. asta
timber: 1. che’
time: 1. ora | 2. k’iin, tyempo
tin: 1. laataa
tin can: 1. laataa
toad: 1. much
tobacco: 1. k’uuts
today: 1. behla’, behla’e’
toe: 1. aal, u yaal a wook
together: 1. et, mul
tomato: 1. p’aak
tomorrow: 1. saamal
tongue: 1. ak’
too: 1. xan
tool: 1. nu’kul
tooth: 1. koh
toothpick: 1. ch’ilib | 2. ch’ilib
tortoise: 1. aak
toucan: 1. piitoreal | 2. piitoreal
town: 1. kaah
to the left: 1. ts’iika’an
to the right: 1. no’ha’an
transgression: 1. k’eban, loobil, si’pil
transmit: 1. tuuxtik
trap: 1. peets’
treat: 1. ts’aakik
tree: 1. che’, hunkul che’
trouble: 1. ba’te’el
trousers: 1. eex
true: 1. haah
trunk: 1. chun
truth: 1. haahil | 2. haahil
turkey: 1. uulum
twig: 1. ch’ilib
twin: 1. k’uho’ob | 2. k’uho’ob
two: 1. ka’-
udder: 1. iim
unclean: 1. eek’
understand: 1. na’atik
until: 1. asta
upper-arm: 1. u muuk’ a k’ab
upper arm: 1. u muuk’ a k’ab
urinate: 1. wiix | 2. wiix
valuable: 1. ko’oh
value: 1. baler
vend: 1. konik
very: 1. hach
very much: 1. hach
view: 1. paktik
vigour: 1. muuk’
vine: 1. ak’
virgin: 1. suhuy paal
visit: 1. ximbatik | 2. k’uch ximbal
voice: 1. kal
vomit: 1. xeh
wait: 1. pa’tal, pa’tik
wait for: 1. pa’tal, pa’tik
wake: 1. aahal
wake up: 1. aahal
wall: 1. pak’
want: 1. taak
warlock: 1. waay
warm: 1. chokow
warmth: 1. chokwil
wart: 1. aax
wash: 1. p’o’ik | 2. p’o’ik
washing-bear: 1. k’ulu’
wasp: 1. xux
watch: 1. paktik
water: 1. ha’
waterlily: 1. nikte’ ha’ | 2. nikte’ ha’
way: 1. suuk | 2. beh
wealthy: 1. ayik’al, taak’inal
weasel: 1. saabin
weave: 1. wak’
weep: 1. ook’ol
weigh: 1. p’isik
well-off: 1. ayik’al, taak’inal
wench: 1. ch’uupal
west: 1. chik’in
wet: 1. ch’uul | 2. ch’uulik
what: 1. ba’ax
what for: 1. ba’axten, ba’en
when: 1. ba’ax k’in | 2. bik’ix
where: 1. tu’ux
which: 1. maax, maaxi’, makalmak | 2. maax, maaxi’, makalmak
while: 1. k’iin, tyempo
whip: 1. hats’ik
whistle: 1. xuxub | 2. piitoo
white: 1. sak | 2. sak
who: 1. maaxi’
wholly: 1. humpuli
why: 1. ba’axten, ba’en
wife: 1. atan, pamilya
wild: 1. k’o’ox
wind: 1. iik’
wing: 1. xiik’
wish: 1. taak
witch: 1. xwaay
with: 1. et, yetel
within: 1. ich, ichil
without: 1. ma’, xma’
with young: 1. k’oha’an, yo’om, yo’omchaha’an
wizard: 1. waay
woman: 1. ko’olel, xch’uup
wood: 1. che’
woods: 1. k’aax
work: 1. meyah | 2. meyah
world: 1. kab
worm: 1. nook’ol
worth: 1. baler
wound: 1. loob
write: 1. ts’iib, ts’iibtik’ts’iitik
yam: 1. is
year: 1. ha’ab
yellow: 1. k’an
yes: 1. he’le’
yesterday: 1. ho’lyak
yet: 1. tanili
younger brother: 1. iits’in
Mayan (Yucatec) to English
Xnuk Ek’: 1. Evening Star, Venus
aabil: 1. grandchild
aahal: 1. wake, wake up
aak: 1. tortoise
aak’: 1. fresh, recent
aak’ab: 1. night
aal: 1. finger | 2. burdensome, heavy, onerous | 3. toe
aalak’: 1. domestic animal
aalkab: 1. run
aalkab u man meyah: 1. diligent, hardworking, industrious
aantah: 1. aid, assistent, helper
aantik: 1. accomodate, aid, assist, help
