Afrikaans, spoken in South Africa, is a beautiful language with Dutch, English and African influences. Here we have selected a bit of Afrikaans voacbulary with some great words and their meanings.
A-bom: 1. atom bomb
Aandland: 1. Occident
Aandster: 1. Evening Star, Venus
Abessinies: 1. Abyssinian
Abessinië: 1. Abyssinia
Abessiniër: 1. Abyssinian
Achilles: 1. Achilles
Achilleshiel: 1. Achilles’ heel
Achillespees: 1. Achilles’ tendon
Adam: 1. Adam
Aden: 1. Aden
Adonis: 1. Adonis
Adriatiese See: 1. Adriatic, Adriatic Sea
Afgaan: 1. Afghan
Afgaans: 1. Afghan
Afganistan: 1. Afghanistan
Afrika: 1. Africa
Afrikaan: 1. African
Afrikaans: 1. African | 2. Afrikaans
Afrikaner: 1. Afrikaans | 2. Afrikaner, Boer
Afrikanertroos: 1. coffee
Afro-Asiaties: 1. Afro-Asian | 2. Afro-Asian
Agter-Indië: 1. Indo-China
Aken: 1. Aix-la-Chapelle
Albaans: 1. Albanian
Albanees: 1. Albanian | 2. Albanian
Albanies: 1. Albanian | 2. Albanian, Albanian language
Albaniese taal: 1. Albanian, Albanian language
Albanië: 1. Albania
Albion: 1. Albion
Alexandrië: 1. Alexandria
Algerië: 1. Algeria
Algeryn: 1. Algerian
Algeryns: 1. Algerian
Algiers: 1. Algiers
Allah: 1. Allah
Allerheilige: 1. All Hallows, All Saints’ Day
Allersiele: 1. All Souls’ Day
Alpe: 1. Alps
Alpien: 1. alpine
Alpinies: 1. alpine
Alpyns: 1. alpine
Amasone: 1. Amazon
Amerika: 1. America | 2. United States of America, USA
Amerikaans: 1. American | 2. American
Amerikaner: 1. American | 2. American, US citizen
Amor: 1. Cupid
Anatolië: 1. Anatolia, Asia Minor
Andalusië: 1. Andalusia
Angel-Sakser: 1. Anglo-Saxon
Angel-Saksies: 1. Anglo-Saxon
Anglikaan: 1. Anglican
Anglikaans: 1. Anglican
Angola: 1. Angola
Annunsiasie: 1. Annunciation, Lady Day
Antarktika: 1. Antarctic, the Antarctic
Antille: 1. Antilles
Antonius: 1. Antony
Apokalips: 1. Apocalypse
April: 1. April
Arabier: 1. Arab
Arabies: 1. Arabian, Arabic
Arabië: 1. Arabia
Ardenne: 1. Ardennes
Areopagus: 1. Areopagus
Argentinië: 1. Argentina
Argentyn: 1. Argentine
Argentyns: 1. Argentine, Argentinean
Argus: 1. Argus
Aries: 1. Aryan
Aristoteles: 1. Aristotle
Ariër: 1. Aryan
Ark van die Verbond: 1. Ark of the Covenant
Armenies: 1. Armenian
Armenië: 1. Armenia
Armeniër: 1. Armenian
Asdag: 1. Ash Wednesday
Asepoestertjie: 1. Cinderella
Asiaat: 1. Asian
Asiaties: 1. Asian, Asiatic
Asië: 1. Asia
Assiries: 1. Assyrian
Assirië: 1. Assyria
Assiriër: 1. Assyrian
Astekies: 1. Aztec
Atheens: 1. Athenian
Athene: 1. Athena, Athene | 2. Athens
Athener: 1. Athenian
Atlanties: 1. Atlantic
Atlantiese Oseaan: 1. Atlantic, Atlantic Ocean
Atlas: 1. Atlas
Atties: 1. Attic
Augias: 1. Augeas
Augiasstal: 1. Augean stable
Augustus: 1. Augustus | 2. August
Aurora: 1. Aurora
Australies: 1. Australian
Australië: 1. Australia
Australiër: 1. Australian
Awendland: 1. Occident
Babel: 1. Babel, Babylon
Babilon: 1. Babel, Babylon
Babilonies: 1. Babylonian
Babilonië: 1. Babylonia
Bacchus: 1. Bacchus
Baleare: 1. Balearic Islands
Baleariese Eilande: 1. Balearic Islands
Balkan: 1. Balkans
Balties: 1. Baltic
Baltiese See: 1. Baltic Sea
Bantoe-: 1. Bantu
Bantoe: 1. Bantu
Baptis: 1. baptist
Barbarye: 1. Barbery
Bask: 1. Basque
Baskies: 1. Basque
Bataaf: 1. Batavian
Bataviaan: 1. Batavian
Batavier: 1. Batavian
Baäl: 1. Baal
Beier: 1. Bavarian
Beiere: 1. Bavaria | 2. Bavaria
Beiers: 1. Bavarian
Belg: 1. Belgian
Belgies: 1. Belgian
België: 1. Belgium
Belgrado: 1. Belgrade
Benediktyner: 1. Benedictine, Benedictine monk
Benediktynermonnik: 1. Benedictine, Benedictine monk
Benelux: 1. Benelux
Bengaals: 1. Bengal
Bengaalse vuur: 1. bengal-light, bengal-lights
Bengale: 1. Bengal
Beosië: 1. Beotia
Berlyn: 1. Berlin
Berlyner: 1. Berliner
Berlyns: 1. Berlin
Bern: 1. Berne
Betlehem: 1. Bethlehem
Birma: 1. Burma
Birmaan: 1. Burmese
Birmees: 1. Burmese
Bisantium: 1. Byzantium
Bisantyns: 1. Byzantine
Bloemfontein: 1. Bloemfontein
Bloubaard: 1. Bluebeard
Boeddha: 1. Buddha
Boeddhisme: 1. Buddhism
Boeddhist: 1. Buddhist
Boekarest: 1. Bucharest
Boer: 1. Afrikaans | 2. Afrikaner, Boer
Boesman: 1. Bushman
Boheems: 1. Bohemian
Boheme: 1. Bohemia
Boliwies: 1. Bolivian
Boliwië: 1. Bolivia
Bolsjewiek: 1. Bolshevik | 2. Bolshevik
Bolsjewis: 1. Bolshevik | 2. Bolshevik
Bombaai: 1. Bombay
Brabander: 1. Brabantine
Brabant: 1. Brabant
Brabants: 1. Brabantine
Brasiliaan: 1. Brazilian
Brasiliaans: 1. Brazilian
Brasilië: 1. Brazil
Bretagne: 1. Bretagne, Brittany
Brit: 1. Briton
Brits: 1. British
Brunswyk: 1. Brunswick
Brussel: 1. Brussels
Brussels: 1. Brussels
Brusselse spruitjies: 1. Brussels-sprouts
Bulgaar: 1. Bulgar, Bulgarian
Bulgaars: 1. Bulgarian
Bulgarye: 1. Bulgaria
Bybel: 1. Bible
Caesar: 1. Caesar
Calvyn: 1. Calvin
Carthager: 1. Carthaginian
Carthago: 1. Carthage
Celebes: 1. Celebes
Ceylon: 1. Ceylon
Chileen: 1. Chilean
Chileens: 1. Chilean
Chili: 1. Chile
China: 1. China
Chinees: 1. Chinese | 2. Chinaman, Chinese
Christelik: 1. Christian
Christen: 1. Christian
Christendom: 1. Christianity
Christus: 1. Christ
Cipries: 1. Cypriot, Cypriote
Ciprioot: 1. Cypriot
Ciprus: 1. Cyprus
Columbus: 1. Columbus
Confucius: 1. Confucius
Curaçao: 1. Curaçao
Dardanelles: 1. Dardanelles, Hellespont
Deen: 1. Dane
Deens: 1. Danish
Denemarke: 1. Denmark
Desember: 1. December
Deuteronomium: 1. Deuteronomy
Dinsdag: 1. Tuesday
Dominikaans: 1. Dominican
Donau: 1. Danube
Donderdag: 1. Thursday
Dories: 1. Dorian, Doric
Drakensberge: 1. Drakensberg Mountains
Driekoninge: 1. Epiphany, Twelfth-night
Driekoningefees: 1. Epiphany, Twelfth-night
Duits: 1. German | 2. German, German language
Duitser: 1. German
Duitse masels: 1. German measles
Duitse taal: 1. German, German language
Duitsland: 1. Germany
Eden: 1. Eden
Edenburg: 1. Edinburgh
Egeïese Zee: 1. Aegean, Aegean Sea
Egipte: 1. Egypt
Egiptenaar: 1. Egyptian
Egipties: 1. Egyptian
Eksodus: 1. Exodus
Elsasies: 1. Alsatian
Elsasser: 1. Alsatian
Engeland: 1. England | 2. England
Engels: 1. English | 2. English, English language
Engelsman: 1. Englishman, Sassenach
Eskimo: 1. Eskimo
Esperanto: 1. Esperanto
Est: 1. Estonian
Estland: 1. Estonia
Ests: 1. Estonian
Ethiopië: 1. Abyssinia, Ethiopia
Ethiopiër: 1. Ethiopian
Etruries: 1. Etrurian, Etruscan
Etrurië: 1. Etruria
Etruriër: 1. Etrurian, Etruscan
Etruskies: 1. Etrurian, Etruscan | 2. Etrurian, Etruscan
Eufraat: 1. Euphrates
Europa: 1. Europa | 2. Europe | 3. Europa
Europeaan: 1. European
Europees: 1. European
Europese bison: 1. European bizon, wisent
Europeër: 1. European
Eva: 1. Eva
Februarie: 1. February
Filippyns: 1. Philippine
Filistyn: 1. Philistine
Fin: 1. Finn
Finland: 1. Finland
Finlander: 1. Finn
Fins: 1. Finnish
Frankeland: 1. Franconia
Frankies: 1. Frankish
Frankryk: 1. France
Frans: 1. French | 2. French, French language
Franse taal: 1. French, French language
Fries: 1. Frisian | 2. Frisian
Friesland: 1. Friesland
Galicies: 1. Galician
Gallië: 1. Gaul
Genesis: 1. Genesis
Geneve: 1. Geneva
Gent: 1. Ghent
Genua: 1. Genoa
Germaan: 1. German, Teuton
Germaans: 1. Germanic, Teutonic
God: 1. God
Goeie Vrydag: 1. Good Friday
Goties: 1. Gothic
Goudkus: 1. Gold Coast
Graal: 1. Grail
Griek: 1. Greek | 2. Greek
Griekeland: 1. Greece
Grieks: 1. Greek | 2. Hellenian, Hellenic
Groenland: 1. Greenland | 2. Greenland
Groot-Brittanje: 1. Britain, Great Britain
Guinee: 1. Guinea
Gulde Vlies: 1. Golden Fleece
Havanna: 1. Havana
Hawaiï: 1. Hawaii
Hawaïes: 1. Hawaiian
Haïti: 1. Haiti
Hebreeus: 1. Hebrew, Jewish
Hebreër: 1. Hebrew, Jew
Hebride: 1. Hebrides, Western Islands
Helleens: 1. Hellenian, Hellenic
Hellespont: 1. Dardanelles, Hellespont
Helvesië: 1. Helvetia
Hemelvaartdag: 1. Ascension Day
Hindoe-: 1. Hindu
Hindoe: 1. Hindu
Hindoes: 1. Hindu
Holland: 1. Holland
Hollander: 1. Dutchman, Hollander
Hollands: 1. Dutch
Hongaar: 1. Hungarian
Hongaars: 1. Hungarian
Hongarye: 1. Hungary
Hooglander: 1. Highlander
Hooglied: 1. Canticles, Song of Solomon, Song of Songs
Iberies: 1. Iberian
Ier: 1. Irishman
Ierland: 1. Ireland
Iers: 1. Irish
Indiaan: 1. Indian, American Indian
Indiaans: 1. Indian, Red Indian
Indies: 1. Indian
Indiese tier: 1. tiger
Indië: 1. India
Indiër: 1. Indian
Indo-China: 1. Indo-China
Indo-Europeaan: 1. Indo-European
Indo-Europees: 1. Indo-European | 2. Indo-European, Indo-Germanic
Indo-Europeër: 1. Indo-European
Indo-Germaans: 1. Indo-European, Indo-Germanic
Indo-Sjina: 1. Indo-China
Indonesies: 1. Indonesian
Indonesië: 1. Indonesia
Indonesiër: 1. Indonesian
Ionies: 1. Ionian
Iraaks: 1. Iraqi, Iraquian
Irak: 1. Iraq
Irakiër: 1. Iraqi, Iraquian
Iran: 1. Iran, Persia
Iranies: 1. Iranian
Iraniër: 1. Iranian, Persian
Islam: 1. Islam
Islamities: 1. Islamic
Israel: 1. Israel | 2. Israel
Israeli: 1. Israelian | 2. Israeli
Israelies: 1. Israelian | 2. Israeli
Israeliet: 1. Hebrew, Jew | 2. Israelite
Israelities: 1. Israelite, Israelitish
Istanboel: 1. Istanbul
Italiaan: 1. Italian
Italiaans: 1. Italian
Italianer: 1. Italian
Italië: 1. Italy
Jamaika: 1. Jamaica
Januarie: 1. January
Japan: 1. Japan
Japannees: 1. Japanese
Japanner: 1. Japanese
Japans: 1. Japanese
Java: 1. Java
Javaan: 1. Javanese
Javaans: 1. Javan, Javanese
Jehova: 1. Jehovah
Jerusalem: 1. Jerusalem
Johannesburg: 1. Johannesburg
Jood: 1. Hebrew, Jew | 2. Jew
Joods: 1. Jewish
Jordaan: 1. Jordan
Josef: 1. Joseph
Julie: 1. July
Junie: 1. June
Kaapprovinsie: 1. Cape Province
Kaaps: 1. Cape
Kaapstad: 1. Cape Town
Kaap die Goeie Hoop: 1. Cape of Good Hope
Kain: 1. Cain
Kalifornië: 1. California
Kalvarieberg: 1. Calvary, Golgotha
Kameroen: 1. Cameroon
Kanada: 1. Canada
Kanadees: 1. Canadian | 2. Canadian
Kanaries: 1. Canary
Kanariese Eilande: 1. Canary Islands
Kapitool: 1. Capitol
Karmeliet: 1. Carmelite
Karpate: 1. Carpathians, Carpathian mountains
Kaspiese See: 1. Caspian Sea
Kastiliaans: 1. Castillian
Kaukasus: 1. Caucasus
Kaïro: 1. Cairo
Kelt: 1. Celt
Kelties: 1. Gaelic | 2. Celtic
Kenia: 1. Kenya
Kersfees: 1. Christmas, Christmas feast | 2. Christmas, Yule
Kersmis: 1. Christmas, Christmas feast
Kersvader: 1. Father Christmas
Keulen: 1. Cologne
Klein-Asië: 1. Asia Minor
Kongo: 1. Congo, Zaire | 2. Congo
Konstantinopel: 1. Istanbul
Kopenhagen: 1. Copenhagen
Korinthies: 1. Corinthian
Kremlin: 1. Kremlin
Kreta: 1. Crete
Krim: 1. Crimea
Krisjna: 1. Krishna
Kroaat: 1. Croat
Kroasië: 1. Croatia
Kroaties: 1. Croatian
Kruisberg: 1. Calvary, Golgotha
Kuba: 1. Cuba
Kubaan: 1. Cuban
Lap: 1. Laplander, Lapp
Lapland: 1. Lapland
Laplander: 1. Laplander, Lapp
Laplands: 1. Lapp, Lappish
Latyn: 1. Latin
Latyns: 1. Latin
Leiden: 1. Leyden
Let: 1. Latvian, Lett
Letland: 1. Latvia
Lets: 1. Latvian, Lettish
Libanon: 1. Lebanon
Liberië: 1. Liberia
Libies: 1. Libyan
Libië: 1. Libya
Libiër: 1. Libyan
Lissabon: 1. Lisbon
Litaue: 1. Lithuania
Litauer: 1. Lithuanian
Litaus: 1. Lithuanian
Londen: 1. London
Lotaringe: 1. Lorraine, Lothringen
Lucifer: 1. Lucifer | 2. Lucifer, Satan
Luik: 1. Liège
Lusern: 1. Lucerne
Lyfland: 1. Livonia
Lyflands: 1. Livonian
Maandag: 1. Monday
Maart: 1. March
Macedonië: 1. Macedonia
Machiavelli: 1. Machiavelli
Madagaskar: 1. Madagascar
Madonna: 1. Madonna
Madrid: 1. Madrid
Malakka: 1. Malacca
Maleis: 1. Malay
Malta: 1. Malta
Maltees: 1. Maltese
Malteser: 1. Maltese
Mantsjoerye: 1. Manchuria
Maria-ligmis: 1. Candlemas
Marokkaan: 1. Moroccan
Marokkaans: 1. Moroccan
Marokko: 1. Morocco
Mei: 1. May
Mekka: 1. Mecca
Melanesies: 1. Melanesian
Melanesië: 1. Melanesia
Melanesiër: 1. Melanesian
Mexikaans: 1. Mexican
Mexiko: 1. Mexico
Moedermaagd: 1. Madonna
Mohammedaans: 1. Islamic
Mohammedanisme: 1. Islam
Mongolië: 1. Mongolia
Montenegro: 1. Montenegro
Montenegryn: 1. Montenegrin
Montenegryns: 1. Montenegrin
Mosambiek: 1. Mozambique
Moskowiet: 1. Muscovite
Namen: 1. Namur
Namibië: 1. Namibia
Ndebele: 1. Ndebele
Nederduits: 1. Low German
Nederlander: 1. Dutchman
Nederlands: 1. Dutch
Nguni: 1. Nguni
Nigeria: 1. Nigeria
Noor: 1. Norwegian
Noord-Amerika: 1. North America
Noordpool: 1. Arctic, the Arctic
Noors: 1. Norwegian
Noorweegs: 1. Norwegian
Noorweë: 1. Norway
Noorweër: 1. Norwegian
November: 1. November
Nuwejaarsdag: 1. New Year’s Day
Oekraine: 1. Ukraine, the Ukraine | 2. Ukraine, the Ukraine
Oekrainer: 1. Ukrainian
Oekrains: 1. Ukrainian
Oktober: 1. October
Oos-Duitsland: 1. East Germany, GDR
Oossee: 1. Baltic Sea
Oostenryk: 1. Austria
Oostenryker: 1. Austrian
Oostenryks: 1. Austrian
Openbaring: 1. Apocalypse
Oranje-Vrystaat: 1. Orange Free State
Oranje: 1. Orange
Paasfees: 1. Easter
Parys: 1. Paris
Pase: 1. Easter
Peking: 1. Peiping, Peking
Persies: 1. Persian
Persiese Golf: 1. Persian Gulf
Persië: 1. Iran, Persia
Pietermaritzburg: 1. Pietermaritzburg
Pireneë: 1. Pyrenees
Platduits: 1. Low German
Pole: 1. Poland
Pool: 1. Pole
Pools: 1. Polish
Portugees: 1. Portuguese | 2. Portuguese, Portuguese language
Pretoria: 1. Pretoria
Roemeen: 1. Romanian
Roemenië: 1. Romania | 2. Romania
Roemeniër: 1. Romanian
Rome: 1. Rome
Rooihuid: 1. Indian, American Indian
Rus: 1. Russian
Rusland: 1. Russia | 2. Russia
Russies: 1. Russian
Sardinies: 1. Sardinian
Satan: 1. Lucifer, Satan
September: 1. September
Serwies: 1. Serb
Serwië: 1. Serbia | 2. Serbia
Serwiër: 1. Serb
Siamees: 1. Siamese
Sint Helena: 1. Saint Helena
Sjina: 1. China
Sjinees: 1. Chinese
Skot: 1. Scot, Scotsman
Skotland: 1. Scotland
Skots: 1. Scottish
Slams: 1. Islamic | 2. Malay
Slovenië: 1. Slovenia
Slowaak: 1. Slovak
Slowaaks: 1. Slovak
Slowakies: 1. Slovak
Slowakye: 1. Slovakia
Sloween: 1. Slovene, Slovenian
Sloweens: 1. Slovenian
Soedan: 1. Sudan
Sondag: 1. Sunday
Spaans: 1. Spanish | 2. Spanish, Spanish language
Spaanse taal: 1. Spanish, Spanish language
Spanje: 1. Spain
Steenbok: 1. Capricorn
Suid-Afrika: 1. South Africa
Suid-Afrikaans: 1. South African
Suid-Afrikaner: 1. South African
Suid-Amerika: 1. South America
Suidelike Yssee: 1. Antarctic Ocean
Suidpool-: 1. Antarctic
Swart See: 1. Black Sea, Euxine Sea
Swede: 1. Sweden
Sweed: 1. Swede
Sweeds: 1. Swedish
Switser: 1. Swiss | 2. Swiss
Switserland: 1. Helvetia | 2. Switzerland
T-hemp: 1. T-shirt
TV: 1. television, TV
Transkei: 1. Transkei
Transvaal: 1. Transvaal, the Transvaal
Transvaals: 1. Transvaalian
Tsjeg: 1. Czech | 2. Czechoslovak, Czechoslovakian
Tsjeggies: 1. Czech | 2. Czechoslovak, Czechoslovakian
Tsjeggo-Slowakye: 1. Czechoslovakia
Turk: 1. Turk
Turks: 1. Turkish
Turkye: 1. Turkey
-loos: 1. -less, un-
VSA: 1. United States of America, USA
Vaal: 1. Vaal
Vatikaan: 1. Vatican, the Vatican
Venezolaan: 1. Venezuelan
Venezolaans: 1. Venezuelan
Venezuela: 1. Venezuela
Venus: 1. Venus | 2. Evening Star, Venus
Versoendag: 1. Day of Atonement, Feast of Expiation
Vietnamees: 1. Vietnamese
Vlaams: 1. Flemmish
Vlaandere: 1. Flanders
Vlaming: 1. Flemming
Vlissingen: 1. Flushing
Vrouedag: 1. Candlemas
Vrydag: 1. Friday
Vrystaat: 1. Orange Free State
Waleland: 1. Wallonia
Walhalla: 1. Valhalla
Wallies: 1. Welsh
Wallis: 1. Wales
Walliser: 1. Welshman
Weens: 1. Vienna, Viennese
Westers: 1. western
Woensdag: 1. Wednesday
Wolga: 1. Volga
Xhosa-: 1. Xhosa
Xhosa: 1. Xhosa
Xhosavrou: 1. Xhosa woman
Ysland: 1. Iceland
Yslander: 1. Icelander
Yslands: 1. Icelandic
Yssee: 1. Arctic Ocean
Zambia: 1. Zambia
Zeus: 1. Zeus
Zimbabwe: 1. Zimbabwe
Zoeloe: 1. Zulu, Zulu language | 2. Zulu
… a: 1. … to, from … to, of … to
… gelede: 1. … ago
… voel: 1. feel …
a: 1. ah, oh, ow | 2. oh
aag: 1. ah, oh, ow | 2. woe
aai: 1. ah, oh, ow | 2. flatter | 3. oh
aak: 1. barge | 2. barge, Rhine barge
aaklig: 1. bleak, dismal, dreary, horrible, ghastly, grisly, nasty | 2. dismal, dreary, horrible, nasty
aakligheid: 1. abomination | 2. abhorrence, abomination, horror | 3. bad job
aal: 1. eel
aalagtig: 1. eel-like
aalbessie: 1. currant | 2. currant, red currant
aalbessiebos: 1. currant, currant bush
aalbessiesap: 1. currant juice
aalbessievla: 1. currant custard | 2. currant custard
aalfuik: 1. eel-pot, eel-trap
aalmoes: 1. alms, charity
aalmoesenier: 1. chaplain, army chaplain, padre
aalmoeseniershuis: 1. almshouse, workhouse | 2. almshouse, almonry, workhouse
aalmoesenierskap: 1. almonership
aalmoeskassie: 1. alms-box
aalpastei: 1. eel-pie
aalsvel: 1. eelskin
aaltjie: 1. nematode
aalverkoper: 1. eelmonger
aalvissery: 1. eel-fishing
aalvormig: 1. anguilliform, eel-shaped
aalwee: 1. aloe
aalweeagtig: 1. aloetic
aalwurm: 1. nematode
aalwyn: 1. aloe
aalwynagtig: 1. aloetic
aalwynbitter: 1. aloin
aalwynhout: 1. eaglewood
aalwynsap: 1. aloe juice
aalwyntapper: 1. aloe juice collector | 2. pauper, poor man | 3. pauper, poor devil, poor man
aam: 1. aum
aambeeld: 1. anvil, incus
aambeeldbeentjie: 1. anvil, incus
aambeeldbeitel: 1. hardy
aambeeldvoël: 1. small woodpecker
aambei: 1. haemorrhoid, hemorrhoid, pile
aambeie: 1. haemorhoids
aambeipoeier: 1. pile powder
aamborstig: 1. asthmatic, wheezy
aamborstigheid: 1. asthma, shortness of breath, wheeziness | 2. dyspnea, dyspnoea
aan: 1. at, to, toward, towards | 2. at, beside, by, near, nearby, near to, next to | 3. on, upon | 4. at, beside, with
aanbehoort: 1. belong to
aanbel: 1. give a ring, ring, ring the bell
aanbesteding: 1. tender | 2. tender
aanbestee: 1. invite tenders for, put out to tender
aanbetref: 1. concern | 2. concern, relate
aanbetrou: 1. confide, have confidence in, trust, entrust
aanbeveel: 1. commend, recommend
aanbeveelbaar: 1. recommendable
aanbevelenswaardig: 1. recommendable
aanbeveling: 1. recommendation
aanbid: 1. adore, worship
aanbidbaar: 1. adorable
aanbiddelik: 1. adorable
aanbidding: 1. adoration, worship
aanbied: 1. bid, offer, make an offer of
aanbieding: 1. offer | 2. presentation | 3. presentation | 4. offer, tender
aanblaas: 1. fan, blow
aanblik: 1. appearance, aspect, look, sight, view
aanbly: 1. remain, stay, stay over
aanbod: 1. offer
aanboor: 1. bore, broach, sink, strike, tap
aanbou: 1. add | 2. building
aanbrand: 1. stick to the pan
aanbrandsteker: 1. lighter
aanbreek: 1. break into, broach, cut into | 2. begin, commence, start
aanbring: 1. bring, fetch | 2. accuse, denounce
aand: 1. evening
aandag: 1. acuity, advertence, advertency, attention
aandagtig: 1. attentive | 2. attentively
aandagtiglik: 1. attentively
aandag gee aan: 1. pay attention to, take account of, take into account
aandag vestig: 1. draw attention
aandag vestig op: 1. advance, put forward
aandblad: 1. evening paper
aandeel: 1. share | 2. part, Parthian, share | 3. share
aandeelhebber: 1. shareholder
aandeelhouer: 1. shareholder
aandeel op naam: 1. registered share
aandelekapitaal: 1. share-capital
aandenking: 1. keepsake, memento, souvenir
aandete: 1. evening meal, supper
aandgebed: 1. night prayers
aandgrou: 1. dusk
aandien: 1. advertise, announce, give notice
aandiening: 1. ad, advertisement
aandjapon: 1. evening frock, evening gown
aandklok: 1. curfew
aandkoerant: 1. evening paper
aandkostuum: 1. evening dress
aandoen: 1. affect | 2. call at | 3. activate, cause, give rise to
aandoening: 1. affection | 2. emotion
aandoenlik: 1. affecting, moving, touching | 2. affecting, moving, touching
aandra: 1. bring, fetch
aandraag: 1. bring, fetch
aandraai: 1. fasten, tighten, turn, turn on
aandrang: 1. insistence, pressure, urgency | 2. congestion | 3. congestion, rush
aandrif: 1. access, impetus, impulse
aandring: 1. insist
aandruk: 1. press, press firmly
aandryf: 1. be washed ashore | 2. chase, drive, drive on, impel, shoo | 3. actuate, drive
aandryfas: 1. drive shaft, driving axle
aandrywe: 1. be washed ashore | 2. chase, drive, drive on, impel, shoo | 3. actuate, drive
aandrywing: 1. drive
aandskemering: 1. dusk
aandskool: 1. evening classes, evening-school, night-school
aandui: 1. indicate, suggest | 2. indicate, point out, show | 3. indicate, point out, show
aanduiding: 1. indication
aandurf: 1. dare to fight, stand up to | 2. dare, venture
aaneen-: 1. co-, fellow
aaneen: 1. together | 2. at a strech, for … together, on end | 3. consecutively
aaneenbind: 1. connect, join
aaneenskakeling: 1. order
aaneenvoeg: 1. join, unite
aanerd: 1. earth, earth up, hill, hill up
aanfluiting: 1. mockery
aangee: 1. accuse, denounce | 2. give | 3. pass, spend
aangenaam: 1. agreeable, enjoyable, lovely, nice, pleasant
aangenome: 1. adopted | 2. accepted
aangesien: 1. because, for the reason that | 2. because, for the reason that | 3. as, because, for, since
aangeskote: 1. tipsy | 2. winged, wounded
aangetroud: 1. by marriage, -in-law | 2. by marriage, related by marriage
aangetroude broer: 1. brother-in-law
aangewing: 1. accusation
aangifte: 1. declaration, proclamation, statement
aangrensend: 1. adjacent, adjoining
aangry: 1. move, stir | 2. affect, agitate, move
aanhaal: 1. cite, quote
aanhaling: 1. citation, quotation | 2. citation, quotation
aanhalingstekens: 1. quotation marks, quotes
aanhang: 1. adherents, disciples, following, party, supporters
aanhanklik: 1. affectionate, devoted, selfless | 2. devoted, selfless
aanhanklikheid: 1. adherence, affection, attachment
aanhef: 1. intone, raise
aanhou: 1. breed, keep, raise, rear
aanhoudelik: 1. abiding, lasting | 2. lasting
aanhoudend: 1. abiding, lasting | 2. constant, continual, permanent, sustained | 3. lasting | 4. constant, lasting, sustained
aanhouding: 1. apprehension, arrest, detention
aanhê: 1. wear
aankla: 1. accuse
aanklaag: 1. accuse
aanklae: 1. accuse
aanklaer: 1. accuser
aanklag: 1. accusal, accusation
aankoms: 1. arrival
aankondig: 1. advertise, announce, give notice
aankondiger: 1. advertiser
aankondiging: 1. ad, advertisement
aankoop: 1. acquisition, purchase | 2. acquisition, purchase
aankweek: 1. cultivate, grow
aankyker: 1. spectator
aanland: 1. end up
aanleghawe: 1. port of call
aanlegplek: 1. landing-stage, pier
aanleiding: 1. inducement, motive, occasion
aanlok: 1. attract, draw
aanloklik: 1. attractive
