Three Thousand Years of Longing
romance moviesDirector George Miller CastTilda Swinton, Idris Elba & Ece YükselRelease Aug 26th, 2022 A solitary scholar discovers an ancient bottle while on a trip to Istanbul and unleashes a djinn who offers her three wishes. Filled with reluctance, she is unable to come up with one, so the djinn tries to inspire her with his stories.
Three Thousand Years of Longing is directed by George Miller and was released on Aug 26th, 2022.
All release dates
Cinema Release Date | Friday August 26, 2022 |
DVD Release date | TBA |
Netflix DVD release date | TBA |
Netflix streaming | Not available |
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Production details
Director George Miller's Drama & Fantasy movie Three Thousand Years of Longing is produced by FilmNation Entertainment & Elevate Production Finance & was released 2022-08-24.Costs: $60,000,000 Box Office Results: $20,300,000 Length/Runtime: 108 min Three Thousand Years of Longing Official page