aax: 1. wart
aayin: 1. crocodile
akan: 1. snore
aktun: 1. cave, grotto | 2. cave, cavern, den
ak’: 1. tongue | 2. vine, grapevine
am: 1. spider
amigoo: 1. friend
asta: 1. until, till
asukaar: 1. sugar
atan: 1. wife
awat: 1. cry out, scream, shout
ayik’al: 1. affluent, rich, wealthy, well-off
a’alik: 1. say, tell
baab: 1. float, swim
baak: 1. horn | 2. bone
baalche’: 1. mead
baat: 1. axe
baaxal t’aan: 1. gag, joke
bak’: 1. meat
baler: 1. value, worth
banda: 1. place | 2. location, place, spot
bat: 1. hail
ba’al: 1. thing | 2. article, object, thing
ba’ax: 1. what
ba’axten: 1. what for, why
ba’ax k’in: 1. when
ba’en: 1. what for, why
ba’te’el: 1. problem, trouble
beel: 1. affair, business, business deal, case, matter
beetik: 1. achieve, act, do, make, perform
beh: 1. road, route, way
behla’: 1. today
behla’e’: 1. today
bek’ech: 1. slender, slim
beora: 1. at present, now
beyts’abile’: 1. maybe, mayhap, perchance, perhaps, possibly
biix: 1. how, in what way
biix a beel?: 1. how are you?, how do you do?
biix a beele’ex?: 1. how are you?, how do you do?
bik’ix: 1. when
bin: 1. go
bin ka aak’abtal: 1. sunset
bisik: 1. get, lay hold of, pick up, take
biyeho: 1. old | 2. old
bon: 1. dye, paint
bonik: 1. paint
book: 1. odor, odour, scent, smell
box: 1. black
boxha’: 1. coffee
bo’otik: 1. pay
buts’: 1. smoke
chaak: 1. rain
chaambeel: 1. slow
chab: 1. ant-eater | 2. ant-eater | 3. ant-eater
chaik: 1. accord, admit, afford, allow, permit
chak: 1. red
chakmool: 1. jaguaro
chakxiich’: 1. blond, fair
chamal: 1. cigarette
chan: 1. diminutive, little, small
cha’an: 1. celebration | 2. celebration, festival, party
cheba: 1. ale, beer
chen: 1. exclusively, just, only
che’: 1. tree | 2. baton, cane, stick | 3. pole, post, stanchion, stake | 4. timber, wood
che’eh: 1. laugh
chich: 1. strong
chichan: 1. diminutive, little, small
chich iik’: 1. hurricane | 2. storm
chiich: 1. grandmother
chik’in: 1. west, West
chiltal: 1. lie down | 2. lie down
china: 1. orange
chinwol: 1. tarantula
chital: 1. lie down | 2. lie down
chiwol: 1. tarantula
chi’: 1. aperture, opening | 2. border, brim, brink, edge, edging, fringe, rim
chi’bal: 1. bite
chokow: 1. warm
chokow pol: 1. crazy, insane, mad, nuts
chokwil: 1. warmth
chooch: 1. intestines
chowak: 1. long
chowakil: 1. length | 2. length
chukik: 1. capture, catch, grapple
chukwa’: 1. chocolate
chumuk: 1. centre | 2. half | 3. average, mean, middle
chumuk aak’ab: 1. midnight
chumuk k’in: 1. midday, noon
chun: 1. lineage | 2. beginning, commencement, start | 3. origin | 4. stem, trunk
chunbesik: 1. begin, commence, start
chunpahal: 1. begin, commence, start
chupik: 1. fill, fill in, fill up
chupsik: 1. fill, fill in, fill up
chuuk: 1. charcoal
chuup: 1. complete, full
chuupul: 1. become full
ch’amak: 1. coyote | 2. fox
ch’a’ik iik’: 1. breathe
ch’a’ik ool: 1. get tired
ch’e’eh: 1. ado, din, noise | 2. odor, odour, scent, smell
