
Portuguese to English

Aarão: 1. Aaron
Abissínia: 1. Abyssinia
Abraão: 1. Abraham
Acaia: 1. Achaea, Achaia
Adriano: 1. Adrian
Adriático: 1. Adriatic, Adriatic Sea | 2. Adriatic, Adriatic Sea
Advento: 1. advent
Adônis: 1. Adonis
Adão: 1. Adam
Afeganistão: 1. Afghanistan
Afrodite: 1. Aphrodite
Agamemnon: 1. Agamemnon
Agosto: 1. August
Agripa: 1. Agrippa
Ajax: 1. Ajax
Alasca: 1. Alaska
Alberto: 1. Albert
Albânia: 1. Albania
Alcorão: 1. Koran
Alemanha: 1. Germany
Aleutas: 1. Aleutian Islands
Alex: 1. Alex
Alexandre: 1. Alexander
Alexandria: 1. Alexandria
Alfredo: 1. Alfred
Algéria: 1. Algeria
Alpes: 1. Alps
Alá: 1. Allah
Amadeu: 1. Amadeus
Amazonas: 1. Amazon
Amon: 1. Ammon
Amor: 1. Cupid
Amsterdão: 1. Amsterdam
Amur: 1. Amur
América: 1. America | 2. United States of America, USA
América Central: 1. Central America
América Latina: 1. Latin America
América do Norte: 1. North America
América do Sul: 1. South America
Amã: 1. Amman
Ana: 1. Ann | 2. Ann
Anastácia: 1. Anastasia
Anatólia: 1. Anatolia, Asia Minor
Ancara: 1. Angora, Ankara
Andaluzia: 1. Andalusia
Andes: 1. Andes
Andorra: 1. Andorra
Andrômeda: 1. Andromeda
Angola: 1. Angola
Angorá: 1. Angora, Ankara
Antares: 1. Antares
Anticristo: 1. Antichrist
Antilhas: 1. Antilles
Antioquia: 1. Antioch
Antuérpia: 1. Antwerp
Antônia: 1. Antony
Anunciação: 1. Annunciation, Lady Day
Anúbis: 1. Anubis
Apeninos: 1. Apennines
Apocalipse: 1. Apocalypse
Apolo: 1. Apollo
Aqueronte: 1. Acheron | 2. Acheron
Aquiles: 1. Achilles | 2. Achilles
Aquitânia: 1. Aquitaine
Aracne: 1. Arachne
Aral: 1. Lake Aral
Ararat: 1. Ararat
Arcturo: 1. Arcturis
Ardenas: 1. Ardennes
Ares: 1. Ares
Areópago: 1. Areopagus
Argel: 1. Algiers
Argentina: 1. Argentina
Argo: 1. Argus
Argos: 1. Argus
Argélia: 1. Algeria
Argólida: 1. Argus
Ariadne: 1. Ariadne
Aristóteles: 1. Aristotle
Arizona: 1. Arizona
Armórica: 1. Armorica
Armênia: 1. Armenia
Artur: 1. Arthur
Arábia: 1. Arabia
Arábia Saudita: 1. Saudi Arabia
Ascensão: 1. Ascension
Assíria: 1. Assyria
Atalanta: 1. Atalanta
Atena: 1. Athena, Athene
Atenas: 1. Athens
Atlas: 1. Atlas
Auclanda: 1. Auckland
Augias: 1. Augeas
Augusto: 1. Augustus
Aurora: 1. Aurora
Austrália: 1. Australia
Aventino: 1. Aventine
Ave Maria: 1. Hail Mary
Azerbaijão: 1. Azerbaijan
Baal: 1. Baal
Babel: 1. Babel, Babylon
Babilônia: 1. Babylonia | 2. Babel, Babylon
Baco: 1. Bacchus
Bagdá: 1. Baghdad
Bahamas: 1. Bahama Islands, Bahamas
Baical: 1. Baikal
Balcãs: 1. Balkans
Baleares: 1. Balearic Islands
Bali: 1. Bali
Bancoc: 1. Bangkok
Barba Azul: 1. Bluebeard
Barcelona: 1. Barcelona
Barnabé: 1. Barnabas
Bartolomeu: 1. Bartolomew
Barém: 1. Bahrein
Batávia: 1. Batavia
Baviera: 1. Bavaria | 2. Bavaria
Baía de Bafim: 1. Baffin Bay | 2. Baffin Bay
Beirute: 1. Beyrouth
Belgrado: 1. Belgrade
Belisa: 1. Belize
Belona: 1. Bellona
Belém: 1. Bethlehem
Benedito: 1. Ben, Benedict
Benelux: 1. Benelux
Bengala: 1. Bengal
Benjamim: 1. Benjamin
Berlim: 1. Berlin
Bermudas: 1. Bermudas
Berna: 1. Berne
Bessarábia: 1. Bessarabia
Beócia: 1. Beotia
Birmânia: 1. Burma
Biscaia: 1. Biscay | 2. Biscay
Bissau: 1. Bissau
Bisâncio: 1. Byzantium
Bolívia: 1. Bolivia
Bombaim: 1. Bombay
Bordéus: 1. Bourdeaux | 2. Bordeaux
Borgonha: 1. Burgundy
Bornéu: 1. Borneo
Botsuana: 1. Bechuanaland, Botswana
Boêmia: 1. Bohemia
Brabante: 1. Brabant
Bramaputra: 1. Bramaputra
Branca-de-Neve: 1. Little Snow White
Brasil: 1. Brazil
Bretanha: 1. Bretagne, Brittany
Brisbânia: 1. Brisbane
Bruges: 1. Bruges
Brunsvique: 1. Brunswick
Bruxelas: 1. Brussels
Brístol: 1. Bristol
Bucareste: 1. Bucharest
Buda: 1. Buddha
Budapeste: 1. Budapest
Bulgária: 1. Bulgaria
Burundi: 1. Burundi
Butã: 1. Bhutan
Butão: 1. Bhutan
Bélgica: 1. Belgium
Bíblia: 1. Bible
Bósforo: 1. Bosporus
Bósnia-Erzegóvina: 1. Bosnia-Hercegovina
Cabo da Boa Esperança: 1. Cape of Good Hope
Calvário: 1. Calvary, Golgotha
Canadá: 1. Canada
Canal da Mancha: 1. Channel, English Channel
Capitólio: 1. Capitol
Ceilão: 1. Ceylon
Ceres: 1. Ceres
Chapeuzinho Vermelho: 1. Little Red Ridinghood
Checoslovaquia: 1. Czechoslovakia
Chile: 1. Chile
China: 1. China
Chipre: 1. Cyprus
Cibele: 1. Cybele
Ciclades: 1. Cyclades
Cidade do Cabo: 1. Cape Town
Circe: 1. Circe
Circássia: 1. Circassia
Coreia: 1. Korea
Coréia: 1. Korea
Costa do Marfim: 1. Ivory Coast
Costa do Ouro: 1. Gold Coast
Cristo: 1. Christ
Cuba: 1. Cuba
Cupido: 1. Cupid
Célebes: 1. Celebes
César: 1. Caesar
Cícero: 1. Cicero
Dafne: 1. Daphne
Daguestão: 1. Daghestan
Dalmácia: 1. Dalmatia
Damasco: 1. Damascus
Danúbio: 1. Danube
Daomé: 1. Dahomey
Davi: 1. David
David: 1. David
Decão: 1. Deccan
Deli: 1. Delhi
Deméter: 1. Demeter
Deus: 1. God
Deuteronômio: 1. Deuteronomy
Dezembro: 1. December
Diana: 1. Diana
Dinamarca: 1. Denmark
Diógenes: 1. Diogenes
Dolomitas: 1. Dolomites
Domingo: 1. Sunday
Domingos: 1. Dominica
Dominica: 1. Dominica
Donetz: 1. Donetz
Dunquerque: 1. Dunkirk
Dâmocles: 1. Damocles
E.U.A.: 1. United States of America, USA
Eco: 1. Echo
Eden: 1. Eden
Edimburgo: 1. Edinburgh
Egipto: 1. Egypt
Elba: 1. Elbe | 2. Elba
Elbrus: 1. Mount Elbrus
Elísio: 1. Elysium
Enéias: 1. Aeneas
Epifania: 1. Epiphany, Twelfth-night
Equador: 1. Ecuador
Erin: 1. Erin
Eritréia: 1. Eritrea
Erié: 1. Lake Erie
Escandinávia: 1. Scandinavia
Escócia: 1. Scotland
Espanha: 1. Spain
Esperanto: 1. Esperanto
Estados Unidos: 1. United States of America, USA
Estados Unidos da América: 1. United States of America, USA
Estonujo: 1. Estonia
Estrasburgo: 1. Strasbourg
Estreito de Bering: 1. Bering Strait
Etiópia: 1. Abyssinia, Ethiopia
Etna: 1. Etna
Etrúria: 1. Etruria
Eufrates: 1. Euphrates
Europa: 1. Europa | 2. Europe | 3. Europa
Eva: 1. Eva
Evereste: 1. Everist
Extremo-Oriente: 1. Far East, the Far East | 2. Far East
Exército da Salvação: 1. Salvation Army
Fevereiro: 1. February
Finlândia: 1. Finland
Flandres: 1. Flanders
França: 1. France
Fáeton: 1. Phaeton
Gales: 1. Wales
Galiza: 1. Galicia
Gata Borralheira: 1. Cinderella
Genebra: 1. Geneva
Geórgia: 1. Georgia
Golfo de Bótnia: 1. Gulf of Bothnia
Golfo de Áden: 1. Gulf of Aden
Grandes Antilhas: 1. Greater Antilles
Groenlândia: 1. Greenland | 2. Greenland
Grécia: 1. Greece
Grã-Bretanha: 1. Britain, Great Britain
Gólgota: 1. Calvary, Golgotha
Haia: 1. The Hague
Hamburg: 1. Hamburg
Holanda: 1. Holland
Hungria: 1. Hungary
Iangtze Kiang: 1. Yangtse-Kiang, Yangtze, Yangtze River
Idade-Média: 1. Middle Ages
Ilhas do Almirantado: 1. Admirality Islands
Império Bizantino: 1. Byzantine Empire
Indochina: 1. Indo-China
Indonésia: 1. Indonesia
Inglaterra: 1. England | 2. England
Irlanda: 1. Ireland
Irã: 1. Iran, Persia
Islândia: 1. Iceland
Israel: 1. Israel | 2. Israel
Itália: 1. Italy
Iugoslávia: 1. Yugoslavia
Jamaica: 1. Jamaica
Janeiro: 1. January
Japão: 1. Japan
Java: 1. Java
Jeová: 1. Jehovah
Julho: 1. July
Junho: 1. June
Lapônia: 1. Lapland
Laus: 1. Laos
Letônia: 1. Latvia
Lisboa: 1. Lisbon
Lituânia: 1. Lithuania
Londres: 1. London
Líbano: 1. Lebanon
Mach: 1. mach
Maio: 1. May
Malásia: 1. Malaysia
Marrocos: 1. Morocco
Março: 1. March
Mar Branco: 1. White Sea
Mar Báltico: 1. Baltic Sea
Mar Negro: 1. Black Sea, Euxine Sea
Mar de Azove: 1. Sea of Azov
Mar de Barents: 1. Barentsz Sea
Mar de Bering: 1. Bering Sea
Mediterrâneo: 1. Mediterranean
Moisés: 1. Moses
Montanhas Rochosas: 1. Rocky Mountains
Montes Cheviot: 1. Cheviot Hills
Moscovo: 1. Moscow
Natal: 1. Christmas, Yule | 2. Natal
Nações Unidas: 1. United Nations
Nilo: 1. Nile
Nilo Azul: 1. Blue Nile
Noite de São Bartolomeu: 1. Massacre of Saint Bartholomew
Noruega: 1. Norway
Nova Deli: 1. New Delhi
Nova Iorque: 1. New Amsterdam, New York, New York City
Nova Zelândia: 1. New Zealand
Novembro: 1. November
Nápoles: 1. Naples
Oceano Atlântico: 1. Atlantic, Atlantic Ocean
Oceano Pacífico: 1. Pacific, Pacific Ocean
Ohm: 1. ohm
Outubro: 1. October
Palestina: 1. Palestine
Paquistão: 1. Pakistan
Paris: 1. Paris
Países Baixos: 1. Holland, the Netherlands
País de Gales: 1. Wales
Pentecostes: 1. Pentecost, Whitsunday
Penélope: 1. Penelope
Pequenas Antilhas: 1. Lesser Antilles
Pequim: 1. Peiping, Peking
Pirinéus: 1. Pyrenees
Polónia: 1. Poland
Polônia: 1. Poland
Porto: 1. Oporto
Portugal: 1. Portugal
Praga: 1. Prague
Prússia: 1. Prussia
Páscoa: 1. Easter
Queenslândia: 1. Queensland
Reno: 1. Rhine
República Batávica: 1. Batavian Republic
República Tcheca: 1. Czech Republic
Revelação: 1. Apocalypse
Rio Azul: 1. Yangtse-Kiang, Yangtze, Yangtze River
Rodésia: 1. Rhodesia
Roma: 1. Rome
Roménia: 1. Romania
Rubicão: 1. Rubicon
Ruménia: 1. Romania
Rússia: 1. Russia
Saará: 1. Sahara
Salomão: 1. Salomon
Samaria: 1. Samaria
Sardenha: 1. Sardinia
Satanás: 1. Lucifer, Satan
Satã: 1. Lucifer, Satan
Setembro: 1. September
Sevilha: 1. Seville
Sibéria: 1. Siberia
Sicília: 1. Sicily
Suécia: 1. Sweden
Suíça: 1. Switzerland
Tailândia: 1. Siam, Thailand
Tajo: 1. Tagus | 2. Tagus
Tamisa: 1. Thames
Tcheco-Eslováquia: 1. Czechoslovakia
Terra Nova: 1. Newfoundland
Texas: 1. Texas
Tibete: 1. Tibet
Titão: 1. Titan
Torre de Eiffel: 1. Eiffel Tower
Turquia: 1. Turkey
-dade: 1. -ness, -ship, -ity
-ismo: 1. -ism
-ista: 1. -er, -ist, -or
Ulisses: 1. Ulysses
União Europeia: 1. European Union
Uruguai: 1. Uruguay
Utopia: 1. Utopia
Varsóvia: 1. Warsaw
Vaticano: 1. Vatican, the Vatican
Veneza: 1. Venetia
Venezuela: 1. Venezuela
Viena: 1. Vienna
Vietnã: 1. Vietnam
Volapuque: 1. Volapuk
Vênus: 1. Venus | 2. Evening Star, Venus
X: 1. X
Y: 1. upsilon, Y
: 1. agony, anguish, fear
a: 1. at, to, toward, towards | 2. at, by, on, upon | 3. the | 4. at, beside, with
ab-rogação: 1. abrogation
abacaxi: 1. pineapple
abacial: 1. abbatial
abade: 1. abbot
abadessa: 1. abbess
abadia: 1. abbacy, abbotcy, abbotship | 2. abbey
abafar: 1. choke, quell, suffocate, suppress
abaixar-se: 1. go down
abaixar: 1. decrease, lower | 2. decrease, lower
abaixo: 1. below, downstairs, underneath | 2. below, underneath
abaixo de: 1. below, beneath, under, underneath
abalar: 1. move, stir | 2. agitate, shake, shock | 3. shake
abalo: 1. affection | 2. emotion
abanar: 1. aerate, fan
abandonar: 1. abandon, forsake, desert, leave, quit
abandono: 1. abandonment
abano: 1. fan
abarcar: 1. corner, monopolize | 2. include | 3. embrace, hug | 4. embrace, hug
abastado: 1. in good condition
abastecer: 1. provide, supply
abastecimento: 1. supply
abater: 1. butcher, slaughter | 2. depress | 3. discount, rebate
abatimento: 1. abatement, discount, rebate
abatis: 1. <barricade of trees or branches>
abc: 1. alphabet
abcissa: 1. abscissa
abdicar: 1. cede, give in, give up, give way, relinquish, yield
abdicação: 1. abdication | 2. abandonment
abdome: 1. abdomen, belly, tummy
abdominal: 1. abdominal
abdutor: 1. abductor
abelha: 1. bee
abelharuco: 1. titmouse
abelheira: 1. swarm of bees
abelheiro: 1. titmouse
abençoar: 1. bless
abertamente: 1. frankly, openly
aberto: 1. open
abertura: 1. aperture, opening | 2. jaws, maw | 3. hole
abeto: 1. fir
abexim: 1. Abyssinian
abiogenesia: 1. abiogenesis
abiogenêse: 1. abiogenesis
abismo: 1. abyss, chasm, gulf, precipice
abita: 1. bit
ablativo: 1. ablative
abnegar: 1. abnegate, deny oneself
abnegação: 1. abnegation
abolir: 1. abolish, abrogate | 2. exterminate, wipe out
abolição: 1. abolition, abrogation
abolorecer: 1. get mouldy
abomaso: 1. rennet-stomach
abominar: 1. abhor, abominate, loathe
abominação: 1. abhorrence, abomination, horror
abominável: 1. abhorrent, abominable, alien, awful, hideous, horrible, gruesome | 2. dismal, dreary, horrible, nasty
abordar: 1. assault, attack
aborrecedor: 1. boring, stodgy
aborrecer-se: 1. be bored, be tired of something
aborrecer: 1. bore
aborrecido: 1. boring, weary | 2. boring, stodgy, tiresome
aborígena: 1. aboriginal, native
aborígene: 1. aboriginal | 2. native
abotoar: 1. button | 2. button
abotoar com colchetes: 1. clasp
abrandar: 1. moderate
abranger: 1. comprise | 2. accomplish, achieve, attain, get, reach | 3. imply | 4. include
abraçar: 1. embrace | 2. embrace, hug | 3. embrace, hug
abraço: 1. bracelet
abreviação: 1. abbreviation
abricoque: 1. apricot
abricote: 1. apricot
abricoteiro: 1. apricot-tree | 2. apricot-tree
abricó: 1. apricot
abrigar: 1. shelter, protect
abrigo: 1. bunker, shelter | 2. harbor, harbour, port | 3. shelter
abril: 1. April
abrir: 1. open, open up | 2. unlock
abrir a boca: 1. yawn
abrir buraco: 1. bore, drill
abrir mão de: 1. abandon, give up, resign, renounce
abrochar: 1. clasp
abscesso: 1. abscess
abscissa: 1. abscissa
absolutamente: 1. absolutely | 2. absolutely, definitely, without fail
absolutismo: 1. absolutism
absorvente: 1. absorbent
absorver: 1. absorb, sip
abstemia: 1. teetotalism, total abstinence
abstinência: 1. abstention, abstinence
abstracto: 1. abstract
abstracção: 1. abstraction | 2. abstraction
abstrair: 1. abstract
absurdeza: 1. absurdity
absurdidade: 1. absurdity
absurdo: 1. absurd | 2. absurdity, nonsense, rubbish | 3. absurdity | 4. nonsense
absíntio: 1. absinth
abulia: 1. will-lessness
abundar: 1. abound
abundância: 1. abundance | 2. abundance, plenty
abutre: 1. vulture
abóbada: 1. arch | 2. dome, vault, vaulted ceiling
abóbora: 1. calabash, gourd | 2. gourd, pumpkin, squash
acabar: 1. accomodate, end, finish, terminate | 2. end, come to an end, end up, expire
acabrunhado: 1. sad
acabrunhar: 1. afflict, grieve
academia: 1. academy
acadêmico: 1. academic | 2. academician | 3. academic, student
acalento: 1. lullaby
acalorado: 1. warm
acampamento: 1. camp of tents, tented camp
acampar: 1. camp, be encamped, lie encamped, camp out | 2. camp out
acanhado: 1. close, cramped | 2. abashed, self-conscious, shy
acanto: 1. acanthus
acariciar: 1. coddle, pamper, pet
acaso: 1. maybe, mayhap, perchance, perhaps, possibly | 2. fortune | 3. accidence, chance, hazard
aceitar: 1. accept, receive, take, take in
aceitação: 1. acceptance, admission
acelerador: 1. accelerator, accelerator pedal | 2. accelerator, accelerator pedal
acelerar: 1. accelerate, speed up
acelerção: 1. acceleration
acender: 1. kindle, light
aceno: 1. gesture | 2. mark, sign, signal, token
acento: 1. accent, stress | 2. accent mark, supersign
acento circunflexo: 1. circumflex
acentuar: 1. accent, accentuate, stress
acepipe: 1. delicacy, tidbit, sweet
acerar: 1. sharpen
acerbo: 1. acerbic, acid, acrid, harsh, sour, tart | 2. acetous, acid, sour, tart
acercar-se: 1. advance, come close, come closer, come on
acerca de: 1. about, concerning | 2. about, concerning, on, upon
acertado: 1. striking
acertar: 1. guess | 2. even, level | 3. catch, hit, run across, strike
acervo: 1. accumulation, crowd, heap, mass, multitude, pile
acesso: 1. promotion
acessível: 1. accessible | 2. available
acessório: 1. accessory, adventitious, secondary | 2. accessory, side-issue | 3. incidental, side
acetato: 1. acetate
acetilene: 1. acetylene
acetileno: 1. acetylene
acetilênio: 1. acetylene
aceto: 1. acetic acid
acetona: 1. acetone
achar-se: 1. be found, be located, find oneself | 2. be found, be located, find oneself
achar: 1. ascertain, establish, take note | 2. think | 3. come across, encounter, meet, see | 4. find | 5. be found, be located, find oneself | 6. be found, be located, find oneself
aciano: 1. cornflower
acidentado: 1. bumpy
acidental: 1. accidental | 2. accidental, adventitious, chance, random
acidente: 1. accident | 2. bump
acidez: 1. acidity, acidness
acididade: 1. acidity, acidness
acima: 1. above, on top, overhead, upstairs
acima de: 1. above, over
acionar: 1. go to court, litigate, sue
acionista: 1. shareholder | 2. shareholder
acirrar: 1. agitate, excite, rouse, stir up
aclamar: 1. acclaim, applaud
aclamação: 1. acclamation | 2. acclaim, acclamation, approval
aclimar: 1. acclimatize
aclimatar: 1. acclimatize
acne: 1. pimple
acnéia: 1. acne
acobertar: 1. conceal, hide | 2. cover
acolchetar: 1. clasp
acolher: 1. accept, receive, take, take in
acolhida: 1. acceptance, admission
acolhimento: 1. acceptance, admission
acometer: 1. assault, attack
acomodar: 1. accomodate | 2. locate, place
acomodação: 1. accommodation
acompanhamento: 1. accompaniment | 2. accompaniment, escort
acompanhante: 1. accompanist, companian
acompanhar: 1. accompany
aconselhar: 1. advise, counsel
aconselhável: 1. advisable
acontecer: 1. become, come about, grow, happen | 2. become, get, grow | 3. come about, happen, occur
acontecimento: 1. event, occasion, occurence, opportunity | 2. chance, event, occurence, opportunity
acoplar: 1. couple
acordar: 1. accord, agree | 2. arouse, wake, awaken, wake up | 3. wake, wake up
acorde: 1. chord
acordeão: 1. accordion
acordo: 1. agreement | 2. accord, accordance, agreement, concurrence | 3. contract
acorrentar: 1. fetter, shackle
acossar: 1. chase, persecute, prosecute, pursue
acostumar-se: 1. become accustomed
acre: 1. acre | 2. acre
acreditar: 1. accredit | 2. account, accredit, believe, deem
acrescentar: 1. add | 2. attach, put onto
acrimônia: 1. acerbity, acrimony, acuity, sharpness
acrisolar: 1. refine
acrobacias aéreas: 1. aerobatics
acrobata: 1. acrobat
acrografia: 1. acronym
acréscimo: 1. addition, adjunct
acróstico: 1. achrostic
activar: 1. activate, put on, start, swotch on, turn on
actividade: 1. action, activity | 2. activity, vigour
activo: 1. active | 2. active, in action | 3. assets
acto: 1. minutes, protocol
actor: 1. actor | 2. character
acto de bárbaro: 1. barbarity
actriz: 1. actress
actual: 1. current, present, present-day, topical, up-to-date | 2. current, present | 3. current, present
actualidade: 1. topic | 2. topicality
actualmente: 1. currently, nowadays, these days
actuar: 1. act, be effective, have effect
actuário: 1. actuary
acuidade: 1. acerbity, acrimony, acuity, sharpness
acumulador: 1. accumulator, battery, storage battery
acumular-se: 1. accumulate
acumular: 1. accumulate, heap, pile up, stack | 2. accumulate, amass, heap, pile up, stack
acumular eletricidade em: 1. charge, load
acumulação: 1. accumulation, assembly
acupuntura: 1. acupuncture
acusado: 1. accused, defendant
acusador: 1. accuser
acusar: 1. accuse | 2. accuse, blame
acusativo: 1. accusative
acusação: 1. accusation | 2. accusation, charge, complaint, indictment | 3. accusal, accusation
acácia: 1. acacia
acípitre: 1. hawk
acólito: 1. acolyte | 2. accompanist, companian
acúmulo: 1. accumulation, crowd, heap, mass, multitude, pile
acústica: 1. acoustics
acústico: 1. acoustic
acônito: 1. aconite, monkshood
acção: 1. achievement, act, action | 2. share | 3. effect
acção de afectar: 1. affectation | 2. affectation
acção de fingir: 1. affectation | 2. affectation
adansônia: 1. baobab
adaptar-se: 1. accomodate oneself, adapt, adapt oneself | 2. adhere, conform
adaptar: 1. accomodate | 2. adapt, adjust | 3. adjust, put right | 4. adjust, put right
adaptação: 1. adaptation | 2. adaptation, adjustment
adaptável: 1. adaptable
adega: 1. basement, cellar
adejar: 1. float, hover
adelo: 1. secondhand dealer
adequado: 1. adequate | 2. conforming, fitting | 3. appropriate, becoming, seemly, suitable
aderir: 1. join
adesivo: 1. adhesive
adestrar: 1. coach, train
adesão: 1. adhesion
adeus: 1. adieu, farewell, bye, goodbye | 2. farewell, goodbye, good-bye
adiabático: 1. adiabatic
adiamento: 1. adjournment, delay
adiantar-se: 1. advance, go forward
adiantar: 1. accelerate, speed up
adiante: 1. ahead, foreward, on
adiar: 1. adjourn, delay, postpone
adicionar: 1. add | 2. add up, sum up
adido: 1. attaché
adido de embaixada: 1. attaché
adipose: 1. adipose
aditivio: 1. additional
adivinhar: 1. forecast, foretell, prophesy | 2. guess
adivinhação: 1. indication, omen, presage, portent, sign | 2. enigma, puzzle, riddle
adivinho: 1. fortune teller
adição: 1. addition
adjacente: 1. adjacent
adjetivo: 1. adjective
adjudicar: 1. invite tenders for, put out to tender
adjunto: 1. assistant
administrador: 1. manager | 2. administrator, manager | 3. administrator
administrar: 1. administer, manage | 2. govern, head up, restrain
administrar casa: 1. keep house, manage
administrativo: 1. administrative | 2. administrative
administração: 1. administration, management | 2. administration, management | 3. administration, management
admirador: 1. admirer
admiradora: 1. admirer, female admirer
admirar-se: 1. marvel, marvel at, wonder
admirar: 1. admire | 2. amaze
admiração: 1. admiration
admirável: 1. admirable | 2. wonderful
admissão: 1. acceptance, admission
admitir: 1. accept, receive, take, take in
admitir a veracidade de: 1. acknowledge, recognize
admitância: 1. admittance, reciprocal impedance
admoestar: 1. admonish, scold
admoestação: 1. admonition, exhortation
adobe: 1. adobe
adobo: 1. adobe
adolescente: 1. flapper | 2. adolescent
adoptivo: 1. adoptive | 2. adopted
adopção: 1. adoption
adorar: 1. adore, worship
adoração: 1. adoration, worship
adornar: 1. adorn, decorate, ornament
adorno: 1. adornment, ornament
adorável: 1. adorable
adoçar: 1. blunt
adquirir: 1. achieve, acquire, attain, get, obtain
adquirir novamente: 1. recover
adquirível: 1. obtainable | 2. for sale
adrenalina: 1. adrenaline
adrestrar: 1. tame, train
adro: 1. plaza, square, public square
aduana: 1. customs
adulterar: 1. dilute, weaken | 2. commit adultery | 3. falsify | 4. spoil
adulterino: 1. adulterous
adulto: 1. adult, grown-up, full-grown
adultério: 1. adultery
adunco: 1. hook
adventício: 1. external, outer, outside
advertir: 1. admonish, scold | 2. caution, warn
advertência: 1. warning
advogar: 1. plea, plead
advérbio: 1. adverbial | 2. adverb
adágio: 1. adagio | 2. maxim, proverb
adúltero: 1. adulterer
adônis: 1. pheasant’s eye
aerodinâmica: 1. streamlined
aerograma: 1. aerogramme, air letter
aeromoça: 1. stewardess
aeromoço: 1. attendant, steward
aeronauta: 1. aeronaut
aeronave: 1. airship
aeronáutica: 1. aeronautics | 2. air force
aeroplano: 1. aeroplane, airplane, plane
aeroporto: 1. aerodrome, airdrome, airfield | 2. airport | 3. airport
aerosol: 1. aerosol
aerossol: 1. aerosol
aeróbio: 1. aerobic
aeródromo: 1. aerodrome, airdrome, airfield
aerólito: 1. meteoric stone | 2. aerolite, meteorite
aeróstato: 1. balloon, air-balloon | 2. balloon
afabilidade: 1. kindness
afagar: 1. coddle, pamper, pet
afanoso: 1. difficult, hard, inconvenient
afasia: 1. aphasia
afastado: 1. distant, far, remote
afastar-se: 1. go astray, get off the subject | 2. absent onself, depart, go away, leave
afastar: 1. eliminate | 2. do away with, get rid of, remove
afectado: 1. affected, artificial | 2. affected
afectar: 1. attitudinize, pose, put on airs
afectação: 1. affectation, pose
afecção: 1. affection
afegane: 1. Afghan
afegã: 1. Afghan
afeição: 1. friendship | 2. disposal, inclination, tendency
aferrar: 1. cling to, get caught on
aferroar: 1. pick, stab, sting
aferrolhar: 1. bolt, fasten
aferventar: 1. boil
afetadamente pudico: 1. prudish
afiançar: 1. assert, state | 2. guarantee, warrant
afiar: 1. sharpen
afinado: 1. correct, exact, proper, right
afinar: 1. tune
afinação: 1. agreement
afinidade: 1. affinity
afirmacão: 1. contention, assertion
afirmar: 1. affirm, assure
afirmar com a cabeça: 1. nod
afivelar: 1. buckle
afixar: 1. placard, post, post up
afixo: 1. affix
afligir: 1. afflict, grieve | 2. annoy, grieve, vex, worry
aflito: 1. sad
aflição: 1. affliction, ordeal, trial | 2. affliction | 3. agony, anguish, fear | 4. ache, pain | 5. annoyance, disappointment, grief
afofar: 1. puff out
afogar-se: 1. drown | 2. dive, sink
afogar: 1. drown
afoito: 1. brave, courageous, valiant
afora: 1. outside, outside of
aforismo: 1. aphorism
africano: 1. African | 2. African
afrikaans: 1. Afrikaans
afrodisíaco: 1. aphrodisiac
afrontar: 1. confront, stand up to, withstand
afugentar: 1. chase away, drive away, expel
afável: 1. affable, friendly, good-natured, kind
agave: 1. agave
agenciar: 1. negotiate, trade | 2. deal with, handle, treat
agencioso: 1. active, in action
agenda: 1. agenda, appointment book | 2. notebook
agente: 1. agent
agir: 1. act, take action | 2. act, be effective, have effect | 3. behave, conduct oneself
agir como mestre de ceremônias: 1. animate
agir como patife: 1. cheat, do something crooked
agitar: 1. abet, agitate, incite, stir up | 2. brandish, fling, swing, wave, wave about
agitação: 1. agitation, commotion | 2. agitation, riot, tumult
aglomerado: 1. agglomeration | 2. agglomerate
aglomerar: 1. agglomerate
aglomeração: 1. agglomeration | 2. agglomeration
aglutinar: 1. agglutinate
agnosticista: 1. agnostic | 2. agnostic
agnóstico: 1. agnostic
agonia: 1. affliction, ordeal, trial | 2. affliction | 3. agony, death throes
agonizar: 1. agonize, be near death
agora: 1. at present, now
agorafobia: 1. agoraphobia
agora mesmo: 1. just, just now
agourar: 1. forecast, foretell, prophesy | 2. forecast, foretell, prophesy
agouro: 1. indication, omen, presage, portent, sign
agradabilidade: 1. pleasantness
agradar: 1. please
agradavelmente: 1. agreeably, comfortably, pleasantly
agradecer: 1. thank
agradecido: 1. thankful | 2. thankful
agradecimento: 1. gratitude, thanks
agradável: 1. agreeable, enjoyable, lovely, nice, pleasant | 2. pleasing | 3. agreeable, pleasant | 4. pleasurable
agradável ao paladar: 1. nice, tasty
agravar: 1. appeal
agredir: 1. commit aggression | 2. assault, attack
agressivo: 1. aggressive | 2. aggressive | 3. aggressive
agressor: 1. aggressor, attacker, assailant | 2. aggressive | 3. aggressor, attacker, assailant | 4. aggressive | 5. aggressor, assailant, attacker
agressão: 1. aggression, aggro | 2. access, aggression, attack
agreste: 1. crude, raw, rough | 2. coarse, crude, harsh
agricultura: 1. agriculture, farming, tillage | 2. agriculture
agridoce: 1. bittersweet
agrimônia: 1. agrimony
agro: 1. field
agronomia: 1. agriculture, agronomics
agronômico: 1. agricultural
agrupar-se: 1. form a group
agrura: 1. acerbity, acrimony, acuity, sharpness
agrônomo: 1. agriculturist
aguado: 1. airy
aguardar: 1. abide, expect, wait, await, wait for
aguardente: 1. brandy | 2. brandy, cognac
aguaçar: 1. rouse, stimulate, stir up
agudeza: 1. acerbity, acrimony, acuity, sharpness
agudo: 1. sharp | 2. acute
aguentar: 1. abide, bear, carry out, endure, put up with, suffer | 2. endure, put up with, tolerate
aguilhão: 1. spur
agulha: 1. needle | 2. needle
agulha de meia: 1. knitting needle
aguçado: 1. pointed, spiked
aguçar: 1. sharpen | 2. agitate, excite, rouse, stir up
agüentar: 1. abide, bear, carry out, endure, put up with, suffer | 2. endure, put up with, tolerate
agárico: 1. mushroom
agência: 1. agency
agência postal: 1. post office | 2. post office
ah-ah: 1. aha
ah: 1. ah, oh, ow | 2. ah, aha
ai: 1. ouch, ow | 2. bah, nuts, pooh | 3. woe
aia: 1. nurse
ainda: 1. also, likewise, too | 2. still, yet
ainda não: 1. not yet
ainda que: 1. though, although
ainu: 1. Ainu
aipo: 1. celery
aipo hortense: 1. celery
aipo silvestre: 1. celery
airoso: 1. elegant
airão: 1. heron
ajuda: 1. aid, help | 2. aid, help
ajudar: 1. abet, aid, assist, help | 2. accomodate, aid, assist, help | 3. serve
ajuizado: 1. sagacious, sage, wise
ajuizar: 1. appraise, estimate, rate
ajuntar: 1. add
ajustar: 1. accomodate | 2. adjust, put right | 3. even, level | 4. make a contract
ajustar pagando: 1. liquidate
ajuste: 1. adaptation | 2. adaptation, adjustment | 3. accord, accordance, agreement, concurrence
ajustável: 1. adaptable
ajutante de ordens: 1. adjutant, aide-de-camp
alabastrino: 1. alabaster
alabastro: 1. alabaster
alagar: 1. flood
alameda: 1. avenue
alardear: 1. display, parade
alarma: 1. alarm
alarmante: 1. alarming
alarmar: 1. alarm, raise the alarm, sound the alarm
alarme: 1. alarm
alavanca: 1. crowbar | 2. crowbar
alaúde: 1. lute
albanês: 1. Albanian | 2. Albanian
albatroz: 1. albatross | 2. albatross
albergue: 1. asylum
albino: 1. albino
alborcar: 1. deal in secondhand goods
albricoque: 1. apricot
alburno: 1. alburnum, sap-wood
albúmen: 1. albumen
alcachofra: 1. artichoke
alcachofra hortense: 1. artichoke
alcalino: 1. alkaline | 2. alkaline
alcance: 1. range, reach
alcançar: 1. accomplish, achieve, attain, get, reach
alcançar a margem: 1. land
alcançável: 1. accessible
alcatroar: 1. tar
alcatrão: 1. tar
alce: 1. elk, moose
alcedo: 1. halcyon, kingfisher
alcoice: 1. brothel
alcoolismo: 1. alcoholism
alcova: 1. alcove, recess
alcoólico: 1. alcoholic
alcíone: 1. halcyon, kingfisher
aldeia: 1. village
aldeído: 1. aldehyde
aleatório: 1. doubtful
alegar: 1. claim, presume
alegoria: 1. allegory
alegrar-se: 1. be glad, enjoy, rejoice
alegrar: 1. make glad
alegre: 1. cheerful, gay, merry | 2. happy, glad
alegria: 1. gladness, joy | 2. gladness, joy
aleijado: 1. crippled, infirm
alemão: 1. German | 2. German
alentar: 1. encourage
alergia: 1. allergy
alerta: 1. adroit, agile, alert, brisk, keen
alexandrino: 1. alexandrine
alfa: 1. alpha
alfabeto: 1. alphabet
alfabético: 1. alphabetical
alface: 1. lettuce
alfaia: 1. piece of furniture
alfaiate: 1. tailor
alfinete: 1. pin, needle
alfinete de fralda: 1. brooch
alforje: 1. backpack, knapsack
alfândega: 1. custom-house | 2. customs
alga: 1. alga, seaweed
algarismo: 1. cipher, digit, figure, numeral
algemar: 1. fetter, shackle
algibeira: 1. pocket
algo: 1. anything, something
algodão: 1. cotton | 2. cotton
algoritmo: 1. algorithm
algoz: 1. hangman, executioner
algo repugnante: 1. abomination
alguidar: 1. basin, bowl, pelvis
algum: 1. some kind of | 2. a, any, anybody, some, somebody, one, someone, some one | 3. some
alguma coisa: 1. anything, something
alguns: 1. a few, any, some
algures: 1. anywhere, somewhere
alguém: 1. a, any, anybody, some, somebody, one, someone, some one
algébrico: 1. algebraic
alhear: 1. cede, give in, give up, give way, relinquish, yield
alhures: 1. elsewhere
aliança: 1. alliance | 2. connection, league
alicate: 1. tongs
alicerce: 1. element, foundation
aliciar: 1. recruit
alienar: 1. convey, hand, hand over, pass
alienígena: 1. alien, foreign, strange
alimentar: 1. feed, nourish
alimento: 1. alimony | 2. food | 3. food, nourishment
alimária: 1. animal, beast
alisar: 1. even, level | 2. smooth, make smooth
alisma: 1. water-plaintain
alistar-se: 1. enlist
alistar: 1. record, register
aliteração: 1. alliteration
aliviar: 1. comfort, console | 2. blunt
aliás: 1. as for the rest, besides, for the rest, moreover, what’s more
alma: 1. soul | 2. spirit
almanaque: 1. almanac
almeirão: 1. endive
almejar: 1. ache
almirantado: 1. admiralship | 2. admirality
almirante: 1. admiral
almocreve: 1. donkey-driver
almoeda: 1. auction
almofada: 1. pillow | 2. cushion
almofadinha: 1. dandy, dude, fop
aloés: 1. aloe
alpaca: 1. alpaca
alpe: 1. alp, mountain pasture
alpendre: 1. porch
alpercata: 1. sandal
alpestre: 1. alpine
alpinismo: 1. mountaineering
alpinista: 1. Alpinist, climber, mountain climber, mountaineer
alquemila: 1. lady’s mantle | 2. lady’s mantle
alsina: 1. stichwort
altar: 1. altar
alta roda: 1. high society
alta sociedade: 1. high society
altear: 1. advance, increase, raise | 2. accrue, advance, ascend, go up, increase
alterar-se: 1. break down
alterar: 1. modify | 2. change, turn
altercar: 1. quarrel, wrangle
alternado: 1. alternate, alternating
alternar: 1. alternate
alternativa: 1. alternate, alternating | 2. alternative, option
alternação: 1. alternation | 2. alternation
alterno: 1. alternate, alternating
altitude: 1. height
altivez: 1. aplomb, self-assurance
altivo: 1. arrogant
alto: 1. high, lofty, tall | 2. height | 3. loud
altruísmo: 1. altruism
altruísta: 1. altruistic | 2. altruist
altura: 1. height | 2. altitude, height | 3. stature
alturas: 1. heaven, sky
aludir: 1. allude, hint
alugar: 1. hire | 2. let, rent out
aluguel: 1. rent, rent money
alume: 1. alum
alumina: 1. alum earth, alumina
alumínio: 1. aluminium, aluminum
aluno: 1. listener
alusão: 1. allusion
aluvião: 1. alluvion, alluvium
alva: 1. alb
alvejar: 1. blanch, whiten
alvião: 1. pick-axe
alvo: 1. aim, goal, purpose, target
alvoroço: 1. agitation, commotion
aléia: 1. avenue
além: 1. beyond, by, past, straight past
além de: 1. apart from, besides, except, except for | 2. across, beyond, on the other side of
além disso: 1. as for the rest, besides, for the rest, moreover, what’s more | 2. besides, in addition, moreover
alérgico: 1. allergic
alínea: 1. paragraph
alívio: 1. consolation
alúmen: 1. alum
alô: 1. hello | 2. hey there
alça: 1. handle | 2. sight, gunsight
alçapão: 1. snare, trap
alçar: 1. hoist, hoist up, run up, wind up
alças: 1. braces, suspenders
ama-seca: 1. nurse
amabilidade: 1. kindness
amada: 1. beloved, loved one, lover, sweetheart, well-beloved
amado: 1. loved, beloved | 2. beloved, loved one, lover, sweetheart, well-beloved | 3. darling
amador: 1. amateur, fancier
amadurecer: 1. ripen
amaldiçoar: 1. condemn, sentence | 2. curse
amalgamar: 1. amalgamate
amamentar: 1. suckle | 2. suckle
amanhar: 1. cultivate, grow
amanhã: 1. tomorrow
amanhã de manhã: 1. tomorrow morning
amanhã de tarde: 1. tomorrow evening
amansar: 1. tame, train
amante: 1. lover | 2. lover
amar: 1. love
amaranto: 1. amaranthus
amarelo: 1. yellow
amarfanhar: 1. crease, crumble
amargo: 1. acerbic, bitter
amargor: 1. acerbity, bitterness
amargoso: 1. acerbic, bitter
amargura: 1. acerbity, bitterness | 2. annoyance, disappointment, grief
amaro: 1. acerbic, bitter
amarrar: 1. bind, connect, join, tie, tie up
amarrotar: 1. crease, crumble
amarílis: 1. amaryllis
amar sexualmente: 1. make love
amassar: 1. crease, crumble
amazona: 1. Amazon
ambicioso: 1. ambitious
ambidestro: 1. ambidextrous
ambiente: 1. environment | 2. environment, environs, surroundings
ambivalência: 1. ambivalence
ambiência: 1. atmosphere, ethos, mood
ambição: 1. ambition
ambos: 1. both
ambrosia: 1. ambrosia
ambulância: 1. ambulance, field hospital
ambíguo: 1. ambiguous | 2. ambiguous
ameaça: 1. menace, threat
ameaçar: 1. menace, threaten
ameba: 1. amoeba
amedrontar: 1. alarm, frighten
ameixa: 1. plum
amendoim: 1. peanut
ameno: 1. agreeable, enjoyable, lovely, nice, pleasant | 2. gentle, soft, sweet, tender | 3. gentle, mild
americano: 1. American | 2. American | 3. American, US citizen
amerício: 1. americium
ametista: 1. amethyst
amianto: 1. asbestos
amieiro: 1. alder
amiga: 1. friend
amigo: 1. friend
amigável: 1. friendly
amimar: 1. coddle, pamper, pet
amizade: 1. friendship
amiúde: 1. frequently, often, regularly
amo: 1. boss, master
amoldar-se: 1. adhere, conform
amontoamento: 1. accumulation, assembly
amontoar-se: 1. accumulate
amontoar: 1. accumulate, amass, heap, pile up, stack
amoníaco: 1. ammonia
amor-perfeito: 1. pansy
amor: 1. affection, love
amoreira: 1. mulberry-tree | 2. mulberry-tree
amorfo: 1. amorphous
amortecedor: 1. shock absorber
amortecer: 1. amortize, deaden | 2. blunt
amortizar: 1. amortize, deaden
amorável: 1. lovable
amor sexual: 1. love, sexual love
amostra: 1. test, trial | 2. sample, specimen
amotinar-se: 1. rebel, revolt
amotinar: 1. abet, agitate, incite, stir up
amparar: 1. abet, support, sustain
amparo: 1. protection, shield
amplidão: 1. bulk, dimension, extend, size
amplificar: 1. fortify
amplitude: 1. bulk, dimension, extend, size | 2. amplitude
amplo: 1. ample, bulky, extensive | 2. broad | 3. extensive, spacious, vast, wide
ampola: 1. bulb
amputar: 1. amputate
amputação: 1. amputation | 2. amputation
ampério: 1. ampère
ampère: 1. ampère
amuleto: 1. amulet, charm, talisman
amável: 1. affable, friendly, good-natured, kind | 2. lovable
amém: 1. amen
amórfico: 1. amorphous
amêndoa: 1. almond
anaconda: 1. anaconda
anacronismo: 1. anachronism
anagrama: 1. anagram
anal: 1. anal
analfabeto: 1. illiterate
analisar: 1. analyse
analista: 1. analyst, analytical chemist
analogia: 1. analogy | 2. analogy
ananás: 1. pineapple
anapesto: 1. anapaest
anarquia: 1. anarchy
anarquismo: 1. anarchism
anarquista: 1. anarchist | 2. anarchist | 3. anarchist
anatomia: 1. anatomy
anatomista: 1. anatomist | 2. anatomist
anchova: 1. anchovy | 2. anchovy
ancinho: 1. rake
ancoradouro: 1. landing-stage, pier | 2. anchorage, moorage, mooring
andaluz: 1. Andalusian | 2. Andalusian
andaluza: 1. Andalusian woman
andamento: 1. musical time, tact
andar: 1. floor, storey, story | 2. march off, retreat, withdraw | 3. go | 4. march, walk | 5. pace, stalk, step, stride, tread | 6. go, ride, travel
andar a cavalo: 1. ride
andar a galope: 1. gallop
andar a trote: 1. trot
andar desconfiado: 1. suspect
andar térreo: 1. parterre | 2. ground-floor
andar à caça de: 1. chase, hunt
andorinha: 1. swallow
andrajo: 1. rag, scrap
anedota: 1. anecdote
anedótico: 1. anecdotal
anel: 1. curl | 2. ring
anelar: 1. curl | 2. ache
anemia: 1. anaemia
anemona: 1. anemone
anestesia: 1. anaesthesia
anestesiação: 1. anaesthesia
anestesista: 1. anaesthesist
aneto: 1. dill
anexado: 1. accompanying
anexar: 1. annex
anexação: 1. annexation
anexo: 1. accessory, side-issue | 2. neighbourhood, vicinity
anfetamina: 1. amphetamine
anfiteatro: 1. amphitheatre
anfitrião: 1. host
anfíbio: 1. amphibian
angariar: 1. recruit
angelical: 1. angelic
angina: 1. angina, quinsy
angina do peito: 1. angina pectoris
anglicano: 1. Anglican | 2. Anglican
anglicismo: 1. Anglicism | 2. anglicism
anglo-saxão: 1. Anglo-Saxon
anglo: 1. Angle
anguia: 1. eel
anguilula: 1. eelworm
angular: 1. gaunt
anguloso: 1. bumpy
angustiar: 1. afflict, grieve
angustioso: 1. oppressing
angélica: 1. angelica
angélico: 1. angelic
angústia: 1. agony, anguish, fear
anilina: 1. aniline
animado: 1. adroit, agile, alert, brisk, keen
animal: 1. animal | 2. beastly, bestial | 3. animal, beast | 4. head of cattle
animal bovino: 1. bovine, bovine animal
animal carnívoro’besta-fera: 1. beast of prey
animal selvagem: 1. beast, brute, wild animal
animar: 1. animate | 2. encourage
animoso: 1. brave, gallant
anis: 1. anise
anistia: 1. act of grace, amnesty
anistiar: 1. amnesty, pardon
aniversário: 1. anniversary | 2. birthday | 3. birthday
anjo: 1. angel
anjo da guarda: 1. guardian angel
ano: 1. year
anoitecer: 1. dusk
anomalia: 1. abnormity, anomaly
anonimato: 1. anonymity
anormal: 1. abnormal
ano bissexto: 1. leap-year
anseio: 1. desire, want, wish
ansiedade: 1. anxiety
ansioso: 1. oppressing | 2. agitated, anxious
antagonismo: 1. antithesis, contradistinction, contrast, opposition
antebraço: 1. lower-arm
antecedente: 1. former, last, previous, prior
anteceder: 1. precede
antecipar: 1. anticipate, think ahead
antecipação: 1. anticipation
antedatar: 1. antedate
antediluviano: 1. antediluvian, very ancient
antena: 1. aerial, antenna
anteontem: 1. the day before yesterday
antepassado: 1. forefather
anteprojeto: 1. foreground
anterior: 1. former, last, previous, prior
anteriormente: 1. ahead, formerly, previously
antes: 1. ahead, formerly, previously
antes de: 1. before, in front of | 2. before, previous to
antes que: 1. before, previous to
anti-semita: 1. anti-Semite
anti-semitismo: 1. anti-Semitism
anti-séptico: 1. antiseptic
antibiôtico: 1. antibiotic
anticorpo: 1. antibody
antidoto: 1. antidote
antigo: 1. ancient, antique
antilhano: 1. Antillian
antimônio: 1. antimony
antipatia: 1. aversion, dislike
antipático: 1. nasty
antiquado: 1. old-fashioned, out of date
antiquário: 1. antique dealer
antisséptico: 1. antiseptic
antologia: 1. anthology
antracite: 1. anthracite
antropologia: 1. anthropology
antropólogo: 1. anthropologist
antárctico: 1. Antarctic
antílope: 1. antelope
antípoda: 1. antipode
antítese: 1. antithesis
anual: 1. annual, yearly
anualmente: 1. yearly
anuidade: 1. instalment, repayment
anuir: 1. accede, agree, consent
anular: 1. abolish, abrogate | 2. cross out, strike out | 3. abjure, abolish, abrogate, annul, cancel, remit
anunciante: 1. announcer | 2. announcer
anunciar: 1. advertise, announce, give notice | 2. advise, counsel, notify | 3. herald
anunciar por sinal: 1. signal
anzol: 1. hook
anágua: 1. petticoat
análise: 1. analysis
análogo: 1. analogous
anárquico: 1. anarchic, anarchical, anarchist
anás: 1. duck
anátema: 1. anathema, ban, excommunication
anódio: 1. anode
anúncio: 1. ad, advertisement | 2. notification, notice
anêmico: 1. anaemic | 2. anaemic
anêmona: 1. anemone
anômalo: 1. deviating, divergent | 2. abnormal
anônimo: 1. anonymous | 2. anonymous writer
