Team America: World Police
parody moviesDirector Trey Parker CastTrey Parker Matt Stone Elle RussRelease Oct 15th, 2004 Synopsis As the world falls apart Team America hires a popular Broadway actor Gary Johnston who must fight several terrorists and celebrities in order to restore order in a chaotic world. Team America: World Police is directed by Trey Parker and was released on Oct 15th, 2004.
All release dates
Cinema Release Date | Friday October 15, 2004 |
DVD Release date | TBA |
Netflix DVD release date | TBA |
Netflix streaming | Available - stream Team America: World Police on Netflix now |
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Production details
Director Trey Parker's Adventure & Action movie Team America: World Police is produced by Paramount Pictures & Scott Rudin Productions & was released 2004-10-10.Costs: $32,000,000 Box Office Results: $50,826,898 Length/Runtime: 98 min Team America: World Police Official page