ch’iich’: 1. bird
ch’iihil: 1. accrue, grow
ch’iilankabil: 1. relative
ch’iin: 1. throw
ch’ilib: 1. twig | 2. toothpick | 3. toothpick
ch’omak: 1. coyote | 2. fox
ch’oop: 1. blind
ch’ooy: 1. bucket, pail
ch’o’: 1. mouse | 2. rat
ch’u: 1. epiphyte
ch’uhuk: 1. sugar
ch’uul: 1. wet | 2. moist
ch’uulik: 1. wet
ch’uulul: 1. get wet
ch’uupal: 1. girl, lass, wench
ch’uykintik: 1. hang
dyos bo’otik: 1. thank you, thanks
eek’: 1. dirty, filthy, nasty, soiled, unclean
eemel: 1. descend, get off, go down
eex: 1. pants, trousers
ek’: 1. star
elel: 1. burn
et: 1. with | 2. together
e’esik: 1. indicate, point out, show
e’hoch’e’en: 1. dark, dim
haah: 1. true
haahil: 1. truth | 2. reality, truth
haal: 1. side | 2. border, brim, brink, edge, edging, fringe, rim
haanal: 1. meal
hach: 1. quite, very, very much
hach’ik: 1. chew
hach k’as: 1. dangerous | 2. abysmal, dreadful, gruesome, horrible, terrible
hahalki: 1. mucous
hanil: 1. clear, distinct, plain
hanlil: 1. meal
hatsik: 1. divide, separate, share
hatskab k’iin: 1. morning
hats’ik: 1. beat, hit, strike | 2. whip
hats’uts: 1. beautiful, fine, handsome, lovely
hats’utsil: 1. beauty
hay: 1. even, flat, level, smooth | 2. gaunt, lean, slender, thin
ha’: 1. water | 2. lake, loch | 3. rain
ha’ab: 1. year
ha’as: 1. banana
heets’a’an: 1. fast, firm, stable
hela’an: 1. different
he’: 1. egg
he’bel: 1. close, be closed
he’bik: 1. open, open up
he’la’: 1. behold, here is, here are, look, there
he’lel: 1. repose, rest
he’le’: 1. yes
hmen: 1. shaman
hoholki: 1. mucous
hooch: 1. harvest
hoochik: 1. harvest
hook’ol: 1. appear, emerge, perform
hool: 1. aperture, opening | 2. hole
hooykep: 1. lazy
ho’lyak: 1. yesterday
ho’ol: 1. skull
ho’sapunta: 1. pencil sharpener
huch’: 1. grind, pulverize
huh: 1. iguana | 2. lizard
huhump’ iitil: 1. gradually, little by little
humpuli: 1. completely, entirely, through | 2. at all, entirely, quite, wholly
hump’el che’: 1. board, plank
hump’iit: 1. a little, rather
hun-: 1. one
hun: 1. alone, only, sole, solitary
hunkul che’: 1. tree
hunts’it che’: 1. pole, post, stanchion, stake
huum chaak: 1. thunder
hu’un: 1. letter | 2. book | 3. paper
ich: 1. a, in, inside, into, on, per, within | 2. eye | 3. face
ichil: 1. a, in, inside, into, on, per, within
ichkiil: 1. bathe, have a bath
iicham: 1. husband
iik’: 1. air | 2. spirit | 3. wind
iim: 1. bosom, breast, chest | 2. udder | 3. breast, teat
iits’in: 1. sister | 2. brother | 3. younger brother
ilik: 1. see
is: 1. yam
it: 1. anus, arse
its: 1. resin | 2. rust
i’nah: 1. seed
kaab: 1. bee | 2. honey
kaachik: 1. break
kaah: 1. city, town
kaahsik: 1. begin, commence, start
kaape: 1. coffee
kaax: 1. chicken, fowl
kaaxtik: 1. look for, seek
kab: 1. world
kahtal: 1. be alive, live
kal: 1. throat | 2. neck | 3. voice
kala’an: 1. drunk, intoxicated
kan-: 1. four
kan: 1. serpent, snake
kay: 1. fish
