The Last Breath

The Last Breath

Joachim Hedén
Kim Spearman, Jack Parr & Alexander Arnold
Jul 21st, 2024
A group of old college friends reunite on a Caribbean scuba diving trip exploring the wreckage of a WWII battleship and find themselves trapped inside the underwater labyrinth of rusted metal surrounded by great white sharks.

The Last Breath is directed by Joachim Hedén and was released on Jul 21st, 2024.

All release dates

Cinema Release Date Sunday July 21, 2024
DVD Release date TBA
Netflix DVD release date TBA
Netflix streaming Not available
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Production details

Director Joachim Hedén's Thriller & Horror movie The Last Breath is produced by Anamorphic Films & Filmgate Films & was released 2024-06-28.

Costs: $30,000
Box Office Results: $273,650
Length/Runtime: 96 min