aanloklikheid: 1. attraction, attractiveness, charm
aanloksel: 1. attraction
aanlonk: 1. make eyes at, ogle, stare at
aanloop: 1. run
aanloophawe: 1. port of call
aanlê: 1. land
aanlêhawe: 1. port of call
aanlêplaas: 1. landing-stage, pier
aanlêplek: 1. landing-stage, pier
aanmaak: 1. making, manifacture | 2. fabricate, manufacture
aanmaan: 1. admonish, scold
aanmaning: 1. admonition, exhortation
aanmaningsbrief: 1. dunning-letter
aanmerklik: 1. considerable, sizable
aanminlik: 1. charming, lovely
aanmoedig: 1. encourage
aanmoediging: 1. encouragement
aanneem: 1. accept, receive, take, take in
aanneembaar: 1. acceptable
aanneemlik: 1. acceptable | 2. plausible
aannemer: 1. builder, contractor, building contractor, master builder
aanpak: 1. attempt, test, try
aanpas: 1. try on
aanpasbaar: 1. adaptable | 2. adaptable
aanplak: 1. placard, post, post up
aanplakbiljet: 1. notice, placard, poster
aanplakbord: 1. bill-board, notice-board
aanprys: 1. commend, recommend
aanprysing: 1. recommendation
aanraai: 1. advise, counsel
aanraak: 1. touch
aanrading: 1. advice, counsel
aanraking: 1. touch
aanrand: 1. assault, violate
aanrander: 1. assailant, assaulter
aanranding: 1. assault
aanreg: 1. dresser
aanroep: 1. appeal to, invoke
aans: 1. maybe, mayhap, perchance, perhaps, possibly
aansien: 1. appearance, aspect, look, sight, view | 2. esteem, regard, respect
aansienlik: 1. considerably
aansies: 1. maybe, mayhap, perchance, perhaps, possibly
aansig: 1. appearance, aspect, look, sight, view
aansit: 1. put on | 2. draw up to the table, sit down to table
aanskakel: 1. put on, start, switch on, turn on | 2. turn on | 3. switch, turn on
aanskerp: 1. sharpen
aanslag: 1. assault | 2. assessment
aansluit: 1. join | 2. associate, come together, join, pool
aansluiting: 1. connection | 2. joining, junction
aansoek: 1. ambition, aspiration
aansoek doen: 1. aspire, aspire to, hope for | 2. run for election
aanspreeklik: 1. accountable, responsible | 2. accountable, responsible
aanstaande: 1. close, near, nearby, next | 2. next
aansteker: 1. lighter
aanstel: 1. appoint
aanstelling: 1. appointment, appointment to office
aansterf: 1. inherit
aanstoot: 1. jog, nudge | 2. offence, scandal | 3. commotion, scandal
aansyn: 1. existence | 2. presence
aansê: 1. advertise, announce, give notice
aantal: 1. amount, number
aantas: 1. corrode
aanteken: 1. record, register | 2. register
aantekening: 1. annotation, note
aantonende wys: 1. indicative, indicative mood
aantoon: 1. demonstrate, prove | 2. indicate, suggest
aantrek: 1. put on
aantrekkingskrag: 1. attraction
aantreklik: 1. attractive
aantreklikheid: 1. attraction, attractiveness, charm
aanvaar: 1. accept, receive, take, take in
aanvaarbaar: 1. acceptable
aanvaarder: 1. acceptor
aanvaarding: 1. acceptance, admission
aanval: 1. assault, attack | 2. access, aggression, attack
aanvaller: 1. aggressor, assailant, attacker
aanvallig: 1. charming, lovely
aanvalligheid: 1. charm
aanvang: 1. begin, commence, start | 2. begin, commence, start | 3. beginning, commencement, start | 4. beginning, commencement, start
aanvanger: 1. beginner
aanvangsalaris: 1. commencing salary
aanvangsletter: 1. initial
aanvangsnelheid: 1. initial velocity
aanvanklik: 1. at first, at the outset, in the beginning
aanvanklike: 1. initial
aanvul: 1. complete
aanwesig: 1. present
aan die ander kant: 1. on the other hand
aan die brand steek: 1. kindle, light
aan my: 1. me, to me | 2. me, to me | 3. me, to me | 4. me, to me
aan wie: 1. whom
aap: 1. ape, monkey
aapagtig: 1. ape-like, apish, monkey-like
aar: 1. ear | 2. vein
aarbei: 1. strawberry
aarbeiboom: 1. arbutus, strawberry tree
aarbeiboomvrug: 1. arbutus fruit
aard: 1. character, nature, personality | 2. character, nature
aardbewing: 1. earthquake
aardbol: 1. globe, worldglobe
aarde: 1. ground, soil | 2. earth, land, soil
aardgas: 1. natural gas
aardgees: 1. brownie, gnome, goblin
aardgordel: 1. zone
aardhommel: 1. bumblebee
aardig: 1. pretty
aardkloot: 1. globe, worldglobe
aardkunde: 1. geology
aardkundig: 1. geological
aardkundige: 1. geologist
aardmannetjie: 1. brownie, gnome, goblin
aardrykskunde: 1. geography
aardrykskundig: 1. geographic, geographical
aardrykskundige: 1. geographer
aards: 1. earthen, earthly, terrestrial
aardskok: 1. earthquake shock
aardskudding: 1. earthquake
aardtrilling: 1. earthquake
aardverskuiwing: 1. landslide
aardwolf: 1. aardwolf
aars: 1. anus, arse
aartappel: 1. potato
aartappelmeel: 1. potato flour
aartsbisdom: 1. archbishopric
aartsbiskop: 1. archbishop
aartsdom: 1. as stupid as an ass
aartsengel: 1. archangel
aartsherog: 1. archduke
aartshertogdom: 1. archduchy
aartsvader: 1. patriarch
aartsvyand: 1. arch-enemy
aarverkalking: 1. arteriosclerosis
aas: 1. attraction | 2. ace | 3. carrion
aasvoël: 1. vulture
ab: 1. abbot
abakus: 1. abacus | 2. abacus, ball-frame, counting-frame
abattoir: 1. butcher’s shop | 2. abattoir, slaughterhouse
abc: 1. alphabet
abdikasie: 1. abdication
abdis: 1. abbess
abdominaal: 1. abdominal
abdy: 1. abbey
abeel: 1. aspen
ablatief: 1. ablative
abnormaal: 1. abnormal
abonnee: 1. subscriber
abonnement: 1. subscription
abonnent: 1. subscriber
aborteur: 1. abortionist
absensie: 1. absence, non-attendance | 2. absence
absent: 1. absent | 2. absent
abses: 1. abscess
absint: 1. absinth
absolutisme: 1. absolutism
absorpsie: 1. absorption
abstraheer: 1. abstract
abstrak: 1. abstract
absurd: 1. absurd
absurditeit: 1. absurdity, nonsense, rubbish | 2. absurdity
abuis: 1. aberration, error, mistake
abusieflik: 1. by mistake
achternadraai: 1. result
acre: 1. acre
adagio: 1. adagio
adamsappel: 1. Adam’s apple
adder: 1. adder, viper
adekwaat: 1. adequate
adel: 1. nobility
adelaar: 1. eagle
adelik: 1. of noble birth
adem: 1. breath
ademhaling: 1. respiration
ademloos: 1. breathless
adieu: 1. adieu, farewell, bye, goodbye
adjektief: 1. adjective
adjektiwies: 1. adjectival
administrasie: 1. administration, management | 2. administration, management
administrateur: 1. manager | 2. administrator, manager
administratief: 1. administrative | 2. administrative
administreer: 1. administer, manage
admiraal: 1. admiral
adopsie: 1. adoption
adoptief: 1. adoptive
adoreer: 1. adore, worship
adrenalien: 1. adrenaline
adrenaline: 1. adrenaline
adres: 1. address
adresboek: 1. address list
adresseer: 1. address
adresseermasjien: 1. addressing machine
adresverandering: 1. change of address
adverbiaal: 1. adverbial
adverbium: 1. adverb
adverteer: 1. advertise, announce, give notice
advertensie: 1. ad, advertisement
advies: 1. notification, notice | 2. advice, counsel
adviseer: 1. advise, counsel
afasie: 1. aphasia
afbreek: 1. break, break off
afdeling: 1. branch, compartment, department, pigeonhole, section, speciality | 2. section | 3. detachment
afdelingswinkel: 1. warehouse | 2. bazaar
afding: 1. bargain, haggle
afdwaal: 1. go astray, stray off
affiks: 1. affix
affiniteit: 1. affinity
affêre: 1. affair, business, business deal, case, matter
affêring: 1. affair, business, business deal, case, matter
afgaan: 1. descend, get off, go down
afgee: 1. spread
afgelope: 1. last
afgod: 1. idol
afgrond: 1. abyss, chasm, gulf, precipice
afgryse: 1. abhorrence, abomination, horror | 2. abhorrence, horror
afgryslik: 1. agonizing, hideous, horrible, ghastly
afguns: 1. envy
afgunstig: 1. envious
afhaal: 1. take off, put off
afhanklik: 1. dependent
afhanklikheid: 1. dependence
afkappingsteken: 1. apostrophe
afklim: 1. get out, get out of a car | 2. get out
afkomstig: 1. coming
afkondig: 1. issue, proclaim | 2. promulgate | 3. publish, reveal
aflewer: 1. deliver, furnish, supply
aflewering: 1. delivery
afmeting: 1. dimension, measurement
afneem: 1. decrease, decline, wane
afoes: 1. harvest
aforisme: 1. aphorism
afraai: 1. advise against, dissuade from
afrikanertjie: 1. African marigold
afroep: 1. call over | 2. call over
afrond: 1. round, round off
afroom: 1. cream, skim
afros: 1. thrash | 2. curry
afruim: 1. do away with, get rid of, remove
afruk: 1. pick, pluck, tear off
afry: 1. drive away, drive off
afsegging: 1. abolition, abrogation
afsend: 1. dispatch, send off, ship | 2. dismiss, turn away
afsender: 1. sender | 2. sender
afset: 1. demand, sale | 2. fleece | 3. fleece
afsetgebied: 1. market, sales activity
afsetter: 1. extortioner, swindler
afsettery: 1. swindle, swindling
afsien: 1. abandon, give up, resign, renounce
afsien van: 1. relinquish, renounce, waive
afsigtelik: 1. dismal, dreary, horrible, nasty
afsit: 1. deposit | 2. amputate | 3. take off, put off | 4. depose | 5. deprive, dismiss | 6. halt, stop | 7. shut off, stop, switch off, turn off
afsitting: 1. amputation | 2. amputation
afskaduwing: 1. adumbration, shadow
afskaf: 1. abolish, abrogate | 2. do away with, get rid of, remove
afskaffer: 1. teetotaller, total abstainer
afskaffing: 1. abolition, abrogation | 2. abolition, abrogation | 3. abolition
afskakel: 1. cut, cut a connection | 2. shut off, stop, switch off, turn off
afskeep: 1. put off, send about his business
afskeer: 1. shave, shave off
afskei: 1. divide, separate | 2. secrete
afskeid: 1. farewell, goodbye, good-bye
afskeiding: 1. separation, partition | 2. secretion
afskeids-: 1. goodbye-
afskeid neem: 1. say goodbye, say goodbye to, take leave, take leave from
afskerm: 1. screen
afskeur: 1. pick, pluck, tear off
afskeuring: 1. schism
afskiet: 1. discharge, fire, fire off, let off | 2. shoot off
afskil: 1. shell, peel
afskilder: 1. paint
afskilfer: 1. flake off, peel off, scale off
afskrif: 1. copy
afskrik: 1. abhorrence, abomination, horror | 2. deter, discourage, scare
afskrikwekkend: 1. deterrent, forbidding
afskryf: 1. amortize, deaden | 2. write off
afskud: 1. shake off
afskuim: 1. skim
afskuiwe: 1. abdicate
afskuwelik: 1. abhorrent, abominable, alien, awful, hideous, horrible, gruesome | 2. abysmal, dreadful, gruesome, horrible, terrible
afslaan: 1. turn | 2. turn | 3. reject | 4. discount, rebate | 5. reduce the price
afslaer: 1. auctioneer
afslag: 1. abatement, discount, rebate
afsluit: 1. bar, obstruct | 2. accomodate, end, finish, terminate | 3. strike a balance | 4. fence off | 5. lock
afsluiting: 1. dam | 2. barrier, fence
afslyt: 1. wear away, wear off, wear out
afsnou: 1. snap at, snarl at, snub
afsny: 1. cut off | 2. cut off
afsoek: 1. search
afsoen: 1. kiss and be friends again
afsonder: 1. divide, separate | 2. insulate, isolate, seclude
afsondering: 1. isolation, separation
afsonderlik: 1. apart, particular, separate, special | 2. isolated, secluded
afsper: 1. bar, obstruct
afsplits: 1. split off | 2. separate
afspoel: 1. gargle, rinse
afspraak: 1. accommodation, accord, agreement | 2. appointment, date, rendezvous
afspreek: 1. agree
afspring: 1. jump off, leap down | 2. break down, come to nothing
afstaan: 1. cede, give in, give up, give way, relinquish, yield
afstam: 1. accrue, come, derive, originate, result
afstammeling: 1. offspring, successor
afstand: 1. abdication | 2. abandonment | 3. distance, offset
afstandsbediening: 1. remote control
afstandsbeheer: 1. remote control
afstand doen van: 1. cede, give in, give up, give way, relinquish, yield
afstap: 1. descend, get off, go down
afsteek: 1. cut off | 2. contrast
afstel: 1. fail, neglect, omit
afstem: 1. reject | 2. tune
afstempel: 1. mark, stamp
afsterf: 1. die away, fail
afsterwe: 1. die away, fail
afstewen: 1. bear down, make
afstof: 1. dust
afstomp: 1. dull | 2. become dull | 3. blunt
afstootlik: 1. repellent, repelling, repulsive
afstroop: 1. harry, ravage | 2. flay, skin, strip
afstudeer: 1. finish one’s studies
afstuit: 1. rebound
afstyg: 1. dismount
afsweer: 1. abjure, abnegate | 2. abjure, forswear, swear off, renounce
afswering: 1. abjuration | 2. abjuration, renunciation
afsydig: 1. apart, particular, separate, special
afsê: 1. cancel, countermand | 2. abjure, abolish, abrogate, annul, cancel, remit
aftak: 1. branch
aftakking: 1. branching
aftandig: 1. decayed, decrepit, dilapidated, lapsed, rickety
aftands: 1. decayed, decrepit, dilapidated, lapsed, rickety
aftap: 1. derive | 2. drain | 3. bottle
aftapkraan: 1. drain-cock
afteken: 1. design, draw
aftel: 1. count down
aftelefoneer: 1. cancel by telephone, countermand by telephone
aftog: 1. retreat | 2. retreat
aftreding: 1. resignation
aftree: 1. resign | 2. quit, resign | 3. retire
aftrek: 1. demand, sale | 2. demand, sale | 3. pick, pluck, tear off | 4. absent onself, depart, go away, leave | 5. discount, rebate | 6. retreat | 7. subtract
aftrekbaar: 1. deductible | 2. deductible
aftrekgetal: 1. subtrahend
aftrekker: 1. subtrahend
aftrekking: 1. subtraction
aftreksel: 1. extract, infusion
aftreksom: 1. subtraction sum
aftroef: 1. trump
afvaardig: 1. depute
afvaart: 1. departure
afval: 1. apostatize | 2. clippings, cuttings, parings, refuse, rubbish, waste, windfall | 3. drop out | 4. drop, fall | 5. apostatize, desert, secede | 6. apostasy, defection | 7. fall away, lose, lose flesh, lose in weight | 8. remainder, rest | 9. debris, rubbish, rubble
afvallig: 1. apostate | 2. unfaithful
afvallige: 1. apostate | 2. deserter, renegade | 3. deserter, renegate
afvalproduk: 1. waste product
afvalwater: 1. effluent
afvee: 1. delete, wipe, wipe off
afveeg: 1. delete, wipe, wipe off
afvloei: 1. flow down, flow off
afvoer: 1. carrying off, discharge | 2. divert | 3. carrying off, discharge
afvoerbuis: 1. drain-pipe, outlet-pipe, waste-pipe
afvoerder: 1. abductor
afvuur: 1. discharge, fire, fire off
afwaarts: 1. down | 2. down, underneath
afwag: 1. bide, abide, stay for, wait, await, wait for
afwagting: 1. expectation
afwater: 1. drain | 2. drain
afwatering: 1. draining
afweer: 1. defend | 2. defence, defense
afwen: 1. break of a habit, teach | 2. break oneself of a habit, get out of a habit, unlearn
afwend: 1. turn away
afwentel: 1. roll off | 2. roll off
afwerk: 1. finish, work out | 2. finish
afwerking: 1. finishing off
afwerp: 1. cast off, fling off, throw off | 2. cast, shed | 3. get rid of | 4. afford, bear, produce
afwesig: 1. absent
afwesige: 1. absentee
afwesigheid: 1. absence, non-attendance | 2. absence
afwesig wees: 1. be absent, be missing | 2. be lacking, be missing
afwikkel: 1. conclude, dispatch, expedite, finnish, settle | 2. liquidate | 3. unroll, unwind, wind off | 4. unroll
afwikkeling: 1. unrolling, unwinding | 2. unwinding
afwimpel: 1. reject
afwis: 1. delete, wipe, wipe off
afwyk: 1. deviate | 2. deviate | 3. turn | 4. deflect, diverge, wander
afwyking: 1. abnormity, anomaly | 2. deflection, deviation | 3. aberrance, aberration | 4. abnormality
afwys: 1. reject | 2. abort, quash, wreck | 3. refuse, reject
afwysing: 1. rejection | 2. refusal
ag: 1. acuity, advertence, advertency, attention | 2. ah, oh, ow | 3. esteem, think well of | 4. account, accredit, believe, deem | 5. eight | 6. account, deem, opine, think | 7. woe
agaat: 1. agate
agarm: 1. octopus
agbaar: 1. respectable | 2. respectable
ageer: 1. act, take action
agenda: 1. agenda, appointment book | 2. agenda
agent: 1. agent | 2. policeman | 3. policeman
agentskap: 1. agency | 2. agency | 3. agency
agentuur: 1. agency
agglomeraat: 1. agglomerate
aggregaat: 1. aggregate
aggressie: 1. aggression, aggro
aggressief: 1. aggressive | 2. aggressive | 3. aggressive
aghoek: 1. octagon
agio: 1. premium
agitasie: 1. agitation, commotion
agitator: 1. agitator
agiteer: 1. abet, agitate, incite, stir up
agiteerder: 1. agitator
agnosties: 1. agnostic
agnostikus: 1. agnostic
agorafobie: 1. agoraphobia
agrariër: 1. agrarian, farmer
agronomie: 1. agriculture, agronomics
agronomies: 1. agricultural
agronoom: 1. agriculturist
agste: 1. eighth | 2. eighth, eighth part
agtal: 1. number of eight
agtallig: 1. octal
agtarm: 1. octopus
agteloos: 1. careless, negligent
agteloosheid: 1. carelessness, negligence
agtelosig: 1. careless, negligent
agtelosigheid: 1. carelessness, negligence
agtenswaard: 1. respectable | 2. respectable
agtenswaardig: 1. respectable
agter: 1. behind, after | 2. behind
agteraan: 1. at the back, behind, in the rear | 2. behind
agteras: 1. back axle, hind axle, rear axle
agterbalkon: 1. rear platform
agterbank: 1. back seat, rear seat
agterbly: 1. be kept in, be detained, remain, stay on
agterblyer: 1. laggard, straggler
agterboeg: 1. poop, poopdeck, stern | 2. poop, poopdeck, stern
agterbuurt: 1. back street, slum
agterdeel: 1. back, rear
agterdeur: 1. back-door
agterdog: 1. suspicion | 2. suspicion
agterdogtig: 1. suspicious | 2. suspicious | 3. suspicious
agtereen: 1. at a strech, for … together, on end | 2. consecutively
agtereenvolgens: 1. consecutively
agterent: 1. back part, hind part | 2. back, rear | 3. backside, rump | 4. behind, bottom, buttocks
agtergedeelte: 1. back, rear
agtergrond: 1. background | 2. bottom, foundation, ground | 3. background
agterhoede: 1. rear, rearguard | 2. defence, rear, rearguard
agterhoof: 1. back of the head, occiput
agterhou: 1. hold back, keep back, withhold
agterin: 1. behind
agterkant: 1. back, rear
agterklap: 1. backbiting, scandal, slander
agterkleindogter: 1. greatgranddaughter
agterkleinkind: 1. greatgrandchild
agterkleinseun: 1. greatgrandson
agterlaag: 1. ambush
agterlaat: 1. leave behind
agterlamp: 1. rear-lamp, rear-light, tail-light
agterland: 1. hinterland | 2. hinterland
agterlig: 1. rear-lamp, rear-light, tail-light
agterlik: 1. backward, mentally deficient, retarded
agterlikheid: 1. backwardness
agterloop: 1. be late
agterlosig: 1. careless, negligent
agtermiddag: 1. afternoon
agternaam: 1. surname
agternadoen: 1. imitate
agternadraai: 1. consequence, consistency
agternagaan: 1. run after
agterneef: 1. second cousin | 2. grand-nephew
agternig: 1. second cousin | 2. grand-niece
agterniggie: 1. second cousin | 2. grand-niece
agteroor: 1. backward, on one’s back | 2. backwards
agteroorval: 1. fall backwards
agterraam: 1. rear window
agterskip: 1. poop, poopdeck, stern | 2. poop, poopdeck, stern
agterstallig: 1. back, outstanding, overdue
agterstand: 1. arrears
agterste: 1. last | 2. hind, hindmost | 3. backside, rump
agtersten: 1. poop, poopdeck, stern | 2. poop, poopdeck, stern
agterstevoor: 1. back to front | 2. vice-versa
agterstewe: 1. poop, poopdeck, stern | 2. poop, poopdeck, stern
agteruit: 1. backward, backwards | 2. backwards
agteruitboer: 1. decline, recede
agteruitgaan: 1. decline, recede | 2. go back, go backwards
agteruitgang: 1. rear-exit | 2. abatement | 3. decline, going down
agteruitkykspieël: 1. driving mirror
agtervoegsel: 1. affix
agtervolg: 1. chase, persecute, prosecute, pursue
agterwaarts: 1. backward, backwards
agterweë bly: 1. fail to appear
agterweë laat: 1. fail, neglect, omit | 2. leave out, omit, overlook
agterwiel: 1. back wheel, hind wheel, rear wheel
agterwyk: 1. back street, slum
agter wees: 1. be late
agthoek: 1. octagon
agtien: 1. eighteen
agtiende: 1. eighteenth
agting: 1. esteem, regard | 2. respect
agtste: 1. eighth, eighth part
agttal: 1. number of eight
agttallig: 1. octal
agtvoudig: 1. eightfold, octuple
agurk: 1. gherkin
agurkie: 1. gherkin
agvoudig: 1. eightfold, octuple
ag slaan op: 1. advert, pay attention, pay attention to, watch out for
ahorn: 1. maple, sycamore
ai: 1. ouch, ow | 2. ai, sloth | 3. ai, three-toed sloth
aikôna: 1. not at all
air: 1. appearance, aspect, look, sight, view
akademie: 1. academy
akademielid: 1. academician
akant: 1. acanthus
akasia: 1. acacia
akelei: 1. columbine
akka: 1. dung, excrement
akkedis: 1. lizard
akkeldis: 1. lizard
akker: 1. field | 2. acorn | 3. oak
akkerboom: 1. oak
akkerbou: 1. agriculture, farming, tillage
akkerdis: 1. lizard
akkermonie: 1. agrimony
akkerwinde: 1. lesser bindweed | 2. bindweed
akklamasie: 1. acclaim, acclamation, approval
akklimatisasie: 1. acclimatization
akklimatiseer: 1. acclimatize | 2. acclimate, acclimatize
akklimatisering: 1. acclimatization
akkommodasie: 1. accommodation
akkomodasie: 1. accoutrement, accoutrements, equipment
akkompanjeer: 1. accompany
akkompanjement: 1. accompaniment | 2. accompaniment, escort
akkompanjis: 1. accompanist, companian
akkoord: 1. accord, accordance, agreement, concurrence | 2. chord | 3. accommodation, adjustment, arrangement | 4. accommodation, accord, agreement
akkordeon: 1. accordion
akkrediteer: 1. accredit
akkumulasie: 1. accumulation
akkumulator: 1. accumulator, battery, storage battery
akkumuleer: 1. accumulate, heap, pile up, stack
akkuraat: 1. accurate, on time, prompt, punctual | 2. exact | 3. accurate, precise
akkuraatheid: 1. accuracy, exactitude, precision | 2. accuracy, exactitude, precision
akkusatief: 1. accusative
akne: 1. acne
akoestiek: 1. acoustics
akoesties: 1. acoustic
akoliet: 1. acolyte
akoniet: 1. aconite, monkshood
akrobaat: 1. acrobat
akrobaties: 1. acrobatic
akroniem: 1. acronym
akselerasie: 1. acceleration
akselerator: 1. accelerator, accelerator pedal
aksent: 1. accent, stress | 2. accent | 3. accent mark, supersign
aksenteken: 1. accent mark, supersign
aksentueer: 1. accent, accentuate, stress
akseptabel: 1. acceptable | 2. acceptable
akseptant: 1. acceptor
aksepteer: 1. accept, receive, take, take in
aksidenteel: 1. accidental
aksie: 1. action, activity | 2. achievement, act, action
aksioma: 1. axiom
aksionaris: 1. shareholder
aksioom: 1. axiom
aksyns: 1. excise, excise-duty
akteur: 1. actor
aktief: 1. active, in action
aktinie: 1. sea-anemone
aktinium: 1. actinium
aktiveer: 1. activate, put on, start, swotch on, turn on
aktivis: 1. activist, agitator
aktiwiteit: 1. activity, vigour
aktrise: 1. actress
aktualiteit: 1. topicality
aktuaris: 1. actuary
aktueel: 1. current, present, present-day, topical, up-to-date
akwadukt: 1. aqueduct
akwamaryn: 1. aquamarine