ka’-: 1. two
ka’: 1. and
ka’an: 1. heaven, sky
ka’beh: 1. the day after tomorrow
ka’nsah: 1. instructor, teacher
ka’nsik: 1. teach | 2. teach
ka’teen: 1. afresh, again, all over again, anew | 2. afresh, again, once more
keeh: 1. deer
keleembal: 1. shoulder
kensa biixi’: 1. maybe, mayhap, perchance, perhaps, possibly
kex: 1. though, although
ke’el: 1. bleak, chilly, cold
kib: 1. candle
kiik: 1. sister | 2. elder sister
kiimak ool: 1. contented, pleased, satisfied | 2. happy, glad
kimen: 1. dead
kimil: 1. die, expire, pass away
kinsik: 1. kill, liquidate, slay
kis: 1. fart
kisiin: 1. devil
kiskuba: 1. fart
ki’: 1. nice | 2. nice, tasty
koh: 1. beak, bill | 2. tooth | 3. cougar, mountain lion, puma
kol: 1. field
konik: 1. dispose of, sell, vend
konol: 1. salesman
kook: 1. deaf
koom: 1. short | 2. narrow | 3. brief, short
koos: 1. falcon
ko’oh: 1. costly, dear, expensive, pricey
ko’olel: 1. woman
kuch: 1. blame, fault, guilt | 2. burden, charge, load
kuchik: 1. burden, load
kulal: 1. sit
kultal: 1. sit down | 2. sit down
kutal: 1. sit down | 2. sit down
kuuk: 1. elbow
kuxa’an: 1. alive
kuxtal: 1. be alive, live
ku’uk: 1. squirrel
k’aab: 1. juice, sap
k’aaba’: 1. appellation, name
k’aah: 1. acerbic, bitter
k’aak’: 1. fire
k’aalal: 1. close, be closed
k’aan: 1. hammock
k’aax: 1. forest, woods | 2. jungle
k’aaxal: 1. rain
k’aaxal ha’: 1. rain | 2. rain
k’aay: 1. sing | 2. song | 3. music
k’ab: 1. bough, branch | 2. hand
k’abeet: 1. necessary
k’ala’an: 1. closed, shut
k’alik: 1. close, shut
k’amas: 1. termite
k’amik: 1. get, have, receive
k’an: 1. yellow | 2. mature, ripe
k’ana’an: 1. important, serious | 2. necessary
k’anche’: 1. chair
k’anho’ol: 1. cushion
k’as: 1. bad, miserable, nasty, poor
k’as ke’el: 1. cool
k’axab nak’: 1. belt, girdle
k’eban: 1. sin, transgression
k’eek’en: 1. hog, pig, swine
k’ewel: 1. skin | 2. leather
k’exik: 1. change, turn
k’iilkab: 1. hot
k’iin: 1. sun | 2. day | 3. time, while
k’iinal: 1. hot
k’iinam: 1. ache, pain | 2. headache
k’i’ik: 1. blood
k’i’ix: 1. thorn
k’i’xooch: 1. porcupine
k’oha’an: 1. ill, sick
k’ono’ch: 1. chin
k’ooben: 1. firebox | 2. kitchen
k’oop: 1. ravine
k’osik: 1. clip, cut, shear
k’oxol: 1. mosquito
k’o’ox: 1. savage, wild
k’uch ximbal: 1. visit
k’uho’ob: 1. twin | 2. twin
k’uk’um: 1. feather
k’ulu’: 1. raccoon, racoon, washing-bear
k’uruch: 1. cockroach
k’uum: 1. calabash, gourd
k’uuts: 1. marijuana | 2. tobacco
k’u’: 1. den, nest
laak’: 1. husband | 2. spouse | 3. relative
laataa: 1. can, tin, tin can
lak’in: 1. east, East
lak’tsil: 1. family | 2. relative
laylie: 1. always, ever
la’achik: 1. scratch
la’tene: 1. on that account, therefore
lela’: 1. this | 2. this
lelo’: 1. that, that one
le’: 1. leaf, sheet
le ka’peeli: 1. both
liik’il: 1. ascend, get up, go up, lift, rise, arise
lol: 1. bloom, flower | 2. rose
loob: 1. accident | 2. bad luck | 3. injury, wound
