

South Korean movies

Hee-il Leesong
Hyun-sung Kim Yi-Kyeong Lee Tae-hee Won
Nov 15th, 2012
After a prolonged interval of time, a man returns to korea from abroad; the events unfold as he meets his lover whom he had left behind at a cafe. Baek-ya is directed by Hee-il Leesong and was released on Nov 15th, 2012.

All release dates

Cinema Release Date Thursday November 15, 2012
DVD Release date TBA
Netflix DVD release date TBA
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Production details

Director Hee-il Leesong's Drama movie Baek-ya is produced by Cinema Dal & was released 2012-11-15.

Costs: $0
Box Office Results: $40,356
Length/Runtime: 75 min