akwarel: 1. water-colour
akwarium: 1. aquarium
al: 1. already, by now, yet
alarm: 1. alarm
alarmeer: 1. alarm, raise the alarm, sound the alarm
albas: 1. alabaster
albatros: 1. albatross
albe: 1. alb
albei: 1. both
albino: 1. albino
album: 1. album
alchemie: 1. alchemy
alchemis: 1. alchemist
aldaar: 1. at that place, there
aldehide: 1. aldehyde
aldehied: 1. aldehyde
aldeur: 1. constantly, continually, continuously | 2. all the time, ceaselessly
aleenverteenwoordiger: 1. sole agent
alfa: 1. alpha
alfabet: 1. alphabet
alfabeties: 1. alphabetical
alg: 1. alga, seaweed
alge: 1. alga, seaweed
algebra: 1. algebra
algebraïes: 1. algebraic
algemeen: 1. general, usual
algemeenheid: 1. generality, universality
alhaas: 1. soon | 2. almost, nearly
alhoewel: 1. though, although
alibi: 1. alibi
alimentasie: 1. alimony
alinea: 1. paragraph
aljare: 1. yearly
alkohol: 1. alcohol
alkoholgehalte: 1. alcoholic content
alkoholies: 1. alcoholic
alkoholis: 1. alcoholic
alkoholisme: 1. alcoholism
alkoholvry: 1. non-alcoholic
alle: 1. all
alledaags: 1. commonplace, dismal, trite | 2. daily
allee: 1. avenue
alleen: 1. exclusively, just, only | 2. alone, only, sole, solitary
alleenhandel: 1. monopoly
alleenheerser: 1. absolute ruler, autocrat
alleenheerskapy: 1. absolute power, absolute rule, autocracy
alleenspraak: 1. monologue, soliloquy
alleenverkoop: 1. monopoly
allegaartjie: 1. hotchpotch, medly | 2. admixture, mixture
allegorie: 1. allegory
allegories: 1. allegoric
allengs: 1. gradually, little by little
allengskens: 1. gradually, little by little
allenig: 1. alone, only, sole, solitary
aller: 1. everyone’s
alleraardigst: 1. most charming | 2. most charming
allerbekoorliks: 1. most charming
allergie: 1. allergy
allergies: 1. allergic
allerhande: 1. all, every kind of | 2. all sorts, all sorts of, miscellaneous, of all sorts
allerlei: 1. all, every kind of | 2. all sorts, all sorts of, miscellaneous, of all sorts
allerweë: 1. all about, everywhere
alles: 1. all, altogether, everything | 2. all, all of it
allesbehalwe: 1. not at all
allesbeheersend: 1. of paramount importance, predominating
allesins: 1. in every way | 2. in all respects, in every respect, in every way
alliansie: 1. alliance
alliasie: 1. alloy
allig: 1. maybe, mayhap, perchance, perhaps, possibly
alligator: 1. alligator
alliterasie: 1. alliteration
allo: 1. hello
allooi: 1. alloy
allure: 1. airs
alluviaal: 1. alluvial
alluvie: 1. alluvion, alluvium
alluvio: 1. alluvion, alluvium
alluvium: 1. alluvion, alluvium
almag: 1. omnipotence
almal se: 1. everyone’s
almanak: 1. almanac
almeteens: 1. at once, immediately, just, right away, right now
alom: 1. all about, everywhere
alomteenwoordig: 1. omnipresent, ubiquitous
alomvattend: 1. general, universal, worldwide
alpakka: 1. alpaca
alpbok: 1. ibex
alperoos: 1. Alpenrose, rhododendron
alpeviooltjie: 1. cyclamen
alpinis: 1. Alpinist, climber, mountain climber, mountaineer
alras: 1. soon
alreeds: 1. already, by now, yet
alsem: 1. absinth
also: 1. so, such, thus
alt: 1. contralto, contralto voice | 2. alto, contralto
altaar: 1. altar
altaardienaar: 1. acolyte
altaarstuk: 1. altarpiece
altans: 1. at least
alteenwoordig: 1. omnipresent, ubiquitous
altemit: 1. maybe, mayhap, perchance, perhaps, possibly
altemits: 1. maybe, mayhap, perchance, perhaps, possibly
altemitters: 1. maybe, mayhap, perchance, perhaps, possibly
alternatief: 1. alternative, option
altoos: 1. always, ever
altruïs: 1. altruist
altruïsme: 1. altruism
altruïsties: 1. altruistic
altsanger: 1. alto, contralto
altstem: 1. contralto, contralto voice | 2. alto, contralto
altviool: 1. tenor violin, viola
altwee: 1. both
altyd: 1. always, ever
altyddurend: 1. everlasting | 2. everlasting
aluin: 1. alum
aluminium: 1. aluminium, aluminum
alvermoë: 1. omnipotence
alvleesklier: 1. pancreas
alvorens: 1. before, previous to
alwaar: 1. where
alwas: 1. even if
alweer: 1. afresh, again, all over again, anew | 2. afresh, again, once more
alwetend: 1. all-knowing, omniscient
al’s: 1. all, altogether, everything | 2. all, all of it
al die: 1. all
amandel: 1. almond
amanuensis: 1. laboratory assistent
amarant: 1. amaranthus
amasone: 1. Amazon
amateur: 1. amateur, fancier | 2. amateur
amateuragtig: 1. amateurish, small-time | 2. amateurish, small-time
ambag: 1. handicraft, occupation, trade
ambagsman: 1. artisan
ambassade: 1. embassy | 2. embassy
ambassadeur: 1. ambassador
ambassadrise: 1. ambassador, female ambassador
amber: 1. amber
ambieer: 1. aspire, aspire to, hope for
ambigeer: 1. doubt
ambisie: 1. ambition
ambisieus: 1. ambitious
ambroos: 1. ambrosia
ambrosyn: 1. ambrosia
amebe: 1. amoeba
amen: 1. amen
amendeer: 1. amend
amendement: 1. amendment
amendering: 1. amendment
amerikaniseer: 1. Americanize
ametis: 1. amethyst
ameublement: 1. furniture
amfibie: 1. amphibian
amfiteater: 1. amphitheatre
amfora: 1. amphora
amikaal: 1. friendly
ammeter: 1. ammeter
ammoniak: 1. ammonia
ammonium: 1. ammonia
ammunisie: 1. munition, ammunition
amnestie: 1. act of grace, amnesty
amok: 1. amuck
amorf: 1. amorphous
amortisasie: 1. redemption
amortiseer: 1. amortize, deaden
amp: 1. function, job, office, post
amper: 1. barely, hardly, only just, scarcely | 2. almost, nearly
ampertjies: 1. barely, hardly, only just, scarcely
ampgenoot: 1. college | 2. colleague
amplitude: 1. amplitude
ampsbroer: 1. colleague | 2. colleague
ampseed: 1. oath of office
ampsgeheim: 1. official secret
ampsgewaad: 1. robes of office
ampsmisdryf: 1. abuse of power, misfeasance
ampswoning: 1. official residence
amptelik: 1. official | 2. official
ampteloos: 1. private
amptenaredom: 1. bureaucracy, officialdom
amptenary: 1. bureaucracy, officialdom
ampul: 1. bulb
amputasie: 1. amputation | 2. amputation
amputeer: 1. amputate
ampère: 1. ampère
ampèremeter: 1. ammeter | 2. ammeter
amulet: 1. amulet, charm, talisman
amusant: 1. amusing, entertaining, funny
amuseer: 1. amuse
amusement: 1. entertainment | 2. amusement, fun
anaal: 1. anal
anachronisme: 1. anachronism
anagram: 1. anagram
anakonda: 1. anaconda
analfabeet: 1. illiterate | 2. illiterate
analis: 1. analyst, analytical chemist
analise: 1. analysis
analiseer: 1. analyse
analogie: 1. analogy
analogies: 1. analogous
analoog: 1. analogous
ananas: 1. pineapple
anapes: 1. anapaest
anargie: 1. anarchy
anargies: 1. anarchic, anarchical, anarchist
anargis: 1. anarchist
anargisme: 1. anarchism
anatomie: 1. anatomy
anatomies: 1. anatomical
anatoom: 1. anatomist
ander: 1. other, another, else
anderland: 1. foreign country
anderlander: 1. foreigner
anders: 1. differently, else | 2. differently
andyvie: 1. endive
anekdote: 1. anecdote
anekdoties: 1. anecdotal
anemie: 1. anaemia
anemies: 1. anaemic
anemoon: 1. anemone
angel: 1. hook | 2. sting
angelier: 1. carnation, pink
angina: 1. angina, quinsy
angskreet: 1. cry of distress
angst: 1. agony, anguish, fear | 2. fright
angstig: 1. horrible | 2. afraid, fearful
angsvallig: 1. accurate, scrupulous
angswekkend: 1. horrible
aniline: 1. aniline
animo: 1. soul | 2. activity, gusto, spirit, stir, zest
anker: 1. anchor
ankerplek: 1. anchorage, moorage, mooring
anna: 1. ana, anna
anneksasie: 1. annexation
annekseer: 1. annex
annonseer: 1. advertise, announce, give notice
annoteer: 1. comment | 2. annotate
annulleer: 1. abjure, abolish, abrogate, annul, cancel, remit
annullering: 1. abolition, abrogation
annuïteit: 1. instalment, repayment
anode: 1. anode
anomalie: 1. abnormity, anomaly
anoniem: 1. anonymous | 2. anonymous, nameless, without a name
anonimiteit: 1. anonymity | 2. anonymity
anonymus: 1. anonymous writer
anorganies: 1. inorganic
ansjovis: 1. anchovy
antenne: 1. aerial, antenna
antichris: 1. Antichrist
antidoot: 1. antidote | 2. antidote
antiek: 1. ancient, antique
antiloop: 1. antelope
antimonium: 1. antimony
antimoon: 1. antimony
antipatie: 1. aversion, dislike
antipatiek: 1. nasty
antipode: 1. antipode
antisemiet: 1. anti-Semite
antisemities: 1. anti-Semitic
antisemitisme: 1. anti-Semitism
antisepties: 1. antiseptic
antisipasie: 1. anticipation
antisipeer: 1. anticipate, think ahead
antisosiaal: 1. antisocial, unsocial
antrasiet: 1. anthracite
antropologie: 1. anthropology
antropoloog: 1. anthropologist
antwoord: 1. answer, reply, respond | 2. answer, reply
anus: 1. anus, arse
anys: 1. anise
aorta: 1. aorta
apache: 1. apache, hood, ruffian
apart: 1. apart, particular, separate, special
apartheid: 1. apartheid
apatie: 1. apathy
apaties: 1. apathetic
apebroodboom: 1. baobab
apekool: 1. nonsense
apogeum: 1. acme
apokalips: 1. apocalypse
apokalipties: 1. apocalyptic
apokrief: 1. apocryphal
apopleksie: 1. fit, apoplectic fit, seizure, stroke, stroke of apoplexy
apostaat: 1. apostate
apostel: 1. apostle
apostelskap: 1. apostleship, apostolate
apostolaat: 1. apostleship, apostolate
apostolies: 1. apostolic
apostroof: 1. apostrophe
apoteose: 1. apotheosis
apparaat: 1. apparatus, device, set
appartement: 1. apartment, flat
appel: 1. apple
appelboom: 1. apple-tree
appeldrank: 1. cider
appelkoos: 1. apricot
appelkoosboom: 1. apricot-tree | 2. apricot-tree
appelleer: 1. appeal
appelmoes: 1. apple-sauce
appeltert: 1. apple-tart
appelwyn: 1. cider
appendisitis: 1. appendicitis
applikant: 1. candidate
apploudiseer: 1. acclaim, applaud, clap
applous: 1. acclaim, acclamation, approval
appèl: 1. appeal | 2. appeal | 3. parade, roll-call | 4. parade, roll-call
apropos: 1. by the way
apteek: 1. chemist’s shop, drugstore
apteker: 1. chemist
aptyt: 1. appetite
arabesk: 1. arabesque
arak: 1. rack, arrack
arapapegaai: 1. macaw
araroet: 1. arrowroot
arbei: 1. work
arbeid: 1. job, work
arbeider: 1. hand, laborer, labourer, operative, worker, working man, workman
arbeidsaam: 1. active, hardworking
arbeidsaamheid: 1. activity
arbeidsloos: 1. unemployed
arbeidsloosheid: 1. unemployment
arbeidsmark: 1. labor market, labour market
arbeidster: 1. female laborer, femal labourer, femal worker
are: 1. are, square decametre
area: 1. area
arena: 1. arena
arend: 1. eagle
arendsjong: 1. eaglet
arendsneus: 1. aquiline nose
argaïes: 1. archaic
argaïsme: 1. archaism
argeologie: 1. archaeology
argeologies: 1. archaeological
argeoloog: 1. archaeologist
argiefbewaarder: 1. archivist, keeper of the records
argipel: 1. archipelago | 2. archipelago
argitek: 1. architect
argitektuur: 1. architectonic, architectural
argitraaf: 1. architrave
argivaris: 1. archivist, keeper of the records
argon: 1. argon
argument: 1. argument, plea | 2. quarrel | 3. quarrel
argumenteer: 1. maintain
argwaan: 1. suspicion
argwanend: 1. suspicious
aria: 1. air, aria
aristokraat: 1. aristocrat
aristokrasie: 1. aristocracy | 2. aristocracy
aristokraties: 1. aristocratic
ark: 1. ark
arm: 1. arm | 2. miserable, poor | 3. poor
armband: 1. bracelet
arme: 1. pauper, poor man
armhorlosie: 1. watch, wrist-watch
armoede: 1. poverty
arnika: 1. arnica
aroma: 1. aroma, flavour
aronskelk: 1. arum
arrestant: 1. arrested person, prisoner
arrestasie: 1. apprehension, arrest, detention
arresteer: 1. arrest
arrogant: 1. arrogant
arsenaal: 1. armoury, arsenal | 2. armoury, arsenal
arterie: 1. artery
arteriosklerose: 1. arteriosclerosis
artesies: 1. artesian
artikel: 1. article, commodity | 2. article
artillerie: 1. artillery
artilleris: 1. artilleryman, gunner
artis: 1. artist
artisjok: 1. artichoke
artistiek: 1. artistic
artritis: 1. arthritis
arts: 1. doctor, physician
artseny: 1. drug, medicine, pharmaceutical
as: 1. ash, cinder | 2. than | 3. if, provided that
asalea: 1. azalea
asbes: 1. asbestos
asem: 1. breathe
asepties: 1. aseptic
asetileen: 1. acetylene
aseton: 1. acetone
asfalt: 1. asphalt
asfalteer: 1. asphalt
asiel: 1. asylum
asimmetries: 1. asymmetric, asymmetrical, dissymmetric
asimut: 1. azimuth
asjoublief: 1. please
asketies: 1. ascetic
asma: 1. asthma, shortness of breath, wheeziness
asmalyer: 1. asthmatic, asthmatic patient
asmaties: 1. asthmatic, wheezy
asof: 1. as if, as though, in a way
aspek: 1. appearance, aspect, look, sight, view
aspersie: 1. asparagus
aspidistra: 1. aspidistra
asseblief: 1. please
assimileer: 1. assimilate
assisteer: 1. abet, aid, assist, help
assistensie: 1. aid, help
assistent: 1. aid, assistant, helper | 2. aid, assistent, helper
assistente: 1. assistant, lady help | 2. assistant, lady help
assuransie: 1. insurance
assureer: 1. insure
aster: 1. aster
asterisk: 1. asterisk
asteroïde: 1. asteroid
asteroïed: 1. asteroid
astrologie: 1. astrology
astroloog: 1. astrologer
astronomie: 1. astronomy
astronomies: 1. astronomic, astronomical
astronoom: 1. astronomer
asyn: 1. vinegar
atavisme: 1. atavism, throw-back
ateljee: 1. atelier, studio, work-room, workshop
ateïs: 1. atheist
ateïsme: 1. atheism
atleet: 1. athlete
atletiek: 1. athletics
atleties: 1. athletic
atmosfeer: 1. atmosphere
atmosferies: 1. atmospheric
atol: 1. atoll
atomies: 1. atomic
atoom: 1. atom
atoombom: 1. atom bomb
atoomenergie: 1. atomic energy
atoomgewig: 1. atomic weight
atrofie: 1. atrophy
attensie: 1. acuity, advertence, advertency, attention
attent: 1. attentive
au: 1. ouch, ow
aubade: 1. aubade
auditorium: 1. auditory
aula: 1. auditorium
aviateur: 1. airman, aviator
avonturier: 1. adventurer
avontuur: 1. adventure
avontuurlik: 1. adventurous | 2. adventurous
awend: 1. evening
aä-lawa: 1. aa lava, block lava
aërodinamies: 1. aerodynamic
aërodinamika: 1. aerodynamics
aërostaat: 1. balloon, air-balloon
a foei tog: 1. alas, regrettably, unfortunately
a ja a: 1. certainly
a nee a: 1. not at all
a pari: 1. at par | 2. at par
baadjie: 1. jacket
baai: 1. bay
baaierd: 1. chaos, tangle
baaihokkie: 1. bathing box
baaiklere: 1. bathing suit, bathing-suit
baaikostuum: 1. bathing suit, bathing-suit
baak: 1. beacon | 2. beacon
baal: 1. bale
baan: 1. path, road, way | 2. course, race-course, track, running track | 3. width | 4. playground | 5. orbit | 6. trajectory | 7. track | 8. road, route, way
baanbreker: 1. pioneer
baantjie: 1. post
baanveër: 1. sweeper
baanwagter: 1. signalman
baar: 1. wave | 2. litter, strecher
baard: 1. beard
baarmoeder: 1. uterus, womb
baars: 1. bass
baas: 1. boss, chief, leader | 2. boss, master
baat: 1. gain, profit | 2. avail | 3. advantage, benefit
baatsug: 1. selfinterest, selfishness
baatsugtig: 1. self-interested, selfish
baatsugtigheid: 1. selfinterest, selfishness
baba: 1. baby
bababed: 1. bedstead
babel: 1. barbel
baber: 1. barbel
babetjie: 1. baby
bad: 1. bath | 2. bath
badhokkie: 1. bathing box
badhuis: 1. bathroom
badkamer: 1. bathroom | 2. bathroom
badklere: 1. bathing suit, bathing-suit
badkostuum: 1. bathing suit, bathing-suit
badkuip: 1. bath
badpak: 1. bathing suit, bathing-suit
badplaas: 1. spa
badshuis: 1. bathroom
badspons: 1. bathing-sponge
bagasie: 1. baggage, luggage
bagatel: 1. trifle
baie: 1. a lot of, much | 2. many | 3. a lot | 4. a lot of, much, plenty of | 5. quite, very, very much
bajonet: 1. bayonet
bak: 1. bake | 2. fry | 3. tub, vat | 4. basin, bowl, pelvis
bakatel: 1. trifle
bakbaard: 1. whiskers, side-whiskers
bakboord: 1. port side
bakeliet: 1. bakelite
baken: 1. beacon | 2. beacon
baker: 1. nurse, dry-nurse, monthly nurse
bakkebaard: 1. whiskers, side-whiskers
bakker: 1. baker
baklei: 1. be at loggerheads, tussle | 2. be at loggerheads, tussle
baksteen: 1. brick
bakterie: 1. bacterium
bal: 1. ball, dance | 2. ball
balans: 1. equilibrium | 2. weight
baldakyn: 1. baldachin, canopy
balderja: 1. valerian
balderjan: 1. valerian
balju: 1. taskmaster
balk: 1. beam, girder
balkon: 1. balcony
ballade: 1. ballad, ballade
ballast: 1. ballast
ballerina: 1. ballerina, ballet dancer, ballet girl
ballet: 1. ballet
balletdanser: 1. ballet dancer
balletdanseres: 1. ballerina, ballet dancer, ballet girl
balling: 1. exile
ballingskap: 1. exile
ballistiek: 1. ballistics
ballon: 1. balloon
balroos: 1. Guelder rose
balsem: 1. embalm | 2. balm, balsam
balustrade: 1. balustrade, banisters, parapet, railing
bamboes: 1. bamboo
banaal: 1. commonplace, dismal, trite
banaliteit: 1. banality, platitude | 2. banality, triteness, triviality, platitude
banana: 1. banana
band: 1. binding, strip, tape | 2. tyre | 3. tire, tyre
bandiet: 1. bandit
bang: 1. afraid
banjo: 1. banjo
bank: 1. bank | 2. bench
banket: 1. banquet
bankier: 1. banker, bank manager | 2. bank clerk, bank official
bankrekening: 1. bank account, banking account
bankrot: 1. bankrupt | 2. bankruptcy, failure
bankrot raak: 1. be bankrupt, go broke
banneling: 1. exile
bannelingskap: 1. exile
baobab: 1. baobab
barak: 1. barrack, barn, shack, shanty, shed
barbaar: 1. barbarian
barbaars: 1. barbaric
barbaarsheid: 1. barbarity, barbarousness
barbarisme: 1. barbarism
barbier: 1. barber
bard: 1. bard
bariton: 1. baritone
barium: 1. barium
barmhartig: 1. charitable, merciful | 2. charitable, merciful
barnsteen: 1. amber
barometer: 1. barometer
baron: 1. baron
barones: 1. baroness
baronie: 1. barony
barrikade: 1. barricade
barrikadeer: 1. barricade
barrière: 1. barrier
bars: 1. split | 2. burst, crack, flaw | 3. burst, crack
bas-relief: 1. bas-relief, low relief
basaar: 1. bazaar, fair, market
basalt: 1. basalt, whimstone
basies: 1. basic
basiliek: 1. basilica
basilika: 1. basilica
basilikum: 1. basil
basketbal: 1. basketball
baskule: 1. weighing machine
bassin: 1. basin, reservoir
bastion: 1. bastion
bataljon: 1. battalion
battery: 1. accumulator, battery, storage battery | 2. battery | 3. battery
bauxiet: 1. bauxite
bazaar: 1. bazaar, fair, market
beantwoord: 1. answer
beboude gebied: 1. built-up area
bed: 1. bed
bedaar: 1. calm down
bedags: 1. by day, during the day | 2. by day, during the day, in the daytime
bedank: 1. thank | 2. quit, resign | 3. reject | 4. refuse, reject
bedanking: 1. rejection | 2. refusal
beddegoed: 1. bed-clothes, bedding
beddeken: 1. blanket
beddekussing: 1. pillow
bedding: 1. bed | 2. bed, watercourse
bede: 1. appeal, entreaty, supplication
bedeel: 1. endow
bedees: 1. abashed, self-conscious, shy
bedeesheid: 1. bashfulness, shyness, timidity
bedehuis: 1. church, church-building, kirk | 2. church, church-building, house of worship, place of worship
bedek: 1. cover
bedel: 1. beg
bedelaar: 1. beggar
bedelares: 1. beggar-woman
bedelary: 1. begging
bedelbroeder: 1. mendicant friar
bedelmonnik: 1. mendicant friar
bedelorde: 1. mendicant order
bedelry: 1. begging
bedelvrou: 1. beggar-woman
bedenking: 1. consideration, deliberation | 2. objection
bedenktyd: 1. time to consider
bederf: 1. damage, injure, spoil | 2. corruption | 3. bribe | 4. spoil | 5. go bad | 6. corruption, decay, depravation, taint | 7. putrefy, rot | 8. decay | 9. spoil
bederfbaar: 1. perishable
bederflik: 1. perishable
bederfweermiddel: 1. antiseptic
bederfwerend: 1. antiseptic
bederwe: 1. spoil | 2. go bad | 3. putrefy, rot | 4. spoil
bedevaart: 1. pilgrimage
bedevaartganger: 1. pilgrimage
bedien: 1. serve | 2. administer the last sacraments | 3. serve
bediende: 1. maid, servant | 2. boy, servant
bediening: 1. attendance, service, waiting
bedil: 1. carp at, haze, quibble
bedilsiek: 1. censorious
bedilsug: 1. censoriousness
beding: 1. set conditions, stipulate | 2. condition, stipulation, terms
bedinging: 1. condition, stipulation, terms
bedink: 1. think, think about, reflect on
bedissel: 1. arrange, fix up | 2. prepare
bedkussing: 1. pillow
bedlaken: 1. sheet
bedlêend: 1. bedridden, confined to one’s bed, laid up
bedoel: 1. aim, intend | 2. mean
bedoeling: 1. intention, meaning, plan | 2. meaning
bedol: 1. crazy, insane, mad, nuts
bedompig: 1. airless, close, frowsy, stuffy
bedorwe: 1. spoiled | 2. addled, bad, rotten | 3. spoiled
bedot: 1. fool, hoax, mystify, trick
bedra: 1. amount to
bedrag: 1. amount, sum
bedreig: 1. menace, threaten
bedreiging: 1. menace, threat
bedremmeld: 1. dazed, perplexed, upset
bedrewe: 1. experienced, expert, skilful, skilled, skillful, practised | 2. adroit, clever, dexterous, skillful
bedrewenheid: 1. expertness, skilfulness, skill, skillfulness | 2. expertness, skilfulness, skill, skillfulness
bedrieg: 1. be unfaithful, be unfaithful to | 2. cheat, deceive
bedrieglik: 1. deceptive, delusive, fallacious | 2. deceitful
bedrieër: 1. cheat, deceiver, imposter | 2. fraud
bedrieëry: 1. swindle
bedrië: 1. be unfaithful, be unfaithful to | 2. cheat, deceive
bedroef: 1. afflict, grieve | 2. afflict, cause pain, cause pain to, distress, give pain to
bedroefdheid: 1. sadness | 2. grief, sadness, sorrow | 3. sadness, sorrow
bedroewe: 1. afflict, grieve | 2. afflict, cause pain, cause pain to, distress, give pain to
bedroewend: 1. dismal, miserable
bedrog: 1. swindle
bedruip: 1. baste
bedruk: 1. dejected, depressed | 2. dismal, gaunt, miserable, sad | 3. print
bedruktheid: 1. dejection, depression, oppression | 2. sadness, sorrow
bedryf: 1. enterprise | 2. achieve, act, do, make, perform | 3. handicraft, occupation, trade | 4. accomplish, achieve, keep, observe, perform | 5. profession
bedryfskapitaal: 1. working capital
bedryfsklaar: 1. in working order | 2. in working order
bedryfsleier: 1. manager
bedrywe: 1. achieve, act, do, make, perform | 2. accomplish, achieve, keep, observe, perform
bedrywig: 1. active
bedrywigheid: 1. activity | 2. activity, gusto, spirit, stir, zest
bedsprei: 1. bedspread, counterpane, coverlet
bedug: 1. agitated, anxious | 2. afraid
bedugtheid: 1. fear
beduidenis: 1. indication | 2. meaning
bedwing: 1. bridle, check, restrain | 2. control, govern, restrain, rule
beef: 1. quiver, shiver, tremble
beek: 1. stream
beeld: 1. image, picture | 2. figure, diagram, image, picture, representation | 3. metaphor | 4. statue
beeldenaar: 1. effigy, head
beeldend: 1. plastic
beelderig: 1. delightful, lovely | 2. charming, lovely
