The Shrouds

The Shrouds

Canadian movies

David Cronenberg
Vincent Cassel, Diane Kruger & Guy Pearce
Jan 29th, 2025
Inconsolable since the death of his wife, Karsh, a prominent businessman, invents a revolutionary and controversial technology that enables the living to monitor their dear departed in their shrouds. One night, multiple graves, including that of Karsh’s wife, are desecrated, and he sets out to track down the perpetrators.

The Shrouds is directed by David Cronenberg and was released on Jan 29th, 2025.

All release dates

Cinema Release Date Wednesday January 29, 2025
DVD Release date TBA
Netflix DVD release date TBA
Netflix streaming Not available
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Production details

Director David Cronenberg's Drama & Science Fiction movie The Shrouds is produced by SBS Productions & Prospero Pictures & was released 2025-01-29.

Costs: $0
Box Office Results: $0
Length/Runtime: 119 min