The Great Postal Heist

The Great Postal Heist

Jay Galione
Ralph Nader, Richard Wolff & Tim Radke
Jan 25th, 2022
The Great Postal Heist follows director Jay Galione's father, a 30-year US Post Office clerk, who was harassed, threatened, and fired for standing up for his colleagues. A moving indictment of the toxic culture and push to downsize, the documentary chronicles the journey of postal workers, experts, and advocates who experienced firsthand the abuses in the oldest federal agency in America and stood...

The Great Postal Heist is directed by Jay Galione and was released on Jan 25th, 2022.

All release dates

Cinema Release Date Tuesday January 25, 2022
DVD Release date Tuesday January 25, 2022
Netflix DVD release date Tuesday January 25, 2022
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Production details

Director Jay Galione's Documentary movie The Great Postal Heist & was released 2022-01-25.

Costs: $0
Box Office Results: $0
Length/Runtime: 96 min
The Great Postal Heist Official page