Darkness of Man

Darkness of Man

James Cullen Bressack
Jean-Claude Van Damme, Emerson Min & Kristanna Loken
May 21st, 2024
Russell Hatch, an Interpol operative who takes on the role of father figure to Jayden, the son of an informant killed in a routine raid gone wrong. Years later, Hatch finds himself protecting Jayden and his grandfather from a group of merciless gangs in an all-out turf war, stopping at nothing to protect Jayden and fight anyone getting in his way.

Darkness of Man is directed by James Cullen Bressack and was released on May 21st, 2024.

All release dates

Cinema Release Date Tuesday May 21, 2024
DVD Release date TBA
Netflix DVD release date TBA
Netflix streaming Not available
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Production details

Director James Cullen Bressack's Action movie Darkness of Man is produced by VMI WorldWide & Sandaled Kid Productions & was released 2024-05-07.

Costs: $5,000,000
Box Office Results: $0
Length/Runtime: 109 min