English to Hebrew

abashed: 1. bysn
abate: 1. hpxyt
abdomen: 1. b+n
abridge: 1. hpxyt
accede: 1. h$kym
accrue: 1. gdl
acetous: 1. xmvc
acid: 1. xmvc
actuate: 1. hnyo
adversary: 1. avyb
aeroplane: 1. abyrvn
affection: 1. ahbh
after: 1. axr
afternoon: 1. axr hchrym
age: 1. gyl
agree: 1. h$kym
air: 1. avyr
airplane: 1. abyrvn
ale: 1. byrh
a lot of: 1. hrbh
also: 1. gm
altitude: 1. gbh
aluminium: 1. xmrn
aluminum: 1. xmrn
among: 1. bamco
animal: 1. xyh
another: 1. axr
April: 1. apryl
architect: 1. adrykl
arm: 1. zrvo
arrival: 1. byah
artificial: 1. blty +boy
ass: 1. kmvr
attend: 1. bqr
August: 1. abgv$+
back: 1. gb
backward: 1. axvrnyt
backwards: 1. axvrnyt
bake: 1. aph
baker: 1. avph
banana: 1. bnnh
bandage: 1. agd | 2. agd
bank: 1. bnq
barrel: 1. xbyt
beach: 1. xvp
beard: 1. zqn
bedroom: 1. xdr m+vt
beef: 1. bsr bqr
beefsteak: 1. amch
beer: 1. byrh
begin: 1. htxyl
behind: 1. axr
belief: 1. amvk
belly: 1. b+n
belt: 1. xgvrh
bench: 1. aryh
betray: 1. bgd
between: 1. bamco
bicycle: 1. avpnym
big: 1. gdvl
bike: 1. avpnym
billiards: 1. blyrd
bleak: 1. acvb
blouse: 1. xlyqh
blueberry: 1. akmnyh
blushing: 1. adm
body: 1. gvp
bosom: 1. xzh
bottle: 1. bqbvq
boundary: 1. gbvl
bovine: 1. bqr
bovine animal: 1. bqr
bracelet: 1. acodh | 2. acodh
breakfast: 1. arxt bqr
breast: 1. xzh
brother: 1. ax
building: 1. bnyn
butter: 1. xmah
café: 1. byt qhvhb
call on: 1. bqr
camel: 1. gml
capital: 1. byrh
capital city: 1. byrh
careful: 1. zhyr
carrot: 1. gzr
caution: 1. htrah | 2. htrah
cautious: 1. zhyr
cemetery: 1. byt qbrvt
chamber: 1. xdr
character: 1. +bo
cheap: 1. zvl | 2. zvl
cheese: 1. gbynh
chemist’s shop: 1. byt mrqxt
chest: 1. xzh | 2. xzh
Christmas: 1. xg hmvld hnvcry
cockroach: 1. xpvsyt hbyt
cod: 1. altyt
codfish: 1. altyt
coffee–house: 1. byt qhvhb
come: 1. ba
come to an end: 1. h$yp
commence: 1. htxyl
connection: 1. xbvr
consent: 1. h$kym
cook: 1. +bx
copy: 1. hotq
cord: 1. xbl
courage: 1. amc
cycle: 1. avpnym
daughter: 1. bt
deaf: 1. xrs
debt: 1. xvbh
decrease: 1. hpxyt
dining–room: 1. xdr hakl
dismal: 1. acvb | 2. acvb
donkey: 1. kmvr
dream: 1. xlvm
dreary: 1. acvb | 2. acvb
drugstore: 1. byt mrqxt
duck: 1. brvz
dumb: 1. alm
dust: 1. abq
ear: 1. azn
earn: 1. hrvyx
easel: 1. aryh
egg: 1. bych
eleven: 1. axd osr
else: 1. axr
end: 1. h$yp
end up: 1. h$yp
enemy: 1. avyb
evening meal: 1. arxt orb
expire: 1. h$yp
factory: 1. byt xrst | 2. byt xrst
fast: 1. bmhyrvt
fat: 1. xlb
father: 1. ab | 2. ab
fellow: 1. adm
fifteen: 1. kmsh osr
fifty: 1. xmsym
finger: 1. acbo
fire: 1. as
fist: 1. agrvp
five: 1. xmsh
flute: 1. xlyl
fly: 1. zbvb
forty: 1. arboym
four: 1. arbo
fourteen: 1. arbo osrh
frontier: 1. gbvl
gain: 1. hrvyx
garden: 1. gn
gasolene: 1. gzvlyn
gasoline: 1. gzvlyn
gaunt: 1. acvb | 2. acvb
girdle: 1. xgvrh
glass: 1. zkvkyt
