Barbie & Chelsea the Lost Birthday

Barbie & Chelsea the Lost Birthday

Cassandra Mackay, Katie McWane
America Young, Laila Berzins & Nakia Burrise
Apr 16th, 2021
Enjoy high-sea thrills as Barbie, Chelsea and the rest of the Roberts family set sail on an adventure cruise. "Barbie & Chelsea The Lost Birthday" tells the story of Chelsea, Barbie’s precocious youngest sister, and the rest of the Roberts family as they set sail on an adventure cruise for her seventh birthday. When they cross the International Date Line, Chelsea discovers her actual birthday...

Barbie & Chelsea the Lost Birthday is directed by Cassandra Mackay, Katie McWane and was released on Apr 16th, 2021.

All release dates

Cinema Release Date Friday April 16, 2021
DVD Release date TBA
Netflix DVD release date TBA
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Production details

Director Cassandra Mackay, Katie McWane's Animation & Family movie Barbie & Chelsea the Lost Birthday is produced by Mainframe Studios & was released 2021-03-27.

Costs: $0
Box Office Results: $0
Length/Runtime: 60 min