loobil: 1. sin, transgression
lukum: 1. earthworm
luk’ul: 1. escape, flee | 2. absent onself, depart, go away, leave | 3. flee, run away
luunaa: 1. moon
lu’um: 1. ground, soil | 2. earth, land, soil
maak: 1. person
maax: 1. that, who
maaxi’: 1. who
mahantik: 1. let, rent out
makalmak: 1. who
mamah: 1. mother
mamich: 1. grandmother
mas: 1. more
masewal: 1. Indian, American Indian
maskab: 1. iron
ma’: 1. no | 2. not | 3. without
ma’ ko’ohi’: 1. cheap, inexpensive
mentik: 1. achieve, act, do, make, perform
metik: 1. achieve, act, do, make, perform
meyah: 1. work | 2. job, work
me’ex: 1. beard | 2. moustache
miis: 1. broom
miistik: 1. sweep
mis: 1. cat
mixba’al: 1. nothing
mixbik’in: 1. never
mixmaak: 1. neither, nobody, none, no-one
mixtu’ux: 1. nowhere
mots: 1. root
much: 1. toad | 2. frog
mukik: 1. bury | 2. bury, entomb, inter
mul: 1. together
munyal: 1. cloud
muuk’: 1. force, strength, vigour
muul: 1. hill | 2. pyramid
muyal: 1. cloud
naachil: 1. distance, offset
naats’: 1. at, beside, by, near, nearby, near to, next to
naay: 1. dream
nahil: 1. building
na’atik: 1. understand, realize
neek’: 1. seed
neen: 1. looking-glass, mirror
neh: 1. tail
niixil kab: 1. depth | 2. depth
nikte’: 1. bloom, flower
nikte’ ha’: 1. waterlily | 2. waterlily
ni’: 1. nose
nohchil: 1. boss, chief, leader | 2. chief, boss
nohoch: 1. big, great, large
nohochil: 1. size
nohol: 1. south
nook’: 1. clothes, clothing
nook’ol: 1. worm
no’ha’an: 1. right, to the right
no’oh: 1. right, righthand
nuuk: 1. big, great, large
nuukik: 1. answer, reply, respond
nuuktak: 1. adult, grown-up
nuxib: 1. old | 2. old
nu’kul: 1. agent, means, tool
okaank’iin: 1. evening
okol: 1. go in, enter, perform
ola: 1. hello
ooch: 1. opossum
ook: 1. leg
ooklik: 1. steal
ookol: 1. steal
ook’ol: 1. cry, weep
ook’ot: 1. dance
ora: 1. hour, o’clock, time
otoch: 1. home
otsil: 1. miserable, poor | 2. poor
ox-: 1. three
paal: 1. son | 2. boy, lad, laddie
paax: 1. music
pah: 1. acetous, acid, sour, tart
pahtal: 1. be possible
pak’: 1. wall
pak’al: 1. plant | 2. sow
pak’ik: 1. sow
pam: 1. bread, loaf
pamilya: 1. wife | 2. family
pan: 1. bread, loaf
papah: 1. pope
payooch: 1. skunk
pa’ik: 1. break
pa’tal: 1. abide, expect, wait, await, wait for
pa’tik: 1. abide, expect, wait, await, wait for
pech: 1. tick
peek: 1. movement
peeksik: 1. actuate, move
peets’: 1. snare, trap
pek’: 1. dog
pepem: 1. butterfly
pich’: 1. thrush
piitoo: 1. whistle | 2. flute
piitoreal: 1. toucan | 2. toucan
piix: 1. knee
pix: 1. cover, hood, lid
pixan: 1. spirit
polkil: 1. thickness
polok: 1. bold, corpulent, fat, thick
poos: 1. pale, sallow
pot: 1. penetrate
puksik’al: 1. heart
put: 1. papaya, papaw
puuts’: 1. needle
puuts’ul: 1. escape, flee
p’aak: 1. tomato
p’atal: 1. remain, stay, stay over
p’ektik: 1. hate
p’isik: 1. measure | 2. weigh
p’ook: 1. hat
p’o’ik: 1. wash | 2. wash
p’uchik: 1. beat, hit, strike