God’s acre: 1. byt qbrvt
gold: 1. zhb
goose: 1. avzh
grapefruit: 1. askvlyt
graveyard: 1. byt qbrvt
grease: 1. xlb
great: 1. gdvl
grey: 1. apr
grow: 1. gdl
guest: 1. avrx
guilty: 1. xyb
gymnastics: 1. htomlvt
hail: 1. brd
health: 1. bryavt
healthy: 1. brya
height: 1. gbh | 2. gbh
hello: 1. slvm
high: 1. gbh
hog: 1. xzyr
hospital: 1. byt xvlym
house: 1. byt
housefly: 1. zbvb
husband: 1. bol
ice: 1. glydh
icecream: 1. glydh
ill: 1. xvlh
inexpensive: 1. zvl | 2. zvl
insurance: 1. b+vx
iron: 1. brzl | 2. ghvc
iron clothes: 1. ghvc
island: 1. ay
knee: 1. brk
lake: 1. agm
large: 1. gdvl
lessen: 1. hpxyt
life: 1. xyym
light: 1. avr
lightning: 1. brq
likewise: 1. gm
limit: 1. gbvl
living–room: 1. xdr skvn
loch: 1. agm
lofty: 1. gbh
long: 1. ark
loss: 1. hp$d
love: 1. ahbh
male cook: 1. +bx
man: 1. adm
mature: 1. bsl
maybe: 1. apsr
mayhap: 1. apsr
meal: 1. arxh
meat: 1. bsr
metropolis: 1. byrh
milk: 1. xlb
miserable: 1. acvb | 2. acvb
monument: 1. zkr
morning: 1. bqr
mother: 1. am
mountain: 1. hr
move: 1. hnyo
much: 1. hrbh
mustard: 1. xrdl
mute: 1. alm
nature: 1. +bo | 2. +bo
new: 1. xds
nose: 1. ap
nought: 1. ap$
novel: 1. xds
nut: 1. agvz
oak: 1. alvn
October: 1. avq+vbor
olive: 1. zyt
one: 1. axd
one thousand: 1. alp
onion: 1. bcl
other: 1. axr
packet: 1. xbylh
pair: 1. zvg | 2. zvg
panic: 1. bhlh
parcel: 1. xbylh
part: 1. xlq | 2. xlq
Parthian: 1. xlq | 2. xlq
particular: 1. bpr+
partridge: 1. xglh
pawn: 1. xyl
pea: 1. apvnh
peace: 1. slvm
pear: 1. an$
perchance: 1. apsr
perhaps: 1. apsr
petrol: 1. gzvlyn
piece: 1. xlq
pig: 1. xzyr
pine: 1. arn
pine–tree: 1. arn
pink: 1. vrd
plane: 1. abyrvn
play: 1. hstoso | 2. hstoso | 3. hstoso
please: 1. bbqsh
pork: 1. bsr hzyr
possibly: 1. apsr
postage stamp: 1. bvl
postcard: 1. glvyh
post office: 1. byt dar | 2. byt dar
powder: 1. abq
purse: 1. arnq
quick: 1. bmhyrvt
rapid: 1. bmhyrvt
reality: 1. amt
rebuke: 1. asmh
red: 1. adm | 2. adm
repeat: 1. xzr
reproach: 1. asmh
reprove: 1. asmh
rice: 1. arz
ring: 1. +bot
ripe: 1. bsl
roof: 1. gg
room: 1. xdr
rope: 1. xbl
rust: 1. xldh
sad: 1. acvb | 2. acvb | 3. acvb
saddle: 1. akp
safety: 1. b+xvn
sand: 1. xvl
school: 1. byt $pr
scold: 1. asmh
screw: 1. brg
security: 1. b+xvn
see: 1. bqr
self–conscious: 1. bysn
sew: 1. xy+
share: 1. xlq | 2. xlq
shave: 1. gylh
shy: 1. bysn
sick: 1. xvlh
signature: 1. xtymh
sing: 1. zmr
sister: 1. axvt
sitting–room: 1. xdr skvn
skin: 1. gld
soldier: 1. xyl
somber: 1. acvb
son: 1. bn
sour: 1. xmvc
special: 1. bpr+
speechless: 1. alm
speedy: 1. bmhyrvt
spring: 1. abyb
springtime: 1. abyb
stamp: 1. bvl
start: 1. htxyl
steak: 1. amch
stock exchange: 1. br$h
stone: 1. abn
string: 1. xbl
strong: 1. xzq
supper: 1. arxt orb
surprise: 1. hptyo
swift: 1. bmhyrvt
swine: 1. xzyr
tail: 1. znb
tailor: 1. xy+
tall: 1. gbh
tart: 1. xmvc