beeldestorm: 1. iconoclasm | 2. iconoclasm
beeldestormer: 1. iconoclast
beeldhou: 1. carve, sculpture
beeldhouer: 1. sculptor
beeldhouwerk: 1. sculpture
beeldig: 1. delightful, lovely | 2. charming, lovely
beeldradio: 1. television, TV
beeldryk: 1. full of images
beeldskoon: 1. lovely
beeldspraak: 1. metaphor
beeldstorm: 1. iconoclasm | 2. iconoclasm
beeldstormer: 1. iconoclast
beeltenis: 1. image, picture | 2. portrait
been: 1. leg | 2. leg, paw | 3. bone
beenbreuk: 1. fracture of the leg
beenwindsel: 1. puttee
beer: 1. abutment | 2. bear | 3. boar
beerklou: 1. acanthus | 2. cow parsnip, hogweed
beerwyfie: 1. she-bear
bees: 1. animal, beast | 2. bovine, bovine animal
beesagtig: 1. beastly, bestial
beesvleis: 1. beef
beet: 1. beet | 2. bite
beetgryp: 1. clutch, grapple | 2. capture, catch, grapple
beethê: 1. have got hold of | 2. fool, hoax, mystify, trick
beetkry: 1. capture, catch, grapple
beetneem: 1. clutch, grapple | 2. capture, catch, grapple | 3. fool, hoax, mystify, trick | 4. take in
beetnemery: 1. mystification
beetpak: 1. clutch, grapple | 2. capture, catch, grapple
beetsuiker: 1. beet sugar, beetroot sugar
beetvak: 1. clutch, grapple
beetvat: 1. capture, catch, grapple
bef: 1. bands
befaamd: 1. famous | 2. famous
befaamdheid: 1. fame, hearsay, renown, repute, rumor, rumour
begaaf: 1. gifted, talented | 2. gifted, talented
begaafdheid: 1. aptitude, disposition, talent
begaan: 1. achieve, act, do, make, perform | 2. accomplish, achieve, keep, observe, perform | 3. tread, walk, walk upon
begaanbaar: 1. passable, practicable
begeef hom: 1. go
begeer: 1. covet | 2. desire, wish
begeerbaar: 1. desirable
begeerlik: 1. desirable
begeerte: 1. avidity, covetousness, eagerness, greediness | 2. desire, want, wish
begeester: 1. inspire
begeestering: 1. inspiration
begelei: 1. accompany | 2. escort
begeleider: 1. accompanist, companian
begeleiding: 1. accompaniment, escort | 2. escort
begeleier: 1. accompanist, companian
begenadig: 1. amnesty, pardon | 2. forgive, pardon
begenadiging: 1. absolution, pardon
begerig: 1. acquisitive, eager, greedy
begerigheid: 1. alacrity, avidity, covetousness, eagerness, greediness | 2. avidity, covetousness, eagerness, greediness
begewe hom: 1. go
begiet: 1. irrigate, water | 2. water
begiftig: 1. donate, give | 2. endow
begin: 1. begin, commence, start | 2. begin, commence, start | 3. beginning, commencement, start | 4. beginning, commencement, start
beginletter: 1. initial
beginneling: 1. beginner
beginner: 1. beginner
beginpunt: 1. starting point
beginsalaris: 1. commencing salary
beginsel: 1. element | 2. principle
beginselvas: 1. firm in one’s principle, firm in one’s principles
beginselverklaring: 1. declaration of policy, platform, statement of policy
beginsnelheid: 1. initial velocity
begluur: 1. peep, peep at, spy, spy upon | 2. spy
begluurder: 1. spy
begogel: 1. bewitch, delude | 2. delude
begogelsing: 1. delusion, spell | 2. illusion
begonia: 1. begonia
begoël: 1. bewitch, delude | 2. delude
begoëlsing: 1. delusion, spell | 2. illusion
begraaf: 1. bury | 2. bury, entomb, inter
begraafplaas: 1. cemetery, God’s acre, graveyard
begraafplek: 1. cemetery, God’s acre, graveyard
begrafnis: 1. burial, funeral, interment | 2. burial, funeral, interment
begrafnisondernemer: 1. mortician, undertaker | 2. mortician, undertaker
begrafnisonderneming: 1. undertaker’s business
begrafnisstoet: 1. funeral procession
begrawe: 1. bury | 2. bury, entomb, inter
begrawing: 1. burial, funeral, interment | 2. burial, funeral, interment
begrens: 1. abridge, confine, limit, restrict | 2. confined, limited, restricted
begrensing: 1. limitation, restriction
begrip: 1. idea | 2. conception, idea, notion | 3. understanding | 4. concept, idea | 5. notion
begripsvermoë: 1. understanding
begripsverwarring: 1. confusion of ideas
begroei: 1. overgrow
begroet: 1. greet, salute
begroeting: 1. greeting, salutation | 2. greeting, salutation
begroot: 1. appraise, estimate, rate
begroting: 1. budget | 2. budget, estimate, estimates
begrotingstekort: 1. budgetary deficit
begryp: 1. understand, realize
begrypbaar: 1. understandable
begryplik: 1. understandable
begryplikerwys: 1. for obvious reasons, understandably
begryplikerwyse: 1. for obvious reasons, understandably
begryplikheid: 1. comprehensibility, intelligibility
begunstig: 1. favor, favour
begunstiging: 1. favor, favour | 2. protection
begyn: 1. beguine
begyntjie: 1. beguine
behaag: 1. please
behaaglik: 1. agreeable, enjoyable, lovely, nice, pleasant | 2. comfortable | 3. pleasing
behaaglikheid: 1. pleasantness
behaagsiek: 1. coquettish
behaagsug: 1. coquetry
behaal: 1. achieve, acquire, attain, get, obtain | 2. accomplish, achieve, attain, get, reach | 3. earn, gain, win
behaard: 1. hairy, hirsute
behae: 1. pleasure
behalwe: 1. apart from, but, except, other than | 2. apart from, besides, except, except for
behandel: 1. care for, cure, treat | 2. discuss | 3. treat | 4. deal with, handle, treat
behandeling: 1. treatment | 2. treatment | 3. treatment | 4. treatment
behang: 1. tapestry, wall covering
behanger: 1. paperer, paper-hanger
behangsel: 1. tapestry, wall covering
behangselpapier: 1. tapestry, wall covering
behartig: 1. look after
behartigenswaardig: 1. considerable, sizable
behartiging: 1. care
beheer: 1. administration, management
beheers: 1. control, govern, restrain, rule | 2. know how | 3. composed, restrained, self-possessed
beheerser: 1. ruler | 2. sovereign
beheersing: 1. control, reign, rule
beheks: 1. bewitch, delude
behels: 1. comprise, contain, include
behendig: 1. adroit, clever, dexterous, skillful
behendigheid: 1. expertness, skilfulness, skill, skillfulness
behep met: 1. affected with, afflicted with, subject to
behoed: 1. guard, preserve, protect, save | 2. protect | 3. shelter, protect
behoedsaam: 1. careful, cautious
behoedsaamheid: 1. caution
behoef: 1. need, require
behoefte: 1. need, want
behoeftig: 1. miserable, needy
behoeftigheid: 1. destitution, distress, indigence, need, penury
behoor: 1. belong to | 2. befit, be fitting | 3. have to, must, ought to, should
behoorlik: 1. decent, fitting, proper, suitable | 2. decently, properly
behoorlikheidshalwe: 1. decently, properly
behoort: 1. belong to | 2. befit, be fitting | 3. have to, must, ought to, should
behoort tot: 1. belong to, be one of
behoor tot: 1. belong to, be one of
behou: 1. conserve, keep, maintain, preserve | 2. keep, save, rescue | 3. hang onto, hold
behoud: 1. conservation, maintenance, preservation, retention | 2. salvage, salvation, recovery
behoudend: 1. conservative
behoudenis: 1. salvage, salvation, recovery
behoudens: 1. bar, barring, except for, subject to, without prejudice
behoudensgesind: 1. conservative
behoue: 1. safe, secure
behuis: 1. housed
behulpsaam: 1. accommodating, helpful
behulpsaamheid: 1. helpfulness, readiness to help
beiaard: 1. carillon, chimes | 2. carillon, chimes
beide: 1. both
beier: 1. peal, ring
beige: 1. beige
beitel: 1. carve, chisel | 2. chisel
bejaard: 1. old
bejammer: 1. be sorry about, regret | 2. begrudge, regret | 3. mourn
bejammerenswaardig: 1. regrettable
bek: 1. beak, bill | 2. mouth
bekaf: 1. exhausted, tired out, worn out
bekeer: 1. convert
bekeerling: 1. convert, proselyte | 2. convert, proselyte
beken: 1. acknowledge, admit, confess, profess
bekend: 1. well-known
bekendheid: 1. acquaintance, conversance, familiarity | 2. acquaintance, knowledge
bekendmaak: 1. issue, proclaim | 2. acquaint, let know, inform
bekendmaking: 1. proclamation | 2. advice, announcement, communication, message, notice, report
bekendstel: 1. issue, proclaim | 2. acquaint, let know, inform
bekentenis: 1. acknowledgement, admission, confession
beker: 1. goblet
bekering: 1. conversion | 2. conversion
bekken: 1. cymbal | 2. basin, bowl, pelvis
bekkenis: 1. cymbalist
beklaag: 1. have compassion on, pity
beklaagde: 1. accused, defendant | 2. accused, defendant
beklaaglik: 1. dismal, miserable, pitiful, poor
beklad: 1. slander | 2. soil, spot, stain
beklae: 1. have compassion on, pity
beklaenswaardig: 1. dismal, miserable, pitiful, poor
beklag: 1. complaint
beklagenswaardig: 1. dismal, miserable, pitiful, poor
beklag doen: 1. complain
beklee: 1. occupy, take | 2. cover, overlay | 3. clothe, dress
bekleed: 1. cover, overlay | 2. clothe, dress
beklemd: 1. oppressed
beklemde breuk: 1. strangulated hernia
beklemdheid: 1. dejection, depression, oppression
beklemming: 1. dejection, depression, oppression
beklemtoon: 1. accent, accentuate, stress
beklim: 1. ascend, climb, scale
beklimbaar: 1. mountable
beklimming: 1. ascent, climbing, mounting
beklink: 1. conclude, dispatch, expedite, finnish, settle
beklouter: 1. ascend, climb, scale
beknibbel: 1. bargain, haggle
beknor: 1. blame, rebuke, reproach, reprove, scold
bekoel: 1. cool, cool down
bekom: 1. get, have, receive
bekommerd: 1. anxious
bekommering: 1. care, concern
bekommernis: 1. care, concern
bekommer hom: 1. care about, take care of
bekonkel: 1. intrigue
bekoor: 1. attract, draw | 2. entice, tempt | 3. charm
bekoorlik: 1. charming, lovely
bekoorlikheid: 1. charm
bekoring: 1. temptation | 2. charm
bekort: 1. abbreviate, abridge, shorten
bekorting: 1. abbreviation
bekostig: 1. bear the cost of, defray the cost of, pay the expenses of
bekragtig: 1. acknowledge, confirm, corroborate | 2. ratify | 3. sanction
bekragtiging: 1. confirmation | 2. ratification | 3. sanction
bekreun hom: 1. pay attention to, take account of, take into account | 2. care about, take care of
bekritiseer: 1. censure, criticize
bekrompe: 1. narrow | 2. close, cramped
bekroning: 1. coronation
bekroon: 1. crown | 2. award a prize
bekruip: 1. come over
bekruis: 1. check off, mark with a cross, put a cross against, tick off
bekryg: 1. make war against, make war on, wage war against, wage war on
bekwaald: 1. barely, hardly, only just, scarcely | 2. ailing
bekwaam: 1. able, capable
bekwaamheid: 1. ability | 2. ability
bel: 1. give a ring, ring, ring the bell | 2. bell | 3. bell
belaag: 1. beset, threaten
belaai: 1. burden, load
belae: 1. beset, threaten
belaglik: 1. ridiculous
beland: 1. end up
belang: 1. concern | 2. interest | 3. gain, profit | 4. advantage, benefit
belangegemeenskap: 1. community of interests
belangeloos: 1. disinterested
belangende: 1. about, concerning
belangrik: 1. important, serious
belangrykheid: 1. concern
belangstelling: 1. interest
belangstel in: 1. be interested in, take an interest in
belangwekkend: 1. interesting
belas: 1. tax | 2. burden, load
belasbaar: 1. subject to tax
belaster: 1. slander
belasting: 1. tax
belastingaanslag: 1. assessment
belastingbetaler: 1. ratepayer, taxpayer
belastingdruk: 1. tax burden
belastingjaar: 1. fiscal year
belastingkantoor: 1. tax-collector’s office
belastingpligtige: 1. ratepayer, taxpayer
belastingstelsel: 1. fiscal system, system of taxation, tax system
belastingverhoging: 1. tax hike, tax increase
belastingverlaging: 1. tax abatement, tax reduction, tax relief
belastingvermindering: 1. tax abatement, tax reduction, tax relief
belastingvry: 1. duty-free, tax-free
beledig: 1. abuse, insult, offend | 2. abuse, insult, offend
beledigend: 1. insulting, offensive, opprobrious | 2. abusive, nasty
belediging: 1. abuse, insult | 2. abuse
beleef: 1. go through, live to see | 2. experience, live through, survive | 3. courteous, polite, well-mannered
beleefdheid: 1. courtesy | 2. politeness
beleefdheidshalwe: 1. out of courtesy, out of politeness
beleen: 1. borrow money on, pawn
beleg: 1. invest | 2. cover | 3. cause, cause to take place | 4. siege
belegger: 1. investor
beleid: 1. policy | 2. policy, politics | 3. discretion, generalship, prudence | 4. musical time, tact
beleidvol: 1. careful, cautious
belemmer: 1. bar, hinder, inhibit, prevent | 2. bother, disturb, hinder, trouble
belemmering: 1. handicap, impediment, obstacle | 2. hindrance
belend: 1. abut, adjoin, be next to
belendend: 1. adjacent | 2. adjacent, adjoining, neighbouring
belening: 1. pawning
belese: 1. well-read
belet: 1. hindrance
beletsel: 1. hindrance | 2. obstacle
belewe: 1. go through, live to see | 2. experience, live through, survive
belewenis: 1. experience | 2. experience
belewing: 1. experience | 2. experience
beleë: 1. mature, ripe
beleër: 1. besiege
beleëraar: 1. besieger
beleëring: 1. siege
belhamel: 1. bell-wether
belief: 1. please
belig: 1. illuminate, light
beliggaam: 1. embody | 2. embody
beliggaming: 1. embodiment | 2. embodiment
beligting: 1. exposure | 2. lighting
beligtingsduur: 1. exposure time
beligtingsmeter: 1. exposure meter
beligtingstyd: 1. exposure time
belladonna: 1. belladonna
belletrie: 1. belles-lettres | 2. belles-lettres
beloer: 1. peep, peep upon, spy, spy upon | 2. spy
belofte: 1. affirmation, promise
beloning: 1. compensation, reward
beloof: 1. promise
beloon: 1. compensate, reward
belowe: 1. promise
belroos: 1. erysipelas
beluister: 1. listen
beluisteraar: 1. listener
belus: 1. acquisitive, eager, greedy
belus wees op: 1. covet
bely: 1. confess
belydenis: 1. confession | 2. confession
belê: 1. invest | 2. cover | 3. cause, cause to take place
belêer: 1. investor
bemagtig: 1. clutch, grab, grasp, grip, seize
beman: 1. man
bemanning: 1. crew
bemantel: 1. mask
bemeester: 1. overpower, prevail over
bemerk: 1. notice
bemes: 1. fertilize
bemesting: 1. dressing, fertilization, manuring
bemiddel: 1. act as agent
bemiddelaar: 1. agent
bemiddeld: 1. in easy circumstances, well-to-do
bemiddeling: 1. mediation
bemin: 1. love
beminde: 1. beloved, loved one, lover, sweetheart, well-beloved | 2. beloved, loved one, lover, sweetheart, well-beloved
beminlik: 1. lovable
beminlikheid: 1. sweetness
beminnaar: 1. lover
beminnenswaardig: 1. lovable
beminnenswaardigheid: 1. sweetness
bemisting: 1. dressing, fertilization, manuring
bemodderd: 1. muddy, mud-stained
bemoedig: 1. encourage
bemoediging: 1. encouragement
bemoeial: 1. bushbody, meddler | 2. bushbody, meddler
bemoeienis: 1. efforts
bemoeigees: 1. meddlesomeness | 2. meddlesomeness
bemoeilik: 1. hamper, hinder, thwart
bemoeisiek: 1. meddlesome | 2. meddlesome
bemoeisug: 1. meddlesomeness | 2. meddlesomeness
bemoeisugtig: 1. meddlesome | 2. meddlesome
benaam: 1. call
benadeel: 1. harm, hurt, injure, prejudice | 2. harm
benader: 1. approach | 2. approximate
benadruk: 1. accent, accentuate, emphasize
benaming: 1. appellation, name
benard: 1. straitened | 2. in distress
benardheid: 1. abashment, embarrassment, perplexity
bende: 1. band, bevy, gang
benede: 1. below, downstairs, underneath | 2. below, underneath
benedebuur: 1. neighbour on the lower storey | 2. neighbour on the lower storey
benedebuurman: 1. neighbour on the lower storey | 2. neighbour on the lower storey
benedeloop: 1. lower course
benedeverdieping: 1. ground-floor
benedy: 1. bless
beneem: 1. abstract, take away
benefice: 1. benefit performance
beneficevoorstelling: 1. benefit performance
benepe: 1. in distress | 2. afraid, timid
benepenheid: 1. pettiness, small-mindedness
benewel: 1. befog, cloud, dim
beneweld: 1. tipsy
benewens: 1. together with
benodig: 1. necessary | 2. necessary | 3. necessary
benodigdhede: 1. materials, necessaries, requisites | 2. materials, necessaries, requisites
benoem: 1. call | 2. appoint, nominate
benoeming: 1. nomad | 2. appointment, nomination
benoorde: 1. above
benou: 1. agitate, alarm
benoud: 1. stale | 2. agitated, anxious | 3. close, cramped | 4. airless, oppressive, stiffling, sultry
benouend: 1. alarming, grave, serious | 2. burdensome, onerous | 3. airless, oppressive, stiffling, sultry
benseen: 1. benzene
bensien: 1. gasolene, gasoline, petrol
bensienreservoir: 1. gas tank, petrol tank
bensine: 1. gasolene, gasoline, petrol
bensinereservoir: 1. gas tank, petrol tank
benul: 1. idea | 2. notion, sense, realization
benut: 1. make use of, turn to good account, utilize | 2. employ, use, make use of
benuttig: 1. make use of, turn to good account, utilize | 2. employ, use, make use of
beny: 1. envy
beoefen: 1. exert, practice
beoefenaar: 1. practitioner
beoefening: 1. practice
beoog: 1. aim, intend
beoordeel: 1. censure, criticize | 2. judge
beoordelaar: 1. judge
beoordeling: 1. criticism
beoorlog: 1. make war against, make war on, wage war against, wage war on
beoorloog: 1. make war against, make war on, wage war against, wage war on
beooste: 1. east of, eastward of, to the east of
bepaal: 1. define, determine | 2. attach, determine, fasten, fix, affix, make fast, secure | 3. set conditions, stipulate | 4. qualify | 5. qualify | 6. abridge, confine, limit, restrict | 7. command, order, tell
bepalend: 1. defining, determining
bepaling: 1. definition | 2. fixing | 3. adjunct | 4. condition, stipulation, terms | 5. regulation
bepantser: 1. armour
bepantsering: 1. armour
beperk: 1. abridge, confine, limit, restrict
beperkend: 1. restrictive
beperking: 1. limitation, restriction
beplan: 1. plan
beplant: 1. plant
beplanting: 1. plantation, planting | 2. plantation
bepleister: 1. plaster
bepleit: 1. advocate, plead
beploe: 1. plough
beploege: 1. plough
beploë: 1. plough
bepoeier: 1. powder
bepraat: 1. persuade | 2. discuss
beproef: 1. afflict, grieve | 2. attempt, test, try
beproewe: 1. afflict, grieve | 2. attempt, test, try
beproewing: 1. affliction
beraadslaag: 1. deliberate
beraadslaging: 1. consultation, deliberation
beraam: 1. make a project of, plan
beraming: 1. plan, project, scheme
berberis: 1. barberry
beredder: 1. arrange, fix up | 2. liquidate | 3. arrange, put in order, tidy
berede: 1. mounted | 2. mounted
beredeneer: 1. argue, discuss, reason about, reason upon
bereg: 1. administer the last sacraments
beregting: 1. administration of the last sacraments
berei: 1. prepare | 2. finish, prepare
bereid: 1. finished, ready, through
bereiding: 1. preparation
bereidvaardig: 1. kind, obliging | 2. obliging, ready, willing
bereidwillig: 1. kind, obliging | 2. kind, obliging
bereik: 1. accomplish, achieve, attain, get, reach | 2. range, reach
bereikbaar: 1. accessible
bereisd: 1. travelled, widely-travelled
bereken: 1. calculate, count, figure, work out | 2. charge
berekening: 1. account, bill, calculation
bereklou: 1. cow parsnip, hogweed
beremus: 1. bearskin, bearskin cap | 2. bearskin, bearskin cap
berg: 1. mountain
bergagtig: 1. mountainous
bergamot: 1. bergamot
bergbeklimmer: 1. Alpinist, climber, mountain climber, mountaineer | 2. Alpinist, climber, mountain climber, mountaineer
bergengte: 1. defile, mountain pass
berghelling: 1. mountain slope
berging: 1. salvage, salvation, recovery
bergingsmaatskappy: 1. salvage company
bergkam: 1. mountain ridge
bergklimmer: 1. Alpinist, climber, mountain climber, mountaineer
bergkristal: 1. rock-crystal
bergloon: 1. salvage, salvage money
berglug: 1. mountain air
bergmuis: 1. lemming
bergpik: 1. asphalt
bergpunt: 1. mountain peak, mountain top, pinnacle
bergreeks: 1. chain of mountains, mountain chain, mountain range, rand
bergrug: 1. mountain ridge
bergspits: 1. mountain peak, mountain top, pinnacle
bergtop: 1. mountain peak, mountain top, pinnacle
berig: 1. account, information | 2. account, communication | 3. advice, announcement, communication, message, notice, report
beril: 1. beryl
berilsteen: 1. beryl
berin: 1. she-bear
berispe: 1. reproach, rebuke, reprove, scold | 2. blame, rebuke, reproach, reprove, scold
berisping: 1. observation, remark, reproof | 2. reproach
berk: 1. birch
berkeboom: 1. birch
berlynsblou: 1. Prussian blue
berm: 1. shoulder, verge, verge of a road
beroemd: 1. famous | 2. famous | 3. famous, glorious | 4. famous
beroemdheid: 1. fame, renown | 2. celebrity | 3. fame, glory, renown | 4. fame, renown
beroep: 1. appeal | 2. handicraft, occupation, trade | 3. profession
beroeps-: 1. professional
beroer: 1. abet, agitate, incite, stir up | 2. agitate, alarm | 3. touch lightly
beroerd: 1. bad, miserable, nasty, poor | 2. abject, dismal, meager, miserable, wretched
beroering: 1. agitation, commotion
beroerte: 1. fit, apoplectic fit, seizure, stroke, stroke of apoplexy
berokken: 1. activate, cause, give rise to
beroof: 1. rob | 2. deprive, deprive … of | 3. deprive, deprive … of
berooid: 1. miserable, needy
berou: 1. repentance
beroue: 1. regret, repent, repent of | 2. feel sorry for, regret, repent, repent of
berouhebbend: 1. contrite, penitent, repentant
berouvol: 1. contrite, penitent, repentant
berowe: 1. rob
berower: 1. robber
berowing: 1. robbery
berrie: 1. stretcher
berug: 1. of ill repute
beruik: 1. smell at, sniff at
berus: 1. acquiesce, resign oneself
berusting: 1. acquiescence, rezignation
bery: 1. drive over, ride over
berybaar: 1. passable, practicable
berym: 1. rhyme
beryp: 1. frosted, hoar
besadig: 1. staid | 2. moderate, reasonable | 3. abstemious, sober, staid, temperate
beseer: 1. hurt
besef: 1. understand, realize | 2. notion, sense, realization | 3. be aware of, be conscious of, realize | 4. awareness, consciousness
besem: 1. broom
beset: 1. pregnant, with young | 2. busy
besete: 1. crazy, insane, mad, nuts
besetene: 1. lunatic
besetenheid: 1. craziness, insanity, lunacy, madness
besetting: 1. garrison | 2. occupation
beseël: 1. acknowledge, confirm, corroborate | 2. seal
beseëling: 1. sanction
besie: 1. cricket
besiel: 1. inspire
besield: 1. enthusiastic
besielend: 1. inspiring
besieling: 1. alacrity, enthusiasm | 2. inspiration
besien: 1. see
besienswaardig: 1. worth seeing
besig: 1. busy | 2. busy
besigheid: 1. activity, occupation
besighou: 1. distract, divert, entertain
besinning: 1. awareness, consciousness
besit: 1. possession, property | 2. own, possess | 3. possession
besitting: 1. possession, property | 2. property