saak’: 1. grasshopper
saal: 1. light
saamal: 1. tomorrow
saas: 1. clear, distinct, plain
saasil: 1. light
saatik: 1. lose
sahkil: 1. fear
sak’: 1. itch
sayab: 1. fountain | 2. fountain, source, spring
sayab ha’: 1. fountain, source, spring
seeb: 1. fast, quick, rapid, speedy, swift
seebak: 1. fast, quick, rapid, speedy, swift
seeba’an: 1. fast, quickly, swiftly
seeb u meyah: 1. diligent, hardworking, industrious
seerbeesa: 1. ale, beer
segirtik: 1. continue, go on, proceed with
se’en: 1. cold | 2. cough
sihil: 1. arise, be born | 2. birth
siibil: 1. gift, present
siik: 1. give
siim: 1. snot
siis: 1. cool
siis ool: 1. cool
siit: 1. straw
siit’: 1. jump, leap, spring
sina’an: 1. scorpion
sinik: 1. ant, emmet
si’: 1. firewood
si’pil: 1. aberration, error, mistake | 2. sin, transgression
sool: 1. bark, husk, peel, shell
soots’: 1. bat
suhuy paal: 1. virgin
suk: 1. tame
suku’un: 1. brother | 2. elder brother
suuk: 1. custom, habit, way
suum: 1. lasso | 2. cord, rope, string
su’tal: 1. shame
taak: 1. be willing to, want, wish
taak’in: 1. money | 2. gold
taak’inal: 1. affluent, rich, wealthy, well-off
taam: 1. low | 2. deep, profound
taaman: 1. liver
taan: 1. before, in front of
taasik: 1. bring, fetch
taax: 1. even, flat, level, smooth
tahal: 1. cook
tak’aan: 1. cooked | 2. mature, ripe
tal: 1. come
talbes: 1. maybe, mayhap, perchance, perhaps, possibly
taman: 1. goat | 2. sheep
tamax chi’: 1. indication, omen, portent, precursor, presage, sign | 2. indication, omen, presage, portent, sign
tanili: 1. already, by now, yet
tat: 1. grandfather
tata: 1. grandfather
tatich: 1. grandfather
ta’: 1. dung, excrement
ta’ab: 1. salt
ta’kuba: 1. defecate
te’: 1. there
te’lo’: 1. there
tihil: 1. dry
tihsik: 1. dry
tohol: 1. price
toon: 1. penis | 2. cunt, pussy
toot: 1. dumb, mute, speechless
tootkook: 1. deaf and dumb
topik: 1. fuck, screw
tsab kan: 1. rattlesnake
tsahik: 1. fry
tsaypachik: 1. follow
tseel: 1. side
tsiimin: 1. horse
tsoolik: 1. account for, explain | 2. account for, clarify, explain
tso’ts: 1. hair
ts’aak: 1. drug, medicine, pharmaceutical
ts’aakik: 1. care for, cure, treat
ts’ats’aak: 1. doctor, physician
ts’iib: 1. write
ts’iiboltik: 1. fancy, imagine
ts’iibtik’ts’iitik: 1. write
ts’iika’an: 1. left, to the left
ts’iis: 1. have sex
ts’ikik: 1. shave
ts’oksik: 1. accomodate, end, finish, terminate
ts’oon: 1. gun, rifle
ts’oy: 1. scar
ts’o’om: 1. brain
ts’ul: 1. foreigner
ts’unu’un: 1. hummingbird
ts’u’uts’: 1. smoke | 2. kiss | 3. suck
ts’u’uts’ik: 1. smoke | 2. kiss | 3. suck
tulakal: 1. all
tumben: 1. new, novel
tumen: 1. as, because, for, since
tunkuruchu: 1. owl
tunk’ul: 1. drum
turix: 1. dragonfly
tuucha: 1. ape, monkey
tuukul: 1. dismal, gaunt, miserable, sad | 2. think | 3. dismal, dreary, sad
tuun: 1. then
tuunich: 1. rock | 2. stone
tuunkuy: 1. heel
tuupik: 1. extinguish, put out
tuus: 1. lie, tell a lie | 2. lie | 3. cheat, deceive