tent: 1. ahl
think: 1. xsb
thousand: 1. alp
thread: 1. xv+
throw: 1. zrq
thumb: 1. bhn | 2. bhn
time: 1. zmn
tobacco: 1. +bq
toe: 1. acbo hrgl
toilet: 1. byt kbvd
too: 1. gm
tree: 1. ayln
tressle: 1. aryh
truth: 1. amt | 2. amt
tulip: 1. xzmh
tummy: 1. b+n
vaccine: 1. hrkbt abobvovt
veal: 1. bsr ogl
vinegar: 1. xmc
visit: 1. bqr
wallet: 1. arnq
warm: 1. xm
well: 1. brya
wheat: 1. x+x
where: 1. ayh | 2. ayh
while: 1. zmn
win: 1. hrvyx
window: 1. xlvn
winter: 1. xrp
woman: 1. ash
workbench: 1. aryh
yesterday: 1. atmvl
Yule: 1. xg hmvld hnvcry
zero: 1. ap$
zone: 1. xgvrh


Hebrew to English

ab: 1. father
abgv$+: 1. August
abyb: 1. spring; springtime
abyrvn: 1. aeroplane; airplane; plane
abn: 1. stone
abq: 1. dust | 2. powder
agd: 1. bandage | 2. bandage
agvz: 1. nut
agm: 1. lake; loch
agrvp: 1. fist
adm: 1. red | 2. fellow; man
adrykl: 1. architect
ahbh: 1. affection; love
ahl: 1. tent
avzh: 1. goose
avyb: 1. adversary; enemy
avyr: 1. air
avph: 1. baker
avpnym: 1. bike; cycle; bicycle
avq+vbor: 1. October
avr: 1. light
avrx: 1. guest
azn: 1. ear
ax: 1. brother
axd: 1. one
axd osr: 1. eleven
axvrnyt: 1. backward; backwards
axvt: 1. sister
axr: 1. other; another; else | 2. after; behind
axr hchrym: 1. afternoon
ay: 1. island
ayh: 1. where
ayln: 1. tree
akmnyh: 1. blueberry
akp: 1. saddle
al: 1. God
alvn: 1. oak
alm: 1. dumb; mute; speechless
alp: 1. thousand; one thousand
altyt: 1. cod; codfish
amvk: 1. belief
amch: 1. steak; beefsteak
amc: 1. courage
amt: 1. truth | 2. reality; truth
am: 1. mother
an$: 1. pear
aph: 1. bake
apvnh: 1. pea
ap$: 1. nought; zero
apr: 1. grey
apryl: 1. April
apsr: 1. maybe; mayhap; perchance; perhaps; possibly
ap: 1. nose
acbo: 1. finger
acbo hrgl: 1. toe
acvb: 1. bleak; dismal; dreary; gaunt; miserable; sad; somber | 2. dismal; gaunt; miserable; sad | 3. dismal; dreary; sad
acodh: 1. bracelet | 2. bracelet
arbo: 1. four
arboym: 1. forty
arbo osrh: 1. fourteen
arz: 1. rice
arxh: 1. meal
arxt bqr: 1. breakfast
arxt orb: 1. evening meal; supper
aryh: 1. bench; easel; tressle; workbench
ark: 1. long
arnq: 1. purse; wallet
arn: 1. pine; pine–tree
atmvl: 1. yesterday
as: 1. fire
ash: 1. woman
askvlyt: 1. grapefruit
asmh: 1. reproach; rebuke; reprove; scold
ba: 1. come
bamco: 1. among; between
bbqsh: 1. please
bgd: 1. betray
bhlh: 1. panic
bhn: 1. thumb | 2. thumb
bvl: 1. stamp; postage stamp
b+vx: 1. insurance
b+xvn: 1. safety; security
b+n: 1. abdomen; belly; tummy
byah: 1. arrival
bych: 1. egg
byrh: 1. ale; beer | 2. capital; capital city; metropolis
byt dar: 1. post office | 2. post office
byt xvlym: 1. hospital
byt xrst: 1. factory | 2. factory
byt kbvd: 1. toilet
byt mrqxt: 1. chemist’s shop; drugstore
byt $pr: 1. school
byt qbrvt: 1. cemetery; God’s acre; graveyard
byt qhvhb: 1. café; coffee–house