beskaaf: 1. civilize | 2. cultivate, grow
beskaafdheid: 1. good breeding, refinement
beskaam: 1. put to shame
beskaamd: 1. ashamed
beskaamtheid: 1. shame
beskadig: 1. damage, injure, spoil
beskadiging: 1. damage
beskadu: 1. cast a shadow
beskaduwee: 1. cast a shadow
beskamend: 1. humiliating | 2. humiliating
beskawe: 1. civilize | 2. cultivate, grow
beskawing: 1. civilization | 2. civilization
beskeid: 1. document, paper | 2. answer, reply
beskeidenheid: 1. modesty | 2. modesty
beskeie: 1. discrete | 2. moderate, reasonable | 3. modest
beskerm: 1. protect | 2. shelter, protect
beskermeling: 1. protégé
beskermengel: 1. guardian angel
beskermer: 1. patron
beskermheer: 1. patron | 2. patron
beskermheilige: 1. patron
beskerming: 1. protection
beskermling: 1. protégé
beskiet: 1. bombard | 2. fire at, fire upon
beskieting: 1. firing
beskik: 1. arrange, fix up
beskikbaar: 1. available
beskikking: 1. accommodation, adjustment, arrangement | 2. decision | 3. disposition
beskilder: 1. paint over
beskimmel: 1. get mouldy
beskimmeld: 1. mouldy
beskimp: 1. jeer, jeer at, taunt
beskinder: 1. slander
beskindering: 1. backbiting, scandal, slander
beskonke: 1. drunk, intoxicated
beskonkenheid: 1. drunkenness, inebriety
beskrywing: 1. account, description
beslis: 1. absolutely, definitely, without fail
besluit: 1. decide
besoedel: 1. soil
besoek: 1. visit
besoeker: 1. caller, visitor
besoekersboek: 1. visitor’s register
besonderheid: 1. detail
bespaar: 1. save, spare
bespreek: 1. reserve | 2. book
bespreking: 1. booking | 2. booking
bestaan: 1. exist
beste: 1. best
besteding: 1. expenses
bestel: 1. book, order, reserve
bestelling: 1. order
bestudeer: 1. study
bestuur: 1. direct, guide, manage, steer | 2. conduct, guide, lead | 3. steer
bestuurder: 1. manager | 2. manager | 3. director, manager
beswaar: 1. protest
betaal: 1. pay
betaam: 1. befit, be fitting
beteken: 1. imply, mean, signify
betekenis: 1. meaning
betekenisvol: 1. significant | 2. significant
beter: 1. better
betrekking: 1. post
betrokke: 1. concerned, in question
betyds: 1. at the right time, in time
beuk: 1. beech
bevat: 1. comprise, contain, include
bevestig: 1. affirm, assent, say yes | 2. acknowledge, confirm, corroborate
bevolking: 1. population
bevorder: 1. advance, promote
bevordering: 1. promotion
bevrore: 1. frozen | 2. frozen
bevrug: 1. pregnant, with young
bewaar: 1. conserve, keep, maintain, preserve
beweeg: 1. actuate, move | 2. move
beweging: 1. movement | 2. movement
bewering: 1. contention, assertion
bewonder: 1. admire
bewys: 1. proof, sign, token
beëindig: 1. accomodate, end, finish, terminate
beëindiging: 1. end, ending | 2. accomplishment
beërf: 1. inherit
beërwe: 1. inherit
beïndruk: 1. impress
beïnvloed: 1. act, affect, influence
biblioteek: 1. library
bibliotekaris: 1. librarian
bid: 1. pray
bieg: 1. confess | 2. confession
bier: 1. ale, beer
bikini: 1. bikini
biljart: 1. billiards
billik: 1. fair, just, righteous
bind: 1. bind, connect, join, tie, tie up
binne: 1. a, in, inside, into, on, per, within | 2. inside, within
binnekort: 1. soon
binnelands: 1. aboriginal, domestic
bioskoop: 1. cinema, movie theatre
biskop: 1. bishop
bismut: 1. bismuth
bison: 1. bison, buffalo
bitter: 1. acerbic, bitter
blaarslaai: 1. lettuce
blaas: 1. blow
bladsy: 1. page
blank: 1. white
blanke: 1. European, white man
bleik: 1. point out to be
blik: 1. can, tin, tin can
blind: 1. blind
blink: 1. bright, brilliant
bloed: 1. blood
bloedrooi: 1. blood red, blood-red
bloedverwant: 1. relative
bloese: 1. blouse
blok: 1. block, pad
blokletter: 1. type
blom: 1. bloom, flower
blou: 1. blue | 2. blue
blus: 1. extinguish, put out
bly: 1. remain, stay, stay over | 2. happy, glad
bo: 1. above, over | 2. above, on top, overhead, upstairs
bobbejaan: 1. baboon
boek: 1. book
boekhou: 1. accounting, book-keeping
boer: 1. agrarian, farmer
boereplaas: 1. estate, farm, property, ranch
boete: 1. fine
boetekaartjie: 1. minutes, protocol
bogenoemd: 1. above, above-mentioned | 2. above, above-mentioned
boks: 1. box
bokser: 1. boxer
bondel: 1. bunch, bundle, cluster, sheaf
bonus: 1. bonus | 2. bonus
boodskap: 1. errand, message
boom: 1. tree
boonop: 1. on top of
boor: 1. bore
boord: 1. orchard
bord: 1. plate
bordeel: 1. brothel
bors: 1. bosom, breast, chest
borsel: 1. brush
bos: 1. forest, woods
bosbok: 1. bushbuck
bots: 1. collide
botsing: 1. collision
bottel: 1. bottle
botter: 1. butter
bouer: 1. builder
braai: 1. barbecue | 2. roast, toast
brand: 1. burn | 2. conflagration, fire
brandewyn: 1. brandy
brandstof: 1. fuel
breek: 1. break
breekbaar: 1. breakable, brittle, fragile
brein: 1. brain
brief: 1. letter
briefkaart: 1. postcard
bril: 1. glasses, spectacles
bring: 1. bring, fetch
brinjal: 1. brinjal, eggplant | 2. aubergine, brinjal, eggfruit
broei: 1. incubate, sit
broer: 1. brother
broerskind: 1. niece | 2. nephew
bron: 1. fountain, source, spring
brons: 1. bronze
brood: 1. bread, loaf
brosjure: 1. leaflet, pamphlet, paperback
brug: 1. bridge
bruin: 1. brown | 2. brown
buffel: 1. buffalo
buffer: 1. buffer, bumper
buig: 1. bend | 2. bend
buis: 1. barrel, channel, pipe, tube
buite: 1. outside, outside of
buiteland: 1. foreign country
bul: 1. bull
bundel: 1. collection
burger: 1. middleclass citizen | 2. citizen | 3. hamburger
buro: 1. bureau, office
bus: 1. bus, autobus, omnibus
bushalte: 1. bus stop | 2. bus stop, busstop
buurman: 1. neighbour
by: 1. at, beside, by, near, nearby, near to, next to | 2. at, beside, with
bybel: 1. bible
bylae: 1. addition, adjunct
bymekaar: 1. together
bymekaarbring: 1. collect, gather, pick up | 2. join, unite
byna: 1. almost, nearly
bynaam: 1. byname, nickname, sobriquet
byt: 1. bite
byvoeg: 1. add
bywoon: 1. attend, be present, witness
bywoord: 1. adverb
bywoordelik: 1. adverbial
by benadering: 1. about, approximately
bêre: 1. put away, stow | 2. put away, store | 3. conserve, keep, maintain, preserve
bêreplek: 1. depository | 2. box-room, storage room | 3. depository
casino: 1. casino
chaos: 1. chaos, tangle
chemie: 1. chemistry | 2. chemistry
chirurg: 1. surgeon
chloor: 1. chlorine
daad: 1. achievement, act, action | 2. accomplishment, achievement, act, action
daag: 1. assign
daagliks: 1. daily | 2. daily
daal: 1. descend, go down | 2. go down | 3. land
daar: 1. there | 2. at that place, there
daardie: 1. those
daarmee: 1. thereby
daarna: 1. afterwards, next, subsequently
daarom: 1. on that account, therefore | 2. on that account, therefore
daarso: 1. there
daarvandaan: 1. from there, thence
daar gunder: 1. over there, yon, yonder
dadelik: 1. at once, instantly, immediately, without delay | 2. at once, immediately, just, right away, right now
dag: 1. hello | 2. day
dagvaarding: 1. summons | 2. summons
damestudent: 1. student, female student
dan: 1. then
dank: 1. thank
dankbaar: 1. thankful | 2. thankful
dankie: 1. thank you, thanks
danksy: 1. thanks to
dans: 1. dance | 2. dance
dapperheid: 1. courage
darem: 1. genuinely, indeed, really, truly | 2. absolutely, genuinly, indeed, really, truly
das: 1. tie, necktie
dat: 1. that
dateer: 1. date
datum: 1. date
deeglik: 1. enormously, extremely
deel: 1. part, Parthian, share
deelneem: 1. participate, share, take part
deels: 1. partially, partly
definisie: 1. definition
definitief: 1. absolutely, definitely, without fail
deftig: 1. beautiful, fine, handsome, lovely
dek: 1. cover
dekade: 1. decade
deken: 1. blanket
dekor: 1. décor, decoration
delikaat: 1. dainty, delicate, fine, refined
demokrasie: 1. democracy
demokraties: 1. democratic
den: 1. fir | 2. pine, pine-tree
denneboom: 1. fir | 2. spruce, spruce-fir
departement: 1. department
deponeer: 1. deposit
deporteer: 1. deport
derde: 1. third
dertien: 1. thirteen
dertig: 1. thirty
destyds: 1. then
detail: 1. detail
deur: 1. by, by means of, on, through, with | 2. door | 3. through
deurbring: 1. pass, spend
deurdat: 1. because, for the reason that
deurmaak: 1. go through, live to see | 2. experience, live through, survive
deurmekaar: 1. dazed, perplexed, upset
deurpad: 1. motor road, motorway | 2. motorway, super highway, turnpike
deursnee: 1. profile
diamant: 1. diamond
die: 1. the | 2. the
dieet: 1. diet
dief: 1. thief
diens: 1. service
diep: 1. deep, profound
diepte: 1. depth | 2. depth | 3. depth
dier: 1. animal | 2. animal, beast
dieretuin: 1. zoo
dieselfde: 1. the same
die Kaapprovinsie: 1. Cape Province
die Krim: 1. Crimea
die Transkei: 1. Transkei
die aftog blaas: 1. retreat
digter: 1. poet
dikwels: 1. frequently, often, regularly
dimensie: 1. dimension, measurement
dinee: 1. dinner, midday meal
ding: 1. affair, business, business deal, case, matter
dink: 1. account, deem, opine, think | 2. think
diploma: 1. diploma
direk: 1. direct, straight
direkteur: 1. director, manager
dissipline: 1. discipline
dit: 1. that, that over there, those | 2. these, this, this here | 3. these, this, this here | 4. it
dit daardie: 1. that, that over there, those
dit hierdie: 1. these, this, this here | 2. these, this, this here
dié: 1. those | 2. this | 3. this
doel: 1. aim, goal, purpose, target
doen: 1. achieve, act, do, make, perform
dogter: 1. daughter | 2. girl, lass, wench
dokter: 1. doctor, physician
dokument: 1. document, paper
dom: 1. addled, foolish, stupid
dominee: 1. pastor
donasie: 1. gift, present
donker: 1. bleak, dark, dismal, dreary | 2. dark, dim
donkie: 1. ass, donkey
dood: 1. dead | 2. death
doodmaak: 1. extinguish, put out
doodskiet: 1. shoot dead | 2. shoot dead
doof: 1. deaf
doop: 1. baptism, christening
doopnaam: 1. Christian name
doos: 1. box
dor: 1. dry
dorp: 1. village
dors: 1. thirsty
dors wees: 1. be thirsty
dosyn: 1. dozen
dra: 1. carry, wear | 2. wear
draagbaar: 1. stretcher | 2. stretcher | 3. litter, strecher
draai: 1. turn | 2. turn | 3. turn
dragtig: 1. pregnant, with young
drama: 1. drama
dreigement: 1. menace, threat
drie: 1. three
dringend: 1. pressing, urgent
drink: 1. drink, drink to excess | 2. drink
drinkpan: 1. bar, pub
dromedaris: 1. dromedary
dronk: 1. drunk, intoxicated
droog: 1. dry
droogte: 1. dryness
druif: 1. grape
druk: 1. press, oppress, squeeze
drup: 1. drip
dryf: 1. drift, be adrift | 2. float | 3. float, swim | 4. chase, drive, drive on, impel, shoo | 5. actuate, drive
duidelik: 1. clearly
duim: 1. thumb | 2. thumb
duisend: 1. thousand, one thousand
duister: 1. dark, dim
duiwel: 1. devil
dun: 1. airy | 2. gaunt, lean, slender, thin
durf: 1. courage
dus: 1. accordingly, consequently, so, subsequently, thus
duur: 1. dear, expensive, valuable | 2. costly, dear, expensive, pricey
dwarsdeur: 1. across, throughout
dwerg: 1. dwarf, midget | 2. pigmy
dwing: 1. compel, force
edel: 1. noble
edelweiss: 1. edelweiss
eed: 1. oath
eekhoring: 1. squirrel
eekhorinkie: 1. squirrel
een-en-twintig: 1. twenty-one
een: 1. one
eend: 1. duck
eendag: 1. at some time, ever, sometime
eenheid: 1. unity | 2. unit
eensaam: 1. lonely, solitary
eensaamheid: 1. isolation, separation
een en twintig: 1. twenty-one
eergister: 1. the day before yesterday
eerlik: 1. above-board, honest
eers: 1. at some time, ever, sometime | 2. first, firstly, first of all
eerskomende: 1. nearest, next | 2. close, near, nearby, next
eerste: 1. first
eetkamer: 1. dining-room
eetservies: 1. crockery set
eeu: 1. centennial, century
effek: 1. effect, impression | 2. effect | 3. impression
effektief: 1. actual, real
eggenoot: 1. husband
eggo: 1. echo
egter: 1. but, however, nevertheless, yet
ei: 1. egg
eie: 1. own, personal
eienaar: 1. owner
eienaardig: 1. odd, peculiar, strange | 2. typical
eiendomsagentskap: 1. broker
eierplant: 1. brinjal, eggplant
eiervrug: 1. aubergine, brinjal, eggfruit
eik: 1. oak
eiland: 1. island
einde: 1. end, ending
eindeksamen: 1. leaving examination
eindig: 1. accomodate, end, finish, terminate | 2. end, come to an end, end up, expire
eintlik: 1. to tell the truth
ekonomies: 1. economical
eksamen: 1. investigation, examination, test
eksperiment: 1. experiment
ekstase: 1. ecstasy
ekstra: 1. additional, extra
ekstreem: 1. excessive, inordinate | 2. extreme
eland: 1. eland | 2. elk, moose
elders: 1. elsewhere
elegant: 1. elegant
elegie: 1. elegy
elektries: 1. electric
elektrisiteit: 1. electricity
elektron: 1. electron
elementêr: 1. elemental, elementary
elf: 1. eleven | 2. elf
els: 1. alder
elsboom: 1. alder
emigreer: 1. emigrate
emosie: 1. affection | 2. emotion
en: 1. and
energie: 1. energy
enige: 1. a few, any, some | 2. any, whichever, whoever
enige tyd: 1. any time, momentarily
enigiemand: 1. a, any, anybody, some, somebody, one, someone, some one
enigiets: 1. anything, something
enigste: 1. alone, only, sole, solitary
enkele: 1. a few, any, some
enorm: 1. enormous | 2. enormous, huge, immense
ens.: 1. etc.
ensovoorts: 1. and so on, et cetera
erediens: 1. service, worship service
erf: 1. inherit
erg: 1. important, serious
erken: 1. acknowledge, confirm, corroborate
ernstig: 1. important, serious
ertjie: 1. pea
ervare: 1. accomplished, adept, experienced, expert
ervaring: 1. experience
esel: 1. ass, donkey
esperantis: 1. Esperantist
ete: 1. meal
evolusie: 1. development, evolution | 2. development, evolution
ewe: 1. alike, all the same, equally | 2. a while, momentarily | 3. a few minutes, a moment | 4. equally, likewise
ewig: 1. eternal | 2. for ever, forever
fabriek: 1. factory | 2. factory
familie: 1. family
familielid: 1. relative
fase: 1. phase, stage
fasiliteer: 1. facilitate | 2. facilitate
fassineer: 1. fascinate
fee: 1. fairy
feit: 1. fact
feodaal: 1. feudal
ferm: 1. firm, robust, sturdy | 2. firm, solid
fiets: 1. bike, cycle, bicycle
fietsry: 1. cycle
fiks: 1. healthy, well
film: 1. film, motion picture, movie
firma: 1. company, firm
flard: 1. rag, scrap
fliek: 1. go to the cinema, go to the movies
fliekhuis: 1. cinema, movie theatre
flikker: 1. flare, flare up
floreer: 1. be succesful, prosper
flou word: 1. faint, swoon
fluit: 1. flute
fonds: 1. fund
fooitjie: 1. tip
forel: 1. trout
formeel: 1. formal
fossiel: 1. fossil
foto: 1. photograph | 2. photograph
fout: 1. aberration, error, mistake
framboos: 1. raspberry
funksie: 1. function
gaaf: 1. good, nice, okay | 2. fine, very well | 3. fine, very well
gaan: 1. go
gaan staan: 1. halt, come to a halt, stop
gade: 1. wife
galery: 1. gallery
gans: 1. goose
garage: 1. garage
garnaal: 1. prawn
gas: 1. gas | 2. guest
gasvry: 1. hospitable
gasvryheid: 1. hospitality | 2. hospitality
gat: 1. hole
geadresseerde: 1. addressee
geag: 1. dear
gebed: 1. prayer
gebeur: 1. come about, happen, occur
gebeurtenis: 1. event | 2. event | 3. event, occasion, occurence, opportunity | 4. event | 5. chance, event, occurence, opportunity | 6. event
gebied: 1. area | 2. region
geboorte: 1. birth
gebou: 1. building
gebruik: 1. custom, habit, way | 2. employ, use, make use of
gebruiker: 1. user
gedaante: 1. form, shape
gedagte: 1. thought
gedeelte: 1. part, Parthian, share
gedeeltelik: 1. partially, partly
gedek: 1. pregnant, with young
gedig: 1. poem
gedra hom: 1. behave, conduct oneself
geduld: 1. patience
geduldig: 1. patient
gedurende: 1. for, during, whereas, while, whilst
gee: 1. give
geel: 1. yellow | 2. yellow
geen: 1. no
gees: 1. soul | 2. ghost, phantom | 3. fairy | 4. intellect, mind | 5. mind | 6. spirit
geesdrif: 1. alacrity, enthusiasm
geesdriftig: 1. enthusiastic
geheim: 1. secret | 2. secret
gehoorsaam: 1. obey
geld: 1. money
geldstuk: 1. coin
geleentheid: 1. chance, event, occurence, opportunity
geliefde: 1. lover | 2. beloved, loved one, lover, sweetheart, well-beloved | 3. beloved, loved one, lover, sweetheart, well-beloved
geluk: 1. luck | 2. happiness
gelukkig: 1. fortunate, happy
gelukkig wees: 1. be lucky, have good luck
gelykheid: 1. draw, equality
gemiddeld: 1. average, mean, middle | 2. average, mean
genealogie: 1. family tree, genealogy, pedigree
genealogies: 1. genealogical
genealoog: 1. genealogist
geneig: 1. inclined
generaal: 1. general
generasie: 1. generation | 2. generation
geniet: 1. be glad, enjoy, rejoice | 2. delight in, enjoy
genoeg: 1. enough, sufficient
genot: 1. fun, pleasure
genre: 1. genre
geografies: 1. geographic, geographical
geparenteer: 1. affined, akin, related
geraamte: 1. skeleton | 2. skeleton
gereed: 1. finished, ready, through
geregtigheid: 1. justice, righteousness
gereëld: 1. regularly
gerieflik: 1. comfortable
geruime tyd: 1. a long time, for a long time, long
gerus: 1. <politeness particle>
gesag: 1. authority | 2. authority | 3. glamor, glamour, prestige
gesels: 1. speak, talk
gesig: 1. expression | 2. face
gesin: 1. family
gesins-: 1. domestic
geskei: 1. divorced | 2. divorced
geskenk: 1. gift, present
geskie: 1. come about, happen, occur
geskiedenis: 1. story, history
geskikt: 1. appropriate, becoming, seemly, suitable | 2. convenient, handy, opportune | 3. of use, suitable | 4. of use, suitable
geskoolde: 1. able
geslag: 1. generation | 2. generation | 3. sex
geslaglys: 1. generation | 2. generation
geslagregister: 1. generation | 2. generation
gesond: 1. healthy, well
gesondheid: 1. health
gespanne: 1. strained
gesprek: 1. conversation | 2. conversation
getroud: 1. married | 2. married | 3. married
geur: 1. odor, odour, scent, smell
geveg: 1. action, battle, scuffle, struggle | 2. scuffle
gevolglik: 1. accordingly, consequently, so, subsequently, thus
gevolgtrekking: 1. conclusion, inference
geweldig: 1. enormous, huge, immense
gewete: 1. conscience
gewig: 1. weight
gewild: 1. popular
gewoon: 1. common, ordinary, usual
gewoond wees: 1. accustom, be in the habit of
gewoonlik: 1. ordinarily, usually
gewoonte: 1. custom, habit, way
geïnteresseerd: 1. gripped, interested
gholf: 1. golf
gids: 1. handbook, guide, guidebook
gier: 1. vulture
giet: 1. pour, scatter, shed
giftig: 1. poisonous
gil: 1. yell
gimnastiek: 1. gymnastics
ginder: 1. over there, yon, yonder
ginds: 1. over there, yon, yonder
gister: 1. yesterday
glad nie: 1. not at all
glas: 1. glass | 2. glass
gleuf: 1. slot | 2. slot | 3. slot
glimlag: 1. smile
glo: 1. account, accredit, believe, deem
gly: 1. glide, slip
god: 1. god
godsdiens: 1. religion
godsdienstig: 1. pious | 2. religious
goed: 1. good, nice, okay | 2. okay, well
goedkoop: 1. cheap, inexpensive | 2. cheap, inexpensive
goeiemiddag: 1. good afternoon
goeiemôre: 1. good morning
goeienaand: 1. good evening
goeienag: 1. good night
gooi: 1. throw
gordyn: 1. curtain
gou: 1. fast, quickly, swiftly
goud: 1. gold
goudgeel: 1. golden yellow
goudmyn: 1. gold-mine
goudvis: 1. goldfish
goue: 1. gold, golden
gou maak: 1. go fast, hurry, rush
graad: 1. degree, grade | 2. degree, heading, title
graag: 1. willingly
gram: 1. gram, gramme
grammatika: 1. grammar
gras: 1. grass
grasgroen: 1. grass green
gratis: 1. free
grens: 1. boundary, frontier, limit
gretig: 1. acquisitive, eager, greedy
griep: 1. flu, grip, influenza
grimeer: 1. make up
grimering: 1. make up, make-up
groen: 1. green | 2. green
groente: 1. vegetable
groep: 1. group
groet: 1. greet, salute | 2. greeting
grond: 1. ground, soil
grondwet: 1. constitution
groot: 1. big, great, large
grootmoeder: 1. grandmother
grootouers: 1. grandparents
grootte: 1. bulk, dimension, extend, size
grootvader: 1. grandfather
grot: 1. cave, grotto | 2. cave, cavern, den
groutjie: 1. ass, donkey
gryp: 1. clutch, grab, grasp, grip, seize
grys: 1. grey | 2. grey
gunsteling-: 1. advantageous, favourable
haai: 1. shark
haalbaar: 1. achievable | 2. achievable
haan: 1. cock, rooster
haar: 1. her, to her | 2. her, his, its, their | 3. her, she | 4. her | 5. her
haarkapper: 1. barber, hairdresser
haas: 1. haste | 2. hare | 3. go fast, hurry, rush | 4. hurry, rush | 5. hurry
haastig: 1. hurried | 2. fast, quick, rapid, speedy, swift
haat: 1. hate
hael: 1. hail
hakie: 1. clamp, brace, bracket, parenthesis, staple
halfbroer: 1. half-brother
halfsuster: 1. half-sister
hallo: 1. hello
hals: 1. neck
hamburger: 1. hamburger
hand: 1. hand
handel: 1. business, commerce, trade
handelaar: 1. merchant | 2. businessman, merchant
handlanger: 1. abetter, accessory, accomplice
handtekening: 1. signature
hang: 1. droop, hang | 2. hang
hanteer: 1. handle, manipulate
hap: 1. morsel, mouthful | 2. morsel
hard: 1. loud
hardloop: 1. run
hare: 1. hair, hairs | 2. hers
hart: 1. heart
hawe: 1. harbor, harbour, port
heelal: 1. universe
heeltemal: 1. at all, entirely, quite, wholly
heerlik: 1. agreeable, enjoyable, lovely, nice, pleasant | 2. delicious
heide: 1. heath
heilig: 1. sanctify
heks: 1. witch
hel: 1. hell | 2. hell
held: 1. hero
helder: 1. bright, clear, light | 2. clear, distinct, plain | 3. bright, light
heldhaftig: 1. heroic
heldin: 1. heroine
hele: 1. entire, overall, whole
helm: 1. helmet
help: 1. abet, aid, assist, help | 2. accomodate, aid, assist, help
hemel: 1. heaven, sky
hemp: 1. shirt
hen: 1. chicken, fowl
hengel: 1. fishing rod
hengelaar: 1. angler
herdenking: 1. recollection
herder: 1. shepherd | 2. shepherd
herfs: 1. autumn
herhaal: 1. repeat | 2. repeat
herinnering: 1. memory, recollection | 2. recollection
herkoms: 1. lineage | 2. origin
heroïen: 1. heroin
heroïne: 1. heroin
hert: 1. deer
heuning: 1. honey
heup: 1. hip
hierbo: 1. above
hierdie: 1. these | 2. this | 3. this | 4. these
hierheen: 1. here, hither, this way
hiervandaan: 1. from here, hence
higiënies: 1. hygienic
hings: 1. stallion
hitte: 1. heat
hiëna: 1. hyaena
hoed: 1. hat
hoekom: 1. what for, wherefore, why
hoender: 1. chicken, hen | 2. chicken, fowl
hoer: 1. hooker, whore
hoerhuis: 1. brothel
hoes: 1. cough
hoeveel: 1. how many | 2. how much | 3. how many | 4. how much
hoeveelste: 1. how many, what number
hoe gaan dit met u?: 1. how are you?, how do you do?
