

Nimród Antal
Liam Neeson, Noma Dumezweni & Lilly Aspell
Aug 25th, 2023
When a mysterious caller plants a bomb under his car seat, a bank executive begins a high-speed chase across the city to complete a specific series of tasks — all with his kids trapped in the back seat.

Retribution is directed by Nimród Antal and was released on Aug 25th, 2023.

All release dates

Cinema Release Date Friday August 25, 2023
DVD Release date TBA
Netflix DVD release date TBA
Netflix streaming Not available
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Not yet streaming online

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Production details

Director Nimród Antal's Thriller & Action movie Retribution is produced by The Picture Company & Ombra Films & was released 2023-08-23.

Costs: $20,000,000
Box Office Results: $18,685,751
Length/Runtime: 91 min
Retribution Official page