anão: 1. dwarf, midget | 2. dwarf, midget
ao: 1. at, by, on, upon
aorta: 1. aorta
aos pares: 1. by twos
aos quatro: 1. by fours
ao acaso: 1. by accident, by chance
ao comprido: 1. lengthwise
ao contrário: 1. on the contrary, otherwise | 2. on the contrary
ao derredor de: 1. about, round, around, towards
ao estrangeiro: 1. abroad
ao invés de: 1. instead
ao lado de: 1. beside, alongside, next to | 2. beyond, by, past, straight past
ao longo: 1. lengthwise
ao longo de: 1. according as, according to, as, by
ao mais: 1. at most | 2. at most
ao menos: 1. at least
ao mesmo tempo: 1. at the same time
ao princípio: 1. first, firstly, first of all
ao pé de: 1. at, beside, by, near, nearby, near to, next to | 2. at, beside, with
apache: 1. apache, hood, ruffian
apagar: 1. extinguish, put out
apaixonado: 1. passionate
apalpar: 1. finger, handle | 2. feel, grope
apanhar: 1. capture, catch, grapple | 2. shovel
aparacer como se fosse fantasma: 1. haunt
aparador: 1. buffet | 2. larder, pantry, store-cupboard
aparecer: 1. appear, emerge, perform
aparelhar: 1. equip | 2. prepare | 3. finish, prepare
aparelho: 1. apparatus, device, set
aparelho automático: 1. automoton
aparelho de alarma: 1. alarm
aparentado: 1. affined, akin, related
aparentar: 1. feign, pretend
aparentemente: 1. apparently, seemingly
aparercer: 1. point out to be
aparicão: 1. appearance
aparição: 1. ghost, phantom
apartamento: 1. apartment, flat
apartar-se: 1. break up, separate | 2. separate
apartar: 1. divide, separate
aparência: 1. appearance, aspect, look, sight, view | 2. exterior | 3. exterior | 4. expression | 5. appearance
apascentar: 1. feed
apatia: 1. apathy
apear-se: 1. dismount
apelar: 1. appeal to, invoke | 2. appeal
apelação: 1. appeal
apelido: 1. first name
apenas: 1. barely, hardly, only just, scarcely | 2. exclusively, just, only
apendicite: 1. appendicitis
apenso: 1. adjacent | 2. incidental, side
aperfeiçoar: 1. perfect
aperitivo: 1. dram, nip, peg, snifter, snorter | 2. appetizing | 3. appetizing
aperrear: 1. carp at, haze, quibble
apertado: 1. close, cramped
apertar: 1. press, oppress, squeeze
aperto: 1. abashment, embarrassment, perplexity
aperto de mão: 1. handshake
apesar de: 1. despite, in spite of, notwithstanding
apetite: 1. appetite
apetitoso: 1. appetizing | 2. appetizing
apicultura: 1. bee-keeping
apiedar-se de: 1. have compassion on, pity
apimentar: 1. pepper
apitar: 1. whistle
apito: 1. whistle
aplainar: 1. facilitate
aplanar: 1. even, level
aplaudir: 1. acclaim, applaud, clap | 2. approve
aplauso: 1. acclamation | 2. acclaim, acclamation, approval | 3. acclaim, approval
aplicado: 1. diligent, hardworking, industrious
aplicar: 1. attach, put onto | 2. apply, practice | 3. put on
aplicar curativo: 1. dress
aplicação: 1. application, employment, use | 2. application | 3. application, employment, use | 4. industry
apocalíptico: 1. apocalyptic
apodrecer: 1. putrefy, rot
apogeu: 1. acme
apoiar-se: 1. lean
apoiar: 1. lean, support, sustain
apoio: 1. prop, support
apologia: 1. apology
apontamento: 1. annotation, note
apontar: 1. aim, intend | 2. indicate, point out, show
apoplexia: 1. fit, apoplectic fit, seizure, stroke, stroke of apoplexy
apor: 1. attach, put onto | 2. put on
aposentado: 1. retired | 2. retired person
aposentar-se: 1. retire
aposento: 1. abode, accommodation, dwelling, residence | 2. chamber, room
aposentos: 1. apartment, flat
aposta: 1. bet, wager
apostar: 1. bet, wager
apostatar: 1. apostatize
apostema: 1. abscess
apostolar: 1. apostolic
apoteose: 1. apotheosis
aprazar: 1. destine, earmark, ordain | 2. attach, determine, fasten, fix, affix, make fast, secure
aprazer: 1. please
aprazível: 1. agreeable, enjoyable, lovely, nice, pleasant | 2. pleasing
apreciar: 1. appreciate | 2. appreciate | 3. esteem, think well of | 4. censure, criticize | 5. review
apreciação: 1. esteem, regard
apreciável: 1. respectable | 2. considerable, sizable
apreender: 1. arrest | 2. understand, realize
apregoar: 1. herald
aprender: 1. learn
aprender a fundo: 1. master
apresar: 1. arrest
apresentar: 1. exhibit, demonstrate
apresentar aberração: 1. deviate
apresentar sua candidatura: 1. run for election
apresentação: 1. presentation
apressar-se: 1. go fast, hurry, rush
apressar: 1. accelerate, speed up | 2. hurry, press, urge
aprestar: 1. equip
apresto: 1. starch
aprimorado: 1. perfect
aprisco: 1. pen, sty
aprisionar: 1. capture, catch, grapple
aprontar: 1. finish | 2. prepare | 3. finish, prepare
apropriado: 1. adequate | 2. conforming, fitting | 3. appropriate, becoming, seemly, suitable
aprovar: 1. acclaim, applaud, clap | 2. approve
aprovação: 1. acclaim, approval
aproveitar: 1. profit
aproximadamente: 1. about, approximately
aproximar-se: 1. advance, approach, come on | 2. advance, come close, come closer, come on | 3. advance, approach, come close, come closer, come on
aprumo: 1. aplomb, self-assurance
apto: 1. able, capable | 2. of use, suitable
apurar: 1. refine
apático: 1. apathetic
apócrifo: 1. apocryphal
apólice: 1. share | 2. policy, insurance policy
apólogo: 1. fable
após: 1. after, behind
apóstata: 1. apostate
apóstolo: 1. apostle
apóstrofe: 1. apostrophe
apêndice: 1. appendix
aquarela: 1. water-colour
aquecedor: 1. heater
aquecer: 1. heat, stoke
aqueduto: 1. aqueduct
aquiescer: 1. accord, admit, afford, allow, permit
aquietar: 1. facilitate
aquilo: 1. that, that over there, those
aquilégia: 1. columbine
aquiléia: 1. yarrow
aquisição: 1. acquirement, acquisition | 2. accession, acquisition, gain | 3. accession, acquisition, asset
aqui anexo: 1. herewith
aquoso: 1. aquatic, water, water-, of water
aquário: 1. aquarium
aquático: 1. aquatic, water, water-, of water
ar: 1. air
arabesco: 1. arabesque
araca: 1. rack, arrack
arado: 1. plough
aragem: 1. breeze | 2. zephyr
arame: 1. wire
arame farpado: 1. barbed wire, barbed-wire
aranha: 1. spider
arar: 1. plough
arara: 1. macaw
araruta: 1. arrowroot
araucária: 1. araucaria, monkey puzzle
arauto: 1. herald
arbitragem: 1. arbitration
arbitrariedade: 1. arbiter, arbitrator
arbitrário: 1. arbitrary
arbusto: 1. bush, shrub
arbítrio: 1. arbitration | 2. arbiter, arbitrator
arbóreo: 1. arboreal, tree, tree-, of a tree
arca: 1. ark | 2. box, chest
arcada: 1. arch
arcanjo: 1. archangel
arcebispo: 1. archbishop
archote: 1. torch
arco-íris: 1. rainbow
arco: 1. arch | 2. arc, bow | 3. bend, curve
ardente: 1. ablaze, afire, aflame, aglow, ardent | 2. hot
arder: 1. glow, glow with heat | 2. burn | 3. flame
ardiloso: 1. clever, cunning, sly, smart
ardor: 1. glow, heat, passion | 2. fervor, fervour, zeal | 3. lust, passion
are: 1. are, square decametre
areia: 1. sand
areia grossa: 1. gravel, grit
arejar: 1. aerate, air out, give an airing, ventilate | 2. ventilate
arena: 1. arena
arenque: 1. herring
aresta: 1. mountain ridge
argamassa: 1. morter
argeliano: 1. Algerian
argentino: 1. Argentine, Argentinean | 2. Argentine | 3. silver
argila: 1. clay
argiloso: 1. earthen, clay, stone
argola: 1. ring | 2. link
arguir: 1. accuse
arguição: 1. accusation | 2. accusal, accusation
argumentar: 1. maintain
argumentação: 1. argumentation | 2. argument, plea
arguto: 1. subtle
argênteo: 1. silver
argônio: 1. argon
ariano: 1. Aryan | 2. Aryan
arisco: 1. brutal, gruff, harsh, rough, sour, surly, unkind, unpleasant
aristocracia: 1. aristocracy | 2. aristocracy
aristocrata: 1. aristocrat
aristocrático: 1. aristocratic
aritmética: 1. arithmetic
arlequim: 1. buffoon, jester
arma: 1. weapon
armada: 1. navy
armadilha: 1. snare, trap
armadura: 1. armature, brace, cramp-iron
armadílio: 1. armadillo
armar: 1. arm | 2. drape | 3. strech, wind up
armazém: 1. boutique, shop, store | 2. warehouse
armação: 1. armature, brace, cramp-iron
armário: 1. cabinet, closet, cupboard, sideboard
arméria: 1. sea pink
armênio: 1. Armenian | 2. Armenian
arnica: 1. arnica
aroma: 1. aroma, flavour
aromática: 1. aromatic, fragrant, nutty
arquar: 1. bend
arquiduque: 1. archduke
arquipélago: 1. archipelago | 2. archipelago
arquitecto: 1. architect
arquiteto: 1. architect
arquivo: 1. archive, archives, files, records | 2. file
arrabalde: 1. environment, environs, surroundings
arraia: 1. skate, stingray
arrancada: 1. impetus
arrancar: 1. pick, pluck, tear off | 2. start running | 3. abstract, take away
arrancar com a raiz: 1. eradicate
arranco: 1. access, impetus, impulse
arranhar: 1. scratch | 2. scrape, scratch
arranjar: 1. achieve, acquire, attain, get, obtain | 2. accomodate | 3. arrange, fix up | 4. get, procure | 5. arrange, put in order, tidy
arranjo: 1. accommodation, adjustment, arrangement | 2. order
arranque: 1. starter
arrastar: 1. drag, tow
arrebentar: 1. burst
arredondar: 1. complete
arredores: 1. surroundings
arreio: 1. saddle
arrematar: 1. crown
arrematação: 1. auction
arremessar: 1. throw
arrendamento: 1. farm
arrendar: 1. farm, lease
arrendatário: 1. farmer
arrepender-se: 1. repent
arrependimento: 1. repentance
arrepiar: 1. dishevel, tousle
arrimar: 1. lean, support, sustain
arriscado: 1. audacious, bold, daring, intrepid | 2. dangerous
arriscar: 1. endanger | 2. hazard, risk, venture
arroba: 1. atpersand, commercial-at sign, snail
arrogante: 1. arrogant
arrogância: 1. arrogance, assumingness, overbearingness, presumption
arrojado: 1. brave, courageous, valiant
arrojar-se: 1. crawl, creep
arrolamente: 1. inventory
arrolhar: 1. block, clog, plug up, stop up
arrostar: 1. challenge, defy | 2. confront, stand up to, withstand
arrotar: 1. belch, burp
arroz: 1. rice
arruinar: 1. damage, injure, spoil
arrumadeira: 1. maid
arrumar: 1. arrange, fix up | 2. arrange, put in order, tidy
arsenal: 1. armoury, arsenal | 2. armoury, arsenal
arsênico-branco: 1. arsenic
arsênico: 1. arsenic
arte: 1. art | 2. handicraft, occupation, trade
arteiro: 1. mischievous, playful
artelho: 1. ankle
artemijem: 1. absinth
artemísia: 1. absinth
arteriosclerose: 1. arteriosclerosis
artesiano: 1. artesian
articular: 1. articulate | 2. articulate | 3. pronounce
articulação: 1. joint
artificial: 1. artificial, artistic | 2. artificial | 3. contrived
artifício: 1. subterfuge, trick, trickery
artigo: 1. article, commodity | 2. article | 3. article, object, thing
artigo definido: 1. definite article
artigo de fundo: 1. leading article
artilharia: 1. artillery
artilheiro: 1. artilleryman, gunner | 2. artilleryman, gunner
artimanha: 1. subterfuge, trick, trickery
artista: 1. actor | 2. artist
artrite: 1. arthritis
artéria: 1. artery
artífice: 1. author
arvoreta: 1. bush, shrub
aráquida: 1. peanut
arúspice: 1. fortune teller
arão: 1. arum
as-de-mim: 1. forget-me-not
as: 1. the
asa: 1. handle | 2. wing | 3. handle, knob
ascender: 1. ascend, climb, go up
ascensor: 1. elevator, lift
asco: 1. abhorrence, abomination, horror
asenino: 1. ass’s, donkey, donkey-, of an ass
asfaltar: 1. asphalt
asfalto: 1. asphalt
asfódelo: 1. asphodel
asiano: 1. Asian
asilar-se: 1. take refuge
asilo: 1. almshouse, workhouse | 2. asylum
asiático: 1. Asian, Asiatic | 2. Asian
asma: 1. asthma, shortness of breath, wheeziness
asmático: 1. asthmatic, wheezy | 2. asthmatic, asthmatic patient
asno: 1. ass, donkey
aspargo: 1. asparagus
aspas: 1. inverted comma, quotation mark, quote
aspecto: 1. appearance, aspect, look, sight, view | 2. sight, view
aspergir: 1. sprinkle, water
aspidistra: 1. aspidistra
aspirador: 1. vacuum cleaner, vacuum-cleaner
aspirador de pó: 1. vacuum cleaner, vacuum-cleaner
aspirar: 1. aspire, aspire to, hope for | 2. ache | 3. inhale | 4. pump
aspiração: 1. ambition, aspiration
aspirina: 1. aspirin
aspárago: 1. asparagus
assa-fétida: 1. asafoetida
assalariado: 1. employee
assalariar: 1. employ, hire
assaltante: 1. aggressor, assailant, attacker
assaltar: 1. assault, attack
assar: 1. bake | 2. roast, toast
assassinar: 1. murder
assassínio: 1. murder
assaz: 1. enough, quite, rather, sufficiently
assear: 1. clean, cleanse, make clean, purge
assediar: 1. besiege
assegurar: 1. insure | 2. assert, state | 3. affirm, assure
asseio: 1. cleanliness, purity
assembléia: 1. assembly
assentar-se: 1. sit down
assentir: 1. approve
assento: 1. chair
asserção: 1. contention, assertion
asseverar: 1. assert, state
assiduidade: 1. industry
assim: 1. so, such, thus
assim, assim: 1. so so
assimilar: 1. assimilate
assimilação: 1. assimilation | 2. assimilation
assinalar: 1. mark | 2. indicate, point out, show | 3. notice
assinante: 1. subscriber
assinar: 1. sign
assinatura: 1. subscription | 2. signature
assinatura em branco: 1. blank cheque, carte blanche
assistente: 1. assistant, lady help | 2. aid, assistant, helper
assistir: 1. be present | 2. be present | 3. abet, aid, assist, help | 4. attend, be present, witness
assistir a: 1. watch
assistência: 1. assistance, help
assoalho: 1. floor
assobiar: 1. whistle | 2. hiss
assobio: 1. whistle
associado: 1. partner | 2. partner | 3. companion
associar-se: 1. associate, come together, join, pool
associação: 1. association
assunto: 1. affair, business, business deal, case, matter | 2. article, object, thing | 3. theme, topic, subject
asséptico: 1. aseptic
assíduo: 1. diligent, hardworking, industrious
assírio: 1. Assyrian
astatínio: 1. astatine
asterisco: 1. asterisk | 2. asterisk
asteróide: 1. asteroid
astro: 1. heavenly body | 2. star
astrologia: 1. astrology
astronauta: 1. astronaut, spaceman
astronomia: 1. astronomy
astronômico: 1. astronomic, astronomical
astropólio: 1. aster
astríaco: 1. Austrian
astrólogo: 1. astrologer
astrônomo: 1. astronomer
astuto: 1. sophisticated | 2. clever, cunning, sly, smart | 3. acute, astute, shrewd
astúcia: 1. ruse, stratagem, trick | 2. ruse, trick
as duas: 1. both
atacador: 1. shoe-lace
atacante: 1. aggressor, assailant, attacker
atacar: 1. assault, attack
atacar de frente: 1. confront, face
atacar metais: 1. bite
atadura: 1. bandage | 2. bandage, swathe
ataque: 1. access, aggression, attack
atar: 1. bind, connect, join, tie, tie up
atarraxar: 1. screw
atavismo: 1. atavism, throw-back
atazanar: 1. carp at, haze, quibble
ataúde: 1. coffin
atelier: 1. atelier, studio, work-room, workshop
ateliê: 1. workshop
atencioso: 1. attentive | 2. kind, obliging | 3. kind, obliging
atender: 1. advert, pay attention, pay attention to, watch out for
ateniense: 1. Athenian
atentado: 1. assault
atentar: 1. assault, violate
atento: 1. attentive
atenção: 1. acuity, advertence, advertency, attention
aterrar: 1. land
aterrissar: 1. land
aterrorizar: 1. frighten, terrify
atestado: 1. certificate, testimony
atestar: 1. attest, bear witness of, testify
ateu: 1. atheist
ateísmo: 1. atheism
ateísta: 1. atheist
atingir: 1. accomplish, achieve, attain, get, reach | 2. catch, hit, run across, strike
atingível: 1. accessible
atirar: 1. accelerate, speed up | 2. fire, shoot | 3. throw
atitude: 1. attitude
atiçar: 1. agitate, excite, rouse, stir up
atlante: 1. Atlantean
atlas: 1. atlas
atleta: 1. athlete
atletismo: 1. athletics | 2. athletics
atlético: 1. athletic
atmosfera: 1. atmosphere
atmosférico: 1. atmospheric
atol: 1. atoll
atonal: 1. atonal
atordoar: 1. alarm, appal, dismay, puzzle | 2. amaze
atormentar: 1. agonize, torture | 2. abuse, agonize, torment
atraente: 1. attractive | 2. charming, lovely
atrair: 1. attract | 2. attract, decoy, lure | 3. charm
atraiçoar: 1. betray
atrapalhar: 1. confuse, puzzle | 2. bar, hinder, inhibit, prevent
atraso: 1. delay, retardation
atrativo: 1. charm
atravessar: 1. cross | 2. experience, live through, survive
atravessar a vau: 1. ford
através de: 1. by, by means of, on, through, with | 2. through | 3. across, beyond, on the other side of
atrelar: 1. harness
atrever-se: 1. dare
atrevido: 1. impertinent
atribuir: 1. accredit
atributo: 1. attribute
atrofia: 1. atrophy
atrofiar-se: 1. atrophy
atrofiar: 1. atrophy
atrás: 1. behind | 2. afterwards, next, subsequently
atrás de: 1. since, ever since | 2. behind, after | 3. after, behind
atrás dos bastidores: 1. behind the scenes
atríplex: 1. orache
attaché: 1. attaché
atualmente: 1. currently, nowadays, these days
atuar como figurante: 1. play a small part
atum: 1. tuna, tuna-fish, tunny
até: 1. even | 2. until, till
até agora: 1. still, yet
até a vista: 1. bye, goodbye, so long
até logo: 1. adieu, farewell, bye, goodbye | 2. bye, goodbye, so long
até mais ver: 1. bye, goodbye, so long
até mesmo: 1. even
até que: 1. until, till
atômico: 1. atomic
audaz: 1. audacious, bold, daring, intrepid
audiovisual: 1. audio-visual
auditor: 1. listener
auditório: 1. audience | 2. auditory
audiência: 1. audience
audácia: 1. audacity, boldness, daring
auferir: 1. earn, gain, win
augurar: 1. forecast, foretell, prophesy
augúrio: 1. indication, omen, presage, portent, sign
aula: 1. lesson | 2. lecture | 3. lecture
aumentar: 1. accrue, grow | 2. aggrandize, augment, enlarge, increase | 3. increase
aumentar a velocidade de: 1. accelerate, speed up
aura: 1. aura
aurora: 1. aurora, dawn
auréola: 1. aureole, halo
ausentar-se: 1. absent onself, depart, go away, leave
ausente: 1. absent | 2. absent
auspício: 1. auspices, patronage, protection, support
austero: 1. severe, strict
austral: 1. south, southern
australiano: 1. Australian | 2. Australian
austríaco: 1. Austrian
ausência: 1. absence
autarquia: 1. autarky, self-sufficiency
autenticidade: 1. authenticity
autismo: 1. autism
auto-confiante: 1. confident, self-assured
auto-estrada: 1. motor road, motorway | 2. expressway, freeway
auto-ônibus: 1. bus, autobus, omnibus | 2. omnibus
auto: 1. car
autobiografia: 1. autobiography
autocracia: 1. absolute power, absolute rule, autocracy
autocrata: 1. despotic
autocratismo: 1. autocracy
autocrático: 1. autocratic
autodidata: 1. autodidact, self-taught man | 2. autodidact, self-taught man
automaticamente: 1. automatically
automatizar: 1. automate
automatização: 1. automation
automobilismo: 1. motoring
automobilista: 1. motorist
automático: 1. automatic
automóvel: 1. car
autonomia: 1. autonomy | 2. autonomy
autor: 1. author | 2. author | 3. author, writer
autoridade: 1. authority | 2. authority | 3. authority
autorizado: 1. authorative | 2. able, accomplished, competent
autorizar: 1. authorize
autócrata: 1. absolute ruler, autocrat
autóctone: 1. native
autópsia: 1. autopsy
autêntico: 1. authentic | 2. authentic, genuine
autômato: 1. automoton
autônomo: 1. autonomic, autonomous | 2. independant
auxiliar: 1. assistant | 2. auxilary | 3. accomodate, aid, assist, help
auxílio: 1. aid, help | 2. aid, help
aval: 1. guarantee, guarantee of a bill
avalanche: 1. avalanche
avaliar: 1. esteem, think well of | 2. appraise, estimate, rate
avante: 1. ahead, foreward, on | 2. forward
avançar: 1. advance, go forward | 2. continue, go on, proceed with | 3. hazard, risk, venture
avanço: 1. antecedent | 2. fore
avarento: 1. avaricious, miserly, stingy | 2. miser, niggard, skinflint
avaria: 1. damage | 2. damage
avariar: 1. damage, injure, spoil
avaro: 1. avaricious, miserly, stingy
avaçar: 1. overhaul, overtake, pass
ave: 1. bird
aveia: 1. oats
aveleira: 1. hazel, hazel-tree
avelã: 1. hazelnut
avelãzeira: 1. hazel, hazel-tree
avenca: 1. maidenhair
avenida: 1. avenue
avenida arborizada: 1. avenue
avental: 1. apron
aventura: 1. adventure
aventurar-se a: 1. dare
aventurar: 1. endanger | 2. hazard, risk, venture
aventureiro: 1. adventurous | 2. adventurer | 3. adventurer
avestruz: 1. ostrich
ave doméstica: 1. fowl
aviar: 1. dispatch, send off, ship
aviação: 1. aeronautics, aviation
avidez: 1. alacrity, avidity, covetousness, eagerness, greediness
avionar: 1. aviate
avisar: 1. caution, warn | 2. advise, counsel, notify
aviso: 1. warning | 2. notification, notice
avivar: 1. refresh
aviário: 1. aviary
avião: 1. aeroplane, airplane, plane | 2. aircraft | 3. aircraft
avião a jato: 1. jet plane
avolumar: 1. thicken
avulso: 1. apart, particular, separate, special
avultar: 1. accrue, grow
avó: 1. grandmother
avós: 1. grandparents
avô: 1. grandfather
axalar: 1. exhale
axila: 1. armpit
axioma: 1. axiom
azaléia: 1. azalea
azar: 1. accidence, chance, hazard
azedar-se: 1. acidify, sour, grow sour
azedar: 1. acidify
azedo: 1. acetous, acid, sour, tart
azedume: 1. acidity, acidness
azeite: 1. oil of olives, olive-oil
azeitona: 1. olive
azevim: 1. holly
azevinho: 1. holly
azimute: 1. azimuth
azul-ferrete: 1. dark blue
azul: 1. blue | 2. blue
azul claro: 1. bright blue
azálea: 1. azalea
azóico: 1. Azoic, Azoic era
aéreo: 1. aerial, overground, overhead
açaimo: 1. muzzle
açambarcar: 1. corner, monopolize
açamo: 1. muzzle
açcão: 1. action, activity
aço: 1. steel
açor: 1. hawk
açougue: 1. butcher’s shop
açougueiro: 1. butcher
açucareiro: 1. sugar-bowl, sugarbowl
açúcar: 1. sugar
açúcar de beterraba: 1. beet sugar, beetroot sugar
ação: 1. action, lawsuit
a Haia: 1. The Hague
a despeito de: 1. despite, in spite of, notwithstanding
a fim de: 1. for, to, in order to, per
a gente: 1. you, one, they
a noite passada: 1. last night
a par: 1. together
a partir de: 1. since | 2. from, since
a propósito: 1. by the way | 2. at the right time, in time
a respeito de: 1. about, concerning, on, upon
a saber: 1. that is
a seu bel-prazer: 1. as one pleases
a tempo: 1. at the right time, in time
babosa: 1. aloe
babucha: 1. mule
babuíno: 1. baboon
bacalhau: 1. cod, codfish
bacanal: 1. orgy
bacia: 1. basin, reservoir | 2. basin, bowl, pelvis
bacia de cama: 1. pot, chamber pot
bactéria: 1. bacterium
baga: 1. berry
bagagem: 1. baggage, luggage
bagatela: 1. trifle
bagaço: 1. bagasse
bah: 1. bah, nuts, pooh
bailar: 1. dance
bailarina: 1. ballerina, ballet dancer, ballet girl
bailarino: 1. ballet dancer
baile: 1. ball, dance | 2. dance
bainha: 1. holder, socket
bainha da espada: 1. scabbard
baio: 1. sorrel
baioneta: 1. bayonet
bairro: 1. district, neighbourhood, quarter
baixamar: 1. low tide
baixista: 1. bear | 2. bear
baixo-relevo: 1. bas-relief, low relief
baixo: 1. bass, bass voice | 2. low | 3. shallow, superficial
bala: 1. bullet
balada: 1. ballad, ballade
balalaica: 1. balalaika
balanceiro: 1. balance, fly
balança: 1. scales
balançar-se: 1. balance, poise
balançar: 1. rock, swing
balanço: 1. weighing machine | 2. balance sheet
balastro: 1. ballast
balata: 1. balata
balbuciar: 1. stammer, stutter
balbúrdia: 1. agitation, riot, tumult
balconista: 1. clerk
balcão: 1. balcony
baldaquim: 1. baldachin, canopy
balde: 1. bucket, pail
baleia: 1. whale
balizar: 1. measure
balsâmico: 1. balm, balsam
balsâmina: 1. balsam
baluarte: 1. bastion | 2. rampart
balé: 1. ballet
balística: 1. ballistics
balão: 1. balloon
bambu: 1. bamboo
banal: 1. commonplace, dismal, trite
banalidade: 1. banality, triteness, triviality, platitude
banana: 1. banana
bananeira: 1. banana plant, banana-plant
banco: 1. bank | 2. bench | 3. bench, easel, tressle, workbench
banco de areia: 1. bank, sandbank
banda: 1. side | 2. ribbon
bandagem: 1. bandage | 2. bandage, swathe
bandeira: 1. banner, flag | 2. faction, party, side | 3. flag, standard
bandeirante: 1. pioneer
bandido: 1. bandit | 2. gangster, hoodlum | 3. robber
bando: 1. band, bevy, gang | 2. gang, squad
bandoleiro: 1. bandit
bangalô: 1. bungalow
banha: 1. fat, grease
banhar-se: 1. bathe, have a bath
banhar: 1. bathe
banheira: 1. bath
banheiro: 1. bathroom
banho: 1. bath
banir: 1. exile | 2. do away with, get rid of, remove
banjo: 1. banjo
banqueiro: 1. banker, bank manager | 2. bank clerk, bank official
banqueta: 1. small bench, stool
banquete: 1. banquet | 2. banquet, feast
banquinho: 1. small bench, stool
baobabe: 1. baobab
baobá: 1. baobab
baquelite: 1. bakelite
bar: 1. bar, pub
baralhar: 1. blend, mingle, mix, shuffle
barata: 1. cockroach
barato: 1. cheap, inexpensive | 2. cheap, inexpensive
barba: 1. beard
barbado: 1. bearded | 2. bearded
barbaria: 1. barbarity, barbarousness
barbaridade: 1. barbarity | 2. barbarity, barbarousness
barbarismo: 1. barbarism
barbatana: 1. busk, steel | 2. fin
barbear: 1. shave
barbeiro: 1. barber | 2. barber
barbo: 1. barbel | 2. barbel
barbudo: 1. bearded | 2. bearded
barca: 1. ferry
barcaça: 1. barge
barco: 1. bark, barque | 2. boat
barco de motor: 1. motor-boat, motor-launch
barco movido a remo: 1. row-boat, rowing-boat
barco salva-vidas: 1. life-boat
bardo: 1. bard
baronesa: 1. baroness
baronia: 1. barony
barra: 1. ray, strip, stripe
barraca: 1. barrack, barn, shack, shanty, shed | 2. barn, shed, stand | 3. tent
barragem: 1. dam
barrar: 1. bar, obstruct
barreira: 1. barrier | 2. barrier, fence
barrete: 1. beret | 2. cap | 3. cap
barrica: 1. barrel
barricada: 1. barricade
barricar: 1. barricade
barriga: 1. calf | 2. abdomen, belly, tummy
barril: 1. barrel
barro: 1. clay
barroco: 1. baroque | 2. bizarre, odd, weird
barrote: 1. beam, girder
barulhento: 1. noisy
barulho: 1. ado, din, noise
barítono: 1. baritone | 2. baritone
barômetro: 1. barometer
barão: 1. baron
basal: 1. basic
basalto: 1. basalt, whimstone
base: 1. element, foundation
basear: 1. base | 2. base, found, ground
basilar: 1. basic
basquete: 1. basketball
bastante: 1. several | 2. enough, sufficient | 3. enough, quite, rather, sufficiently
bastar: 1. suffice
bastardia: 1. bastardy
bastardo: 1. bastard
bastidor: 1. flat | 2. bench, easel, tressle, workbench
bastião: 1. bastion
basto: 1. concentrated, dense, thick
bastonete: 1. stick, little stick
bastão: 1. baton, cane, stick
basílica: 1. basilica
basílico: 1. basil
batalha: 1. action, battle, scuffle, struggle
batalhador: 1. truculent
batalhar: 1. fight, struggle
batalhar uns contra os outros: 1. be at loggerheads, tussle
batalhão: 1. battalion
batata: 1. potato
batata doce: 1. sweet potato, yam
batatinha: 1. potato
batavo: 1. Batavian
batel: 1. boat
bater-se a socos: 1. box
bater: 1. beat, hit, strike | 2. thresh | 3. hit, knock, strike | 4. curl, froth, stir, whip, whirl | 5. lap, plash, splash | 6. sound | 7. brandish, fling, swing, wave, wave about
bateria: 1. battery
bater a nata: 1. churn
bater de leve: 1. pat, tap
bater palmas: 1. acclaim, applaud, clap
bater repetidamente: 1. clatter
batismo: 1. baptism, christening
batista: 1. baptist | 2. batiste, cambric, lawn
batistério: 1. baptistery
batizar: 1. baptize, christen
baud: 1. baud
baunilha: 1. vanilla
bauxita: 1. bauxite
bazar: 1. bazaar, fair, market
bazuca: 1. anti-tank gun, bazooka
baía: 1. bay
baú: 1. box, chest | 2. trunk
baço: 1. ill humor, ill humour
bebedeira: 1. drunkenness, inebriety | 2. drunkenness
beber: 1. drink, drink to excess | 2. drink
beber em excesso d’alcoólico: 1. drink, drink to excess
beber à saúde de: 1. toast, offer a toast
bebida: 1. beverage, drink
bebida alcoólica: 1. alcohol, booze, liquor, spirits, strong drink | 2. booze
bebê: 1. baby
beca: 1. dress, gown, robe
beco: 1. alley, lane
beduíno: 1. Bedouin
beguina: 1. beguine
beguinaria: 1. beguinage
begônia: 1. begonia
beijar-se: 1. squabble, wrangle
beijar: 1. kiss
beijar ruidosamente: 1. smack
beijo: 1. kiss
beijocar: 1. smack
beira: 1. end, tip
beisebol: 1. baseball
bel: 1. bel
beladona: 1. belladonna
belas-artes: 1. belles-lettres | 2. belles-lettres
belchior: 1. secondhand dealer
beleza: 1. beauty
belga: 1. Belgian | 2. Belgian
belicoso: 1. martial, warlike
beliscar: 1. pinch
belo: 1. beautiful, fine, handsome, lovely | 2. beauty
bem-vindo: 1. welcome
bem: 1. okay, well | 2. good | 3. yes | 4. now, well, well then
bemol: 1. flat
bem como: 1. together with
bem disposto: 1. adroit, agile, alert, brisk, keen
bendizer: 1. bless
beneditino: 1. Benedictine, Benedictine monk
benefício: 1. advantage, benefit | 2. benefit performance
bengala: 1. baton, cane, stick
benigno: 1. benign
benquerer: 1. love
bens de raiz: 1. estate, farm, property, ranch
benzeno: 1. benzene
benzer: 1. bless
benzina: 1. gasolene, gasoline, petrol
benção: 1. blessing, boon
bergamota: 1. bergamot
berilo: 1. beryl
berma: 1. shoulder, verge, verge of a road
berquélio: 1. berkelium
berrar: 1. yell | 2. cry out, scream, shout
berílio: 1. beryllium
berço: 1. cradle
besouro: 1. june bug
besta: 1. ass, donkey | 2. animal, beast
bestificar: 1. alarm, appal, dismay, puzzle
bestseller: 1. best-seller
beta: 1. beta
beterraba: 1. beet
betônica: 1. betony
betão: 1. concrete
bexiga: 1. bladder, bubble
bezerro: 1. calf
bibliografia: 1. bibliography
biblioteca: 1. library
bibliotecário: 1. librarian
bica: 1. faucet, tap
bicar reciprocamente: 1. squabble, wrangle
bichano: 1. kitten
bicho: 1. animal, beast | 2. worm
bicicleta: 1. bike, cycle, bicycle
biciclo: 1. bike, cycle, bicycle
bico: 1. beak, bill
bico de mamadeira: 1. nipple
bielo-russo: 1. White Russian
bifsteque: 1. steak, beefsteak
biga: 1. beam, girder
bigodes: 1. moustache
bigorrilha: 1. apache, hood, ruffian
bile: 1. bile, gall
bilha: 1. jug, pitcher
bilhar: 1. billiards
bilhete: 1. bill, ticket, note | 2. coupon
bilheteira: 1. window, ticket-window
bilheteria: 1. window, ticket-window
bilhete de ida e volta: 1. return-ticket
bilhete postal: 1. postcard
bilontra: 1. cheat, crook, rogue
biltre: 1. rogue, scoundrel
binário: 1. binary
binóculo: 1. binoculars
biografista: 1. biographer
biombo: 1. screen
biosfera: 1. biosphere
biquerão: 1. anchovy
biquíni: 1. bikini
birrento: 1. obstinate, stubborn
bis: 1. encore, one more time
bisavó: 1. great-grandmother
bisavô: 1. great-grandfather
biscoito: 1. biscuit, cookie
bismuto: 1. bismuth
bisneto: 1. greatgrandson
bisonte: 1. bison, buffalo
bispo: 1. bishop
bisão: 1. bison, buffalo
bizantino: 1. Byzantine
bizarro: 1. bizarre, odd, weird
biógrafo: 1. biographer
biólogo: 1. biologist
blague: 1. sly joke
blasfemar: 1. blaspheme, cuss, curse, swear
blasfemo: 1. blasphemer
blasfêmia: 1. blasphemy
blata: 1. cockroach
blenorréia: 1. clap, gonorrhea
bloco: 1. block, pad
bloquear: 1. block, blockade
bloqueio: 1. blockade
blusa: 1. blouse
boa: 1. boa
boas noites: 1. good night
boas tardes: 1. good afternoon | 2. good evening
boate: 1. cabaret
boato: 1. rumor, rumour
boa aceitação: 1. demand, sale
boa noite: 1. good night
boa tarde: 1. good afternoon | 2. good evening
bobina: 1. bobbin, coil, spool
boca: 1. aperture, opening | 2. mouth | 3. jaws, maw
bocado: 1. morsel, mouthful | 2. bite | 3. bit, lump, piece | 4. mouthful
bocal: 1. aperture, opening
bocaréu: 1. anchovy
bocejar: 1. yawn
bocejo: 1. yawn
bochecha: 1. cheek
bochechar: 1. gargle, rinse
bofetada: 1. slap
boi: 1. bovine, bovine animal | 2. ox
boiadeiro: 1. cowboy
boiar: 1. float | 2. float, swim
boina: 1. cap
bola: 1. chunk, clod, lump | 2. ball, ball-bearing, globe | 3. ball
bolbo: 1. bulb
bolchevista: 1. Bolshevik | 2. Bolshevik
boletim: 1. bulletin
bolha: 1. blister
bolha de ar: 1. bubble
bolo: 1. cake
bolorento: 1. mouldy, musty | 2. mouldy
bolsa: 1. stock exchange | 2. purse, wallet | 3. pocket
bolsa de valores: 1. stock exchange
bolso: 1. pocket
bom: 1. good, nice, okay | 2. nice guy | 3. healthy, well
bomba: 1. bomb | 2. pump
bombardear: 1. bombard
bombardeio: 1. shelling
bomba atômica: 1. atom bomb
bomba de hidrogênio: 1. H-bomb, hydrogen bomb
bomba incendiária: 1. incendiary bomb
bombom: 1. bonbon, bon-bon
bombordo: 1. port side
bom augúrio: 1. auspices, patronage, protection, support
bom dia: 1. good morning | 2. good day
bom día: 1. hello
bom gosto: 1. good taste
bom tratamento: 1. treat
bom êxito: 1. achievement, success
bondade: 1. goodness
bonde: 1. streetcar, tram
bondoso: 1. affable, friendly, good-natured, kind | 2. good-hearted, kind
boneca: 1. doll, puppet
boneco: 1. doll, puppet
bonificação: 1. bonus
bonito: 1. beautiful, fine, handsome, lovely | 2. pretty
bons dias: 1. good morning
boné: 1. cap
boqueirão: 1. abyss, chasm, gulf, precipice
borboleta: 1. butterfly
borboletear: 1. flirt, flit, flutter
borbotar: 1. gush, spurt, spurt out
borbulha: 1. pimple
borbulhar: 1. bubble
borda: 1. border, brim, brink, edge, edging, fringe, rim
bordar: 1. embroider
bordel: 1. brothel
bordo: 1. maple, sycamore
bordão: 1. baton, cane, stick
boreal: 1. northern
borgonhês: 1. Burgundian
borla: 1. beret
boro: 1. boron
borracha: 1. rubber | 2. rubber
borrar: 1. botch, bungle, screw up, spoil
borrifar: 1. sprinkle, water
bosquejar: 1. plan, sketch
bosquímano: 1. Bushman
bossa nova: 1. bossa nova
bota: 1. boot
bote: 1. boat
botelha: 1. bottle
botica: 1. chemist’s shop, drugstore
boticário: 1. chemist
boto: 1. dolphin
botânica: 1. botany
botão: 1. bud | 2. button
botão de pressão: 1. push-button
boxe: 1. boxing
boxeador: 1. boxer
boxear: 1. box
boximane: 1. Bushman
boá: 1. boa
boêmio: 1. Bohemian
bracelete: 1. bracelet | 2. bracelet
bradar: 1. cry out, scream, shout
bramir: 1. howl, roar
branco: 1. white | 2. white | 3. European, white man
brando: 1. dainty, delicate, fine, refined | 2. easy, facile | 3. gentle, mild | 4. moderate, reasonable | 5. soft
branquear: 1. blanch, whiten
brasa incêndio: 1. glow, heat, passion
braseiro: 1. firebox
brasileiro: 1. Brazilian
bravio: 1. savage, wild
bravo: 1. brave, gallant
braçal: 1. arm, arm-
braço: 1. arm
brecha: 1. breach, gap
brejo: 1. marsh, swamp
brema-do-mar: 1. bream
brema: 1. bream
bretão: 1. Breton
breve: 1. speedy | 2. brief, short | 3. temporary
brevemente: 1. soon
brigada: 1. brigade
brigar: 1. fight, struggle | 2. quarrel | 3. get in a quarrel
briga de galo: 1. cockfight
brilhante: 1. bright, brilliant
brilhar: 1. shine
brilho: 1. gloss, sheen
brincadeira: 1. gag, joke
brincalhão: 1. mischievous, playful | 2. jocular, playful
brincar: 1. enjoy oneself, have a good time | 2. play | 3. jest, joke
brinco: 1. earring
brindar: 1. donate, give | 2. toast, offer a toast
brinde: 1. gift, present | 2. toast
brinquedo: 1. toy
brio: 1. dignity
brioso: 1. magnanimous
briquete: 1. bar
brisa: 1. breeze | 2. zephyr
brita: 1. gravel, grit
britar: 1. crush, shatter, smash | 2. crush, pound
britânico: 1. British | 2. Briton
broca: 1. bore
brocar: 1. bore, drill
brochado: 1. paperbacked
broche: 1. brooch
brochura: 1. leaflet, pamphlet, paperback
bronco: 1. crude, raw, rough
bronze: 1. bronze
bronzeado: 1. bronze
brotar: 1. germinate
broto: 1. bud | 2. germ | 3. shoot
bruma: 1. fog, mist
bruno: 1. brown
brusco: 1. abrupt | 2. brutal, gruff, harsh, rough, sour, surly, unkind, unpleasant | 3. abrupt, sudden
brutal: 1. brute, harsh | 2. cruel
bruto: 1. head of cattle
brócolo: 1. broccoli
brânquia: 1. gill
bucal: 1. oral
bucha: 1. plug, electric plug, stopper
budismo: 1. Buddhism
budista: 1. Buddhist
bufete: 1. buffet
bufo: 1. owl
bugiganga: 1. trifle
bugio: 1. baboon
bulbo: 1. bulb
buldôzer: 1. bulldozer
bule: 1. tea-pot
bulevar: 1. boulevard
bule de chá: 1. teapot
bulir: 1. touch
buraco: 1. hole
burgo: 1. town
burguês: 1. bourgeois, middleclass | 2. middleclass citizen
burlar: 1. fool, hoax, mystify, trick
burocracia: 1. bureaucracy, officialdom
burro: 1. ass, donkey
buscar: 1. examine, explore, investigate, research | 2. look for, seek | 3. strive for
butão: 1. button
buxo: 1. box-tree
buzina: 1. hooter
buzinar: 1. trumpet
byte: 1. byte | 2. byte
bálsamo: 1. balm, balsam
bárbaro: 1. barbaric | 2. barbarian
bária: 1. bar, barrier
bário: 1. barium
báscula: 1. weighing machine
básico: 1. essential | 2. fundamental | 3. chief, main, major, principal
bávaro: 1. Bavarian | 2. Bavarian
bélico: 1. military
bérbere: 1. Berber
bérberis: 1. barberry
bétel: 1. birch
bíblia: 1. bible
bílis: 1. bile, gall
bóia: 1. buoy
bónus: 1. coupon
bórax: 1. borax
búfalo: 1. buffalo | 2. musk-ox
búlgaro: 1. Bulgarian | 2. Bulgar, Bulgarian
bússola: 1. compass
bêbado: 1. boozer, alcoholic | 2. drunk, intoxicated | 3. drunk
bôer: 1. Afrikaner, Boer
bômbice: 1. silkworm
bômbix: 1. silkworm
bônus: 1. coupon
cabana: 1. den, hovel | 2. cabin, hut, shack
cabaça: 1. calabash, gourd
cabeleireira: 1. hairdresser, female hairdresser
cabeleireiro: 1. barber | 2. barber, hairdresser
cabelo: 1. hair
caber a: 1. belong to
cabeça: 1. head, pate
cabeçalho: 1. degree, heading, title
cabina: 1. cell
cabine telefônica: 1. call box, telephone kiosk, phone booth, telephone booth
cabo: 1. cable | 2. corporal | 3. handle, knob
cabograma: 1. cablegram
cabra: 1. goat
cabrito: 1. kid
cacete: 1. baton, cane, stick
cachaça: 1. brandy
cachimbo: 1. pipe
cachoeira: 1. waterfall | 2. waterfall
cacto: 1. cactus
cadafalso: 1. scaffold
cadarço: 1. shoe-lace
cada coisa: 1. all, altogether, everything
cada espécie de: 1. all, every kind of
cadeia: 1. fetter, shackle | 2. jail, gaol, prison | 3. jail, gaol, prison | 4. jail, gaol, prison | 5. chain
cadeia de montanhasl: 1. mountain chain
cadeira: 1. chair
cadeira de braços: 1. armchair
caderno: 1. exercise-book, folder, notebook
caduco: 1. decayed, decrepit, dilapidated, lapsed, rickety
cadáver: 1. cadaver, corpse
cadência: 1. rhythm
cafeteira: 1. coffee-pot
cafetã: 1. caftan
café-da-manhã: 1. breakfast
café: 1. café, coffee-house | 2. coffee
caiar: 1. white-wash
caimão: 1. alligator
cair: 1. drop, fall
cair de costas: 1. fall backwards
cair do alto: 1. fall, fall off, tumble down
cair em erro: 1. err, make a mistake
cair no sono aos poucos: 1. go to sleep
cais: 1. platform, quay, wharf | 2. platform, railway platform
cais de atracação: 1. landing-stage, pier
caixa: 1. cashier | 2. cashier’s stand, fund, money box, money-box, till | 3. box, chest | 4. box | 5. jug, box, container, vessel
caixa de correiro: 1. letterbox, mailbox
caixa de lata: 1. can, tin, tin can
caixa postal: 1. letterbox, mailbox
caixeiro: 1. clerk
caixilho: 1. cadre, frame, framework
caixão: 1. coffin
cal: 1. lime
calabouço: 1. cell
calado: 1. dumb, mute, speechless | 2. silent
calamidade: 1. calamity, scourge
calar-se: 1. be quiet
calcanhar: 1. heel
calcar: 1. crush, pound | 2. pump | 3. trample on, tread
calcar os pés: 1. step on
calcinar: 1. incinerate
calcular: 1. calculate, count, figure, work out
calda: 1. syrup
caldear: 1. fade, wither
caldeira: 1. boiler, steam-boiler | 2. steam-boiler
caldeirão: 1. boiler, cauldron, kettle
caldo: 1. bouillon
calembur: 1. pun
calendário: 1. calendar
calha: 1. furrow, wrinkle
calhandra: 1. lark
calma: 1. indifference, phlegm | 2. calm, quiet, silence
calmo: 1. calm, quiet | 2. serene, untroubled | 3. calm, tranquil
calmoso: 1. warm
calo: 1. corn
calor: 1. heat
caluniar: 1. slander
calvo: 1. bald
calçada: 1. pavement, sidewalk
calçar: 1. pave | 2. wear
calças: 1. drawers, panties, underpants | 2. pants, trousers
calção de banho: 1. swimming trunks
calão: 1. jargon
cama: 1. bed
camada: 1. layer
camarada: 1. buddy, companion, comrade, pal
camareira: 1. maid
camarote: 1. cabin
camarão: 1. shrimp
cambial: 1. motto, watchword, slogan
cambraia: 1. batiste, cambric, lawn
camelo: 1. camel
caminhar: 1. go | 2. march, walk | 3. pace, stalk, step, stride, tread
caminho: 1. path | 2. road, route, way
caminhonete: 1. van
caminho de ferro: 1. railroad, railway
caminhão: 1. lorry, truck | 2. cart, chariot | 3. lorry, truck
camisa: 1. shirt
camiseta: 1. vest
camisola: 1. night-shirt
campainha: 1. bell
campanha: 1. country, countryside
campestre: 1. rural
campeão: 1. champion
campo: 1. country, countryside
camponês: 1. countryman, peasant | 2. farmer
campânula: 1. bellflower, Canterbury bell
camundongo: 1. mouse
camurça: 1. chamois | 2. chamois, chamois leather
cana-brava: 1. bamboo
cana: 1. fishing rod | 2. cane, reed
canadense: 1. Canadian | 2. Canadian
canal: 1. canal, channel
canalha: 1. rogue, scoundrel
canapé: 1. couch, sofa | 2. sofa
cancela: 1. grate, grid, grill
cancioneiro: 1. songbook
candeia: 1. lamp
candidato: 1. candidate
canela: 1. cinnamon
caneta esferográfica: 1. ballpoint pen
caneta tinteiro: 1. fountain-pen, fountain pen
canga: 1. yoke
cangaceiro: 1. bandit
cangar: 1. yoke
canguru: 1. kangaroo
canhenho: 1. agenda, appointment book
canhoto: 1. left
canhão: 1. cañon | 2. cannon
canibal: 1. cannibal
canino: 1. canine
canivete: 1. pen-knife
caniço: 1. cane, reed
cano: 1. barrel, channel, pipe, tube
canoa: 1. boat | 2. canoe
cano da chaminé: 1. chimney, smokestack
cansado: 1. tired
cansar-se: 1. get tired
cantador: 1. singer
cantar: 1. sing
cantar à tirolesa: 1. yodel
canteira: 1. bed
cantiga: 1. song
cantiga de ninar: 1. lullaby
cantil: 1. flask
canto: 1. song
cantora: 1. singer, female singer
canudo: 1. barrel, channel, pipe, tube