hoe laat: 1. what time
hoe ver: 1. how far
hof: 1. court
hok: 1. cage
hokkie: 1. hockey
hom: 1. him, to him | 2. him
hom bemoei met: 1. interfere with
hom besin: 1. think, think about, reflect on
hond: 1. dog
honderd: 1. hundred, one hundred
honger: 1. hungry
honger wees: 1. be hungry
hoofkwartier: 1. headquarters
hoofpyn: 1. headache
hoofsaaklik: 1. above all, especially, chiefly, mainly, principally | 2. chiefly
hoofstad: 1. metropolis | 2. capital, capital city, metropolis
hoofweg: 1. major road
hoop: 1. hope
hoor: 1. hear | 2. find out, hear, learn of
horlosie: 1. watch
horror: 1. horror
hospitaal: 1. hospital
hotel: 1. hotel
hou: 1. hang onto, hold
houding: 1. behavior, behaviour, conduct, deportment | 2. position | 3. attitude
houer: 1. holder, socket
hout: 1. timber, wood
hou van: 1. appreciate, like
huidig: 1. actual, current, present, present-day | 2. current, present | 3. current, present
huis: 1. house
huis toe: 1. home
huldig: 1. honor, honour
hulle: 1. their | 2. them | 3. them | 4. they | 5. they | 6. her, his, its, their
hulle s’n: 1. theirs
hulp: 1. aid, help
hurk: 1. cower, crouch, squat
huur: 1. hire
huurmotor: 1. taxi
huwelik: 1. marriage, matrimony | 2. marriage | 3. marriage
hy: 1. he, him
hyser: 1. elevator, lift
hê: 1. have, have got
ideaal: 1. ideal
idee: 1. idea
idioom: 1. idiom
iemand: 1. a, any, anybody, some, somebody, one, someone, some one
iep: 1. elm
iets: 1. anything, something
ignoreer: 1. ignore, leave out of account
immigreer: 1. immigrate
immoreel: 1. abandoned, nasty
impak: 1. effect | 2. impression
in: 1. a, in, inside, into, on, per, within
inasem: 1. inhale
inbreker: 1. burglar
indeks: 1. index
indien: 1. if, provided that
individueel: 1. individual
indruk: 1. effect, impression | 2. impression
industrie: 1. industry
ineenkrimp: 1. cower, shrink
informasie: 1. information | 2. account, information
ingenieur: 1. engineer
inheems: 1. aboriginal, domestic | 2. aboriginal, native
inhoud: 1. contents | 2. contents
inleiding: 1. introduction, preface
inlewer: 1. deliver, furnish, supply | 2. convey, hand, hand over, pass
inligting: 1. account, information
inligtingskantoor: 1. inquiry-office
inmaak: 1. preserve
innig: 1. close, intimate | 2. above-board, sincere
inrigting: 1. institute
inruil: 1. interchange, swap
insameling: 1. collection
insident: 1. event, occasion, occurence, opportunity
insig: 1. notion, sense, realization
insit: 1. enter, insert, put in | 2. insert, put in, put away, stow
inskep: 1. dish up
insluitend: 1. including, inclusively
inspekteur: 1. inspector
inspektisto: 1. inspector
inspuit: 1. inject
inspuiting: 1. injection
instel: 1. begin, commence, start
instituut: 1. institute
instruksie: 1. directions, instruction
inteendeel: 1. on the contrary, otherwise | 2. on the contrary
intelligent: 1. intelligent, sagacious
intens: 1. acute, intense, intensive
interessant: 1. interesting
internasionaal: 1. international
intusse: 1. all the time, in the meantime, meanwhile | 2. all the while, meanwhile
invoer: 1. import
invul: 1. fill, fill in, fill up
in aanmerking kom: 1. be considered, count
in alleryl: 1. fast, quickly, swiftly
in bedwang hou: 1. govern, head up, restrain | 2. control, govern, restrain, rule
in die algemeen: 1. generally
in die ander tyd: 1. pregnant
in die geheim: 1. behind one’s back, underhand
in elk geval: 1. in any event
in kennis stel: 1. acquaint, inform, report
in verband met: 1. toward, towards, with reference to
isolasie: 1. insulation, isolation
item: 1. element, fragment, item, particle
ivoor: 1. ivory
ja: 1. yes
jaag: 1. race, run | 2. chase, hunt
jaar: 1. year
jaarliks: 1. annual, yearly
jag: 1. yacht
jager: 1. hunter
jakkals: 1. jackal
jaloers: 1. jealous
jammer: 1. alas, regrettably, unfortunately
jammer wees: 1. be sorry about, regret
jas: 1. coat, overcoat | 2. coat, overcoat
jeens: 1. at, by, on, upon | 2. across from, against, in exchange for, opposed to, opposite, upon
joernalis: 1. journalist | 2. journalist
jongmens: 1. youngster, youth
jonk: 1. young
josie: 1. devil
jou: 1. thee, to thee, to you, to thee | 2. your | 3. thee, you | 4. your | 5. thee, you
joune: 1. yours | 2. yours
juis: 1. accurate, precise | 2. correct, exact, proper, right
julle: 1. your | 2. thee, you | 3. ye, you | 4. thou, you
julle s’n: 1. yours
juweel: 1. gem, jewel | 2. jewel
juwelier: 1. jeweller | 2. jeweller
jy-en-jou: 1. thee and thou
jy: 1. thou, you
kaart: 1. map | 2. map
kaartjie: 1. bill, ticket, note
kaartjieskantoor: 1. booking-office
kabeljou: 1. cod, codfish
kabinet: 1. cabinet
kafeteria: 1. cafetaria
kalkoen: 1. turkey
kalm: 1. calm, quiet | 2. calm, tranquil
kalmeer: 1. appease, calm, quiet, soothe, still
kam: 1. comb
kameel: 1. camel
kameelperd: 1. giraffe
kamer: 1. chamber, room
kamera: 1. camera
kamp: 1. camping ground, camping site | 2. camp of tents, tented camp
kampeer: 1. camp, be encamped, lie encamped, camp out
kampeerterrein: 1. camping ground, camping site
kan: 1. be able to
kanaal: 1. canal, channel
kandidaat: 1. candidate
kangeroe: 1. kangaroo
kanker: 1. cancer, canker | 2. cancer
kans: 1. chance, luck
kanselleer: 1. abjure, abolish, abrogate, annul, cancel, remit
kant: 1. side
kantoor: 1. office | 2. bureau, office
kantoorklerk: 1. clerk
kapster: 1. hairdresser, female hairdresser
kaptein: 1. captain | 2. captain
kar: 1. car | 2. cart, chariot
karakter: 1. character, nature, personality
karig: 1. in short supply, scanty, scarce
karma: 1. karma
kas: 1. cabinet, closet, cupboard, sideboard
kasset: 1. cassette | 2. cassette
kasteel: 1. castle
kat: 1. cat
katalogus: 1. catalogue, directory
katoliek: 1. Catholic
katolisisme: 1. Catholisism
keel: 1. throat
keer: 1. occasion, time | 2. halt, stop
kelder: 1. basement, cellar
kelkie: 1. cocktail
kelner: 1. waiter
ken: 1. be acquainted with, know
kenmerkend: 1. characteristic
kennis: 1. acquaintance | 2. acquaintance, knowledge | 3. knowledge
kennisgewing: 1. account, information | 2. account, communication | 3. advice, announcement, communication, message, notice, report
kerk: 1. church, church-building, kirk
kerrie: 1. curry
kers: 1. candle
kersboom: 1. Christmas tree
keuse: 1. choice, election
kies: 1. choose, elect, pick out
kiesel: 1. silicon
kilogram: 1. kilo
kilometer: 1. kilometre
kind: 1. child, offspring, young | 2. bairn, child, infant | 3. child
kla: 1. complain
klaar: 1. already, by now, yet | 2. finished, ready, through
klank: 1. sound
klap: 1. hit, knock, strike
klaploper: 1. cadger, parasite, sponger
klas: 1. class
klassiek: 1. classic, classical
klavier: 1. piano
klee: 1. clothe, dress
kleefband: 1. adhesive tape
klein: 1. diminutive, little, small
kleindogter: 1. granddaughter
kleingeld: 1. change | 2. change
kleinkind: 1. grandchild
kleinseun: 1. grandson
klere: 1. clothes, clothing
klets: 1. gossip
kleur: 1. colour, dye | 2. dye, tint
kleuterskool: 1. nursery school
kliek: 1. clan | 2. clique, coterie, junto, set
klik: 1. clap, click, rattle
klim: 1. climb
klimaat: 1. climate
kliniek: 1. clinic
klink: 1. sound
kliënt: 1. client, customer
klokkie: 1. bellflower, Canterbury bell
klomp: 1. bevy, collection, group, heap, herd, set | 2. heap, pile, stack
kloof: 1. ravine
klub: 1. club, society
knie: 1. knee
knip: 1. bolt
knoop: 1. knot, node
kobalt: 1. cobalt
kobra: 1. cobra
kode: 1. code
koei: 1. cow
koel: 1. cool
koepee: 1. compartment, coupé
koerant: 1. gazette, magazine, newspaper, periodical | 2. daily paper, journal, newspaper
koeël: 1. bullet
koffer: 1. trunk
koffie: 1. coffee
kollega: 1. colleague
kollege: 1. college
kolom: 1. column, pillar | 2. column
kolonie: 1. colony, settlement
kom: 1. come
kombinasie: 1. combination
kombuis: 1. kitchen
komedie: 1. comedy
komhalertjie: 1. Adam’s apple
kommandant: 1. commander
kommentaar: 1. annotation, note
kommissie: 1. commission
kompak: 1. compact
kompartement: 1. compartment, coupé
kompetisie: 1. competition, contest
koms: 1. arrival
kondukteur: 1. guard
koneksie: 1. connection
koning: 1. king
koninkryk: 1. kingdom
konsep: 1. draft, rough draft | 2. plan, project, scheme
konsert: 1. concert
konsternasie: 1. alarm, consternation
konsul: 1. consul
kontak: 1. contact
kontant: 1. cash, in cash | 2. in cash
kontrak: 1. contract
kontrole: 1. administration, management
kontroleer: 1. audit, check, check up on, supervise, verify
konyn: 1. rabbit
kook: 1. boil | 2. boil | 3. cook
koors: 1. ague, fever
koorsig: 1. feverish
kop: 1. head, pate | 2. head
kopdoek: 1. kerchief
kopiereg: 1. copyright
koppelaar: 1. clutch
koppie: 1. cup | 2. kopje
koppies-en-pierings: 1. bellflower, Canterbury bell
kort: 1. short | 2. brief, short
kos: 1. cost | 2. food | 3. food, nourishment
kostelik: 1. lovely | 2. fine, great | 3. delicious
kou: 1. chew
koud: 1. bleak, chilly, cold
koud word: 1. get cold
kous: 1. stocking
kraal: 1. bead
krag: 1. force, strength, vigour
krap: 1. scratch
kredietkaart: 1. credit card
kreef: 1. crayfish | 2. lobster
kreëer: 1. create
krisis: 1. crisis, depression, emergency
kristal: 1. crystal
kritiseer: 1. censure, criticize
krokodil: 1. crocodile
kronkel: 1. meander, twist, wind around
kropslaai: 1. lettuce
kruier: 1. porter
kruip: 1. crawl, creep
kruis: 1. cross
kruisskyf: 1. steak, beefsteak
kruk: 1. crutch
kry: 1. get, have, receive
kubus: 1. cube
kudde: 1. bevy, collection, group, heap, herd, set | 2. flock, herd
kuier: 1. attend, call on, see, visit
kuikendief: 1. harrier, kite
kultuur: 1. culture
kuns: 1. art
kunsgalery: 1. art gallery
kunstenaar: 1. artist
kunstig: 1. artificial, artistic | 2. adroit, clever, dexterous, skillful
kurk: 1. cork
kursus: 1. class, course
kus: 1. kiss | 2. coast, seaside, shore
kussing: 1. cushion
kwaai: 1. bad, miserable, nasty, poor
kwalifikasie: 1. ability, qualification
kwalifiseer: 1. qualify
kwartier: 1. quarter of an hour
kweek: 1. cultivate, grow
kwessie: 1. question | 2. dispute, quarrel
kwytskelding: 1. acquittal
kyker: 1. spectator
laag: 1. layer
laai: 1. drawer | 2. burden, load
laat: 1. allow, leave, let, release | 2. late, tardy | 3. late
laatste: 1. last
laerskool: 1. primary school
lag: 1. laugh
laken: 1. sheet
lam: 1. lamb
lamp: 1. lamp
landbou: 1. agriculture, farming, tillage
landbouer: 1. agrarian, farmer
landbouskool: 1. agricultural school
landskap: 1. landscape, scenery
lang: 1. long
langs: 1. at, beside, by, near, nearby, near to, next to | 2. beside, alongside, next to
langsaan: 1. nearby
lank: 1. a long time, for a long time, long
later: 1. later, later on | 2. afterwards, next, subsequently
lawaai: 1. ado, din, noise | 2. agitation, riot, tumult
leef: 1. be alive, live
leek: 1. layman
leen: 1. borrow
leer: 1. teach | 2. leather | 3. learn | 4. teach
leerware: 1. leather goods
lees: 1. read
leeu: 1. lion
legende: 1. legend
lei: 1. conduct, direct, guide, head, lead | 2. conduct, guide, lead
leiding: 1. steering | 2. platform, stage
leier: 1. leader
lek: 1. hole
lekker: 1. agreeable, enjoyable, lovely, nice, pleasant | 2. agreeably, comfortably, pleasantly
lekkers: 1. delicacy, tidbit, sweet
lektor: 1. lector, lecturer
lelie: 1. lily
lelik: 1. nasty, ugly
lemming: 1. lemming
lemoen: 1. orange
lengte: 1. length | 2. length
lening: 1. loan
lente: 1. spring, springtime
lepel: 1. spoon
les: 1. lesson
lessenaar: 1. desk, lectern, school desk
lettergreep: 1. syllable
letterkunde: 1. literature
leunstoel: 1. armchair
lewe: 1. life
lewendig: 1. adroit, agile, alert, brisk, keen
lewer: 1. liver | 2. deliver, furnish, supply
leër: 1. army | 2. army
lid: 1. acolyte, member, supporter | 2. limb, member
lidmaatskap: 1. membership
liefde: 1. affection, love
liefhê: 1. love
lieflik: 1. gentle, soft, sweet, tender
lief wees vir: 1. appreciate, like
liewer: 1. preferably | 2. preferably, rather
lig: 1. light | 2. light
liggaam: 1. body
ligroos: 1. pink | 2. pink
lindeboom: 1. lime-tree, linden-tree
linguïs: 1. linguist
linguïsties: 1. linguistic
linkerkant: 1. left, left side
links: 1. on the left | 2. left, to the left
lisensie: 1. licence, license
liter: 1. liter, litre
literatuur: 1. literature
logies: 1. logical
lok: 1. attract, decoy, lure
long: 1. lung
loop: 1. flow | 2. function, operate, run, work
lork: 1. larch
lorkboom: 1. larch
lot: 1. destiny, fate | 2. fate, ill fate | 3. fortune | 4. destiny, fate, fortune, luck
lourier: 1. laurel
lug: 1. air
lughawe: 1. aerodrome, airdrome, airfield | 2. airport
lugpos: 1. airmail
lugposbrief: 1. air letter, aerogramme
lui: 1. lazy | 2. slothful | 3. sound
luiperd: 1. leopard
luister: 1. listen
luister naar: 1. listen
lupien: 1. lupine
lupine: 1. lupine
lus: 1. disposal, inclination, tendency
luukse: 1. deluxe, de luxe, luxurious | 2. luxury
lyf: 1. body
lyk: 1. appear, look | 2. cadaver, corpse | 3. appear, appear to be, seem
lyn: 1. line
lys: 1. list
lê: 1. lie, recline
ma: 1. mother
maag: 1. stomach
maak: 1. achieve, act, do, make, perform
maal: 1. occasion, time
maaltyd: 1. meal
maan: 1. moon
maand: 1. month
maar: 1. but | 2. but, however, nevertheless, yet
maer: 1. gaunt, lean, meager, skimpy, skinny, thin | 2. gaunt, lean, slender, thin | 3. gaunt, thin
mag: 1. force, strength, vigour | 2. be allowed to, may | 3. power | 4. be able to | 5. ability | 6. may, have the right to
makker: 1. buddy, companion, comrade, pal
maklik: 1. easy, facile | 2. comfortable
maksimum: 1. maximum
mal: 1. crazy, insane, mad, nuts
malmokkie: 1. guinea-pig
mal wees oor: 1. be fond of, love
man: 1. husband
mandjie: 1. basket
mangaan: 1. manganese
mango: 1. mango
manlik: 1. male | 2. male, masculine | 3. male
mariëteklokke: 1. bellflower, Canterbury bell
mark: 1. bazaar, fair, market | 2. market, marketplace
marmotjie: 1. guinea-pig
marter: 1. marten
masboom: 1. pine, pine-tree
masjien: 1. engine, machine
masker: 1. mask
massa: 1. accumulation, crowd, heap, mass, multitude, pile | 2. lump, mass
mat: 1. carpet
materieel: 1. material
matig: 1. moderate, reasonable
medies: 1. medical
medisyne: 1. drug, medicine, pharmaceutical
medium: 1. average, mean, middle
meebring: 1. bring along, take along
meedeel: 1. communicate, report | 2. acquaint, let know, inform
meen: 1. account, accredit, believe, deem | 2. guess, presume, suppose, surmise
meer: 1. lake, loch | 2. more | 3. else, further, more, on
meeste: 1. most
meganisme: 1. action
meisie: 1. girl, lass, wench
mekaar: 1. each other, one another
meld: 1. advertise, announce, give notice | 2. give an account, report | 3. acquaint, let know, inform
melk: 1. milk
meng: 1. blend, mingle, mix, shuffle
mengsel: 1. admixture, mixture
menigte: 1. accumulation, crowd, heap, mass, multitude, pile
mening: 1. opinion
mens: 1. man, human being
mensekind: 1. man, human being
menslik: 1. human
merendeels: 1. for the greater part, for the most part | 2. mostly | 3. for the greater part, for the most part
merk: 1. find, notice, perceive | 2. notice
mes: 1. knife
met: 1. with | 2. by, by means of, on, through, with
meter: 1. metre
meubel: 1. piece of furniture
middag: 1. good afternoon
middagete: 1. dinner, midday meal
mielies: 1. corn, Indian corn, maize, mealies
miljoen: 1. million
millimeter: 1. millimetre
min: 1. little | 2. little
minder: 1. fewer, less
mineraal: 1. mineral
minimum: 1. minimum
minister: 1. minister
minste: 1. fewest, least
minuut: 1. minute
mis: 1. fog, mist
miskien: 1. maybe, mayhap, perchance, perhaps, possibly
misterieus: 1. abstruse, mysterious
mite: 1. myth
mode: 1. fashion, mode
modern: 1. modern
moed: 1. courage
moeder: 1. mother
moeg: 1. tired
moeilik: 1. difficult, hard, inconvenient
moeilikheid: 1. difficulty, trouble
moeite: 1. effort
moet: 1. have to, must, ought to, should
mol: 1. mole
mond: 1. mouth
monnik: 1. monk
monster: 1. monster | 2. sample, specimen
monument: 1. monument
mooi: 1. beautiful, fine, handsome, lovely
moontlik: 1. possible
moontlikheid: 1. possibility | 2. possibility
moordenaar: 1. murderer | 2. murderer
moreel: 1. moral
morfologie: 1. morphology | 2. accidence
mossie: 1. sparrow
mot: 1. moth
motel: 1. motel
motor: 1. car
motorfiets: 1. motorcycle
motorfietsryer: 1. motor-cyclist
motorhawe: 1. garage
motoris: 1. motorist | 2. motorist
motreën: 1. drizzle, drizzling rain
muis: 1. mouse
munt: 1. coin
muntstuk: 1. coin
mus: 1. cap
museum: 1. museum
musiek: 1. music
musiekinstrument: 1. musical instrument
muur: 1. wall
muurbal: 1. squash
my: 1. me, to me | 2. me, to me | 3. me, to me | 4. me, to me | 5. my | 6. me | 7. me | 8. me | 9. me
myl: 1. mile
myn: 1. mine
mynbou: 1. mining
myne: 1. mine
myself: 1. myself
môre: 1. tomorrow
môreaand: 1. tomorrow evening
môreoggend: 1. tomorrow morning
na: 1. at, to, toward, towards | 2. after, behind | 3. after | 4. close, near, nearby
naaldwerk doen: 1. sew
naam: 1. call | 2. appellation, name
naamlik: 1. namely, viz.
