Cutting Through Rocks

Cutting Through Rocks

Iranian/Persian movies

Mohammad Reza Eyni, Sara Khaki
Sarah Shahverdi, &
37-year-old Sara Shahverdi, a motorcycle riding, land owning, former midwife-turned-fierce citizen advocate and recent divorcée, just won a landslide local election in her remote Iranian village and everyone has an opinion about it.

Cutting Through Rocks is directed by Mohammad Reza Eyni, Sara Khaki and was released on TBA.

All release dates

Cinema Release Date TBA
DVD Release date TBA
Netflix DVD release date TBA
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Production details

Director Mohammad Reza Eyni, Sara Khaki's Documentary movie Cutting Through Rocks is produced by Gandom Films & was released 2025-01-27.

Costs: $0
Box Office Results: $0
Length/Runtime: 95 min