El Chapo and the Curse of the Pirate Zombies

El Chapo and the Curse of the Pirate Zombies


Tara Reid, Nikki Sixx & Ángel Salazar
Jan 1st, 1970
A sexy soap opera actress, a Hollywood movie star, a has-been tabloid journalist, a Mafia Boss and a drug lord fight zombie pirates.

All release dates

Cinema Release Date Thursday January 1, 1970
DVD Release date Thursday January 1, 1970
Netflix DVD release date Thursday January 1, 1970
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Production details

Director 's Horror & Comedy movie El Chapo and the Curse of the Pirate Zombies is produced by Scotty Gelt Productions & was released 2022-03-04.

Costs: $500,000
Box Office Results: $0