Cek Ombak (Melulu)

Cek Ombak (Melulu)


Bryan Domani, Hanggini Purinda Retto & Hans de Kraker
Jan 1st, 1970
Starting with Kika and Igo, they met through the meet me application because their overprotective parents, Rosa and Juno, hijacked their children's meet me application. At first rosa and juno angry forbid their children to be close. Over time, Kika and Igo had to face the fact that their papa and mama were married and forced igo and kika to live in the same house as brother and sister.

All release dates

Cinema Release Date Thursday January 1, 1970
DVD Release date Thursday January 1, 1970
Netflix DVD release date Thursday January 1, 1970
Netflix streaming Not available
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Production details

Director 's Romance movie Cek Ombak (Melulu) is produced by Merpati Films & KlikFilm Studios & was released 2022-01-14.

Costs: $0
Box Office Results: $0