Colombian movies
Director CastJuana del Rio, Luna Baxter, Silvia Varón, Simon EliasRelease Feb 13th, 2020 Synopsis This movie which means “Blessed Rebellion,” from Colombia is directed by Laura Perez Cervera and stars Luna Baxter, Juana del Rio, Simon Elias and Silvia Varon. It centers on a girl named Beatriz (Baxter) who gets a another chance after failing in almost every aspect of her life while working as a substitute psychologist in a school which used to be her family's estate. The movie promises to be one where women can laugh at their problems. It conveys a message of reconciliation, forgiveness and reconnecting with our values, with the touch of dark humor which seems necessary. is directed by and was released on Feb 13th, 2020.
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Director CastJuana del Rio, Luna Baxter, Silvia Varón, Simon EliasRelease Feb 13th, 2020 Synopsis This movie which means “Blessed Rebellion,” from Colombia is directed by Laura Perez Cervera and stars Luna Baxter, Juana del Rio, Simon Elias and Silvia Varon. It centers on a girl named Beatriz (Baxter) who gets a another chance after failing in almost every aspect of her life while working as a substitute psychologist in a school which used to be her family's estate. The movie promises to be one where women can laugh at their problems. It conveys a message of reconciliation, forgiveness and reconnecting with our values, with the touch of dark humor which seems necessary. is directed by and was released on Feb 13th, 2020.
All release dates
Cinema Release Date | Thursday February 13, 2020 |
DVD Release date | TBA |
Netflix DVD release date | TBA |
Netflix streaming | Not available |
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No trailer released yetProduction details
Director Laura Perez Cervera's Comedy movie is produced by Cinetiqueta Films & was released 2020-10-25.Costs: $0 Box Office Results: $0 Length/Runtime: 90 min