Steve Jobs
historical moviesDirector Danny Boyle CastMichael Fassbender Kate Winslet Seth RogenRelease Oct 23rd, 2015 Synopsis It is the story of a man who is one of the most prominent cogs in the modern digital revolution 'Steve Jobs;' it offers a peek into the personal and professional struggles the great man had to go through for realizing his dreams. Steve Jobs is directed by Danny Boyle and was released on Oct 23rd, 2015.
All release dates
Cinema Release Date | Friday October 23, 2015 |
DVD Release date | TBA |
Netflix DVD release date | TBA |
Netflix streaming | Available - stream Steve Jobs on Netflix now |
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Production details
Director Danny Boyle's Drama & History movie Steve Jobs is produced by Universal Pictures & Scott Rudin Productions & was released 2015-10-09.Costs: $30,000,000 Box Office Results: $34,400,000 Length/Runtime: 122 min Steve Jobs Official page