

Kevin Ignatius, Nick Psinakis
Corin Clay, Mick Thyer & April Clark
On the surface it's believed to be another urban legend - a supernatural being from the afterlife is violently killing anyone who cheats on their significant other in the small college town of Silvercreek, Pennsylvania. But the town's unusually high suicide rate is finally convincing both locals and college students that everything is not as it seems. When Maeve - a female college student - sleeps...

Cheat is directed by Kevin Ignatius, Nick Psinakis and was released on TBA.

All release dates

Cinema Release Date TBA
DVD Release date TBA
Netflix DVD release date TBA
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Production details

Director Kevin Ignatius, Nick Psinakis's Thriller & Horror movie Cheat & was released 2024-09-06.

Costs: $0
Box Office Results: $0
Length/Runtime: N/A