canção: 1. song | 2. chanson
caos: 1. chaos, tangle
capa: 1. cover, hood, lid | 2. cloak, mantle | 3. cover, protective cover
capacete: 1. helmet
capadócio: 1. charlatan, imposter, quack
capaz: 1. able, capable | 2. of use, suitable
capela: 1. chapel
capenga: 1. lame
capengar: 1. limp
capital: 1. capital | 2. chief, main, major, principal | 3. capital, capital city, metropolis
capitalista: 1. capitalist
capitulação: 1. capitulate, surrender
capitão: 1. captain | 2. captain
capitão de navio: 1. captain
caporal: 1. corporal
capote: 1. bonnet, hood
capricho: 1. caprice, whim
caprichoso: 1. caprice, whim
capturar: 1. arrest | 2. capture, catch, grapple
capuz: 1. cowl, hood
capítulo: 1. chapter
capô: 1. bonnet, hood
cara: 1. expression | 2. face
caracol: 1. curl | 2. snail
caracterizar: 1. characterize
característico: 1. characteristic | 2. characteristic
caranguejo: 1. crayfish
carapaça: 1. carapace, shell
caravana: 1. caravan
cardo-corredor: 1. eryngo
cardápio: 1. menu
careca: 1. bald
careta: 1. grimace
carga: 1. job, assigned job, task | 2. burden, charge, load
cargo: 1. function, job, office, post
caridade: 1. charity
caridoso: 1. charitable
carmesim: 1. crimson
carnal: 1. carnal
carnaval: 1. carnival
carne: 1. flesh | 2. meat
carneiro: 1. sheep
carne de ave: 1. fowl, poultry
carne de boi: 1. beef
carne de carneiro: 1. mutton
carne de porco: 1. pork
carne de vitelo: 1. veal
carniceiro: 1. butcher
carnificina: 1. massacre
caro: 1. dear, expensive, valuable | 2. costly, dear, expensive, pricey
caroço: 1. core, nucleus, kernel, pit
carpinteiro: 1. carpenter
carpintejar: 1. build, build from wood
carpir: 1. groan, moan
carrasco: 1. hangman, executioner
carregador: 1. porter
carregamento: 1. burden, charge, load
carregar: 1. carry, wear | 2. charge, load | 3. burden, load
carreira: 1. career
carreta: 1. carriage, gun-carriage | 2. carriage, typewriter carriage
carretel: 1. bobbin, coil, spool
carril: 1. rail
carrinho: 1. bobbin, coil, spool | 2. carriage, typewriter carriage
carro: 1. car | 2. cart, chariot
carrossel: 1. carousel, carrousel, merry-go-round
carroça: 1. cart, chariot
carro eléctrico: 1. streetcar, tram
carro elétrico: 1. streetcar, tram
carruagem: 1. carriage, coach, railway carriage, waggon
carta: 1. letter | 2. charter
cartaz: 1. notice, placard, poster
carta branca: 1. blank cheque, carte blanche
carta de crédito: 1. letter of credit
carteira: 1. purse, wallet | 2. desk, lectern, school desk | 3. desk, writing desk, writing-desk
carteira de identidade: 1. I.D., ID
carteiro: 1. postman | 2. mailman
cartilha de abc: 1. ABC book
cartucho: 1. cartridge
cartão: 1. card, map, menu | 2. cardboard
cartão postal: 1. postcard
carvalhal: 1. oak, oaken
carvalho: 1. oak
carvão: 1. coal
carácter: 1. character, nature, personality
carência: 1. absence, lack, shortage, shortcoming
casa: 1. house | 2. home
casaca: 1. dress-coat, evening dress, tails
casaco: 1. jacket
casacão: 1. coat, overcoat | 2. coat, overcoat
casada: 1. married
casado: 1. married
casal: 1. pair
casamento: 1. marriage, matrimony
casar-se: 1. marry, be married, get married | 2. marry, be married, get married
casar: 1. marry, wed | 2. marry, wed
casarem-se: 1. marry, be married, get married
casa comercial: 1. warehouse
casa de campo: 1. summer-house
casa de moinho: 1. mill
casa de oração: 1. church, church-building, house of worship, place of worship
casa de prostituição: 1. brothel
casa editora: 1. publisher, publishing house
casca: 1. bark | 2. bark, husk, peel, shell
cascalho: 1. gravel, grit
cascata: 1. waterfall | 2. waterfall
casco: 1. barrel | 2. hoof | 3. hull
casebre: 1. den, hovel
caserna: 1. barracks
casinha: 1. cottage
casinhola: 1. cottage
casino: 1. casino
caso: 1. affair, business, business deal, case, matter | 2. affair, case, matter
cassete: 1. cassette | 2. cassette
cassino: 1. casino
casta: 1. breed, race
castanha: 1. chestnut, horse-chestnut
castanheiro: 1. chestnut-tree | 2. chestnut-tree
castanho: 1. brown | 2. brown
castelo: 1. castle
castidade: 1. chastity, purity
castigar: 1. punish
castigo: 1. punishment
castiçal: 1. candlestick
castiço: 1. pure
casto: 1. chaste
castor: 1. beaver
castrar: 1. castrate
casual: 1. sporadic
casualidade: 1. accidence, chance, hazard
catalogar: 1. catalogue
catastrófico: 1. catastrophic, miserable
catedral: 1. cathedral
categoria: 1. category
categorizado: 1. important, serious
cativante: 1. charming, lovely
cativo: 1. slave
catolicismo: 1. Catholisism
catorze: 1. fourteen
catálogo: 1. catalogue, directory
catástrofe: 1. catastrophe
católico: 1. Catholic | 2. catholic
cauda: 1. file, line, rank, row, turn | 2. tail
caudal: 1. torrent, volley
caule: 1. stalk, stem
causa: 1. affair, business, business deal, case, matter | 2. cause, reason | 3. account, reason | 4. account, motive, reason
causar: 1. activate, cause, give rise to | 2. cause, cause to take place
causar aborrecimento: 1. bore
causar atrofia: 1. atrophy
causar dor: 1. ache, be painful, hurt
causar explosão: 1. blow up
causar impressão: 1. impress
causar náuseas a: 1. nauseate
causar perturbação: 1. disquiet, interfere with, perturb
causar vergonha: 1. put to shame
cautchu: 1. rubber
cauto: 1. careful, cautious
caução: 1. guarantee, warrant
cava: 1. hole, ditch, pit | 2. cave, cavity
cavadeira: 1. spade | 2. spade
cavala: 1. mackerel
cavalar: 1. equestrian, horse, horse-, of a horse
cavalaria: 1. cavalry
cavalariça: 1. corral, stable
cavaleiro: 1. cavalier, knight
cavalete: 1. bench, easel, tressle, workbench
cavalgar: 1. ride
cavalheiro: 1. courteous, polite, well-mannered
cavalo-vapor: 1. horsepower
cavalo: 1. knight | 2. horse
cavar: 1. dig, grub, spade
caveira: 1. skull
caverna: 1. cave, grotto | 2. cave, cavern, den
cavidade: 1. cave, cavity
caótico: 1. chaotic
caçador: 1. hunter
caçamba: 1. bucket, pail
caçar: 1. chase, hunt
caçarola: 1. casserole, saucepan
caçoada: 1. gag, joke
caçoar: 1. jeer at, make fun of, mock | 2. jest, joke
cebola: 1. bulb | 2. onion
cebolinho: 1. chive
cecear: 1. lisp
ceder: 1. cede, give in, give up, give way, relinquish, yield | 2. dispose of, sell, vend
cedo: 1. soon | 2. early | 3. early
cedro: 1. cedar
cegar: 1. dazzle
cego: 1. blind | 2. blind, sightless person | 3. blunt
cegonha: 1. stork
cegueira: 1. blindness
ceia: 1. evening meal, supper
ceifar: 1. cut, mow | 2. harvest
ceitil: 1. cent | 2. groschen
cela: 1. cell
celebrar: 1. celebrate | 2. celebrate
celebração: 1. celebration, festival, party
celeiro: 1. barn, shed, stand
celeri: 1. celery
celeste: 1. celestial, heavenly
celestial: 1. celestial, heavenly
celulite: 1. cellulite
cem: 1. hundred, one hundred
cemitério: 1. cemetery, God’s acre, graveyard
cena: 1. scene
cenoura: 1. carrot
censura: 1. censor
censurar: 1. censor | 2. blame, rebuke, reproach, reprove, scold
censurável: 1. reprehensible
centauro: 1. centaur
centavo: 1. cent | 2. centavo
centeio: 1. rye
centelha: 1. spark | 2. spark
central: 1. central | 2. exchange, power station | 3. average, mean, middle
centro: 1. centre | 2. average, mean, middle
centáurea: 1. knapwood
centímetro: 1. centimetre
cenário: 1. stage
cepo: 1. block, chunk of wood
cera: 1. wax
cerasta: 1. cerastes, horned viper
ceraste: 1. cerastes, horned viper
cerca: 1. about, approximately
cercanias: 1. surroundings
cercar: 1. besiege | 2. surround
cercar com blocos: 1. block, blockade
cercar em redor de: 1. fence off
cerca de: 1. about, round, around, towards
cerca viva: 1. hedge
cerco: 1. siege
cercopiteco: 1. meercat
cereal: 1. grain
cereja: 1. cherry
cerejeira: 1. cherry-tree
ceremonioso: 1. formal, measured, stiff
cerimonial: 1. etiquette | 2. ritual
cerimônia: 1. ceremony
cerne: 1. core, nucleus, kernel, pit
ceroulas: 1. drawers, panties, underpants
cerrado: 1. concentrated, dense, thick | 2. compact
certame: 1. competition, contest
certamente: 1. certainly
certeza: 1. certainty
certificado: 1. certificate, testimony
certificar: 1. assert, state | 2. attest, bear witness of, testify
certo: 1. certain, sure | 2. exact | 3. accurate, precise
certo número de: 1. a few, any, some
cerveja: 1. ale, beer
cerviz: 1. back of the neck, nape
cervo: 1. deer
cessar: 1. cease, stop
cessão: 1. abandonment
cesta: 1. basket
cesto: 1. basket
cetáceo: 1. whale
cevada: 1. barley
chacal: 1. jackal
chafariz: 1. fountain
chaleira: 1. kettle | 2. kettle
chama: 1. flame
chamar: 1. appeal to, invoke | 2. call | 3. call, summon
chamar a atenção de: 1. draw attention
chamejar: 1. flare, flare up
chaminé: 1. chimney, smokestack | 2. fireplace, hearth
champanha: 1. champagne
chance: 1. chance, luck
chancela: 1. seal
chapa: 1. plate, sheet, slab | 2. pattern, stencil, template, templet
chapinhar: 1. paddle
chapéu: 1. hat
charanga: 1. fanfare, flourish
charlatanear: 1. bilk, cheat, take in
charlatão: 1. charlatan, imposter, quack
charneca: 1. heath
charneira: 1. hinge
charuto: 1. cigar
charuto fino: 1. cigarillo
chatinar: 1. peddle
chato: 1. even, flat, level, smooth | 2. flat
chauvinismo: 1. chauvinism
chauvinista: 1. chauvinist
chave: 1. key, wrench | 2. adjustable wrench, spanner
chaveiro: 1. locksmith
chave de parafusos: 1. screwdriver
checo: 1. Czech
checoslovaco: 1. Czechoslovak, Czechoslovakian | 2. Czechoslovak, Czechoslovakian
chefa: 1. mistress
chefe: 1. authority | 2. boss, chief, leader | 3. chef | 4. chief, boss
chefe da estação: 1. station-master
chefe de Estado: 1. head of state | 2. head of state
chefe de polícia: 1. chief of police
chefe de secção: 1. head of a department
chegada: 1. arrival
chegar: 1. come
chegar a: 1. accomplish, achieve, attain, get, reach
chegar terra: 1. earth, earth up, hill, hill up
cheio: 1. complete, full
cheirar: 1. smell | 2. give off an odour, reek, smell
cheiro: 1. odor, odour, scent, smell
cheque: 1. check, cheque
chicanear: 1. carp at, haze, quibble
chicaneiro: 1. censorious
chicote: 1. whip
chicotear: 1. whip
chicória: 1. chicory
chileno: 1. Chilean
chilique: 1. faint, swoon
chim: 1. Chinaman, Chinese
chimpanzé: 1. chimpanzee
china: 1. Chinaman, Chinese
chinela: 1. slipper
chinelo: 1. slipper
chinês: 1. Chinese | 2. Chinaman, Chinese
chique: 1. chic
chiqueiro: 1. pen, sty
chiste: 1. gag, joke
chocante: 1. abrupt
chocar: 1. incubate, sit | 2. shock
chocolate: 1. chocolate
chofer: 1. motorist | 2. chauffeur, driver
choque: 1. affection | 2. shock
chorar: 1. cry, weep
choupana: 1. cabin, hut, shack
choupo: 1. poplar
choupo tremedor: 1. aspen
chover: 1. rain
choça: 1. den, hovel | 2. cabin, hut, shack
chumbo: 1. lead
chupar: 1. suck
chusma: 1. accumulation, crowd, heap, mass, multitude, pile
chuva-de-pedra: 1. hail
chuva: 1. rain
chuveiro: 1. showerhead
chá: 1. tea
chávena: 1. cup
chão: 1. even, flat, level, smooth | 2. earth, land, soil
cibernética: 1. cybernetics
cicatriz: 1. scar
cicio: 1. rustle, swish
ciclame: 1. cyclamen
ciclone: 1. cyclone
cidade: 1. city state | 2. city, town
cidadela: 1. citadel
cidade livre: 1. city state
cidadão: 1. acolyte, member, supporter | 2. citizen
cidadão de Chicago: 1. Chicagan, Chicagoan
cidadão estadunidense: 1. American, US citizen
cidra: 1. cider
cientista: 1. scientist
cifra: 1. cipher, digit, figure, numeral | 2. code, secret code
cigano: 1. gypsy, Gypsy
cigarro: 1. cigarette
cilada: 1. ambush
cilindro: 1. cylinder, roller
cimento: 1. cement
cimo: 1. summit, surface, top
cinco: 1. five
cinema: 1. cinema, movie theatre | 2. cinema
cinocéfalo: 1. baboon
cinquenta: 1. fifty
cinta: 1. wrapper | 2. belt, girdle
cintilar: 1. flicker
cintura: 1. waist, waistline | 2. belt, girdle
cinza: 1. ash, cinder
cinzeiro: 1. ashtray
cinzel: 1. chisel
cinzelar: 1. carve, chisel
cinzento: 1. grey
cio: 1. heat, sexual desire
cioso: 1. jealous
cipreste: 1. cypres
circo: 1. circus
circuito: 1. circuit
circular: 1. circular | 2. be about, circulate | 3. round | 4. circumvent, go around
circulação: 1. circulation, traffic | 2. traffic
circuncidar: 1. circumcise
circundar: 1. surround
circunferência: 1. circle
circunscrição administriva: 1. district
circunstanciado: 1. detailed
circunstância: 1. circumstance | 2. circumstances, condition, situation
cirurgia: 1. surgery | 2. surgery
cirurgião: 1. surgeon
cirúrgico: 1. surgical
cisma: 1. schism
cisne: 1. swan
cisterna: 1. cistern, tank | 2. well
cisão: 1. schism
citar: 1. cite, quote | 2. mention
citar novamente: 1. recite
citação: 1. citation, quotation | 2. citation, quotation
ciumento: 1. jealous
civil: 1. civil, civilian, non-military | 2. civic
civilizar: 1. civilize
civilização: 1. civilization | 2. civilization | 3. civilization
ciúme: 1. jealousy
ciência: 1. science
clarabóia: 1. porthole, skylight
claro: 1. bright, clear, light | 2. clear, distinct, plain
classe: 1. grade, rank, rate
clichê: 1. pattern, stencil, template, templet
clima: 1. climate
cláusula: 1. condition, stipulation, terms
clérigo: 1. clergyman | 2. clergyman, pastor, priest
cobardia: 1. cowardice
coberta: 1. deck | 2. blanket
coberto: 1. covered
cobertor: 1. blanket
cobertura: 1. cover, hood, lid
cobiça: 1. alacrity, avidity, covetousness, eagerness, greediness
cobiçoso: 1. acquisitive, eager, greedy
cobra-de-vidro: 1. blindworm, slow-worm
cobra: 1. serpent, snake | 2. adder, viper
cobre: 1. copper
cobrir: 1. drape | 2. cover | 3. cover, overlay | 4. clothe, dress
cobrir com abundáncia: 1. flood, overwhelm
cobrir com alcatrão: 1. tar
cobrir com asfalto: 1. asphalt
cobrir com véu: 1. veil
coccinela: 1. ladybug
coceira: 1. itch
cochete: 1. clasp, hook
cochichar: 1. whisper
cochilar: 1. doze, nap, slumber
cocho: 1. manger, trough
codigo de barra: 1. barcode
coelho: 1. rabbit
cofre: 1. cashier’s stand, fund, money box, money-box, till | 2. strong-box
cogumelo: 1. fungus, mushroom
coidealista: 1. fellow-thinker
coirela: 1. binding, strip, tape
coisa: 1. affair, business, business deal, case, matter | 2. thing | 3. article, object, thing
coisa abstracta: 1. abstraction
coisa absurda: 1. absurdity, nonsense, rubbish
coisa actual: 1. topic
coisa alguma: 1. nothing
coisa artística: 1. work of art
coisa banal: 1. banality, platitude
coisa comprada: 1. acquisition, purchase
coisa doce: 1. candy
coisa falsificada: 1. counterfeit
coisa lamentável: 1. pity
coisa nova: 1. news, novelty, something new
coisa vã: 1. frivolity, silliness
coitado: 1. dismal, miserable, pitiful, poor
coitar: 1. fuck, screw
cola: 1. glue | 2. glue
colaborar: 1. contribute | 2. cooperate, co-operate
colar: 1. glue, stick | 2. necklace
colarinho: 1. collar
colcha: 1. blanket
colchete: 1. brooch
colchete macho: 1. clasp, hook
colchão: 1. mattress
colector: 1. revenue agent, tax collector
colecção: 1. bevy, collection, group, heap, herd, set
coleira: 1. necklace
colete: 1. vest, waistcoat
coletor: 1. revenue agent, tax collector
coletânea: 1. chrestomathy
colher: 1. pick, pluck, tear off | 2. collect, gather, pick up | 3. spoon | 4. harvest
colina: 1. hill
colmeal: 1. apiary
colmo: 1. straw
colméia: 1. bee | 2. beehive
colo: 1. bosom, breast, chest
colocar: 1. locate, place | 2. lay down, place, put, put down
coltralto: 1. contralto, contralto voice
coluna: 1. column, header
com: 1. at, by, on, upon | 2. with | 3. together with
comando: 1. command | 2. command, order
comarca: 1. district
combatar: 1. make war, wage war
combate: 1. action, battle, scuffle, struggle
combater: 1. fight, struggle
combinar: 1. combine
combinação: 1. undergarment
comboio: 1. train | 2. train
combustível: 1. fuel | 2. flammable
comecemos: 1. away we go, let’s start
comediante: 1. actor
comedido: 1. moderate, reasonable | 2. abstemious, sober, staid, temperate
comemorar: 1. celebrate
comenda: 1. order
comer: 1. relish
comerciante: 1. merchant | 2. businessman, merchant
comer em banquete: 1. banquet, feast
comestível: 1. edible
cometer: 1. assign
cometer adultério: 1. commit adultery
cometer pecado: 1. sin, transgress
cometer um atentado: 1. assault, violate
começar: 1. begin, come on, set in, start | 2. begin, commence, start | 3. begin, commence, start
começar a florir: 1. come into bloom
começar a queimar: 1. burn, catch, flash on, strike, take fire
começar nova linha com alínea: 1. indent
comichão: 1. itch
comida: 1. meal
comissionar: 1. entrust, tell
comissário: 1. commissar
comissão: 1. commission, errand | 2. committee
comissão do corretor: 1. brokerage, commission
comitiva: 1. suite, train
comité: 1. committee
comitê: 1. committee
como: 1. such a, what a
comodoro: 1. commodore
comovente: 1. affecting, moving, touching | 2. affecting, moving, touching
comover: 1. move, stir
comoção: 1. affection | 2. emotion
como está?: 1. how are you?, how do you do?
como que: 1. as if, as though, in a way
como se: 1. as if, as though, in a way
como se deve: 1. decently, properly
como um presente: 1. as a gift, gratis
como você está passando: 1. how are you?, how do you do?
como é justo: 1. decently, properly
compacto: 1. concentrated, dense, thick | 2. compact | 3. massive
compadecer-se: 1. have compassion on, pity
compaixão: 1. compassion, pity
companheiro: 1. accompanist, companian | 2. buddy, companion, comrade, pal | 3. companion
companhia: 1. association | 2. company | 3. gang, squad | 4. troop, troupe
comparar: 1. compare
comparativamente: 1. comparatively
comparação: 1. comparison
comparsa: 1. bit-player, supporting actor
compartimento: 1. branch, compartment, department, pigeonhole, section, speciality | 2. compartment, coupé
compartimento de vagão: 1. compartment, coupé
compasso: 1. compass | 2. musical time, tact
compatriota: 1. compatriot
competente: 1. authority | 2. able, accomplished, competent | 3. expert
competidor: 1. rival
competir: 1. concern | 2. compete, rival
competência: 1. authority
compilar: 1. compile
compilação: 1. compilation | 2. compilation
complemento: 1. article, object, thing
completamente: 1. completely, entirely, through | 2. completely, fully | 3. thoroughly
completar: 1. complete | 2. fill, fill in, fill up
completo: 1. absolute, complete | 2. complete, full
complexo: 1. complex, complicated
complicado: 1. complicated | 2. complex, complicated
complicar: 1. complicate
complô: 1. conspiracy, plot
componente: 1. element
compor: 1. compose | 2. typeset | 3. account for, constitute, make up | 4. put together | 5. compose, create, write
comportamento: 1. behavior, behaviour, conduct, deportment
comportar-se: 1. behave, conduct oneself
compositor: 1. composer
composição: 1. composition | 2. consistency | 3. work
composto de laranja: 1. orange
compota: 1. jam, marmelade
compra: 1. acquisition, purchase | 2. acquisition, purchase
comprador: 1. buyer, client, purchaser
compreender: 1. imply | 2. understand, realize
compreender mal: 1. misunderstand
compreensivelmente: 1. of course
compreensível: 1. understandable
comprido: 1. long
comprimento: 1. length | 2. length
comprimir: 1. press, oppress, squeeze
compromisso: 1. accommodation
comprável: 1. for sale
compulsório: 1. compulsory
computador: 1. computer
computar: 1. calculate, count, figure, work out | 2. compute
comum: 1. common, joint | 2. common, ordinary, usual | 3. common, everyday, vulgar
comun: 1. commonplace, dismal, trite
comunhão: 1. communion
comunicar: 1. advise, counsel, notify | 2. communicate, report | 3. give an account, report
comunicação: 1. notification, notice | 2. communication | 3. account, communication | 4. errand, message
comunidade: 1. community | 2. society
comunista: 1. communist
comutador: 1. light-switch
comédia: 1. comedy
comércio: 1. business, commerce, trade
com efeito: 1. absolutely, actually, in fact | 2. certainly, indeed, rather, surely
com excepção de: 1. with the exception of
com exclusão de: 1. apart from, besides, except, except for
com os diabos: 1. darn
com porte pago: 1. post-paid, stamped
com precisão: 1. just, exactly, okay, right
conceber: 1. conceive | 2. conceive
conceito: 1. concept, idea | 2. reputation | 3. maxim, proverb
concernente: 1. concerned, in question
concernir: 1. concern
concerto: 1. concert
concha: 1. shell
conciso: 1. concise
concitar: 1. abet, excite, incite, provoke, rouse, stimulate, stir up
concluir: 1. abstract, deduce, gather | 2. abstract, induce, gather, infer
conclusão: 1. end, ending | 2. conclusion, inference | 3. conclusion, effect, result | 4. result
concordar: 1. bring into agreement | 2. accede, agree, consent
concordância: 1. accord, accordance, agreement, concurrence | 2. accord, accordance, agreement, concurrence
concorrer: 1. compete, rival
concorrência: 1. competition, rivalry | 2. competition | 3. competition, rivalry
concreto: 1. concrete | 2. concrete
concubina: 1. concubine
concurso: 1. competition, contest
conde: 1. count, earl
condecoração: 1. order
condenar ao inferno: 1. damn
condimentar: 1. spice
condição: 1. condition, stipulation, terms | 2. circumstances, condition, situation
condolências: 1. condolences
conduta: 1. behavior, behaviour, conduct, deportment
condutor: 1. conductor, driver | 2. guard
conduzir: 1. conduct, direct, guide, head, lead | 2. conduct, guide, lead | 3. steer | 4. drive
conferir: 1. accredit | 2. audit, check, check up on, supervise, verify
conferência: 1. conference | 2. speech
conferência letiva: 1. lecture
confessar: 1. acknowledge, admit, confess, profess | 2. confess
confiança: 1. confidence
confiar: 1. confide, have confidence in, trust, entrust | 2. assign
confidencial: 1. confidential
confidência: 1. confidence, secret
confins: 1. boundary, frontier, limit
confirmar: 1. affirm, assure | 2. acknowledge, confirm, corroborate
confirmação: 1. confirmation
confiscar: 1. confiscate
confissão: 1. acknowledgement, admission, confession | 2. confession
conflito: 1. conflict
conformar-se: 1. adhere, conform
conforme: 1. conforming, fitting | 2. according as, according to, as, by
conforme o que se pode esperar: 1. hopefully
conformidade: 1. accord, accordance, agreement, concurrence
conforto: 1. comfort
confundir: 1. confuse, puzzle
confuso: 1. jumbled up
confusão: 1. confusion
congelar: 1. freeze
congratulação: 1. congratulation
congresso: 1. congress, convention
congruente: 1. compatible, congruent
conhaque: 1. brandy, cognac
conhecer: 1. be acquainted with, know | 2. know, know how
conhecido: 1. well-known
conhecimento: 1. awareness, consciousness | 2. knowledge
conjetura: 1. conjecture, guess, guesswork
conjeturar: 1. conjecture, surmise | 2. guess, presume, suppose, surmise
conjunto: 1. lump, mass
conjurar: 1. conspire
conjuração: 1. conspiracy, plot
conjuto de livros: 1. book collection
conquanto: 1. though, although
conquistar: 1. conquer
consagrar: 1. dedicate, devote
consciensiosamente: 1. conscientious
consciência: 1. conscience | 2. awareness, consciousness
conscrito: 1. recruit
conseguir: 1. succeed
conselheiro: 1. counsellor
conselho: 1. advice, counsel
consenso: 1. agreement, consent, permission
consentimento: 1. agreement, consent, permission | 2. permission
consentir: 1. accord, admit, afford, allow, permit
consequente: 1. consistent
consequência: 1. consequence, consistency | 2. consequence
conseqüente: 1. consistent
conseqüência: 1. consequence, consistency | 2. consequence
consertar: 1. mend, patch, patch up | 2. fix, repair
conservador: 1. conservative | 2. conservative | 3. conservative
conservar: 1. conserve, keep, maintain, preserve
considerar: 1. account, consider, esteem, regard, take into account
considerável: 1. considerable, sizable
consignar: 1. assign
consistente: 1. fast, firm, stable
consistir: 1. consist
consolar: 1. comfort, console
consolação: 1. consolation
consolo: 1. consolation
conspirar: 1. conspire
conspiração: 1. conspiracy
constante: 1. fast, firm, stable | 2. constant, continual, permanent, sustained | 3. constant, lasting, sustained
constatar: 1. ascertain, establish, take note
consternação: 1. alarm, consternation
constipado: 1. constipated
constipar: 1. constipate
constipação: 1. constipation | 2. cold | 3. cold
constitucional: 1. constitutional
constituir: 1. account for, constitute, make up
constituição: 1. consistency | 2. constitution
constituído de veludo: 1. velvet
constranger: 1. compel, force
construir: 1. build, construct
construir de madeira: 1. build, build from wood
construção: 1. building
consulado: 1. consulate
consulta: 1. consultation
consultar: 1. consult
consumidor: 1. consumer
consumir: 1. consume, use up
conta: 1. bead | 2. account, bill, calculation | 3. account
contacto: 1. contact
contar: 1. narrate, relate, tell
contar com: 1. confide, have confidence in, trust, entrust
contato: 1. contact
contemporâneo: 1. current, present
contender: 1. argue, dispute
contentar: 1. make glad
contente: 1. contented, pleased, satisfied | 2. happy, glad
conter: 1. comprise, contain, include
conterrâneo: 1. compatriot
contestar: 1. contradict
contextura: 1. structure
conteúdo: 1. contents | 2. contents
continente: 1. continent, mainland | 2. jug, box, container, vessel | 3. chaste
contingente: 1. contingent, eventual
continuamente: 1. constantly, continually, continuously | 2. all the time, ceaselessly
continuar: 1. continue, endure, keep on, last | 2. continue, go on, proceed with
continuação: 1. continuation
conto: 1. story, history | 2. short story | 3. account, narrative, story, tale
contorno: 1. contour, outline
conto de fadas: 1. fairy tale
contra-regra: 1. stage-manager
contra: 1. across from, against, in exchange for, opposed to, opposite, upon
contrabandear: 1. smuggle
contrabandista: 1. smuggler
contrabando: 1. contraband
contradizer: 1. contradict
contraforte: 1. abutment
contralto: 1. contralto
contrariar: 1. tease | 2. oppose
contrastar: 1. contrast
contraste: 1. contrast
contratar: 1. employ, hire | 2. make a contract
contrato: 1. contract
contrato de seguro: 1. insurance
contrato de trabalho: 1. labor agreement, labour agreement, labour contract
contraveneno: 1. antidote
contra a vontade: 1. against one’s will
contribuir: 1. contribute | 2. subscribe
contribuição: 1. contribution | 2. contribution
controvérsia: 1. controversy
contudo: 1. but, however, nevertheless, yet
contundir: 1. bruise
contíguo: 1. adjacent
contínuo: 1. constant, continual, permanent, sustained | 2. constant, lasting, sustained
convencer: 1. convince, persuade
convencionar: 1. set conditions, stipulate
conveniente: 1. decent, fitting, proper, suitable | 2. appropriate, becoming, seemly, suitable | 3. of use, suitable
convento: 1. monastery
convenção: 1. accord, accordance, agreement, concurrence
conversar: 1. converse | 2. converse
conversação: 1. conversation
convicção: 1. belief, conviction
convidar: 1. invite
convir: 1. befit, be fitting | 2. be appropriate, suit, be suitable | 3. fit, suit, be suitable
convite: 1. invitation
convocar: 1. convoke
convés: 1. deck
coordenar: 1. coordinate, co-ordinate
copiar: 1. imitate | 2. copy
copo: 1. glass | 2. goblet
copular: 1. fuck, screw | 2. have sex
cor-de-rosa: 1. pink
cor: 1. colour, dye
coragem: 1. courage
corajoso: 1. brave, gallant | 2. brave, courageous, valiant
coral: 1. chorus, coir
corar: 1. blanch, whiten | 2. blush
coração: 1. heart
corcova: 1. bump, hump
corcunda: 1. bump, hump | 2. hunchback
corda: 1. cord, string | 2. spring | 3. cord, rope, string
corda de içar vela: 1. halyard
cordeiro: 1. lamb
cordel: 1. shoe-lace
cordão: 1. shoe-lace
coreano: 1. Korean | 2. Korean
corisco: 1. lightning
coro: 1. coir loft | 2. chorus, coir
coroar: 1. crown
coroação: 1. coronation
coroa de flores: 1. garland, wreath
corpo: 1. body
corporação: 1. corporation, trade-union
corpo da guarda: 1. guard
corpo social: 1. society
correcto: 1. correct, right | 2. correct, exact, proper, right
corredor: 1. corridor, passage
correia: 1. strap
correio: 1. post office | 2. mail, post | 3. post office
correligionário: 1. fellow-thinker
corrente: 1. fluent | 2. current, flow, stream | 3. fetter, shackle | 4. chain
correr: 1. flow | 2. run
correr terras: 1. migrate, roam, wander, wander about
corresponder-se: 1. correspond
corresponder: 1. answer, reply, respond
correspondência: 1. piece of mail
corretar: 1. act as a middleman
correto: 1. correct, right | 2. correct, exact, proper, right
corretor: 1. broker
corrigir: 1. correct
corromper-se: 1. degenerate
corromper: 1. bribe
cortar: 1. clip, cut, shear | 2. cut, slice
cortar com machado: 1. chop, cut, hack
cortar em pedaços pequenos: 1. chop, dice, mince
corte: 1. court
cortejo: 1. suite, train | 2. procession
cortesia: 1. politeness
cortina: 1. curtain
cortiça: 1. cork
cortiço: 1. beehive
cortês: 1. courteous, polite, well-mannered
coruja: 1. owl
corujão: 1. owl
coruscar: 1. flare, flare up
corvo: 1. raven | 2. crow
corça: 1. doe, hind
cor amarela: 1. yellow
cor cinzenta: 1. grey
coser: 1. sew
costa: 1. coast, seaside, shore
costado: 1. side
costas: 1. back
costeiro: 1. coast, coast-, coastal, of the coast
costeleta: 1. cutlet
costumar: 1. accustom, be in the habit of
costume: 1. costume, outfit, suit | 2. custom, habit, way | 3. fashion, mode | 4. fashion, mode | 5. custom, mores
costura: 1. seam | 2. seam
costurar: 1. sew
costureira: 1. tailor, female tailor | 2. tailor
cota: 1. dues, subscription
cotação: 1. class, course | 2. exchange rate, rate of exchange | 3. currency
cotidiano: 1. daily
cotizar-se: 1. subscribe
cotovelo: 1. elbow
cotovia: 1. lark
couraça: 1. armour
couro: 1. leather
cousa: 1. thing
couve-de-bruxelas: 1. Brussels-sprouts
couve-de-grelo: 1. Brussels-sprouts
couve-flor: 1. cauliflower
couve: 1. cabbage
coxa: 1. thigh
coxear: 1. limp
coxim: 1. cushion
cozer: 1. bake
cozinha: 1. kitchen
cozinhado: 1. cooked
cozinhar: 1. cook
cozinheira: 1. cook, female cook
coçar: 1. scratch
cravar: 1. attach, determine, fasten, fix, affix, make fast, secure | 2. nail
cravo: 1. carnation, pink | 2. nail
credo: 1. shame
cremar: 1. cremate
cremação: 1. cremation
creme: 1. cream
crendice: 1. superstition
crença: 1. belief
crepitar: 1. crackle
crer: 1. confide, have confidence in, trust, entrust | 2. account, accredit, believe, deem
crescer: 1. accrue, grow
crescimento: 1. growth
crestomatia: 1. anthology | 2. chrestomathy
criada: 1. maid, servant
criada de quarto: 1. maid
criado: 1. waiter | 2. boy, servant
criancinha: 1. baby
criança: 1. bairn, child, infant | 2. child
criar: 1. breed, keep, raise, rear | 2. breed, bring up, educate, raise | 3. create
crime: 1. crime
criminal: 1. criminal
criminar: 1. accuse
criminoso: 1. criminal
crise: 1. access, aggression, attack | 2. crisis, depression, emergency
cristal: 1. crystal
cristalino: 1. crystal
cristianismo: 1. Christianity
cristão: 1. Christian
criticar: 1. censure, criticize | 2. review
crocitar: 1. caw, croak
crocodilo: 1. alligator | 2. crocodile
cronista: 1. chronicler, historian
crosta: 1. bark, husk, peel, shell
cru: 1. crude, raw, rough
crucificar: 1. crucify
crucifixo: 1. crucifix
cruel: 1. barbaric | 2. fierce | 3. cruel | 4. bitchy, shrewish
cruz: 1. cross
cruzar: 1. cruise | 2. cross
cruzeiro: 1. cruzeiro
cruzes: 1. shame
crédito: 1. credit
crédulo: 1. credulous
crítica: 1. criticism | 2. review
crítico: 1. critical
crónica: 1. chronicle
crânio: 1. skull
crônica: 1. story, history | 2. chronicle
cuba: 1. tub, vat
cubo: 1. hub, nave | 2. cube
cubo de roda: 1. hub, nave
cuco: 1. cuckoo
cuecas: 1. drawers, panties, underpants
cueiro: 1. swaddling cloth
cuidado: 1. care, concern
cuidar: 1. attend, nurse, tend to | 2. care, see, take care, worry
cuidar de criança: 1. look after, nurse
cujo: 1. of which, which one’s, whose
culpa: 1. blame, fault, guilt
culpado: 1. guilty | 2. culprit
culpar: 1. accuse, blame
culpável: 1. guilty
cultivar: 1. breed, keep, raise, rear | 2. cultivate, grow
culto: 1. service, worship service
cultura: 1. culture
cume: 1. summit, surface, top
cumprimentar: 1. compliment | 2. greet, salute
cumprimento: 1. compliment | 2. greeting
cumprir: 1. accomplish, achieve, keep, observe, perform
cupom: 1. bill, ticket, note | 2. coupon
cura: 1. pastor, vicar | 2. pastor, vicar
curandeiro: 1. charlatan, imposter, quack
curar: 1. care for, cure, treat | 2. cure, heal, remedy | 3. cure, heal, remedy
curioso: 1. amateur, fancier | 2. agog, inquisitive | 3. agog, curious, inquisitive | 4. agog, inquisitive
curisoso: 1. curious, interesting, quaint
curral: 1. pen, sty | 2. byre, cowhouse, cowshed | 3. stable, stall, sty
curso: 1. class, course
curto-circuito: 1. short circuit
curto: 1. short | 2. brief, short | 3. temporary
curva: 1. bend, curve
curvar-se ao peso de: 1. succumb
curvar: 1. bend | 2. bend
curvo: 1. hook | 2. bent, curved
cuspir: 1. spit
custar: 1. cost
custear: 1. pay
custo: 1. cost
cá: 1. here, hither, this way
cáfila: 1. band, bevy, gang
cálculo: 1. account, bill, calculation
cálice: 1. chalice, goblet
cápsula: 1. capsule, firing-cap
cárcere: 1. cell
cátedra: 1. pulpit
cédula: 1. bank-note
célula: 1. cell
céptico: 1. skeptical | 2. skeptic
cérebro: 1. brain
cério: 1. cerium
césio: 1. caesium
céu: 1. heaven, sky
címbalo: 1. cymbal
cínico: 1. cynical
círculo: 1. circle | 2. circumference | 3. circle
cítara: 1. zither
código secreto: 1. code, secret code
cólera: 1. cholera
cómico: 1. comic, comical, funny
cómoda: 1. chest, dresser
cómodo: 1. comfortable | 2. convenient, handy, opportune
cópia: 1. copy | 2. copy | 3. copy
cópia xerográfica: 1. xerographic copy
cúmulo: 1. accumulation, crowd, heap, mass, multitude, pile
cúprico: 1. copper
cúpula: 1. cupola, dome
cútis: 1. skin
câmara: 1. chamber, room
câmara municipal: 1. town-hall
câmbio: 1. exchange | 2. exchange rate, rate of exchange
câmera escura: 1. dark-room, small room
câncer: 1. cancer, canker | 2. prawn
cândido: 1. naïf, naïve
cântaro: 1. jug, pitcher
cômico: 1. comic, comical, funny
cômoda: 1. chest, dresser
cômodo: 1. comfortable | 2. convenient, handy, opportune
côncavo: 1. concave, hollow
cônjuge: 1. husband
cônsul: 1. consul
cão: 1. dog | 2. trigger
dactilógrafa: 1. stenotypist, female stenotypist
dado: 1. die
dado de jogar: 1. die
dafne: 1. daphne
dama: 1. dame, lady | 2. queen | 3. king
damasco: 1. apricot
dan: 1. dan
danar: 1. damn
danificar-se: 1. break down
danificar: 1. damage | 2. damage, injure, spoil | 3. harm
daninho: 1. adverse, harmful
dano: 1. damage | 2. damage
dança: 1. dance
dançar: 1. dance
dançarina: 1. dancer
dançarino: 1. dancer
daquela maneira: 1. so, such, thus
dar-se ao trabalho de: 1. aim, attempt, endeavour, try
dar: 1. give | 2. deliver, furnish, supply
darma: 1. dharma
dartro: 1. acne
dar acção: 1. animate
dar adeus: 1. say goodbye, say goodbye to, take leave, take leave from
dar ais: 1. ache, long for, yearn
dar alarma: 1. alarm, raise the alarm, sound the alarm
dar atenção a: 1. listen
dar a luz: 1. bear, give birth to
dar base: 1. base | 2. base, found, ground
dar bofetadas: 1. punch
dar cabriolas: 1. caper, frolic about
dar civilização: 1. civilize
dar coceira: 1. itch
dar corda: 1. strech, wind up
dar dentadas: 1. bite
dar de aluguel: 1. let, rent out
dar gargalhadas: 1. roar with laughter
dar gosto a: 1. flavor, flavour, season
dar gritos de alegria: 1. exult
dar merecimento a: 1. appreciate | 2. appreciate
dar no alvo: 1. catch, hit, run across, strike
dar ordem: 1. command, order, tell
dar outra forma: 1. transform | 2. transform
dar o acabamento: 1. finish
dar pancada: 1. beat, hit, strike
dar parabéns: 1. congratulate
dar pontapé: 1. kick
dar por empréstimo: 1. advance, lend
dar prazer: 1. make glad
dar pêsarmes a: 1. express condolences
dar recibo: 1. receipt
dar um passo: 1. pace, stalk, step, stride, tread
dar um pulo: 1. start
dar voltas: 1. turn, turn back, turn around, turn round
dar à luz: 1. give birth, labour, be in labour
data: 1. date
datar: 1. date
datilografar: 1. type
datilógrafa: 1. stenotypist, female stenotypist
da figura: 1. figurative
da mesma idade: 1. of the same age
da república: 1. republican
da África: 1. African
da Índia: 1. Indian
de: 1. of | 2. from, of | 3. from, out of
debaixo de: 1. below, beneath, under, underneath
debalde: 1. in vain
debate: 1. debate
debater-se: 1. flounder, struggle, writhe
debater: 1. beat off, knock off, strike off
debelar: 1. defeat, win over
deboche: 1. dissipation, debauchery
debulhar: 1. thresh
decano: 1. dean
decantar: 1. decant, pour off
decentemente: 1. decently, properly
decidido: 1. decisive
decidir-se: 1. make up one’s mind
decidir: 1. decide
decifrar: 1. decipher | 2. guess
decisivo: 1. decisive | 2. definite, definitive | 3. striking
decisão: 1. decision
declamar: 1. declaim, recite
declaracão: 1. declaration, proclamation, statement
declarar: 1. declare, state | 2. demonstrate, manifest, show
declarar sem efeito: 1. abjure, abolish, abrogate, annul, cancel, remit
declaração: 1. declaration, proclamation
declinar: 1. declare, state
declive: 1. acclivity, hillside, slope
decocção: 1. decoction
decompor: 1. analyse
decorar: 1. adorn, decorate, ornament | 2. adorn, decorate, ornament
decoração: 1. décor, decoration | 2. décor, decoration
decoro: 1. dignity | 2. honor, honour
decoroso: 1. decent, fitting, proper, suitable
decorrer: 1. march off, retreat, withdraw
decretar: 1. decree
decreto: 1. decree
decrépito: 1. decayed, decrepit, dilapidated, lapsed, rickety
decímetro: 1. decimetre
decâmetro: 1. decametre
dedal: 1. thimble
dedaleira: 1. foxglove
dedicado: 1. affectionate, devoted, selfless | 2. devoted, selfless
dedicar: 1. dedicate, devote
dedo: 1. finger
dedo do pé: 1. toe
deduzir: 1. abstract, deduce, gather
default: 1. default
defazer: 1. destroy, quash
defecar: 1. defecate
defeito: 1. aberration, error, mistake | 2. abuse
defender: 1. defend
deferir: 1. approve
deferência: 1. respect
defesa: 1. defence, defense | 2. protection, shield | 3. defence, defense
deficit: 1. deficit
definir: 1. determine, fix | 2. define, determine
definitivamente: 1. definitely, positively
definitivo: 1. definite, definitive
definição: 1. definition
defraudar: 1. defraud, swindle | 2. overpower, usurp
defronte de: 1. across from, against, in exchange for, opposed to, opposite, upon
defumar: 1. perfume
defunto: 1. cadaver, corpse
degelar: 1. melt, thaw
degelo: 1. melting, thaw
degenerar: 1. degenerate
degeneração: 1. bastardy
degradar: 1. degrade
degrau: 1. stair, step, rung
degredar: 1. exile
deitar-se: 1. lie down | 2. lie down
deitar-se na cama: 1. go to bed
deitar: 1. lay | 2. lay out, spread, spread out
deitar por terra: 1. overthrow, turn, turn over, upset
deixar: 1. allow, leave, let, release | 2. leave behind
deixar excluído: 1. exclude
deixar passar: 1. leave out, omit, overlook
dela: 1. her, she
delas: 1. their
delatar: 1. accuse, denounce
delegacia de polícia: 1. police-station
delegado: 1. delegate
delegar: 1. delegate
delegação: 1. delegation | 2. delegation, deputation
deleite: 1. fun, pleasure
deles: 1. their
delfim: 1. dolphin
delfínio: 1. larkspur
delgado: 1. gaunt, lean, slender, thin
deliberadamente: 1. deliberately, on purpose
deliberar: 1. decide
delicadeza: 1. tenderness
delicado: 1. dainty, delicate, fine, refined | 2. gaunt, lean, slender, thin
deliciar: 1. charm
delicioso: 1. charming, lovely
delirante: 1. delirious
delirar: 1. be delirious
delito: 1. blame, fault, guilt
delta: 1. delta
delícia: 1. fun, pleasure | 2. charm
delírio: 1. delirium
demais: 1. besides, in addition, moreover | 2. too, too much
demarcar: 1. abridge, confine, limit, restrict
demasia: 1. excess
demasiadamente: 1. too, too much
demasiado: 1. excessive, inordinate
demissão: 1. abdication
demitir-se: 1. resign | 2. quit, resign
demitir: 1. discharge, dismiss, fire, sack
demo: 1. demon
democracia: 1. democracy
democrata: 1. democrat
democrático: 1. democratic
demolir: 1. destroy, quash
demonstrar: 1. demonstrate | 2. demonstrate, prove
demonstrativo: 1. demonstrative, demonstrative pronoun
demonstração: 1. demonstration | 2. demonstration
demoníaco: 1. demonic
demora: 1. adjournment, delay
demorar-se: 1. halt, come to a halt, stop
demostrar: 1. prove
demônio: 1. demon
denodo: 1. courage
denominar: 1. call
denotar: 1. imply, mean, signify
denso: 1. concentrated, dense, thick | 2. compact