naand: 1. good evening
naaste: 1. nearest, next
naasteliefde: 1. charity, love of one’s neighbour | 2. charity, love of one’s neighbour | 3. charity, love of one’s neighbour
naburig: 1. adjacent, nearby, neighbouring
naby: 1. at, beside, by, near, nearby, near to, next to | 2. close, near, nearby
nadat: 1. after
nadelig: 1. detrimentally, disadvantageously, prejudicially | 2. detrimentally, disadvantageously, prejudicially
nader: 1. approach | 2. nearer
naderkom: 1. advance, approach, come close, come closer, come on
nael: 1. nail
naelpolitoer: 1. nail-varnish
nag: 1. night
nagereg: 1. dessert | 2. dessert
nagklub: 1. night club, night spot
nagvlinder: 1. moth
nakomelingskap: 1. offspring | 2. offspring
nalatenskap: 1. estate
namekaar: 1. consecutively
nar: 1. buffoon, jester | 2. clown
narkotiseur: 1. anaesthesist
nasien: 1. revise
nasionaal: 1. national
nasionaliteit: 1. nationality
nat: 1. wet
natuur: 1. nature | 2. character, nature
natuurlik: 1. of course | 2. natural | 3. naturally
naverwantskap: 1. affiliation, blood-relationship, affinity, relationship
navorsing: 1. investigation, examination, test | 2. exploration, investigation, research
navraag: 1. question
naweek: 1. week-end
na … toe: 1. at, to, toward, towards
na behore: 1. decently, properly
na beliewe: 1. as one pleases
nee: 1. no
neef: 1. cousin | 2. nephew
neem: 1. accept, receive, take, take in | 2. get, lay hold of, pick up, take
nege: 1. nine
negentien: 1. nineteen
negentig: 1. ninety
nek: 1. neck
net: 1. exclusively, just, only | 2. just, exactly, okay, right | 3. just, just now
netnou: 1. soon
neuk: 1. fuck, screw | 2. have sex
neus: 1. nose
nie: 1. not
niemand nie: 1. neither, nobody, none, no-one
nier: 1. kidney
nietemin: 1. but, however, nevertheless, yet
nig: 1. niece
niggie: 1. cousin | 2. niece
niks: 1. nothing | 2. not an ace
niks nie: 1. nothing
nodig: 1. necessary | 2. necessary
nodig hê: 1. need, require
noem: 1. mention
nog: 1. still, yet
nogal: 1. a little, rather, some, somewhat, to some extent | 2. rather | 3. enough, quite, rather, sufficiently
nog niet: 1. not yet
nog ‘n: 1. additional, another
nommer: 1. number, numeral
noodhulp: 1. first aid | 2. first aid
nooi: 1. invite
noordelik: 1. northern
noordpool-: 1. Arctic
noordwaarts: 1. north, northward, northwards
noot: 1. bank-note | 2. grade, note
normaal: 1. normal | 2. normal
notisie: 1. annotation, note
nou-nou: 1. soon
nou: 1. at present, now
nou net: 1. just, just now
nuus: 1. news, novelty, something new
nuuskierig: 1. agog, inquisitive | 2. agog, curious, inquisitive | 3. agog, inquisitive
nuut: 1. new, novel
nuweling: 1. novice
nywerheid: 1. industry
nè: 1. isn’t it, isn’t that so, or not
nêrens nie: 1. nowhere
o: 1. oh
oefen: 1. exercise, practise
oefening: 1. exercise, practice
oeros: 1. aurochs
of: 1. or
offisieel: 1. official
olie: 1. oil
olifant: 1. elephant
olm: 1. elm
om: 1. at, by, on, upon | 2. at, beside, with
omdat: 1. because, for the reason that | 2. because, for the reason that | 3. as, because, for, since
omgewing: 1. environment, environs, surroundings
omsit: 1. put on
omstandigheid: 1. circumstance
omtrent: 1. about, approximately
om te: 1. for, to, in order to, per
onaangenaam: 1. bleak, dismal, dreary, horrible, ghastly, grisly, nasty
onafhanklik: 1. autonomic, autonomous | 2. independant | 3. independant
ondankbaar: 1. thankless, ungrateful, unthankful
onder: 1. below, beneath, under, underneath | 2. below, underneath
onderaan: 1. below, downstairs, underneath
onderdruk: 1. suppress | 2. choke, quell, suffocate, suppress
onderhoud: 1. conversation | 2. interview
onderneming: 1. enterprise
onderrig: 1. instruction
ondersoek: 1. examine | 2. investigation, examination, test | 3. examine, explore, investigate, research | 4. exploration, investigation, research
ondersteun: 1. abet, support, sustain
ondertoe: 1. down | 2. down, underneath
ondervinding: 1. experience
onderwerp: 1. theme, topic, subject
onderwys: 1. education
onderwyser: 1. instructor, teacher
onderwyseres: 1. teacher, female teacher
ongedierte: 1. vermin
ongeduldig: 1. impatient | 2. impatient
ongeluk: 1. accident
ongelukkig: 1. unfortunately | 2. unhappy | 3. unfortunately
ongenaakbaar: 1. inaccessible
ongetroud: 1. single, unmarried
onjuis: 1. erroneous, mistaken, wrong | 2. incorrect, wrong
onlangs: 1. recently
onnatuurlik: 1. artificial
onnodig: 1. needless
ons: 1. us, to us | 2. us, we | 3. our | 4. us
onskuldig: 1. guiltless, innocent
ons s’n: 1. ours
ontbied: 1. get, send for
ontbreek: 1. be absent, be missing | 2. be lacking, be missing
ontbyt: 1. breakfast
ontdek: 1. discover, uncover
ontdekking: 1. discovery
ontevrede: 1. discontented, displeased, dissatisfied
onthaal: 1. treat
onthou: 1. recall, recollect, remember
ontklee: 1. undress
ontkom aan: 1. escape, flee
ontlok: 1. draw out, drive out, express, utter, give utterance to, pull out
ontmoet: 1. come across, encounter, meet, see
ontploffing: 1. explosion
ontslaan: 1. discharge, dismiss, fire, sack
ontsnap: 1. escape, flee
ontspanning: 1. distraction, diversion
ontvang: 1. get, have, receive
ontvangsdame: 1. receptionist
ontvoer: 1. abduct
ontwikkel: 1. develop, reveal
ontwikkeling: 1. development, evolution | 2. development, evolution
onvatbaar: 1. immune
oog: 1. eye
oogmerk: 1. aim, goal, purpose, target
ook: 1. also, likewise, too
oom: 1. uncle
oomblik: 1. instant, moment
oomskind: 1. cousin
oop: 1. open
oopmaak: 1. open, open up
oor: 1. ear | 2. above, more than, over | 3. after, behind | 4. about, concerning, on, upon | 5. above, over
oordeel: 1. judge | 2. judgment
oordra: 1. pass, spend | 2. convey, hand, hand over, pass
ooreenkoms: 1. accord, accordance, agreement, concurrence
ooreenstemming: 1. accord, accordance, agreement, concurrence
oorgenoeg: 1. abundant
oorkant: 1. opposite | 2. opposite
oorlog: 1. war
oorlog voer: 1. make war, wage war
oorsend: 1. send, transmit
oorsig: 1. abridgement, abstract, resumé, summery
oorskadu: 1. cast a shadow
oorskry: 1. cross, go beyond, transfer
oorsprong: 1. origin
oorspronklik: 1. aboriginal, original | 2. original | 3. originally
oorsteek: 1. cross | 2. cross, go beyond, transfer | 3. go beyond
oorstroom: 1. flood
oortollig: 1. overflowing, superfluous
oortreding: 1. sin, transgression
oortree: 1. sin, transgress
oorweeg: 1. account, consider, esteem, regard, take into account | 2. think, think about, reflect on
oorwinning: 1. victory
ooste: 1. east, East
oostelik: 1. eastern, Oriental
ooswaarts: 1. east, eastward, eastwards
op: 1. a, in, inside, into, on, per, within | 2. on, upon
opdrag: 1. commission, errand | 2. mission
openlik: 1. openly
opera: 1. opera
operasie: 1. operation, surgical operation
opereer: 1. operate
opgaan: 1. ascend, climb, go up | 2. tread, walk, walk upon
ophang: 1. hang
ophef: 1. ado, din, noise
ophou: 1. end, come to an end, end up, expire | 2. cease, stop
opinie: 1. opinion
opklaar: 1. clear
oplaai: 1. meet, pick up
oplei: 1. breed, bring up, educate, raise | 2. teach
opleiding: 1. education
oplewer: 1. afford, bear, produce
oplossing: 1. solution | 2. solution
opmerk: 1. notice
opmerking: 1. observation | 2. remark | 3. notice, observation
oppas: 1. advert, pay attention, pay attention to, watch out for | 2. be careful, take care | 3. care for
oppervlakte: 1. area
oppik: 1. get, lay hold of, pick up, take
oproep: 1. appeal to, invoke
opsegging: 1. abolition, abrogation
opsig: 1. relation
opsit: 1. put on
opskep: 1. dish up
opstaan: 1. get up, rise, stand, stand up | 2. ascend, get up, go up, lift, rise, arise | 3. get up, rise, stand, stand up
opstandig: 1. insubordinate, rebellious
optel: 1. get, lay hold of, pick up, take
optree: 1. act, take action
optrek: 1. lever, lift, raise
opvatting: 1. idea | 2. concept, idea | 3. opinion
opvoering: 1. presentation
opwen: 1. strech, wind up
opwinding: 1. agitation, excitement | 2. agitation, excitement
op tyd: 1. at the right time, in time
oral: 1. all about, everywhere
oranje: 1. orange-coloured
organisasie: 1. organization
organiseer: 1. organize
orgidee: 1. orchid
orkes: 1. orchestra
oseaan: 1. ocean
oud: 1. old | 2. old
ouderdom: 1. age
ouderwets: 1. old-fashioned, out of date
oudmodies: 1. old-fashioned, out of date
ouer: 1. parent | 2. old man
ouerloos: 1. orphan
ouers: 1. parents
ouma: 1. granny
oupa: 1. granddad
outyds: 1. old-fashioned, out of date
o wêreld: 1. woe
pa: 1. father
pad: 1. road, route, way
padda: 1. toad | 2. frog
pak: 1. pack, package, wrap up | 2. pack
pakket: 1. pack
pakkie: 1. packet, parcel
pakplek: 1. box-room, storage room
pak klere: 1. costume, outfit, suit
paling: 1. eel
palladium: 1. palladium
pampoen: 1. gourd, pumpkin, squash
pan: 1. casserole, saucepan | 2. cooking pot | 3. lake, loch | 4. frying-pan, frying pan
pap: 1. empty, void
papaja: 1. papaya, papaw
papegaai: 1. parrot
paradys: 1. paradise
parasiet: 1. parasite | 2. parasite
parfuum: 1. perfume
parkeer: 1. park
parkeerplek: 1. car park, lay-by, parking bay, parking garage, parking place
pars: 1. squeeze out
party: 1. celebration, festival, party | 2. many | 3. a lot of, much, plenty of
pas: 1. fit | 2. conform, fit, fit in | 3. be appropriate, suit, be suitable | 4. exclusively, just, only | 5. fit | 6. clothe, dress
passasier: 1. passenger
pater: 1. father
patroon: 1. pattern, stencil, template, templet
pawiljoen: 1. pavilion
peer: 1. pear
pensioen: 1. pension, retirement
pensioentrekker: 1. retired person | 2. pensioner, retiree
pensionaris: 1. retired person | 2. pensioner, retiree
peper: 1. pepper
per: 1. a, in, inside, into, on, per, within | 2. by, by means of, on, through, with | 3. a, per
perd: 1. horse
perdry: 1. ride a horse
permanent: 1. abiding, lasting | 2. constantly, continually, continuously | 3. constant, continual, permanent, sustained | 4. constantly
perron: 1. platform, quay, wharf
pers: 1. press | 2. violet
persent: 1. percent, percentage
perske: 1. peach
persoon: 1. person
persoonlik: 1. individual | 2. personal
per abuis: 1. by mistake
pet: 1. cap
petrol: 1. gasolene, gasoline, petrol
piano: 1. piano
piekniek: 1. picnic
piekniek hou: 1. picnic
pienk: 1. pink | 2. pink
piesang: 1. banana
pikswart: 1. pitch black
pil: 1. pill
pit: 1. core, nucleus, kernel, pit
pla: 1. tease
plaas: 1. estate, farm, property, ranch | 2. locate, place | 3. lay down, place, put, put down
plaaslik: 1. local
plaat: 1. dial, disc, record
plaatsvind: 1. come about, happen, occur
plak: 1. glue, stick | 2. plate, sheet, slab | 3. slice
plan: 1. intention, meaning, plan | 2. design, diagram, plan, plane | 3. plan, project, scheme
plant: 1. plant
plantasie: 1. plantation
plastiek: 1. plastic
plattelands: 1. rural
pleeg: 1. achieve, act, do, make, perform
pleegkind: 1. foster-child
pleegmoeder: 1. foster-mother
pleegouers: 1. foster-parents
pleegseun: 1. foster-son
pleegvader: 1. foster-father
plek: 1. place | 2. location, place, spot
plesier: 1. fun, pleasure
plig: 1. duty, obligation
ploert: 1. cheat, crook, rogue | 2. rogue, scoundrel
plus: 1. plus
poeding: 1. pudding
poeier: 1. powder, cosmetic powder | 2. powder
poging: 1. attempt, effort | 2. attempt, test
poliesman: 1. policeman | 2. policeman
polisie: 1. police
polisiestasie: 1. police-station
politiek: 1. political
polities: 1. political
politikus: 1. politician
polshorlosie: 1. watch, wrist-watch
pomp: 1. pump
ponie: 1. pony
poot: 1. leg, paw
pop: 1. doll, puppet
populier: 1. poplar
populêr: 1. popular
porsie: 1. share
pos: 1. post | 2. post
posgeld: 1. postage
posisie: 1. position
poskaart: 1. picture postcard | 2. picture postcard
poskantoor: 1. post office
poswissel: 1. money order
pot: 1. jug, pot
potblou: 1. bright blue
pous: 1. pope
pouse: 1. break, intermission, pause, recess
poësie: 1. poetry
praat: 1. speak, talk
pragtig: 1. lovely | 2. bright, brilliant
prakties: 1. practical
predikant: 1. pastor | 2. preacher
prent: 1. film, motion picture, movie
presies: 1. exactly, sharp | 2. exactly, sharp
presteer: 1. accomplish, achieve, attain, get, reach
pretensieus: 1. arrogant
preuts: 1. prudish
primitief: 1. primitive
prinsipaal: 1. rector
privaat-: 1. private
privaat: 1. private
probeer: 1. attempt, test, try
probleem: 1. problem, trouble
produk: 1. product
produksie: 1. production
produseer: 1. afford, bear, produce
proe: 1. taste
professioneel: 1. professional
professor: 1. professor
profyt: 1. benefit, gain, profit | 2. gain, profit
program: 1. programme
projek: 1. plan, project, scheme
prokureur: 1. jurist, lawyer
promosie: 1. promotion
proses: 1. action, lawsuit | 2. process
protes: 1. protest
protesteer: 1. protest
provinsie: 1. province
provizore: 1. temporarily
prys: 1. commend, glorify, laud, praise | 2. commend, laud, praise | 3. price
psigiater: 1. psychiatrist
puberteit: 1. adolescence, puberty
publiek: 1. public
puik: 1. fine, great
puisie: 1. pimple
punt: 1. dot, period, point, spot
puriteins: 1. puritan
put: 1. well
pyl: 1. arrow
pyn: 1. ache, pain | 2. pine, pine-tree
pynappel: 1. pineapple
pyp: 1. pipe
raad: 1. advice, counsel
raadpleeg: 1. consult
raadskamer: 1. boardroom | 2. boardroom
raak: 1. become, come about, grow, happen | 2. become, get, grow
raamwerk: 1. cadre, frame, framework
rabbi: 1. rabbi
radio: 1. beam, ray | 2. radio, wireless
radium: 1. radium
rakkie: 1. shelf
ram: 1. ram, tup
rapport: 1. account, record, report | 2. scholary report
ras: 1. breed, race
ratel: 1. badger
ratkas: 1. gear-box, gear-case | 2. gear-box, gear-case
reageer: 1. react, respond
rebel: 1. mutineer, rebel | 2. rebel
rede: 1. cause, reason | 2. account, reason | 3. reason, logical reasoning
ree: 1. roe
reeds: 1. already, by now, yet
reg: 1. jurisprudence, law | 2. right | 3. true | 4. correct, exact, proper, right
regeer: 1. control, govern, restrain, rule
regering: 1. administration, government
reghoekig: 1. right-angle, square
regime: 1. régime
register: 1. account book, record, register
registreer: 1. record, register
regmaak: 1. fix, repair
regop: 1. directly, straigh ahead
regs: 1. on the right | 2. right, to the right
regterkant: 1. right-hand side
regtig: 1. genuinely, indeed, really, truly
reguit aan: 1. straight ahead, straight along
regverdig: 1. fair, just, righteous
reis: 1. travel | 2. journey, trip, voyage
rekenaar: 1. computer
rekenbord: 1. abacus
rekening: 1. account, bill, invoice | 2. account, bill, calculation | 3. account
rekenmeester: 1. accountant
rekenraam: 1. abacus, ball-frame, counting-frame
rektig: 1. absolutely, genuinely, indeed, really, truly
rem: 1. brake | 2. brake
renoster: 1. rhino, rhinoceros
reptiel: 1. reptile
republiek: 1. republic
res: 1. remainder, rest | 2. remainder, rest
resep: 1. prescription, recipe
respek: 1. respect
respekteer: 1. respect
retoerkaartjie: 1. return-ticket
reuk: 1. odor, odour, scent, smell
reus: 1. giant | 2. giant
rewolwer: 1. revolver
reël: 1. arrange, fix up | 2. regulation, rule
reëlmatig: 1. even, regular | 2. regularly
reën: 1. rain | 2. rain
reënboog: 1. rainbow
rig: 1. direct, guide, manage, steer
rigting: 1. direction
ring: 1. ring
ritus: 1. rite
rivier: 1. river
rob: 1. seal, sea-dog
robot: 1. robot
robyn: 1. ruby
rodium: 1. rhodium
roeier: 1. rower
roer: 1. curl, froth, stir, whip, whirl | 2. actuate, move
roete: 1. route | 2. route
rog: 1. rye
rok: 1. skirt
rol: 1. part, role, rôle
rolletjie: 1. roll
rolprent: 1. film, motion picture, movie
romp: 1. skirt
rond: 1. round
rood: 1. red | 2. red
roofdier: 1. beast of prey
rooihond: 1. German measles
rooikat: 1. lynx
rook: 1. smoke | 2. smoke
room: 1. cream
roos: 1. rose
rooster: 1. schedule, time-table | 2. grate, grid, grill
rot: 1. rat
rots: 1. rock
rou: 1. crude, raw, rough
rubriek: 1. column, header
rug: 1. back
rugryer: 1. cadger, parasite, sponger
ruik: 1. smell
rukkie: 1. instant, moment
rus: 1. repose, rest | 2. repose, rest
rusie: 1. quarrel | 2. quarrel
rusie maak: 1. quarrel, wrangle
ry: 1. ride | 2. go, ride, travel
rybewys: 1. driving-licence
ryk: 1. affluent, rich, wealthy, well-off
ryp: 1. mature, ripe
rys: 1. rice
saad: 1. seed
saag: 1. saw
saak: 1. affair, business, business deal, case, matter
saal: 1. saddle
saam: 1. together
saambring: 1. bring along, take along
saamgaan: 1. go with | 2. assemble, congregate, gather, meet
saamstem met: 1. agree with
saamwerk: 1. cooperate, co-operate
saam met: 1. with | 2. together with
saans: 1. in the evening
sag: 1. soft
sak: 1. pocket
sakeman: 1. businessman | 2. merchant | 3. businessman, merchant
salamander: 1. salamander
salaris: 1. salary, wage, wages
salmander: 1. salamander
sambreel: 1. umbrella
samelewing: 1. society
sand: 1. sand
sandaal: 1. sandal
sanger: 1. singer
sanksie: 1. sanction
sap: 1. juice, sap
sardien: 1. sardine | 2. sardine
sebra: 1. zebra
sedert: 1. since, ever since | 2. since | 3. since
see: 1. sea
seeanemoon: 1. sea-anemone
seehond: 1. seal, sea-dog
seekoei: 1. hippo, hippopotamus
seer: 1. painful
seer wees: 1. ache, be painful, hurt
seil: 1. sail
seker: 1. certainly | 2. probably
sekerheid: 1. certainty | 2. safety, security
sekerlik: 1. certainly
seker maak: 1. affirm, assure
sekondêr: 1. accessory, adventitious, secondary | 2. secondary
sekretaresse: 1. secretary
seks: 1. sex
sektor: 1. sector
sekuriteitsbeampte: 1. security officer
selde: 1. seldom
selebrasie: 1. celebration | 2. celebration | 3. celebration
self: 1. self, herself, himself, itself
selfs: 1. even
sendeling: 1. missionary
sensitief: 1. impressible, sensitive | 2. sensitive
sent: 1. cent
sentimeter: 1. centimetre
sentraal: 1. central
sentrale: 1. exchange, power station
sertifikaat: 1. certificate, testimony
sertifiseer: 1. affirm, assure
servette: 1. napkin
ses: 1. six
sesde: 1. sixth
sestien: 1. sixteen
sestig: 1. sixty
seun: 1. son | 2. boy, lad, laddie
sewe: 1. seven
sewende: 1. seventh
sewentien: 1. seventeen
sewentig: 1. seventy
seën: 1. bless
siek: 1. ill, sick
sielkundige: 1. psychologist
sien: 1. come across, encounter, meet, see | 2. see
sieraad: 1. adornment, decoration, ornament | 2. adornment, ornament
sigaar: 1. cigar
sigaret: 1. cigarette
sigbaar: 1. visible
sigeuner: 1. gypsy, Gypsy
silicium: 1. silicon
silwer: 1. silver
simbool: 1. symbol
simfonie: 1. symphony
simpatie: 1. sympathy
sin: 1. sentence | 2. sentence
sing: 1. sing
sinies: 1. cynical
sinneloos: 1. absurd
sit: 1. lay down, place, put, put down | 2. sit
sitkamer: 1. living-room, sitting-room
sitplek: 1. seat
situasie: 1. circumstances, condition, situation | 2. condition, state
sjampoe: 1. shampoo | 2. shampoo
sjerrie: 1. sherry
sjimpansee: 1. chimpanzee
sjokolade: 1. chocolate
skaak: 1. chess
skaal: 1. scale
skaamte: 1. shame
skaam hom: 1. be ashamed | 2. be ashamed
skaap: 1. sheep
skaapvleis: 1. mutton
skaars: 1. barely, hardly, only just, scarcely | 2. rare
skade: 1. damage
skadu: 1. shadow | 2. shade
skakel: 1. telephone | 2. link
skakering: 1. hue, nuance, shade, tint
skandaal: 1. commotion, scandal
skare: 1. accumulation, crowd, heap, mass, multitude, pile | 2. bevy, collection, group, heap, herd, set | 3. band, bevy, gang
skat: 1. darling | 2. treasure
skeef: 1. oblique, slanting
skeer: 1. shave
skema: 1. model, pattern, scheme
skemer: 1. dusk
skep: 1. create
skerm: 1. screen
skerp: 1. sharp | 2. sharp
skets: 1. design, outline, sketch
ski: 1. ski
skielik: 1. all of a sudden, suddenly
skiereiland: 1. peninsula
skil: 1. bark, husk, peel, shell
skilderagtig: 1. picturesque
skildery: 1. painting, picture
skilpad: 1. tortoise
skip: 1. ship, vessel
skitterend: 1. bright, brilliant
skoen: 1. shoe
skok: 1. agitate, shake, shock | 2. shock
skone: 1. beautiful woman, beauty
skool: 1. bevy, collection, group, heap, herd, set | 2. school
skoolvakansie: 1. school holidays
skoon: 1. clean
skoonbroer: 1. brother-in-law
skoondogter: 1. daughter-in-law
skoonma: 1. mother-in-law
skoonmaak: 1. clean, cleanse, make clean, purge
skoonmoeder: 1. mother-in-law
skoonouers: 1. parents-in-law
skoonseun: 1. son-in-law
skop: 1. kick
skottelgoed: 1. forks, knives and spoons
skouer: 1. shoulder
skraal: 1. gaunt, lean, meager, skimpy, skinny, thin | 2. slender, slim
skreeu: 1. cry out, scream, shout
skrif: 1. script, writing
skriftelik: 1. written
skryf: 1. write
skrywer: 1. author, writer
skuim: 1. foam, froth
skuld: 1. owe | 2. debt
skuldig: 1. guilty
skyf: 1. dial, disc, record | 2. slice
skyn: 1. appear, appear to be, seem
skêr: 1. scissors
slaaf: 1. slave
slaag: 1. succeed
slaai: 1. salad
slaap: 1. be asleep, sleep | 2. sleep
slaapkamer: 1. bedroom
slag: 1. blow | 2. butcher, slaughter
slagoffer: 1. victim
slagter: 1. butcher
slang: 1. serpent, snake
slavin: 1. bondwoman, slave, female slave
slee: 1. sledge, sleigh | 2. sledge, sleigh
sleep: 1. drag, tow
sleg: 1. bad, miserable, nasty, poor | 2. badly
slegs: 1. exclusively, just, only
sleutel: 1. key, wrench
slim: 1. clever, cunning, sly, smart
sloot: 1. hole, ditch, pit
sluit: 1. close, be closed
sluk: 1. swallow
smaak: 1. taste | 2. taste
smaaklik: 1. nice, tasty
smeek: 1. beseech
smôrens: 1. in the morning
snags: 1. at night, by night, during the night
snawel: 1. beak, bill
sneeu: 1. snow | 2. snow
sneeuwit: 1. snow white
snelheid: 1. speed
snelheidsgrens: 1. speed-limit, speed limit
sny: 1. clip, cut, shear | 2. slice
so: 1. about, approximately | 2. so, such, thus
soek: 1. look for, seek
soen: 1. kiss
soet: 1. gentle, soft, sweet, tender
sofa: 1. sofa
sog: 1. sow
sokker: 1. football, soccer
sokkie: 1. sock
solank: 1. all the time, in the meantime, meanwhile
soldaat: 1. pawn, soldier
somer: 1. summer
sommer: 1. preferably | 2. preferably, rather
sommige: 1. a few, any, some
somtyds: 1. several times, sometimes
son: 1. sun, sunshine | 2. sun
sonde: 1. sin, transgression
sonder: 1. without
sonnig: 1. solair, sun, sun-, of the sun
soogdier: 1. mammal
soort: 1. kind, sort
sorg: 1. care, see, take care, worry
sorgvuldig: 1. careful, tender
sosiaal: 1. social | 2. social
sous: 1. gravy, sauce
sout: 1. salt
sowaar: 1. absolutely, actually, in fact | 2. absolutely, genuinly, indeed, really, truly
sowat: 1. about, approximately
so … soos: 1. as … as, so … as
so net: 1. just, just now
so ‘n: 1. such, such a, that kind of
spaar: 1. save, spare
spandeer: 1. dedicate, devote | 2. pay out, spend
spanning: 1. tension, voltage
speel: 1. play
sperma: 1. sperm
spesiaal: 1. particular, special
spesifiek: 1. specific | 2. specific
spierwit: 1. snow white
spiraal: 1. spiral
spoed: 1. race, run | 2. speed
spoel: 1. bobbin, coil, spool | 2. gargle, rinse
spog: 1. boast, brag
spook: 1. ghost, phantom
sport: 1. sport
sportgrond: 1. sports ground
spring: 1. jump, leap, spring
sprinkaan: 1. grasshopper, locust | 2. grasshopper
sprong: 1. jump, leap
spuug: 1. spit | 2. spit
spyskaart: 1. menu
staal: 1. steel
staan: 1. abide, bear, carry out, endure, put up with, suffer | 2. abide, endure | 3. stand | 4. abide, bear, endure, put up with, suffer
staat: 1. realm, state | 2. condition, state | 3. state
stad: 1. city, town
stadigaan: 1. gradually, little by little | 2. gradually, little by little
