Tahitian, is as the name suggest, mainly spoken in French Polynesia, where the Island Tahiti is located. It is a rather small language, as is spoken by only 68.000 people. Below you can find a dictionary list with Tahitian words and meanings translated into English.

English to Tahitian


Tahiti: 1. Tahiti
ability: 1. mana
bairn: 1. tamari’i
bird: 1. manu
child: 1. tamari’i | 2. tamari’i
drink: 1. inu
eight: 1. va’u
face: 1. mata
fish: 1. i’a
five: 1. pae
fly: 1. rere
four: 1. maha
hand: 1. rima
head: 1. ûpo’o | 2. ûpo’o | 3. ûpo’o | 4. ûpo’o
heaven: 1. ra’i
house: 1. fare
ill: 1. ma’i
infant: 1. tamari’i
moon: 1. marama
night: 1. pô
nine: 1. iva
one: 1. tahi
pate: 1. ûpo’o
person: 1. ta’ata
rain: 1. ua
sea: 1. moana
seven: 1. hitu
sick: 1. ma’i
six: 1. ono
skin: 1. ‘iri
sky: 1. ra’i
ten: 1. ahuru
that: 1. aha
three: 1. toru
tooth: 1. niho
tortoise: 1. honu
two: 1. piti
what: 1. aha | 2. aha
woman: 1. vahine

Tahitian to English

Tahiti: 1. Tahiti
ahuru: 1. ten
hitu: 1. seven
honu: 1. tortoise
inu: 1. drink
iva: 1. nine
i’a: 1. fish
maha: 1. four
mana: 1. ability
manu: 1. bird
marama: 1. moon
mata: 1. face
ma’i: 1. ill, sick
moana: 1. sea
niho: 1. tooth
ono: 1. six
pae: 1. five
piti: 1. two
pô: 1. night
ra’i: 1. heaven, sky
rere: 1. fly
rima: 1. hand
tahi: 1. one
ta’ata: 1. person
toru: 1. three
ua: 1. rain
vahine: 1. woman
va’u: 1. eight
‘iri: 1. skin