Blame the Game

Blame the Game

Marco Petry
Dennis Mojen, Janina Uhse & Anna Maria Mühe
Jul 12th, 2024
Pia and Jan have just fallen in love and arranged to meet Pia's friends for a game night. Jan meets Pia's friends for the first time and is under pressure to make the perfect first impression. When Pia's ex-boyfriend shows up and even Jan's buddy's tips can't save anything, everything is at stake: the relationship, the friendship, and the definition of truth.

Blame the Game is directed by Marco Petry and was released on Jul 12th, 2024.

All release dates

Cinema Release Date Friday July 12, 2024
DVD Release date TBA
Netflix DVD release date TBA
Netflix streaming Not available
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Production details

Director Marco Petry's Comedy & Thriller movie Blame the Game is produced by Wiedemann & Berg Television & was released 2024-07-03.

Costs: $0
Box Office Results: $0
Length/Runtime: 92 min
Blame the Game Official page