The Better Angels
historical moviesDirector A.J. Edwards CastJason Clarke Diane Kruger Brit MarlingRelease Nov 7th, 2014 Synopsis The film delves into the difficult childhood of Abraham Lincoln, showcasing the harsh environment of Indiana, the hazards and hindrances that he faces, and the love and inspiration of two women that made him what we all know him as. The Better Angels is directed by A.J. Edwards and was released on Nov 7th, 2014.
All release dates
Cinema Release Date | Friday November 7, 2014 |
DVD Release date | TBA |
Netflix DVD release date | TBA |
Netflix streaming | Not available |
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Production details
Director A.J. Edwards's Drama & History movie The Better Angels is produced by Brothers K Productions & was released 2014-01-18.Costs: $0 Box Office Results: $70,918 Length/Runtime: 95 min