dentadura: 1. teeth
dentalgia: 1. toothache
dentama: 1. teeth
dente-de-leão: 1. dandelion
dente: 1. tooth
dente de alho: 1. garlic bulb
dentifrício: 1. tooth-paste
dentista: 1. dentist
dentre: 1. from, out of
dentro de: 1. a, in, inside, into, on, per, within
dentário: 1. dental
denunciar: 1. accuse, denounce
denúncia: 1. accusation
deparar: 1. find
departamento: 1. department
depender: 1. depend
depender de: 1. be dependent on, depend onldepend upon
deplorar: 1. be sorry about, regret
deploravelmente: 1. that’s too bad, what a pity
depoimento: 1. certificate, testimony | 2. declaration, proclamation | 3. declaration, proclamation, statement
depois: 1. afterwards, next, subsequently | 2. beyond, next, then, thereafter
depois de: 1. since, ever since | 2. after, behind
depois de amanhã: 1. the day after tomorrow
depois que: 1. after
depor: 1. declare, state | 2. take off, put off
deportar: 1. deport
depositar: 1. deposit
depreender: 1. abstract, induce, gather, infer
depressa: 1. soon | 2. fast, quickly, swiftly
depressão: 1. depression
deprimir: 1. depress
deputado: 1. delegate | 2. delegate, deputy, representative | 3. delegate, deputy, representative
deputar: 1. delegate | 2. depute
depósito: 1. depository
derivar: 1. derive | 2. accrue, come, derive, originate, result | 3. drift, be adrift
derradeiro: 1. last
derramar: 1. pour, scatter, shed | 2. dump, pour, pour out, scatter
derramar lágrimas: 1. shed tears, weep
derreter-se: 1. melt, thaw
derreter: 1. melt
derribar: 1. overthrow, turn, turn over, upset
derrota: 1. defeat
derrubar: 1. drop, overthrow
desabar: 1. drop, fall
desafiado: 1. blunt
desafiar: 1. challenge, defy | 2. defy, incite, provoke
desafio: 1. challenge
desagradável: 1. bleak, dismal, dreary, horrible, ghastly, grisly, nasty
desajeitado: 1. awkward | 2. awkward
desalmado: 1. barbaric | 2. cruel
desanimar: 1. depress
desaparecer: 1. disappear
desaparecimento: 1. disappearance
desapegado: 1. generous
desaprovar: 1. condemn, disapprove, disapprove of, rebuke
desarmado: 1. unarmed
desarmar: 1. disarm
desastrado: 1. awkward
desbastar: 1. build, build from wood
desbocar-se: 1. curse, cuss, swear
descansar: 1. repose, rest
descanso: 1. repose, rest
descascar: 1. shell, peel
descendente: 1. offspring, successor
descendência: 1. offspring
descer: 1. climb | 2. descend, get off, go down
descer do cavalho: 1. dismount
descobrimento: 1. discovery
descobrir: 1. reveal | 2. discover, uncover
desconcertar: 1. alarm, appal, dismay, puzzle
desconfiado: 1. suspicious
desconhecido: 1. unknown
descontar: 1. deduct, take away | 2. discount, rebate
desconto: 1. abatement, discount, rebate
descorado: 1. pale, sallow
descortês: 1. rude
descrever: 1. design, draw | 2. describe | 3. narrate, relate, tell
descuidar: 1. neglect
desculpa: 1. apology
desculpar: 1. excuse | 2. forgive, pardon
desculpe: 1. excuse me
desde: 1. since, ever since | 2. since | 3. from, since
desde quando: 1. since
desdobrar-se: 1. run
desdobrar: 1. extend, strech out | 2. spread out
desejar: 1. desire, wish
desejar muito saber: 1. want to know, wonder
desejar vivamente: 1. aspire, aspire to, hope for
desejo: 1. appetite | 2. desire, want, wish
desejável: 1. desirable
deselegante: 1. coarse, crude
desembaraçado: 1. free and easy
desembaraçar: 1. rid | 2. dishevel, tousle
desembaraço: 1. aplomb, self-assurance
desembarcar-se: 1. disembark
desempenhar: 1. accomplish, achieve, keep, observe, perform
desencaminhar-se: 1. turn
desencaminhar: 1. entice, seduce
desenfreado: 1. lawless, licentious, riotous
desenganar-se: 1. disappoint
desenhar: 1. design, draw
desenho: 1. design, drawing | 2. design, drawing | 3. scale
desenovelar: 1. unroll
desenrolar: 1. unroll, unwind, wind off | 2. unroll
desentesar-se: 1. relax
desenvolver: 1. lay out, spread, spread out
deserto: 1. dreary, gaunt | 2. desert
desesperado: 1. abysmal, desperate
desesperador: 1. desperate
desesperar: 1. despair
desespero: 1. despair
desfalecer: 1. faint, swoon
desfalecimento: 1. faint, swoon
desfastio: 1. appetite
desfilar: 1. display, parade
desforrar: 1. avenge, avenge oneself
desfraldar: 1. spread out
desfrutar: 1. delight in, enjoy
desgalhar: 1. branch
desgastar: 1. wear down, wear off, wear out
desgracioso: 1. awkward
desgraçadamente: 1. unfortunately | 2. unfortunately
designar: 1. assign | 2. define, determine | 3. choose, elect, pick out
designação: 1. definition | 2. choice, election
desigual: 1. different
desiludir-se: 1. disappoint | 2. become disillusioned
desiludir: 1. disappoint, set straight
desimpedir: 1. rid
desinfectar: 1. disinfect
desinência: 1. ending
desleixar: 1. neglect
desligar: 1. turn off
deslizar: 1. glide, slip
desmaiar: 1. faint, swoon
desmaio: 1. faint, swoon
desmembrar: 1. divide, separate, share
desmontar: 1. take apart
desnecessariamente: 1. needless
desobrigado: 1. even, paid up, paid-up
desonesto: 1. nasty
desonrar: 1. defile, profane
desordem: 1. confusion, disorder
despachar: 1. dispatch, send off, ship
despedida: 1. farewell, goodbye, good-bye
despedir-se: 1. say goodbye, say goodbye to, take leave, take leave from
despedir: 1. discharge, dismiss, fire, sack
despejar: 1. pour, scatter, shed
despender gases mefíticos: 1. fume
despensa: 1. basement, cellar | 2. pantry
despentear: 1. tousle
despertador: 1. alarm, alarmclock
despertar: 1. arouse, wake, awaken, wake up | 2. wake, wake up
despesas: 1. expenses | 2. expenses
despido: 1. bare, naked, nude
despir-se: 1. undress, strip
desporte: 1. sport
desportista: 1. sportsman
desprendimento: 1. abnegation
desprezar: 1. despise
desprezo: 1. contempt
desprezível: 1. abject
despótico: 1. despotic
desse: 1. that one’s
destacamento: 1. detachment
desta maneira: 1. so, such, thus
deste: 1. that one’s
desterrar: 1. exile
deste modo: 1. so, such, thus
destinar: 1. destine, earmark, ordain | 2. define, determine
destinatário: 1. addressee | 2. addressee | 3. consignee, recipient
destino: 1. address | 2. destiny, fate | 3. destiny, fate, fortune, luck
destituir: 1. discharge, dismiss, fire, sack
destro: 1. right, righthand | 2. right-hander
destroços: 1. debris, rubbish, rubble
destruir-se: 1. perish
destruir: 1. destroy, quash
destruição: 1. destruction | 2. destruction
desvantagem: 1. abuse | 2. harm
desvendar: 1. discover, uncover
desviar-se: 1. go astray, get off the subject | 2. turn
desviar a atenção: 1. distract, divert, entertain
detalhado: 1. detailed
detalhe: 1. detail
detective: 1. detective
deter-se: 1. halt, come to a halt, stop
deter: 1. abstract, restrain | 2. dam up, form an embankment | 3. detain, hold back, retain
deteriorar-se: 1. break down
deteriorar: 1. damage, injure, spoil
determinar: 1. determine, fix | 2. define, determine | 3. attach, determine, fasten, fix, affix, make fast, secure
detestar: 1. abhor, abominate, loathe
detestável: 1. nasty
detrás de: 1. behind, after
deturpar: 1. falsify
deus: 1. god
devanear: 1. dream, daydream, fancy
devaneio: 1. dream, daydream
devasso: 1. lewd
deve: 1. debit
dever: 1. thank | 2. have to, must, ought to, should | 3. duty, obligation | 4. owe | 5. debt
deveras: 1. absolutely, genuinly, indeed, really, truly
devorar: 1. eat up
dez: 1. ten
dezenove: 1. nineteen
dezesseis: 1. sixteen
dezessete: 1. seventeen
dezoito: 1. eighteen
de acordo: 1. agreed, okay
de acordo de: 1. according as, according to, as, by
de alguém: 1. someone’s
de boa reputação: 1. of good repute
de boa vontade: 1. willingly
de bom aspecto: 1. good-looking
de bom grado: 1. willingly
de bronze: 1. bronze
de cabelo castanho: 1. brunette
de cada um: 1. everyone’s
de cautchu: 1. rubber
de certo: 1. of course
de cobre: 1. copper
de cor: 1. by heart
de couro: 1. leather
de cristal: 1. crystal
de despedida: 1. goodbye-
de estanho: 1. tin
de facto: 1. absolutely, actually, in fact | 2. actually, as a matter of fact, indeed, in fact | 3. certainly, indeed, rather, surely
de fato: 1. certainly, indeed, rather, surely
de fora: 1. abroad, out, outside
de forma nenhuma: 1. by no means, in no way, not at all, not on any account
de lã: 1. wool
de maneira agradável: 1. agreeably, comfortably, pleasantly
de manhã: 1. a.m. | 2. in the morning
de mau grado: 1. against one’s will
de memória: 1. by heart
de modo nenhum: 1. by no means, in no way, not at all, not on any account
de má reputação: 1. of ill repute
de nada: 1. don’t mention it, you’re welcome
de nenhuma maneira: 1. by no means, in no way, not at all, not on any account
de nenhum modo: 1. not at all
de neônio: 1. neon
de ninguém: 1. no-one’s
de nobre: 1. of noble birth
de novo: 1. afresh, again, all over again, anew | 2. afresh, again, once more
de náilon: 1. nylon
de olhos castanhos: 1. browneyed
de ontem: 1. yesterday, of yesterday
de parada: 1. pretentious
de pessoa alguma: 1. no-one’s
de pouca densidade: 1. rare, precious
de propósito: 1. deliberately, on purpose
de qualquer jeito: 1. anyway, somehow
de qualquer maneira: 1. in every way
de quando em quando: 1. now and then
de que: 1. of which, which one’s, whose
de quem: 1. of which, which one’s, whose
de repente: 1. all of a sudden, suddenly
de súbito pôr-se de pé: 1. get up, rise, stand, stand up
de tal espécie: 1. such, such a, that kind of
de tal modo: 1. in that way, this way, like this, thus
de tal qualidade: 1. such, such a, that kind of
de tarde: 1. in the evening
de todos: 1. everyone’s
de todo o modo: 1. in every way
de tragédia: 1. tragedy
de vista: 1. by sight
de viva voz: 1. orally
deão: 1. dean
dia: 1. day
diabete: 1. diabetes
diabo: 1. devil
diabólico: 1. demonic | 2. diabolical, devilish
dialecto: 1. dialect
diamante: 1. diamond
diante de: 1. before, in front of
diaquilão: 1. adhesive plaster
diarréia: 1. diarrhoea | 2. diarrhoea
dia de folga: 1. holiday
dicionar: 1. add
dicionário: 1. dictionary, vocabulary
dictadura: 1. dictatorship
dictar: 1. dictate
dictator: 1. dictator
didelfo: 1. opossum
diese: 1. grid, hash, number sign, pound sign, sharp
dieta: 1. diet
dietético: 1. dietary
difamar: 1. slander
diferenciar: 1. differentiate
diferente: 1. other, another, else | 2. different | 3. different | 4. different
diferença: 1. difference | 2. deviation
diferençar: 1. distinguish
diferir: 1. differ, be different
dificilmente: 1. hardly, not easily, with difficulty
dificuldade: 1. difficulty, trouble
dificultar: 1. hamper, hinder, thwart
dificultoso: 1. difficult, hard, inconvenient
difícil: 1. difficult, hard, inconvenient
difícil de compreender: 1. apocalyptic
digerir: 1. digest
digestão: 1. digestion | 2. digestion
digital: 1. foxglove
digitar: 1. type
digna de recordação: 1. memorable
dignidade: 1. dignity
digno: 1. dignified | 2. deserving, worthy
digno de ser visto: 1. worth seeing
dilacerar: 1. dishevel, tousle | 2. rip, tear
dilema: 1. dilemma
diletanto: 1. amateur, fancier
diligente: 1. active, in action | 2. diligent, hardworking, industrious
diligência: 1. industry
diluir: 1. adulterate
diluvião: 1. Diluvium
dilúvio: 1. deluge, flood
dimensão: 1. bulk, dimension, extend, size | 2. dimension, measurement
diminuir: 1. reduce
dinamarquês: 1. Danish | 2. Dane
dinamite: 1. dynamite
dinheiro: 1. cash, in cash | 2. money
dinheiro da multa: 1. fine
diploma: 1. diploma
diplomado: 1. certificated, graduate
diplomata: 1. diplomat
dique: 1. dike, embankment
directamente: 1. directly | 2. at once, instantly, immediately, without delay | 3. at once, immediately, just, right away, right now
director: 1. director, manager | 2. boss, chief, leader
directoria: 1. board of directors | 2. mistress
directriz: 1. steering
direcção: 1. steering | 2. direction
direcção obrigatória: 1. one-way traffic
direito: 1. right, righthand | 2. jurisprudence, law | 3. right | 4. direct, straight
direito de editor: 1. copyright
diretamente: 1. directly | 2. at once, instantly, immediately, without delay
direto: 1. direct, straight
diretor de cena: 1. stage-manager
direção obrigatória: 1. one-way traffic
dirigir-se: 1. advance, approach, come on
dirigir-se a: 1. break down upon, make for
dirigir: 1. direct, guide, manage, steer | 2. govern, head up, restrain | 3. conduct, direct, guide, head, lead | 4. be master over, dominate | 5. steer
dirimir: 1. decide
discar: 1. dial
discernimento: 1. criticism
disciplina: 1. discipline
disco: 1. dial, disc, record | 2. grammophone disc
discrionário: 1. arbitrary
discurso: 1. speech
discussão: 1. debate | 2. discussion | 3. discussion
discutir: 1. beat off, knock off, strike off | 2. discuss | 3. discuss
discípulo: 1. disciple
disparar: 1. fire, shoot
disparatado: 1. absurd
disparate: 1. nonsense
dispensar favores a: 1. do a favor, do a favour
dispepsia: 1. dyspepsia, indigestion
disponibilizar: 1. make available
dispor: 1. arrange, fix up | 2. adjust, put right
dispor de: 1. absorb, have at one’s disposal
disposição: 1. accommodation, adjustment, arrangement | 2. disposition | 3. predisposition, tendency | 4. order
disposto: 1. finished, ready, through
disprósio: 1. dysprosium
disputa: 1. dispute, quarrel
disputar: 1. argue, dispute
disseminar: 1. disseminate
dissidência: 1. schism
dissipação: 1. dissipation, debauchery
distante: 1. distant, far, remote | 2. distant, far, remote
distilar: 1. distil
distinguir: 1. distinguish
distinto: 1. distinctive | 2. distinctive | 3. clear, distinct, plain
distinção: 1. distinction, renown
distracção: 1. distraction, diversion | 2. absence of mind, abstraction | 3. absence of mind | 4. distraction, diversion
distrair-se: 1. enjoy oneself, have a good time
distrair: 1. distract, divert, entertain | 2. neglect
distraído: 1. careless, negligent
distração: 1. amusement, fun | 2. amusement, fun
distribuir: 1. deal, distribute | 2. distribute
distribuição: 1. distribution
districto: 1. district
distância: 1. distance, offset
ditar: 1. force, impose
divagar: 1. be delirious
divagação: 1. abracadabra
diverso: 1. other, another, else | 2. diverse, varied, various
divertido: 1. amusing, entertaining, funny
divertimento: 1. amusement, fun | 2. entertainment | 3. amusement, fun
divertir-se: 1. enjoy oneself, have a good time
divertir: 1. amuse | 2. distract, divert, entertain
dividir: 1. divide, separate | 2. disintegrate, divide, separate | 3. divide, separate, share
divinidade: 1. god
divino: 1. divine
divisa: 1. motto, watchword, slogan
divisão: 1. division, military division
divorciar-se: 1. get a divorce, get divorced
divulgar: 1. spread
divulgação: 1. propaganda, publicity
divórcio: 1. divorce
divã: 1. couch, divan
diz-que-diz-que: 1. rumor, rumour
dizer: 1. say, tell
dizer adeus: 1. say goodbye, say goodbye to, take leave, take leave from
dizer em voz baixa: 1. prompt
dizer não: 1. deny
dizer respeito a: 1. concern
dizer sim: 1. affirm, assent, say yes
diácono: 1. deacon
diálogo: 1. dialogue
diáriamente: 1. daily
diário: 1. diary | 2. daily
diâmetro: 1. diameter
doar: 1. donate, give
dobar: 1. wind
dobra: 1. fold
dobradiça: 1. hinge
dobrar: 1. double | 2. fold | 3. bend
doca: 1. dock
doce: 1. gentle, soft, sweet, tender | 2. candy | 3. gentle, mild
documento: 1. document, paper
doente: 1. ill, sick | 2. patient
doer: 1. ache, be painful, hurt
dogma: 1. dogma
dois: 1. two
doloroso: 1. painful
dom-joão: 1. Don Juan, woman-chaser
dom-quixote: 1. Don Quixote
dom: 1. dowry
domar: 1. tame, train
domesticado: 1. tame
domesticar: 1. civilize
domicílio: 1. abode, dwelling-place, residence | 2. abode, dwelling-place-residence
dominar: 1. be master over, dominate | 2. control, govern, restrain, rule
domínio: 1. estate, farm, property, ranch | 2. dominion
donde: 1. from where, whence
dono: 1. boss, master | 2. owner
dor: 1. ache, pain | 2. annoyance, disappointment, grief
dormideira: 1. poppy
dorminhoco: 1. sleepy
dormir: 1. be asleep, sleep
dormir profundamente: 1. sleep heavily
dormitar: 1. doze, nap, slumber
dormitório: 1. sleeping-accomodation, sleeping-place | 2. bedroom
dorso: 1. back
dor de cabeça: 1. headache
dor de dente: 1. toothache
dosar: 1. measure out
dose: 1. dose | 2. share
dossel: 1. baldachin, canopy
dossiê: 1. brief case, portfolio | 2. dossier, file
dotado: 1. gifted, talented
dotar: 1. endow
dote: 1. dowry
dourar: 1. gild | 2. gild
doutor: 1. doctor
doze: 1. twelve
do oceano: 1. oceanic
do outro lado de: 1. across, beyond, on the other side of
do pólo sul: 1. Antarctic
do qual: 1. of which, which one’s, whose
do que: 1. than
dragona: 1. epaulet
dragão: 1. dragon
drama: 1. drama
drapejar: 1. drape
drenagem: 1. draining
drenar: 1. drain
droga: 1. drug
dromedário: 1. dromedary
drástico: 1. drastic
drósera: 1. sundew
duas: 1. two
duas vezes: 1. twice
ducado: 1. duchy
ducha: 1. showerstall | 2. shower
duplo: 1. double, dual
duque: 1. duke
duquesa: 1. duchess
duradouro: 1. abiding, lasting
durante: 1. for, during, whereas, while, whilst
durar: 1. continue, endure, keep on, last
duro: 1. hard | 2. hard
durável: 1. stable
duvidar: 1. doubt
duvidoso: 1. doubtful | 2. uncertain
duzentos: 1. two hundred
dádiva: 1. gift, present | 2. gift
dália: 1. dahlia
dálmata: 1. Dalmatian
débil: 1. faint, light, weak
débito: 1. debit
década: 1. decade
décimo: 1. tenth | 2. tenth
déspota: 1. despot | 2. tyrant
díspar: 1. different
dístico: 1. label
dívida: 1. debt
dólar: 1. dollar
dórica: 1. Dorian, Doric
dúplice: 1. double, dual
dúvida: 1. doubt
dúzia: 1. dozen
dândi: 1. dandy, dude, fop
e: 1. and
ebriedade: 1. drunkenness, inebriety | 2. drunkenness
ebúrneo: 1. ivory
eclesiástico: 1. ecclesiastic
eco: 1. echo
ecoar: 1. echo
economia: 1. economics | 2. economy
economizar: 1. save, spare
econômico: 1. thrifty
edelvais: 1. edelweiss
edificar: 1. edify | 2. build, construct
edifício: 1. building
edital: 1. notice, placard, poster
editar: 1. issue, publish
editor: 1. publisher
editora: 1. publisher, publishing house
edição: 1. edition
educar: 1. tame, train | 2. breed, bring up, educate, raise | 3. coach, tutor
educação: 1. education | 2. education
efectivamente: 1. absolutely, actually, in fact | 2. actually, as a matter of fact, indeed, in fact
efectivar: 1. accomplish, achieve, act out
efectivo: 1. actual, real | 2. actual, factual, real
efectuar: 1. accomplish, achieve, act out
efeito: 1. effect, impression | 2. effect
eficaz: 1. effective, effectual, efficacious
eficiente: 1. effective, effectual, efficacious
efêmero: 1. momentary
egipciano: 1. Egyptian
eglefim: 1. haddock
egoísmo: 1. selfinterest, selfishness
egípcio: 1. Egyptian | 2. Egyptian
eh: 1. ahoy
einstênio: 1. einsteinium
eis: 1. behold, here is, here are, look, there
eis ali: 1. behold, here is, here are, look, there
eis aqui: 1. behold, here is, here are, look, there
eis aí: 1. behold, here is, here are, look, there
eixo: 1. axis, axle
ela: 1. it
elaborar: 1. finish, work out
ele: 1. he, him | 2. it
electricidade: 1. electricity
electrônica: 1. electronics
electrônico: 1. electronic
electrônio: 1. electron
elefante: 1. elephant
elefantino: 1. elephant, elephant-, elephant’s, elephantine, of an elephant
elefântico: 1. elephant, elephant-, elephant’s, elephantine, of an elephant
elegante: 1. elegant
eleger: 1. choose, elect, pick out
elegia: 1. elegy
eleito: 1. elected
eleição: 1. ballot, balloting, voting by ballot | 2. choice, election
elementar: 1. elemental, elementary
elemento: 1. element | 2. element, fragment, item, particle
elenco: 1. troop, troupe
eletrônica: 1. electronics
eletrônico: 1. electronic
elevado: 1. high, lofty, tall
elevador: 1. elevator, lift
elevar-se: 1. accrue, advance, ascend, go up, increase
elevar: 1. lever, lift, raise | 2. advance, increase, raise
elfo: 1. elf
elidir: 1. elide
eliminar: 1. exterminate, wipe out | 2. eliminate
elisão: 1. elision
elmo: 1. helmet
elo: 1. link
elogiar: 1. commend, laud, praise
elogio: 1. praise
eloqüente: 1. eloquent
elástico: 1. elastic
eléctrico: 1. electric
eléctron: 1. electron
em: 1. a, in, inside, into, on, per, within | 2. at, by, on, upon | 3. at, beside, with
embaixada: 1. embassy | 2. embassy | 3. delegation
embaixador: 1. ambassador
embalar: 1. lull, rock | 2. pack
embalsamar: 1. embalm
embaraçar: 1. abash, embarrass
embaraço: 1. abashment, embarrassment, perplexity
embaraçoso: 1. straitened
embarcar-se: 1. embark
embarcação: 1. ship, vessel
embasbacar-se: 1. gape, gawk
embebedar-se: 1. get drunk
embevecer: 1. delight
embevecimento: 1. ecstasy
emblema: 1. emblem
embondeiro: 1. baobab
embora: 1. but, however, nevertheless, yet
emboscada: 1. ambush
embotado: 1. blunt
embotar: 1. blunt
embranquecer: 1. blanch, whiten
embriagado: 1. drunk, intoxicated
embriagar-se: 1. get drunk
embriaguez: 1. drunkenness, inebriety | 2. drunkenness
embrulho: 1. baggage, luggage | 2. pack
embrutecer: 1. dull
emenda: 1. addition, adjunct | 2. amendment
eminente: 1. high, lofty, tall
eminência: 1. height
emissão: 1. edition
emitir: 1. issue, publish
emocionar: 1. move, stir
emoldurar: 1. frame
emoção: 1. emotion
empacotar: 1. pack
empada: 1. pate, pie
empalar: 1. impale
empavonar-se: 1. show off, strut around
empenhar-se: 1. strive for
empenhar-se em: 1. aim, attempt, endeavour, try
empenhar verba: 1. assign
empilhar: 1. accumulate, amass, heap, pile up, stack
emplastro: 1. plaster
empoar: 1. powder
empreendedor: 1. enterprising
empreender: 1. undertake
empregado: 1. employee | 2. officer, official
empregador: 1. employer | 2. employer
empregar: 1. employ, hire | 2. employ, use, make use of
emprego: 1. function, job, office, post | 2. use
empreitada: 1. job, assigned job, task
empresa: 1. enterprise
emprestar: 1. advance, lend | 2. borrow, lend, loan
empurrar: 1. push, thrust | 2. push along, shove
empurrão: 1. push
em bela maneira: 1. beautifully
em casa: 1. at home
em companhia de: 1. with | 2. together with
em continuação: 1. besides, furthermore, in addition, moreover
em especial: 1. above all, especially, chiefly, mainly, principally
em estoque: 1. stocked
em fila: 1. in rows
em fim: 1. at last, finally, ultimately
em frente: 1. on the contrary, otherwise
em frente de: 1. before, in front of | 2. across from, against, in exchange for, opposed to, opposite, upon
em grupos de quatro: 1. by fours
em grupo de dez: 1. by tens
em inglês: 1. in English
em lugar anterior: 1. ahead, formerly, previously
em lugar de: 1. instead of
em maior número das ocasiões: 1. mostly
em nenhum lugar: 1. nowhere
em outro lugar: 1. elsewhere
em parte: 1. partially, partly
em parte alguma: 1. nowhere
em presença de: 1. before, in front of
em primeiro lugar: 1. first, firstly, first of all
em princípio: 1. in principle
em quantidade suficiente: 1. enough, quite, rather, sufficiently
em que lugar: 1. where
em rampa: 1. sloping
em redor: 1. roundabout, thereabout, thereabouts
em redor de: 1. about, round, around, towards
em relação a: 1. toward, towards, with reference to
em seguida: 1. afterwards, next, subsequently | 2. beyond, next, then, thereafter
em separado: 1. apart, separately
em suma: 1. altogether, as a whole, on the whole
em tal quantidade: 1. that much
em tempo algum: 1. never
em toda a parte: 1. all about, everywhere
em todo o lugar: 1. all about, everywhere
em todo o tempo: 1. always, ever
em torno de: 1. about, round, around, towards
em troca de: 1. across from, against, in exchange for, opposed to, opposite, upon | 2. because of, for, for sake of, on account of, owing to, through
em vez de: 1. instead of
em vista disso: 1. on that account, therefore
em volta de: 1. about, round, around, towards
em voz alta: 1. loudly
em vão: 1. in vain
em árabe: 1. in Arabic
encadernar: 1. bind
encadernação: 1. binding, cover
encaminhar-se para: 1. break down upon, make for
encaminhar: 1. direct, guide, manage, steer
encantador: 1. delightful, lovely | 2. charming, lovely
encantar: 1. delight | 2. charm
encanto: 1. sorcery | 2. charm
encapar: 1. cover, overlay
encarquilhar-se: 1. shrink, shrivel up
encerrar: 1. accomodate, end, finish, terminate
encharcar: 1. flood
encher: 1. occupy, take | 2. fill, fill in, fill up
enchova: 1. anchovy
enciclopédia: 1. encyclopaedia
encomenda: 1. order
encomendar: 1. book, order, reserve
encontrar-se: 1. be found, be located, find oneself | 2. be found, be located, find oneself
encontrar: 1. come across, encounter, meet, see | 2. find
encontro: 1. encounter
encorajar: 1. encourage | 2. rouse, stimulate, stir up
encorpado: 1. bold, corpulent, fat, thick
encosta: 1. acclivity, hillside, slope
encostar: 1. lean, support, sustain
encrespar: 1. furrow, wrinkle
encruzilhada: 1. knot, node
endereçar: 1. address
endereço: 1. address
endossante: 1. endorser
endossar: 1. endorse
endosso: 1. endorsement
endurecer: 1. harden, temper
endívia: 1. endive
energia: 1. energy
enfadar-se: 1. be bored, be tired of something
enfadar: 1. bore
enfadonho: 1. boring, weary | 2. boring, stodgy, tiresome
enfaixar: 1. tape | 2. bandage, wind
enfardar: 1. pack
enfastiar-se: 1. be bored, be tired of something
enfatizar: 1. accent, accentuate, emphasize
enfeitiçar: 1. bewitch
enfermeira: 1. nurse
enfermo: 1. ill, sick
enferrujar: 1. rust
enforcar: 1. hang
enfrentar: 1. confront, face
enfronhar: 1. cover, overlay
enfático: 1. emphatic
engajar-se: 1. enlist
engajar: 1. employ, hire | 2. recruit
enganar-se: 1. err, make a mistake
enganar: 1. cheat, deceive
enganchar: 1. cling to, get caught on | 2. hook
enganoso: 1. deceptive, delusive, fallacious | 2. misleading
engarrafar: 1. bottle
engatar: 1. hook
engelhar: 1. shrink, shrivel up
engendrar: 1. develop
engenheiro: 1. engineer
engenheiro agrônomo: 1. agriculturist
engenho: 1. wit
engodar: 1. attract, decoy, lure
engodo: 1. bait | 2. bait
engolir: 1. swallow
engomar: 1. iron, iron clothes
engraçado: 1. lively, witty
engrossar: 1. swell
enguia: 1. eel
enguiçar: 1. break-down, malfunction
enigma: 1. enigma, puzzle, riddle
enjoado: 1. bleak, dismal, dreary, horrible, ghastly, grisly, nasty
enjoar: 1. nauseate
enjôo: 1. seasickness
enlevo: 1. ecstasy
enlouquecer-se: 1. go crazy
enorme: 1. enormous, huge, immense
enotera: 1. evening-primrose
enquadrar: 1. frame
enredar: 1. entangle, implicate | 2. intrigue
enrijar: 1. harden, temper
enrolar: 1. bandage, wind | 2. roll, roll up, wind, wind up
enrolar em bobina: 1. wind
enrugar-se: 1. shrink, shrivel up
enrugar: 1. furrow, wrinkle
ensaboar: 1. soap
ensaiador: 1. stage-manager
ensaiar: 1. examine | 2. exercise, practise | 3. attempt, test, try
ensejo: 1. chance, luck
ensinamento: 1. lesson
ensinar: 1. tame, train | 2. teach
entalhador: 1. chisel
entalhar: 1. carve, chisel
ente: 1. creature
entediar: 1. bore
entender: 1. interpret | 2. understand, realize
entendimento mútuo: 1. mutual understanding
enternecedor: 1. affecting, moving, touching
enterrar: 1. bury | 2. bury, entomb, inter
entidade: 1. creature
entornar: 1. overthrow, turn, turn over, upset | 2. dump, pour, pour out, scatter
entorpecente: 1. drug
entorpecer: 1. paralyse
entrada: 1. entrance, portal
entranhado: 1. deep, profound
entrançar: 1. braid, plait, twine, wreathe
entrar: 1. go in, enter, perform
entrar em acordo: 1. come to an agreement
entravar: 1. bridle, check, restrain
entrave: 1. bridle, check, restraints
entre: 1. among, between | 2. at, beside, with
entrecasca: 1. bast
entregar: 1. give | 2. deliver, furnish, supply
entretanto: 1. but, however, nevertheless, yet
entreter: 1. distract, divert, entertain
entrevista: 1. interview
entrevistar: 1. interview
entristecedor: 1. desolate, dismal, dreary, gaunt, gloomy, mournful
entusiasmo: 1. alacrity, enthusiasm
entusiasta: 1. enthusiastic
então: 1. now, well, well then | 2. then
enurese: 1. bed-wetting, enuresis
enuresia: 1. bed-wetting, enuresis
envelope: 1. envelope
envenenar: 1. poison
envergonhar-se: 1. be ashamed
envergonhar: 1. put to shame
envernizar: 1. glaze | 2. lacquer, varnish
enviar: 1. send, transmit
enviar em código Morse: 1. send in Morse code
enviesado: 1. oblique, slanting
envolver: 1. entangle, implicate | 2. bandage, wind
enxada: 1. spade | 2. hoe | 3. spade
enxaguar: 1. gargle, rinse
enxame: 1. swarm
enxamear: 1. abound, swarm
enxovia: 1. cell
enxugar: 1. dry | 2. delete, wipe, wipe off
enxuto: 1. dry
enxó: 1. adze
enxôfre: 1. brimstone, sulphur
enérgico: 1. drastic | 2. energetic
eoceno: 1. Eocene
epilepsia: 1. epilepsy
epilóbio: 1. willowherb
episcopal: 1. episcopal
episódio: 1. episode
epopéia: 1. epic poem
epífito: 1. epiphyte
epígrafe: 1. degree, heading, title
epílobo: 1. willowherb
epístola: 1. epistle, letter
equador: 1. equator
equinócio: 1. equinox
equipagem: 1. crew
equipamento: 1. accoutrement, accoutrements, equipment | 2. equipment
equipar: 1. equip
equipe: 1. detachment | 2. team
equivalente: 1. equivalent
equivocar-se: 1. err, make a mistake
eqüitativo: 1. fair, just, righteous
era: 1. era
eremita: 1. hermit
erguer: 1. lever, lift, raise
erigir: 1. build, construct
erisipela: 1. erysipelas
eriçado: 1. bristly, standing on end, untidy
eriçar: 1. tousle
ermida: 1. chapel
ermo: 1. dreary, gaunt | 2. desert
errar: 1. err, make a mistake | 2. roam, wander
errar o golpe: 1. miss
erro: 1. deviation | 2. aberration, error, mistake
errôneo: 1. erroneous, mistaken, wrong
erva-de-são-joão: 1. absinth
erva-dedal: 1. foxglove
erva-gigante: 1. acanthus
erva: 1. grass
ervilha: 1. pea
ervilheira: 1. pea
eródio: 1. stork’s-bill
erótico: 1. erotic
esbelto: 1. graceful | 2. slender, slim
esbordoar: 1. thresh
esboçar: 1. plan, sketch
esboço: 1. design, outline, sketch
esbulhar: 1. overpower, usurp
escada: 1. ladder | 2. staircase, stairs
escada de mão: 1. ladder
escada rolante: 1. escalator
escala: 1. gamut, key, scale | 2. scale | 3. ladder
escaldar: 1. scald
escaler: 1. boat
escalfar: 1. scald
escalvado: 1. bleak
escalão: 1. stair, step, rung
escama: 1. scale
escamotear: 1. juggle
escancarar-se: 1. gape, yawn
escapada: 1. escape
escapar: 1. escape, flee | 2. flee, run away | 3. leave out, omit, overlook
escapar de: 1. escape, flee
escaravelho: 1. beetle
escarnecer: 1. jeer at, make fun of, mock
escarola: 1. endive
escarpado: 1. abrupt, steep
escassear: 1. be lacking, be missing
escasso: 1. in short supply, scanty, scarce
escavar: 1. examine, explore, investigate, research
escocês: 1. Scottish | 2. Scot, Scotsman
escola: 1. school | 2. school
escolha: 1. choice, election
escolher: 1. choose, elect, pick out
escolho: 1. reef
escolta: 1. escort
escoltar: 1. escort
escombros: 1. debris, rubbish, rubble
esconde-esconde: 1. hide-and-seek
esconder: 1. conceal, hide
escorpião: 1. scorpion
escorregadio: 1. slippery | 2. slippery
escorregar: 1. glide, slip
escoteiro: 1. scout, boyscout, boy scout
escova: 1. brush
escovar: 1. brush
escova de dentes: 1. tooth-brush
escravo: 1. serf, villain | 2. slave
escrever: 1. write | 2. compose, create, write
escrever nota sobre: 1. note, make a note, write down
escrever à máquina: 1. type
escriba: 1. doctor
escrita secreta: 1. code, secret code
escritor: 1. author
escrituração: 1. accounting, book-keeping
escritório: 1. cabinet | 2. office | 3. bureau, office
escritório de informações: 1. inquiry-office
escrivaninha: 1. desk, writing desk, writing-desk
escrutínio: 1. ballot, balloting, voting by ballot
escudeiro: 1. page
escudo: 1. escudo | 2. shield, sign-board
escuridão: 1. darkness
escuro: 1. dark, dim
escusar: 1. forgive, pardon
escutar: 1. listen
escândalo: 1. commotion, scandal
esfera: 1. ball, sphere
esfomeado: 1. hungry
esforçado: 1. diligent, hardworking, industrious
esforçar-se: 1. aim, attempt, endeavour, try | 2. strive for
esforçar-se mentalmente: 1. puzzle over, rack one’s brains
esforço: 1. attempt, test | 2. tension
esfregar: 1. rub
esgotado: 1. exhausted, used up
esgotar: 1. consume, use up
esguelhado: 1. oblique, slanting
esguichar: 1. gush, spurt, spurt out
esguio: 1. slender, slim
eslavo: 1. Slavic | 2. Slav
eslávico: 1. Slavic
esmagar: 1. crush, shatter, smash
esmaltar: 1. enamel
esmalte: 1. enamel | 2. glaze
esmalte dos dentes: 1. enamel
esmeralda: 1. emerald
esmerilar: 1. wear down, wear off, wear out
esmola: 1. alms, charity
esmurrar: 1. punch
esnobe: 1. snobbish | 2. snob
espada: 1. sword | 2. rapier
espadas: 1. prick, spades, sting
espalhar: 1. disseminate | 2. spread
espancar: 1. thresh
espanhol: 1. Spanish | 2. Spaniard
espargo: 1. asparagus
espasmo: 1. spasm
espaço: 1. room, space
espaçoso: 1. extensive, spacious, vast, wide
espechiaria: 1. spice
especial: 1. apart, particular, separate, special | 2. particular, special
especialidade: 1. branch, compartment, department, pigeonhole, section, speciality
especialista: 1. expert, specialist
especializar: 1. specify | 2. specify
especificar: 1. specify | 2. specify
espectador: 1. spectator
espectáculo: 1. show, spectacle
específico: 1. specific | 2. specific
espelhar: 1. reflect
espelho: 1. looking-glass, mirror
espera: 1. expectation | 2. expectation
esperantista: 1. Esperantist
esperança: 1. hope
esperar: 1. abide, expect, wait, await, wait for | 2. hope
esperma: 1. sperm | 2. sperm
espernear: 1. flounder, struggle, writhe
espesso: 1. concentrated, dense, thick | 2. bold, corpulent, fat, thick
espessura: 1. thickness
espetáculo: 1. show, spectacle
espiar: 1. keep an eye on, spy on
espinafre: 1. spinach
espingarda: 1. gun, rifle | 2. gun
espinha dorsal: 1. spine | 2. spine | 3. spine
espinho: 1. thorn
espionar: 1. keep an eye on, spy on | 2. spy
espira: 1. helix, propeller
espirar: 1. breathe
espiritismo: 1. spiritualism
espiritual: 1. spiritual
espirituoso: 1. lively, witty
espirrar: 1. sneeze
espirro: 1. sneeze
espião: 1. spy
esplêndido: 1. lovely
esponja: 1. sponge
esponjoso: 1. spongy
espontâneo: 1. willing | 2. spontaneous | 3. spontaneous
espora-dos-jardins: 1. larkspur
espora: 1. spur
esporar: 1. incite, rouse, spur, stimulate, stir up
esporear: 1. incite, rouse, spur, stimulate, stir up
esporeira: 1. larkspur
esporte: 1. sport
esportista: 1. sportsman
esporádico: 1. sporadic
esposa: 1. wife
esposo: 1. husband
esposo e esposa: 1. couple, married people
espraiar: 1. extend, strech out
espremer: 1. press, oppress, squeeze
espuma: 1. foam, froth
espumejar: 1. foam, froth
espécie: 1. kind, sort
espécime: 1. sample, specimen
espírito: 1. soul | 2. spirit | 3. wit
esquadra de polícia: 1. police-station
esquadro: 1. carpenter’s square, T-square
esquecer: 1. forget
esqueleto: 1. skeleton | 2. skeleton
esquema: 1. model, pattern, scheme
esquerdo: 1. left
esqui: 1. ski
esquiar: 1. ski
esquife: 1. coffin
esquilo: 1. squirrel
esquimau: 1. Eskimo
esquimó: 1. Eskimo
esquina: 1. corner | 2. corner, street-corner
esquisito: 1. bizarre, odd, weird | 2. odd, peculiar, strange
esquivar: 1. avoid, evade
essencial: 1. essential
essência: 1. essence, gist
esta: 1. this | 2. this
estabelecer-se: 1. arise
estabelecer: 1. erect, establish | 2. develop | 3. erect, establish, found | 4. account for, constitute, make up
estabelecimento: 1. establishment
estaca: 1. pole, post, stanchion, stake | 2. stake | 3. pole, rod
estacada: 1. fence, palisade
estacionamento: 1. park
estacionar: 1. park
estado-maior: 1. staff
estado: 1. realm, state | 2. condition, state | 3. state
estado de chefia: 1. authority
estafeta: 1. relay racer, relay rider
estagnar: 1. stagnate
estalar: 1. explode | 2. crack | 3. lap, plash, splash
estalido: 1. crack
estampa: 1. image, picture
estampar: 1. engrave | 2. print | 3. mark, stamp
estandarte: 1. flag, standard
estanho: 1. tin
estante: 1. cabinet | 2. desk, lectern, school desk | 3. cabinet, closet, cupboard, sideboard
estante para livros: 1. bookcase
estar abrasado: 1. glow, glow with heat
estar agachado: 1. cower, crouch, squat
estar atrasado: 1. be late
estar ausente: 1. be absent, be missing
estar bom: 1. be well
estar com febre: 1. have a fever
estar com saúde: 1. be well
estar conforme a: 1. conform, fit, fit in
estar deitado: 1. lie, recline
estar de acordo: 1. accord, agree | 2. accede, agree, consent
estar de cócoras: 1. cower, crouch, squat
estar de luto: 1. mourn
estar de plantão: 1. be on duty, serve
estar de pé: 1. stand
estar de sentinela: 1. be on duty, stand guard
estar de serviço: 1. be on duty, serve
estar doente: 1. be ailing
estar em contacto com: 1. contact
estar em contato com: 1. contact
estar em dúvida: 1. doubt
estar em embulição: 1. boil
estar em exercício: 1. function, operate, run, work
estar em harmonia: 1. accord, fit together, harmonize
estar em oposição: 1. be in opposition
estar em uma emboscada: 1. ambush
estar em voga: 1. be a hit, be in
estar habitado a: 1. accustom, be in the habit of
estar hospedado: 1. dwell, live
estar inclinado a: 1. incline, be inclined
estar pendente: 1. droop, hang
estar presente: 1. be present | 2. attend, be present, witness
estar pressente: 1. be present
estar sentado: 1. sit
estar sequioso: 1. be thirsty
estar situado: 1. lie, recline | 2. be situated
estar vago: 1. be vacant
estar à espera de: 1. abide, expect, wait, await, wait for
estas: 1. these | 2. these
estatizar: 1. nationalize
estatuo: 1. by-laws, statute, regulations
estatística: 1. statistics
estação: 1. season | 2. station | 3. stage, station, stop
estação balneária: 1. spa
esta manhã: 1. this morning
esta tarde: 1. this evening
este: 1. this | 2. this
estender-se: 1. comprise | 2. lie down | 3. run | 4. lie down
estender: 1. extend, strech out | 2. lay | 3. lay out, spread, spread out
estenografar: 1. write shorthand
estenografia: 1. shorthand, stenography
estepe: 1. moor, steppe
estercar: 1. fertilize
esterco: 1. fertilizer, manure
esterilizar: 1. sterilize
estes: 1. these | 2. these
esteta: 1. aesthete
estetoscópio: 1. earphone
estibordo: 1. starboard
esticar: 1. strech, wind up
estilo: 1. style
estima: 1. esteem, regard
estimar: 1. esteem, think well of | 2. appreciate, like
estimular: 1. agitate, excite, rouse, stir up | 2. rouse, stimulate, stir up
estimável: 1. respectable | 2. likable
estipular: 1. set conditions, stipulate
estirar: 1. extend, strech out
estirpe: 1. breed, race
estiva: 1. ballast
estivador: 1. stevedore
estivar: 1. stow | 2. burden, load
estocar: 1. stock
estofar: 1. pad, upholster, stuff
estofo: 1. cloth, material
estojo: 1. holder, socket
estoniano: 1. Estonian
estontear: 1. amaze
estoque: 1. stock
estorrar: 1. harrow
estorvador: 1. straitened
estorvar: 1. abash, embarrass
estorvo: 1. abashment, embarrassment, perplexity
estourar: 1. burst
estrada: 1. road, route, way
estrada de ferro: 1. railroad, railway
estrada de rodagem: 1. highway
estrado: 1. platform, stage | 2. platform, podium
estragar-se: 1. break down
estragar: 1. damage, injure, spoil | 2. spoil
estrago: 1. damage
estrangeiro: 1. alien, foreigner | 2. foreigner | 3. alien, foreign, strange | 4. foreigner, stranger
estrangular: 1. choke, strangle | 2. choke, quell, suffocate, suppress
estranhar: 1. marvel, marvel at, wonder
estranho: 1. alien, foreign, strange | 2. odd, peculiar, strange
estratagema: 1. subterfuge, trick, trickery
estrato: 1. layer
estratégia: 1. strategy
estratégico: 1. strategic
estrebaria: 1. stable, stall, sty
estrebuchar: 1. flounder, struggle, writhe
estreito: 1. narrow | 2. close, cramped | 3. strait
estrela: 1. star
estrelho: 1. star
estremecer: 1. agitate, shake, shock | 2. shake
estrepe: 1. thorn
estria: 1. ray, strip, stripe
estro: 1. verve, vivacity
estrofe: 1. verse
estrondo: 1. crack
estropiado: 1. crippled, infirm
estrume: 1. fertilizer, manure
estrutura: 1. structure
estudante: 1. student | 2. academic, student
estudar: 1. study
estudo: 1. study
estupefazar: 1. drug
estupefação: 1. alarm, consternation
estábulo: 1. stable, stall, sty
estádio: 1. stadium, stage | 2. stadium
estátua: 1. statue
estável: 1. stable
estéril: 1. sterile | 2. abortive, futile, useless, vain
estética: 1. aesthetics
estético: 1. aesthetic
estóico: 1. stoic, stoical
estória: 1. fairy tale
estúdio: 1. studio
estúpido: 1. dull, stupid | 2. addled, foolish, stupid
estômago: 1. stomach
estônio: 1. Estonian
esvanecer: 1. faint, swoon
esvaziar: 1. pour out
esvoaçar: 1. flirt, flit, flutter | 2. float, hover
eta: 1. eta
etapa: 1. stage | 2. stadium, stage
etc.: 1. etc.
