How I Ended This Summer
Russian moviesDirector Aleksey Popogrebskiy CastGrigoriy Dobrygin Sergey Puskepalis Igor ChernevichRelease Jan 28th, 2011 Synopsis A meteorologist and a college graduate are stationed at a strategic research base where one of them receives a message on the radio but waits for the right moment to convey it. in the mean while, things go out of hands as they can feel tension, mistrust and betrayal creeping between the two. How I Ended This Summer is directed by Aleksey Popogrebskiy and was released on Jan 28th, 2011.
All release dates
Cinema Release Date | Friday January 28, 2011 |
DVD Release date | TBA |
Netflix DVD release date | TBA |
Netflix streaming | Not available |
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Production details
Director Alexei Popogrebsky's Drama & Thriller movie How I Ended This Summer is produced by Koktebel Film Company & was released 2010-02-17.Costs: $2,500,000 Box Office Results: $622,644 Length/Runtime: 130 min