Brazilian moviesDirector Murillo Sued CastNaomi Nero, Vinicius Teixeira & Gabriel HipollytoRelease TBA The film follows João, a 20-year-old boy who lives in the small town of Turvo, on the weekend before he receives his college application results. If he gets accepted, he will have to leave his city, his family, his friends and his comfort zone.
Turvo is directed by Murillo Sued and was released on TBA.
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Cinema Release Date | TBA |
DVD Release date | TBA |
Netflix DVD release date | TBA |
Netflix streaming | Not available |
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Director Murillo Sued's Drama movie Turvo is produced by S Rezende Produções Artísticas & was released 2021-12-09.Costs: $0 Box Office Results: $0 Length/Runtime: 80 min