eternamente: 1. for ever, forever | 2. always, ever
eternidade: 1. eternity | 2. eternity
eterno: 1. eternal | 2. everlasting
etilogia: 1. aetiology
etiqueta: 1. label | 2. etiquette
etrusco: 1. Etrurian, Etruscan | 2. Etrurian, Etruscan
etíope: 1. Ethiopian
et cetera: 1. and so on, et cetera
eufónico: 1. euphonious
eufórbio: 1. spurge
eunoco: 1. eunuch
euro: 1. euro
europeu: 1. European | 2. European
európio: 1. europium
evacuar: 1. evacuate
evadir-se: 1. flee, run away
evadir: 1. avoid, evade
evangelho: 1. gospel
evangélico: 1. evangelic
evento: 1. event
eventual: 1. contingent, eventual
eventualidade: 1. contingency, eventuality
evidente: 1. evident, obvious
evidentemente: 1. apparently, obviously
evitar: 1. avoid, evade
evocar: 1. evoke
evolucionar: 1. develop, evolve
evoluir: 1. develop, evolve
evolução: 1. development, evolution | 2. development, evolution
evolver: 1. develop, evolve
ex-: 1. ex-, former
exactamente: 1. just, exactly, okay, right
exactidão: 1. accuracy, exactitude, precision
exacto: 1. exact | 2. accurate, precise | 3. correct, exact, proper, right
exagerar: 1. exaggerate
exalar cheiro: 1. give off an odour, reek, smell
exalação mefítica: 1. fume
exame: 1. investigation, examination, test
examinar: 1. examine
exatamente: 1. exactly, sharp | 2. just, exactly, okay, right
exato: 1. accurate, on time, prompt, punctual | 2. accurate, precise | 3. rigourous, stringent | 4. correct, exact, proper, right
excedente: 1. surplus
exceder: 1. overtake, pass by | 2. exceed, surpass | 3. go beyond
excelente: 1. fine, great | 2. distinctive
excepcional: 1. exceptional
excepcionalmente: 1. apart from, but, except, other than
exceptuar: 1. except, exclude
excepção: 1. exception
excessivo: 1. excessive, inordinate
excesso: 1. excess
exceto de: 1. apart from, besides, except, except for
excitante: 1. exciting
excitar: 1. agitate, excite, rouse, stir up
excitar soprando: 1. fan, blow
excitação: 1. excitation, excitement
excitação doentia: 1. agitation, excitement, flutter | 2. agitation, commotion
excluir: 1. exclude | 2. exclude
exclusive: 1. exclusively
exclusivo: 1. exclusive
excomunhão: 1. anathema, ban, excommunication
excremento: 1. dung, excrement | 2. dung, excrement
excretar: 1. secrete
excursão: 1. excursion, outing, sightseeing trip
excusa: 1. apology
excusar: 1. excuse
excêntrico: 1. bizarre, odd, weird | 2. odd, peculiar, strange
executar: 1. execute | 2. achieve, act, do, make, perform
exemplar: 1. copy
exemplo: 1. example
exercer: 1. exercise, practise | 2. exert, practice
exercer funções: 1. function, operate, run, work
exercitar-se: 1. practice, practise
exercitar: 1. exercise, practise | 2. coach, train
exercício: 1. exercise, practice
exigir: 1. demand, postulate, require
exilado: 1. exile
exilar: 1. exile
existir: 1. exist
existência: 1. existence | 2. existence
exonerar-se: 1. resign
exonerar: 1. discharge, dismiss, fire, sack
exorbitância: 1. excess
exortar: 1. admonish, scold
expansão: 1. expansion
expediente: 1. means, remedy, resources
expedir: 1. dispatch, send off, ship
expedição: 1. expedition
experiente: 1. accomplished, adept, experienced, expert
experimental: 1. experimental
experimentar: 1. attempt, test, try | 2. feel, sense
experimento: 1. experiment
experiência: 1. experiment | 2. test, trial | 3. experience
expert: 1. expert, specialist
experto: 1. expert, specialist
expirar: 1. exhale
explicar: 1. account for, explain | 2. account for, clarify, explain
explicação: 1. account, explanation | 2. account, explanation
explodir: 1. explode
explorar: 1. exploit, utilize | 2. examine, explore, investigate, research
exploração: 1. exploration, investigation, research | 2. exploration, investigation, research
explosivo: 1. explosive device
explosão: 1. explosion
explícito: 1. formal
expor: 1. demonstrate, exhibit | 2. exhibit | 3. lay out, spread, spread out
exportar: 1. export
expor ao sol: 1. sun, sun oneself, take a sunbath
expor empurrando: 1. thrust out
exposição: 1. exhibition, exposition
expressar: 1. express
expressar condolências a: 1. express condolences
expresso: 1. express | 2. formal | 3. fast train | 4. fast train
expressão: 1. expression | 2. expression | 3. term
exprimir: 1. express
expulsar: 1. eliminate
extasiar: 1. delight
extenso: 1. ample, bulky, extensive | 2. comprehensive | 3. extensive, spacious, vast, wide
extensão: 1. bulk, dimension, extend, size | 2. length | 3. length | 4. room, space
exterior: 1. external, outer, outside | 2. exterior | 3. abroad | 4. exterior
exterioridade: 1. appearance
exterminar: 1. exterminate, wipe out
externo: 1. external, outer, outside
extinguir: 1. exterminate, wipe out | 2. extinguish, put out
extra: 1. additional, extra
extrangeiro: 1. alien, foreign
extraordinário: 1. extraordinary, formidable | 2. particular, special
extratar: 1. extract
extravagante: 1. extravagant, high-flown
extraviar-se: 1. turn
extração: 1. abstraction
extremamente: 1. extremely | 2. extremely | 3. enormously, extremely
extremidade: 1. end, tip | 2. peak, point, tip, summit
extremo: 1. extreme
extático: 1. ecstatic
exército: 1. army | 2. army
exílio: 1. exile
exótico: 1. exotic
e assim por diante: 1. and so on, et cetera
fabricar: 1. fabricate, manufacture
fabricação: 1. making, manifacture
fabrico: 1. making, manifacture
faca: 1. knife
face: 1. cheek
fachada: 1. façade
facho: 1. torch
facilitar: 1. facilitate
facilmente: 1. easily
facto: 1. fact
factura: 1. account, bill, invoice
facturar: 1. invoice
faculdade: 1. faculty | 2. ability
facultativo: 1. doctor, physician
facínora: 1. bandit
facção: 1. band, bevy, gang | 2. faction, party, side
fada: 1. fairy
fago: 1. beech
fagulha: 1. spark
faia: 1. beech
faiança: 1. crockery, earthenware, pottery
faia preta: 1. aspen
faiença: 1. crockery, earthenware, pottery
faixa: 1. wrapper | 2. binding, strip, tape | 3. ribbon | 4. ray, strip, stripe
fala: 1. speech
falador: 1. talkative
falar: 1. speak, talk
falar chicanas: 1. carp at, haze, quibble
falcão: 1. falcon
falecer: 1. die, expire, pass away
falha: 1. absence, lack, shortage, shortcoming
falhado: 1. airy
falhar: 1. miss | 2. be lacking, be missing
falido: 1. bankrupt
falir: 1. be bankrupt, go broke
falsear: 1. falsify
falsidade: 1. counterfeit
falsificado: 1. false
falsificar: 1. falsify | 2. adulterate, falsify
falsificação: 1. counterfeit
falso: 1. apocryphal | 2. false
falta: 1. absence | 2. blame, fault, guilt | 3. absence, lack, shortage, shortcoming
faltar: 1. be absent, be missing | 2. be lacking, be missing
faltar à verdade: 1. lie, tell a lie
falto de elegância: 1. coarse, crude
falência: 1. bankruptcy, failure
fama: 1. fame, hearsay, renown, repute, rumor, rumour | 2. fame, renown
familiar: 1. close, intimate
faminto: 1. hungry
famoso: 1. famous
família: 1. family
fanfarra: 1. fanfare, flourish
fanfarrear: 1. boast, brag
fantasia: 1. fantasy | 2. caprice, whim
fantasiar: 1. dream, daydream, fancy
fantasma: 1. ghost, phantom
fantoche: 1. marionette, puppet
fantástico: 1. fantastic, of fantasy
fanático: 1. fanatical
farda: 1. uniform
fardamento: 1. uniform
farfalhar: 1. make a noise | 2. rustle, swish
farinha: 1. flour, meal
farmacêutico: 1. chemist
farmácia: 1. chemist’s shop, drugstore
farol: 1. lighthouse | 2. headlight
farpa: 1. splinter
farra: 1. dissipation, debauchery
farrapo: 1. rag, scrap
farto: 1. full, replete, satisfied
fartura: 1. abundance | 2. abundance, plenty
fascinante: 1. absorbing, fascinating | 2. charming, lovely
fascinar: 1. fascinate | 2. charm
fascinação: 1. charm
fascículo: 1. exercise-book, folder, notebook
fase: 1. phase, stage | 2. stadium, stage
fastidioso: 1. boring, stodgy
fatal: 1. fateful, ill-fated
fatalidade: 1. fate, ill fate
fatia: 1. slice
fatigado: 1. tired
fatigar-se: 1. get tired
fato: 1. fact | 2. outfit, set, suit
fato de banho: 1. bathing suit, bathing-suit
fauce: 1. jaws, mouth, muzzle
fava: 1. bean
favor: 1. favor, favour | 2. favor, favour
favorecer: 1. coddle, pamper, pet | 2. favor, favour
favorito: 1. favorite, favourite
favorável: 1. advantageous, favourable
fazenda: 1. estate, farm, property, ranch | 2. cloth, wooden cloth | 3. commodity, merchandise, wares | 4. cloth, material
fazendeiro: 1. farmer
fazer-se: 1. become, come about, grow, happen
fazer: 1. achieve, act, do, make, perform | 2. create
fazer abstracção de: 1. abstract
fazer alusão a: 1. allude, hint
fazer a hipótese de: 1. hypothesize
fazer bancarrota: 1. be bankrupt, go broke
fazer barulho: 1. make a noise
fazer blague: 1. kid, pull someone’s leg
fazer cair: 1. lay out, spread, spread out
fazer campanha: 1. make war, wage war
fazer caretas: 1. grimace
fazer cessar: 1. stop
fazer charlatanismo: 1. bilk, cheat, take in
fazer com que outro sinta dor: 1. hurt
fazer cócegas a: 1. tickle
fazer decocção de: 1. boil
fazer decoração: 1. adorn, decorate, ornament
fazer de conta: 1. guess, presume, suppose, surmise
fazer digestão: 1. digest
fazer doação de: 1. donate, give
fazer dormir: 1. put to sleep
fazer eco: 1. echo
fazer experiências: 1. experiment
fazer explosão: 1. explode
fazer frente a: 1. resist, withstand
fazer greve: 1. strike
fazer jorrar: 1. squirt
fazer manifestação: 1. demonstrate
fazer meias: 1. knit
fazer molinete: 1. curl, froth, stir, whip, whirl
fazer mossas: 1. breach
fazer obra de alvenaria: 1. build
fazer oposição: 1. be in opposition
fazer parar: 1. halt, stop
fazer passar: 1. pass, spend
fazer penitência: 1. do penance
fazer prece: 1. pray
fazer pregas: 1. fold
fazer preleção: 1. lecture
fazer propaganda de: 1. advertise, publicize
fazer prova de: 1. prove
fazer reclamo de: 1. advertise
fazer relatório de: 1. give an account, report
fazer rendas: 1. knit
fazer rolar: 1. roll
fazer roque: 1. castle
fazer ruído de sucção: 1. smack
fazer sermão: 1. preach
fazer seu ninho: 1. nest
fazer substituir: 1. replace, substitute
fazer travessuras: 1. frolic
fazer truste: 1. corner, monopolize
fazer uma pausa: 1. pause, take a break, take a rest
fazer uma preleção: 1. lecture
fazer um aceno: 1. gesture
fazer um gesto: 1. gesture
fazer um piquenique: 1. picnic
fazer visita: 1. attend, call on, see, visit
fazer visitas: 1. attend, call on, see, visit
fazer às pressas: 1. botch, bungle, screw up, spoil
faísca: 1. spark
façanha: 1. accomplishment, achievement, act, action
faça favor: 1. please
febre: 1. ague, fever
febril: 1. feverish
fechado: 1. closed, shut
fechadura: 1. lock
fechar-se: 1. close, be closed
fechar: 1. close, shut | 2. lock
fechar com luto: 1. solder
fecundo: 1. fertile | 2. fertile, fruitful
feder: 1. fume
federal: 1. federal
federação: 1. federation
fedor: 1. fume
feijão: 1. haricot
feio: 1. nasty, ugly
feira: 1. bazaar, fair, market | 2. fair, market
feita: 1. occasion, time
feiticeira: 1. witch
feitio: 1. form, shape
feitiço: 1. sorcery
feito: 1. accomplishment, achievement, act, action
feixe: 1. bunch, bundle, cluster, sheaf
feição: 1. feature, trait
felicidade: 1. happiness | 2. happiness | 3. fortune
felicitar: 1. congratulate
feliz: 1. fortunate, happy
felizmente: 1. fortunately
feminino: 1. female, feminine | 2. female
fenda: 1. aperture, opening | 2. breach, gap | 3. crack, crevice | 4. crack, crevice
fender-se: 1. burst
fender: 1. split
feno: 1. hay
fenomenal: 1. phenomenal
fenômeno: 1. phenomenon
fenômeno atmosférico: 1. atmospheric phenomenon
fera: 1. beast, brute, wild animal
feriado: 1. holiday
ferida: 1. injury, wound
ferimento: 1. injury, wound
ferir: 1. hurt, wound
fermentar: 1. ferment
fermento: 1. yeast
feroz: 1. fierce
ferradura: 1. horseshoe
ferramenta: 1. agent, means, tool
ferrar: 1. fold
ferro-velho: 1. garbage can
ferro: 1. anchor | 2. iron
ferrolho: 1. bolt
ferrovia: 1. railroad, railway
ferro de engomar: 1. iron, flat-iron
ferro de passar roupa: 1. iron, flat-iron
ferrugem: 1. rust
ferrugento: 1. rusty
fertilizar: 1. fertilize
ferver: 1. boil | 2. boil
fervor: 1. fervor, fervour, zeal
fervoroso: 1. full of zeal, zealous
festa: 1. celebration, festival, party
festejar: 1. celebrate | 2. celebrate
festivo: 1. cheerful, gay, merry
feto: 1. fern
feudal: 1. feudal
feudo: 1. fief
feérico: 1. fairy
fiança: 1. guarantee, warrant
fiar: 1. spin
fiasco: 1. abortion, failure, fiasco
fibra: 1. fiber, fibre
ficar: 1. lie, recline | 2. remain, stay, stay over
ficar boquiaberto: 1. gape, gawk
ficar encantado com: 1. admire
ficar parado: 1. stagnate
ficha: 1. bill, ticket, note | 2. filing card, slip
fichário: 1. file
fictício: 1. fictional, fictitious
ficção: 1. fiction
fidedigno: 1. reliable, trustworthy
fiel: 1. faithful | 2. faithful, loyal
figa: 1. amulet, charm, talisman
figo: 1. fig
figueira-da-índia: 1. banyan
figueira: 1. fig-tree | 2. fig-tree
figura: 1. image, picture | 2. figure, diagram, image, picture, representation
figurante: 1. extra | 2. bit-player, supporting actor
figurar: 1. depict, represent
fila: 1. file, line, rank, row, turn
filamento: 1. fiber, fibre
filantropo: 1. altruist
filantrópico: 1. altruistic
filatelia: 1. philately, stamp-collecting
fila única: 1. single file
fileira: 1. file, line, rank, row, turn
filha: 1. daughter
filho: 1. son
filho de príncipe: 1. prince’s son
filial: 1. affiliate, affiliation, branch
filiar-se: 1. join
filme: 1. film, motion picture, movie
filosofar: 1. philosophize
filosofia: 1. philosophy
filtrar: 1. filter
filtro: 1. filter
filósofo: 1. philosopher
filão: 1. layer
fim: 1. aim, goal, purpose, target | 2. end, tip | 3. end, ending
final: 1. final
finalizar: 1. accomodate, end, finish, terminate
finalmente: 1. at last, finally, ultimately
financeiro: 1. financial
financiar: 1. finance
finanças: 1. finance
fincar: 1. plant
fineza: 1. kindness
fingimento: 1. affectation, pose
fingir: 1. attitudinize, pose, put on airs | 2. dissemble | 3. feign, pretend
fingir ignorar: 1. ignore, leave out of account
finlandês: 1. Finnish | 2. Finn
fino: 1. dainty, delicate, fine, refined | 2. gaunt, lean, slender, thin | 3. subtle
finura: 1. tenderness
fio: 1. thread | 2. line
fiorde: 1. fjord, inlet, loch
fio de metal: 1. wire
firma: 1. company, firm
firme: 1. fast, firm, stable | 2. stable
fiscalizar: 1. inspect | 2. audit, check, check up on, supervise, verify
fisionomia: 1. physiognomy | 2. expression
fita-cassete: 1. audio tape
fita: 1. binding, strip, tape | 2. ribbon
fita adesiva: 1. adhesive tape
fita de vídeo: 1. videotape | 2. video-tape
fivela: 1. buckle
fixar: 1. cling to, get caught on | 2. determine, fix | 3. define, determine | 4. attach, determine, fasten, fix, affix, make fast, secure
fixar a atenção em: 1. advert, pay attention, pay attention to, watch out for
fixação: 1. definition
fixo: 1. fixed
flagelo: 1. calamity, scourge
flamejar: 1. glow, glow with heat | 2. flare, flare up
flanco: 1. side
flanela: 1. flannel
flanelado: 1. flannel
flavo: 1. blond, fair
flecha: 1. arrow
fleuma: 1. indifference, phlegm
flexível: 1. flexible
floco de neve: 1. snowflake
flor: 1. bloom, flower
floresta: 1. forest, woods | 2. jungle
florilégio: 1. anthology
florim: 1. guilder, gulden
fluido: 1. fluent | 2. fluid, liquid | 3. fluid, liquid
fluir: 1. flow
flutuar: 1. flirt, flit, flutter | 2. float | 3. float, swim
fluxo: 1. current, flow, stream | 2. flood, high tide
foca: 1. seal, sea-dog
focinho: 1. proboscis, trunk
foco: 1. focus
fofo: 1. soft | 2. puff, swelling
fogo: 1. fire
fogos de artifício: 1. fireworks
foguete: 1. rocket
fogão: 1. firebox | 2. furnace, kiln, oven, stove
foice: 1. sickle | 2. scythe
foiçar: 1. cut, mow
folclore: 1. folklore
fole: 1. bellows
folha: 1. leaf, sheet | 2. gazette, magazine, newspaper, periodical | 3. sheet metal, tin, tin plate
folhado: 1. waffle
folhagem: 1. foliage
folha de lata: 1. sheet metal, tin, tin plate
folha solta: 1. flier
folhear: 1. leaf through
fome: 1. hunger
fone: 1. hearing aid | 2. earphone
fonte: 1. fountain | 2. fountain, source, spring
fontes: 1. temple
fonética: 1. phonetics
fonético: 1. phonetic
fonógrafo: 1. cylinder phonograph
fora: 1. abroad, out, outside | 2. with the exception of | 3. shame | 4. away | 5. apart from, besides, except, except for
fora de: 1. outside, outside of
fora de moda: 1. old-fashioned, out of date
forgoso: 1. hot
forma: 1. form, shape | 2. manner, mode, way | 3. mold, mould
formal: 1. formal
formar: 1. achieve, act, do, make, perform | 2. form, shape
formar bolhas: 1. bubble
formar declive: 1. slope down
formar em parada: 1. display, parade
formar estoque: 1. stock
formiga: 1. ant, emmet
formigar: 1. itch | 2. abound, swarm
formigueiro: 1. swarm
formigão: 1. concrete
formoso: 1. beautiful, fine, handsome, lovely
formular: 1. formulate
formulário: 1. blank, form
fornada: 1. baked goods
fornalha: 1. firebox
fornear: 1. bake
fornecer: 1. deliver, furnish, supply
forno: 1. furnace, kiln, oven, stove
foro: 1. forum | 2. tribunal
foro íntimo: 1. conscience
forro: 1. lining | 2. tapestry, wall covering
fortalecer: 1. fortify
fortaleza: 1. fortification
forte: 1. strong | 2. firm, robust, sturdy | 3. acute, intense, intensive | 4. loud
fortificação: 1. fortification
fortuito: 1. accidental, adventitious, chance, random
força: 1. force, strength | 2. force, strength, vigour
forçar: 1. compel, force
forças navais: 1. navy
forçoso: 1. compulsory
fosforescente: 1. phosphorescent
fossa: 1. hole, ditch, pit
foto: 1. photograph | 2. photograph
fotocópia: 1. xerography | 2. xerography
fotografar: 1. photograph | 2. photograph
fotógrafo: 1. photographer | 2. photographer
fouce: 1. scythe
foz: 1. mouth
fracassar: 1. abort, fail
fraco: 1. faint, light, weak
fragmento: 1. fragment, lump, piece | 2. tear
fragmentário: 1. fragmentary
fragrante: 1. aromatic, fragrant, nutty
fragrância: 1. aroma, flavour | 2. perfume
framboesa: 1. raspberry
franco: 1. above-board, sincere
francês: 1. French | 2. Frenchman
frango: 1. chicken, hen
franja: 1. frindge
franqueado: 1. post-paid, stamped
franquear: 1. prepay, put on stamps
franqueza: 1. sincerity
franquia: 1. postage
franzir: 1. furrow, wrinkle
fraque: 1. dress-coat, evening dress, tails
frase: 1. sentence
fração: 1. fraction | 2. fraction
frear: 1. brake | 2. bridle, check, restrain
freezer: 1. freezer
freguesia: 1. parish
freguês: 1. buyer, client, purchaser | 2. guest | 3. client, customer
frei: 1. monk
freio: 1. brake | 2. bridle, check, restraints
freira: 1. nun
freixo: 1. ash
fremir: 1. vibrate
frente: 1. front, battlefront, frontage
frequente: 1. frequent
frequentemente: 1. frequently, often, regularly
freqüentar: 1. frequent, visit regularly
freqüente: 1. frequent
freqüentemente: 1. frequently, often, regularly
fresco: 1. fresh, recent | 2. cool
fresta: 1. aperture, opening
fretar: 1. make a contract | 2. hire
friamente: 1. dispassionately
friccionar: 1. rub
fricção: 1. friction | 2. massage
frigideira: 1. frying-pan, frying pan
frigir: 1. fry
frio: 1. cold, frigid | 2. freezing cold, frost | 3. bleak, chilly, cold | 4. bleak, chilly, cold | 5. bleak, chilly, cold
frisador: 1. barber, hairdresser
frisagem: 1. hair-do
frisar: 1. curl, do
fritar: 1. fry
fronha: 1. cover, protective cover
fronte: 1. front, battlefront, frontage | 2. forehead
fronteira: 1. border | 2. boundary, frontier, limit
frontispício: 1. façade
fruir: 1. own, possess | 2. delight in, enjoy
frustrar: 1. frustrate
fruta: 1. fruit
frutificar: 1. bear fruit
frutífero: 1. fertile, fruitful | 2. fruitful
frágil: 1. fragile | 2. decayed, decrepit, dilapidated, lapsed, rickety | 3. breakable, brittle, fragile
frívolo: 1. flighty, impulsive | 2. frivolous | 3. conceited, frivolous, vain
fugaz: 1. temporary
fugir: 1. flee, run away
fuinho: 1. woodpecker
fulgir: 1. shine
fulgurar: 1. shine
fuligem: 1. soot
fulo: 1. furious
fumadores: 1. smokers
fumantes: 1. smokers
fumar: 1. smoke
fumaça: 1. smoke
fumo: 1. smoke
funcionar: 1. function, operate, run, work
funcionar como actor: 1. act
funcionário: 1. functionary | 2. officer, official
fundamental: 1. fundamental
fundamento: 1. element, foundation
fundar: 1. erect, establish, found
fundação: 1. foundation
fundo: 1. fund | 2. background | 3. bottom, foundation, ground | 4. deep, profound | 5. depth
fundos: 1. capital
fundão: 1. abyss, chasm, gulf, precipice
fungo: 1. fungus, mushroom
funil: 1. funnel
função: 1. function
fura-neve: 1. snowdrop
furacão: 1. hurricane
furar: 1. bore, drill
furgão: 1. luggage-van
furioso: 1. furious
furna: 1. cave, grotto | 2. cave, cavern, den
furor: 1. alacrity, enthusiasm | 2. craze, hit
furtar: 1. steal
furto: 1. abstraction, theft
fuso: 1. spindle
futebol: 1. football, soccer | 2. football, soccer ball
futilidade: 1. trifle
futuro: 1. future | 2. future | 3. future
fuxicar: 1. carp at, haze, quibble
fuzil: 1. lighter | 2. gun, rifle | 3. gun
fábrica: 1. factory | 2. factory
fábula: 1. fairy tale | 2. fable
fácil: 1. easy, facile
fé: 1. confidence, faith, trust
fénix: 1. phoenix
féretro: 1. coffin
férias: 1. vacation | 2. spare time, time off, vacation
férreo: 1. iron
fértil: 1. fertile
fíbula: 1. safety-pin, safety pin
fígado: 1. liver
fímbria: 1. frindge
física: 1. physics
físico: 1. physical
fórmula: 1. formula | 2. prescription, recipe
fórum: 1. forum
fósforo: 1. match | 2. phosphorus
fúnebre: 1. mournful
fútil: 1. conceited, frivolous, vain | 2. frivolity, silliness
fêmea: 1. female, feminine
fêmeo: 1. female
gabar: 1. flatter | 2. commend, laud, praise
gabardina: 1. gaberdine
gabinete: 1. cabinet
gado: 1. livestock | 2. flock, herd
gafanhoto: 1. grasshopper, locust | 2. grasshopper
gaguejar: 1. stammer, stutter
gaio: 1. cheat, crook, rogue
gaita: 1. accordion | 2. whistle
gaivota: 1. seagull
gaivão: 1. swift
gala: 1. pomp, splender
galantear: 1. court, woo
galeria: 1. gallery | 2. corridor, passage
galgo: 1. greyhound
galho: 1. bough, branch
galinha: 1. chicken, fowl
galo: 1. cock, rooster
galocha: 1. galosh, overshoe
galopar: 1. gallop
galope: 1. gallop
galês: 1. Welsh | 2. Welshman
galão: 1. galloon, gold braid, stripe
gama: 1. gamut, key, scale
gambá: 1. opossum
gamão: 1. asphodel
gana: 1. appetite
gancho: 1. hook | 2. hook
gangorra: 1. weighing machine
ganhar: 1. earn, gain, win
ganhar dinheiro com seu trabalho: 1. earn
ganhar terreno: 1. advance, progress
ganso: 1. goose
garagem: 1. garage
garanhão: 1. stallion
garantia: 1. contention, assertion | 2. guarantee, warrant
garantir: 1. insure | 2. assert, state | 3. guarantee, warrant
garbo: 1. grace, gracefulness | 2. grace, gracefulness
garboso: 1. elegant
garfo: 1. fork
garganta: 1. throat
gargarejar: 1. gargle, rinse
garota: 1. girl, lass, wench
garotar: 1. frolic
garra: 1. claw
garrafa: 1. bottle | 2. carafe, decanter
garrafa térmica: 1. thermos bottle | 2. thermos, thermos flask
garupa: 1. backside, rump
garça: 1. heron
garçom: 1. waiter
gasolina: 1. gasolene, gasoline, petrol
gastar: 1. pay out, spend | 2. consume, use up
gastos: 1. expenses | 2. expenses | 3. charge, cost, expense
gatinho: 1. kitten
gato: 1. cat
gato angorá: 1. Angora cat
gaveta: 1. drawer
gazeta: 1. gazette, magazine, newspaper, periodical
geada: 1. freezing cold, frost | 2. frost
geladeira: 1. refrigerator
gelado: 1. icy
gelar: 1. freeze
gelo: 1. ice
gemelar: 1. twin
gemer: 1. sigh
gemir: 1. groan, moan
genciana: 1. gentian
gendarme: 1. gendarme, patrolman
general: 1. general
generoso: 1. generous
gengiva: 1. gum
genial: 1. ingenious
genital: 1. genital
genro: 1. son-in-law
gente: 1. folk, nation, people
gentil: 1. affable, friendly, good-natured, kind | 2. elegant | 3. courteous, polite, well-mannered
gentileza: 1. kindness | 2. favor, favour
gentio: 1. savage, wild
genérico: 1. general, usual
geografia: 1. geography
geologia: 1. geology
geral: 1. general, vague | 2. general, usual
geralmente: 1. generally
gerar: 1. beget, generate | 2. conceive
geração: 1. generation
gerente: 1. manager | 2. administrator, manager | 3. administrator | 4. manager | 5. ruler
gerir: 1. administer, manage | 2. direct, guide, manage, steer
germe: 1. germ
germinar: 1. germinate
gerência: 1. steering
gesto: 1. gesture
gestão: 1. steering
geógrafo: 1. geographer
geólogo: 1. geologist
giba: 1. bump, hump
giboso: 1. hunchback
gigante: 1. giant
gigantesco: 1. gigantic, huge
gilete: 1. razor
gim: 1. gin
ginásio: 1. high school
girar: 1. turn, turn back, turn around, turn round
girassol: 1. sunflower
glabro: 1. beardless
glacial: 1. icy
globo: 1. ball, ball-bearing, globe
globo terrestre: 1. globe, worldglobe
glorificar: 1. commend, glorify, laud, praise
glorioso: 1. famous, glorious
glosso: 1. gloss
glossário: 1. glossary
gládio: 1. sword
glóbulo: 1. corpuscle, marble
glóbulo de granizo: 1. hailstone
glória: 1. fame, glory, renown
goela: 1. jaws, mouth, muzzle | 2. jaws, maw
golfinho: 1. dolphin
golpe: 1. blow
golpear: 1. hit, knock, strike
goma: 1. eraser, gum
gomar: 1. bud
goma de mascar: 1. chewing-gum
goma elástica: 1. rubber
gomo: 1. bud
gonzo: 1. hinge
gorar: 1. putrefy, rot
goraz: 1. bream
gordo: 1. fat, fatty, greasy
gordura: 1. fat, grease
gorila: 1. gorilla
gorjear: 1. chirp, peep, twitter
gorjeta: 1. tip
gorro: 1. cap
gostar: 1. esteem, think well of
gostar de: 1. love | 2. appreciate, like
gostar mais de: 1. prefer
gosto: 1. taste
gosto bom: 1. good taste
gota-coral: 1. epilepsy
gota: 1. drop, drop of water | 2. drip, drop
gota de água: 1. drop, drop of water
gotícula: 1. droplet
goulache: 1. goulash, stew
governador: 1. ruler
governanta: 1. governess
governar: 1. direct, guide, manage, steer | 2. control, govern, restrain, rule
governo: 1. steering | 2. province | 3. administration, government | 4. régime
gozar: 1. delight in, enjoy
gozo: 1. gladness, joy | 2. gladness, joy
gracejador: 1. jocular, playful
gracejar: 1. jest, joke
gracejo: 1. gag, joke | 2. gag, joke
gracioso: 1. elegant | 2. graceful | 3. slender, slim
gradar: 1. harrow
grade: 1. grate, grid, grill
gradual: 1. gradual
graduar: 1. graduate
graduação: 1. grade, rank, rate
gralha: 1. crow
grama: 1. couch-grass | 2. gram, gramme
gramado: 1. lawn | 2. lawn
gramofone: 1. cylinder phonograph | 2. phonograph, record-player
grampo: 1. clamp, brace, bracket, parenthesis, staple
gramática: 1. grammar
granada: 1. grenade
grande: 1. big, great, large
grandeza: 1. bulk, dimension, extend, size | 2. size | 3. size
grande fome geral: 1. famine
granizo: 1. hail
granja: 1. estate, farm, property, ranch
grasnar: 1. caw, croak
gratidão: 1. gratitude | 2. gratitude, thanks
grato: 1. thankful | 2. thankful
grau: 1. degree, grade | 2. grade, rank, rate
gravador: 1. tape-recorder
gravar: 1. engrave
gravata: 1. tie, necktie
gravação: 1. engraving
grave: 1. important, serious | 2. earnest, serious, staid
gravitação: 1. gravity
gravura: 1. image, picture | 2. engraving
graxa: 1. polish, wax
graça: 1. grace, gracefulness | 2. grace, gracefulness | 3. grace | 4. wit | 5. charm
graças a: 1. thanks to
greda: 1. clay | 2. chalk
grego: 1. Greek | 2. Greek
grei: 1. flock, herd
grelo: 1. germ
greta: 1. crack, crevice | 2. crack, crevice
greve: 1. strike
grilhão: 1. fetter, shackle
grilo: 1. cricket
grinalda: 1. garland, wreath
gripe: 1. flu, grip, influenza
gritar: 1. cry out, scream, shout
grito: 1. cry, shout
griz: 1. chalk
groche: 1. groschen
groselha: 1. gooseberry
grosseiro: 1. coarse, crude, harsh | 2. rude
grosso: 1. bold, corpulent, fat, thick
grossura: 1. thickness
grotesco: 1. grotesque
grou: 1. crane, derrick
grua: 1. crane
grudar: 1. glue, stick
grulhar: 1. chat, chatter
grupo: 1. bevy, collection, group, heap, herd, set | 2. group
gruta: 1. cave, grotto
grácil: 1. dainty, delicate, fine, refined
gráfico: 1. graphic arts, graphics
grátis: 1. as a gift, gratis | 2. for nothing, free, gratis
grávida: 1. pregnant
grêmio: 1. association
grã-besta: 1. elk, moose
grão-duque: 1. archduke
grão: 1. grain, granule, pip
grão de areia: 1. grain of sand
grão de sal: 1. grain of salt
guarda-barreira: 1. signalman
guarda-chuva: 1. umbrella
guarda-livros: 1. book-keeper
guarda-roupa: 1. cloakroom
guarda: 1. guard
guardanapo: 1. napkin
guardar: 1. guard, keep, look after, watch over | 2. conserve, keep, maintain, preserve | 3. reserve
guarida: 1. asylum
guarita: 1. barn, shed, stand
guarnecer: 1. garnish, fit out, trim
guarnecer de armação: 1. drape
guarnição: 1. garrison
guelra: 1. gill
guerra: 1. war
guerra mundial: 1. worldwar
guerrear: 1. fight, struggle | 2. make war, wage war
guia: 1. guidebook | 2. guide
guiar: 1. direct, guide, manage, steer | 2. conduct, direct, guide, head, lead | 3. conduct, guide, lead | 4. steer
guichê: 1. window, ticket-window
guidão: 1. handlebars, helm, rudder | 2. joystick, steering-wheel
guincho: 1. swift
guindaste: 1. crane
guisado: 1. ragout, stew
guloseima: 1. delicacy, tidbit, sweet
gás deletério: 1. fume
gémeos: 1. twins | 2. twins
género: 1. kind, sort
gíria: 1. jargon
gângster: 1. gangster, hoodlum
gêmeo: 1. twin
gêmeos: 1. twins | 2. twins
gênero: 1. clan, ethnic group, race, tribe | 2. genre
gênio: 1. fairy | 2. genius | 3. genius, man of genius | 4. spirit
habilidade: 1. ability
habilitado: 1. able, accomplished, competent
habilitar: 1. authorize
habitante: 1. inhabitant | 2. inhabitant
habitante do Azerbaijão: 1. Azerbaijani
habitar: 1. dwell, live
habitação: 1. house | 2. abode, accommodation, dwelling, residence
habitual: 1. normal
habitualmente: 1. ordinarily, usually
habituar-se: 1. become accustomed
halieto: 1. white-tailed eagle
hall: 1. hall
halo: 1. aureole, halo
harmonia: 1. harmony
harmonioso: 1. euphonious | 2. harmonious
harmônica: 1. accordion
harpa: 1. harp
harém: 1. harem
hasta: 1. auction
haver: 1. exist | 2. get, have, receive
haver por bem: 1. decide
haxixe: 1. hashish
hei: 1. hey, say
heléboro: 1. hellebore
hemisfério: 1. hemisphere
hera: 1. ivy
herança: 1. inheritance | 2. estate
herdar: 1. inherit
herege: 1. heretic
heresia: 1. heresy
heroína: 1. heroine | 2. heroin
herpes: 1. herpes
herético: 1. heretical
herói: 1. hero
heróico: 1. heroic
hesitante: 1. perplexed, taken aback
hesitar: 1. hesitate | 2. hesitate, waver
hesitação: 1. hesitation
hesterno: 1. yesterday, of yesterday
hexágono: 1. hexagon
hidrofóbico: 1. mad, rabid
hidrófilo: 1. absorbent
higiene: 1. hygiene
higiênico: 1. hygienic
hindu: 1. Indian | 2. Hindu | 3. Hindu
hino: 1. anthem, hymn
hipnose: 1. hypnosis, hypnotic trance
hipnotizador: 1. hypnotist
hipnotizar: 1. hypnotize
hipotético: 1. hypothetical
hipócrita: 1. hypocritical | 2. hypocrite
hipótese: 1. hypothesis | 2. supposition
hirto: 1. bristly, standing on end, untidy | 2. rigid, stiff
histeria: 1. hysteria
historieta: 1. anecdote
histérico: 1. hysterical
história: 1. story, history
hobby: 1. hobby
hodierno: 1. actual, current, present, present-day | 2. modern
hoje: 1. today
holandês: 1. Dutch | 2. Dutchman, Hollander | 3. Dutch | 4. Dutchman
homem: 1. man, human being | 2. fellow, man
homem da raça branca: 1. European, white man
homem de negócios: 1. businessman
homem estóico: 1. stoic
homem rico: 1. rich man
homenagear: 1. honor, honour | 2. pay homage to
homenagem: 1. homage
homologar: 1. acknowledge, confirm, corroborate | 2. sanction
homologação: 1. sanction
honesto: 1. brave, gallant | 2. above-board, honest
honra: 1. honor, honour
honrar: 1. honor, honour
hora: 1. hour, o’clock, time
horizontal: 1. horizontal, level
horizonte: 1. horizon
horrendo: 1. dismal, dreary, horrible, nasty
horripilar: 1. frighten, terrify
horror: 1. abhorrence, abomination, horror | 2. horror | 3. alarm, terror
horrível: 1. dismal, dreary, horrible, nasty | 2. abysmal, dreadful, gruesome, horrible, terrible
hortaliça: 1. vegetable
hortelã: 1. mint
horto: 1. garden
horário: 1. schedule, time-table
hospedar-se: 1. be a guest of, stay with
hospedar: 1. accomodate, entertain, put up
hospedaria: 1. hostel, inn
hospital: 1. hospital
hospitaleiro: 1. hospitable
hospitalidade: 1. hospitality
hospital militar móvel: 1. ambulance, field hospital
hospital psiquiátrico: 1. insane asylum
hotel: 1. hotel
humanidade: 1. human race, mankind
humanista: 1. humanist
humanitário: 1. altruistic | 2. humane
humano: 1. human | 2. humane
humildade: 1. humility
humilde: 1. humble
humorismo: 1. humor, humour
humorístico: 1. humourous
hurra: 1. hurray
há: 1. there is, there are
hábil: 1. able, capable | 2. adroit, clever, dexterous, skillful
hábito: 1. custom, habit, way | 2. tradition
hálito: 1. odor, odour, scent, smell
há …: 1. … ago
há muito: 1. for a long time
há pouco tempo: 1. recently
hélice: 1. helix, propeller
hípico: 1. equestrian, horse, horse-, of a horse
hóquei: 1. hockey
hóspede: 1. guest
hóstia: 1. matzo, unleavened bread
húmido: 1. damp, humid, moist | 2. moist
húngaro: 1. Hungarian | 2. Hungarian
iate: 1. yacht
iceberg: 1. iceberg
idade: 1. age | 2. age, epoch, era
ideal: 1. ideal | 2. ideal
idealista: 1. idealist
idem: 1. also, likewise, too
identificar: 1. identify
ideografia: 1. picture writing
ideologia: 1. ideology
idioma: 1. idiom | 2. language, tongue
idiota: 1. idiotic
idiotia: 1. idiocy
idiotismo: 1. idiom
idolatrar: 1. adore, worship
idoso: 1. aged
idéia: 1. idea | 2. concept, idea
idéia fixa: 1. obsession
idólatra: 1. idolator
idêntico: 1. identical
ignição: 1. ignition
ignoto: 1. humble
igreja: 1. church | 2. church, church-building, house of worship, place of worship
igual: 1. equal, even, level
igualar: 1. even, level
igualdade: 1. draw, equality
igualmente: 1. alike, all the same, equally | 2. equally, likewise
ilha: 1. island
ilhar: 1. insulate, isolate, seclude
iludir: 1. delude | 2. cheat, deceive
iluminar: 1. enlighten, illuminate
ilusionista: 1. magician
ilustrar: 1. illustrate
ilustração: 1. illustration
ilusório: 1. misleading
ilusão: 1. illusion
imagem: 1. figure, diagram, image, picture, representation
imaginar: 1. fancy, imagine
imaginação: 1. imagination
imaginário: 1. fantastic, of fantasy
imbecil: 1. idiot | 2. dull, stupid | 3. addled, foolish, stupid | 4. fool
imberbe: 1. beardless
imediatamente: 1. at once, instantly, immediately, without delay | 2. at once, immediately, just, right away, right now
imediato: 1. immediate
imenso: 1. enormous, huge, immense
imergir-se: 1. drown
imergir: 1. drown | 2. dip, immerse, soak
imigrar: 1. immigrate
iminente: 1. speedy
imitar: 1. imitate
imitação: 1. imitation | 2. imitation | 3. imitation
imoderado: 1. lawless, licentious, riotous
imparcial: 1. impartial
impassibilidade: 1. indifference, phlegm
impedir: 1. oppose
impelir: 1. encourage, impel, instigate, spur on, stimulate, urge | 2. push, thrust
imperador: 1. emperor
imperecível: 1. eternal
imperialismo: 1. imperialism | 2. imperialism
imperialista: 1. imperialist
impermeável: 1. impenetrable | 2. raincoat
impertinente: 1. arrogant | 2. impertinent
impertinência: 1. arrogance, assumingness, overbearingness, presumption | 2. impertinence | 3. caprice, whim
impetuoso: 1. lawless, licentious, riotous
implicar: 1. imply | 2. entangle, implicate
implorar: 1. beseech
imponente: 1. imposing
impor: 1. impress, strike | 2. force, impose
importante: 1. important, serious
importunar: 1. tease | 2. bother, disturb, hinder, trouble
importância: 1. amount, sum
importância social: 1. glamor, glamour, prestige
impossível: 1. impossible
imposto: 1. tax
impostor: 1. charlatan, imposter, quack
imposto de consumo: 1. excise, excise-duty
impreciso: 1. incorrect, wrong
imprensa: 1. press
impressionar: 1. impress
impressionável: 1. accessible, impressible, sensitive | 2. impressible, sensitive
impresso: 1. printed matter
impressor: 1. printer
impressora: 1. press
impressão: 1. effect, impression | 2. impression
impressão moral: 1. affection
imprestável: 1. good-for-nothing
impreterivelmente: 1. absolutely, definitely, without fail
imprimir: 1. print
improdutivo: 1. sterile
impróprio: 1. good-for-nothing, useless
impudico: 1. lewd
impulsionar: 1. impel
impulso: 1. access, impetus, impulse | 2. push
imputar: 1. accredit
império: 1. empire
imune: 1. immune
in-: 1. dis-, il-, im-, in-, un-
inalar: 1. inhale
inapto: 1. good-for-nothing, useless
inaugural: 1. inaugural
inaugurar: 1. inaugurate | 2. inaugurate
inauguração: 1. inauguration
incandescente: 1. incandescent
incendiar: 1. burn
incendiário: 1. incendiary
incenso: 1. incense
incerteza: 1. doubt
incerto: 1. uncertain
incesto: 1. incest
inchar: 1. puff out | 2. swell
incinerar: 1. burn
incitar: 1. abet, excite, incite, provoke, rouse, stimulate, stir up | 2. encourage, impel, instigate, spur on, stimulate, urge
inclinado: 1. sloping
inclinação: 1. disposal, inclination, tendency
incluir: 1. comprise, contain, include | 2. include
inclusivamente: 1. including, inclusively
inclusive: 1. including, inclusively
inclusivo: 1. inclusive
incomodar: 1. bother, disturb, hinder, trouble
incomparável: 1. unique
inconsciente: 1. unconscious
inconscientemente: 1. unintentional
inconsequente: 1. inconsistent
inconseqüente: 1. inconsistent
inconveniente: 1. abuse | 2. harm
incorporar-se: 1. join
incorporar a: 1. annex
incorrecto: 1. incorrect, wrong
incorreto: 1. incorrect, wrong
incriminar: 1. blame, rebuke, reproach, reprove, scold
incrível: 1. incredible
incubar: 1. incubate, sit
inculpar: 1. accuse
incumbir: 1. entrust, tell
incutir: 1. inspire | 2. advance, suggest
incêndio: 1. conflagration, fire
indagar: 1. ask
indecoroso: 1. coarse, crude
indeferir: 1. refuse, reject
independente: 1. autonomic, autonomous | 2. independant | 3. independant
indiano: 1. Indian
indicar: 1. define, determine | 2. indicate, suggest
indicação: 1. indication
indiferente: 1. immaterial, indifferent
indigestão: 1. dyspepsia, indigestion
indignar-se: 1. be indignant
indispor-se: 1. quarrel | 2. get in a quarrel
individual: 1. individual
indivíduo: 1. individual
indivíduo impertinente: 1. boor
indolente: 1. apathetic | 2. lazy
indolência: 1. apathy | 2. laziness
indubitável: 1. certain, sure
indulto geral: 1. act of grace, amnesty
industrial: 1. industrial | 2. industrialist
induzir: 1. admonish, scold
induzir em tentação: 1. entice, tempt
indígena: 1. aboriginal | 2. native | 3. aboriginal, native
indústria: 1. industry | 2. handicraft, occupation, trade
inequívoco: 1. evident, obvious
inerte: 1. inert
inesperadamente: 1. unexpectedly
inesperado: 1. abrupt
inexacto: 1. incorrect, wrong
inexato: 1. incorrect, wrong
infalivelmente: 1. absolutely, definitely, without fail
infantaria: 1. infantry
infantil: 1. childish | 2. childish
infectar: 1. infect
infecto: 1. fumy
infecção: 1. infection
infeliz: 1. unhappy
infelizmente: 1. alas, regrettably, unfortunately | 2. unfortunately
inferior: 1. inferior | 2. subordinate
inferir: 1. abstract, deduce, gather
infernal: 1. infernal
inferno: 1. hell
infestar: 1. haunt | 2. infest
infiel: 1. unfaithful
infinitamente: 1. ad infinitum, endlessly
inflamar: 1. agitate, excite, rouse, stir up
inflamável: 1. flammable
inflação: 1. inflation
influenciar: 1. act, affect, influence
influência: 1. action, influence
informar-se: 1. be advised, find out | 2. find out, hear, learn of
informar: 1. acquaint, inform, report | 2. acquaint, let know, inform
informação: 1. information | 2. account, information
infringir: 1. assault, violate
infundir: 1. inspire
inglês: 1. English | 2. Englishman, Sassenach
ingrato: 1. thankless, ungrateful, unthankful
ingênuo: 1. naïf, naïve
iniciar: 1. initiate, start | 2. begin, commence, start
inimigo: 1. adversary, enemy
inimizade: 1. enmity
ininterrupto: 1. constant, lasting, sustained
injectar: 1. inject
injetar: 1. inject
injetor: 1. syringe
injuriar: 1. abuse, insult, offend | 2. slander | 3. abuse, insult, offend
injúria: 1. abuse, insult
inopinadamente: 1. unexpectedly
inopinado: 1. abrupt
inoportuno: 1. not fitting, unseemly
inovação: 1. news, novelty, something new
inquerir: 1. ask
inquieto: 1. agitated, anxious
inquilino: 1. renter, tenant
inquérito: 1. inquiry, investigation
insano: 1. crazy, insane, mad, nuts
inscrever: 1. record, register
insecto: 1. bug, insect
insensatez: 1. nonsense
insensivelmente: 1. dispassionately
inserir: 1. enter, insert, put in
inseto: 1. bug, insect
insidiar: 1. set a trap, set a trap for
insidioso: 1. insidious
insignificante: 1. insignificant, trifling
insistir: 1. insist | 2. abide, persevere, persist
insolente: 1. impertinent
inspecionar: 1. examine | 2. inspect | 3. audit, check, check up on, supervise, verify
inspector: 1. inspector
inspetor: 1. inspector
inspetor geral: 1. auditor, government inspector
inspeção: 1. inspection | 2. inspection
inspirar: 1. inspire
inspiração: 1. inspiration | 2. inspiration
instalar: 1. erect, establish, found
instante: 1. instant, moment
instar: 1. insist | 2. hurry, press, urge
instigar: 1. encourage, impel, instigate, spur on, stimulate, urge
instinto: 1. instinct
instituir: 1. create
instituição: 1. institution
instituto: 1. institute
instruir: 1. coach, tutor | 2. teach
instrumento: 1. agent, means, tool | 2. instrument
instrumento de sopro: 1. wind instrument, wind-instrument
instrução: 1. directions, instruction
instância: 1. authoritative source, court
insuficiente: 1. in short supply, scanty, scarce
insular: 1. insulate, isolate, seclude
insultar: 1. abuse, insult, offend
insulto: 1. abuse, insult
insurgir-se: 1. rebel, revolt
insídia: 1. snare
insígnia: 1. emblem | 2. badge, insignia
insípido: 1. tasteless
integral: 1. integral
inteiro: 1. entire, overall, whole
intelecto: 1. intellect, mind
intelectual: 1. intellectual | 2. intellectual
inteligente: 1. intellectual | 2. intelligent, sagacious
inteligência: 1. intellect, mind | 2. intelligence
intencional: 1. intentional
intencionalmente: 1. deliberately, on purpose
intendente: 1. agent, steward, superintendant | 2. taskmaster
intensidade: 1. force, strength | 2. force, strength, vigour
intensivo: 1. acute, intense, intensive
intenso: 1. acute, intense, intensive
intentar: 1. intend, mean
intenção: 1. intention, meaning, plan
interceder: 1. intercede, plead for
interceptar: 1. bar, obstruct
intercorrência: 1. alternative, option
interessante: 1. interesting
interessar-se: 1. be interested, take an interest
interessar: 1. interest
interesse: 1. interest
interior: 1. inner, inside, internal | 2. inside, interior
intermediário: 1. agent
intermitente: 1. intermittent
internacional: 1. international
interno: 1. inner, inside, internal
interpretar: 1. interpret
interpretação: 1. interpretation
interrogar: 1. ask | 2. interrogate
interrogação: 1. question
interromper: 1. interrupt | 2. stop
interruptor: 1. switch
intervalo: 1. interval
intervir: 1. intervene
intestino: 1. intestine
intimar: 1. assign
intimação: 1. summons
intimidar: 1. menace, threaten
intoxicar: 1. poison
intriga: 1. plot
intrigar: 1. intrigue
introduzir-se: 1. get in | 2. penetrate
introduzir: 1. enter, insert, put in
intéprete: 1. interpreter
inundar: 1. flood
inundação: 1. flood
inutilmente: 1. in vain
invadir: 1. invade
invasão: 1. invasion
inveja: 1. envy
invejar: 1. envy
invejoso: 1. envious | 2. envious, jealous
invencível: 1. invincible
inventar: 1. invent | 2. invent
inventor: 1. inventor
inventário: 1. inventory
invenção: 1. fiction | 2. invention
inverno: 1. winter
inverso: 1. reverse, reversed
investigador: 1. detective
investigar: 1. examine, explore, investigate, research | 2. look for, seek
investigação: 1. inquiry, investigation | 2. exploration, investigation, research | 3. exploration, investigation, research
invitar: 1. invite
invocar: 1. appeal to, invoke
inválido: 1. disabled | 2. disabled person
invólucro: 1. envelope
inútil: 1. needless | 2. aimless | 3. good-for-nothing | 4. abortive, useless | 5. abortive, futile, useless, vain
iodo: 1. iodine
ioga: 1. yoga
iogurte: 1. yoghourt, yoghurt
ir: 1. go | 2. go, ride, travel
iraniano: 1. Iranian | 2. Iranian, Persian
irlandês: 1. Irish | 2. Irishman
irmã: 1. sister
irmão: 1. brother
ironia: 1. irony
irradiar-se: 1. radiate
irresistível: 1. irresistible
irrigar: 1. irrigate, water
irônico: 1. ironic
ir em romaria: 1. go on pilgrimage
ir ver: 1. frequent, visit regularly | 2. attend, call on, see, visit
ir à pé: 1. go on foot
isca: 1. bait | 2. bait | 3. tinder, punk
islamismo: 1. Islam
islâmico: 1. Islamic
islândes: 1. Icelandic
islã: 1. Islam
isolado: 1. apart, particular, separate, special | 2. isolated, secluded | 3. alone, only, sole, solitary
isolador: 1. insulator
isolar: 1. insulate, isolate, seclude
israelita: 1. Israelite
isso: 1. that, that over there, those
italiano: 1. Italian | 2. Italian
iugoslavo: 1. Yugoslav, Yugoslavian