tuuxtik: 1. send, transmit
tu’ub: 1. forget
tu’ubsik: 1. forget
tu’ux: 1. where
tu heel k’iin: 1. bye, goodbye, so long
tyempo: 1. time, while
t’eel: 1. cock, rooster
t’o’ol a pach: 1. spine
t’uut’: 1. parrot
t’u’ul: 1. rabbit
uk’: 1. louse
uk’ah: 1. thirsty
uk’ik: 1. drink
urich: 1. snail
us: 1. gnat
uts: 1. good, nice, okay
utskintik: 1. fix, repair
uuchben: 1. old
uuchul: 1. come about, happen, occur
uukum: 1. pigeon
uulum: 1. turkey
u bak’el it: 1. backside, rump | 2. behind, bottom, buttocks
u bak’el wakax: 1. beef
u ha’abil: 1. age
u heel: 1. other, another, else | 2. different
u ho’ol nah: 1. roof
u k’aab china: 1. orange juice
u meyah xwaay: 1. sorcery
u muuk’ a k’ab: 1. upper arm, upper-arm
u nahil koonol ts’aak: 1. chemist’s shop, drugstore
u peek chaak: 1. thunder
u pol nah: 1. roof
u xikin k’aak’: 1. lighter
u yaal a k’ab: 1. finger
u yaal a wook: 1. toe
wa: 1. or | 2. if, provided that
waah: 1. bread, loaf
waak’al: 1. explode
waay: 1. enchanter, magician, sorcerer, warlock, wizard
wach: 1. Mexican | 2. pawn, soldier
wakax: 1. cow | 2. bovine, bovine animal | 3. bull
wak’: 1. weave
wal: 1. maybe, mayhap, perchance, perhaps, possibly
wale’: 1. maybe, mayhap, perchance, perhaps, possibly
wawa: 1. bus, autobus, omnibus
wayak’: 1. dream
wa ba’ax: 1. anything, something
wa maax: 1. a, any, anybody, some, somebody, one, someone, some one
wa tu’ux: 1. anywhere, somewhere
wech: 1. armadillo
wenel: 1. be asleep, sleep
wiix: 1. urinate | 2. urinate
winklil: 1. body
wi’ih: 1. hungry
woolis: 1. round
wool a k’ab: 1. fist
wuuts’ik: 1. fold
xaachetik: 1. comb
xaache’: 1. comb
xak: 1. small basket
xaman: 1. north, North
xan: 1. also, likewise, too
xanab: 1. sandal | 2. shoe
xa’ak’tik: 1. blend, mingle, mix, shuffle
xch’uup: 1. woman
xeh: 1. throw up, vomit
xet’: 1. bit, lump, piece | 2. share
xib: 1. fellow, man
xiikik: 1. break
xiik’: 1. armpit | 2. wing
xikin: 1. ear
ximbal: 1. go | 2. go for a walk, stroll
ximbatik: 1. attend, call on, see, visit
xi’im: 1. corn, Indian corn, maize, mealies
xi’paal: 1. boy, lad, laddie
xkaax: 1. chicken, fowl
xkonol: 1. saleswoman
xma’: 1. without
xma’ nook’: 1. bare, naked, nude
xma’ su’tal: 1. abandoned
xnuk: 1. gammer, old woman
xook: 1. read | 2. count
xookik: 1. read | 2. count
xtaabay: 1. demon | 2. ghost, phantom
xunaan: 1. foreigner, foreign lady, foreign woman
xux: 1. wasp
xuxub: 1. whistle
xwaay: 1. witch
yaaxil: 1. first, firstly, first of all
yah: 1. ache, pain | 2. difficult, hard, inconvenient
yah tu yool: 1. dismal, gaunt, miserable, sad | 2. dismal, dreary, sad
yakuntik: 1. love
yan: 1. there is, there are
yanal xiik’: 1. armpit
ya’abkach: 1. many
ya’abo’ob: 1. many
ya’ax: 1. blue | 2. green
yeeb: 1. fog, mist
yetel: 1. with
yich: 1. fruit
yich che’: 1. fruit
yi’h: 1. mature, ripe
yoon: 1. foam, froth
yuum: 1. gentleman, lord
yuumil: 1. owner