Mi Ópera Prima

Mi Ópera Prima

Juanpa Brenis
René Paredes, Cruz Armenta & Abigail Nicoletto
Camila is a high school girl who lives life for no purpose. Her escape from reality goes back to the movie scripts she writes in her notebook. Bruno, a clumsy misfit dreamy boy, sets out to make friends with her, and upon discovering Camila's love for movies and stories, he proposes to create a movie.

Mi Ópera Prima is directed by Juanpa Brenis and was released on TBA.

All release dates

Cinema Release Date TBA
DVD Release date TBA
Netflix DVD release date TBA
Netflix streaming Not available
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Production details

Director Juanpa Brenis's Drama & Comedy movie Mi Ópera Prima is produced by babafilms & Girandova Producciones & was released 2023-11-18.

Costs: $20,000
Box Office Results: $0
Length/Runtime: N/A