iídiche: 1. Yiddish
içar: 1. hoist, hoist up, run up, wind up
jacaré: 1. alligator
jade: 1. jade
jaez: 1. kind, sort
jaguar: 1. jaguaro
jamais: 1. never
janela: 1. window
jangada: 1. raft
janota: 1. dandy, dude, fop
jantar: 1. dinner, midday meal
japonês: 1. Japanese | 2. Japanese
jaqueta: 1. jacket
jardim: 1. garden
jardineiro: 1. gardener
jargão: 1. jargon
jarra: 1. carafe, decanter | 2. jug, pitcher
jarro: 1. jug, box, container, vessel
javali: 1. wild boar
javardo: 1. wild boar
jazer: 1. lie, recline
jeira: 1. acre | 2. acre
jeito: 1. form, shape
jeitoso: 1. adroit, clever, dexterous, skillful
jibóia: 1. boa
joalheiro: 1. jeweller | 2. jeweller
joanete: 1. topgallant mast
jocó: 1. chimpanzee
joeirar: 1. sift
joelho: 1. knee
jogar: 1. play | 2. play
jogar boxe: 1. box
jogar trunfo: 1. trump
jogar xadrez: 1. check
jogar água benta: 1. sprinkle, water
jogo: 1. outfit, set, suit | 2. game
jogo de damas: 1. checkers
jornal: 1. daily paper, journal, newspaper
jornalismo: 1. press
jornalista: 1. journalist, female journalist | 2. journalist | 3. journalist, female journalist | 4. journalist
jorrar: 1. gush, spurt, spurt out
jorrar de uma fonte: 1. spring, well up
jovem: 1. young | 2. youngster, youth
jovial: 1. cheerful, gay, merry
jubilado: 1. retired | 2. retired person
jubilar-se: 1. retire
jubilar-se ruidosamente: 1. exult
jubileu: 1. jubilee
jubiloso: 1. jubilant
judaico: 1. Hebrew, Jewish | 2. Jewish
judaísmo: 1. Judaism
judeu: 1. Hebrew, Jew | 2. Jewish | 3. Jew
judicioso: 1. prudent, reasonable, sensible
jugar: 1. butcher, slaughter
jugo: 1. yoke
jugoslavo: 1. Yugoslav, Yugoslavian
juiz: 1. judge
julgamento: 1. judgment
julgar: 1. accredit | 2. decide | 3. judge | 4. account, deem, opine, think | 5. think
jumento: 1. ass, donkey
jungir: 1. yoke | 2. harness
junta: 1. committee
juntamente: 1. nearby | 2. together | 3. together with
juntar: 1. rake
juntar em excesso: 1. accumulate, heap, pile up, stack
junto: 1. adjacent | 2. nearby | 3. together | 4. close, near, nearby, next
junto a: 1. at, beside, by, near, nearby, near to, next to | 2. at, beside, with
junto ao dorso: 1. at the back
junto com: 1. together with
junto de: 1. at, beside, by, near, nearby, near to, next to
jura: 1. oath
juramento: 1. oath
jurar: 1. swear
jurisprudência: 1. jurisprudence, law
jurista: 1. jurist, lawyer
juro: 1. income, return
juros: 1. percent, percentage | 2. interest
jus: 1. right
justamente: 1. exactly | 2. exactly, sharp | 3. just, exactly, okay, right
justificar: 1. excuse
justiça: 1. justice, righteousness
justo: 1. fair, just, righteous | 2. right, true | 3. striking
juventude: 1. youth
juízo: 1. judgment | 2. wisdom | 3. wisdom
já: 1. already, by now, yet
já … não: 1. no longer
já não: 1. no longer
jóia: 1. gem, jewel | 2. jewel
júbilo: 1. exultation, jubilation
kibboutz: 1. kibbutz
labareda: 1. flame
labor: 1. job, work
laboratório: 1. laboratory | 2. workplace
laborioso: 1. active, hardworking
lacrar: 1. seal
lacrimejar: 1. shed tears, weep
lacónico: 1. concise
lacônico: 1. concise
ladainha: 1. litany
ladeira: 1. acclivity, hillside, slope
ladino: 1. clever, cunning, sly, smart
lado: 1. side
ladrar: 1. bark
ladrão: 1. robber | 2. thief
lagarta: 1. caterpillar
lago: 1. basin, reservoir | 2. pond | 3. lake, loch
lagosta: 1. lobster | 2. lobster | 3. prawn
laguna: 1. lagoon
laia: 1. kind, sort
laico: 1. layman
lama: 1. mud
lamber: 1. lick
lambuzar: 1. anoint, smear, spread
lamentar-se: 1. lament, wail | 2. complain
lamentar: 1. be sorry about, regret
lamentavelmente: 1. alas, regrettably, unfortunately | 2. that’s too bad, what a pity
lamento: 1. regret | 2. complaint
lamentável: 1. regrettable
lampâda eléctrica: 1. bulb
lanche: 1. lunch, snack
langor: 1. apathy
lanterna: 1. lantern
lanugem: 1. down, fluff
lanígero: 1. wool
lançar: 1. throw up, vomit | 2. throw
lançar brilho de súbito: 1. flash
lapônia: 1. Lapp, Lappish
lapônio: 1. Laplander, Lapp
lapão: 1. Lapp, Lappish | 2. Laplander, Lapp
lar: 1. firebox
laranja: 1. orange
laranjeira: 1. orange-tree | 2. orange-tree
lardo: 1. bacon
lareira: 1. fireplace, hearth
largar: 1. allow, leave, let, release
largo: 1. broad | 2. plaza, square, public square
largura: 1. width | 2. width
laringe: 1. larynx
laringite: 1. laryngitis
larva: 1. grub, larva
lasca: 1. splinter | 2. splinter
lascar: 1. splinter, split
lascivo: 1. lewd
lastimar-se: 1. complain
lastimar: 1. have compassion on, pity
lastimável: 1. dismal, miserable, pitiful, poor
lastro: 1. ballast
lata: 1. sheet metal, tin, tin plate | 2. can, tin, tin can
lateral: 1. incidental, side
latino: 1. Latin
latir: 1. bark
latrina: 1. latrine
latão: 1. brass | 2. brass
lauda: 1. page
lava: 1. lava
lavanderia: 1. laundry
lavar: 1. wash | 2. wash
laverca: 1. lark
lavrador: 1. builder
lavrar: 1. embroider | 2. plough | 3. carve, chisel
laxante: 1. loose
laxativo: 1. loose | 2. laxative
laçada: 1. loop, mesh
laço: 1. bond, tie | 2. loop, mesh | 3. knot, node
leal: 1. brave, gallant | 2. faithful | 3. faithful, loyal
lebre: 1. hare
lebréu: 1. greyhound
lecionar: 1. teach
legal: 1. legal
legalizar: 1. legitimize
legar: 1. bequeath, leave
legenda: 1. legend
legendário: 1. legendary | 2. legendary
legitimar: 1. legitimize
legião: 1. legion
legume: 1. vegetable
legível: 1. legible
lei: 1. law
leigo: 1. layman
leiloeiro: 1. auctioneer
leilão: 1. auction
leira: 1. bed
leitaria: 1. dairy
leite: 1. milk
leiteria: 1. dairy
leito: 1. bed
leitor: 1. reader
lema: 1. motto, watchword, slogan
lembrar-se: 1. recall, recollect, remember
lembrar: 1. caution, warn | 2. advance, suggest
leme: 1. handlebars, helm, rudder | 2. rudder
lenda: 1. fairy tale | 2. legend
lendário: 1. legendary | 2. legendary
lenha: 1. timber, wood
lente: 1. lens
lentigem: 1. freckle
lentilha: 1. lentil
lento: 1. slow | 2. slow
lenço: 1. handkerchief
lençol: 1. sheet | 2. layer
leopardo: 1. leopard
lepra: 1. leprosy
leproso: 1. leper
leque: 1. fan
ler: 1. read
lesma: 1. slug
leste: 1. east, East
lesto: 1. agile
lesão: 1. injury, wound
letargia: 1. lethargy
letra: 1. letter | 2. lyric, text
letra de câmbio: 1. bill of exchange, draft
letão: 1. Latvian, Lettish | 2. Latvian, Lett
levantar-se: 1. ascend, get up, go up, lift, rise, arise
levantar: 1. hoist, hoist up, run up, wind up
levar: 1. conduct, guide, lead | 2. carry, wear
levar consigo: 1. bring along, take along
levar de rastos: 1. drag, tow
leviano: 1. flighty, impulsive
leão: 1. lion
lhano: 1. affable, friendly, good-natured, kind
libanês: 1. Lebanese
libar: 1. drink
libelo: 1. pamphlet
liber: 1. bast
liberal: 1. liberal | 2. generous
liberdade: 1. freedom
libra: 1. pound | 2. pound | 3. pound sterling
librar-se: 1. float, hover
licenciado: 1. master
licença: 1. furlough, leave, pass | 2. licence, license | 3. licence, license, permit
licor: 1. liqueur
lidar: 1. fight, struggle | 2. work
liga: 1. alloy | 2. bond, tie | 3. connection, league
ligadura: 1. bandage
ligamento: 1. bond, tie
ligar: 1. connect, connect up, plug in | 2. bind, connect, join, tie, tie up | 3. switch, turn on
ligação: 1. connection | 2. connection
ligeiro: 1. light
lilás: 1. lilac
lima: 1. file
limar: 1. file
limiar: 1. sill, threshold
limitar: 1. abridge, confine, limit, restrict
limite: 1. border | 2. boundary, frontier, limit
limite de velocidade: 1. speed-limit, speed limit
limoeiro: 1. lemon-tree | 2. lemon-tree
limonada: 1. lemonade
limpar: 1. clean, cleanse, make clean, purge | 2. rake | 3. delete, wipe, wipe off
limpeza: 1. cleanliness, purity
limpo: 1. clean
limão: 1. lemon
lindo: 1. pretty
linguado: 1. sole
linguagem: 1. language, tongue
linguista: 1. linguist
lingüista: 1. linguist
linha: 1. thread | 2. line | 3. feature, trait | 4. file, line, rank, row, turn
linho: 1. flax
linóleo: 1. linoleum
liquidar: 1. liquidate
liso: 1. smooth
lisonja: 1. flattery | 2. flattery
lisonjear: 1. flatter
lista: 1. list | 2. menu | 3. index, table, tablet, tabulation
lista de preços: 1. price-list
listrão: 1. binding, strip, tape
literalmente: 1. verbatim, word-for-word
literatura: 1. belles-lettres | 2. belles-lettres | 3. literature
literário: 1. literary
litoral: 1. coast, seaside, shore
litorâneo: 1. coast, coast-, coastal, of the coast
litro: 1. liter, litre
liturgia: 1. liturgy
lituânio: 1. Lithuanian | 2. Lithuanian
livraria: 1. bookshop, bookstore
livreiro: 1. bookseller
livro: 1. book
livro de endereços: 1. address list
livro de notas: 1. notebook
livro didático: 1. textbook
liça: 1. arena
lição: 1. lesson
lobo: 1. wolf
local: 1. place | 2. local | 3. location, place, spot
locativo: 1. local
locatário: 1. renter, tenant
locomotiva: 1. engine
locusta: 1. grasshopper
lodaçal: 1. marsh, swamp
lodo: 1. mud
logo: 1. soon | 2. beyond, next, then, thereafter | 3. accordingly, consequently, so, subsequently, thus
logo que: 1. barely, hardly, only just, scarcely
logradoura: 1. promenade
lograr: 1. succeed | 2. cheat, deceive
loiro: 1. blond, fair
loja: 1. boutique, shop, store | 2. company, firm | 3. warehouse | 4. shop, store
lojista: 1. shopkeeper
lona: 1. tic, twich
longe: 1. away
longitude: 1. length | 2. longitude | 3. length
longo: 1. long
loquaz: 1. talkative
losango: 1. rhombus
losna: 1. absinth
lote: 1. lot, parcel
lotear: 1. allot
loteria: 1. lottery, raffle
louco: 1. crazy, insane, mad, nuts | 2. lunatic
loureiro: 1. laurel
louro: 1. blond, fair | 2. laurel
louvado: 1. expert, specialist
louvar: 1. acclaim, applaud, clap | 2. commend, laud, praise
louvor: 1. praise
lua-de-mel: 1. honeymoon
lua: 1. moon
lua cheia: 1. full moon
lubrificante: 1. ointment
lubrificar: 1. grease
lucrar: 1. earn, gain, win | 2. profit
lucro: 1. gain, profit
ludibriar: 1. fool, hoax, mystify, trick
lugar: 1. place | 2. location, place, spot | 3. function, job, office, post | 4. seat | 5. place to sit, seat
lugarejo: 1. hamlet, township
lugar de descanso: 1. resting-place
lula: 1. sepia
lume: 1. fire
luminoso: 1. bright, clear, light
lunar: 1. lunar
luneta: 1. binocular, binoculars
lupa: 1. lens | 2. magnifying glass
lupanar: 1. brothel
lustre: 1. chandelier
luta: 1. action, battle, scuffle, struggle
lutador: 1. truculent
lutar: 1. fight, struggle | 2. struggle, wrestle
lutar contra: 1. combat, contend with, fight, fight against
luto: 1. mourning | 2. solder
lutuoso: 1. mournful
luva: 1. glove, mitten
luxar: 1. dislocate
luxo: 1. luxury | 2. luxury
luxuoso: 1. deluxe, de luxe, luxurious
luxuriante: 1. deluxe, de luxe, luxurious
luz: 1. light
luzeiro: 1. gloss, sheen
luzente: 1. bright, brilliant | 2. bright, clear, light
luzir: 1. shine | 2. shine
lábio: 1. lip
lágrima: 1. tear
lámina: 1. razor-blade
lámina de metal: 1. sheet metal, tin, tin plate
lápis: 1. pencil
lárix: 1. larch
lépido: 1. agile
lícito: 1. legal
límax: 1. slug
língua: 1. idiom | 2. tongue | 3. language, tongue
líquido: 1. fluid, liquid | 2. fluid, liquid | 3. liquid
lírio: 1. lily
lógica: 1. logic
lógico: 1. logical
lúcio: 1. pike
lâmina: 1. razor-blade
lâmina de metal: 1. sheet metal, tin, tin plate
lâmpada: 1. lamp
lâmpada pendente: 1. hanging lamp
lã: 1. wool
maca: 1. stretcher
macaco: 1. jack | 2. ape, monkey
machado: 1. axe
macho: 1. male, masculine
machudar: 1. bruise
macieira: 1. apple-tree
macio: 1. soft
maciço: 1. massive
macular: 1. soil, spot, stain
madeira: 1. timber, wood
madrugada: 1. dawn, daybreak
maduro: 1. mature, ripe
magarefe: 1. butcher
magnete: 1. magnet
magnetismo: 1. magnetism
magnetofone: 1. tape-recorder
magno: 1. big, great, large
magnético: 1. magnetic
magnânimo: 1. magnanimous
magoar: 1. annoy, grieve, vex, worry
magro: 1. gaunt, lean, meager, skimpy, skinny, thin | 2. gaunt, thin
magíster: 1. master
maior: 1. adult, grown-up, full-grown
maioria: 1. majority
maioridade: 1. majority
mais: 1. still, yet | 2. encore, one more time | 3. and | 4. most | 5. more | 6. preferably | 7. else, further, more, on | 8. besides, furthermore, in addition, moreover | 9. plus | 10. preferably, rather
mais adiante: 1. besides, furthermore, in addition, moreover
mais de um: 1. several
mais e mais: 1. increasingly, more and more
mais ou menos: 1. quite
maiúscula: 1. capital letter
maiúsculo: 1. big, great, large
majestade: 1. majesty | 2. majesty
majestoso: 1. majestic
major: 1. major
mal-me-quer: 1. daisy
mal: 1. barely, hardly, only just, scarcely | 2. badly
mala: 1. box, chest
mala de mão: 1. suitcase, valise
maldizer: 1. blaspheme, cuss, curse, swear
maleta: 1. suitcase, valise
malha: 1. loop, mesh
malhar: 1. beat, hit, strike | 2. thresh
malicioso: 1. malicious, mischievous, nasty, vicious
malograr-se: 1. abort, fail | 2. abort, fail, miscarry
malogro: 1. abortion, failure, fiasco
malta: 1. band, bevy, gang
malvado: 1. malicious, mischievous, nasty, vicious | 2. perverse
malária: 1. malaria
maléolo: 1. ankle
mal adequado: 1. not fitting, unseemly
mama: 1. breast, teat
mamadeira: 1. baby’s bottle, feeding-bottle
mamangaba: 1. bumblebee
mamar: 1. suck
mamilo: 1. nipple | 2. nipple
mamoeiro: 1. papaya, papaw
mamífero: 1. mammal | 2. mammal
mamãe: 1. mam, mammy, mom, mommy
manancial: 1. fountain, source, spring
mancha: 1. blot, spot
manchar: 1. soil, spot, stain
manco: 1. lame
mandar: 1. command, order, tell | 2. send, transmit
mandato: 1. mandate
mandatário: 1. commissioner
mando: 1. command
mandrião: 1. lazy
maneira: 1. manner, mode, way
manejar: 1. handle, manipulate
manga: 1. sleeve
mangostão: 1. mangosteen
manhã: 1. morning
manifestar: 1. demonstrate, manifest, show
manifestação: 1. demonstration
manifesto: 1. evident, obvious | 2. manifest
maninho: 1. little brother
manipular: 1. handle, manipulate
manjuba: 1. anchovy
manobra: 1. maneuver, manoeuvre, manoeuvre
manobrar: 1. manoeuvre
mansarda: 1. attic, garret
manso: 1. tame
mansão: 1. mansion
manteiga: 1. butter
manter: 1. hang onto, hold
manto: 1. veil
manuscrito: 1. manuscript
maometismo: 1. Islam
mapa: 1. map
maquilagem: 1. make up, make-up
maquilar: 1. make up
maquinaria: 1. machinery
mar: 1. sea
maravilhoso: 1. delightful, lovely
marca: 1. label | 2. mark | 3. character, mark, sign, signal, token
marcar: 1. define, determine | 2. mark
marchar: 1. march, walk
marco: 1. mark
marfim: 1. ivory
margarida: 1. marguerite
margaridinha: 1. daisy
margem: 1. margin
marido: 1. husband
marinha: 1. navy
marinheiro: 1. sailor
marionete: 1. marionette, puppet
mariposa: 1. butterfly
marmelada: 1. quince jam
marmelo: 1. quince
marmóreo: 1. marble
maroto: 1. cheat, crook, rogue
marreco: 1. goose
marreta: 1. hammer
martelar: 1. hammer
martelo: 1. hammer
martírio: 1. torment
marulhar: 1. lap, plash, splash
maré: 1. tide
mas: 1. but
mascar: 1. chew
mascarar: 1. mask
masculino: 1. male, masculine
massa: 1. block, pad | 2. lump, mass | 3. dough, paste
massacrar: 1. butcher, slaughter | 2. massacre
massacre: 1. massacre
massagear: 1. massage
massagem: 1. massage
mastigar: 1. chew
mastro: 1. mast
mata-borrão: 1. blotter, blotting paper
mata-ratos: 1. arsenic
mata: 1. forest, woods | 2. jungle
matadouro: 1. butcher’s shop
matar: 1. butcher, slaughter | 2. kill, liquidate, slay
mata virgem: 1. primeval forest
matemática: 1. mathematics
matemático: 1. mathematical | 2. mathematician
material: 1. material | 2. data, material
material com que se aquece: 1. fuel
material de leitura: 1. reading matter
material publicitário: 1. publicity material
matiz: 1. hue, nuance, shade, tint
matrimónio: 1. marriage
matrimônio: 1. marriage, matrimony | 2. marriage
matéria: 1. matter
matéria fecal: 1. dung, excrement | 2. dung, excrement
mau: 1. bad, miserable, nasty, poor
maxila: 1. jaw, jawbone
maçaneta: 1. button
maçar: 1. beat, hit, strike
maçom: 1. freemason, Mason
maçônico: 1. masonic
maçã: 1. apple
mecha: 1. fuse, wick
mecânica: 1. mechanics | 2. mechanics
mecânico: 1. mechanic | 2. mechanic
medalha: 1. medal
mediador: 1. agent
mediano: 1. average, mean, middle
mediar: 1. act as agent
medicar: 1. care for, cure, treat
medicina: 1. medicine, practice of medicine
medida: 1. measure, measurement
medir: 1. measure
medição: 1. measure, measurement
medo: 1. fear
medronheiro: 1. arbutus, strawberry tree
medrono: 1. arbutus fruit
megera: 1. bitchy, shrewish | 2. shrew, vixen, Xanthippe
meia-noite: 1. midnight | 2. midnight
meia: 1. sock | 2. stocking
meiga: 1. sweetheart
meigo: 1. dainty, delicate, fine, refined | 2. gentle, soft, sweet, tender
meio-dia: 1. midday, noon
meio: 1. centre | 2. half | 3. element | 4. environment | 5. average, mean, middle | 6. means, remedy, resources
mel: 1. honey
melancia: 1. water-melon
melancolia: 1. melancholy
melancólico: 1. bleak, dismal, dreary, gaunt, melancholy | 2. desolate, dismal, dreary, gaunt, gloomy, mournful
meleagro: 1. turkey
melhoramento: 1. progress
melhorar: 1. breed, keep, raise, rear | 2. improve
melindrar: 1. shock
melodia: 1. melody, tune
melodioso: 1. tuneful
melodrama: 1. melodrama
melodramático: 1. melodramatic
meloeiro: 1. melon
melro: 1. blackbird
melódico: 1. tuneful
melão: 1. melon
membrana: 1. tunic | 2. tunic
membro: 1. acolyte, member, supporter | 2. limb, member
memento: 1. agenda, appointment book
memorizar: 1. memorize
memorável: 1. memorable
memória: 1. memory, recollection
mencionar: 1. cite, quote | 2. mention
mendigo: 1. beggar
menear: 1. rock, swing
menina: 1. girl, lass, wench
menino: 1. boy, lad, laddie
menor: 1. under age
menoridade: 1. minority
menos: 1. with the exception of | 2. fewer, less | 3. without
menos e menos: 1. less and less
mensageiro: 1. relay racer, relay rider
mensagem: 1. errand, message
mensal: 1. monthly
mensalmente: 1. monthly
menta: 1. mint
mental: 1. mental
mente: 1. mind
mentir: 1. lie, tell a lie
mentira: 1. lie
mentira por gracejo: 1. sly joke
mento: 1. chin
menu: 1. menu
menção: 1. mention
mercadejar: 1. peddle
mercado: 1. bazaar, fair, market | 2. hall | 3. market, sales activity | 4. market, marketplace
mercadoria: 1. article, commodity | 2. commodity, merchandise, wares
mercenário: 1. employee
mercê: 1. grace
merecer: 1. be worthy of, deserve, merit
merecimento: 1. merit
merenda: 1. lunch, snack
mergulhador: 1. diver
mergulhar: 1. drown | 2. drown | 3. dive, plunge
meridional: 1. south, southern
mero: 1. mere, solitary, sole
mesa: 1. bench, easel, tressle, workbench | 2. table
mesclar: 1. blend, mingle, mix, shuffle
mesmo: 1. even | 2. self, herself, himself, itself | 3. same
mesquita: 1. mosque
mestra: 1. teacher, female teacher
mestre: 1. instructor, teacher | 2. adept, maestro, master
mesura: 1. bow, curtsy, obeisance
metade: 1. half | 2. average, mean, middle
metal: 1. metal
meteoro: 1. atmospheric phenomenon
meter: 1. lay down, place, put, put down
meter a pique: 1. drown
metodista: 1. Methodist | 2. Methodist
metro: 1. metre
metrópole: 1. city, metropolis
metáfora: 1. metaphor
metálico: 1. metal, metallic
metódico: 1. methodical
meu: 1. my
mexer-se: 1. move
mexer: 1. curl, froth, stir, whip, whirl | 2. blend, mingle, mix, shuffle | 3. actuate, move | 4. brandish, fling, swing, wave, wave about | 5. touch
mexilhão: 1. mussel
microfone: 1. microphone
microscópio: 1. microscope
micróbio: 1. germ, microbe
migalha: 1. crumb
migalha de pão: 1. crumb
mijar: 1. urinate
mil-em-rama: 1. yarrow
mil-folhas: 1. yarrow
mil: 1. thousand, one thousand
milagre: 1. miracle
milfólio: 1. yarrow
milha: 1. mile
milharós: 1. titmouse
milho: 1. corn, Indian corn, maize, mealies
milhão: 1. million
militar: 1. military
milénio: 1. millenium | 2. millennium
milímetro: 1. millimetre
milênio: 1. millenium | 2. millennium
mimo: 1. gift, present
mimosear: 1. coddle, pamper, pet | 2. entertain, treat
mimoso: 1. dainty, delicate, fine, refined
mina: 1. mine
minar: 1. subvert, undermine | 2. gush, spurt, spurt out
mineiro: 1. miner
mineral: 1. mineral | 2. mineral
mingau: 1. gruel, mess, mush
minha: 1. my
ministrar: 1. give | 2. deliver, furnish, supply
ministro: 1. minister
ministério: 1. cabinet | 2. ministry | 3. ministry
minuto: 1. minute
minério: 1. ore
minúcia: 1. detail
minúncia: 1. trifle
minúscula: 1. lower case letter, small letter
miosótis: 1. forget-me-not
miraculoso: 1. miraculous
miragem: 1. mirage
mirar: 1. aim, intend | 2. see
miríade: 1. myriad
miserável: 1. abject, dismal, meager, miserable, wretched
missa: 1. mass
missionário: 1. missionary
missiva: 1. letter
missão: 1. mission
mistificar: 1. fool, hoax, mystify, trick
mistificar por pilhéria: 1. kid, pull someone’s leg
mistura: 1. admixture, mixture
misturar: 1. blend, mingle, mix, shuffle
mistério: 1. mystery
miséria: 1. misery
mitigar: 1. blunt
mitra: 1. miter, mitre
mixto: 1. passenger train
mobiliar: 1. furnish
mobilizar: 1. mobilize
mobiliário: 1. furniture
mobília: 1. furniture
mochila: 1. backpack, knapsack
mocho: 1. small bench, stool | 2. owl
moda: 1. craze, hit | 2. fashion, mode | 3. fashion, mode
mode: 1. fashion, mode
modelar: 1. model | 2. model, mold, mould | 3. typical
modelo: 1. model
modelo ideal: 1. type
moderado: 1. moderate, reasonable
moderar: 1. bridle, check, restrain | 2. moderate
moderação: 1. moderation
modernizar: 1. modernize
moderno: 1. modern
modesto: 1. modest
modificar-se: 1. alter, change | 2. change
modificar: 1. modify | 2. change, turn
modinha: 1. chanson
modista: 1. milliner
modo: 1. manner, mode, way | 2. fashion, mode
modéstia: 1. modesty
moeda: 1. coin
moedor: 1. miller
moenda: 1. mill
moer: 1. grind, pulverize
mofar: 1. get mouldy
mofo: 1. mold, mould
moinho: 1. mill
mola: 1. spring
molambo: 1. rag, scrap
moldar: 1. model | 2. model, mold, mould | 3. cast, mold, mould
molde: 1. mold, mould | 2. pattern, stencil, template, templet
moldura: 1. cadre, frame, framework
mole: 1. soft
molestar: 1. annoy, grieve, vex, worry | 2. bother, disturb, hinder, trouble
molhado: 1. wet
molhar-se: 1. get wet
molhar: 1. irrigate, water | 2. bathe
molhar com líquido: 1. dip, immerse, soak
molho: 1. bunch, bundle, cluster, sheaf | 2. gravy, sauce
momento: 1. instant, moment
momentâneo: 1. momentary
mondar: 1. weed, weed out
monge: 1. monk
monopólio: 1. monopoly
monstro: 1. monster
monstruoso: 1. monstrous
montanha: 1. mountain
montar: 1. assemble, link, mount | 2. ride
montar guarda: 1. be on duty, serve
monte: 1. mountain
montear: 1. chase, hunt
monte de lenha: 1. woodpile
monturo: 1. garbage dump
montão: 1. accumulation, crowd, heap, mass, multitude, pile
montão de feno: 1. haystack
monumental: 1. monumental
monumento: 1. monument
monóculo: 1. monocle
monótono: 1. monotonous
morada: 1. abode, accommodation, dwelling, residence
morador: 1. inhabitant
moral: 1. moral | 2. morals
moralidade: 1. morality
morango: 1. strawberry
morar: 1. dwell, live
morcego: 1. bat
mordaça: 1. muzzle
morder: 1. bite
mordiscar: 1. gnaw
moreno: 1. brown
morno: 1. lukewarm
morrer: 1. die, expire, pass away
morro: 1. hill
mortal: 1. dead | 2. mortal
morte: 1. death
morto: 1. cadaver, corpse | 2. dead
mosca: 1. fly, housefly
mosquete: 1. musket | 2. musket
mosquiteiro: 1. mosquito net
mosquito: 1. gnat | 2. mosquito
mostarda: 1. mustard
mosteiro: 1. monastery
mostrador: 1. showcase
mostrador de relógio: 1. dial
mostrar-se: 1. point out to be | 2. appear, appear to be, seem
mostrar: 1. indicate, point out, show
mote: 1. motto
motel: 1. motel
motivo: 1. account, reason | 2. account, motive, reason | 3. theme, topic, subject
motocicleta: 1. moped | 2. motorcycle
motor: 1. engine, motor
motorista: 1. motorist | 2. conductor, driver
motorista de táxi: 1. taxidriver, taxi-driver
motor Diesel: 1. diesel
motor de explosão: 1. internal combustion engine
mourão: 1. pole, post, stanchion, stake
mover-se: 1. move
mover: 1. actuate, move
movimento: 1. movement
movéis: 1. furniture
moça: 1. girl, lass, wench
muco: 1. mucus, phlegm
mucoso: 1. mucous
mudança: 1. alteration, change, conversion, transformation | 2. about-face, alteration, change, conversion, transformation
mudar-se: 1. alter, change | 2. move | 3. move
mudar: 1. vary | 2. change, turn | 3. change
mudo: 1. dumb, mute, speechless | 2. mute
mugir: 1. howl, roar
mui: 1. quite, very, very much
muitas vezes: 1. frequently, often, regularly
muito: 1. a lot of, much | 2. quite, very, very much
muitos: 1. many
muito grande: 1. enormous
muitíssimo: 1. enormously, extremely
mula: 1. mule
muleta: 1. crutch
mulher: 1. dame, lady | 2. wife | 3. woman
mulher bela: 1. beautiful woman, beauty
multa: 1. fine
multicolor: 1. multicoloured
multicor: 1. multicoloured
multidão: 1. accumulation, crowd, heap, mass, multitude, pile | 2. crowd, mass, multitude
multiplicar: 1. duplicate, multiply
mundial: 1. worldwide
mundo: 1. world
município: 1. community | 2. city, town
munir de índice: 1. index
munição: 1. munition, ammunition
munição de guerra: 1. munition, ammunition
muralha: 1. rampart
murmurar: 1. murmur, mutter
murmúrio: 1. murmur
muro: 1. wall
muscular: 1. muscular
museu: 1. museum
musgo: 1. moss
musical: 1. musical
musicar: 1. make music
mutuar: 1. reciprocate
myto: 1. myth
mácula: 1. blot, spot
mágica: 1. magic
mágico: 1. magician
máquina: 1. apparatus, device, set | 2. engine, machine
máquina de escrever: 1. typewriter
mármore: 1. marble
mártir: 1. martyr
máscara: 1. mask
máximo: 1. maximum | 2. maximum
média aritmética: 1. average
médico: 1. doctor, physician
médio: 1. average, mean, middle
mérito: 1. merit
método: 1. method
métrico: 1. metric
mígala: 1. almond
mímica: 1. sign language
míope: 1. near-sighted, short-sighted
místico: 1. mystic, mystical
mítico: 1. mythical
móbil: 1. mobile
módico: 1. modest
mórmon: 1. Mormon | 2. Mormon
móvel: 1. cause, reason | 2. piece of furniture | 3. mobile
múltiplo: 1. multiple
músculo: 1. muscle
música: 1. music
músico: 1. musician
mútuo: 1. mutual, reciprocal
mês: 1. month
mãe: 1. mother
mãezinha: 1. mam, mammy, mom, mommy
mão-única: 1. one-way traffic
mão: 1. hand
mão de almofariz: 1. pestle
nabo: 1. turnip
nacional: 1. national
nacionalidade: 1. nationality
naco: 1. bit, lump, piece
nada: 1. nothing | 2. not an ace | 3. naught, nought, null, zero, zilch
nadar: 1. float, swim
nafta: 1. crude oil
naipe: 1. emblem
namorada: 1. beloved, loved one, lover, sweetheart, well-beloved
namorar: 1. court, woo
nanico: 1. dwarf, midget
narcotizar: 1. drug
narcótico: 1. drug
nariz: 1. nose
narrar: 1. narrate, relate, tell
narrativa: 1. account, narrative, story, tale
nasal: 1. nasal
nascente: 1. fountain, source, spring
nascer: 1. arise, be born
nascer do sol: 1. sunrise
nascimento: 1. birth
nata: 1. cream | 2. cream
nativo: 1. aboriginal
natural: 1. natural | 2. normal
naturalidade: 1. abandonment
naturalmente: 1. naturally
natural das Antilhas: 1. Antillian
natureza: 1. consistency | 2. cosmos | 3. nature | 4. character, nature
naufrágio: 1. shipwreck
nauseante: 1. abhorrent, abominable, alien, disgusting, nasty, nauseous
navalha: 1. razor
navegar: 1. navigate
navegação: 1. navigation
navio: 1. ship, vessel
navio a vapor: 1. steamship
nazi: 1. Nazi
nazista: 1. Nazi
nação: 1. nation | 2. folk, nation, people | 3. realm, state
na moda: 1. fashionable
na qualidade de: 1. such a, what a
na realidade: 1. absolutely, genuinly, indeed, really, truly
na sua generalidade: 1. altogether, as a whole, on the whole
na suposição de: 1. if, provided that
na verdade: 1. certainly | 2. certainly, indeed, rather, surely | 3. to tell the truth | 4. absolutely, genuinly, indeed, really, truly
neblina: 1. fog, mist
nebuloso: 1. desolate, dismal, dreary, gaunt, gloomy, mournful
necessidade: 1. requisite
necessitar: 1. need, require
necessário: 1. necessary | 2. necessary
necrológio: 1. obituary
necropse: 1. autopsy
necropsia: 1. autopsy
negar-se a: 1. refuse, reject
negar: 1. deny | 2. deny
negar com a cabeça: 1. shake one’s head
negativamente: 1. negatively
negativo: 1. negative | 2. negative
negligenciar: 1. neglect
negligente: 1. lazy
negociante: 1. businessman, merchant
negociar: 1. negotiate, trade
negro: 1. Negro | 2. Negro | 3. black
negócio: 1. affair, business, business deal, case, matter
nem: 1. neither, nor
nem … nem: 1. neither … nor
nenhum: 1. neither, nobody, none, no-one
nenhuma: 1. neither, nobody, none, no-one
nenhuma coisa: 1. nothing
nenhuma pessoa: 1. neither, nobody, none, no-one
nenhuma quantidade: 1. not an ace
nenhures: 1. nowhere
neologismo: 1. neologism
nervo: 1. nerve
nervoso: 1. agitated, nervous | 2. agitated, nervous
nessa ocasião: 1. then
neste instante: 1. just, just now
neste momento: 1. at this moment
neste tempo: 1. then
neta: 1. granddaughter
neto: 1. grandson
neutro: 1. impartial, neutral
nevar: 1. snow
neve: 1. snow
neónio: 1. neon
neônio: 1. neon
nicho: 1. niche
nimbo: 1. halo, nimbus
ninar: 1. lull, rock
ninguém: 1. neither, nobody, none, no-one
ninho: 1. den, nest
nivelar: 1. even, level
nobre: 1. nobleman
nocivo: 1. adverse, harmful | 2. harmful
nogueira: 1. walnut-tree | 2. walnut-tree
noite: 1. night | 2. evening
noiva: 1. bride, fiancée
noivo: 1. fiancé
nojo: 1. mourning
nome: 1. appellation, name | 2. noun, substantive
nomear: 1. choose, elect, pick out | 2. call
nome de baptismo: 1. Christian name
nome de batisto: 1. Christian name
nono: 1. ninth
norma: 1. norm, standard
normal: 1. normal | 2. normal
normalmente: 1. ordinarily
norte: 1. north, North
norueguês: 1. Norwegian
nossa: 1. our
nosso: 1. our
nostalgia: 1. nostalgia
nota: 1. account, bill, invoice | 2. bank-note | 3. annotation, note | 4. grade, note | 5. notice, observation
notar: 1. notice
noticiar: 1. advertise, announce, give notice | 2. acquaint, inform, report | 3. acquaint, let know, inform
noticiar por despacho: 1. dispatch
notificar: 1. advertise, announce, give notice | 2. acquaint, let know, inform
noturno: 1. nocturnal
notário: 1. notary
notável: 1. curious, interesting, quaint
notícia: 1. news, novelty, something new
novamente: 1. afresh, again, all over again, anew | 2. afresh, again, once more
nove: 1. nine
novela: 1. short story
noventa: 1. ninety
novidade: 1. newness
novilho: 1. calf
novo: 1. fresh, recent | 2. new, novel
noz: 1. walnut | 2. nut
noção: 1. notion
no caso de: 1. if, provided that
no meio de: 1. among, between
no máximo: 1. at most
nu: 1. bare, naked, nude
nuança: 1. hue, nuance, shade, tint
nublado: 1. cloudy
nuca: 1. back of the neck, nape
nuclear: 1. nuclear
nuga: 1. trifle
nulo: 1. worthless
numa palavra: 1. altogether, as a whole, on the whole
nume: 1. god
numerar: 1. count | 2. assign a number
nunca: 1. never
nutrir: 1. feed, nourish
nuvem: 1. cloud
náilon: 1. nylon
náusea: 1. disgust, nausea
névoa: 1. fog, mist
nível: 1. level
nó: 1. knot, node
nódoa: 1. blot, spot
nós: 1. us, we
núcleo: 1. core, nucleus, kernel, pit | 2. nucleus
número: 1. cipher, digit, figure, numeral | 2. amount, number | 3. number, numeral
nômade: 1. migrant | 2. nomadic | 3. nomad
não-te-esquece: 1. forget-me-not
não: 1. no
não … mais que: 1. exclusively, just, only
não … mas: 1. no longer
não … nunca: 1. never
não autêntico: 1. apocryphal
não diferir: 1. equal
não encadernado: 1. paperbacked
não há de que: 1. don’t mention it, you’re welcome
não importa o lugar: 1. wherever
não mais: 1. no longer
não obstante: 1. despite, in spite of, notwithstanding | 2. nevertheless
não prestar atenção: 1. neglect
não profissional: 1. amateur, fancier
não ter: 1. lack
não tomar conhecimento: 1. ignore, leave out of account
o: 1. the
obedecer: 1. obey
obediente: 1. obedient
obesidade: 1. adipose
objecto: 1. article, object, thing
objecto de arte: 1. work of art
objecto de luxo: 1. luxury
objecto posto à venda: 1. article, commodity
objeto: 1. article, object, thing
objeto de luxo: 1. luxury
objeto de vidro: 1. pane
oblíqua: 1. oblique, slanting
oboé: 1. oboe
obra: 1. accomplishment, achievement, act, action | 2. work
obrar: 1. act, take action
obreiro: 1. hand, laborer, labourer, operative, worker, working man, workman
obrigado: 1. thank you, thanks
obrigar: 1. compel, force | 2. force, impose
obrigatório: 1. compulsory
obrigação: 1. duty, obligation
obsceno: 1. obscene
obscuro: 1. humble
obsedar: 1. obsess
obsediar: 1. obsess
obsequiar: 1. do a favor, do a favour | 2. entertain, treat
obsequioso: 1. kind, obliging | 2. kind, obliging
observar: 1. obey | 2. keep, mind, observe | 3. notice
observação: 1. notice, observation
obsessão: 1. obsession
obsoleto: 1. old-fashioned, out of date
obstetriz: 1. midwife
obstinado: 1. obstinate, stubborn
obstinar-se: 1. be obstinate, be stubborn, persist
obstáculo: 1. barrier, fence | 2. obstacle
obséquio: 1. favor, favour
obter: 1. achieve, acquire, attain, get, obtain | 2. accomplish, achieve, attain, get, reach | 3. get, procure | 4. get, have, receive
obtuso: 1. blunt | 2. dull, obtuse
ocasionar: 1. cause, cause to take place
oceano: 1. ocean
oceânico: 1. oceanic
ocidental: 1. western
ocidente: 1. west, West
oco: 1. concave, hollow | 2. hollow
ocorrência: 1. fact | 2. event, occasion, occurence, opportunity | 3. chance, event, occurence, opportunity
octágono: 1. octagon
oculista: 1. oculist, ophtalmologist | 2. optician
ocultar: 1. conceal, hide
oculto: 1. occult | 2. secret
ocupado: 1. busy
ocupar: 1. occupy, take
ocupação: 1. occupation
ode: 1. ode
odiar: 1. hate
odioso: 1. nasty
odor: 1. aroma, flavour | 2. odor, odour, scent, smell
oeste: 1. west, West | 2. west
ofender-se: 1. take offence, take offense
ofender: 1. abuse, insult, offend
ofensivo: 1. aggressive, offensive
oferecer: 1. dedicate, devote | 2. donate, give | 3. bid, offer, make an offer of
offset: 1. offset printing
oficial: 1. official | 2. officer | 3. officer, official
oficina: 1. workplace | 2. workshop
oftalmologista: 1. oculist, ophtalmologist
ofício: 1. handicraft, occupation, trade | 2. function, job, office, post
ofício divino: 1. service, worship service
oh: 1. oh
oitavo: 1. eighth
oitenta: 1. eighty
oito: 1. eight
ojeriza: 1. aversion, dislike
oleiro: 1. potter
olha: 1. bouillon
olhadela: 1. look
olhar de relance: 1. glance
olho: 1. bud | 2. eye
olimpo: 1. heaven, sky
oliveira: 1. olive-tree | 2. olive-tree
olivo: 1. olive
olmo: 1. elm
olá: 1. hello | 2. ahoy | 3. hey | 4. hello
ombro: 1. shoulder
omitir: 1. leave out, omit, overlook
onda: 1. wave
onde: 1. where
ondear: 1. undulate
ondular: 1. balance, poise | 2. curl | 3. undulate
onerar com imposto: 1. tax
oneroso: 1. burdensome, heavy, onerous
onipotente: 1. almighty, all-powerful, omnipotent
ontem: 1. yesterday
onze: 1. eleven
onça: 1. jaguaro | 2. ounce
opala: 1. opal
operar: 1. operate
operação: 1. operation, surgical operation
operoso: 1. active, hardworking
operário: 1. hand, laborer, labourer, operative, worker, working man, workman
opinar: 1. account, deem, opine, think
opinião: 1. opinion
opor-se: 1. oppose
opor: 1. combat, contend with, fight, fight against
oportunista: 1. opportunist
oposição: 1. opposition
optar: 1. choose, elect, pick out
opúsculo: 1. leaflet, pamphlet, paperback | 2. booklet
ora: 1. at present, now
orador: 1. orator
oral: 1. oral
oralmente: 1. orally
orar: 1. pray
oratório: 1. oratorical
oração: 1. prayer
orbe: 1. ball, ball-bearing, globe
ordem: 1. order | 2. command, order
ordem de pagamento: 1. money order
ordem do dia: 1. agenda
ordenado: 1. salary, wage, wages
ordenar: 1. arrange, fix up | 2. arrange, put in order, tidy | 3. command, order, tell
ordenhar: 1. milk
ordinário: 1. common, ordinary, usual | 2. common, everyday, vulgar
ordo: 1. order
orelha: 1. ear
orelhão: 1. call box, telephone kiosk, phone booth, telephone booth
organismo: 1. organism
organizar: 1. organize
organização: 1. organization | 2. organization | 3. organization
orgia: 1. orgy
orgulho: 1. pride
orgulhoso: 1. proud
orgíaco: 1. orgiastic
orgânico: 1. organic
oriental: 1. eastern, Oriental
orientar: 1. orient
oriente: 1. east, East
orificio: 1. aperture, opening
origem: 1. lineage | 2. origin
original: 1. original | 2. original
originar-se: 1. originate
ornamental: 1. ornamental
ornamentar: 1. adorn, decorate, ornament
ornamento: 1. adornment, ornament
orquestra: 1. orchestra
orquídea: 1. orchid
ortodoxo: 1. orthodox
orvalhar: 1. sprinkle, water
orvalho: 1. dew
oráculo: 1. oracle
orçamento: 1. budget | 2. budget
orçar: 1. calculate, count, figure, work out | 2. appraise, estimate, rate
os: 1. the
oscilar: 1. balance, poise
oscilação: 1. oscillator
oscilógrafo: 1. oscilloscope
osso: 1. bone
ostentação: 1. display, parade | 2. pomp, splender
ostra: 1. oyster
os dois: 1. both
otimismo: 1. optimism
otimista: 1. optimist
otário: 1. goose
ou: 1. or
ouro: 1. gold
ousado: 1. audacious, bold, daring, intrepid
ousar: 1. dare | 2. be bold, dare
outonal: 1. autumn
outono: 1. autumn
outra vez: 1. encore, one more time | 2. afresh, again, all over again, anew | 3. afresh, again, once more
outrem: 1. another, another man
outro: 1. other, another, else | 2. additional, remaining, rest of
outrora: 1. once, on occasion, sometimes | 2. at some time, ever, sometime
outrossim: 1. also, likewise, too
ouverture: 1. overture
ouvido: 1. ear
ouvinte: 1. listener
ouvintes: 1. audience, auditory
ouvir: 1. hear | 2. listen
ouvir dizer: 1. hear
ouvir secretamente: 1. eavesdrop
ou … ou: 1. either … or
ovacionar: 1. acclaim, applaud
oval: 1. oval
ovação: 1. acclamation | 2. acclaim, acclamation, approval | 3. ovation
ovelha: 1. sheep
ovo: 1. egg
ovos e farinha: 1. flan, tard
oxidar-se: 1. rust
oxigénio: 1. oxygen
oxigênio: 1. oxygen
ozônio: 1. ozone
oásis: 1. oasis
o chamado: 1. allegedly, as is being said
paciente: 1. patient | 2. patient
paciência: 1. patience
pacote: 1. packet, parcel | 2. pack
pacto: 1. contract
pacífico: 1. peaceful | 2. peaceful, peaceloving
padaria: 1. bakery
padastro: 1. step-father
padecer: 1. abide, bear, endure, put up with, suffer
padeiro: 1. baker
padiola: 1. stretcher
padre: 1. clergyman | 2. clergyman, pastor, priest
padrinho: 1. godfather
padrinho de batismo: 1. godfather
padrão: 1. norm, standard | 2. type | 3. pattern, stencil, template, templet
pagamento: 1. payment
pagar: 1. pay
pagar a sua cota: 1. subscribe
pagem: 1. page
pagão: 1. pagan | 2. pagan
pai: 1. father | 2. father
painel: 1. dash-board, panel, wainscot
pairar: 1. float, hover
pais: 1. parents
paisagem: 1. landscape, scenery
paixão: 1. flame | 2. lust, passion
pai e mãe: 1. parents
palafreneiro: 1. groom, stableman
palavra: 1. word
palavras cruzadas: 1. crossword puzzle
palavra por palavra: 1. verbatim, word-for-word
palco: 1. stage
paleta: 1. palet
paletó: 1. jacket | 2. coat, overcoat
palha: 1. straw
palheta: 1. palet
palito de fósforo: 1. match
paliçada: 1. fence, palisade
palma: 1. palm | 2. palm, palmtree
palmeira: 1. palm, palmtree
palpar: 1. feel, grope
palpitar: 1. pulsate, throb
palrador: 1. chatterbox, tattler, telltale
palrar: 1. chat, chatter
palácio: 1. palace
pancada: 1. blow
pane: 1. brakedown
panela: 1. jug, pot
panfleto: 1. pamphlet
pano: 1. cloth, wooden cloth | 2. linen | 3. cloth | 4. sail | 5. cloth, material
panorama: 1. view
pano de chaminé: 1. cowl, hood
pano de limpeza: 1. dish cloth, dust rag
pantomima: 1. pantomime
pantufa: 1. slipper
pantufo: 1. mule
papa: 1. pope
papagaio: 1. parrot
papaguear: 1. parrot
papai: 1. dad, daddy
papaia: 1. papaya, papaw
papas: 1. gruel, mess, mush
papel-carbono: 1. carbon paper
papel: 1. paper | 2. part, role, rôle
papelaria: 1. stationer’s shop
papeleta: 1. notice, placard, poster
papel de parede: 1. wallpaper
papel mata-borrão: 1. blotter, blotting paper
papelão: 1. cardboard
papoula: 1. poppy
par: 1. pair | 2. even | 3. pair
para: 1. at, to, toward, towards | 2. for, to, in order to, per
parabéns: 1. congratulation
parada: 1. display, parade
parada de ônibus: 1. bus stop
paradoxal: 1. paradoxical
paradoxo: 1. paradox
parafusar: 1. screw
parafuso: 1. nut | 2. screw
paragem: 1. stop | 2. location, place, spot | 3. stage, station, stop
paralelo: 1. parallel
paralisar: 1. paralyse
paralisia: 1. paralysis
paranóia: 1. paranoia
parar: 1. halt, come to a halt, stop
parar de: 1. cease, stop
parati: 1. brandy
paraíso: 1. paradise
para alugar: 1. for rent
para a direita: 1. right, to the right
para a esquerda: 1. left, to the left
para baixo: 1. below, downstairs, underneath | 2. down
para cima: 1. above, on top, overhead, upstairs | 2. above, up, uphill, upwards
para frente: 1. ahead, foreward, on
para lá de: 1. across, beyond, on the other side of
para lá e para cá: 1. back and forth
para o lado: 1. to the side
para que: 1. for, to, in order to, per
para trás: 1. back, backwards
parcela: 1. lot, parcel | 2. part, Parthian, share
parceria: 1. association
parcial: 1. biased, partial
parco: 1. abstemious, sober, staid, temperate
pardal: 1. sparrow
pardo: 1. brown | 2. grey
parecer: 1. appear, appear to be, seem
parecido: 1. like, alike, similar
parede: 1. wall | 2. wall
parelha: 1. pair
parelho: 1. equal, even, level
parente: 1. relative, female relative | 2. relative
parentesco: 1. affiliation, blood-relationship, affinity, relationship
parir: 1. give birth, labour, be in labour | 2. bear, give birth to
parisiense: 1. Parisian
parlamentar: 1. parliamentary | 2. member of parliament
parlamento: 1. parliament
parolagem: 1. chat
parolar: 1. chat, chatter
paroleiro: 1. chatterbox, tattler, telltale
parolice: 1. chat
paroquial: 1. parochial | 2. parochial
paroquiano: 1. parishioner | 2. parishioner
parque: 1. park
parte: 1. part, Parthian, share | 2. part, piece, share | 3. part, role, rôle
parteira: 1. midwife
participar: 1. acquaint, inform, report | 2. communicate, report | 3. participate, share, take part
particular: 1. apart, particular, separate, special | 2. close, intimate | 3. private | 4. particular, special
particularidade: 1. detail
particípio: 1. participle
partida: 1. departure | 2. departure | 3. faction, party, side | 4. starter
partido: 1. faction, party, side
partir-se: 1. break
partir: 1. start running | 2. split | 3. absent onself, depart, go away, leave | 4. break | 5. cut, slice
parturiente: 1. lying-in woman
partícula: 1. element, fragment, item, particle
parvo: 1. idiot
parábola: 1. allegory
parágrafo: 1. paragraph | 2. paragraph
paródia: 1. travesty
paróquia: 1. parish
parâmetro: 1. parameter
parêntese: 1. clamp, brace, bracket, parenthesis, staple | 2. parenthesis
passado: 1. former | 2. past | 3. stale | 4. last | 5. past
passageiro: 1. temporary | 2. passenger
passagem: 1. bill, ticket, note | 2. corridor, passage | 3. gate, gangway, passage, passageway | 4. ticket
passagem de nível: 1. level crossing
passamento: 1. agony, death throes
passaporte: 1. passport
passar-se: 1. march off, retreat, withdraw
passar: 1. fare | 2. pass, pass by | 3. go beyond
passarinho: 1. little bird
passar a ferro: 1. iron, iron clothes
passar a limpo: 1. finalize, put in finished form
passar de largo: 1. overtake, pass by
passar em revista: 1. review
passar pó-de-arroz: 1. powder
passar quitação: 1. receipt
passeador: 1. stroller
passear: 1. go for a walk, stroll
passeio: 1. stroll, walk | 2. promenade | 3. pavement, sidewalk
passional: 1. passionate
passo: 1. pace, step, stride
passo em falso: 1. aberration, false step
pasta: 1. dough, paste
pastar: 1. graze
pasta para papéis: 1. briefcase, file
pastel: 1. pate, pie
pastelaria: 1. baked goods
pastor: 1. pastor | 2. shepherd
pastorear: 1. feed
patejar: 1. paddle
patente: 1. evident, obvious
pateta: 1. goose
patife: 1. cheat, crook, rogue
patinar: 1. skate
patinhar: 1. lap, plash, splash
patins: 1. skate
pato: 1. duck
patriarca: 1. patriarch
patriota: 1. patriot
patriotismo: 1. patriotism
patriótico: 1. patriotic
patrocinar: 1. act as patron
patrono: 1. patron | 2. patron
patrulha: 1. patrol
patrulhar: 1. patrol
patrão: 1. boss, master
patuá: 1. amulet, charm, talisman
patíbulo: 1. scaffold
pau: 1. baton, cane, stick | 2. timber, wood | 3. mast | 4. pole, rod
paus: 1. clubs
pausa: 1. break, intermission, pause, recess
pavilhão: 1. banner, flag | 2. pavilion
pavimentar: 1. pave
pavimento: 1. floor, storey, story | 2. pavement | 3. floor
pavio: 1. fuse, wick
pavonear-se: 1. show off, strut around
pavor: 1. alarm, terror
pavão: 1. peacock
paz: 1. peace
país: 1. country, land | 2. realm, state
país em desenvolvimento: 1. developing country
país exterior: 1. foreign country
peanha: 1. supporting base
pecado: 1. sin, transgression
pecar: 1. sin, transgress
pechinchar: 1. bargain, haggle
peculiar: 1. apart, particular, separate, special | 2. own, personal
pecuário: 1. brute, harsh
pedal: 1. pedal
pedalar: 1. pedal
pedaço: 1. bit, lump, piece
pedestre: 1. pedestrian
pedido: 1. order
pedinte: 1. beggar
