The Runaway

The Runaway


Aurélien Cornu, &
Jan 1st, 1970
Mozart, the name we know him by, has to deal with a chaotic life. Between his small town and the countryside, between love and abandonment, between struggles and little joys, between rave parties and job hunting, this tall guy in his late thirties walks his path as best as he can. At the crossroads between worlds, he experiences life's trials and tribulations, its absurdity and, sometimes, its...

All release dates

Cinema Release Date Thursday January 1, 1970
DVD Release date Thursday January 1, 1970
Netflix DVD release date Thursday January 1, 1970
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Production details

Director 's Comedy & Drama movie The Runaway is produced by Année Zéro & was released 2024-01-22.

Costs: $0
Box Office Results: $0