bysn: 1. abashed; self–conscious; shy
blyrd: 1. billiards
blty +boy: 1. artificial
bmhyrvt: 1. fast; quick; rapid; speedy; swift
bnyn: 1. building
bnnh: 1. banana
bnq: 1. bank
bn: 1. son
bol: 1. husband
bpr+: 1. particular; special
bcl: 1. onion
bqbvq: 1. bottle
bqr: 1. bovine; bovine animal | 2. morning | 3. attend; call on; see; visit
brg: 1. screw
brd: 1. hail
brvz: 1. duck
brzl: 1. iron
brya: 1. healthy; well
bryavt: 1. health
brk: 1. knee
br$h: 1. stock exchange
brq: 1. lightning
bt: 1. daughter
bsl: 1. mature; ripe
bsr: 1. meat
bsr bqr: 1. beef
bsr hzyr: 1. pork
bsr ogl: 1. veal
gb: 1. back
gbh: 1. high; lofty; tall | 2. height | 3. altitude; height
gbvl: 1. boundary; frontier; limit
gbynh: 1. cheese
gg: 1. roof
gdvl: 1. big; great; large
gdl: 1. accrue; grow
ghvc: 1. iron; iron clothes
gvp: 1. body
gzvlyn: 1. gasolene; gasoline; petrol
gzr: 1. carrot
gyl: 1. age
gylh: 1. shave
gld: 1. skin
glvyh: 1. postcard
glydh: 1. ice; icecream
gml: 1. camel
gm: 1. also; likewise; too
gn: 1. garden
hnyo: 1. actuate; move
h$yp: 1. end; come to an end; end up; expire
h$kym: 1. accede; agree; consent
hotq: 1. copy
hpxyt: 1. abate; abridge; decrease; lessen
hp$d: 1. loss
hptyo: 1. surprise
hr: 1. mountain
hrbh: 1. a lot of; much
hrvyx: 1. earn; gain; win
hrkbt abobvovt: 1. vaccine
htxyl: 1. begin; commence; start
htomlvt: 1. gymnastics
htrah: 1. caution | 2. caution
hstoso: 1. play
vrd: 1. pink
zbvb: 1. fly; housefly
zhb: 1. gold
zhyr: 1. careful; cautious
zvg: 1. pair | 2. pair
zvl: 1. cheap; inexpensive | 2. cheap; inexpensive
zyt: 1. olive
zkvkyt: 1. glass
zkr: 1. monument
zmn: 1. time; while
zmr: 1. sing
znb: 1. tail | 2. tail
zqn: 1. beard
zrvo: 1. arm
zrq: 1. throw
xbvr: 1. connection
xbylh: 1. packet; parcel
xbyt: 1. barrel
xbl: 1. cord; rope; string
xgvrh: 1. belt; girdle
xglh: 1. partridge
xg hmvld hnvcry: 1. Christmas; Yule
xdr: 1. chamber; room
xdr hakl: 1. dining–room
xdr m+vt: 1. bedroom
xdr skvn: 1. living–room; sitting–room
xds: 1. new; novel
xvbh: 1. debt
xv+: 1. thread
xvl: 1. sand
xvlh: 1. ill; sick
xvp: 1. beach
xzh: 1. bosom; breast; chest | 2. chest
xzyr: 1. hog; pig; swine
xzmh: 1. tulip
xzq: 1. strong
xzr: 1. repeat
x+x: 1. wheat
xyb: 1. guilty
xyh: 1. animal
xy+: 1. sew | 2. tailor
xyym: 1. life
xyl: 1. pawn; soldier
xlb: 1. fat; grease | 2. milk
xldh: 1. rust
xlvm: 1. dream
xlvn: 1. window
xlyl: 1. flute
xlyqh: 1. blouse
xlq: 1. part; Parthian; share
xmah: 1. butter
xmvc: 1. acetous; acid; sour; tart
xmc: 1. vinegar
xmrn: 1. aluminium; aluminum
xmsh: 1. five
xmsym: 1. fifty
xm: 1. warm
xpvsyt hbyt: 1. cockroach
xrdl: 1. mustard
xrp: 1. winter
xrs: 1. deaf
xtymh: 1. signature
xsb: 1. think
+bx: 1. cook; male cook
+bot: 1. ring
+bq: 1. tobacco
kmvr: 1. ass; donkey
kmsh osr: 1. fifteen
slvm: 1. peace | 2. hello