staf: 1. staff
staking: 1. strike
stalhings: 1. stallion
stam: 1. stem, trunk, tree-trunk | 2. tribe | 3. stem, trunk
stamboom: 1. generation | 2. generation
standaard: 1. norm, standard
standbeeld: 1. statue
standpunt: 1. viewpoint
stap: 1. march, walk
stapel: 1. accumulation, crowd, heap, mass, multitude, pile | 2. heap, pile, stack
stapper: 1. stroller
stasie: 1. station
steeds: 1. always, ever
steel: 1. steal
steenkool: 1. coal
stelling: 1. essay, thesis
stelsel: 1. system
stem: 1. voice | 2. voice
ster: 1. star | 2. celebrity, star
sterf: 1. march off, retreat, withdraw | 2. pass away | 3. die, expire, pass away
sterk: 1. strong
stert: 1. tail
stewig: 1. firm, robust, sturdy | 2. firm, solid
stiefbroer: 1. step-brother
stiefdogter: 1. step-daughter | 2. step-daughter
stiefkind: 1. step-child | 2. step-child
stiefmoeder: 1. step-mother
stiefsuster: 1. step-sister
stiefvader: 1. step-father | 2. step-father
stilhou: 1. halt, come to a halt, stop
stilswygend: 1. silently
stoel: 1. chair
stoep: 1. porch, veranda
stok: 1. baton, cane, stick
stop: 1. halt, stop | 2. stop
storie: 1. account, narrative, story, tale
stort: 1. shower
straat: 1. street
straf: 1. punishment
strak: 1. strained
strand: 1. beach
strandwolf: 1. hyaena
strategies: 1. strategic
streek: 1. region
strek: 1. run
stroom: 1. flow
struik: 1. bush, shrub
struktuur: 1. structure
studeer: 1. study
student: 1. academic, student
studie: 1. study
stuk: 1. fragment, lump, piece | 2. part, Parthian, share | 3. bit, lump, piece
stukkend: 1. broken, out of order | 2. broken, damaged | 3. broken
stuur: 1. send, transmit
styg: 1. ascend, get up, go up, lift, rise, arise | 2. accrue, advance, ascend, go up, increase | 3. ascend, climb, go up
styl: 1. style
subsidie: 1. subsidy
suggestie: 1. the power of suggestion | 2. suggestion
suide: 1. south
suidelik: 1. south, southern
suidwaarts: 1. south, southward, southwards
suiker: 1. sugar
suikerriet: 1. sugar-cane
suip: 1. drink, drink to excess
suiwer: 1. pure
sukses: 1. achievement, success
sultan: 1. sultan
supermark: 1. supermarket | 2. supermarket
surplus: 1. surplus
suster: 1. nurse | 2. sister
susterskind: 1. niece | 2. nephew
suurlemoen: 1. lemon
suurlemoensap: 1. lemon juice
swaai: 1. brandish, fling, swing, wave, wave about
swaan: 1. swan
swaar: 1. burdensome, heavy, onerous
swaer: 1. brother-in-law
swak: 1. faint, light, weak
swanger: 1. pregnant | 2. pregnant, with young
swart: 1. black | 2. black
swarte: 1. Negro
sweer: 1. swear
swem: 1. float, swim
swembad: 1. pool, swimming-bath, swimming-pool
swerf: 1. migrate, roam, wander, wander about | 2. roam, wander
swerm: 1. swarm
swerwer: 1. Bedouin
swyn: 1. hog, pig, swine
sy: 1. his | 2. her, his, its, their | 3. her, she
syfer: 1. cipher, digit, figure, numeral
syne: 1. his
sy behoefte doen: 1. defecate
sê: 1. say, tell
taak: 1. job, assigned job, task
taal: 1. language, tongue
taamlik: 1. a little, rather, some, somewhat, to some extent | 2. rather | 3. fairly, rather, relatively | 4. enough, quite, rather, sufficiently
tabak: 1. tobacco
tafel: 1. table
tafeldoek: 1. table-cloth
tafelskuimer: 1. cadger, parasite, sponger
tagtig: 1. eighty
tak: 1. bough, branch
takbok: 1. deer
taksisboom: 1. yew-tree
tamatie: 1. tomato
tandarts: 1. dentist
tandpyn: 1. toothache
tans: 1. at present, now
tant: 1. aunt
taxi: 1. taxi
taxibestuurder: 1. taxidriver, taxi-driver
taxidrywer: 1. taxidriver, taxi-driver
te: 1. too, too much
teater: 1. theatre
tee: 1. tea
teel: 1. breed, keep, raise, rear
teen: 1. at, by, on, upon | 2. across from, against, in exchange for, opposed to, opposite, upon
teengif: 1. antidote | 2. antidote
teenoorgesteld: 1. reverse, reversed | 2. adverse, alien, contrary | 3. contrary, opposite
teenstelling: 1. antithesis, contradistinction, contrast, opposition | 2. antithesis | 3. contrast
teenwoordigheid: 1. presence
teer: 1. dainty, delicate, fine, refined
tegelyk: 1. all the time, in the meantime, meanwhile | 2. at the same time
tegnies: 1. technical
tegnologie: 1. technology
teken: 1. mark, sign, signal, token | 2. character, mark, sign, signal, token | 3. sign
teks: 1. lyric, text
tel: 1. count
telefoon: 1. telephone
telegrafeer: 1. telegraph
telegram: 1. telegram
televisie: 1. television, TV
televisiestel: 1. TV set, television set
telraam: 1. abacus, ball-frame, counting-frame
tempel: 1. temple
temperatuur: 1. temperature
tenk: 1. cistern, tank | 2. tank
tennis: 1. tennis
tensy: 1. unless
tent: 1. tent
ten doel hê: 1. chase, hunt after, hunt for, pursue
ten minste: 1. at least
ten opsigte van: 1. as to, as regards, concerning | 2. toward, towards, with reference to
ten spyte van: 1. despite, in spite of, notwithstanding | 2. defiantly, despite, in spite of
term: 1. term
tert: 1. pie, tart
terug: 1. back
terugbesorg: 1. give back, return
terugkom: 1. come back, return
terwyl: 1. for, during, whereas, while, whilst
tevrede: 1. contented, pleased, satisfied
te voet: 1. afoot, on foot
tien: 1. ten
tier: 1. leopard | 2. tiger
tikster: 1. typist
tipe: 1. type
tipies: 1. characteristic | 2. typical
tjek: 1. check, cheque
tjekboek: 1. cheque-book
toe: 1. at, to, toward, towards | 2. closed, shut | 3. now, well, well then | 4. then
toegang: 1. entrance, portal
toeganklik: 1. accessible
toekoms: 1. future | 2. future
toemaak: 1. close, shut
toepas: 1. apply, practice
toeristeburo: 1. tourist bureau
toernooi: 1. tournament
toeskouer: 1. spectator | 2. spectator
toespreek: 1. accost, address
toestand: 1. circumstances, condition, situation | 2. condition, state
toestel: 1. apparatus, device, set
toeter: 1. hooter
toetree tot: 1. join
toets: 1. test | 2. test
toevlugsoord: 1. asylum | 2. place of refuge, shelter
toevoeg: 1. add
tog: 1. certainly, indeed, rather, surely
toilet: 1. toilet
toneel: 1. scene
toneelspel: 1. acting
tongvis: 1. sole
toon: 1. indicate, point out, show | 2. toe | 3. tone
toonbank: 1. counter
top: 1. agreed, okay
toring: 1. castle, tower
tot: 1. until, till
totaal: 1. overall, total
totdat: 1. until, till
tot by: 1. until, till
tot siens: 1. bye, goodbye, so long
tou: 1. file, line, rank, row, turn
towenaar: 1. enchanter, magician, sorcerer, warlock, wizard
tower-: 1. magic
traan: 1. tear
tradisie: 1. tradition
tradisioneel: 1. traditional
tragedie: 1. tragedy
transparant: 1. transparant
trap: 1. staircase, stairs
trawant: 1. satellite
tref: 1. catch, hit, run across, strike
trein: 1. train | 2. train
trek: 1. drag, draw, haul, pull, tug
trommel: 1. drum
troos: 1. comfort, console | 2. consolation
trop: 1. bevy, collection, group, heap, herd, set | 2. flock, herd
tropies: 1. tropical
trots: 1. proud
trottoir: 1. pavement, sidewalk
trou: 1. marry, be married, get married | 2. marry, be married, get married | 3. marry, be married, get married
tuin: 1. garden
tuinmaak: 1. gardening
tuis: 1. at home
tulp: 1. tulip
tussen: 1. among, between
twaalf: 1. twelve
twak: 1. tobacco
twee: 1. two
tweede: 1. second
tweekeer: 1. twice
tweeling: 1. twin | 2. twin
twintig: 1. twenty
twyfel: 1. doubt
tyd: 1. time, while
tydelik: 1. provisional, temporary | 2. for the time being, temporarily
tydens: 1. for, during, whereas, while, whilst
tydperk: 1. age, epoch, era
tydskrift: 1. periodical | 2. magazine, periodical, revue
u: 1. your | 2. thee, you | 3. thee, you | 4. thou, you | 5. ye, you
ui: 1. onion
uit: 1. from, out of
uitbeeld: 1. depict, represent
uitdaging: 1. challenge
uitdeel: 1. deal, distribute
uitdruk: 1. express | 2. express
uitdrukking: 1. expression
uiteindelik: 1. at last, finally, ultimately
uitgaan: 1. exit, go out
uitgawe: 1. edition
uitgee: 1. issue, publish
uitgeput: 1. exhausted, used up
uitgesluit: 1. exclusive
uitgestrek: 1. extensive, spacious, vast, wide
uitgewer: 1. publisher
uithaal: 1. draw out, drive out, express, utter, give utterance to, pull out | 2. collect, gather, pick up
uithou: 1. abide, bear, carry out, endure, put up with, suffer | 2. abide, endure
uitleen: 1. advance, lend
uitnodiging: 1. invitation
uitnooi: 1. invite
uitpak: 1. unpack
uitroei: 1. exterminate, wipe out
uitrusting: 1. accoutrement, accoutrements, equipment | 2. equipment
uitsig: 1. view | 2. view
uitslag: 1. conclusion, effect, result
uitsluit: 1. exclude | 2. exclude
uitsonderlik: 1. exceptional
uitspraak: 1. pronunciation
uitstalling: 1. exhibition, exposition
uitstappie: 1. excursion, outing, sightseeing trip
uitstekend: 1. fine, very well | 2. fine, very well
uitvind: 1. invent | 2. invent
uitvoer: 1. export
uniek: 1. unique
uniform: 1. uniform
universiteit: 1. university
uraan: 1. uranium
uself: 1. yourself
uur: 1. hour, o’clock, time
u s’n: 1. yours
vader: 1. father
vak: 1. branch, compartment, department, pigeonhole, section, speciality
vakant: 1. vacant
val: 1. drop, fall
valk: 1. falcon
vals: 1. false
vampier: 1. vampire
van: 1. surname | 2. about, concerning, on, upon
vanaand: 1. this evening
vanaf: 1. from, since
vandag: 1. today
vang: 1. capture, catch, grapple
vanmiddag: 1. this afternoon
van … af: 1. from, out of
van nature: 1. naturally
variasie: 1. variety
vark: 1. hog, pig, swine
varkie: 1. piglet
vars: 1. fresh, recent
vars water: 1. fresh water | 2. fresh water
vas: 1. abiding, lasting | 2. constant, continual, permanent, sustained
vashou: 1. hang onto, hold
vasmaak: 1. attach, determine, fasten, fix, affix, make fast, secure
vasstel: 1. attach, determine, fasten, fix, affix, make fast, secure
vasteland: 1. continent, mainland
vat: 1. capture, catch, grapple | 2. get, lay hold of, pick up, take | 3. start off
vee: 1. livestock
veelvraat: 1. wolverine
veertien: 1. fourteen
veertig: 1. forty
veg: 1. fight, struggle
veilig: 1. safe, secure
veiligheid: 1. safety, security | 2. safety
vel: 1. skin
veld: 1. field | 2. field | 3. field | 4. field | 5. veldt
veldspaat: 1. feldspar, felspar
veldsprinkaan: 1. grasshopper, locust
veldtog: 1. campaign
venster: 1. window | 2. show window
ver: 1. away | 2. distant, far, remote | 3. distant, far, remote | 4. afar, far, far away, remotely
veral: 1. above all, especially | 2. above all, especially, chiefly, mainly, principally
verander: 1. alter, change | 2. change, turn | 3. change
verantwoordelik: 1. accountable, responsible | 2. accountable, responsible | 3. accountable, responsible | 4. accountable, responsible
verbaas: 1. amaze
verbaas hom: 1. marvel, marvel at, wonder
verband: 1. bandage | 2. relation, understanding | 3. bandage
verbeelding: 1. imagination
verbeeld hom: 1. fancy, imagine
verbind: 1. combine | 2. connect, join
verbinding: 1. connection
verbleik: 1. fade
verblyf: 1. stay
verborge: 1. hidden
verbrand: 1. burn | 2. incinerate
verbrands: 1. darn
verbruiker: 1. consumer
verby: 1. beyond, past | 2. beyond, by, past, straight past
verbygaan: 1. pass, pass by | 2. pass, pass by | 3. overtake, pass by
verbyganger: 1. passer-by
verbykom: 1. pass, pass by
verbysteek: 1. overhaul, overtake, pass | 2. overhaul, overtake, pass
verbysterd: 1. dazed, perplexed, upset
verdedig: 1. defend
verdien: 1. earn, gain, win | 2. be worthy of, deserve, merit
verdieping: 1. floor, storey, story
verduidelik: 1. account for, explain | 2. account for, clarify, explain
verduideliking: 1. account, explanation | 2. account, explanation
verdwaal: 1. lose one’s way
verdwyn: 1. disappear
vereis: 1. demand, postulate, require
vereiste: 1. requisite
vereniging: 1. association | 2. circle, club, society
vergadering: 1. meeting | 2. assemblage, gathering, meeting
vergeef: 1. forgive, pardon
vergeet: 1. forget
vergelding: 1. compensation, reward
vergelyk: 1. compare
vergelyking: 1. comparison
vergifnis: 1. absolution, pardon
verhaal: 1. story, history | 2. narrate, relate, tell | 3. account, narrative, story, tale
verhole: 1. hidden
verhouding: 1. proportion, rate
verhuis: 1. move
verjaarsdag: 1. birthday
verkeer: 1. traffic | 2. be found, be located, find oneself
verkeerd: 1. erroneous, mistaken, wrong | 2. false, untrue | 3. false, untrue
verkeersknoop: 1. traffic block, traffic congestion, traffic jam, traffic tie-up
verkeersreëls: 1. traffic rules
verkies: 1. choose, elect, pick out
verklaar: 1. declare, state | 2. explain
verklaring: 1. declaration, proclamation
verkoop: 1. dispose of, sell, vend
verkoopsman: 1. salesman
verlaat: 1. abandon, forsake, desert, leave, quit
verlaging: 1. decrease, lowering
verlang: 1. desire, wish | 2. ache, long for, yearn
verlang na: 1. ache for
verlede: 1. past | 2. past | 3. last | 4. past | 5. past
verlies: 1. loss
verlof: 1. furlough, leave, pass
verloofde: 1. bride, fiancée
verloor: 1. lose
verlos: 1. release
verlossing: 1. salvage, salvation, recovery
verlëe: 1. in distress
vermaak: 1. entertainment | 2. amusement, fun
vermeld: 1. mention
verminder: 1. abate, abridge, decrease, lessen | 2. abate, decrease, diminish, drop, fall
vermink: 1. top, truncate
vermoë: 1. ability | 2. ability | 3. guess, presume, suppose, surmise
vermy: 1. avoid, evade
verneder: 1. abase
veronderstel: 1. hypothesize | 2. guess, presume, suppose, surmise
veroorsaak: 1. activate, cause, give rise to
verorber: 1. eat up | 2. consume, use up
verplaas: 1. move, transfer
verpleeg: 1. attend, nurse, tend to
verpleegster: 1. nurse
verplig: 1. compel, force
verpligting: 1. duty, obligation
verraad: 1. betrayal, treachery
verrassing: 1. surprise
verruklik: 1. delightful, lovely
vers: 1. verse
versamel: 1. collect, gather, pick up
versameling: 1. collection
verseker: 1. insure | 2. affirm, assure
versekering: 1. insurance
versie: 1. version
versigtig: 1. careful, cautious
verskeie: 1. several | 2. several
verskil: 1. differ, be different | 2. difference
verskillend: 1. different | 2. different
verskole: 1. hidden
verskoon my: 1. excuse me
verskriklik: 1. awfully
verskyn: 1. appear, emerge, perform
verslaan: 1. defeat, win over
verslag: 1. account, record, report
verslank: 1. slim
versoek: 1. request
versoeking: 1. temptation
verstaan: 1. understand, realize
verstel: 1. adjust, put right
vertaal: 1. translate
vertaling: 1. translation
verteenwoordiger: 1. agent, representative
vertel: 1. narrate, relate, tell
vertolk: 1. interpret
vertolking: 1. interpretation
vertoning: 1. presentation
vertoon: 1. indicate, point out, show
vertraging: 1. delay, retardation
vertrek: 1. absent onself, depart, go away, leave | 2. departure | 3. chamber, room
vertroue: 1. confidence, faith, trust | 2. confidence
vertroue stel in: 1. rely on, trust in | 2. rely on, trust in
vertrouwe stel in: 1. have faith, have faith in, trust | 2. confide, have confidence in, trust, entrust
vervaardig: 1. fabricate, manufacture | 2. achieve, act, do, make, perform
vervang: 1. take the place of | 2. replace, substitute
vervelig: 1. boring, stodgy | 2. boring, stodgy, tiresome
vervoer: 1. transport
verwag: 1. abide, expect, wait, await, wait for
verwant: 1. affined, akin, related | 2. relative
verwantskap: 1. affiliation, blood-relationship, affinity, relationship
verwantskapsbetrekking: 1. affiliation, blood-relationship, affinity, relationship
verwar: 1. entangle, implicate | 2. confuse, puzzle
verward: 1. dazed, perplexed, upset
verwerf: 1. achieve, acquire, attain, get, obtain
verwysing: 1. reference
veselperske: 1. mango
vet: 1. fat, fatty, greasy | 2. fat, grease
vetterig: 1. fat, fatty, greasy
vier: 1. four
vierde: 1. fourth
viering: 1. celebration | 2. celebration | 3. celebration
vinger: 1. finger
vinnig: 1. fast, quick, rapid, speedy, swift | 2. fast, quickly, swiftly
viool: 1. violin
viooltjie: 1. violet
vir: 1. at, to, toward, towards | 2. for, during, whereas, while, whilst | 3. across from, against, in exchange for, opposed to, opposite, upon | 4. for, to, in order to, per
virus: 1. virus
vis: 1. fish
visie: 1. opinion
visser: 1. fisherman
visvang: 1. fish
vitamien: 1. vitamin
vitamine: 1. vitamin
vla: 1. cream
vlag: 1. banner, flag
vlam: 1. flame
vlei: 1. flatter | 2. valley
vleis: 1. meat
vleisbraai: 1. barbecue
vleuel: 1. wing
vlieg: 1. fly | 2. fly, housefly
vliegtuig: 1. aeroplane, airplane, plane | 2. aircraft
vliegveld: 1. aerodrome, airdrome, airfield
vlierboom: 1. elder
vloei: 1. flow
vloeistof: 1. liquid
vlug: 1. flee, run away
voedsel: 1. food, nourishment
voegwoord: 1. conjunction
voel: 1. feel, sense
voertuig: 1. vehicle
voetslaner: 1. stroller
vol: 1. complete, full | 2. completely, fully
volg: 1. follow
volgende: 1. following, next | 2. following, next | 3. next
volgens: 1. according as, according to, as, by
volledig: 1. entire, overall, whole
volstruis: 1. ostrich
volume: 1. volume
volwasse: 1. adult, full-grown
vol maak: 1. fill, fill in, fill up
voor: 1. before, in front of
voorbeeld: 1. example
voorberei: 1. prepare
voordeel: 1. advantage, benefit | 2. advantage, benefit
voorgereg: 1. entrée
voorgrond: 1. fore | 2. foreground | 3. close-up
voorheen: 1. ahead, formerly, previously
voorkom: 1. prevent | 2. be found, be located, find oneself
voorkop: 1. forehead
voorletter: 1. initial | 2. initial
voormalige: 1. former, last, previous, prior | 2. ex-, former | 3. former
voornaam: 1. first name | 2. Christian name
voorraad: 1. supply
voorreg: 1. privilege
voorsit: 1. serve | 2. serve
voorsitter: 1. chairman, president
voorskrif: 1. regulation
voorspelling: 1. prophecy | 2. forecast, prognosis
voorstad: 1. suburb
voort: 1. ahead, foreward, on
voorval: 1. event, occasion, occurence, opportunity
voorwoord: 1. foreword
voor dat: 1. before, previous to
vorentoe: 1. ahead, foreward, on
vorm: 1. form, shape | 2. form, shape | 3. blank, form
voël: 1. bird
vra: 1. ask | 2. ask, ask for, beg, bid, request
vraag: 1. question
vragmotor: 1. lorry, truck | 2. lorry, truck
vrede: 1. peace
vreedsaam: 1. peaceful | 2. peaceful, peaceloving
vreemd: 1. alien, foreign, strange
vrees: 1. fear
vreeslik: 1. awfully
vreugde: 1. gladness, joy
vriend: 1. friend
vriendelik: 1. affable, friendly, good-natured, kind
vriendelikheid: 1. kindness
vriendin: 1. friend
vries: 1. freeze
vrieshok: 1. freezer
vroeg: 1. early
vroegtydig: 1. early
vroeër: 1. ahead, formerly, previously
vroeëre: 1. former, last, previous, prior | 2. ex-, former | 3. former
vrolik: 1. cheerful, gay, merry
vrou: 1. wife | 2. woman
vroulik: 1. female, feminine | 2. female
vrug: 1. fruit
vrugbaar: 1. fertile
vrugteloos: 1. abortive, useless | 2. abortive, futile, useless, vain
vryf: 1. rub
vryheer: 1. baron
vryheid: 1. freedom
vrymaak: 1. release
vrywilliger: 1. volunteer
vuil: 1. dirty, filthy, nasty, soiled, unclean
vuis: 1. fist
vulkaan: 1. volcano
vurk: 1. fork
vuur: 1. fire
vuurhoutjie: 1. match
vyand: 1. adversary, enemy
vyandelik: 1. adverse, hostile
vyf: 1. five
vyfde: 1. fifth
vyftien: 1. fifteen
vyftig: 1. fifty
waag: 1. dare | 2. be bold, dare
waai: 1. blow | 2. blow
waar: 1. where | 2. where | 3. true
waarborg: 1. guarantee, warrant
waarde: 1. value, worth
waardeer: 1. appreciate | 2. appreciate | 3. appreciate, like
waardevol: 1. costly, valuable | 2. valuable
waarheen: 1. where, where … to, whither | 2. where, where … to, whither
waarheid: 1. truth | 2. reality, truth
waarin: 1. wherein | 2. in which, wherein
waarmee: 1. whereby
waarnatoe: 1. where, where … to, whither | 2. where, where … to, whither
waarom: 1. what for, wherefore, why
waarsku: 1. caution, warn
waarskuwing: 1. warning
waarskynlik: 1. probably
waarvandaan: 1. from where, whence
waar … heen: 1. where, where … to, whither | 2. where, where … to, whither
waatlemoen: 1. water-melon | 2. water-melon
wag: 1. abide, expect, wait, await, wait for
wagkamer: 1. waiting-room, waiting room
wag vir: 1. abide, expect, wait, await, wait for
walvis: 1. whale
wandel: 1. go for a walk, stroll
wandelaar: 1. stroller
wandelpad: 1. path | 2. path
wang: 1. cheek
want: 1. as, because, for, since
ware: 1. goods, wares
warm: 1. warm
was: 1. wax
wat: 1. what | 2. that, what | 3. what | 4. that, what | 5. that, who | 6. that, who | 7. that, who | 8. that, who
water: 1. water
watter: 1. which | 2. which | 3. which | 4. which | 5. which | 6. which | 7. which | 8. which
wedstryd: 1. competition, contest | 2. game, match
weduwee: 1. widow
week: 1. soften up | 2. soak
weekliks: 1. weekly
weeldeartikel: 1. luxury
weens: 1. because of, on account of | 2. because of, for, for sake of, on account of, owing to, through
weer: 1. afresh, again, all over again, anew | 2. afresh, again, once more | 3. weather
weeskind: 1. orphan
weet: 1. know, know how
weggesteek: 1. hidden
weghardloop: 1. abscond
wegsteek: 1. put away, stow | 2. put away, store
wegstuur: 1. dismiss, turn away
weier: 1. refuse, reject
weiering: 1. refusal
wekker: 1. alarm, alarmclock
welke: 1. which | 2. which | 3. which | 4. which | 5. which | 6. which | 7. which | 8. which
welkom: 1. welcome
welvaart: 1. well-being | 2. prosperity, success
wen: 1. earn, gain, win
wenk: 1. hint, tip
wenkbrou: 1. brow, eyebrow
werk: 1. function, operate, run, work | 2. work | 3. job, work | 4. work
werker: 1. hand, laborer, labourer, operative, worker, working man, workman
werkersklas: 1. working class, working classes
werkgewer: 1. employer | 2. employer
werklik: 1. true | 2. absolutely, genuinly, indeed, really, truly
werklikheid: 1. actuality
werkloos: 1. unemployed
werkloosheid: 1. unemployment
werknemer: 1. employee
werktuigkundige: 1. mechanic
werkwoord: 1. verb
wesel: 1. weasel
westelik: 1. western
wet: 1. law
wetenskap: 1. science
wewenaar: 1. widower
whisky: 1. whisky, whiskey
wie: 1. who | 2. who | 3. who | 4. who | 5. who | 6. who | 7. who | 8. who
wiel: 1. wheel
wie se: 1. of which, which one’s, whose
wil: 1. be willing to, want, wish | 2. will, willingness, wish
wildebees: 1. gnu, wildebeest
wilde vark: 1. wild boar
wilgerboom: 1. willow
wind: 1. wind
winkel: 1. boutique, shop, store
winkelvenster: 1. show window
wins: 1. gain, profit
winter: 1. winter
wiskunde: 1. mathematics
wiskundig: 1. mathematical
wissel: 1. interchange, swap | 2. change, turn
wit: 1. white
witmens: 1. European, white man
woekerplant: 1. parasite
woestynbewoner: 1. Bedouin
wol: 1. wool
wolf: 1. wolf
wolvin: 1. she-wolf
wond: 1. injury, wound
wonder: 1. ask oneself, wonder | 2. miracle
wonderbaarlik: 1. miraculous | 2. amazing, astonishing | 3. wonderful
woning: 1. abode, accommodation, dwelling, residence
woon: 1. dwell, live
woonstel: 1. apartment, flat
woord: 1. word
woordeboek: 1. dictionary, vocabulary
word: 1. become, come about, grow, happen | 2. become, get, grow
wors: 1. sausage
wortel: 1. carrot | 2. root
wreedaardig: 1. cruel
wurm: 1. worm
wyn: 1. wine
wys: 1. manner, mode, way | 2. melody, tune | 3. indicate, point out, show | 4. sagacious, sage, wise | 5. vote
wyse: 1. manner, mode, way
wysheid: 1. wisdom | 2. wisdom
wysie: 1. melody, tune
wêreld: 1. world
xeres: 1. sherry
xilofoon: 1. xylophone
yoghurt: 1. yoghourt, yoghurt
ys: 1. ice, icecream | 2. ice
yster: 1. iron
ytterbium: 1. ytterbium
zirkonium: 1. zirconium
‘n: 1. a, an
‘n bietjie: 1. a little, rather
‘n paar: 1. a few, any, some
‘n rukkie gelede: 1. recently
‘n uur se stap: 1. an hour’s walk
êrens: 1. anywhere, somewhere