pedir: 1. book, order, reserve | 2. ask, ask for, beg, bid, request
pedir em casamento: 1. match, match-make
pedir esmolas: 1. beg
pedra-ume: 1. alum
pedra: 1. stone
pegajoso: 1. sticky
pegar: 1. get, lay hold of, pick up, take
pegar com pinça: 1. pinch
pegar de súbito: 1. grasp
pegão: 1. supporting wall
peidar: 1. fart
peido: 1. fart
peito: 1. bosom, breast, chest
peixe: 1. fish
pelar: 1. skin
pela maior parte: 1. for the greater part, for the most part | 2. for the greater part, for the most part
pela manhã: 1. in the morning
pela primeira vez: 1. for the first time
pele: 1. fur, hide, skin | 2. skin | 3. fur, fur coat, fur piece
peleja: 1. action, battle, scuffle, struggle
pelejar: 1. fight, struggle
pelevermelha: 1. Indian, American Indian
peliça: 1. fur, fur coat, fur piece
pelo contrário: 1. on the contrary, otherwise | 2. on the contrary
pelo menos: 1. at least
pelo roubo: 1. stealthily
peludo: 1. hairy, shaggy
película: 1. film, motion picture, movie
pena: 1. annoyance, disappointment, grief
penca: 1. bunch, bundle, cluster, sheaf
pender: 1. droop, hang
pendurar: 1. hook
pendão: 1. flag, standard
peneira: 1. sieve
peneirar: 1. sift
penetrar: 1. get in | 2. penetrate
penico: 1. pot, chamber pot
penosamente: 1. with effort
pensamento: 1. thought
pensar: 1. dress | 2. think | 3. think, think about, reflect on | 4. bandage, wind
pensar maduramente: 1. meditate, think to oneself
pensionista: 1. pensioner, retiree
penso: 1. bandage
pensão: 1. pension, retirement | 2. boarding house, boarding school
pente: 1. comb
penugem: 1. down, fluff
península: 1. peninsula
pepino: 1. cucumber
pequeno: 1. tiny | 2. diminutive, little, small
pequeno almoço: 1. breakfast
perante: 1. before, in front of
percentagem: 1. percent, percentage
percevejo: 1. bug, bedbug
percurso: 1. class, course
percutir: 1. hit, knock, strike
perda: 1. loss | 2. loss
perder-se: 1. be lost, get lost
perder: 1. lose
perder a esperança: 1. despair
perdiz: 1. partridge
perdoar: 1. forgive, pardon
perdoe-me: 1. excuse me
perdão: 1. absolution, pardon
perecer: 1. perish
peregrinar: 1. go on pilgrimage
peregrinação: 1. pilgrimage | 2. pilgrimage
peregrino: 1. pilgrim
pereira: 1. pear-tree
perene: 1. eternal
perfeito: 1. perfect
perfeição: 1. perfection
perfil: 1. profile
perfumar: 1. perfume
perfume: 1. perfume
perfurar: 1. bore, drill
pergunta: 1. question
perguntar: 1. ask
periferia: 1. outskirts, periphery
perigo: 1. danger, peril
perigoso: 1. dangerous
periscópio: 1. periscope
perito: 1. expert, specialist | 2. accomplished, adept, experienced, expert | 3. expert
permanecer: 1. continue, endure, keep on, last | 2. remain, stay, stay over | 3. stand
permanente: 1. constant, continual, permanent, sustained
permissão: 1. permission
permitir: 1. allow, leave, let, release | 2. accord, admit, afford, allow, permit
permutar: 1. interchange, swap
permutação: 1. exchange
perna: 1. arm | 2. leg | 3. leg, paw
perplexidade: 1. abashment, embarrassment, perplexity
perplexo: 1. perplexed, taken aback
perpétuo: 1. eternal | 2. everlasting
perseguir: 1. obsess | 2. chase, persecute, prosecute, pursue
perseverança: 1. perseverance | 2. perseverance
perseverar: 1. abide, persevere, persist
persiana: 1. roller-blind
persistente: 1. persistent
persistir: 1. abide, persevere, persist
personagem: 1. person
personalidade: 1. personality
perspectiva: 1. perspective
persuadir: 1. advise, counsel | 2. convince, persuade | 3. persuade
persuasão: 1. persuasion
pertencer: 1. belong to
perto de: 1. at, beside, by, near, nearby, near to, next to | 2. almost, nearly
perturbar: 1. confuse, puzzle | 2. disquiet, interfere with, perturb
perturbação: 1. confusion | 2. disquiet, disturbance, interference, unrest
peruca: 1. hairpiece, wig
perversa: 1. bitchy, shrewish
perverso: 1. malicious, mischievous, nasty, vicious | 2. perverse
perversão: 1. vice
perímetro: 1. circumference, perimeter
período: 1. period
pesadelar: 1. nightmarish
pesadelo: 1. incubus, nightmare
pesado: 1. burdensome, heavy, onerous | 2. rigourous, stringent
pesar: 1. affliction, ordeal, trial | 2. affliction | 3. regret | 4. weigh | 5. weigh | 6. annoyance, disappointment, grief
pescador: 1. fisherman
pescar: 1. fish
pescoço: 1. neck
peso: 1. weight | 2. weight
peso atômico: 1. atomic weight
pespontar: 1. quilt, stitch
pesquisa: 1. exploration, investigation, research | 2. exploration, investigation, research
pesquisar: 1. examine, explore, investigate, research
pessimismo: 1. pessimism
pessimista: 1. pessimistic | 2. pessimist
pessoa: 1. individual | 2. person
pessoal: 1. personal | 2. personnel | 3. own, personal
pessoa conhecida: 1. acquaintance
pessoa sádica: 1. sadist
pestanejar: 1. blink
peste: 1. pestilence, plague
pestilento: 1. fumy
petição: 1. petition | 2. petition
petróleo: 1. paraffin-oil, petroleum
petróleo bruto: 1. crude oil
peúga: 1. sock
peça: 1. block, pad
peça para teatro: 1. play, theatre play
peçonha: 1. poison
peão: 1. pawn
piada: 1. gag, joke
pianista: 1. pianist
piano: 1. piano
piar: 1. chirp, peep, twitter
pica-pau: 1. woodpecker
picada de vermes: 1. unsound, worm-eaten
picar: 1. chop, cut, hack | 2. pick, stab, sting
picareta: 1. pick-axe
pico: 1. thorn | 2. peak, point, tip, summit
picumã: 1. soot
piedade: 1. compassion, pity
piedoso: 1. pious
pijama: 1. pyjamas
pilha: 1. accumulation, crowd, heap, mass, multitude, pile
pilhagem: 1. booty
pilhar: 1. plunder, rob
pilhéria: 1. sly joke
piloso: 1. hairy, shaggy
pilotar: 1. pilot
piloto: 1. driver
pimenta-do-reino: 1. pepper
pimenta: 1. pepper
pincel: 1. paintbrush
pincelar: 1. paint
pinga: 1. brandy
pingar: 1. drip
pingo: 1. drip, drop
pinheiro: 1. fir | 2. pine, pine-tree
pinheiro brasileiro: 1. araucaria, monkey puzzle
pintar: 1. paint | 2. paint
pintarroxo: 1. robin
pintor: 1. painter
pintura: 1. painting, picture
pio: 1. pious
piolho: 1. louse
pioneiro: 1. pioneer
pipa: 1. barrel
pipilar: 1. chirp, peep, twitter
pipocar: 1. burst
piquenique: 1. picnic
pirata: 1. pirate
pires: 1. saucer
pirâmide: 1. pyramid
pisar: 1. crush, pound | 2. trample on, tread
piscar: 1. blink
piscina: 1. pool, swimming-bath, swimming-pool
pista: 1. track
pistola: 1. pistol, spray gun
pistão: 1. piston
pita: 1. agave
piteira: 1. agave
pitoresco: 1. picturesque
pivô: 1. pivot
placa: 1. board, plank
plaga: 1. region
plaina: 1. plane
planador: 1. glider, sailplane
planalto: 1. plateau
planar: 1. glide, plane
planejar: 1. make a project of, plan
planeta: 1. planet
planetário: 1. planetary
plano: 1. even, flat, level, smooth | 2. smooth | 3. design, diagram, plan, plane | 4. flat | 5. plan, project, scheme
planta: 1. sole | 2. design, diagram, plan, plane | 3. plant
plantar: 1. plant | 2. sow
plantio: 1. plantation
planície: 1. plain
plasma: 1. plasma
plasmar: 1. model, mold, mould
plataforma: 1. platform, quay, wharf | 2. platform | 3. terrace
platéia: 1. parterre
pleitear: 1. plea, plead
pleito: 1. action, lawsuit
pleno: 1. complete, full
pluma: 1. feather
plástico: 1. plastic | 2. plastic
plúmbeo: 1. lead
pneumonia: 1. pneumonia
pneumático: 1. tyre
pobre: 1. miserable, poor
pobreza: 1. poverty
podar: 1. clip, cut, shear
poder: 1. be able to | 2. ability
poderoso: 1. powerful
podre: 1. addled, bad, rotten
poeira: 1. dust
poema: 1. poem
poesia: 1. poetry
poeta: 1. poet
pois bem: 1. now, well, well then
pois que: 1. as, because, for, since
polaco: 1. Polish | 2. Pole
polar: 1. polar
polca: 1. polka
polegada: 1. inch
polegar: 1. thumb | 2. thumb
polemizar: 1. engage in a controversy
polia: 1. pulley
policial: 1. policeman
policiar: 1. civilize
polido: 1. smooth | 2. courteous, polite, well-mannered
polir: 1. file | 2. smooth, make smooth | 3. polish
polonês: 1. Polish | 2. Pole
poltrona: 1. armchair | 2. armchair
polvo: 1. octopus
polícia: 1. policeman | 2. policeman | 3. police
política: 1. policy, politics
político: 1. political
polêmica: 1. controversy
pomar: 1. orchard
pombo: 1. dove, pigeon
pompa: 1. pomp, splender
pomposo: 1. formal, measured, stiff
ponche: 1. punch
pongo: 1. chimpanzee
ponta: 1. end, tip | 2. peak, point, tip, summit
ponte: 1. bridge
pontiagudo: 1. acute
pontilhar: 1. punctuate
ponto: 1. stitch | 2. dot, period, point, spot | 3. character, mark, sign, signal, token | 4. prompter
ponto de exclamação: 1. exclamation mark
ponto de interrogação: 1. question mark
ponto de mira: 1. aim, goal, purpose, target
ponto de vista: 1. viewpoint
ponto de ônibus: 1. bus stop | 2. bus stop, busstop
pontual: 1. accurate, on time, prompt, punctual
pontualmente: 1. exactly, sharp
pontuar: 1. punctuate
pontuação: 1. interpunction, punctuation
pontudo: 1. pointed, spiked
popa: 1. poop, poopdeck, stern | 2. poop, poopdeck, stern
popular: 1. popular
população: 1. population
por: 1. instead of | 2. by | 3. by, by means of, on, through, with | 4. through
porca: 1. nut | 2. nut
porco-montês: 1. wild boar
porco: 1. hog, pig, swine
porfiar: 1. argue, dispute | 2. quarrel, wrangle
pormenorizado: 1. detailed
pornografia: 1. pornography | 2. pornography
pornográfico: 1. pornographic
porque: 1. because, for the reason that | 2. as, because, for, since
porta-seios: 1. bra
porta: 1. exit, way out | 2. door
portanto: 1. on that account, therefore
porte: 1. postage
porteiro: 1. porter | 2. porter
porto: 1. harbor, harbour, port
português: 1. Portuguese
portão: 1. gate | 2. gate, gateway, portal
porém: 1. but | 2. but, however, nevertheless, yet
porção: 1. share
por acaso: 1. by accident, by chance
por acinte: 1. defiantly, despite, in spite of
por assim dizer: 1. so to speak
por atacado: 1. wholesale
por baixo de: 1. below, beneath, under, underneath
por conseguinte: 1. accordingly, consequently, so, subsequently, thus
por desafio: 1. defiantly, despite, in spite of
por diante de: 1. beyond, by, past, straight past
por em prática: 1. apply, practice
por entre: 1. through
por este motivo: 1. on that account, therefore
por exemplo: 1. for example, for instance
por favor: 1. please
por fim: 1. at last, finally, ultimately
por intermédio de: 1. by, by means of, on, through, with
por isso: 1. on that account, therefore
por isso que: 1. because, for the reason that
por meio de: 1. by, by means of, on, through, with
por nenhuma razão: 1. for no reason
por nenhum motivo: 1. for no reason
por outro lado: 1. on the other hand
por pouco: 1. almost, nearly
por todas as formas: 1. in every way
por todos os motivos: 1. for every reason
por trás de: 1. after, behind
por ventura: 1. maybe, mayhap, perchance, perhaps, possibly
por vezes: 1. several times, sometimes
porão: 1. hold
posar: 1. pose
pose: 1. aplomb, self-assurance | 2. pose
positivo: 1. positive
posição: 1. design, diagram, plan, plane | 2. position | 3. circumstances, condition, situation
possessão: 1. possession, property | 2. possession
possibilidade: 1. possibility | 2. possibility
possivelmente: 1. maybe, mayhap, perchance, perhaps, possibly
possuir: 1. be master over, dominate | 2. own, possess
possível: 1. possible
poste: 1. pole, post, stanchion, stake
posto: 1. post | 2. grade, rank, rate
posto que: 1. though, although
postular: 1. demand, postulate, require
postura: 1. attitude
pote: 1. jug, pot
potente: 1. powerful
potência: 1. power
pouco a pouco: 1. gradually, little by little
pouco frequente: 1. rare, precious
pouco freqüente: 1. rare, precious
poupar: 1. avoid, evade | 2. be lenient with, indulge, spare | 3. keep, save, rescue | 4. save, spare
povo: 1. folk, nation, people
povoado: 1. village
poético: 1. poetic
poço: 1. well | 2. shaft
practicar: 1. practice, practise
prado: 1. meadow
praga: 1. calamity, scourge
pragmática: 1. etiquette
praguejar: 1. blaspheme, cuss, curse, swear | 2. curse, cuss, swear
praia: 1. beach
prancha: 1. board, plank
prata: 1. silver
prateado: 1. silver
prateleira: 1. shelf
praticar: 1. practice, practise | 2. exert, practice
praticar sodomia: 1. bugger, sodomize
prato: 1. pottery | 2. plate
prato de sobremesa: 1. saucer, small plate
prato pequeno: 1. saucer, small plate
prazer: 1. fun, pleasure
prazeroso: 1. agreeable, pleasant | 2. pleasurable
praça: 1. auction | 2. stock exchange | 3. plaza, square, public square | 4. pawn, soldier
prece: 1. prayer
precedente: 1. former, last, previous, prior
preceder: 1. precede
preceito: 1. regulation, rule
preceptor: 1. tutor
precioso: 1. rare, precious
precipitadamente: 1. hastily, hurriedly, in a hurry
precipício: 1. abyss, chasm, gulf, precipice
precisamente: 1. exactly, sharp
precisar: 1. need, require
preciso: 1. necessary | 2. accurate, precise | 3. correct, exact, proper, right
precisão: 1. need, want | 2. accuracy, exactness, precision
precoce: 1. early
preconceito: 1. prejudice
precursor: 1. pioneer
predicado: 1. property, quality
predizer: 1. forecast, foretell, prophesy
preencher: 1. occupy, take
prefeito: 1. mayor
prefeitura: 1. city hall, town hall
preferir: 1. prefer
prefixo: 1. prefix
prefácio: 1. foreword
prega: 1. fold
pregador sagrado: 1. preacher
pregar: 1. nail | 2. preach
pregar cartazes: 1. placard, post, post up
pregação: 1. sermon
prego: 1. nail
pregoeiro: 1. herald
preguiça: 1. ai, sloth | 2. sloth
preguiçoso: 1. lazy | 2. slothful
preito: 1. homage
prejudicar: 1. bar, hinder, inhibit, prevent | 2. harm
prejuízo: 1. prejudice
preleção: 1. lecture | 2. lecture
prelo: 1. press
prematuro: 1. early
premear: 1. high tide
premiar: 1. award a prize | 2. compensate, reward
prender: 1. arrest
preocupar-se: 1. care, see, take care, worry
preocupação: 1. care, concern
preparar-se: 1. get ready
preparar: 1. arrange, fix up | 2. mobilize | 3. prepare | 4. finish, prepare | 5. study
preparativo: 1. preliminary, preparatory, prior
preparatório: 1. preliminary, preparatory, prior
preparação: 1. preparation
preparo: 1. preparation
preposição: 1. preposition
presa: 1. accession, acquisition, gain | 2. booty
prescrever: 1. command, order, tell
prescrição: 1. command, order | 2. prescription, recipe
presenciar: 1. see
presente: 1. gift, present | 2. current, present | 3. present
presentear: 1. donate, give
presentemente: 1. currently, nowadays, these days
preservativo: 1. conservative | 2. conservative | 3. conservative
presidente: 1. chairman, president
presidir: 1. preside
preso: 1. arrested person, prisoner
pressa: 1. haste
pressagiar: 1. forecast, foretell, prophesy | 2. forecast
presságio: 1. indication, omen, presage, portent, sign
prestar-se: 1. fit, suit, be suitable
prestar a atenção: 1. advert, pay attention, pay attention to, watch out for
prestar juramento: 1. swear
prestar serviço: 1. serve
prestes: 1. finished, ready, through
prestidigitador: 1. juggler
prestidigitar: 1. juggle
prestigioso: 1. glamourous, prestigious
prestígio: 1. glamor, glamour, prestige
presumir: 1. avoid, evade
presunto: 1. ham
pretender: 1. aspire, aspire to, hope for | 2. desire, wish | 3. intend, mean | 4. claim, presume
pretensão: 1. ambition, aspiration | 2. desire, want, wish | 3. claim, presumption, pretence
preterir: 1. leave out, omit, overlook
pretextar: 1. give as an excuse, pretend
pretexto: 1. pretext
preto: 1. black
prevalecer: 1. overpower, prevail over
prevenir: 1. caution, warn | 2. avoid, evade
prever: 1. foresee
prezar: 1. esteem, think well of | 2. appreciate, like
preço: 1. cost | 2. price
prima: 1. cousin
primavera: 1. primrose | 2. spring, springtime
primeiramente: 1. first, firstly, first of all
primeiro: 1. first
primeiro almoço: 1. breakfast
primeiro ministro: 1. premier, prime minister
primeiro plano: 1. antecedent | 2. fore
primitivo: 1. primitive
primo: 1. cousin
princesa: 1. princess
principal: 1. firm in one’s principle, firm in one’s principles | 2. chief, main, major, principal | 3. chief, boss
principalmente: 1. above all, especially, chiefly, mainly, principally | 2. chiefly
princípio: 1. beginning, commencement, start | 2. beginning, commencement, start | 3. principle
prisioneiro: 1. prisoner
prisma: 1. prism
prisão: 1. apprehension, arrest, detention | 2. apprehension, arrest, detention | 3. jail, gaol, prison | 4. jail, gaol, prison | 5. jail, gaol, prison
prisão de ventre: 1. constipation
privada: 1. latrine | 2. toilet
privado: 1. close, intimate | 2. private
privilegiado: 1. privileged
privilégio: 1. privilege
proa: 1. bow, prow
problema: 1. problem, trouble
proceder: 1. act, take action | 2. behave, conduct oneself | 3. act, proceed | 4. procedure, process
proceder com hipocrisia: 1. dissemble
procedimento: 1. behavior, behaviour, conduct, deportment | 2. procedure, process
procedência: 1. origin
processar: 1. go to court, litigate, sue
processo: 1. procedure, process | 2. action, lawsuit | 3. process
procissão: 1. procession
proclamar: 1. issue, proclaim
proclamação: 1. proclamation | 2. proclamation | 3. proclamation
procrastinar: 1. adjourn, delay, postpone
procriar: 1. beget, generate
procurador: 1. public prosecutor
procurador público: 1. public prosecutor
procurar: 1. look for, seek
produto: 1. product
produzir-se: 1. arise
produzir-se por intermitências: 1. occur intermittently
produzir: 1. activate, cause, give rise to
produzir efeito: 1. act, be effective, have effect
produzir em grande quantidade: 1. mass produce
produção: 1. production | 2. product
prodígio: 1. miracle
profanar: 1. defile, profane
profecia: 1. indication, omen, presage, portent, sign | 2. prophecy
proferir: 1. say, tell | 2. issue, publish | 3. pronounce
professar: 1. acknowledge, admit, confess, profess
professor: 1. instructor, teacher | 2. lector, lecturer | 3. professor
professor universitário: 1. lector, lecturer
profeta: 1. fortune teller | 2. prophet
profetizar: 1. forecast, foretell, prophesy | 2. forecast, foretell, prophesy
profissional: 1. professional
profissão: 1. career | 2. handicraft, occupation, trade | 3. profession
profundeza: 1. depth
profundidade: 1. depth | 2. depth
profundo: 1. deep, profound
profícuo: 1. advantageous, useful
prognose: 1. forecast, prognosis
prognosticar: 1. forecast
prognóstico: 1. forecast, prognosis
programa de tradução: 1. assembler
progredir: 1. advance, go forward | 2. advance, progress
progresso: 1. advance, advancement, progress
projectar: 1. make a project of, plan
projecto: 1. plan, project, scheme
projector: 1. projector
projetar: 1. plan | 2. make a project of, plan
projeto: 1. design, diagram, plan, plane | 2. plan, project, scheme
projetor: 1. projector | 2. headlight
projéctil: 1. bullet
proletariado: 1. proletariat, the proletariat
proletário: 1. proletarian
prolongar-se: 1. continue, endure, keep on, last
prolóquio: 1. aphorism
promessa: 1. affirmation, promise | 2. vow
prometer: 1. promise
prometer por meio de voto: 1. vow
promover: 1. advance, promote
promoção: 1. promotion
prontificar-se: 1. get ready
pronto: 1. finished, ready, through
pronunciar: 1. pronounce | 2. pronounce
pronúncia: 1. pronunciation
propaganda: 1. propaganda, publicity
proporcionado: 1. compatible, congruent
proporcional: 1. proportional
proporção: 1. proportion, rate
proposição: 1. sentence
propriedade: 1. estate, farm, property, ranch | 2. property, quality | 3. possession, property | 4. possession | 5. property
proprietário: 1. owner
propício: 1. advantageous, favourable | 2. convenient, handy, opportune
prorromper: 1. explode
prosa: 1. prose
proscrito: 1. exile
prospecto: 1. prospectus
prosperar: 1. be succesful, prosper
prosperidade: 1. prosperity, success
prosseguimento: 1. continuation
prosseguir: 1. continue, go on, proceed with
prostituir: 1. prostitute
prostituta: 1. prostitute | 2. hooker, whore
protecionista: 1. protectionist
protector: 1. patron
protecção: 1. protection, shield
proteger: 1. defend | 2. act as patron | 3. protect | 4. shelter, protect
protegido: 1. protégé
protelação: 1. adjournment, delay
protestante: 1. Protestant
protestar: 1. protest
protesto: 1. protest
protetor: 1. patron
proteína: 1. protein
protocolo: 1. minutes, protocol
protótipo: 1. prototype | 2. prototype
prova: 1. investigation, examination, test | 2. taste, sense of taste | 3. proof, sign, token
provar: 1. attest, bear witness of, testify | 2. taste | 3. attempt, test, try | 4. prove
provavelmente: 1. probably | 2. probably
prova gráfica: 1. proof | 2. proof
proveito: 1. gain, profit
provento: 1. income, return
prover: 1. provide, supply
prover de armas: 1. arm
provir: 1. accrue, come, derive, originate, result | 2. originate
provisoriamente: 1. for the time being, temporarily
provisório: 1. provisional, temporary
provisão: 1. supply | 2. stock
provocar: 1. challenge, defy | 2. develop | 3. abet, excite, incite, provoke, rouse, stimulate, stir up | 4. cause, cause to take place | 5. defy, incite, provoke
provocação: 1. challenge
provável: 1. likely, probable
provérbio: 1. adage, proverb
província: 1. province | 2. province
pro causa de: 1. because of, for, for sake of, on account of, owing to, through
prudente: 1. prudent, reasonable, sensible | 2. sagacious, sage, wise | 3. careful, cautious
prurir: 1. itch
pruzir: 1. develop
prática: 1. practice
prático: 1. practical
prédica: 1. sermon
prémio: 1. premium, prize
prímula: 1. primrose
príncipe: 1. prince
prólogo: 1. prologue
próprio: 1. decent, fitting, proper, suitable | 2. self, herself, himself, itself | 3. own, personal | 4. particular, special
próspero: 1. in good condition
próton: 1. proton
próximo: 1. adjacent | 2. speedy | 3. adjacent, nearby, neighbouring | 4. close, near, nearby, next
próximo a: 1. at, beside, by, near, nearby, near to, next to
prêmio: 1. premium, prize
pseudônimo: 1. pseudonym
psicologia: 1. psychology
psicólogo: 1. psychologist
psiquiatra: 1. psychiatrist
psiquiatria: 1. psychiatry
psiu: 1. hey, say
psíquico: 1. psychic
publicar-se: 1. appear, emerge, perform
publicar: 1. issue, publish | 2. publish, reveal
publicidade: 1. ad, advert, advertisement
pudico: 1. chaste
pudicícia: 1. chastity, purity
pudim: 1. pudding
pudor: 1. chaste behaviour, modesty
pueril: 1. childish | 2. childish
pugilista: 1. boxer
pugna: 1. action, battle, scuffle, struggle
pugnar: 1. struggle, wrestle
pugnar por: 1. defend
puir: 1. use up, wear out
pular: 1. jump, leap, spring
pular corda: 1. skip rope
pulcro: 1. beautiful, fine, handsome, lovely
pulga: 1. flea
pulmonária: 1. lungwort, pulmonaria
pulmão: 1. lung
pulo: 1. jump, leap
pulsar: 1. pulsate, throb
pulseira: 1. bracelet
pulso: 1. wrist | 2. wrist | 3. pulse
pulular: 1. abound, swarm
pulverizar: 1. pulverize
pulvéreo: 1. powdery
pulôver: 1. pullover sweater
pundonor: 1. dignity
punhado: 1. handful
punhal: 1. dagger
punho: 1. fist
punir: 1. punish
punição: 1. punishment
pureza: 1. cleanliness, purity | 2. chastity, purity
purgatório: 1. purgatory
purificar: 1. clean, cleanse, make clean, purge
puritano: 1. puritan | 2. puritan
puro: 1. pure | 2. clean | 3. chaste
purpúreo: 1. purple
purê: 1. gruel, mess, mush
pus: 1. pus
puta: 1. hooker, whore
puxar: 1. drag, draw, haul, pull, tug | 2. drag, tow
pá: 1. spade | 2. blade, paddle | 3. shovel | 4. spade
página: 1. page
pálido: 1. pale, sallow
pálio: 1. baldachin, canopy
pálpebra: 1. eyelid
páprica: 1. paprika
pára-choque: 1. buffer, bumper
pára-quedas: 1. parachute
páramo: 1. desert | 2. moor, steppe
pároco: 1. pastor, vicar | 2. pastor, vicar
pássaro: 1. bird | 2. sparrow
pátio: 1. court, yard, courtyard
pátria: 1. fatherland
pé-de-leão: 1. lady’s mantle
pé-del-leão: 1. lady’s mantle
pé: 1. foot
pélago: 1. abyss, chasm, gulf, precipice
pérfido: 1. treacherous
pérola: 1. pearl
pétala: 1. petal
pílula: 1. pill
pó-de-arroz: 1. powder, cosmetic powder
pó: 1. dust | 2. powder, cosmetic powder | 3. powder
pódio: 1. platform, stage | 2. platform, podium | 3. rostrum, speaker’s platform
pólo: 1. pole
pólvora: 1. gunpowder
pórtico: 1. porch
público: 1. public | 2. public
pútrido: 1. addled, bad, rotten
pânico: 1. panic
pântano: 1. marsh, swamp
pêlo: 1. hair | 2. down, fluff
pêndulo: 1. clock, watch
pênis: 1. cock, prick | 2. penis
pêra: 1. pear
pêsames: 1. condolences
pêssego: 1. peach
pôquer: 1. poker
pôr-se a caminho: 1. start out
pôr-se em marcha: 1. start out | 2. start off
pôr: 1. lay down, place, put, put down
pôr carga em: 1. burden, load
pôr de acordo: 1. bring into agreement
pôr do sol: 1. sunset
pôr em perigo: 1. endanger
pôr em vista: 1. see
pôr freio em: 1. bridle, check, restrain
pôr goma: 1. erase
pôr no lugar de: 1. replace, substitute
pão: 1. bread, loaf
pãozinho: 1. roll
pão ázimo: 1. matzo, unleavened bread
quacre: 1. Quaker | 2. Quaker
quadra: 1. bed | 2. age, epoch, era
quadrado: 1. square
quadril: 1. hip
quadrilha: 1. band, bevy, gang
quadro: 1. image, picture | 2. cadre, frame, framework | 3. scene | 4. index, table, tablet, tabulation
quadrângulo: 1. quadrangle
qualidade: 1. property, quality | 2. property, quality | 3. kind, sort
qualquer: 1. some kind of
qualquer coisa: 1. whatever
qual … tal: 1. as … as, so … as
quantia: 1. amount, sum
quantidade: 1. quantity | 2. share
quantos: 1. how many, what number
quanto … tanto: 1. the … the
quanto a: 1. about, concerning, on, upon
quarenta: 1. forty
quarta-feira: 1. Wednesday
quarta-feira de cinzas: 1. Ash Wednesday
quartel: 1. barracks | 2. barracks
quarto: 1. fourth | 2. fourth | 3. chamber, room
quarto da dormir: 1. bedroom
quarto de banho: 1. bathroom
quarto de hora: 1. quarter of an hour
quarto sem janela: 1. dark-room, small room
quase: 1. almost, nearly
quase impalpável: 1. subtle
quase não: 1. barely, hardly, only just, scarcely
quatorze: 1. fourteen
quatro: 1. four
que: 1. that | 2. than
quebra: 1. bankruptcy, failure
quebradiço: 1. breakable, brittle, fragile
quebrar: 1. be bankrupt, go broke | 2. crush, shatter, smash | 3. break
queijo: 1. cheese
queimar-se: 1. glow, glow with heat | 2. burn
queimar: 1. burn | 2. burn
queixa: 1. complaint
queixada: 1. jaw, jawbone
queixar-se: 1. lament, wail | 2. complain
queixo: 1. chin
quem quer que seja: 1. any, whichever, whoever
quente: 1. warm
querelar: 1. quarrel, wrangle
querer: 1. desire, wish | 2. be willing to, want, wish
querer dizer: 1. imply, mean, signify
querer mal: 1. despise
querido: 1. dear, lovely
querosene: 1. kerosene
quer que: 1. at all, -ever
questionar: 1. ask
questão: 1. affair, business, business deal, case, matter
quezília: 1. aversion, dislike
que ama: 1. affectionate, loving
que causa vertigem: 1. dizzy
que horas são?: 1. what time is it?
que merece dúvidas: 1. doubtful
que não tem razão: 1. wrong
que oferece várias aspectos: 1. diverse, varied, various
que tem a cor da laranja: 1. orange
que tem gosto por viagens: 1. inclined to travel
que tem razão: 1. right, true
que tem valor: 1. valuable
que virá: 1. next
quieto: 1. calm, quiet
quietude: 1. calm, quiet, silence
quilha: 1. keel
quilômetro: 1. kilometre
quimera: 1. chimera
quimérico: 1. chimerical
quinhão: 1. part, Parthian, share
quinta-feira: 1. Thursday
quintal: 1. court, yard, courtyard
quinto: 1. fifth | 2. fifth
quinze: 1. fifteen
quitação: 1. receipt
quite: 1. even, paid up, paid-up
quotidiano: 1. daily
quím: 1. brass
química: 1. chemistry | 2. chemistry
químico: 1. chemist | 2. chemist
rabi: 1. rabbi
rabino: 1. rabbi
rabo: 1. tail
rabugento: 1. brutal, gruff, harsh, rough, sour, surly, unkind, unpleasant
racha: 1. crack, crevice | 2. crack, crevice
rachar-se: 1. burst
rachar: 1. split | 2. chop, cut, hack | 3. splinter, split
racional: 1. rational
racismo: 1. racism
radar: 1. radar
radiar: 1. radiate
radical: 1. radical
radicalista: 1. radical
radiofonia: 1. wireless telegraph
ragu: 1. ragout, stew
raia: 1. boundary, frontier, limit | 2. skate, stingray
rainha: 1. queen
raio: 1. lightning | 2. beam, ray | 3. radius
raios-X: 1. X-rays
raio de sol: 1. sunbeam
raiva: 1. rabies
raivoso: 1. furious | 2. mad, rabid
raiz: 1. root
ralar: 1. grate, rasp
ralo: 1. airy
ramalhete: 1. bouquet
rambotã: 1. rambutan
ramerrão: 1. routine
ramo: 1. bough, branch | 2. bouquet | 3. line
rampa: 1. acclivity, hillside, slope
rand: 1. rand
ranger: 1. creak, gnash, grate, grind
rapar: 1. grate, rasp | 2. scrape, scratch
rapariga: 1. girl, lass, wench
rapaz: 1. boy, lad, laddie
rapazola de má conduta: 1. naughty boy, pickle
rapidez: 1. speed | 2. speed
rapina: 1. booty
raposa: 1. fox
rapsódia: 1. rapsody
raquete: 1. rocket
raramente: 1. seldom
raro: 1. in short supply, scanty, scarce | 2. airy | 3. rare | 4. sporadic
rascunhar: 1. plan, sketch
rascunho: 1. draft, rough draft
rasgar: 1. break | 2. rip, tear
raso: 1. even, flat, level, smooth
raspar: 1. grate, rasp | 2. shave | 3. scrape, scratch
rastejar: 1. crawl, creep
rastelo: 1. rake
ratazana: 1. rat
ratificar: 1. acknowledge, confirm, corroborate
rato: 1. mouse | 2. rat
razão: 1. account, motive, reason | 2. reason, logical reasoning
raça: 1. clan, ethnic group, race, tribe | 2. breed, race
re-: 1. re-
reacionário: 1. reactionary
reagir: 1. react, respond
real: 1. actual, real | 2. actual, factual, real | 3. positive | 4. actual, practical, real | 5. regal, royal
realista: 1. realist
realizar-se: 1. come true
realizar: 1. accomplish, achieve, act out | 2. produce
reavivar: 1. rouse, stimulate, stir up
reação: 1. reaction
rebaixar: 1. degrade
rebanho: 1. livestock | 2. flock, herd
rebate: 1. alarm
rebater: 1. reduce the price
rebelar-se: 1. rebel, revolt
rebelde: 1. insubordinate, rebellious
rebelião: 1. mutiny, rebellion, revolt
rebentar: 1. bud
rebento: 1. bud
rebitar: 1. rivet
rebite: 1. rivet
rebocador: 1. tug, tugboat
rebocar: 1. anoint, smear, spread
reboco: 1. ointment
rebolar: 1. roll
recair: 1. lapse
recamar: 1. embroider
recatado: 1. modest
recatado em excesso: 1. prudish
recear: 1. be afraid of, fear
receber: 1. accept, receive, take, take in | 2. get, have, receive
receio: 1. fear
receita: 1. prescription, recipe
receito: 1. income | 2. income
recente: 1. fresh, recent
recentemente: 1. recently | 2. recently | 3. lately, recently
receptor: 1. earphone
rechaçar: 1. chase away, drive away, expel
rechear: 1. stuff | 2. garnish, fit out, trim
recheio: 1. stuffing
recibo: 1. receipt | 2. acknowledgement, receipt
recinto: 1. place
recipiente: 1. vase, vessel
reciprocar: 1. reciprocate
recitar: 1. declaim, recite
recive: 1. reef
reclamar: 1. demand, postulate, require
reclamo: 1. ad, advert, advertisement
reclinar: 1. lean, support, sustain
recolher à garagem: 1. dock, put away
recomendar: 1. commend, recommend
recompensa: 1. premium, prize | 2. compensation, reward
recompensar: 1. compensate, reward
reconhecer: 1. acknowledge, recognize | 2. acknowledge, admit, confess, profess | 3. ascertain, establish, take note
reconhecido: 1. thankful | 2. thankful
recordar-se: 1. recall, recollect, remember
recordar: 1. repeat
recorde: 1. record
recorrer: 1. appeal
recorte: 1. outline, silhouette
recrear: 1. amuse
recreativo: 1. amusing, entertaining, funny
recreio: 1. amusement, fun
recruta: 1. recruit | 2. recruit
recrutar: 1. recruit | 2. recruit
recto: 1. right-angle, square
recurso: 1. means, remedy, resources
recusa: 1. refusal
recusar: 1. reject | 2. refuse, reject
recém-casada: 1. bride
recém-casado: 1. bridegroom
recíproco: 1. mutual, reciprocal
redator: 1. editor | 2. editor
redação: 1. editorial office
rede: 1. net, network
redegir: 1. edit
redil: 1. stable, stall, sty
redingote: 1. frock coat
redondo: 1. round
redundar: 1. result
reduzir: 1. reduce
reduzir a cinzas: 1. incinerate
reduzir a fio: 1. spin
reelger: 1. re-elect
refeitório: 1. dining-room
refeição: 1. meal
referir-se: 1. concern, relate
referir: 1. give an account, report
referência: 1. mention | 2. reference
referências: 1. reference
refinar: 1. refine
refinaria: 1. refinery
refletir: 1. account, consider, esteem, regard, take into account | 2. think, think about, reflect on | 3. reflect
refletir muito: 1. meditate, think to oneself
refletor: 1. headlight
reformado: 1. retired person
reformar-se: 1. retire
reformar: 1. reform
refrescar: 1. refresh
refrigerar: 1. refrigerate
refugiado: 1. refugee
refugiar-se: 1. take refuge
refutar: 1. refute
refém: 1. hostage
refúgio: 1. place of refuge, shelter
regalar: 1. entertain, treat
regalo: 1. treat
regar: 1. sprinkle, water
regatear: 1. bargain, haggle
regente: 1. director, manager
reger: 1. administer, manage | 2. be master over, dominate | 3. control, govern, restrain, rule
regime: 1. régime
regimento: 1. regiment | 2. by-laws, statute, regulations
regional: 1. regional
registrar: 1. record, register | 2. register
registro: 1. account book, record, register
registro bibliográfico: 1. review
região: 1. region
rego: 1. furrow, wrinkle
regozijar-se: 1. be glad, enjoy, rejoice
regra: 1. regulation, rule
regressar: 1. go back, return | 2. come back, return
regulamentar: 1. even, regular
regulamento: 1. regulations, rules | 2. by-laws, statute, regulations
regular: 1. normal | 2. even, regular
regularizar: 1. regulate
regularmente: 1. regularly
rei: 1. king
reino: 1. realm, state | 2. kingdom
reiterar: 1. repeat
reitor: 1. rector
rejeitar: 1. reject
relatar: 1. mention | 2. give an account, report
relativamente a: 1. according as, according to, as, by | 2. toward, towards, with reference to
relativo: 1. relative
relativo ao Apocalipse: 1. apocalyptic
relativo ao abdome: 1. abdominal
relativo ao país mesmo: 1. aboriginal, domestic
relativo ao ânus: 1. anal
relato: 1. mention | 2. account, record, report
relaxar-se: 1. relax
relação analógica: 1. analogy
relho: 1. whip
religioso: 1. pious | 2. religious
religião: 1. religion
relinchar: 1. whinny
relojeiro: 1. watchmaker
relutar: 1. resist, withstand
relva: 1. lawn
relógio: 1. watch, wrist-watch | 2. watch | 3. clock, watch
relógio de pulso: 1. watch, wrist-watch
relâmpago: 1. lightning
remar: 1. row
remendar: 1. mend, patch, patch up
remendo: 1. patch
remetente: 1. sender | 2. sender
remeter: 1. send, transmit
remir: 1. ransom, redeem
remo: 1. oar
remover: 1. shovel
remunerar: 1. compensate, reward
remuneração: 1. compensation, reward
remédio: 1. drug, medicine, pharmaceutical
renda: 1. lace | 2. income, return | 3. interest
rendado à jour: 1. open-work
renda de capital: 1. interest
render graças a: 1. thank
rendez-vous: 1. appointment, date, rendezvous
rendição: 1. capitulate, surrender
renome: 1. fame, hearsay, renown, repute, rumor, rumour | 2. fame, renown | 3. reputation
renovar: 1. bud | 2. renew
renovo: 1. bud
renunciar: 1. abjure, abnegate | 2. abandon, give up, resign, renounce
reparar: 1. fix, repair
reparo: 1. notice, observation
repartir: 1. divide, separate, share | 2. allot
repartição: 1. bureau, office
repelir: 1. repulse
repentino: 1. abrupt, sudden
repertório: 1. repertoire
repetir: 1. repeat | 2. repeat
replicar: 1. repeat
reportar-se: 1. allude, hint
reposteiro: 1. curtain
repousar: 1. repose, rest
repouso: 1. repose, rest
repreender: 1. admonish, scold | 2. blame, rebuke, reproach, reprove, scold
repreensível: 1. reprehensible
repreensão: 1. admonition, exhortation
represar: 1. dam up, form an embankment
representante: 1. agent, representative
representar: 1. appear, look | 2. depict, represent | 3. play | 4. act for, represent
representação: 1. acting
reprimir: 1. halt, stop
reprovar: 1. condemn, disapprove, disapprove of, rebuke
reprovação: 1. censure, condemnation, disapprobation, disapproval
reprovável: 1. blameworthy, censurable, condemnable, objectionable
reptar: 1. defy, incite, provoke
republicano: 1. republican
repugnante: 1. abhorrent, abominable, alien, awful, hideous, horrible, gruesome
repugnância: 1. aversion, dislike
repulsão: 1. abhorrence, abomination, horror
reputação: 1. reputation
república: 1. republic
requerimento: 1. petition | 2. petition
requisitar: 1. exact, requisition, seize
reservado: 1. apart, particular, separate, special
reservar: 1. destine, earmark, ordain | 2. book, order, reserve | 3. reserve
resfriado: 1. cold | 2. cold
resgatar: 1. ransom, redeem
resguardar: 1. defend | 2. shelter, protect
resignar: 1. abandon, give up, resign, renounce
resistente: 1. adamant
resistir: 1. confront | 2. resist, withstand
resmungar: 1. growl, grumble | 2. murmur, mutter
resoluto: 1. decisive | 2. energetic
resolução: 1. motion, resolution
resolver: 1. decide
respectivo: 1. concerned, in question | 2. respective
respeitar: 1. respect
respeito: 1. respect
respeitável: 1. respectable
respirar: 1. breathe
respiração: 1. respiration
responder: 1. answer, reply, respond
responder que sim: 1. affirm, assent, say yes
responsabilidade: 1. responsibility
resposta: 1. answer, reply
ressoar: 1. echo
ressonar: 1. snore
restante: 1. additional, remaining, rest of | 2. remainder
restar: 1. remain, stay, stay over
restaurante: 1. restaurant
restaurar: 1. fix, repair
restituir: 1. give back, return
restringir: 1. abridge, confine, limit, restrict
resultado: 1. effect | 2. conclusion, effect, result | 3. result
resultar: 1. result
resultar em: 1. bring about
resumir: 1. abstract, summarize
resumo: 1. abridgement, abstract, resumé, summery
retalhista: 1. retailer
reter: 1. abstract, restrain | 2. detain, hold back, retain
retesar: 1. strech, wind up
retificar: 1. correct
retinir: 1. jingle, tinkle
retirar-se: 1. absent onself, depart, go away, leave
reto: 1. fair, just, righteous | 2. right-angle, square | 3. direct, straight
retorcer: 1. dishevel, tousle | 2. contort, twist
retrato: 1. portrait
retrete: 1. toilet
retribuir: 1. give back, return
retórica: 1. oratory, rhetoric
reumatismo: 1. rheumatism
reunir-se: 1. form a group | 2. associate, come together, join, pool | 3. assemble, congregate, gather, meet
reunir-se em congresso: 1. attend a congress
reunir: 1. join, unite
reunião: 1. bevy, collection, group, heap, herd, set | 2. assemblage, gathering, meeting
revelar: 1. reveal | 2. discover, uncover | 3. develop, reveal
rever: 1. see again
reverberar: 1. reflect
reverenciar: 1. adore, worship | 2. bow, curtsy
reverência: 1. bow, curtsy, obeisance
revestir: 1. drape | 2. garnish, fit out, trim | 3. cover | 4. clothe, dress
revirar: 1. overthrow, turn, turn over, upset
revisor: 1. checker, controller
revista: 1. magazine | 2. periodical | 3. magazine, periodical, revue
revistar: 1. examine
revogar: 1. abjure, abolish, abrogate, annul, cancel, remit
revolta: 1. mutiny, rebellion, revolt
revolucionário: 1. revolutionary
revolução: 1. revolution
revolver: 1. dig, grub, spade | 2. dishevel, tousle
revólver: 1. revolver
rezar: 1. pray
riacho: 1. stream
ribeiro: 1. stream
ribombar: 1. thunder
ribombo: 1. thunder
rico: 1. affluent, rich, wealthy, well-off
ridículo: 1. ridiculous
rifa: 1. lottery, raffle
rigor: 1. rigor, rigour
rigoroso: 1. exact | 2. rigourous, stringent | 3. severe, strict
rijo: 1. firm, robust, sturdy
rilhar: 1. bite
rim: 1. kidney
rima: 1. rhyme
rimar: 1. rhyme | 2. rhyme
rinchar: 1. whinny
rio: 1. river
ripa: 1. lath, slat
riqueza: 1. abundance, affluence, wealth
rir-se: 1. laugh
rir: 1. laugh
risca: 1. streak, stroke
riscar: 1. draw, make a stroke
risco: 1. danger, peril | 2. hazard, risk | 3. streak, stroke
riso: 1. laughter | 2. laugh
risível: 1. ridiculous
ritmado: 1. rhythmic
ritmo: 1. rhythm
rito: 1. ritual | 2. rite
ritual: 1. agenda, appointment book | 2. ritual
rival: 1. rival
rivalidade: 1. competition, rivalry | 2. competition, rivalry
rivalizar: 1. compete, rival | 2. rival
roble: 1. maple, sycamore
robô: 1. robot
rocar: 1. castle
rocha: 1. rock | 2. boulder
rochedo: 1. rock | 2. boulder
rocio: 1. dew
roda: 1. wheel | 2. circle
roda de fiar: 1. spinning-wheel
rodear: 1. surround | 2. circumvent, go around
rododentro: 1. Alpenrose, rhododendron
rodovia: 1. expressway, freeway | 2. highway
roer: 1. nibble | 2. gnaw | 3. gnaw, nibble
rojão: 1. rocket
rolar: 1. roll
rolha: 1. plug, electric plug, stopper
romano: 1. Roman
romantismo: 1. romanticism
rombo: 1. rhombus
romper: 1. break | 2. splinter, split | 3. rip, tear
romper do dia: 1. dawn, daybreak
romântico: 1. romantic
roncar: 1. snore
ronda: 1. patrol
roque: 1. castle, tower | 2. castle, tower
rosa: 1. rose
rosca: 1. helix, propeller
rosnar: 1. growl, grumble
rosto: 1. proboscis, trunk | 2. face
rosário: 1. rosary
rotina: 1. routine
roubar: 1. plunder, rob | 2. steal
rouco: 1. hoarse
roupas: 1. clothes, clothing
roupa de baixo: 1. undergarment
roupa de banho: 1. bathing suit, bathing-suit
rouquenho: 1. hoarse
rouxinol: 1. nightingale
roxo: 1. purple
roça: 1. estate, farm, property, ranch | 2. country, countryside
roçar: 1. cut, mow
rua: 1. avenue | 2. street
rubi: 1. ruby
rublo: 1. rouble, ruble
rubrica: 1. column, header
rubro: 1. red | 2. red
rude: 1. abrupt | 2. crude, raw, rough | 3. coarse, crude, harsh
rudimentar: 1. elemental, elementary
rudimento: 1. element
rugir: 1. howl, roar
ruidoso: 1. noisy
ruim: 1. rotten, ugly | 2. bad, miserable, nasty, poor
ruir: 1. collapse | 2. drop, fall
rum: 1. rum
ruma: 1. accumulation, crowd, heap, mass, multitude, pile
ruminante: 1. ruminant
rural: 1. rural
russo-branco: 1. White Russian
russo: 1. Russian | 2. Russian
ruído: 1. ado, din, noise
ruína: 1. ruin
ruínas: 1. debris, rubbish, rubble
rábano-silvestre: 1. horse-radish, horseradish
rábano: 1. radish
rábano de cavalo: 1. horse-radish, horseradish
rádio: 1. radio, wireless | 2. radium | 3. radius
rápido: 1. fast, quick, rapid, speedy, swift | 2. fast train | 3. fast train
régua: 1. ruler, straightedge
réptil: 1. reptile
rés-do-chão: 1. ground-floor
réu: 1. culprit
rígido: 1. rigid, stiff | 2. severe, strict
ríspido: 1. coarse, crude, harsh
rítmico: 1. rhythmic
rótulo: 1. label
rês: 1. head of cattle
rã: 1. frog
saber: 1. be acquainted with, know | 2. know, know how | 3. know how
sabor: 1. taste
saborear: 1. relish | 2. taste
saboroso: 1. nice, tasty
sabão: 1. soap
saca-rolhas: 1. corkscrew
sacada: 1. balcony
sacar: 1. drag, draw, haul, pull, tug | 2. make a draft
sacerdote: 1. clergyman, pastor, priest | 2. priest
sachar: 1. weed, weed out
saciado: 1. full, replete, satisfied
sacolejar: 1. abet, agitate, incite, stir up
sacramento: 1. sacrament
sacristão: 1. acolyte
sacro: 1. holy, sacred
sacudir: 1. abet, agitate, incite, stir up | 2. rock, swing | 3. agitate, shake, shock | 4. shake
sadio: 1. healthy, well
sadismo: 1. sadism
safar: 1. use up, wear out
sagaz: 1. sophisticated | 2. acute, astute, shrewd
sagrado: 1. holy, sacred
saia: 1. skirt
saiote: 1. petticoat
sair: 1. exit, go out
sair à luz: 1. appear, emerge, perform
sal: 1. salt
sala: 1. living room | 2. living-room, sitting-room | 3. chamber, room
salada: 1. salad
sala de banho: 1. bathroom
sala de espera: 1. waiting-room, waiting room
sala de jantar: 1. dining-room | 2. dining-room
sala de visitas: 1. lounge, parlour, salon, sitting-room
saldar: 1. strike a balance
saldo: 1. balance
saleiro: 1. saltshaker
salgar: 1. pickle | 2. salt
salgueiro: 1. willow
saliva: 1. saliva
salivar: 1. spit | 2. salivate
salmo: 1. psalm
salmão: 1. salmon
salsa: 1. parsley
salsicha: 1. sausage
saltar: 1. jump, leap, spring
saltar de repente: 1. start
salteador: 1. robber
saltear: 1. plunder, rob
saltitar: 1. hop
salto: 1. jump, leap
salto de sapato: 1. heel
salva-vidas: 1. life-belt, lifebelt, safety-belt
salva: 1. sage
salvar: 1. keep, save, rescue
salvo: 1. with the exception of
salário: 1. salary, wage, wages
salão: 1. hall | 2. lounge, parlour, salon, sitting-room
salão nobre: 1. auditorium
samovar: 1. samovar
sancionar: 1. sanction
sandália: 1. sandal
sanfona: 1. accordion
sangrar: 1. bleed
sangue: 1. blood
sanguíneo: 1. bloody
sangüíneo: 1. bloody
santificar: 1. commend, glorify, laud, praise | 2. sanctify
santo: 1. holy, sacred | 2. saint
sanção: 1. sanction
sapateiro: 1. shoemaker | 2. shoemaker
sapato: 1. shoe
sapo: 1. toad
saque: 1. draft
saragüéia: 1. opossum
sarampo: 1. measles
sarar: 1. cure, heal, remedy | 2. cure, heal, remedy
sarcasmo: 1. acidness, sarcasm
sarcástico: 1. acid, sarcastic
sarda: 1. freckle
sardinha: 1. sardine
sargento: 1. sergeant
sargo: 1. bream
sarongue: 1. sarong
sarrafo: 1. lath, slat
sartã: 1. frying-pan, frying pan
satisfazer: 1. meet with, satisfy | 2. suffice
satisfeito: 1. contented, pleased, satisfied | 2. full, replete, satisfied
satélite: 1. satellite
satânico: 1. Satanic
saudar: 1. greet, salute | 2. toast, offer a toast
saudação: 1. greeting
saxofone: 1. saxophone
sazonado: 1. mature, ripe
saída: 1. exit, way out
saída fácil: 1. demand, sale
saúde: 1. well-being | 2. health | 3. toast
schrapnell: 1. shrapnel
se: 1. if, provided that
sebo: 1. suet, tallow
secar: 1. dry
seco: 1. stale | 2. dry
