Sandbag Dam

Sandbag Dam

Croatian movies

Cejen Cernic
Lav Novosel, Andrija Žunac & Leon Grgic
A story about a forbidden love set in a village threatened by swollen rivers. Upon his return home for his father’s funeral, Slaven revives his relationship with his childhood friend, a young sportsman named Marko, his teenage love, and the reason his father kicked him out of the house. Now tempted to reunite, they need to make peace with their own decisions and struggle against the family...

Sandbag Dam is directed by Cejen Cernic and was released on TBA.

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Cinema Release Date TBA
DVD Release date TBA
Netflix DVD release date TBA
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Production details

Director Cejen Cernic's Drama movie Sandbag Dam is produced by Kinorama & Tremora & was released 2025-03-13.

Costs: $0
Box Office Results: $0
Length/Runtime: 88 min