secreto: 1. secret
secretário: 1. secretary
secundário: 1. accessory, adventitious, secondary
secção: 1. branch, compartment, department, pigeonhole, section, speciality
seda: 1. silk
sede: 1. centre | 2. place | 3. thirst
sedento: 1. acquisitive, eager, greedy
seduzir: 1. entice, seduce | 2. attract, decoy, lure
segadeira: 1. scythe
segar: 1. cut, mow
segredar: 1. whisper
segredo: 1. secret
seguida: 1. consequence
seguinte: 1. following, next | 2. next | 3. following, next
seguir: 1. accompany | 2. follow
segunda-feira: 1. Monday
segundo: 1. second | 2. second
segundo a fila: 1. in turn
segurador: 1. insurer
segurança: 1. safety, security
segurar: 1. insure | 2. hang onto, hold
seguro: 1. insurance | 2. certain, sure | 3. faithful | 4. reliable, trustworthy | 5. safe, secure
seio: 1. bosom, breast, chest | 2. bosom
seis: 1. six
seita: 1. sect
seiva: 1. juice, sap
seja lá quem for: 1. any, whichever, whoever
sela: 1. saddle
selar: 1. prepay, put on stamps | 2. seal
selecta: 1. anthology
selo: 1. stamp, postage stamp | 2. seal
selo do correio: 1. stamp, postage stamp
selva: 1. primeval forest | 2. jungle
selvagem: 1. savage, wild
sem-cerimônia: 1. free and easy
sem: 1. without
semana: 1. week
semanalmente: 1. weekly
semblante: 1. appearance, aspect, look, sight, view | 2. face
semear: 1. sow
semelhante: 1. like, alike, similar
semente: 1. grain, granule, pip | 2. seed
semente do anis: 1. anise
semideus: 1. demigod
sempre: 1. always, ever
sem base: 1. groundless, unfounded
sem cessar: 1. all the time, ceaselessly
sem delonga: 1. at once, instantly, immediately, without delay
sem demora: 1. at once, immediately, just, right away, right now
sem dúvida: 1. certainly, indeed, rather, surely | 2. no doubt, undoubtedly
sem dúvida alguma: 1. no doubt, undoubtedly
sem falta: 1. absolutely, definitely, without fail
sem fundamento: 1. groundless, unfounded
sem nome: 1. anonymous
sem rodeios: 1. frankly, openly
sem sentido: 1. frivolity, silliness
sem valor: 1. rotten, ugly | 2. worthless
sem vida: 1. dead
senda: 1. path
sendo assim: 1. accordingly, consequently, so, subsequently, thus
senhor: 1. boss, master
senhora: 1. dame, lady
sensacional: 1. lurid, sensational
sensatez: 1. wisdom | 2. wisdom
sensato: 1. prudent, reasonable, sensible | 2. sagacious, sage, wise
sensação: 1. impression | 2. sensation
sensibilizar: 1. move, stir
senso: 1. wisdom | 2. wisdom
sensualidade: 1. lust, sexual pleasure
sensível: 1. accessible, impressible, sensitive | 2. impressible, sensitive
sentar-se: 1. sit down
sentença: 1. judgment | 2. maxim, proverb
sentido: 1. meaning, sense | 2. meaning
sentimental: 1. sentimental
sentimento: 1. regret | 2. sentiment | 3. feel, feeling, sensation
sentimento de si: 1. awareness, consciousness
sentir: 1. be sorry about, regret | 2. feel, sense
sentir horror: 1. be horrified
sentir indignação: 1. be indignant
sentir vertigem: 1. feel dizzy
separar-se: 1. break up, separate | 2. separate
separar: 1. divide, separate | 2. disintegrate, divide, separate
sepultar: 1. bury, entomb, inter
sepultura: 1. grave, tomb
sequer: 1. at least
sequioso: 1. acquisitive, eager, greedy
sequência: 1. series, set
seqüência: 1. series, set
ser: 1. creature
serelepe: 1. squirrel
serenar: 1. bridle, check, restrain
serenata: 1. serenade
serenata matinal: 1. aubade
sereno: 1. serene, untroubled | 2. calm, tranquil
serial: 1. serial
seringa: 1. syringe | 2. syringe | 3. ball
seringüê: 1. opossum
sermão: 1. sermon
sero: 1. serum
serpear: 1. crawl, creep
serpente: 1. serpent, snake
serra: 1. mountain chain | 2. saw
serrar: 1. saw
serrote: 1. saw
servente: 1. boy, servant
servidor: 1. boy, servant
servidão: 1. serfdom, servitude
servir-se de: 1. employ, use, make use of
servir: 1. do a favor, do a favour | 2. serve | 3. fit, suit, be suitable
serviçal: 1. accommodating, helpful
serviço: 1. service
servo: 1. serf, villain
ser apropriado: 1. be appropriate, suit, be suitable
ser bem sucedido: 1. succeed
ser candidato: 1. run for election
ser causa de: 1. activate, cause, give rise to
ser consciente de: 1. be aware of, be conscious of, realize
ser conveniente: 1. be appropriate, suit, be suitable
ser de: 1. belong to
ser decente: 1. befit, be fitting
ser de opinião: 1. account, deem, opine, think
ser diferente: 1. differ, be different
ser eficaz: 1. act, be effective, have effect
ser fosforescente: 1. glow in the dark
ser igual: 1. equal
ser indulgente para: 1. be lenient with, indulge, spare
ser próprio: 1. befit, be fitting
ser suficiente: 1. suffice
ser superior: 1. exceed, surpass
ser vesgo: 1. look askance, squint
ser ávido por: 1. covet
sessenta: 1. sixty
sessão: 1. meeting | 2. session
seta: 1. arrow
sete: 1. seven
setenta: 1. seventy
setentrional: 1. northern
seu: 1. his | 2. your | 3. its | 4. her
severo: 1. severe, strict
sexagésimo: 1. sixtieth
sexo: 1. sex
sexta-feira: 1. Friday
sexto: 1. sixth
seção: 1. section
shopping center: 1. shopping-centre
sibilar: 1. hiss
sigilo: 1. secret
sigla: 1. acronym
significado: 1. meaning, sense | 2. meaning
significar: 1. imply, mean, signify
signo: 1. mark, sign, signal, token
silencioso: 1. silent
silhueta: 1. outline, silhouette
silvar: 1. whistle
silêncio: 1. silence
sim: 1. yes | 2. assent
simbolizar: 1. symbolize
simetria: 1. symmetry
similar: 1. like, alike, similar
similaridade: 1. resemblance, similarity
simpatia: 1. sympathy | 2. sympathy
simples: 1. mere, solitary, sole | 2. simple, straightforward
simplicidade: 1. modesty | 2. abandonment
simplificar: 1. simplify
simpático: 1. sympathetic
simulaneamente: 1. together
simular: 1. feign, pretend
simultâneo: 1. simultaneous
simétrico: 1. symmetric
sina: 1. destiny, fate, fortune, luck
sinagoga: 1. synagogue
sinal: 1. mark | 2. mark, sign, signal, token | 3. character, mark, sign, signal, token
sinceridade: 1. sincerity
sincero: 1. above-board, sincere
sindicato: 1. labour-union, trade-union, syndicate
sindicância: 1. inquiry, investigation
sinfonia: 1. symphony
sinfônico: 1. symphonic
singelo: 1. simple, straightforward
singular: 1. curious, interesting, quaint
sinistro: 1. accident
sino: 1. bell
sintoma: 1. symptom
sintonizar: 1. tune
sinuoso: 1. bent, curved
sistema: 1. system
sistema Braille: 1. Braille, braille
sistemático: 1. systematic
sisudo: 1. earnest, serious, staid
sitiar: 1. besiege
situação: 1. circumstances, condition, situation | 2. site | 3. condition, state
soalho: 1. floor
soar: 1. sound | 2. peal, ring
sob: 1. below, beneath, under, underneath
soberano: 1. sovereign | 2. sovereign
soberbo: 1. arrogant | 2. lovely | 3. majestic
sobrancelha: 1. brow, eyebrow
sobre: 1. above, over | 2. on, upon
sobrecarregar: 1. flood, overwhelm
sobrecarta: 1. envelope
sobrecasaca: 1. frock coat
sobremesa: 1. dessert
sobrescrever: 1. write upon
sobrescrito: 1. address
sobressaltar: 1. surprise
sobressalto: 1. surprise
sobretudo: 1. above all, especially | 2. coat, overcoat | 3. above all, especially, chiefly, mainly, principally | 4. coat, overcoat
sobrinha: 1. niece
sobrinho: 1. nephew
sobrolho: 1. brow, eyebrow
socar: 1. crush, pound
social: 1. social | 2. social
socialismo: 1. socialism
sociedade: 1. association | 2. society
soco: 1. supporting base
socorrer: 1. accomodate, aid, assist, help
socorro: 1. aid, help
sofrer: 1. abide, bear, endure, put up with, suffer
sofá: 1. couch, sofa | 2. sofa
sogro: 1. father-in-law
sol: 1. sun
sola: 1. sole
solda: 1. solder
soldado: 1. pawn, soldier
soldar: 1. solder | 2. fade, wither
soleira: 1. sill, threshold
solene: 1. formal, measured, stiff | 2. ceremonious, solemn
solenizar: 1. celebrate
soletrar: 1. spell
solicitar: 1. plea, plead
solidariedade: 1. solidarity
solidário: 1. standing together
solitário: 1. lonely, solitary
solo: 1. solo | 2. earth, land, soil
soltar botões: 1. bud
soluçar: 1. hiccup
soluço: 1. hiccup
solução: 1. solution
solvar: 1. glue, stick
som: 1. sound
soma: 1. addition | 2. amount, sum | 3. entirety
somar: 1. add up, sum up
sombra: 1. shadow | 2. shade
sombrear: 1. cast a shadow
sombreiro: 1. hat
sombrio: 1. bleak, dismal, dreary, gaunt, miserable, sad, somber
somente: 1. exclusively, just, only
sonata: 1. sonata
sonhar: 1. dream, daydream, fancy | 2. dream
sonho: 1. dream, daydream | 2. dream
sonido: 1. sound
sono: 1. sleep
sonolento: 1. sleepy
sonoro: 1. euphonious
sonância: 1. tone
sopa: 1. soup
sopa russa de beterraba: 1. borscht, borstch
soprano: 1. soprano
soprar: 1. blow | 2. prompt
sopro: 1. breath | 2. wind
soro: 1. serum | 2. serum
sorrir: 1. smile
sorriso: 1. smile
sorte: 1. fortune | 2. destiny, fate, fortune, luck
sortear: 1. draw lots
sortimento: 1. stock
sorvedouro: 1. abyss, chasm, gulf, precipice
sorver: 1. engulf, swallow up | 2. absorb, sip
sorvete: 1. ice, icecream
sossegado: 1. calm, quiet
sossegar: 1. repose, rest
sossego: 1. calm, quiet, silence
sossobrar: 1. drown
sota: 1. queen
sovaco: 1. armpit
sovar: 1. thresh
soviético: 1. Soviet
sozinho: 1. alone, only, sole, solitary
sua: 1. his | 2. its | 3. her
suar: 1. sweat
suave: 1. gentle, soft, sweet, tender | 2. easy, facile | 3. gentle, mild | 4. soft
subalterno: 1. subordinate
subestimar: 1. underestimate
subir: 1. go up | 2. climb | 3. accrue, advance, ascend, go up, increase | 4. ascend, climb, go up
subitamente: 1. all of a sudden, suddenly
subjetivo: 1. subjective
subjuntivo: 1. subjunctive
sublimado: 1. corrosive sublimate
sublime: 1. lovely
sublinhar: 1. emphasize, underline
submergir-se: 1. drown
submersão: 1. flood
submeter-se: 1. cede, give in, give up, give way, relinquish, yield | 2. submit
submissão: 1. abandonment
subornar: 1. bribe | 2. bribe
subscrever: 1. sign
subsistir: 1. support
substantivo: 1. noun, substantive
substituir: 1. take the place of | 2. substitute
substituição: 1. replacement, substitution
substância: 1. matter, stuff, substance
subsídio: 1. subsidy
subterfúgio: 1. subterfuge, trick, trickery
subterrâneo: 1. underground
subtileza: 1. tenderness
subtrair: 1. subtract
subtração: 1. subtraction
subvencionar: 1. subsidize
subvenção: 1. subsidy
subverter: 1. destroy, quash
subúrbio: 1. suburb | 2. suburb
sucata: 1. car dump
suceder: 1. come about, happen, occur | 2. follow
sucessivamente: 1. consecutively
sucesso: 1. prosperity, success | 2. achievement, success
sucessor: 1. offspring, successor
sucessão: 1. series, set
sucinto: 1. concise
suco: 1. juice, sap
sucuri: 1. anaconda
sucursal: 1. affiliate, affiliation, branch
sueco: 1. Swedish | 2. Swede
sueto: 1. holiday
suficiente: 1. enough, sufficient
sufixo: 1. extension, suffix
sufocar: 1. choke, quell, suffocate, suppress
sugar: 1. suck
sugerir: 1. prompt | 2. advance, suggest
sugestionar: 1. suggest
sugestivo: 1. inspiring
sugestão: 1. the power of suggestion | 2. suggestion
sujeitar: 1. overpower, prevail over
sujeito: 1. individual | 2. subject
sujo: 1. dirty, filthy, nasty, soiled, unclean
sul: 1. south
sulcar: 1. furrow, wrinkle
sulco: 1. furrow, wrinkle
sulfuroso: 1. sulfuric, sulphuric, sulphureous
sultão: 1. sultan
sumir-se: 1. disappear
sumo: 1. juice, sap
sumário: 1. abridgement, abstract, resumé, summery
suor: 1. perspiration, sweat
super-homem: 1. superman
superar: 1. exceed, surpass | 2. defeat, win over
superar pela força: 1. overpower, prevail over
supercílio: 1. brow, eyebrow
superestimar: 1. overestimate
superfície: 1. summit, surface, top | 2. surface
superfície plana: 1. plateau
superior: 1. superior | 2. chief, superior | 3. upper
supersticioso: 1. superstitious
superstição: 1. superstition
supervisionar: 1. audit, check, check up on, supervise, verify
suplantar: 1. exceed, surpass
suplementar: 1. additional
suplemento: 1. addition, adjunct
suplicar: 1. beseech
supliciar: 1. abuse, agonize, torment
suplício: 1. torment
supor: 1. conjecture, surmise | 2. guess, presume, suppose, surmise
suportar: 1. abide, bear, carry out, endure, put up with, suffer | 2. abet, support, sustain | 3. abide, bear, endure, put up with, suffer | 4. endure, put up with, tolerate
suposição: 1. supposition
suprimir: 1. exterminate, wipe out
suprir: 1. provide, supply
supurar: 1. discharge pus
supérfluo: 1. overflowing, superfluous
surdo: 1. deaf
surpreender: 1. surprise
surpresa: 1. surprise
suspeita: 1. suspicion
suspeitar: 1. suspect
suspeito: 1. suspicious
suspender: 1. lever, lift, raise
suspensórios: 1. braces, suspenders
suspensão: 1. break, intermission, pause, recess
suspirar: 1. ache, long for, yearn | 2. sigh
suspiro: 1. breath
sussurrar: 1. rustle, swish
sussurro: 1. rustle, swish
sustenar: 1. assert, state | 2. feed, nourish | 3. abet, support, sustain | 4. hang onto, hold
sustenido: 1. grid, hash, number sign, pound sign, sharp
sutil: 1. dainty, delicate, fine, refined | 2. subtle
sutiã: 1. bra
sutura: 1. seam | 2. seam
suturar: 1. seam, suture
suturação: 1. seam, suture
suéter: 1. pullover sweater
suíço: 1. Swiss | 2. Swiss
sábado: 1. Saturday
sábio: 1. sagacious, sage, wise
sádico: 1. sadistic
século: 1. centennial, century
sépia: 1. sepia
séptico: 1. infected, septic
séquito: 1. suite, train
série: 1. series, set
sério: 1. important, serious | 2. earnest, serious, staid | 3. abstemious, sober, staid, temperate
sétimo: 1. seventh
sílaba: 1. syllable
símbolo: 1. symbol
símile: 1. analogy
símio: 1. ape, monkey
sítio: 1. place | 2. location, place, spot | 3. siege
só: 1. exclusively, just, only | 2. mere, solitary, sole | 3. alone, only, sole, solitary
sóbrio: 1. sober | 2. abstemious, sober, staid, temperate
sócio: 1. acolyte, member, supporter | 2. partner | 3. partner
sócio de clube: 1. club member
sólido: 1. firm, robust, sturdy | 2. firm, solid
súbito: 1. abrupt, sudden
súcia: 1. band, bevy, gang
súdito: 1. subordinate
são: 1. healthy, well
tabaco: 1. tobacco
tabefe: 1. slap
tabela: 1. index, table, tablet, tabulation
taberna: 1. inn, tavern
tabernáculo: 1. tabernacle
tablado: 1. platform, stage
taboca: 1. bamboo
tabuada: 1. index, table, tablet, tabulation
tabuinha: 1. shingle
tabuleiro de xadrez: 1. chessboard, chess-board
tabuleta: 1. shield, sign-board
tacto: 1. tenderness | 2. musical time, tact
tafeiro: 1. attendant, steward
tagarela: 1. chatterbox, tattler, telltale
tagarelar: 1. chat, chatter
tagarelice: 1. chat
tal: 1. same | 2. such, such a, that kind of
talentoso: 1. accomplished, talented
talhar: 1. cut, slice
talharim: 1. noodles
talhe: 1. waist, waistline
talho: 1. block, chunk of wood
talismã: 1. amulet, charm, talisman
talvez: 1. maybe, mayhap, perchance, perhaps, possibly | 2. probably
talão: 1. heel
tamanho: 1. size | 2. size
tamareira: 1. date palm, date-palm
tambor: 1. drum
também: 1. also, likewise, too | 2. still, yet
tampa: 1. cover, hood, lid | 2. plug, electric plug, stopper
tampar: 1. block, clog, plug up, stop up
tanger: 1. chase, drive, drive on, impel, shoo
tango: 1. tango
tanque: 1. cistern, tank | 2. tank
tanque de gasolina: 1. gas tank, petrol tank
tanto: 1. the | 2. that much
tanto … como: 1. both … and
tapar: 1. bar, obstruct | 2. block, clog, plug up, stop up
tapera: 1. desert
tapete: 1. carpet
taquara: 1. bamboo
taquigrafar: 1. write shorthand
taramela: 1. handle
tarde: 1. afternoon | 2. evening
tardio: 1. late, tardy
tarefa: 1. job, assigned job, task
tarraxa: 1. nut | 2. screw
tartamudear: 1. stammer, stutter
tartaruga: 1. tortoise
tatear: 1. feel, grope
tato: 1. musical time, tact
tatu: 1. armadillo
taxa: 1. percent, percentage
taxar: 1. appraise, estimate, rate
taça: 1. chalice, goblet | 2. goblet
tcheco: 1. Czech
tchecoslovaco: 1. Czechoslovak, Czechoslovakian
tear: 1. loom
teatral: 1. theatrical
teatro: 1. theatre
teca: 1. briefcase, file
tecer: 1. weave | 2. spin
tecido: 1. fabric, textile | 2. cloth, material
tecido de lã: 1. cloth, wooden cloth
tecnologia: 1. technology
tecto: 1. ceiling | 2. roof
teia: 1. structure
teia de aranha: 1. spiderweb
teimar: 1. be obstinate, be stubborn, persist
teimoso: 1. obstinate, stubborn
tejolo: 1. brick
tela: 1. screen | 2. linen
telefonar: 1. telephone
telefone: 1. telephone
telefone celular: 1. cellular phone
telegrafar: 1. telegraph
telegrama: 1. telegram
telemetria: 1. telemetry
telescópio: 1. telescope
televisor: 1. TV set, television set
televisão: 1. television, TV
telhado: 1. roof
telha de madeira: 1. shingle
telégrafo: 1. telegraph
tema: 1. theme, topic, subject
temer: 1. be afraid of, fear
temperamento: 1. character, nature, personality | 2. temperament
temperança: 1. moderation
temperar: 1. harden, temper | 2. moderate | 3. spice
temperatura: 1. temperature
tempero: 1. gravy, sauce
tempestade: 1. hurricane | 2. storm
templo: 1. church, church-building, house of worship, place of worship | 2. temple
tempo: 1. time, while | 2. weather
temporada: 1. season
temporiamente: 1. for the time being, temporarily
temporário: 1. provisional, temporary
tenaz: 1. pincers, tongs
tenazes: 1. pincers, pair of pincers
tencionar: 1. intend, mean
tenda: 1. barn, shed, stand | 2. tent
tendencioso: 1. biased, tendencious, tendentious
tender: 1. aim, intend
tendência: 1. tendency
tenente: 1. lieutenant
tenor: 1. tenor
tensão: 1. tension, voltage
tentar: 1. entice, tempt
tentação: 1. temptation
teologia: 1. theology
teor: 1. lyric, text
teorema: 1. theorem
teoria: 1. theory
ter: 1. give birth, labour, be in labour | 2. have, have got | 3. own, possess | 4. hang onto, hold
terapia: 1. therapy
terceiro: 1. third
terminar: 1. accomodate, end, finish, terminate | 2. end, come to an end, end up, expire
terminação: 1. ending
terminologia: 1. glossary, terminology
termo: 1. district | 2. term
termostato: 1. thermostat
termômetro: 1. thermometer
terno: 1. outfit, set, suit
terra: 1. ground, soil | 2. country, land | 3. region | 4. earth, land, soil
terras: 1. estate, farm, property, ranch
terraço: 1. terrace
terra cultivável: 1. field
terra estrangeira: 1. foreign country
terra plana: 1. plain
terreiro: 1. court, yard, courtyard
terreno: 1. ground, grounds, terrain
territorial: 1. territorial
território: 1. territory
terror: 1. horror | 2. alarm, terror
terrorismo: 1. terrorism | 2. terror, reign of terror
terrorista: 1. terrorist
terror infundado: 1. panic
terrível: 1. abysmal, dreadful, gruesome, horrible, terrible
terça-feira: 1. Tuesday
ter aparência de: 1. appear, look | 2. appear, appear to be, seem
ter aspecto de: 1. appear, look
ter assento: 1. sit
ter a faculdade de: 1. be able to
ter a obrigação: 1. have to, must, ought to, should
ter bom êxito: 1. succeed
ter ciúmes: 1. be jealous
ter como resultado: 1. bring about
ter confiança em: 1. confide, have confidence in, trust, entrust
ter consciência de: 1. be aware of, be conscious of, realize
ter contacto com: 1. contact
ter coragem de: 1. be bold, dare
ter de: 1. have to, must, ought to, should
ter dúvida: 1. doubt
ter em vista: 1. aim, intend
ter esperança: 1. hope
ter falta de: 1. lack
ter fome: 1. be hungry
ter fé: 1. have faith, have faith in, trust
ter fé em: 1. have faith in, rely on, trust
ter lugar: 1. come about, happen, occur
ter mau êxito: 1. abort, fail, miscarry
ter medo de: 1. be afraid of, fear
ter medo de gastar: 1. begrudge, regret
ter necessidade de: 1. need, require
ter nojo de: 1. abhor, abominate, loathe
ter ogulho: 1. be proud
ter orgulho de: 1. be proud of
ter o costume de: 1. accustom, be in the habit of
ter o direito de: 1. may, have the right to
ter o gosto de: 1. taste
ter o valor de: 1. be worth
ter paciência: 1. be patient
ter pena: 1. be sorry about, regret
ter por fim: 1. aim, intend
ter precisão de: 1. need, require
ter que: 1. have to, must, ought to, should
ter relação com: 1. concern, relate
ter saudades de: 1. ache, long for, yearn
ter sede: 1. be thirsty
ter tendência a: 1. have a tendency
ter valor: 1. be valid
ter vontade de: 1. be willing to, want, wish
ter à disposição: 1. absorb, have at one’s disposal
tese: 1. essay, thesis
teso: 1. rigid, stiff
tesoura: 1. scissors
tesoureiro: 1. cashier
tesouro: 1. treasure
testa: 1. forehead
testamento: 1. testament, will
testar: 1. bequeath, leave | 2. bequeath, make a will | 3. test
teste: 1. investigation, examination, test | 2. test
testemunha: 1. witness
testemunhar: 1. attest, bear witness of, testify
testemunha de Jeová: 1. Jehovah’s Witness
testemunho: 1. certificate, testimony
teta: 1. breast, teat
teto: 1. ceiling | 2. roof
teu: 1. your | 2. your
texto: 1. lyric, text
textual: 1. literal
tez: 1. complexion
teólogo: 1. theologian
tia: 1. aunt
tigre: 1. tiger
tijela: 1. basin, bowl, pelvis
tijolo: 1. brick
tijolo cru: 1. adobe
tilintar: 1. jingle, tinkle
timbu: 1. opossum
time: 1. team
timorato: 1. afraid, timid
tina: 1. tub, vat
tingir: 1. dye, tint
tinido: 1. jingle, tinkle
tinir: 1. jingle, tinkle
tino: 1. musical time, tact
tinta: 1. dye, paint | 2. ink
tinteiro: 1. well, inkpot, ink-well
tintura: 1. dye, tint
tio: 1. uncle
tipo: 1. type | 2. type
tipógrafo: 1. printer
tique: 1. tic, twich
tira: 1. ribbon | 2. ray, strip, stripe
tiranizar: 1. tyrannize
tirano: 1. despotic | 2. tyrant
tirar: 1. take off, put off | 2. deduct, take away | 3. pick, pluck, tear off | 4. get, lay hold of, pick up, take | 5. drag, draw, haul, pull, tug | 6. draw
tirar a pele: 1. skin
tirar a sorte: 1. draw lots
tirar conclusão de: 1. abstract, induce, gather, infer
tirar molde de: 1. model
tirar proveito de: 1. profit
tira de couro: 1. strap
tiritar: 1. quiver, shiver, tremble
tirocínio: 1. practice
tiroteio: 1. firing
titular: 1. title
titânico: 1. titanic
titânio: 1. Titan
toada: 1. melody, tune | 2. tone
toalete: 1. toilet
toalha: 1. towel
toalha de mesa: 1. table-cloth
tocaia: 1. ambush
tocar: 1. accomplish, achieve, attain, get, reach | 2. play | 3. play | 4. chase, drive, drive on, impel, shoo | 5. touch
tocar a: 1. belong to
tocar trombeta: 1. trumpet
tocha: 1. torch
todas: 1. all
todavia: 1. but, however, nevertheless, yet
toda a qualidade: 1. all, every kind of
toda a quantidade: 1. all, all of it
toda espécie de: 1. all, every kind of
todo: 1. entire, overall, whole | 2. entirety
todos: 1. all
toicinho: 1. bacon
tojal: 1. heath
tolerar: 1. abide, bear, carry out, endure, put up with, suffer | 2. endure, put up with, tolerate
tolo: 1. dull, stupid | 2. addled, foolish, stupid
tom: 1. tone
tomada: 1. electric socket
tomar: 1. abstract, take away | 2. get, lay hold of, pick up, take
tomar a costume: 1. become accustomed
tomar a iniciativa: 1. initiate, start
tomar a serviço: 1. employ, hire
tomar banho de chuveiro: 1. take a shower
tomar ducha: 1. take a shower
tomar entre dois dedos: 1. pinch
tomar nota de: 1. note, make a note, write down
tomar o peso: 1. weigh
tomar parte: 1. participate, share, take part
tomar por empréstimo: 1. borrow
tomar uma assinatura: 1. subscribe, subscribe to
tomar uma resolução: 1. make up one’s mind
tomate: 1. tomato
tombar: 1. drop, fall
tomo: 1. volume
tonelada: 1. ton
tontura: 1. dizziness, vertigo
topar: 1. accept, receive, take, take in
topo: 1. end, tip
torcer: 1. bend | 2. contort, twist
tormenta: 1. torment | 2. storm
tornar-se: 1. become, come about, grow, happen
tornar-se pensionista: 1. go on pension, retire
tornar-se tumefacto: 1. puff up
tornar automático: 1. automate
tornar a somar: 1. abstract, summarize
tornar inchado: 1. inflate
tornar mais belo: 1. embellish
tornar maldito: 1. damn
tornar menor: 1. reduce
tornear: 1. turn
torneio: 1. tournament
torneira: 1. faucet, tap
torno: 1. lathe
tornozelo: 1. ankle
torpe: 1. shameful
torpedear: 1. torpedo
torpedo: 1. torpedo
torquês: 1. tongs
torrada: 1. bicuit
torrar: 1. roast, toast
torre: 1. castle, tower | 2. castle, tower | 3. castle, tower
torrente: 1. torrent, volley
torrão: 1. chunk, clod, lump
torta: 1. pie, tart
torta de nata: 1. flan, tard
tortuar: 1. agonize, torture
tortuoso: 1. bent, curved
tortura: 1. torture
torturar: 1. abuse, agonize, torment
tosar: 1. clip, cut, shear
tosco: 1. coarse, crude, harsh
tosquiadeira: 1. scissors
tosquiar: 1. clip, cut, shear
tosse: 1. cough
tossir: 1. cough
tostar: 1. roast, toast
toste: 1. toast
total: 1. overall, total | 2. entire, overall, whole | 3. entirety
totalitarismo: 1. totalitarianism
totalitário: 1. overall, total
totalizar: 1. add up, sum up
totalmente: 1. at all, entirely, quite, wholly
totem: 1. totem
toucinho: 1. bacon
touro: 1. bull
toutinegra: 1. blackbird
trabalhador: 1. active, hardworking | 2. hand, laborer, labourer, operative, worker, working man, workman
trabalhar: 1. work
trabalhar de pedreiro: 1. build
trabalhar mal: 1. botch, bungle, screw up, spoil
trabalho: 1. job, work
tractor: 1. tractor
tradicional: 1. traditional
tradição: 1. tradition
traduzir: 1. interpret | 2. translate
tradução: 1. translation
traficar: 1. peddle
tragar: 1. swallow
tragédia: 1. tragedy
trair: 1. betray
traição: 1. betrayal, treachery
traje: 1. costume, outfit, suit | 2. toilet
trama: 1. conspiracy, plot | 2. net, network
tramóia: 1. subterfuge, trick, trickery
tranca: 1. bolt
trancar: 1. bar, obstruct
tranquilo: 1. calm, tranquil
tranqüilo: 1. calm, tranquil
transacção: 1. transaction
transar: 1. fuck, screw | 2. have sex
transcrever: 1. copy
transe: 1. agony, anguish, fear
transferir-se: 1. move | 2. move
transferir: 1. endorse
transformar-se: 1. alter, change
transformar: 1. transform | 2. transform
transigir: 1. cede, give in, give up, give way, relinquish, yield
transistor: 1. transistor
transitivo: 1. transitive
transmigrar: 1. migrate, roam, wander, wander about
transmitir: 1. leave behind | 2. convey, hand, hand over, pass
transpirar: 1. sweat
transpiração: 1. perspiration, sweat
transpor: 1. cross, go beyond, transfer | 2. go beyond
transportar: 1. transport | 2. drive
transporte: 1. transport
transversalmente: 1. across, crossways | 2. crosswise
transverso: 1. transverse
trançar: 1. braid, plait, twine, wreathe
trapaceiro: 1. censorious
trapeira: 1. attic, garret
trapeiro: 1. ragpicker
trapo: 1. rag, scrap
traquinar: 1. frolic
traquinas: 1. airy-fairy, frolic, frolicsome, petulant
traseira: 1. backside, rump
traste: 1. rogue, scoundrel | 2. piece of furniture
tratado: 1. treaty | 2. treatise
tratamento: 1. treatment
tratar: 1. attend, nurse, tend to | 2. deal with, handle, treat
tratar de: 1. discuss
trator: 1. tractor
travar: 1. brake
trave: 1. beam, girder
travessa: 1. arm
travesseiro: 1. pillow
travesso: 1. mischievous, playful
travão: 1. brake
trazer: 1. bring, fetch
traça: 1. moth
traçado: 1. plan, project, scheme
traçar: 1. design, draw | 2. draw, make a stroke
traço: 1. streak, stroke | 2. feature, trait
treinar: 1. exercise, practise | 2. coach, train
trejeito: 1. grimace
trem: 1. train | 2. train
tremer: 1. quiver, shiver, tremble
tremor de terra: 1. earthquake
trem de passageiros: 1. passenger train
trepadeira: 1. ivy
trepar: 1. climb
tresvariar: 1. be delirious
trevo: 1. clubs | 2. clover, shamrock, trefoil
treze: 1. thirteen
tribal: 1. tribal
tribo: 1. clan, ethnic group, race, tribe | 2. tribe
tribuna: 1. rostrum, speaker’s platform
tribunal: 1. court, courtroom | 2. court | 3. tribunal
tributar: 1. pay tribute
tributo: 1. tribute
tributável: 1. subject to tax
triciclo: 1. tricycle
trigo: 1. wheat
trigonometria: 1. trigonometry
trigueiro: 1. brown
trilar: 1. trill
trilhar: 1. thresh
trilho: 1. path | 2. rail
trilho cavado: 1. streetcar, tram
trilhão: 1. trillion
trilo: 1. trill
trilogia: 1. trilogy
trinado: 1. trill
trinar: 1. trill
trincheira: 1. rampart | 2. trench
trinco: 1. handle
trinta: 1. thirty
triplo: 1. triple
tripulação: 1. crew | 2. crew
triste: 1. bleak, dismal, dreary, gaunt, miserable, sad, somber | 2. dismal, gaunt, miserable, sad | 3. dismal, dreary, sad
tristeza: 1. sadness, sorrow
triunfar: 1. triumph
triunfo: 1. triumph
trivial: 1. commonplace, dismal, trite | 2. commonplace, course, vulgar
trivialidade: 1. banality, platitude
triângulo: 1. triangle
troca: 1. exchange
trocadilho: 1. pun
trocar: 1. interchange, swap
troco: 1. change
trole: 1. trolley
tromba: 1. proboscis, trunk
trombeta: 1. trumpet
trombetear: 1. trumpet
trombone: 1. trombone
trompa: 1. trumpet
tronco: 1. stem, trunk, tree-trunk | 2. stem, trunk
trono: 1. throne
tropa: 1. troop, troupe
tropeçar: 1. stumble | 2. stumble
tropical: 1. tropical
tropicar: 1. stumble
trotar: 1. trot
trovejar: 1. thunder
trovão: 1. thunder
trucidar: 1. butcher, slaughter
trunfar: 1. trump
trunfo: 1. trump
truta: 1. trout
tráfego: 1. traffic
trágico: 1. tragedy | 2. tragic
trólebus: 1. trolley-bus
trópico: 1. tropics
três: 1. three
três vezes: 1. three times, thrice
tsar: 1. czar
tsarina: 1. czarina
tua: 1. your
tubarão: 1. shark
tuberculose: 1. tuberculosis
tubo: 1. barrel, channel, pipe, tube
tudo: 1. all, altogether, everything | 2. all, all of it
tudo mais: 1. remainder
tufão: 1. typhoon
tulipa: 1. tulip
tumba: 1. grave, tomb
tumor: 1. tumor, tumour
tumulto: 1. agitation, riot, tumult
turco: 1. Turkish | 2. Turk
turista: 1. tourist
turma: 1. group | 2. gang, squad | 3. detachment
turno: 1. detachment | 2. file, line, rank, row, turn
turnê: 1. tour, theatrical tour
tussilagem: 1. coltsfoot | 2. coltsfoot
tutelar: 1. care, see, take care, worry
tábua: 1. index, table, tablet, tabulation | 2. board, plank
tábua de passar roupa: 1. ironing board
táctica: 1. tactic, tactics
tática: 1. tactic, tactics
táxi: 1. taxi
técnica: 1. technics, technique
técnico: 1. technical
tépido: 1. lukewarm
térreo: 1. ground-floor
tília: 1. lime-tree, linden-tree
tímido: 1. afraid, timid
típico: 1. typical
título: 1. degree, heading, title
tórax: 1. bosom, breast, chest
tóxico: 1. poison
túmulo: 1. grave, tomb
túnel: 1. tunnel
túnica: 1. tunic | 2. tunic
tâmara: 1. date | 2. date
têmpora: 1. temple
tênis: 1. tennis
tênue: 1. subtle
tão: 1. that much
ubíquo: 1. omnipresent, ubiquitous
ufano: 1. arrogant
uivar: 1. howl
ulmo: 1. elm
ultimamente: 1. lately, recently
ultimar: 1. finish
ultimato: 1. ultimatum
ultrajar: 1. assault, violate | 2. abuse, insult, offend
ultrapassar: 1. overtake, pass by | 2. cross, go beyond, transfer
ulular: 1. howl
um: 1. some kind of | 2. one | 3. a, an
uma: 1. one
uma e outra: 1. both
uma pessoa: 1. a, any, anybody, some, somebody, one, someone, some one
uma quarta parte: 1. fourth
uma vez: 1. once, on occasion, sometimes | 2. at some time, ever, sometime | 3. once, one time
uma vez mais: 1. once more
umbigo: 1. navel
um após o outro: 1. single file | 2. in rows
um a um: 1. one at a time, singly
um dia: 1. at some time, ever, sometime
um e outro: 1. both
um grande número de: 1. a lot of, much, plenty of
um pouco: 1. a little, rather, some, somewhat, to some extent
um sexto: 1. sixth
um sétimo: 1. seventh
um tanto: 1. a little, rather, some, somewhat, to some extent
um terço: 1. third
unanimemente: 1. with one accord
ungir: 1. anoint, smear, spread
unha-de-cavalo: 1. coltsfoot
unha: 1. nail
unidade: 1. unit
unido: 1. united
unificar: 1. join, unite
uniforme: 1. uniform
unir-se: 1. associate, come together, join, pool
unir: 1. join, unite | 2. join, unite
universal: 1. worldwide | 2. general, universal, worldwide | 3. general, usual
universidade: 1. university
universo: 1. cosmos | 2. universe
união: 1. union | 2. unity
untar: 1. grease | 2. anoint, smear, spread
unânime: 1. unanimous
urbano: 1. urban
urdir: 1. weave
urgente: 1. pressing, urgent
urina: 1. urine
urinar: 1. urinate | 2. urinate
urrar: 1. yell
urso: 1. bear
urtiga: 1. nettle
urze: 1. heath
urânio: 1. uranium
usar: 1. employ, use, make use of
usina: 1. factory, mill
uso: 1. custom, mores | 2. use
usual: 1. accustomed, customary, used to, usual, wonted | 2. common, ordinary, usual
usualmente: 1. ordinarily, usually
usura: 1. usury
usurpar: 1. overpower, usurp
utilidade: 1. advantage, benefit
utilizar: 1. make use of, turn to good account, utilize
utópico: 1. utopian
uva-espim: 1. barberry
uva: 1. grape
uísque: 1. whisky, whiskey
vaca: 1. cow
vacante: 1. vacant
vacilar: 1. hesitate | 2. hesitate, waver
vacina: 1. vaccine
vacinar: 1. vaccinate
vadear: 1. wade
vadiar: 1. roam, wander | 2. roam, wander
vadio: 1. apache, hood, ruffian | 2. slothful
vaga: 1. wave
vagabundear: 1. roam, wander
vagabundo: 1. vagabond
vagalhão: 1. billow
vagar: 1. be vacant
vagaroso: 1. slow | 2. slow
vagina: 1. vagina
vago: 1. jumbled up | 2. vacant
vagão-leito: 1. sleeping-car
vagão: 1. carriage, coach, railway carriage, waggon
vaidoso: 1. conceited, frivolous, vain
vale: 1. valley
valente: 1. brave, gallant
valer: 1. be worthy of, deserve, merit | 2. be valid | 3. be worth
validar: 1. validate
valioso: 1. valid
valise: 1. suitcase, valise
valor: 1. value, worth
valoroso: 1. brave, gallant
valsa: 1. waltz
vamos: 1. away we go, let’s start
vanguarda: 1. front, battlefront, frontage
vantagem: 1. advantage, benefit | 2. gain, profit
vantajoso: 1. advantageous | 2. advantageous, useful
vapor: 1. steam, vapor, vapour
vaqueiro: 1. cowboy
vara: 1. stake | 2. pole, rod | 3. rod, switch, wand
varejista: 1. retailer | 2. retailer
variar: 1. vary
variedades: 1. variety entertainment
variável: 1. variable
varonil: 1. male, masculine
varrer: 1. sweep
varíolo: 1. smallpox
varão: 1. fellow, man
vasculhar: 1. sweep
vaselina: 1. vaseline
vasilha: 1. jug, box, container, vessel | 2. vase, vessel
vaso: 1. pottery | 2. jug, pot | 3. jug, box, container, vessel | 4. vase, vessel
vassalo: 1. vassal
vassoura: 1. broom
vassourar: 1. sweep
vasto: 1. extensive, spacious, vast, wide
vazio: 1. concave, hollow | 2. empty, void
veado: 1. deer
vegetal: 1. plant
vegetar: 1. vegetate
vegetariano: 1. vegetarian | 2. vegetarian
veia: 1. vein
veio: 1. axis, axle
vela: 1. candle | 2. plug, spark plug | 3. sail
velar: 1. guard, keep, look after, watch over | 2. veil
velho: 1. ancient, antique | 2. elderly | 3. old
velocidade: 1. speed | 2. speed
veloz: 1. fast, quick, rapid, speedy, swift
veludo: 1. velvet
vencer: 1. defeat, win over
vencida: 1. victory
venda: 1. bandage | 2. shop, store | 3. sale
vendedor: 1. salesman
vendedor de especiarias: 1. grocer
vender: 1. dispose of, sell, vend
veneno: 1. poison
venenoso: 1. poisonous
veneziana: 1. Venetian blind
ventilador: 1. electric fan, ventilator
ventilar: 1. aerate, air out, give an airing, ventilate | 2. ventilate | 3. aerate, fan
vento: 1. air | 2. wind
vento brando: 1. breeze
ventre: 1. abdomen, belly, tummy
ver: 1. see
verbal: 1. oral
verbete: 1. article
verbo: 1. verb
verdade: 1. truth | 2. reality, truth
verdadeiramente: 1. absolutely, genuinly, indeed, really, truly
verdadeiro: 1. actual, real | 2. actual, practical, real | 3. true
verde: 1. green | 2. green
verdejante: 1. green
verdor: 1. green
verdura: 1. green
vereda: 1. path
veredicto: 1. adjudication, verdict
veredito: 1. adjudication, verdict
verga: 1. rod, switch, wand
vergastar: 1. flog, take a switch to | 2. whip
vergonha: 1. shame
vergonhoso: 1. shameful | 2. abashed, self-conscious, shy
verificar: 1. ascertain, establish, take note
verme: 1. worm
vermelho: 1. red | 2. red
verniz: 1. lacquer
verruga: 1. wart
versado: 1. accomplished, adept, experienced, expert
verso: 1. verse
versão: 1. version
vertente: 1. acclivity, hillside, slope
verter: 1. pour, scatter, shed
vertical: 1. vertical
vertigem: 1. dizziness, vertigo
verve: 1. verve, vivacity
verídico: 1. true
ver pela televisão: 1. see on television
verão: 1. summer
vesguear: 1. look askance, squint
vespa: 1. wasp
veste: 1. costume, outfit, suit
vestido: 1. dress, gown, robe
vestimenta: 1. toilet
vestir-se: 1. dress, get dressed
vestir: 1. put on | 2. clothe, dress
vesícula: 1. blister
veterano: 1. veteran
veterinário: 1. veterinarian
vetusto: 1. ancient, antique
vexar-se: 1. be ashamed
vez: 1. occasion, time | 2. file, line, rank, row, turn
veículo: 1. vehicle
via: 1. road, route, way
viagem: 1. journey, trip, voyage
viajante: 1. traveller
viajar: 1. go, ride, travel | 2. travel
viajar de avião: 1. aviate
vianda: 1. meat
viatura: 1. vehicle
vibrar: 1. peal, ring | 2. brandish, fling, swing, wave, wave about | 3. vibrate
vibração: 1. vibration
vice-versa: 1. vice-versa
viciar: 1. spoil
vida: 1. alacrity, enthusiasm | 2. life
videira: 1. vine, grapevine
vidente: 1. prophet
vidoeiro: 1. birch
vidrar: 1. glaze
vidro: 1. glaze | 2. glass
viela: 1. gate, gangway, passage, passageway
vietnamita: 1. Vietnamese | 2. Vietnamese
vigente: 1. current, present, present-day, topical, up-to-date
vigiar: 1. guard, keep, look after, watch over
vigor: 1. force, strength, vigour
vigoroso: 1. energetic
vigário: 1. pastor, vicar | 2. pastor, vicar
vigência: 1. topicality
vil: 1. rotten, ugly
vila: 1. town | 2. villa | 3. hamlet, township
viloso: 1. hairy, shaggy
vimeiro: 1. willow
vinagre: 1. acetic acid | 2. vinegar
vincar: 1. fold
vingança: 1. revenge, vengeance
vingar-se: 1. avenge, avenge oneself
vingar: 1. avenge, avenge oneself
vinha: 1. vineyard | 2. vine
vinhedo: 1. vineyard
vinho: 1. wine
vinte: 1. twenty
vinte e um: 1. twenty-one
vintém: 1. groschen
violar: 1. assault, violate | 2. defile, profane
violentar: 1. force, violate
violento: 1. drastic
violeta: 1. contralto, contralto voice | 2. violet
violino: 1. violin
violoncelo: 1. cello
violão: 1. guitar
viquingue: 1. viking
vir: 1. come
virar: 1. turn, turn around, turn round
virgem: 1. virgin, virginal | 2. virgin
virginal: 1. virgin, virginal
virilha: 1. groin
virilidade: 1. virility
virtude: 1. morality, vice
virtuose: 1. virtuoso
virtuoso: 1. nice guy
vir a lume: 1. appear, emerge, perform
vir de: 1. accrue, come, derive, originate, result
vir à luz: 1. arise, be born
visar a: 1. aim, intend
visco: 1. mistletoe
visita: 1. guest | 2. visit
visitar: 1. frequent, visit regularly | 2. attend, call on, see, visit
vista: 1. image, picture | 2. view | 3. view | 4. view
visto: 1. visa, visé
vistoriar: 1. inspect
visto que: 1. as, because, for, since
visível: 1. visible
visão: 1. appearance | 2. vision
vitamina: 1. vitamin
vitamina C: 1. ascorbic acid, vitamin C
vitelo: 1. calf
vitrina: 1. show window | 2. showcase
vitória: 1. triumph | 2. victory
viva: 1. hurray
vivacidade: 1. verve, vivacity
viveiro de plantas: 1. plantation
vivenda: 1. house
viver: 1. experience, live through, survive | 2. be alive, live | 3. life
viver em farra: 1. debauch
viver no deboche: 1. debauch
vivo: 1. warm | 2. adroit, agile, alert, brisk, keen
vizinhança: 1. neighborhood, neighbourhood
vizinho: 1. adjacent | 2. neighbour
viúva: 1. widow
viúvo: 1. widower
voar: 1. fly
vocabulário: 1. dictionary, vocabulary
vocábulo: 1. term
vodca: 1. vodka
voga: 1. craze, hit
vogal: 1. vowel
volante: 1. handlebars, helm, rudder | 2. joystick, steering-wheel
volt: 1. Volt
volta: 1. bend, curve
voltar-se: 1. turn, turn back, turn around, turn round
voltar: 1. go back, return | 2. come back, return | 3. turn, turn around, turn round
volume: 1. volume
volumoso: 1. bold, corpulent, fat, thick
voluntariamente: 1. voluntarily | 2. willingly
voluntário: 1. voluntary | 2. volunteer
voluptário: 1. voluptuous
volver: 1. turn, turn around, turn round
volúpia: 1. lust, sexual pleasure
vomitar: 1. throw up, vomit
vontade: 1. will, willingness, wish
vosso: 1. your
votar: 1. dedicate, devote | 2. vote
voto: 1. vow
vovozinha: 1. granny
voz: 1. voice
voz activa: 1. assets
vulcão: 1. volcano
vulgar: 1. commonplace, dismal, trite | 2. common, everyday, vulgar
vulgaridade: 1. banality, platitude
vulnerar: 1. hurt, wound
vulto configuração: 1. figure, diagram, image, picture, representation
vulva: 1. cunt, pussy
vácuo: 1. empty, void | 2. vacuum
válido: 1. valid
válvula: 1. tube, valve
vário: 1. diverse, varied, various
vários: 1. a few, any, some | 2. several
vénia: 1. compliment
vértebra: 1. vertebra
vértice: 1. summit, surface, top | 2. top of the head
véspera: 1. evening
véu: 1. veil
víbora: 1. adder, viper
víbora cornuda: 1. cerastes, horned viper
vício: 1. vice
vínculo: 1. bond, tie | 2. knot, node
vírus: 1. virus
vítima: 1. victim
vênia: 1. compliment
vôo: 1. flight
vão: 1. aperture, opening | 2. needless | 3. aimless | 4. worthless | 5. abortive, futile, useless, vain
watt: 1. watt
xadrez: 1. chess
xale: 1. shawl
xarope: 1. syrup
xeique: 1. sheikh
xelim: 1. shilling
xeque: 1. sheikh
xerife: 1. sheriff
xerografia: 1. xerography | 2. xerography
xerográfico: 1. xerographic | 2. xerographic
xingar: 1. curse, cuss, swear
xá: 1. shah
xácara: 1. ballad, ballade
xícara: 1. cup
zangar-se: 1. get angry
zebra: 1. zebra
zefir: 1. zephyr
zelador: 1. taskmaster
zelar: 1. attend, nurse, tend to | 2. care, see, take care, worry
zelo: 1. fervor, fervour, zeal | 2. care, concern
zeloso: 1. full of zeal, zealous
zero: 1. nought, zero | 2. naught, nought, null, zero, zilch
ziguezaguear: 1. zigzag
zimbório: 1. cupola, dome
zinco: 1. zinc
zodíaco: 1. zodiac
zombar: 1. jeer at, make fun of, mock
zona: 1. zone
zoologia: 1. zoology
zumbir: 1. buzz, hum
zunir: 1. buzz, hum
zurrar: 1. bray
zéfiro: 1. zephyr
zíper: 1. zipper
zênite: 1. zenith
Áden: 1. Aden
África: 1. Africa
África Meridional: 1. South Africa
África Setentrional: 1. North Africa
África do Sul: 1. South Africa
Ágata: 1. Agatha
Ájax: 1. Ajax
Álbion: 1. Albion
Áries: 1. Aries
Ártemis: 1. Artemis
Ártico: 1. Arctic, the Arctic
Ásia: 1. Asia
Ásia Central: 1. Central Asia
Ásia Menor: 1. Anatolia, Asia Minor | 2. Asia Minor
Ática: 1. Attica
Átila: 1. Atilla
Áustria: 1. Austria
Éolo: 1. Aeolus
Índia: 1. India
ábside: 1. apsis
ácaro: 1. mite
ácer: 1. maple, sycamore
ácido: 1. acetous, acid, sour, tart | 2. acid
ácido ascorbático: 1. ascorbic acid, vitamin C
ácoro: 1. calamus
ágape: 1. agape | 2. banquet | 3. banquet, feast
ágar-ágar: 1. agar, agar-agar
ágata: 1. agate
ágil: 1. agile | 2. adroit, clever, dexterous, skillful | 3. adroit, agile, alert, brisk, keen
ágio: 1. premium
água-forte: 1. etching
água-marinha: 1. aquamarine | 2. beryl
água: 1. water
águia: 1. eagle
álamo: 1. poplar
álbum: 1. album
álcali: 1. alkali
álcool: 1. alcohol
álcool desnaturado: 1. methylated spirit
álgebra: 1. algebra
álibi: 1. alibi
ápice: 1. peak, point, tip, summit
ápio: 1. celery
árabe: 1. Arabian, Arabic | 2. Arab
árbitro: 1. arbiter, arbitrator, referee, umpire
árdego: 1. lawless, licentious, riotous
área: 1. area
ária: 1. air, aria
árido: 1. dry
ártico: 1. Arctic
árum: 1. arum
árvore: 1. tree
árvore frutífera: 1. fruit-tree
ás: 1. ace
áster: 1. aster
ático: 1. Attic
átomo: 1. atom
áugure: 1. fortune teller
áureo: 1. gold, golden
ávido: 1. acquisitive, eager, greedy
ébano: 1. ebony tree
ébrio: 1. drunk, intoxicated
éctima: 1. alarm
égide: 1. aegis
éon: 1. aeon
épico: 1. epic
época: 1. age, epoch, era
épsilon: 1. epsilon
érbio: 1. erbium
éter: 1. ether
ética: 1. ethic, ethics
ético: 1. ethical
ídem: 1. equally, likewise
ídolo: 1. idol
ímpar: 1. unique
ímpeto: 1. impetus
ímã: 1. magnet
íncubo: 1. incubus, nightmare
índex: 1. index
índio: 1. Indian, American Indian
índole: 1. character, nature, personality
íngreme: 1. abrupt, steep
íntima: 1. free and easy
íntimo: 1. close, intimate
ítem de programa: 1. programme item
óbice: 1. abashment, embarrassment, perplexity
óbito: 1. death
óbvio: 1. evident, obvious
óculos: 1. glasses, spectacles
ódio: 1. hate
óleo: 1. oil
óleo de bacalhau: 1. codfish-oil
óleo de linhaça: 1. lineseed oil
ópera: 1. opera
ópio: 1. opium
órbita: 1. orbit
órfão: 1. orphan | 2. orphan
órgão: 1. organ | 2. organ
ótimo: 1. fine, great
úlcera: 1. ulcer, sore
último: 1. last
úmido: 1. damp, humid, moist
único: 1. alone, only, sole, solitary | 2. unique
útero: 1. uterus, womb
útil: 1. advantageous, useful
às avessas: 1. vice-versa
às vezes: 1. several times, sometimes
àzinho: 1. atpersand, commercial-at sign, snail
à direita: 1. on the right
à esquerda: 1. on the left
à excepcão de: 1. with the exception of
à parte: 1. apart, separately
à sua saúde: 1. cheers, good health
à sua vontade: 1. as one pleases | 2. as you wish, at will
à tarde: 1. in the evening
à toa: 1. by accident, by chance
à volta: 1. roundabout, thereabout, thereabouts
à vontade: 1. as you wish, at will
Ânfora: 1. Aquarius
Êxodo: 1. Exodus
âmago: 1. core, nucleus, kernel, pit
âmbar-cinzento: 1. amber
âmbito: 1. room, space
âmen: 1. amen
âncora: 1. anchor
ânfora: 1. amphora
ângelus: 1. angelus
ânguis: 1. blindworm, slow-worm
ânimo: 1. soul | 2. courage
ânodo: 1. anode
ânsia: 1. agony, death throes | 2. agony, anguish, fear
ânus: 1. anus, arse
êmbolo: 1. piston
ênfase: 1. accent, emphasis
êxtase: 1. ecstasy
ônibus: 1. bus, autobus, omnibus | 2. omnibus
ônibus eléctrico: 1. trolley-bus
ão de: 1. if, provided that